We HACKED Into My BOYFRIEND'S Minecraft Account!

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this is my boyfriend and this is his computer and today i decided to hack his minecraft account but he protects his passcode like no other person by changing minecraft itself so now i have to find ways to get into his account inside of minecraft can i beat him at his own game oh i'm in i got so cute okay all right so first things first his place looks nice and second thing where am i haven't see wait wait what wait where wait seriously where am i in the sky is his base in the sky it's right above oh that's ian's house it's right above everyone's house wait how is that even possible all right well one second let's just take a look through his house and see what he's got he's got a lot of nice things here look at this he's got a whole he's got a room with a bunch of stuff oh my god this is so nice this place is so big what what is this even he's got a big kitchen with some chandeliers they're not chandeliers or something but they're fancy and i don't have it ah all right uh let's see um this is really cool but for real where is his base at because this is ridiculous let me see i um all right wait a minute all right so there's no there's a lever get out uh all right so you know what that's fine it's fine that's fine i'll just go ahead go ahead and break the uh break the glass that's it that's all i do what the why did that work uh okay no no problem no problem i'm just gonna you know since he's op on this server basically server admin i'm gonna go into uh into creative yeah that's it game mode creative wait what you don't have permissions to access this command wait what what wait but wait he's the okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's try that again game oh creative wait wait what you do not have what is okay all right you know what you know what you know what somebody says that makes sense that's it i'm just gonna break everything in anything see if anything works uh uh oh god that works at least the doors work uh wait a minute what if i can craft my way out that's exactly what i'm gonna do that's exactly what i'm gonna do all right so let's see let's see uh you do not have permissions to access it what okay all right all right so so so so so we obviously have a problem here okay there's an obvious problem but you know what you know what if i can't get out from the inside i'll just have to get out from the outside that's right i have another computer since i have my other account and i'll just use that one to get into here okay all right all right so let's do that let's start leave your right right here okay all right right right right back okay all right okay so so so so aaron is inside of his house and if his house is where i think it is it's probably wait what wait what okay i think i see i yeah y'all see that that box definitely looks like something so what we're gonna do all right so we're gonna do is we're gonna do something like something like this oh my god oh my god okay all right i got this i got this you guys see that whoa that's crazy okay i got this i got this i got this i got this okay oh my god so that's his house oh it's blocked that is and oh there he is that's where i left him okay all right all right all right i got this i got this uh let me see if i can try to break it um can't even touch it i can't even hit it wait what no no no no no no no okay all right all right uh how about this how about this then you know how about we do uh i don't want to fall off right here so how about we do this explosive arrow what okay no no no this is i can't believe this i absolutely can't no okay all right you know what you know what that's fine that's fine i don't even care i don't even care anyway all right um if there's something around here that i can open it and it's all over the house too okay all right hmm [Music] this is probably the way to get in uh wait what cool kids derpy kids let's go investigate just a little bit i got my wings i can fly just a little bit oh okay okay i get this i get this so what if oh oh it's an elevator oh my god okay so if it goes like this it goes up and down that's so cool cool kids derpy kids gonna go down okay so this doesn't open it but it does make it possible for me to go up and down easier okay perfect perfect what are you doing oh my god uh what uh what what was that is that like an elevator a cow what are you talking about here here's a cow ian take the cow i know i was busy with the cow but you know what that doesn't matter anymore i why want to know what's going on with that uh no you don't want to know what's going on with that don't worry don't push the button yeah i do no you don't do no you don't there's no button no i love buttons don't you push your butt oh yeah this is cool where are we going we're going into this i'm going nowhere all right you're good you should push them over what is this yeah i know oh this is cool how come i haven't seen this before our houses are right there have we not seen this before you know what anne how about you head back down you know just just a little bit maybe even here i'll pick you up i'm very interested in what's going on there oh yeah i can i can see aaron there what's up uh he's uh help hello uh can you hear us maybe you should maybe you should get going you know you no no no no no no no no i want to know what's going on why isn't he answering back he's being kind of rude you know fine fine fine okay i'll let you in on my little secret all right that's me that's actually me i got his minecraft account and i am trying to break him out of his house but since he just coats so well he he he made it so he can't get out of the house look even if you hit it you can't break it i get this error code look look look yeah i'm i'm gonna try to whoa yeah and look explosive arrows do nothing ah hang on back uh yeah you know how about normal arrows wow you see that you see uh yeah that that's kind of crazy yeah i can't get him out at all okay well you know this is minecraft why not just like creative mode him out or something i did i did creative one and i did slash kill i did everything you can possibly think of i even did tp okay okay well um let's see uh okay what have you not tried anything you know we've tried blowing it up we've tried punching our way in minding our way in creative is there anything that uh oh oh how about you go explore inside as him you said you hacked his account right that's true all right yeah yeah you know what you know what you know what how about i do that no i'll be all right i'll