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jump ahead on my left [Music] put it down put it down [Music] what's up guys I'm Patti Mayo and today is Black Friday that means 25% off everything at petit mayo dot TV 25% off hats sweatshirts t-shirts absolutely everything 25% off just use coupon code Black Friday during checkout and with every purchase you guys get a personalized shut up you may be wondering where did shoutouts go they're gonna be in their own video series right here on the main channel starting very soon every shut up will go off with a bang make sure you grab the 25% off get your name and that shout out list so you make it for the first couple of videos I'm patty mayo and now on to the video cool it itchy nut did she say I'm with ya could you it's so it's this one or this one okay actually it's you [ __ ] so you gonna help nope all right guys today we are back in what we are calling militia Ville basically there's a group of people out here about 8 people that have active warrants they've all been at one point or another caught stealing copper stealing power stealing all sorts of things for their little militia compounds and as you can see I think I don't know when the episode aired but before this one we had one guy that got away we didn't get him these people know the terrain out here they know the topography so it's very difficult for them to be apprehended today we're gonna attempt to serve one of those warrants on Joanne Joanne is on bond with us she has a bond relocation for failure to appear so today we're gonna try to bring her to justice and hopefully we get the we get the run up on her because we've been told she is one of those a little kind of like Tunnel Rat type of people so we'll see how this one goes don't hook her to the trailer hitch don't do the trailer hitch got it as always we always load the via 12-gauge with less-than-lethal rubber rounds comms are good so Pat studied the topography out here pretty well he's looking at topo maps all day and I'm glad he did because if he didn't I wouldn't know where the heck we were but he's I think he's trying [Music] maybe we'll get lucky and run into two of the eight shut home yeah I copy that backing up all right partners I've got my window up and it's actually coming from the right behind these cars right here it's definitely from the right copy heard it again something 12-gauge yeah I want to get some more aimed at us [Music] I'm at the back of their compound right now it sounds like warning shots they want me to hit the pole with a little yeah it was close it was really close was back on drop the gun drop the gun we're looking for Joanne we're looking for Joanne drop the gun yes I do I'll show it to you when you dropped that gun drop the gun right now okay I'll show it to you I need you to drop that gun come out towards me away from it I'll show it to you come out away from it please come out away from the gun all right hang out right there Zach you got hover on them moving to you Pat moving to your truck Thank You Kayla Cup you good moving to you [Applause] I get a warrant from the courthouse right here I'll be happy to show it to you like I said we're coming piece all right well I'm twit you want them toward us do you want to go over there I don't want to go over there pal come step towards me meet me halfway here Pat I got him if you walk I got him bring the paperwork I got a mitt what's your name Mike my name is Patrick I'm BailBonds we're here cuz Joanne has a warrant for failure to appear to court we're only gonna take her for 12 to 24 hours she's gonna get rereleased in a new bond all right here's my warrant that says we're allowed to be out here she also has a copy of it it's with her bond paperwork that should receive when she got out we're not here to harm her without here to harm you we're not here to interfere with your property or anything you got going on here all right this is a clerical thing we're a hundred percent willing to work with her and get her right back out okay I have a warrant says I can search the property you have a problem with that okay what are the firearms you have on the property last thing I want to do is put you in handcuffs okay who's firing shots down there is that you me that was you I saw the no trespassing signs yet well did you see what the trucks look like yeah look at the law enforcement to you yeah okay so you just shoot what are you shoot warning shots at law enforcement all the time oh yeah okay okay I can appreciate that it's your property now you understand I have a legal right to be here so how do you want to take this how do you want to let us search your property you want to come with us you want to walk around with us no okay well I don't need you walking around with a gun where I can't see you that poses huge safety issue to me and I can put you in handcuffs for that and secure you so it's up to you either I can secure you somewhere where I know you're not going to get out of or you can follow us around and I don't want to do that to you Zach he's gonna be code for that weapons secure no it's not and we don't and we don't have a right to secure it the keys on the truck his name's Mike thanks Zach I got the key from the ramp okay copy that so his name's Mike yep Mike went to us let me saw Joanne make it a lot easier on you if you tell me where she is I know she doesn't really leave this property you know both know that she's most likely here and so the problem is if I don't find her we have to keep coming back here right and if we do find her we can bring her down to the County Courthouse get her