We Are Lucky To Be Alive...

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there's a bear in White Lightning good morning it is supposed to be another day in the shop but we are in Tahoe California and we're lucky to be alive because last night we were attacked by a bear and it wasn't just like a random act of violence it was a personal targeted attack on Matt's off-road recovery let me show you actually first roll the tape of what happened in the middle of the night I don't see it it's in the driver's seat it's on the center what the heck is there food in there yeah there's a bag of Cheetos are you filming this yeah yeah it's recording there's a bear in White Lightning hey there the door open yeah opened the door oh get out go where is it behind the more what he's behind the mor right now he's sitting there just looking at us well I'm going to go back to bed Victory Place yeah wow so the question is how in the world did they get in both trucks because they did they got in both trucks I'm 100% sure I lock I distinctly remember him locking as soon as I close the door Colin comes in my room at 4:00 a.m. and he says dad there's a bear in white lightning and I'm like a bear the fine in white lightning and we came out here everybody's up and there's a bear with its butt pressed up against the glass and there's bare breath all over in the windows so it's hard to see in there and it was it was eating it was eating our food it was literally eating our Victory pies when I caught it that was G gifted to me by the 775 we were supposed to get a good night's sleep cuz we got a 10-hour drive and it didn't work I just slept amazing I went back to bed and I had a dream about bears so so we finally got the bear scared away and then it came [Music] back he's across the street how's he getting the doors open so the question on everybody's mind is how did the Bear get in the trucks and we did a little bit of Investigation last night we haven't touched anything inside them I want to show you the bear tornado that went off in both trucks particularly blue steel I don't know how the bear got in blue steel I have no idea we do know how it got in White Lightning let me show you the fault here so before I show you the fault with this truck I would like you to notice the bare paw prints all over like that's a that is definitely a nuzzle a muzzle nuzzle I'm guessing this would be like a 120 lb bear I don't I'm not around bears and I I know they're furry and they might not be as big as they look see that's the lock okay lock it oh the Lock's not working on the driver's door none of us do that so the bear did this oh and look at that so this one's not bad open up all the doors and let's get a tour here okay so got some bear prints so we luckily we got the bear before he totally partied down in this truck he didn't even get all the food out of it he didn't eat my goldfish I'm so excited oh really okay well he was going to I saw it in his eyes so he this is what he was eating he was sitting right here eating Victory pies he didn't get all of them but he kept he they came back for them look at the Paw Prints up on top of this C that's how a bear opens oh yeah the Goldfish didn't make it or they did make it sorry the Goldfish made it the Goldfish the Goldfish didn't make it on the menu is what I was trying to say yeah he was not done he was just getting warmed up in this truck we run him off so the bear party down in here completely uninhibited without any sort of interruption an animal figured out that's a handle they're smart this is what they do for a living like this is this is literally his job here is the tornado oh my goodness he's really fast at cracking those peanuts isn't he he sat here and actually open those look at the efficiency he actually knew to open the pistachios yeah he didn't eat the shells I what I'm very hurt by this because that was my bag of pistachios those were gifted To Us by a nice gentleman on the that we helped on the trail on the Rubicon Trail I was I was very much looking forward to eating those the good news is guys his throat is going to be very soothed he got into the Halls he threw those on the ground it stinks in there yeah this one stinks worse I got my chicken and a biscuit a like I said I don't feel like he was just strolling through the neighborhood looking for an opportunity I believe he staked us out he knew that door was faulty it was personal and then he stalked us he came back to seconds he stood right there right there in that yard and just glared at us when we left back back in the house he got back in the truck to finish the job he started that's the best part is who said it they're like they're like the lights are back on call did you the key fob I'm like I'm like no I'm like that bear is back in the TR you busted out there and did the same thing and I know the question on a lot of your mind did everybody survive yes we all survived the bear attack of 2024 physically we survived it emotionally well we're going to have to see we got race car parts to buy and pick up but first we're going to have to get some sort of something and wipe these trucks down and clean them out because they got the bear on them we're need more than a washcloth me and that bear we've got a