Old Generator For A Mighty Storm

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we ran into Harry and Harry it's like I got a generator you guys want it you can get around you can have it okay welcome back to the channel everybody Sorbs not here yeah but we got to winterize this stuff patchi's up first I think we're gonna keep the brute on winterize because we're gonna put it in the building while it's uh you know 20 degrees out Fahrenheit which is pretty cold so like I've just pulled up the Apache corner go through and drop all the filters take some of the nozzles off just drain every little bit of fluid we possibly can this thing so nothing freezes and then go put it away probably til next year it is actually slightly raining right now the wind is starting to blow so the storm is moving in so it's time to do this so how this goes down we take off end caps and hoses on the ends of every one of these block these tubes here and that way when we wing it up a little bit of well chemistry or water we want to call it in there it's gonna flow out we'll collect that and then on the filter housings here I got a screw every one of these five bodies off take the filter out put it in a bucket and then put that inside too and then there's a main filter and then I open every valve up on the sprayer and that lets everything drain through there is a way you can pressurize the system this one isn't really set up for that we tried to get it to go and it can do it but the newer sprayers you can Splunk an air hose in literally just pressurize the sprayer and it'll blow everything out which is pretty convenient but we've done it with this way with this one for a while now and it seems it worked pretty good some people have put a little bit of antifreeze in your system that will work too just also got to make sure you drain the pump too because there's a low spot on that you don't drain the pump you probably have a crack pump housing by spring so thank you redo that do as I mentioned in a previous video we're short on space on this farm we have buildings two of them are full of grain peace so that kind of messes up some of our equipment storage but the other two or I guess three that we have that are available they just need to be organized better because there's room in there it's just got a like a jigsaw puzzle got to put the equipment in in the right way so that you can fit more in there so we're gonna go down to the one building and clean it up a little bit you know the couple tires around and just shift stuff around a couple trucks any line better and then we get the Apache in there you can possibly get a couple more items in that building before the snow comes so I'm heading there right now I got some jumper cables a battery we're gonna start a little spray pickup get it out so we get the patch in and put it back in and close the door and there's a little bit of metal that's starting to peel off the side of the building it's a really old building the aluminum sided very thin aluminum that's not very durable so I'm bringing the impact gun some metal screwed roofing screws and I'm gonna go and go ahead and let's roll if that doesn't make sense to you make sure you watch this video we shot a turkey at that wall and a bowling ball out of a cannon is pretty cool there's a video I'm linked up here little card pops up if you want to go to there click it kind of a fun video you might like it that's really really really really really cheap sighting that was used on this building from some previous owner at some point in time it's very dark in here too by the way we did equipment tour a couple of weeks ago a months ago actually and we showed that we have a spray truck here it's like a 60-foot summer sprayer on an old Dodge power am kind of a cool pickup runs pretty good but it needs to get out of here so we can rearrange this trucks move stuff around fit a couple more items near leg arms in the Apache coming coming open this door up right here get the trucks out start doing this business get out of here get done and go to YouTube so I can watch other people's videos so I'm taking the pachi down to we call it the Kovach building we got our two trucks in there and there's a room for this Apache we winterized it and I guess we're gonna put it away because we probably won't be using it again this year until next spring so Mozilla put it away in a building that we have available for this so I do wish that those combines right there had a place to be I hate seeing those things outside but you just got to do what you got to do all right let's go move some stuff Nick's gonna get in there and he's gonna crank it over I'm gonna shoot a little ether in it yes he is he's gonna do it he's gonna run it okay all right go ahead and try it trustworthy he is so needy he always wants something sure I bet you there's no mice in that one go over here and gonna shoot some ether in it alright go ahead it's a Dodge pickup with a 360 motor in it 4-speed manual battery didn't get it to start up and then drive it out of here and reposition it so we can get the Apache in here sir it's Friday the day before the storm we're talking a record cold record snowfall and probably record power outages for the area I'm kind of looking at these things more going hmm maybe we will actually get to use some snowmobiles as here our sprayer mobile so got some fine-tuning to on this thing haven't quite figured out the chemical storage but she's gonna run strong but no the real reason I'm