a new court date and she's free and clear for another 30 or 60 days until her court date comes right so why would you want a bunch of [ __ ] on your property all the time interfering with your business what you got going on wouldn't make a lot easier just to tell us where she is because she's eventually gonna answer for the charges right so be a lot easy if you work with us right but I don't want to tear through your property bro it's all your personal property yeah yeah so you really want me going through your house and going through all these trailers and going through all these cars and whatnot or you just you just don't want her to think that you ratted her out do your job okay you okay with my partner if he secures that firearm and unloads it yep okay it's been casing he told us it was him firing those warning shots up there okay Pat it's empty and no extra rounds in the you know came down real nice in that truck for ya what kind of gun is that nice use the mountain out here yeah it's a 250 rim Pat what else okay it's a very high velocity it's very funny so it's basically a 22 but it's got a larger casing behind it so if you were to get higher velocity round they really love that I thought it's a 12-gauge more coming up it's very loud okay I can appreciate your stance on that and you're gonna he's gonna stay with us Zach okay is we're not gonna detain him and but we're also not gonna let him okay run around the firearms like my I'm Zaki this is Pat and you know listen partner he was telling you pretty much the skinny of it if we're up here looking for we don't want to waste your time we don't want to be in your business if you help us find her or you just tell her where she is we can leave quicker and we don't have to be up here okay which trailer is hers no none of them okay what trailer does she stay in mine which trailer is that this one up here yep okay let's just give a quick search partner let's give a quick search these two here let's work our way up no let's stay together just keep an eye on him where are the rest of your firearms Micah they in your house okay is that so I'm gonna guess that while he's firing shots off you know obviously they know we were coming probably a mile away right the last place she's probably gonna be is in that trailer so let's get a good perimeter property search here just keep your eyes on him yeah and Mike we don't mind if you walk with us just give it us a little bit of space okay I don't want you to get hurt he was down in this area Zack as I'm saying that so let's check this area where he was you know protecting first okay I really wish you could put him in handcuffs but I mean he's being fairly cooperative so it's not illegal to fire a gun in your property right can't really prove he's firing at us as I'm kind of like a you know we definitely had a loss in terms of if we shoot to cuff that guy up but you know how they got you know how they do out here Mike yeah just stay within eyesight okay there you go right there's good right there's good okay he was kind of going near the hood of the truck Pat no one I'm finding more there was 22 to 50 rounds yeah you get a couple more vehicles down here there's an outbuilding also right here I didn't think he's gonna react when we find her I'm hoping he stays cool but I don't think he will he said they were common-law you just have to reassure him that she's not going for a long time just calm them down as best we can I guess yeah I hear voices down there it's the other militia camp you say the trunk of this thing of this [Music] [Applause] my check the salon house and this is his trailer right I know his is up at the top it's a different one yeah you twist that I don't know they twist that this no it's locked locked from the outside there's screws in this side bolted from the outside you got a bolted her in there though check the front look that window okay all right I don't why they want to pay these beams obviously because they think they're gonna be able to hide out and get away last couple minutes of freedom is what they're looking for every day Mike always having fun I'm telling you I'm getting a little sick and tired of looking for though so when I do find her because you know I'm gonna find her today or another day you want to make it so I don't want to work with her anymore yeah but don't you want your wife back hanging out with you in a short amount of time as possible now Mike you do know that if I find her you can go to jail too right harboring a fugitive it's a two-year felony in the state of California gives you didn't know she was here well unfortunately it's gonna be my word verse years do you think the judge is gonna believe that you didn't know your wife was here okay and they can also take those shots that you fired as an assault which carries a pretty harsh penalty so why do you help yourself out here Mike and tell what's that yeah because because we have a warrant okay well at the same extent Mike you see what the vehicle looks like she'd investigate who's on your property before you start shooting at him backsides clear she's gonna be here somewhere I didn't hear any car start unless you took off on foot the last this is one of the last ones and then I think we didn't I don't know if we check that one or not I don't we didn't check that one down there okay I'll go on to hit it real quickly as we didn't check there's some pieces over here we didn't check yeah soon as I confronted him when he had the gun were you going so what you go near that gun I appreciate that well you told me you have other guns you know where they are I don't