problem right we're going to stop and grab some breakfast before we head to pick up race car par but this whole ordeal with the Bears has got me thinking I always thought it was the humans we were locking our doors for it turns out it was Bears pretty excited about this whole thing right here coconut crusted French toast on point all right we were checking Facebook Marketplace for Baja Corvair racing parts we found some we're here we're gonna go check him out see if there's anything we can use for our racing program we're gonna take this stuff no matter what condition got a 61 Monza here got fourspeed it's quite rough do patina we all have the same patina yeah this door's pretty dang this door's sprung it's oh we'll throw in a couple more doors Mouse just ran out of it oh those look nice no idea those look really nice all right we've got to take an inventory of what's here so we can make an offer there seems to be in this box just cylinders that have been at the bottom of the ocean yeah they're they're definitely just pores there's not going to be anything we can directly use and they're kind of I'd say that they're probably worth two or three bucks a piece to me this is a turbo head this is a turbo head and then it's been modified with this extra carb there so you could put four ports on it um this is a 65 go ahead it's a genuine GM part right there almost no water damage new rods in the Box oh those look nice you should run them we should bead blast them and see how what they look like they're brand spinking new kind of the mother H well it's a load [Laughter] and it's a mother all right we came to an agreement on this treasure or junk however you want to look at it and uh now I'm kind of digging through it and seeing if I made a bad deal or a really really bad deal we made it back it was 2:30 a.m. and it's been a little bit of a rough morning for some of us but we are pushing through do you know why because of race car that's why so we're Gathering up some of these parts we're taking to the machine shop right now cuz we've got to get them started on it cuz we've got engines to build so I found these New Old Stock rods in the Box there's nothing new about them we found some old stock rods in a box perfect so I told told him I was going to see if they could be revived and uh he says they Dave says he can do it absolutely all right just need B so unfortunately there's only five of them so I'm going to get him a couple more rods so he can make a a match set he says it's doable I believe him so while we were on our trip Rhett and Jake was working a little bit on the pre-runner they got a couple things done so that it's you know closer minor maintenance just regreasing a lot of stuff what's this black stuff that is bear prints like that is bare pop rints so I've been really nervous to look at this because I'm afraid they've been lying to me the whole time just so I wouldn't be mad is it going to be destroyed it's not bad they did a good job wiping it down oh it isn't that bad oh it's dirty on the back seat but it's actually not very bad I was afraid I was going to have torn up quad Mark seats so here's here's what I want to know why isn't she more concerned about my safety since I was the one in hand toand combat with that bear she's more concerned about white lightning I really didn't believe their story when they called me that's why I was like you've got to be kidding me how could a bear get into a truck let me show you that's how Bears get in trucks someone tap on that window what the heck is that a bear oh crap oh my goodness so in case some of you at home are thinking this is all real time it's not that was a reenactment of what happened now we're going to finish what Rhett and Jake started we're going to get this finished up so we can take it out in the desert and do like it's going to be awesome whoa look Mom no h we'll finally be able to figure out how bad of drivers we really are [Music] there a bear out [Music] there goodness all right so you can see how they're starting that thing right now so we used this Old Wire from our old plasma cutter we're going to what we'll do is we're going to Tunnel it through the tunnel from the starter up there so we can not rub wires [Music] okay taking one of these shocks out cuz we are way overshock it's too much it's too much control we go nice oh this right here is called weight reduction look past me took the time to put himms on the end of these so we're just figuring out what these colors do on this old wir this one's activation this one's starter activation this one's ignition mhm mhm and that one's battery battery starter ignit we're going we doing some fabricating of air filters so this is temporary but it'll get us what we need tempor yeah that is a nasty back fire it Dad we're starting it real fast that's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] a lot better that is backfiring bad who knows where the timing is yeah I don't know if I caught it or not but Jake jumped Sky High it backfired and it scared me and Ed we're like shot fire yeah thr for now for a minute for for a while yeah until we come up with a better point do we go for a ride go got a little bit of a back all right here's our bomb what the B that backfire sure is yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not running very good so here's a problem well there's problems she's very rich so very very fat and uh who knows what's going on in the distributor with the old points and the old condensers so time to do a couple more upgrades and then we're going to take her out and test her all right we got the basic frame pun intended now we're going to start fine-tuning it got [Music] okay see what the inside of this thing looks like oh there is it is full of metal absolutely full of metal wonder if we're wiping wondering if we're wiping a cam yeah well it's metal oh that is full so it's not sand in there it's it's you got it's iron oh that bad I think we're wiping a cam that's like not black it's great get me a magnet let's see what this is oh well I think this engine's coming apart again wait what did I miss it is full of metal we I'm pretty sure we're wiping a cam all right I've had a couple of days for the grieving process we have a direction we're going on this but I'm not going to be working on this today we're back on the Spud truck we're going to put this axle together so first thing we need to do is push this out of here so before we put the Spud truck in the shop I want to find out where we're welding this crossmember on so we're going to set the frame back on and F figure it out we're racing the clock here cuz this getting hot we want to be in that shop before too long it's got too much power big block power is just hard to control okay go down can you curl just ever so gently okay go park it all right while they're in there working on this Spud truck me and Aaron are going to pull this engine out all right we're back from lunch I don't even know if you knew we went but we are back and we've decided we're going to weld this in oh yeah we went to lunch [Applause] it's good enough for right now some good tacks I don't know exactly how he wants to weld this I think we're going to run a bead along the bottom and it'll have a tube that comes up and I'll weld up the sides of it and then I think that that's it here wiggle a little okay that's out okay now pull her [Music] out some of you might notice that Caitlyn is missing oh no where is she well I'll tell you what I sent her on a special mission to pick up a special race car a drag race car that I've always wanted to build I want to see if I can do it we're actually going to be working with Lawrence Tolman on this project we are going to turbocharge a Buick Regal GS I think it's like a 98 or 99 but what's going to be different than all the other Buick Regal gs's is this going to have an engine in the front and an engine in the rear now ever since I found out about the Buick Regal GS I've always wanted to do this and Lawrence said he would help so yeah that's what's going on right now so she's going to bring it back we're going to get it tuned up we're going to take it to the track in Vegas to see how fast it does the quarter mile and then we're going to do some upgrades and see how fast I'm shooting for 12 to 1400 horsepower 12 cylinder all-wheel drive sleeper so we made it we are here with Johnny boy and this is the car that Matt is buying or Matt bought hopefully it makes it down there it should drive just fine but we'll see here you go cayin okay let's get it home I recently found out this does not have AC luckily it's only like 90° so let's get her [Music] home so this is right here that is literally what is holding this together I think it's going to be plenty strong we're kind of doing a nasty stack but it's ending up really strong he out with the motor you got it yeah all right we got those on we got a little Sid trck cuz we were supposed to be putting this axle together but we got this done now you don't have to worry about it she's been dying a ride with me so she'll drive out of the [Music] [Applause] [Music] shop all right we've got all our front suspension front axle stuff laid out here want to do that make sure I had everything the unit bearings are in great shape they got a little surface rust but they're in very good condition but we're missing our spring Pockets so we bought some brand new spring Pockets the you know the Ford pow sh Pockets look at that Ford parts on a Chevy vehicle well it's made Ford tough out of Chevy stuff everybody knows that they should have either been on this Shelf are on a shelf out in the conx box and they are gone I'm going to call Jake I handed them to Jake like two months ago I handed them to Jake and said put these in the shortterm Conex box and he walked out the door with them and then I and then I've kind of been I was thinking today I have never seen them since that day where where do you think Jake would have put those Jake's on a on a job right now he's towing a oh he picking up some oh he's picking up tires for the school bus so we can put 40 wheels on or you know 4 in tires on a school bus sometimes he Stacks stuff in the green Tronics because he'll have that on his mind hey what's going on hey a long long time ago we had some brand new spring pockets for the Spud truck they were Ford those Ford spring Pockets remember those oh yeah yeah yeah okay I handed them to you and told you to put them in short T term storage we did and we put him up