Ranboo goes to the city

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uh today i'm going to be giving uh tommy here a tour of london because he needs it i've i've been here no you haven't featuring tubbo oh god i'm so sorry for you that was called manners they don't have that in america you walk in front of the bike i cannot fit in one of those here we have the letter f wow you don't get that in the uf we don't have the letter f that's just someone's walker here we have the um i believe though that was called the victoria embankment gardens it's um called the victorian batman brothers because uh someone named victoria is actually buried here somewhere and what you do is there's actually a nationwide competition that if you find her body first you get a prize so there's some that's why i'm going to be out here at 3am with a shovel what there's a labeled river river it's just in case you don't know can we go on the big bridge i will tell you the history of the big bridge okay in this country only in that box that's the only place where there's wi-fi in all of london it's only in that one box so this isn't london i'm the tourist yeah this is a rambu vlog i'm filming a ram view vlog with my tommy in hand this doesn't add up let me see if this is soundproof oh yeah let's test it all right i'll let you know if i can hear you i'm not being held at gunpoint to say this promotional segment you can buy this beanie is it rambling. rambu dot fashion come on come on put it on put it on i love my rambo beanie like i love like i love my like out of freedom remember my merch is only out for a limited time so if you're seeing this there's probably still time you can buy such clothes as this this or this it's really fantastic and remember they're also limited edition sales out soon sells out soon you can buy it now buy it now rambutan fashion buy it now it worked buddy look it's the clock big god big boy a lion what are you looking for hey hey hey why are you always lying tell the truth every once in a while so here we have the bridge with people oh wow yeah yeah good amount i see that yeah see there there we have uh big bark big old barn there he is i mean clock no no big that's that clock is called why um because they're remodeling them so his name is now big bart we're not remodeling him tomorrow he's big ben no it's big it's not big bucks big one right clock dude we should go take out one of the poles so it all falls down like jenga guys let's play django but with a national monument let's go everyone oh look i can drop your phone yes sure zombie's a little too famous for us it's true he just is hey at least every single fan photo that i take today is going to have my merch in it yeah burgers burgers burgers and only burgers nothing else only burgers only burgers they only sell burgers you know i walk down here once on a school trip and i got a really big sausage like a huge sausage and i broke it in half and i kept half in my freezer for three months and then it went oh green how are you still alive i don't know lot you know what man maybe you're right i just want to know this city like exactly and that's what i've been that's what i've been trying to tell i just i just you're right so you see that right there that is burgers i'm looking for some hot dogs where can i find them do i have the store for you buddy we're basically just doing the lap of my ksi vlog you know right but like the wrong order no no we're not this is this is my one no but that's where we met george showed that's this is where i met you that's how it works my vlog my vlog okay so um fun fact they use those actually they use those arches um to prevent the demons from coming out because london has a lot of demons did you know that i'm pretty sure it's just interesting shut up demons wanting anti-climb paint wait wait what i'm not going to let the paint stop me oh well it stopped me why is the pink flowers in alcohol oh my god flowers you're not high five alcoholic flowers they do not deserve it yes they do a for effort all of you another that's a red bull they're energized and alcoholic so tubbo how are you enjoying london do you like my tour oh that's that's not what i was expecting actually i got a good review what's on there um it appears to be some works you got it [Music] what is it with you guys in slow high fives this is me when i'm upset you just look like an angry gnome no i don't take it back i'll have to take it back i'm i'm mad you just you just look like an angry gnome you will only be referred to as angry gnome for the rest of your days i haven't slept in 36 hours and it's getting to me i'm starting to like see shapes i mean i would kind of always hope that you'd be able to see yeah but everything's like a triangle to me look we've got a triangle sign there we've got a triangle on the roof we've got a triangle in like here what i'm triangles now where do you want to go around the booking palace yes let's go to the house now it's palestine furry guy just you wait until a new king comes and he just makes them wear full fursuits it's gonna be fantastic i love fairies i feel like i should just send my condolences actually oh my god who died phillip maybe it was like a conspiracy and maybe they just like revitalized him they cloned him it's called mummifying or like they stole the youth from like little babies and they put the baby's youth into him you want to bat i'll show you how okay so i'm going to put this really far up your nose that's what covet tests were stealing the use for prince philip this is a rhombu vlog this is supposed to be a bronberg heroes but it's supposed to be wrong vlog you're on the wrong live channel or not rambu chan you're on a channel subscribe to it subscribe to my channel [Music] all right let's keep on going i love london oh god the rant the rambini has done something to me oh god give me a call
Channel: Ranboo
Views: 5,595,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranboo, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, vlog, Ranboo vlog, Ranboo in the city, Ranboo in london, Ranboo goes to the city, Ranboo funny moments, Ranboo is funny i swear
Id: 4fJsQL_Y-tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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