We Got A BoboVR M3 Pro for Quest 3...

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we're back sadly not with quite our usual excitement over a new Bobo VR product let me fill you in it's time to finally hopefully undo this hack job and replace this with a more proper battery [Music] strap now this is the M3 Pro headstrap I thought I was going to be getting the conversion kit to turn my M2 plus head strap into that but that's not here yet there's been a whole Bevy of distribution problems with Amazon but for now it looks like this is staying on my Quest 2 and we're going to be just installing the M3 Pro itself directly onto my quest 3 now if you haven't taken your strap off yet it's pretty straightforward right here on the back side you can see where the speaker separates from the plastic if you just put your thumb there and push pretty much just snaps off facial interface is a little scary you might be able to get away with not taking it off actually you might just wiggle this yeah I guess you can take that off without doing that hopefully we don't need that again same thing with the old Bobble VR lineups they do have this right here that can go through and attach to that I typically use these straps without it I don't feel this piece is necessary at all we'll test it both ways for you but if you don't use that you actually can install this without ever removing the facial interface slides on one side slides on the other the cable I usually kind of run it back in through and around to kind of hide it a little bit more still looks like we got a good amount of length but you do have to account for the fact that if someone unwinds this all the way it needs some of that length to stretch out if I don't like this bit I will end up removing it but for now it's going to dangle there until I decide and it does come with alternate back pads right now it's got the thick padding instead of the honeycomb I usually switch to the honeycomb but for now we're going to try it as intended this is something that gets a little confusing I do want to talk to you about this real quick the straps came out M2 was the original no battery then M2 Pro came out which was like the high-end Edition but it had that hard plastic back M2 plus is the most recent one but now that we're going to the quest 3 we got an M3 Pro which might confuse some people because the pro is still the nice squishy backpad that was a sign of the plus I think the problem was ultimately feel got confused they thought Pro was better than plus so they went back to Pro but it might confuse some people feels extremely familiar as in the old days I do have to adjust this in to get this near my face but OMG already this is a world of difference this feels like my familiar old friend that I had on my strap here but now with all the clarity and everything I'm used to with the quest 3 oh but it's so much lighter you really realize how much closer that weight is to your face how much more balanced it is when you get in a familiar head strap because for a while it was like I was just stuck with the quest 3 head strap and I was like oh it's back to this again from The Quest 2 but I hadn't used that strap in so long I wasn't really feeling them side by side this is like a world of difference this is so nice but it's early and I've got a lot of testing to do with this thing so I am going to take it out go test it out in the wilderness in the wild and at home who knows but we're going to do a lot of testing and get back to you after we've checked it out some more real early thoughts so far I do feel like this part right here I want to bring it in closer to my face but that's stopping it I do wonder if this is just Universal though so what I mean by that is if you look at this this is clearly longer than this I wonder if I can just turn this thing around I might risk breaking a strap if I really try this oh yeah I don't think I was supposed to do that oh oh boy that does let me get a lot closer to my face though I really think by the way it worked I shouldn't have done that but since it happened on one side it's got to happen on the other right gets Bobo strap to test immediately modifies it in some way we're not supposed to to make it better yeah that's what I'm talking about cu the thing is also if you were getting the conversion kit you could choose to do this whatever way you wanted really cuz you're going to be installing it yourself it does fight me a little in the back end like you don't have as much adjustability to pull the lenses down cuz this is now pushing on the plastic so this is definitely the wrong way to do it but gosh I feel like I can get it so close to my face this way that feels good it felt good before but I can get it even closer I'll test it both ways and I'll come back to you with some final thoughts this does really feel like it should wouldn't be like this cuz now I can't like turn the front like I'm used to doing but I feel like if it's okay why not just leave it I'll get back at you soon we're back sadly not with quite our usual excitement over a new Bobo VR product so let me fill you in if this is your first time here on the channel or you just haven't been around lately there's been some issues with Quest 3 and charging in general across different headstraps different batteries and we had a full video covering all of that so if you already caught that video feel free to skip this chapter right here this is just going to quickly tell people what's going on to get them up to speed and why we're having some issues basically an issue that we discovered is the new Quest 3 eats a ton of power we knew that the battery life was short but we found out that depending on what kind of battery you have what kind of Watts it's running you'll run into issues you could have it plugged into the wall and the headset might still die you might be using an old battery pack and the headset will die even when the battery still has power weirdly an issue that I've only been able to find on some Bobo VR batteries is sometimes depending on what game you're playing and how demanding it is sometimes they drain out really fast the one time I caught it on camera we'll talk about that in a minute 26 minutes and one of them ran out on camera before that I had a couple run out and I thought maybe I just messed up but it seemed like it was in minutes cuz it was playing songs on pistol whip that's an issue that I'm running into with different batteries on the Bobo VR headstrap with the quest 3 this was a kit brought forward from The Quest 2 some of them are 15 watt batteries some people are saying they're 10 but we've seen this one that I have right in my hand right here is a 5vt 2.6 amp which technically should be a 13 watt some of them are 5vt 3 amps basically right now as it stands there is no perfect reliable solution yet for Quest 3 charging that will keep the headset Juiced continue to charge it and run hot swappable style where you can always have batteries run like we had on the Quest 2 we'll have more answers to all those problems in the future with more updates meta saying there may be some software update they can do cuz even their Elite straps are having problems with this issue so now that everybody's up to speed what does that mean as far as how the M3 so far is treating me with my quest 3 first of all it still is the most comfortable a quest 3 can be by far I have one it's staying on here it's going to live on here as long as I have this until there's a better solution so it is what I'm using every single day that doesn't mean it doesn't have a little bit of the issues we had before with the Quest 2 I found especially as I'm growing my hair out