on that short term shelf and then I didn't touch them they haven't been there for like a week and I thought somebody else grabbed them so that is so weird okay we'll keep looking all right thank you okay he does remember me handing them to him and he says he put them out there but nobody would move them who moves stuff out of there me I'm the only one unless unless asked yeah good morning I'm back in the shop it's Saturday I'm the only one here I mean Ed's around here somewhere of course peanut lady and max they're all here I can't stop thinking about all the stuff that needs to get done so I came out here today to do some of that stuff pretty bummed about wiping out the cam on that uh on the pre-runner engine and we've lost some parts we have looked everywhere for the spring pockets and the only thing I can think is that they got thrown in the scrap bin or when the scrap guy came they were laying by the scrap bin I don't know I don't know how they got there I don't know why they would be there but that's the only thing that makes sense because they're gone so so I'm a little bit troubled up here cuz I I want to get this truck sitting on its new AEL and I can't do that without the spring Pockets so it kind of makes the rest of the work just but it's Saturday and the work has to be done so even if I'm feeling me I'm going to do the I'm going to get that work done anyway today I'm going to try to get this axle together right here I want to get this tore down and get it diagnosed to see what's wrong with it and then Monday morning Robbie's coming down to pick up Deja Blue and we're going to do some trail testing before he leaves to see if it's everything he hoped and dreamed I've even got my uh Deja blue shirt on today that was not planned that was a pure coincidence but here we are so step number one I'm going to clean myself up a little workstation right here I'm going to put this axle together [Music] all right with Ed's help we're able to get both of these Knuckles on here we got them torqu down cotter pins in place now we're going to slide the axles in I got to clean them up first I got to put new U-joints in them first actually so I'm going to do that first all right I've got the axles in I've got the hubs on using the old hubs cuz nobody ordered new hubs so they feel like they're in good shape so I'm going to run them they're a little rusty though should probably do a little bit of cleaning all right well I got putting these locking hubs here hey peanut I got putting these on and they're not in as good a shape as I thought peanut you're not helping no you're not helping here back up back up just good talk if you look right here there's a bolt broken off in here I don't think all the bolts were in these cuz these are completely full of rust I can extract that bolt and Chase those threads and maybe that's what I'm going to do but I'm not going to do it today I'm going to go do something else that's all I got for today but we'll be back like all right it is now Monday morning and as promised we're hanging out with the one the only Robbie Leighton from Robbie Leighton Nation got Deja Blue and he's well what happened is Robbie challenged me in an aggressive manner he said Deja Blue is better than the banana and I said I'll see you on the trail that's where we are I I was only able to say that because I know who built it and he did everything on this that he didn't do on that so in theory it should be better yeah in theory it should be we're going to be doing double Sammy today and that's a trail Robbie's never been on and I don't think days Blue's ever been on it let's go climb some [Music] [Applause] [Music] rocks re down [Music] you might be touching yeah oh how's that feel like you got like a/ [Music] inch oh totally cleared it I was getting worried I only have one set of tail lights in Matt's conx [Music] you're lifting a wheel finally huh you're finally lifting a wheel oh God how are we good it looks amazing attach to the Jeep it's just on its own little Excursion what's I'm sitting perfectly level it's doing a different Trail than you are it left the chat just e forward okay there maybe go a little passenger just oh you're good you're good okay I was going to tell you that's going to happen yes I just it was sitting so level I didn't expect it man that was crazy that was cool [Music] that was that was pretty neat so Deja Blue and the banana just beat up double Sammy and took this lunch money well good that's what happened you better drive it through the shoot have you driven it through the shoot yet uh-uh go do the shoot we're done cool [Music] [Music] all right let's go woo days are blue days are blue [Music] [Music] little to the right little to the right yeah okay don't run over me all right that's a little weird feeling yeah yeah you get you get up the first climb and it starts to level out and then it goes straight up yeah it's not as bad though when there's not a thousand people around right it's like a I can do that a huge shout out to the sponsors that came together to help us get Deja Blue up and running for Robbie Dino track supplied the axles Milestar supplied the tires PSC provided the whole power assist steering system Adam's drive shaft came through with a pair of drive