I Know I Shouldn't BUT...

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morning dogs what you [Music] thinking the soybeans have taken on way too much moisture over the last 4 days so we're going to switch that machine over to Corn because we should be able to take some corn later on today as long as the fields aren't ridiculously [Music] muddy okay what's first been a while since I've done this swap the rotor shift the rotor in the low too dark I can't see what's what I'm sorry I stepped on your toe Onna she doesn't even want to talk to me anymore Chopper to slow in not out Knives Out pet the dog this is about the worst one here got to pull the shield H and if I remember it's the same as the old machines you got to untensioned belt and switch the pulley but I want this Shield out of the way also that's already set to the turtle I had that wrong for beans so that was actually pretty easy not a big deal this time morning morning finally got out of my picture finally got out oh good timing can you reach behind there and get that one in it's Long Reach for me probably okay that's the only one we have have to put in that one's a pain I looked up the settings on that combine mhm and we don't have to change anymore we don't change the feeder house speed or the or the sprocket between soybeans and corn well that's nice I'm going to have to climb underneath there I can't I can't do it either so the machine set except it says we should put those spacers in the concaves so you want me to switch those over I don't think so did we do it last year before we decide that I'm going to climb up here and either clean this filter out or find a new one that's for the air system to get the corn from there to any of these 10 cans sun came out that's nice pull the free filter off oh yeah woo maybe I'll just take that over to the air compressor I know you should never use an air compressor on an air filter so just pretend I didn't you can fast forward that part just sits on there this filter should be fine to start with but I did message Luke and deer about getting a new one okay down there I don't know if we get them from them or if they're a common filter of some sort so not Comon like the old one 4640 filter right we have an old one in there that we should return now unopened okay now I'm going to see how much this is going to take if I can get an impact on it I got a wobble socket on there I can then maybe it won't take too long cuz we have done corn without those in plenty of times before it's just easier on the machine or easier on the corn with those spacers in there I need a second wrench to hold the other end of it you'd think I would know that by now but millennials okay do you want more light not really but I will need a bigger impact okay with the new impact the socket does not fit in there cuz they squeeze the bolt in there so tight you can't get an impact on it so I've officially made the decision to skip that we're going to harvest without moving those didn't hurt when you did that yeah a little to pull off one shot it's not like it's going to right for some reason it wants the key to sit there for a second I can't just PR it start 5 to four go ahead radio works with the larger impact then I couldn't get the socket in on those bolts so I made the decision to not touch them for now when we go back to Corn again later we'll do it I'll go pick up the header and come back with it okay here you forgot these oh thanks okay here we go everything is hooked here any of the other things I need to change in the combine will be changed in the cab right here with the computer chassis pitch calibration procedure problem maybe we'll just worry about that that later in the meantime dad's got a call right now with an insurance agent so that'll be fun I'm going to go in and grab some lunch Field's going to be a little wet anyway so take a 20-minute lunch break here and then we'll be back at it now you kitties it's lunch time for me but you got to wait for Mama to come back all right hey hey don't attack each other hey you're beating them up quit that lunch was good for the first 10 acres we're going to go right behind the bins here right off the edge of the driveway it's always a good spot to start with it's only 10 acres it opens things up at home we can get the dryer running we can set the machine we get everything else going and we don't have to really leave the yard because believe it or not sometimes there are some hiccups that come into play on opening day I'll call it opening day it's like a new butterfly being born but cooler because it's a combine we've had some issues with that snout there's a plate inside of it that's supposed to keep it from flopping down like that and I think it's got the wrong plate in it here we go first corn of 23 I got to do it sideways oh here we go all right we'll jump out and see what kind of a job it's doing back here every 2 years this is the first little patch we take we do all our settings right here it seems obviously the speed was slow but what's it look like I didn't really find any corn on the ground about three kernels in five spots I mean one kernel in about three out of five or six spots not bad but I was feeding it really slowly how's the sample look uh not bad actually there's some cob in it but that seems to be a habitual problem I was guessing there' be a lot of stuff in it no it does it doesn't look bad so I'm not seeing much for Colonels out here there's a lot of broken cobs lot of broken cobs so maybe we should open up the concave some sure open it up to slow it down or both open it up slow it down y I'll look down through the middle here some green stock in here yet which isn't a bad thing as long as the Corn's dry there's one colonel man that looks really clean actually Four kernel per square foot is one Bush see we're nowhere near that nowhere no man that is tall corn the ears are at the ears are 6 ft in the air that is