you peek in through the windows Yaman look for one I can look through he seems more interested in us now that we're over in this side yeah I noticed that pretty clear that's a little machine shop alright dog oh that husk you friendly mic that husky friendly what's your name freedom hey hello okay that's fine dog was near this trailer yeah freedom freedom hey hello come here hey yeah okay look let's peek through the windows Zach ANOVA's you but I swear to God that typed is I just jumped off I know I swear to God look there's like a brand new sweatshirt right there so what we're looking at right now through the window is what looks like human hair looks like a pony tail sticking out from underneath the tarp Joanne we see you come out with your hands up Joanne or whatever's under that tarp with hair might be dead could be an animal Joanne we see you oh so it's a hoodie if you look here it's a whole hoodie see yeah that's a that's a person that is a person Joanne open the door or we're coming in okay hey Pat yeah you don't think you don't think he killed her did he tied them up let's cuff him up just for safety and then we'll come back to this hey Mike we see something in there that looks like a person what's underneath that tarp you stand up for me turn around face the Bobcat right now you're not under arrest what I am detaining you well I investigate what is inside that trailer do you understand I see under that tarp what looks like a hoodie with a body in it and then what looks like a pony tail sticking out of your wife's in there now is the time to tell me hopefully she's okay what's that one's lost let me spoke with her earlier today yeah everything is cool yeah okay have a seat right here let me just let me just check your pockets here what do you got what do you got in here pistol that's good okay Mike I'm gonna secure that well I appreciate your cooperation Mike I think you know that we're not here to Jack yep okay anything else on you they need to know what Mike what's in here no lighter what's this mother got a part a knife or not what's this box in here it's right here lighter into some cash yeah I feel it okay who's lighter and some cash in there it's been fired it's been fired recently last time you shot this so probably yesterday yesterday she'll hear a lot hmm have a seat right down here for me if you don't mind if I don't agree on a Filmfare though all right that's a fair compromise if we see you move from here though you're gonna hit the ground pretty quick and hard he understand G Jared irons please like since my back is gonna be to your brother I'm gonna let you sit here on this they appreciate your cooperation pet make sure there's no other tools over there cuz I just found a wrench Anna yeah couple things that could be used for your cuffs over this way Mike and Mike I'll return your vape back to you if we find out that we're not taking you to jail okay have a seat right here those cuffs are hurting you you're comfortable all right so Mike we're obviously out here we've got the search warrant my partner's been very fair with you I think in talking with you you've been fairly cooperative up to this point did anything happen with your wife earlier today maybe last night drinking got into an argument anything like that nope okay and you're sure you don't know who's inside there does anybody else stay on the property with you any other men any other people you have friends over no no friends yeah okay all right if you change your mind on any of those questions think about them and sit tight okay I hope you didn't kill her grab that Pat if he we didn't you didn't touch us do you touch his hands yeah he shot the rifle this is the problem I have right now he shot the rifle at us when we came up so he'll have GSR on his hand mm-hmm if he killed her with that 38 earlier this morning because she doesn't smell she's not gonna he's not gonna kill his wife maybe but she's not moving I'm just concerned because I won't have the GSR want this closed yes I'm gonna make entry to your RV I want to make entry to a door that if she's under there with a weapon that we have a little bit of cover we go through that front door on this other side or rather okay we're gonna get seen right away okay see if we can go through this this side door right here that's me Pat we get the-- if we get the wedge it's moved let's move it's moved yeah okay Joanne we know you're inside open this door we're coming in don't be just I can take the glass and then open the lock and papa keep her John yeah take the glass out okay you're right take that one Joanne let me see your hands it's not moving back Joanne we know that you were looking right at you girl Joanne stand up stand up you're under arrest stand up don't move put your hands on top of your head interlace your fingers face that window I got that window stay right there I got it through the window pal I can't pull up this place can they go through my open the other door okay Joanne do not move stay right there keep your fingers interlaced interlace your fingers face away stay right there do not move that's fine do not move the leg cramp we'll be gone in a moment I promise do not move he's fine he's okay he's with us you just stay right there if you even think about moving out of here we will tase you okay I don't want to and you don't want to get tased trust me it sucks you gotta Zack yeah I got her got her yeah Zack yeah joins me baby did this bathroom can you see that at all yeah I can see the bathroom bathrooms clear okay I got lesson and leaf Ilana don't move don't move you're gonna get tased give the