shafts Yukon gear and axles came through with the lockers Barnes four-wheel drive supplied the joints and the links and all the brackets and all the Fab parts that we used and we melted them together with Miller welder was huge big shout out to Goen engines they sponsored a 4.6 L stroker engine for Deja Blue that guy he knows the business he knows that stuff all those sponsors that I just mentioned they have helped us with the banana and the work that we've been doing also so they're not just free Parts they're parts that I use and I trust and then a big shout out to Robbie Lon Nation they're going to be sponsoring the paint on Deja Blue Deja Blue versus the banana turns out they're Even Stevens so we're going to head back to the shop start working on the Spud truck all right we got out of the outside and into the inside before it got too hot so supp be 107 today well we didn't have to fill it luckily luckily we made it here I didn't bring you here to talking about the weather Matt made a boo boo and we're here to assess the Boo Boo and see if it's fixable so you're supposed to pretend like you've never seen it before you're like what did you do okay right oh he's really going to do it yeah okay um so I have a question I walked in and I noticed something do you see the way this guy acts he's an actor I think you have some explaining to do so here's the deal I'm just trying to oh my gosh it gets worse I know I'm trying to ease my ease my pain with humor here oh puppy but is that something you would try to pull out or are we looking for a door no I think we can fix it really yeah I mean it'll get replaced but I think we can pull it out rebuild the inner rebuild the outer build a new rocker and just use it so I'll essentially keep this door yeah okay yeah all right so for those of you that were wondering why I'm not having Robbie fix this turns out I am having Robbie fix this just not yet we're not done wrecking this truck yet so hopefully he doesn't put any more boo boos like this but we are going to take this Spud truck and paint it I thought he was going to say we were going to take this Spud truck seriously we were going to take this job very seriously but we're not going to do body work we're just going to do paint work I need you to leave a comment what should we do with this I'm really getting fond of this blue color but I can't imagine why I like blue also but the problem is that's the same color Robbie's colors no the the problem is is we're branded yellow and it's like the yellow thing so I don't know I don't know what we should do with this I got it yellow Racing Stripes okay R votes yellow Racing Stripes that would make it so fast I don't know let let us know what you would do if this was your truck what would you do okay well what else do we got that's it we'll take care of your boo boo as soon as you're ready and then paint the truck I think I need to drive this up there drive it I don't know how we're going to drive it up there okay okay all right back to the Spud truck all right so everybody went to lunch me and cl already started getting this front axle out so we're going to finish pulling it out today let's do it we just got to go up and [Music] forward nice nice okay all right we're good go up hey it's out little more there it is [Music] beautiful straight pipes baby need your in Fender removed call rett's inter fender removal does this truck still start yes [Music] well what a big block sounds like open headed the ground was shaking this one's still connected right here what one yeah we started it what's that yeah I'm like this truck's been started is it they want to hear it is that why they started it okay it was a nasty chop now yeah yeah nasty Cho and running like junk is kind of the same thing so once re gets to Center Fender out I can start taking off the old brackets that held the l Spring and then we can do more stuff holy whoa kind of crustations have been chilling in this SP what is this gross some salce looks fine little more to the collection I feel like if we do Elvis Presley on a personal level that's who Rhett would be that's who Elvis Presley was what you what did I do does he not seem like the kind of person that would be like Elvis Presley so I'm being compared to the king R Presley thank you thank you very much so that grinding you hear is the work on a spud truck grinding to a halt because I just sent Colin and Rhett out to do a recovery they'll be back in a minute they'll start working on it Caitlyn and I are working on Race Car Parts we're getting these stripped down going to send them off get them ceramic coated for high temperature this is going to be like space SpaceX stuff good this one needs a lot of work I'm going to have to do something there okay that should be really hot don't touch it okay I'm going to I'm going to try to grab it with this see if is it spinning or slipping a little slipping y okay so I need to just do a little welding to get a little bit better better grip look at that smells like the 4th of July a lot of people don't know this but I think WD40 is made out of charcoal lighter fluid cuz that's what it smells like when you get it hot like that hopefully that gives us enough grip to twist I broke it off all right so that's that's