tall corn all right I'll pick up the speed a little bit and adjust the concaves and see what it does then see it's got some cob in it but it's not terrible and I think I can fix some of that that extra cob in there I think is often times somewhat a Minnesota thing because we've got lighter test weight corn it's a little bit higher moisture it's just one of those things it's saying 25% how that went up seeing 28% average but it sure isn't doesn't feel like it there end roads are inconsistent 28 would be it's getting up there that was pushing through 42 4,300 bush an hour here so probably fairly average so I'm going to check the job it did [Music] here there's a couple I did close the sivs down some as well there's a little there's some here but not not anywhere close to A Bushel per acre then there's a lot less broken cob on the ground so that's good it's being easier on it and we got the grain cart ready to go it's going to be kind of tough to switch back to so soy beans in a couple of days after this I slowed the rotor down open the concaves and I did close the sives down some just a couple numbers look better sample looks good I think the ground still looks really good there's less broken cob I don't know I I think it's real close no kernels from the heads but it's not dry yet either right yeah the stocks are fairly wet it is saying 28% for an average now okay so it's getting up there this feels maybe too ret maybe we just go Sou yeah we know that we have drier Fields 5 mil south of here cuz we've hand shelled and tested so I think the plan is going to be actually just to cut these 12 rows back and then get out of here maybe go down and take some Dyer stuff this whole strip across here now it's showing 24% so I don't know maybe we should hand test it with the with the actual tester and see what it says this4 taking out with the street coming another one what's it say 237 237 so my averages were off I don't I didn't have things zeroed and it shouldn't have got higher if anything cuz you haven't done anything the beans are drier than that yeah so I don't know what's what I'll have to look into that but it was saying around 24 most of the way across okay so at that fairly close we probably should just take this 10 acres off I think so it's almost 52 lbs too so it's a little heavier than we were thinking a little heavier it's not good it's not good yeah when you guys want me to go down to Starbuck well not until this Field's done he's going to park that grain cart on the driveway so I got somewhere to dump for now and once we got a semi load we'll start running stuff into the pits and into the wet bin wind is really picking up now you coming with dogs they're just going to enjoy having an open field to run in again this will get on there she goes the third Hopper here averaged about a percent wetter than the first two but it's still Android so and it's still decent it's definitely not over 25 the yield I'm hesitant to say right now cuz it's saying pretty good but uh we don't know I got my numbers written down so we'll see if uh if it's calibrated correctly or not this unload AER is so quiet I mean when you're combining corn you don't even realize it's on the whole cab on these new combines really honestly is just it's crazy how quiet they are and the tank looks pretty dang good the most of the cobs always end up sitting down here by the window but if you look back in the tank there that's pretty clean corn not bad so so far I'm pretty happy here let's go see how close we are on our yield calibration maybe test the moisture again and get this stuff in the pits it's always slow starting things up making sure the pits are working the augers are working right and the belts aren't you know there's no problems they're not slipping or anything then making sure the grain dryer is Right takes even longer you want to just load it here over the F but come here you want to dump it in there yep let's do it um I just did the math too I took the combine weight uh times 94% and it came up about right again right there that's not a legal load so we'll just back that up to our private Pits on our private road so nobody get all worked up you think he can do it can he get all the way there I'll bet he can do it I'll go make sure that corn is going to where it's supposed to go which is the holding bin or the wet thing yep and we got a special delivery look at that that's the first time I've seen it well we got a new Thunder Creek trailer here we got a little bit of diesel in this one yet we're going to pump into into the new one and see what that's all about it's the same size but it's got a few options that the old one did not have that'll work there that's good well there it goes girls Goodbye old Thunder you were a dang good trailer but I traded you in for something younger there's not a whole lot different on this thing but I'll go through real quick some of the stuff got a little bit longer hose reel for for the deaf we've got an oil tank back there we can open up the other side here I almost forgot Thunder oil tank here if I remember right he said 30 gallons that's got its own pump on so you could put hydraulic or engine oil or whatever you want to put in there we got the same toolbox the same DEA tank up front here it's got 14 ply tires so these are essentially a semi- tire honestly that's a really really heavy Tire we have got same pump here we've got a digital uh digital not digital um um um you know thing inab bobber here that spins the whirly gig that makes the numbers go flash we got our LED light under here for when we're doing that at night we got the work Tower this work tower has got its own solar panel on it so that thing's going to charge all the time keep itself charged up which the battery for the trailer has here as well so this thing isn't going to go dead and back here is the really cool end more tool space little more storage here we got a 14 horsepower pump we've