other hand just like that you could you turn around you alright turn your wrist just like while you hide now what's going on oh you just laying here you didn't hear us calling you out no stand up for me you okay yeah you look a little hot dehydrated oh yeah you step out for me Patrick we don't have badge numbers from out the police department with the bail bonds company yeah walk towards your husband over here he's up against the Bobcat and right straight in front you're on Balmer for stealing copper you didn't show up to your court date so that you should have bench warrant for your arrest that's why we're here did Mike know you were here okay then you just decided to go take a nap in there yeah you didn't hear us calling you out you didn't hear us breaking the glass okay you think that sounds believable to you probably not right probably sounds like [ __ ] right yeah no it's [ __ ] you fix your handcuffs your hands okay yeah uncomfortable at all which one how's that that's better okay I'm gonna double lock these so they don't cinch up on you okay Mike what couldn't you just tell us where she was in the first place I didn't know where she was you know I have a real big want to take you to jail right now because the fire in those shots but I respect your property I respect your Second Amendment rights to carry a firearm and to discharge a firearm on your property so we're gonna let you go now in the future are we gonna have the same cooperation from you you're gonna fire shots we come up your driveway yeah okay you gonna shoot at us what's that I can read so how in the future when I come back here if I ever have to come back here throughout the the duration of her court or a court case how do you want me to approach your property so you don't you don't fire shots in our area well you know where I can take our gun off so if I park down at the gate and I call up to you you'll come out is that fair way to approach you yeah okay we have an understanding then I'll respect your property you respect not killing me how's that work all right you glad we have an understanding gladden unhook him Zack just for the day like I told your husband this is just a bench warrant so what that means is you're gonna go down to the County Courthouse you get a new court date they're gonna release you again we're gonna keep you on the same bond all right we're not gonna make you get a new bond we're not gonna make you pay again we understand that you know out here money's probably you know a bit of an issue sometimes okay so we're not we're not gonna put that burden on you all right they had you run or anything like that after we found you you fought with us that option will not be on the table so I understand you know you guys don't like law enforcement I can appreciate that at the same time you get to understand I have a job to do and I'm trying to respect your rights and inspire respect your property as best I can okay now if we were new at this if we were new at this we probably would have shot you and we heard those rounds going on however we know better than out here it's most likely you know warning shots yeah letting us know that you're serious you don't want us here at the same time yeah I know I know you probably got something on you I know you probably it's something on you you know but at the same time Mike I come on your property I don't have too much of a right to detain you you know firing warning shots I could probably detain you without having any problems right but at the same time trying to earn your respect and I don't think that you guys want to go to jail for murder are you doing nothing playing footsie with me yeah don't begin frisky at the same time you understand that predict me that puts me in right no one you got a gun okay well I appreciate you allowing us to search your property not giving us any trouble I know you don't have a criminal record right you're clean I looked you up you're not so much clean you got a couple misdemeanors okay clean clean girl come on over to my truck if you're lucky maybe Zack may be exactly give you a little smooch just for being good yes that's AK he's cute Annie he's got nice blonde hair all right all right all right get here you want to just secure her here yeah I begin to back my check please I'm gonna dirty your shirt you're staring right here Western civilization is a little different up here it's a whole different level of respect and it's a whole different level of working as you can see we had a live firearm discharge and we just got to kind of take that easy at the same time you don't want you push it past the limit up here we're gonna be outgunned in a hurry mind you I'm sure there's plenty people in these trees watching us right now watching every single move and if we do something disrespects one of their family members or one of their friends they're gonna do harm to us so we do the best we can to respect them respect their property respect their rights and nobody has any problem no fighting all right she doesn't bite not hard right not hard right all right okay easy we know you will we know you're capable of all right guys so she's going down to jail it's a good day for us it's a good day for them nobody got hurt I'm patty made us my partner Zack we'll see you on the next one I just put her on this side right here
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 4,761,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, southland bounty hunters, season 9, zak holman
Id: cGG7Wr1E9Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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