We Got Our Hands On A CASE IH Magnum & PÖTTINGER Terradisc! - Welker Farms Inc

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I just hooked up my latest microphone and phone mount but with this with this new mic I should get rid of the wind noise it's a little breezy right now and I am betting you guys aren't hearing it right now cuz I've got the dead cat on the microphone new disc just came by I just saw a case Magnum with duals on the front scream down the road at like 25 miles an hour with a nice little disc on the back and it's here for us to drive so I'm gonna go drive that thing and I think you guys probably what mine come along for a ride I need my drone I'm gonna take that too what is going on here that is not our 7140 and that is definitely not our high speed disc yeah it seems to be not gonna clumps down I mean but you guys are looking at it basically a demo we're running this it's plotting your 20 foot on the CRP ground that we've already ripped a few times it's still really rough it's rough and this tractors got duals on it and this tractor is pretty rough but it is doing an excellent job making a nice nice smooth seed bed well after spending about an hour and a half two hours in that CRP ground we plowed that when I sprayed that I said was really rough you guys saw that video yeah it's just so rough I just don't want to do it to this tractor I don't wanna I don't want to put this tractor through that kind of abuse you know we got a flower with a plow again with this disc you need to go a good 8 to 11 miles an hour and that's just too much too much for that for this tractor to be beat through there so I decided instead what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run around and use this disc while we've got it on the farm pick up these sprayer tracks basically when we spray in the spring when there was water everywhere it was really muddy I made some pretty big tracks with a booth so I'm using this thing to clean up those tracks it's perfect for that it's 20 feet it's not too wide I can hit those tire tracks clean them on the field of seat spring weed on them so just cleaning up ruts basically at this point which is great this is a sweet little disc to do that with I wish the disc were the 32 foot version they make a 32 vert foot version of this disc and that would have been hell fun hi sir - been out in the field with just because at 20 feet it just takes a long time to get stuff done out these fields our fields are just pretty big and and you know 20 foot is a pretty small implement but you know you could spend a day and get a couple fields done here and there but for what I'm doing here this is perfect they're flying arms watch into action now this 340 I think it's a 2011 it's a 280 290 horsepower somewhere in that area it's a pretty good sized tractor it's a lot bigger than our magnums it's got a huge three-point hitch on the back and this paw Tiger Tara discs six thousand one is what it is 6001 6,000 one I'm gonna fire him I'm gonna fire him tonight I'm not putting up with this anyways we're worth a yeah pretty amazing actually leg arms let's looking for a spot for me to get go ahead and just because we're gonna go ahead and hit all the areas that we got butt stuck tire tracks but it was muddy and everything and he found one spot we got the five and a quarter stuck pretty bad so I'm gonna go run over that right now now I'm learning this tractor this is new to me is the first time in this series of magnums so I'm guessing how this works I press the clutch in this is my shifter put her up into Ford Drive I'm in seventh gear which is right here pull up the clutch out my throttles in this joystick right here shifting is up here it's a power shift which is I guess very standard today I got the disk out of the ground at the moment let's go ahead throttle or up here the Sun is low this time of the year the Sun just gets really low and it shines and lines everybody so there's there's a spot right there like arms is sitting right next to it I'm gonna just go ahead and pick this up a gear we've got cruise through this thing set it on the ground and there we go crossed might be a little bumpy here I'm not going probably fast enough because it's so bumpy I just don't want to beat there too bad there we go raise it up go back over here we'll do another pass on it drop it down there we go there's some Apache tire tracks I'm catching right now I drove the Apache through here earlier and left some pretty good ruts so that's cleaning that up real nice going about eight miles now right now they say that's about the minimum speed to get the full use out of this disc all right now we got those tire tracks cleaned up I'm gonna wing this thing up head north okay let's put her in park next up so now the first things first make sure it's out of the ground all the way there we go then I got press this lever it does something Creed you hear it's pretty cool it works it's only takes like a minute to do this so it's going to drop that full arm down with the axial pixel yen up now I drop it down or I clean this up like this that's right all of my hydraulic manifolds are right here so I'm Alyssa's number one I noticed that left side over there wings up a lot fast from the right side did that