be right back okay let's see yeah yeah i'm gonna stay right here all right all right here we go all right all right all right i'm back i'm back okay so so all right oh i see now you're in there yeah i'm in here all right that's me over there look how pretty i am all right so anyway all right we'll talk how do i get out of here maybe there's like a secret entrance way or something um what's this yo what what do you see in there some booting please answer the following questions to open the door oh my god oh my god he put some fancy code okay there's a fancy computer in here it's really cool it's stupid i want a fancy computer computer coding nerd i love them so much all right all right all right all right so i'm gonna click it i'm gonna see it says answer some questions all right and look i know aaron better than anybody else so look i got this i got this all right all right all right here we go here we go i'm gonna get him out of this house yeah i'm gonna get him out of this house yet okay what is your favorite block in minecraft okay that's a trick question do you know why because it's asking me what my favorite block is in minecraft which is it me as an f-mouth it's airy it's it's it's not confusing trust me it's good uh okay i i got this i got it so so so my favorite black in minecraft um it's aft i'm just kidding all right so it's my all right my favorite block now let's see if this actually works uh let's see it's going to be birch there we go and birch okay incorrect that's a joke that's a joke okay um he doesn't have a favorite block in minecraft i know this for a fact what about it's not diamond no i know it's not diamond it's got to be me no you know what you know what you know what i know i know exactly i know how what are you doing out there i'm i'm building a chair this might take a bit you know oh my god shush all right i know he's he's smart right he's he's not gonna he's not gonna be the right answer here we go not birch i swear if this is it i'm gonna be so mad i mean would it still be true it's correct oh tricky tricky all right all right you know i'm ready for question two give me a question too give me a question too all right what is the love of your life oh that's awful of course girl over there look at [Music] wow stop stop okay all right here we go here we go how about this let's talk about this then you know what you know what you know what all right i swear if this is the end okay all right here you go ready there we go and this is right okay i swear okay okay you got it you got it that's fine that's fine you know what because it's fine it is okay all right you know whatever here we go here we go got this all right next question everybody question three who is the love of your life oh see it was trying to trick you before trying to well trying to trick aaron you know it's it's his a computer so all right all right you know what you know if this is wrong i'll be so we got some words we can have some words okay here we go here we go all right all right [Music] got it oh my god oh get open the door okay all right i'm out oh right now um yeah this is the problem uh still still can't get in no okay no it's fine it's fine it's fine all right knowing him there's no way to climb up either there's no way out of here uh wait what's this oh is this a padlock oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute keypad okay all right all right all right i know this i know all of his passwords all right i know this all right how about this how about this how about this this is gonna be uh let's see uh it's gonna be what how could it not be his real credit card okay whatever you know what you know that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine because you can't get out anywhere oh uh i mean i mean we got to figure it out he's got maybe he's got like a clues inside the house uh you could look through there yeah maybe i mean that that's a lot of different items that looks weird what is it oh that is oh okay all right all right there's a map here a little bitted map and i think this yeah yeah i think this map has okay so there's little marks on this one at my house it's one of your houses one of the questions that's one of the noise house all right all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to assume that maybe what we need to do is go into these houses maybe there'll be something there all right oh i think you're right all right go by the character you're back you're back okay all right all right i'm back i'm back all right so there's aaron's account okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go down we're gonna go to my house first all right come on come on come on okay over here okay i'm gonna die we gotta find the clue there oh okay wait a minute you've got wings don't you oh you know there's an elevator up there oh my god well okay i know that now you knew that before fine let's just let's just go over here come on let's just meet you there it's fine find me over at my house come on come on there's something in my house there has to be like a number or something something okay a number yeah um let's see you got a you got four baked potatoes three tnt stuff like that i don't know i don't know my alarm clock is set for 12. that's normal you have one chicken in your yard something that's off something that's just wait a minute i like pattern this would never happen okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm clicking the floor i'm clicking the floor something's wrong here oh okay okay okay follow me what's down there yeah i don't know what this is oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what's that it's diamond it's yes okay i love diamond yes i do love diamond all right so you know what well what's wrong with diamond he's your husband that's exactly it maybe maybe it's like a prize you know you found it but you know what you know what i really don't trust this something about this is weird oh okay okay uh-huh what's weird just a little weird i don't know i just how about you you go and get that nut go go and get that go see what that is uh okay okay let's see uh everything's everything's fine oh it says one one hmm yeah huh yeah it says one i didn't like that at all no one knows me better than aaron and if i know aaron like aaron knows me then i know that he knows that i would go for diamond but i know that he knows that i love pranks so he would booby-trap it but you said the number was one right ian yes but if you knew he was going to booby trevor why didn't you say so look look look i just wanted to make sure that we got the number