three of them we're going to have to drill backwards here let's work together so we got about 100 more of these to do and then we're going to put them in a box and ship them to powder extreme Coatings get them ceramic coated um yeah so we're going to do that and we are back it's a new day just a few more little things to strip off this we're going to put the axle under here and see how it looks we're going to see if it even fits um we got other stuff going on here Caitlyn finishing boxing up stuff to sip off the B race car part stuff it's just a mad house in here I I'm going to be sending these cranks off to moldex to get they're going to straighten them check them for cracks they're going to grind them micropolish them and deep nitrite them cuz this is going to win baja or lose it's going to do something in Baja this is going to Baja okay now go straight for a second okay now turn in just got to all right let's let this down that looks [Music] mean stop go up we that's about frame L the exhaust is what we're hitting Bo that's a lot of Tire what's our clearance issues not we we're not going to have we're not going to have clearance issues once the exhaust is out of the way and our other engines our other engines going to sit further back and way up yeah going to be up like 6 in taller so I have some really good news we're going to be able to use all the Superduty stuff that I wanted to use to make it simple and strong we're making this thing Ford tough out of Chevy stuff I need to clear something up here because there's a little bit of confusion about what is going on with the tire size this is the actual tire size we're going to be running on the front this is a 42in tire it's on a 20-in wheel I Know M crawler poser 20s but on the back here we have 15in wheels we got 35 in tires and these tires are indeed the actual size we're going to be running on the back so we are running mismatched sizes of tires front and rear we're correcting that with gear ratio 4.10 so 41 in the rear 4.88 so 488s in the front and that puts us within 1% of I don't know how much it puts us within 11% I know that so what you're saying is it's going to work oh yeah with gear ratio going to work and so the way this so the way this works the doubler used to be a 205 we're not running it backwards we've had a little bit of confusion people think I'm putting the input to the front-wheel drive output and then using or oh think about putting the input through the rear wheel drive output flipping it around and running the output through the input and the output but I'm not it's actually input is going in correctly output is going in out correctly but we're going to have it so that only the back axle drives on pavement the front axle will be engaged as soon as we're off pavement as soon as we're done doing our Smoky burnouts and then we're not going to be engaging the front axle until we actually need it so you're going to be in pretty extreme off-road situations pretty low speeds so we got a lot of questions on how we're going to control wheel motion so that we don't end up with too much drive shaft angle or interference and the way we're going to do that is with bump stops right here we're got to build the thing and these are at ride height empty we're only going to be off these like an inch or maybe even less than an inch um once we're loaded we're going to be touching these and that's okay and that's totally normal we're also going to be using limit straps and of course we're going to have the billstein shocks on here to control all this it's going to work awesome I don't even know how else to describe it it's just going to work awesome like are you like the the Bulge of the tire like I'm going to the edge of the tread on the okay that's fine so 83 in outside to outside okay Colin let's do this one over here would you believe 83 so we have I have wheel spacers if we need to make this back in wider but I don't want any wheel spacers on the the front that looks so good speaking of sizes I'd like to clear up my size on the Rubicon Trail I held up a Canam Mountain Dew I said this is a regular can of Mountain Dew and I am huge compared to it this is a regular bottle of Gatorade here Colin catch he told you I'm huge all right we had a really full week it started out with Bears Beets battl Star Galactica went to American Pickers then it went to like some sort of hoonigan Street takeover I wiped out a cam the first cam I've ever wiped out completely my fault I'm not going to blame Ed Cole or Ralph nater it was 100% my fault but we did get the front axle put together for the Spud truck and it's in place now we just got to melt it in there with a welder I hope you enjoyed this week as much as we did we've got a lot more work to do on the Spud truck plus we got a lot more desert racing stuff to do so join us again next week same time same place thank you so much for watching all right so these ended up being too much Swiss cheese not enough cracker those really really got eaten that was a Valu effort though
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 434,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JehEed-n2_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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