earlier when you're learning how to run this thing this thing folds into a very tight package it's pretty amazing how how narrow this unit is when it gets together and it latches like that and I drop back down just uh just a little bit like so right there perfect yeah that's where we want it let's start rowing this thing well cruise by some items over here keep pumping those gears up there we go there's a nice little big but for you there's a nice little 225 eighty eight's and only one header that's interesting and here's all that hopper business we're doing still working on that there's the concept building all right we rode this thing full-speed I've got it at 2150 rpm and 18th year and it is going basically 27 miles an hour I can't get my hand over there to show you that you can kind of see it on the Internet this is fast this is really fast for a tractor I know this is not uncommon anymore for tractors to drive this fast down the road but holy smokes am i cruising no this is nice you get around the farm quick doing this you know this Magnum I know I'm sure they've changed a lot of things in the newer models this is a 2011 obviously so that's what that's almost 8 years old I mean a lots changed since then there are some things I really like about this tractor there are some other things I don't like you know that those other older magnums that we have fill they are more simple and a little more rugged the way this hood narrows out like this I have excellent visibility of my my front wheel so this cab is huge massive cab the seat is extremely comfortable and I it's got a buddy seat or other tractors do not have buddy seats cupholders other tractor does not have cupholders tons of compartment space I haven't tried the radio out so as far as the cab goes this thing is awesome a seat really comfortable moves all over the place good ride what I don't like is look how flimsy this this Pro 700 is just slow down for this little bump here like watch Legos do this yeah and I understand they they want it to be tied together with your seat and everything that's the whole plan is that way when you move up and down or forward and back that's me get off the seat actually do that it knows when I'm getting that off seat anyways I understand they wanted this one unit but man I just there any way they could have made this maybe a little more solid that been nice it's just a little weak now this tractor does have a very nice sounding turbo I like nice sounding turbos that's important to me just as I like turbos know the engine action sounds really nice the transmission is really quiet you know I can't even hear the hydraulics it's it's very quiet here I don't know if this microphone that I've got that I hope is awesome I'm sure it is you guys are probably getting pretty killer vocals right now coming out of these uh Adam's apple monstrosity of both of cards anyways you know this it's a it's really quiet here it's really quiet this is a nice cab I think if they could find a way and maybe they have I haven't had a chance to get in a new Magnum so I can't I cannot attest our old 84 30 or no sorry 89 40 Magnum that we ran it had duals in the back not on the front like this tracker it was rough to drive to that's one reason why we traded it off and built the brute was we got tired of just getting beat up in the cab front spray feel of that 12 to 15 miles an hour well in this machine he didn't improve any at all I'll tell you that right now it is just as rough inside this cab as our 89 40 was it's a little disappointing I also understand this is a bigger Magnum than the other one there's more iron on this thing it's heavier and it also has more duels on it so I kind of a believer that when you add more duels in a rough field I don't feel like it chatters more Admirals that's just my experience or what but that is my complaint it's just a rough ride this thing the sink ride is really rough I think I the newer ones have maybe cups got a calf suspension built into him well that's the next day leg arms took off and the Magnum with the Pottinger disc and he's just doing some more work around using it while we can horse ins and Etheredge bridges our local dealer those guys supplied the tractor for it and I don't let us run a little longer today and right now leg arms is attempting to break up some CRP I haven't been there yet to look at it we had a few acres left that we did take out so he's running it through it right now and we're gonna run up I'm gonna run up there and take a look and see how it's going my initial impression with that disc is pretty positive I was a little skeptical with how small it was the 20 foot and I thought for how light it look it's not gonna have enough downforce to penetrate some hard ground it's amazing knowing it digs it gets down even on some hard packed we were driving ripping up some some area in the field where we had a cross with trucks for a while and it was it was hard ground and it was pulling up really impressive nothing folds up quick you get down the road fast it's simple it's easy to adjust it's a really nice disc I think I think there's definitely something to be said about it it looks like it's built really well I hate I know a couple other manufacturers out there and I've had some issues