all right we're hacking yeah i got it i got it i it's in my inventory all right that's a big clue all right oh that means number one uh look look here one it says one on it this is one okay five five five all right come on let's go all right all right all right this is how you hear it yeah yeah perfect we can go in and ask her if she's seen the number or anything no we need to distract her somehow if the error under my has exploded then obviously he's going to set us up and make her think that we exploded her house so you need to distract her without letting her know about the number okay i'm gonna go in there i'm gonna go in there and take a look around you you just sweet talk her okay you distract her uh okay sorry that that's just a lot of info to take in at once it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine you got this all right so come on let's go okay okay got it okay hello hi hello friend how's it going how's your house [Music] it's a lot of cake that is a lot of cake yeah hey hey you know what speaking of cake i bet that uh i could name more kinds of cake than you oh um i mean you possibly yeah yeah exactly you know what how about you guys go uh you know outside and do that real quick yeah does uh doesn't that just make you competitive about cakes i mean there's there's like a strawberry cake pineapple upside down cake chocolate um uh huh there's no numbers hey what's that over there okay all right i'm panicking uh man amazing these bushes they're uh they're oh i'm a little uh hang on go take care of that uh okay what's the plan what's the plan i'm i'm i'm i'm getting her distracted what are we doing all right i'm eating the cake i mean i have no choice i have to eat all the cakes perfect perfect uh anyway uh there's also like a uh ice cream cake oh my gosh fire cake oh there's some such thing as fire cakes uh you sure about that oh yeah i'm pretty certain yeah that'd be crazy come on let's go this way follow me let's go i love the cake oh wait guys where did all my cakes go all right so the number was three it was on the cakes it was three okay that's good uh and uh fortunately we didn't burn down too much of kauai chat's house it's perfectly fine don't worry okay so where's the next one all right so noise house noise house okay yes i saw that noise so what we gotta do we gotta do is just go over to noise and so where so it was like kind of on noise house but um all right so how about we look yeah it was pigs okay his pigs okay there's something something in the pig pen erin knows no he likes animals right and kauai chan likes cake so i'm assuming it has something to do with what everyone likes all right all right and i like secret bases so what we're gonna do is just look around see if we can find all right so how about you okay nothing okay anything with this pig nope that one nope it's not this one anything going on with them here nope oh it's the number e three three as in three good good job very wait are you are you are you killing the pigs oh well i guess i don't need to anymore i mean uh i was getting rid of the ones we didn't need anymore oh my god ian what are you doing nothing helping uh helping helping uh organize all your pigs um i was harvesting the pork for you just like this pig right here you know i i was saving this one and um you know would be even better if we cook it right now what no we don't we need to do that i'm not killing my pigs please thank you i i guess hi half mal hi i was just here trying to stop me and it's okay don't worry um yeah and i swear if i explode one more time i i i just don't know what to do it's okay look you'll be fine all right so just be careful go ahead and be careful don't open it hey everything is uh oh whoa nice what is this no no no no no no no no this isn't cool no don't say nice this isn't cool is some kind of prank they're messing with me oh this this is so nice look at this this makes sense you know these are worth they replaced replace my precious treasure with this trash look at least you still got one piece of trash left you wait what i got one golden hole left it's seven yeah i'm i'm gonna take this no it's seven it's seven the last number seven it's it's not a seven it's a golden hoe no it's a seven look at it look at the shape of it look at the shape seven bin you see that no no it's a seven look if you do something like this it's a seven c seven look at it it's shaped like a seven okay all right the code do you know what the code is now we got the one the pig the cake everything the code has to be one three three seven all right if it's not if it's not i will i i will burn your house down all right we got this all right let's go you are so lucky i still had my wings i mean you know um you could have just given me wings you wouldn't have to go through this whole thing of getting you exploded everything and trying to cook noise okay you know what yeah whatever i didn't explode everything here we go come on explode in me we got the code all right if this isn't the code like i said we'll do stuff we'll just talk it'll be fine all right all right all right i just want to get his account so i can play on his character okay all right there he's still up there so up here all right so let's see let's see if i can do this all right so let's see um the code is one three three seven oh okay it worked it worked good job i got him i got it does that mean that we get to explore his house what what what are we gonna do now i've already explored this house so i'm just gonna take the account and i'm going bye you know what yeah okay you have fun with that i'm gonna explore the house are you gonna do that i'm gonna go i'm just gonna go fly what does this do let's see let's see does that oh my god um i'll i'll fix that later don't worry don't don't don't let him see that um you know what you know just here you you stay out there you go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,232,036
Rating: 4.8256583 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hack, minecraft hacker, minecraft hacked account, minecraft aphmau hacker, aphmau aaron, aphmau jason bravura, aphmau hacks minecraft account, help minecraft hacker, minecraft boyfriend, minecraft girlfriend hacks computer, computer hacks minecraft, minecraft computer hacker, aphmau minecraft account, aphmau prank hack, aphmau funny moments, aphmau funny, minecraft, hacker, aphmau pranks, aphmau secret, aphmau secret hack prank, minecraft account, minecraft secret
Id: Tboq9bXXZgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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