got a generator we've got a welder we got an air compressor we've got a vise this pulls out if I had both hands I could do it there we go pulls out you've got a workbench and a vise and you've got your welder air compressor generator all of it right back here plus a couple more drawers of storage underneath here extension for the welder everything you should really need and more check out Thunder Creek this one came from Nessa uh Nessa Inc dealer in zering Iowa so if you guys down in that area definitely check them out we've done a fair amount of work with them now on on some stuff with a seed tender and the Thunder Creek trailers they are a good dealer for a lot of different things and meanwhile while I've been messing around with the fuel trailer dad's been out here getting some work done and I've just been now I'm taking the dog for a walk that's all very acceptable may as well go get that tears the driveway up a lot less if we use this instead of driving the grain cart up here can I do it I bet I can I did it I've got a sample here let's see if this changed it all 25 so it didn't get any drier but it's up over 53 lb test weight so every time we test it it's a little better we're going the right way kind of like these windows on these Hoppers I'm curious to see if these fill up with dust or not you must be finished out there now we got the dryer filling this is where I start getting nervous just getting everything going and ready on this thing the dealer did a preseason check on it Luke thank you Luke he was out here till 11:00 last night checking everything over on this making sure it looked good to him he had it running but I wasn't out here so I'm still a little bit nervous about it be nice to get this thing going there you can see the column filling up right there it'll fill from Back to Front there's an augur at the top that once it gets full up here it'll start conveying it towards the front the dryer is full but unfortunately it wasn't enough corn to keep it going for very long so what we're going to do is fold this up and head south that way we'll be ahead for tomorrow we're going to hopefully get a couple loads out tonight get them home and get that thing going so that way two things it'll speed us up in the morning cuz we'll be moved to that field already we'll also know that that dryer is running right just in case something's wrong we can get ahead of it for tomorrow it's down pretty bad yeah it seems like it's when spor stus worse than it was few years ago or it doesn't come any as nice at least this is one of our worst fields for stuff that's down we have this rotworm issue and be because there's de some corn in spots and and we won't be collecting insurance that was a year with the drw it in the four drop too we just got some weak stocks out there that went down from a specific storm this is the exact same hybrid of corn that we just harvested at home so we had High Hopes I mean we still have high hopes for it going east and west will be better it's just knocked down a lot there you can see where he's kind of picking it up you can see how short it looks the stock is all there it's just halfway laying on the ground what a mess it's an unfortunate challenge that we just have to deal with with once in a while seems like way more often than we should I guess it's worse than it looks yeah it's there's areas where it's good the whole field isn't terrible like 2 years ago but there's spots where it's really bad you can't tell where the row is at all [Music] that took a long time to get one truck full those rows are awful much worse than we thought we were getting into so we've got about close to half our corn crop or well over a third anyway down here we're going to be fighting with this for a while but everything to the north back at home other than one field is pretty good good so this is going to add a few days to our Harvest I think we'll sample this stuff I think uh it's not any drier it's going to be a long difficult Harvest down [Music] there [Music] oo that's nice 53 lb better but 53 as long as we stay over 52 it's nicer isn't terrible I didn't I didn't think it was that dry I'm curious to see what the cabinet guys have been doing in the office here today maybe not really what they've been doing I mean I Hope they've been assembling cabinets but I want to see the progress they've made in the last video I told you guys we're finally finishing this empty room which was intended to be in office for the last 10 years just never got there so they've got got it braced up got the cabinets in place there's one more that's going in here one section going in here this is going to look nice finally it's going to be real nice well that's it for me for a day anyway I'm going to call it a day one last thing as I record this there was a uh young father about a hour and a half south of me got in a really horrible grain bin accident here uh the other day and there is a GoFundMe set up for him as of right now it sounds like they are amputating both of his legs uh I don't know beyond that what the extent of his injuries are um yet it sounds like there's still some more coming out about that but unfortunate situation so for every farmer out there elevator workers anybody that has to go into a grain bin or a confined space safety um things do happen I understand trust me um I know sometimes we have to get in the bins we have to we have to get the work done sometimes you don't have a choice but keep that on the top of your minds uh there is a GoFundMe set up for him it's going to be down below uh check that link if you guys are interested in helping out I know this is going to be difficult for the family so that's it everybody be safe let's make it as as good of a clean fun safe Harvest as possible thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 636,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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