with shanks breaking off I guess you call them shanks but the same things we sell my biggest complaint is it's just too small at 20 feet I know you can go fast you can go you're supposed to go 8 to 11 miles an hour on it that's quick and you can get a lot of acres on up to 50 acres and ours what they're saying with that baby they have a 32 foot version of that thing and I think that would be a little more desirable in this country it's just too many acres now if you have smaller like circle pivots or just just smaller fields I think it would probably be a really good fit alright just pulled up the field let's take a look and see what this baby's doing I'll tell you one thing it is powdery that's that's mulching pretty good I wonder how many times he's gone over this spot right here this looks like maybe two passes this looks like a one pass right here chomping it pretty good there's still some sod there it looks like maybe oh yeah so he's done a couple passes back in here looks like he must be going in here turn around and come back out looking at this just for my observation you know it's in quite a bit of work to that it's really turning it over you're definitely gonna have to do a second pass to clean it up but I mean it's going from this right here that is just hard nothing is this this hasn't had something digging the ground and you know probably thirty years and on this side this is one pass he just went over this and you can see it's taken quite a bit of the sod up each it's got basically a furrow here where the disks have dug but they come back around over that I think I think it'll work that down where we can no probably put seed now next year it is a nice-looking tractor Cole boy boss man gets to try it out leg arms gonna teach that out around it that's a big tractor it's a lot bigger than our magnums if anyone was wondering what this little strap is on carts and jeans it's to hold your GoPro works really good just leave it like that walk around got a GoPro in your pocket nothing to worry about my turn what is lo de f lo de f I have never been in a machine that said that before all right well I guess I'll go get some de uhh I'm better be the big one yeah I better get some human def to only put in two and a half gallons in it ah yes back in business alright so I'm I'm plowing along and all of a sudden I see the grass start moving around me and I'm like what is going on so I stopped and there is a black pipe plastic pipe and then CR P I thought it was short I started dragging it it's long so I hook it to the foeman's I drug it away stick and I got it out of there no I didn't so let's get the foments let's drag this thing longer I'm gonna see how long it is this is ridiculous it's a long pipe out there I don't know who left a tie here but it is pretty long well while leg arms is running that thing I went ahead and looped the hose that I found I wrapped it around I stuff that are part of the flatbed frame here because that's about the only way I could hook on to it I'm gonna drag this thing back never and for how long it is alright I'm on the end of it I wasn't ahead and enabled an app on my phone to measure the distance I'm gonna drive and we're gonna see just how far this thing goes here's the end right here okay let's see what the app says 417 yards that's almost four hundred twenty yards is that pipe now but just sitting in that grass out there that's amazing that's expensive I'll probably find out whose that is okay low fuel alarm just came on Oh would you look at that now I've always been kind of against leather seating in equipment it just doesn't breathe as well fabric just seems to be a little bit more comfortable but I'm changing my opinion on this because the leather lets you slip you can fly a little bit and when you're hitting these bumps it's actually yet less of a sore sore your end by sliding on leather than you do on fabric our new red paint that's coming it's coming with leather see like that oh they're 100 acres down what do you think should I do it well I think I'm gonna turn him left it's not my tractor I should do that to it typically this is how a demo works you uh a local dealership like in Mike circumstance this is Torgerson from a fridge tour Gerson's is our local case dealer and they're the ones that gave us is opportunity to run their tractor that's their their machine with this Pottinger and so well usually what happens when you do a demo is they bring it out the time is free on the tractor if we break something major I'm sure that's on us but all we got to do is put fuel in it and then keep running it and so I'm done with it they're gonna come get it in a day or two so it's uh I just topped the tanks off I'm gonna put the pressure washer clean it off get it looking nice and shiny again that's just kind of appreciation for them letting us run it and then hopefully you guys enjoy the video on the time seeing this thing work cuz it's always fun trying something new I this this is made on the other side of the world basically I've never been around a Pottinger much you know now real quick a little bit about this machine again I've said it a few times it's a Pottinger these are an Austrian design I believe they build them in the Czech Republic the parts were obviously