a little bit at the moment for my Halloween costume uh even with the honeycomb it's slipping a little bit as my hair is longer than it usually is not a lot because you have a little bit better weight balance in the front now it's not pulling around so much but I still find sometimes I'm reaching back and pulling the back end down adjusting it and I know some people had that on the M2 Edition these Nubs still touch on top of your head I never had an issue with them but a lot of people out there felt like these were weird they didn't love that they actually put thicker pads on the later Edition like these ones to help with that but it's something to consider a new issue now with it being on the quest 3 these ports here stick out and I kept founding I wanted to push it a little bit closer to my eyes keep it a little closer I showed you that way you can flip this thing over it wasn't a good permanent solution though because I just lost this adjustability with it that was needed for certain face shapes so I flipped that back around it takes all the pressure off your eyebrows and your cheekbones though immediately so I found actually the facial interface the stock one that I was not liking at all became tolerable suddenly because I didn't notice the way it was pushing on my face anymore it just had that same feeling as the old one where there's not really any pressure anywhere here like I can shove my finger and even if I tighten this down this still feels very flexible and it doesn't feel bad on my face they also said there's now a new solution that you can use this for you can go with basically a quest Pro style and you can have it hovering in front of your face like this I did a lot of testing with games like this it felt very familiar with the quest Pro but one thing the quest Pro covered here this you can now see out of as well so it does change the peripheral of not only having all of this but this got a little more distracting because if you have lights up in your room that was a little bit more blinding it was getting in and causing a little more glare if you came from a quest Pro and you love that you might like this solution ution having this like this I personally still felt like for gaming I wanted the immersion of having the light blocked out which did surprise me cuz on the quest Pro I didn't mind it at all but it was really this part up here that was causing the issues now where this I didn't mind seeing light out there it does make for an option that way but also I found with active gaming it did tend to do a little bit more movement over time like if I put it up here I'd find that over time it was kind of falling down starting to rest on my nose with all the bouncing I was doing it's a mode if you're interested in playing with that but what I might say is you might actually try the weird thing where I flipped this around and then do it that way cuz you can get a little closer to your face even get a little bit more of that field of view out of the headset and it wouldn't be so bouncy ultimately I'm back to the Honeycombs I like them I like that they hang on a little bit better but as I said with longer hair I notice it does kind of bounce around a little bit more and doesn't stay quite where I want to but it is the most comfortable option we have but that brings us to this battery issue I've been having and that has got to be the main and possible deal breaker until we know exactly why this is happening I can't say you should go get an M3 it's just to me if we find out that batteries are draining too fast or they stop working over time because of this problem you're going to have a really comfortable headstrap and a battery that may or may not continue to help working for you if you're thinking about an M3 conversion kit because you already have an M2 strap you want to sell your quest to you want to get rid of it they're cheap enough that it would probably be worth it to bring your headset forward bring your head strap forward and be able to use it in the meantime if you just got a quest 3 and you really want a good battery strap that's going to give you tons of Life a comfortable head strap I got to say maybe wait maybe wait on a solution or find out exactly what's happening to these batteries cuz some of them are great I put it on it gives me another hour or two a battery it's not quite the quest two life where it was seemed like forever some of them are working fine some of them I have it on there and then I get the low battery warning and I realize my battery must have died faster than expected sadly I wish I could tell you oh well there's this or that in testing I've only found one battery pack that reliably charged the headset and kept it going so far and it was an around the neck one which I really don't like the design of as it stands right now I'm going to keep using it if that tells you anything that's this is my head strap now I just I can't count on these like I used to be able to and also one very weird thing it does that weird sound sometimes when there's no battery on it it doesn't do it consistently like all the time but like when you plug or unplug this thing sometimes or when it's sitting next to me I notice that weird random beep out of nowhere that's a minor thing but it's just kind of a nuisance when it's sitting there you're like why is it beeping it makes you think something's wrong with it so unfortunately I wish I had a better answer of whether or not I think you should get this right now but for me I'd say if it's just for the quest three hold off and wait a minute and see what's happening with these Batteries Plus I mean tons of people have already ordered them and haven't been able to get them yet because there's been so many stock issues with Amazon so at that point I know maybe some of you can't get them anyways so maybe that doesn't matter right now whether to answer that question or not if you have one and you're out there and you have had issues with the battery discharging or if the battery's running great for you I'd love for you to do me a big favor go in the comments and tell me what does your battery say on the back of it is it the 5vt 2.6 amp is it the 5vt 3 amp and which one of that is either having issues or not cuz I have found the one battery I have that's a 5vt 3 amp does seem to more reliably discharge fast and badly but I had it happen with one of the 2.6s as well so there you have it I'm comfy again I'm very happy with my comfort I just am not as I don't feel as safe about doing like three-hour long sessions of IO because I don't always know what's happening with my battery and that may be a quest 3 issue that has to be fixed through software or it could be battery specific whatt specific we're trying to learn more if you want to learn more about that question I'll leave a link up here to that video talking about the issues that we had but otherwise I just want to say thank you everybody you've been showing up Channel's growing like crazy so thank you so much I'll see you in another [Music] reality
Channel: JayBratt
Views: 123,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3, quest 3 bobovr, meta quest 3 bobovr, quest 3 bobovr m3 pro, bobovr m3 pro, bobovr quest 2 conversion, quest 3 hands on, quest 3 first impressions, quest 3 testing, quest 3 review, quest 3 release date, quest 3 release, quest 3 vs quest 2, quest 3 specs, meta quest 3, quest 2, quest 3 games, quest 3 reaction, vr, meta quest 3 review, free quest 3 games, free quest 3, quest 2 update, oculus quest 2, meta quest 2, quest 3 news, quest 2 games
Id: sI1wDaoNOE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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