walking over here because as we prepare for the storm we might lose power they're talking some freezing snow and if that happens then what happens out in the farm is where our line is we're on such the tail end of the transmission line that by the time they finally get to fix ours it could be a week or two hours one time grown-up I'm reading enough power for two and a half weeks how to run a generator well we really don't have a good generator on the farm we've been talking about getting a bigger one here we need to do it we just haven't gotten to that point yet but I got this old girl right here it's an old bricks and Stratton I think it's like a seventy-five hundred watt not like a huge generator but it runs good it just needs maintenance done to it and we have a couple other generators like that one on our service truck another little one that we've wheel around so it's not like we don't have access to power but the question is now we have three homes on this farm we have frigerators furnaces and water pumps that need ran and I don't know if that's gonna be enough to run all of that but let's get it out get it serviced to get it maintenanced get it running so that way we at least have something whether we have to rotate house to house to house you know I don't know we'll figure it out I mean we won't lose power and we'll be okay and that's what I'm hoping so let me get that out of here get that generator going and then make sure she's good to go let's roll that's all washed off gas tank is cleaned out it's got new oil in it but I noticed the class bulb on the butter of the fuel basically fuel filter strainer is leaking real bad the old gasket was shot so I got a round o-ring here I used a flat one I'm gonna see if I get it sealed with the round but that's all I have in the shop so let's see if we can uh get this in there all right well it's not leaking any more so I think that gaskets held so that's good at i/o ring I mean gasket or ring so I've got the fuel turned on there's fuel going to the carb I got a little bit of gas inside here I'm gonna go to town I'm gonna buy some ethanol free gasoline for these engines plus we need some on the farm to put in all ranges and we winterize cuz well we all know what happens to these small engines and carburetors when you leave that kind of gas in them so we'll get some good gas to put in um for the winter but I might as well run a good gas in this too to make sure it's reliable I guess we're about to the point where you can try firing this thing I'm you want to try start it all right let's start yanking on it it does have a starter but the cables are gone hook to battery so I'm just gonna pull it will see if I break the cable hopefully not it's like the whole starte mechanism is coming apart in the inside so I gotta take that off and look at that looks like the cable got bound up in the wheel here so right there it's caught but it's pretty frayed I wouldn't want to trust this rope I think it's gonna break off when someone gives it a big tug like probably was about to go do so let's put any rope on it okay shut the gas off so I just gotta get some good gas this thing well I have a bunch on hand I really think we might change the exhaust on it to put a muffler huh that's a little better than that think of that make barks that's not even a muffler it's more of just a flash hider for the fire exhaust we got other generators like this guy down here a little Honda mm we're trying to figure out ways to maybe keep the farm going if we do this power for a few days hopefully it doesn't happen singing it's such a nasty bark to it it's got to putting a little muffler on it he just put together might be a lot so we'll get that on there and then I'm gonna weld these wheels on the backside of this frame a couple handles on it that way it's a lizard wheel around then using that weird all I think that we have little things make it simpler yeah that's better little leg arms magic there let's fire up see if it's any quieter see it start I turned the gas off no more gas to it well it was quieter yeah it's not quite as much of a bar because it used to be sweet lady thing nice little handles there to cure that baby around some wheels on the end got the exhaust fixed up by like arms runs like a champ tits needs a little bit of gas well we're this much closer to being ready for the storm except for that's more like it so we were in town getting some parts and a couple things to get our generator hooked up to our grid at our farm just in case we lost power in the next couple days with a crazy snowstorm is coming we ran into Harry and Harry it's like I got a generator you guys want it you can get around they're gonna have it okay so we're in his backyard number in this old continent it's a six-cylinder Continental I had no idea the year it's uh it's got Magneto's in it so it's not sparking at the moment but it cranks over real nice got good fuel so if we get it running we're gonna take it home and you know what plug it in that's not awesome we'll just uh us goes and bring my camera gear with me so I cut my phone doing the video and right now which brings back old memories of my father to everything but this is cool his backyards uh got the museum and she'll be here and they got some old train cars and a bunch of really old farm equipment there's that of those things that's always pretty cool like seeing old iron I noticed when you were tapping the starter it was automatically pressing that down dad hold it down