probably brought over here the US and assembled somewhere in the US but it's a 20 foot implement it's got 23 inch discs on it when it's in transport mode as it is right now it's just over 9 feet wide and that's because in Europe you know they have such small roads and they gotta have tight packages to get around make sense out here we don't have that problem but it's still pretty cool if you're putting on the building it wouldn't take up much space at all and you could put that in the building unlike most of our equipment we can the other thing too is it's got this dual Conner roll press wheels kind of base what they are if they spin together and they're interlocking as you can see here and as the disks back here kick the product or the dirt whatever it is you're you're going over back it throws it up in the air if you're doing speed that you could be like 11 miles an hour and it slams into these rollers while they're spinning together and that's that action that breaks up that surface that takes the quads the chunks and break there's nice fine soil and it's got these hairos here too that just help level that's how that action happens a real aggressive pitch on these the disks they're self-contained bearings there's no maintenance to them as far as no grease zerks looks really easy to take apart was just one nut on the inside here you just got a pull off and there's just two bearings in there I believe they're pretty good sized bearings I just saw a couple grease zerks around on some of the main joints like where it wings in and out in just a couple spots but overall it's a pretty high high efficiency machine with very low maintenance and you can see here it has dual acting discs they're on the same gang basically and this is kind of this is a new thing that we're going to and I really think it's just ingenious is these rubber bushings in here that allows us to flex keeps the downforce the disc on the ground without any mechanical parts there's no Springs no bushings no bearings no hydraulic cylinders it keeps downforce it can flex and move depending on the the hardness of the ground or a submerged rock or whatever and they told us these things will last 3040 years the only thing that will go wrong is the Sun might start to rot the rubber on the outside so the one thing about this unit is it takes quite a bit of horsepower it is 20 feet but they recommend 300 horsepower well this is a 340 horsepower tractor boosts up to 380 you know 30,000 pounds and even at times when I was trying to do 11 miles an hour it would pull this this tractor down I'd run full throttle wide open 2100 rpm and it could bring it down to 1,800 or 1,700 rpm and I'd have to downshift a gear and run around most of our our use has been about 10 miles an hour but when you get going that 11 mile an hour 12 miles an hour it just throws the product across to all that and it's amazing how it cuts cuts really well on the soil so and the tractor itself loved the tractor that's not really why they brought it out was mainly for that just to give us a trial but tour Gerson's I appreciate it guys letting us demo this unit if it wasn't for you guys this one happened is a fun experience running a newer Magnum I've never ran a newer Magnum you guys know our 7140 over there that's a good tractor but compared to this thing this thing's a lot bigger it's just a beast of a tractor really for for being a non articulating I hope you guys enjoyed this video this is a 2018 it's gonna be in the area for a while so I'm sure if you're close to tour Gerson's tour Gerson's is the dealer case dealer and most of Montana I'm sure they could bring this by at some point in time but it is available it is fun to try out and so if guys are looking for a speed tiller I'm not endorsed by them and not paying me to do this but I was impressed it's a good machine so yeah I'd give it a try if I were you and those guys across the world you Europeans that have these all over the place you guys got a nice machine and a good company that it looks like it's built well so awesome well I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope you guys are subscribing to the channel I hope you guys are alike and everything it's coming out we just passed a hundred grand and hundred grand hundred thousand YouTube's hundred thousand YouTube subscribers and it was a blast so it was fun had that video you guys should watch the celebrating breaking 100,000 says just hundred thousand subscribers tribute to check that out it's worth it and until next time Nick Welker here I'm Hollywood and I'll join you guys again god bless take care see you later
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 344,488
Rating: 4.9436316 out of 5
Keywords: Big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, large farm, massive farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, peas, yellow peas, durum, barley, sunset, drone, mavic pro, dji, video editing, epic, epic music, cinematic music, powerdirector, ryzen, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, young men, power, american dream, making money, star, hollywood, legarms, fummins, gmo, monsanto, ronudup, fs19
Id: m8VnRXpH8s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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