and then back I checked the spark again they had a run in a minute ago but there's an issue with the flow put up a float the fuel strainer leaking air in not getting ready to feel the low to the carburetor so we got to get a feel filtering your level unit change that up a little bit but it's not a good one around for a second all right we're taking it we brought the gooseneck back I got a better camera and we got the winch the cable we have the ramps it's on a skid so we're gonna winch right up on the top of the trailer get it back to the farm where its new home it's gonna be Welker farms and we're I get that baby run a nice and strong so Scott had a good idea we're gonna use a plasma cutter we're gonna cut to rectangle sloths either side of this channel right here that way we can take the forks on the skid steer and punch right through pick the hole you enough move it where we need it for the time being until eventually we might put it on some kind of trailer so we can move around quick we're gonna get it holes cut so we can use the forks get it off this put it in a shop and then we can start working on it in the heated shop while the storm is moving in let's even get to sink earn a little better more consistent got issues definitely with this strainer here that it's leaking few little guests are bad that means fixed need some work probably some electronics and the carburetor there's a couple things in there that's not quite right but with all that done new oil put in a new coolant and flag aren't behaving himself will be good we drain the coolant and the engine oil I was trying to catch the coolant and well a hose came off that was up above from the one I was trying to take off and coolant everywhere there's still some leak on the ground but got that fixed it's inside here under the brute we've got a light up top I'm gonna start going through I'm gonna add more oil to it add cool it to it fix the fuel system lag Rams gonna work on some electrical stuff we'll get this thing fired up so it'll run good and then then we'll start testing the generator side of things to make sure that the generator is operating like it should as well as the engine generator it's not altering here it's a generator make sure it's charging the battery correctly so we'll just kind of go through and work our way through this machine to where we think it's hay ready to run our farm when the power maybe goes out maybe I put some tend to be a 30 L in it I couldn't figure out what kind of wireless thing uses doesn't say anywhere I almost put 15:40 in it but for wintertime operation let's go with 1030 wails got a lot better over the years so I think it'll be good as long as this gets that 25 pounds of oil pressure would probably want coolant stopped off took four gallons wasn't that bad layer arms Vaness with the with the sediment bowl I think he's got it ro won't leak anymore we got a gas tank we're gonna try get this thing running and we'll start testing to make sure that generator side of things is working because that's kind of the whole point of having to run an engine is to power that so we'll try see what happens let's find out well fuel flow to this thing might be hindering it from running full throttle so we haven't got a tank on it yet it's just basic filling line full of gas hopefully haven't enough in the sediment Bowl to keep it running but it might need more than that so we're a little more in it here well the very rear cylinder definitely has got carbon issues something's wrong with it it's actually a spark plug right here we tested it and there was a spark on that so either this is just so carbon over can't even spark and so it's just get Q million or more but looking at these plugs any replaced they're they're not good so we'll get new plugs put some C flowing through this thing that'll help they were hand pretty good though he did have to have the choke on the whole time so if something's not still quite tuned properly but we get new plugs will check maybe the carburetor need some more tweaks maybe we need to order a carb kit but that was sweet and RAM that pretty cool we don't know yet if any of this is functioning but the engine side solid for being an indignant well over 50 years old so leg arms went in the back and he found a whole set of plugs that match these old ones in our storage in there brand-new never used dad was just starting to clean the old ones fine new plugs are in clean up we're gonna try our again go ahead so it's prolly all fifty degrees cooler than the rest of them which one but but it's hot it'll probably wake it's those those were approaching that 350-400 agrees again this one was like well not quite they were like barely three hundred this one was like 250 270 well it's getting some explosion it's yeah it's burning now before it could even spark the gap was completely eventually that thing's gonna wake itself up runnin yeah 80s he's gotta get that carbon sold we'll put some seafoam through a clean up carbon up determined the carburetors giving us a little bit issues there actually is rebuild kits this carburetor but since it takes a while to get and the storms coming tomorrow we're gonna go ahead and just try to keep this thing going hopefully night so they're working on it that's good progress we're shut down for the night we'll pick this up sometime tomorrow maybe when the snow is coming down or maybe next week we'll figure it out what do you have that to do and that's coming up here real soon so it begins about two inches in the ground only like eighteen to go really fun good snow bailout and this guy snow isn't so bad unless you're still harvesting then snow is terrible I feel bad for those guys but hopefully this comes and goes and the crop is Alayne to play on the ground and they can pick it up all right I'm gonna keep working on this thing cuz you know what it's fun and it's here and it's a good time to do it and then the next up is the bud so let's get to work well we're still tinkering at this generator here leg irons just went through a lot of the wiring on this side just kind of cleaned up a couple things we found that one of the breakers that runs the 110 outlet was popping every time you started a generator up we tested it sure enough it's faulty so we got new breaker in there right now I got the fuel tank in the front it's just a 30 gallon drum barrel it came with this thing there just wasn't hooked up so we mounted on the front run steel line over leg arms just putting a new inline filter as well as a primer because the frame around the fuel pump on this was kind of sketchy so that way we should have good prime good filtration to the engine so we're about ready to fire it up here got new plugs new gas and the ready to roll and then hopefully we can test to see if this sides working we haven't quite gotten to that point yet so let's try it day two of early Montana storm let's go take a look and see what we're dealing with in here well it's not terribly cold about 30 degrees Fahrenheit it's a little wet the snow is heavy it's been melting as it's been settling so it's not like two feet of snow like they were saying but some areas are two feet of snow I got my dry shod Zaun so I'm handling the snow pretty good they're like Muck Boots just really awesome liking them so far no we're gonna keep going to town on the generator here all we got left to do is the fuel pump of came with the engine it's got a primer built into it it's not working very good we don't like it so we're gonna bypass the whole system put electric fuel pump on there right now we have a tight into the old Philip pump but after started leaking some gas just like yeah just not you it so electric inline fuel pump in see that set up the whole see all the fire this girl up there gonna plug some devices into the box and see if we get some power out of it and if we do awesome let's go to work because this engine has a push button start and didn't have electric fuel pump on it we're gonna need a switch like Garth wants to put a switch in there so you'll turn the fuel pump on and off as you need so it'll be a kill button as well as a toggle switch for the fuel pump and you'll hear the fuel pump run and if you shut the engine off so I'm just digging through our drawer here of goodies we'll see how I can find them switch that'll work good for this overkill ooh it's even a dr key yeah i don't want to tarnish this thing I think it'll work Jill pumps in switches in soldered the cutoff switch the engine is being well new wires put on aquiline was pretty rotten then I think we'll run around we'll clean the tools up around this thing a little bit look a little nicer and then try to fire up and then test the generator and see if we get power to it if we do awesome I don't know if this is how you guys clean up your tool mask but this is what I like this just throw everything in one pan everything throw it in and then sort on the bench later there's only one trip quick run down what's going on here so it has new spark plugs new engine oil new coolant new fuel pump new fuel filter new wiring Scott's got new underwear no I forgot oh never mind yeah that's but I got new socks oh he's got new socks okay saucy redid new new breaker in the 110 the box here and a new battery that's how old but newer than that woman was on and new gas in the gas tank let's start it see what happens vacant power that was on their succulent I always turn the fuel pump off well that works to turn it off Tim perhaps to prime itself every time but it shouldn't take long the thing is we want a quick shot off just in case a lots awesome it generate electricity engine purrs okay let's see if we can fix the switch make it work better well we just fire up ran it again did a check again and the 220 is working great we idle the engine RPMs back to 1550 rpms the generator says 1800 on it but it purrs at 1500 pretty good so and it's got a voltage regulator on there so you can increase the voltage as needed so we just turned a regulator up I'm sure someone out there knows exactly how these things running knows where you got to set them but so far it seems to be running really good just need a new voltmeter on here just doesn't seem to work and you haven't written up the three-phase on this yet but works good so so far storm has not killed our power so I guess we don't need to use it but it's a good back when we do so but again guys thanks for watching the channel and uh next time hopefully there won't be snow on the ground and you'll be melt it and we might be sowing some winter wheat or building graiman's you know that will do something but thanks for watching guys subscribe the channel and like the video and leave a comment and God bless we'll talk to you guys later yeah
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 443,991
Rating: 4.9654918 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: qRn67SkjWCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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