Florida man gets Kung Fu'd by Patty

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it's hot as balls i got my little air vent right here i can talk to you guys so we're going to put a little command center here soon you want surveillance first let me give you a what's up guys what's good what's up what's up guys i'm paddy mayo hanging out here in the back of my unit if you haven't already click that join button become a member because you're going to watch this video a whole long time ago and you can watch the next 20 videos right now and when you're done with that go on to trevor's channel you can watch even more videos box recovery link in the description and uh right now zach and trevor sorry zach and harvey and tom just met up with us to give us the deets on a warrant surveillance what did you see all right we're going after louis castano it's going to be a male 5 foot 770 pounds blonde uh male white blonde over black we have an informant at the location i don't know who exactly we got the information from our office there is an informant at the home this is not aor for him we've already been by his location and nobody is there so confirm that no one's there and now we have an informant saying that he's here it's possibly his parents house yo hey i don't know if you heard them we've got out of the target location so let's make contact with them first copy that did they beat us to the punch uh possibly but um let's just head over there i'll jump out i'll start talking with them see what they uh see what they got well we haven't we haven't done it yet we're still here in the spotlight just waiting do you wanna protect us negative wait until we roll up contract it could be like the other day with that uh where they're sitting on that house four five five four five five go go you get the ball oh they're not really in front of the house [Music] is he in the unit or not [Music] no confirmation on that yet i just saw the vehicle okay hello well i'm glad you had a connection yeah no it's like being in the same fraternity right the north we're both all from the north shore yeah we're just honking and doing honky honk [ __ ] i don't know if we're gonna be able to fit i don't know you can't fit on that lawn wait wait zach's gonna go in there yeah fit in there fit in there fit in there fit in there get off the street get off the [ __ ] street more zach pull up more can't yeah i need you down the street as quick as you can thank you or grubhub i'm excited who's gonna be late boys over the fence or uber why do i see spuds on oh yes oh yeah it's not however you are zach yeah uber eats grub hob what are you talking instacart what's up instacart i told him to get lost he's not doing his delivery today so he's out but what kind of delivery why'd you want the food no you should have asked for the name oh i just want him out of here well those bring cameras definitely uh cover it thank you you should open a door it's not aor just check and see if it's over you open everything you open refrigerators you're open in the mailbox right now it's not aoi causing problems not any more problems than these neighbors are causing yeah tell me about it every neighboring town we're staging and some guy's bitching at zach near a sprinkler that's not his look at the lady at the corner with the cell phone awesome i love it i love it you can film me all you want from your side of the street call your mommy and mommy want me to get on the pa no not here oh yeah even more neighbors bring home it's like a swarm out yeah carry you don't have a care in uh a [ __ ] chair you got movement all right where where the white dress white dress okay towards the door a little behind me baby thank you what female male 1 looks like a pizza white truffle don't do it hi how are you doing hi ma'am hi my name's zach i'm with you sleeping how you doing no part of hearing it took you a while to get to the door we're just kind of worried um so again my name's zach patrick we're looking for louis castillo yeah lewis doesn't live here he doesn't live here what's his relation to you he's my son okay we know there's something on is he okay no yeah he's okay but he has a warrant and we're here to take care of that and deal with that we want to come in and and i got the wire if you'd like to see the warrant yes okay i'm gonna grab a new computer he's got it in his computer if you just want to walk over the car and see it i won't go in your house without your permission yes this is what's called not aor so not my aggressive record meaning like we know it's a relative's home so i don't have permission to go in without you telling him no no he doesn't live here okay yeah we know he has a different uh we know he has a different address that he's living at but we have information good information that he was seen here approximately three hours ago so here's the that's the arrest warrant that's him case number i can get you a copy of all this also his name signed by also you just need to be aware that if he is in your house and you harbor us or harbor him and impede us from apprehending him that could be a criminal charge on your part okay that could put your home at risk it's called hating in a betting and just confirming that that's him right you don't want that's what you don't want to do you can tell me not to go in if he's not there but if he's in there you need not to harbor yes that's him okay but what is this well we've got i can show you the prior chart well the charge that's currently open let me pull that up give me one second your thank you fat fingers my always i was holding here sir no you know what okay so it's for criminal solicitation capital felony if you want me to get more information for you get more specific that's not right well it's didn't quite still yeah it's not it's just yeah he's not a little case yeah he didn't show up to court okay he's charged with it and never showed up well that's not true that's not true he's never been around he's a mistake the only way he's done is he got arrested i wouldn't be here if he wasn't already arrested that means he got arrested someone bonded him out of jail the bail bond company has a file on him with all of his information from when he got arrested he didn't go to court they hire us to go collect him and put him back in jail because he didn't go to court i understand you want all the information but yeah i do do you understand the legal repercussions if he's in here yes do you understand additionally the longer we'll wait out here brings it if he's in there is an increased risk of someone getting injured those injuries you will be liable for well of course i don't want anybody injured but this is my home great and he doesn't live here and hey if he doesn't live here and he's not here but i'm going to have somebody be sitting right across the street 24 hours a day really quick um you're saying he's never been arrested we've got one two two felony charges one involves no no but he's he's been dealing like this is cases that he's already had been closed out yeah these are closed out that one was dismissed um that one is guilty verdict and he's got two misdemeanors for some type of some type of regulation stuff so he said he's never been in trouble before he could be lying to you and not telling you about this stuff i mean he's a grown man at this point but again we have information that he's that he's here and knowing this you know that's kind of you know [ __ ] like that's something that you kind of want to deal with alex is here so i don't okay you know i'm going to bother him okay okay um i'm going to go talk to them make sure they're good what do you need from me i need to be i need to go in the house so that warrant is so that you can come in my home no it is not that warrant is so i can arrest him the reason that you would want to let me in your home especially if he's not here is so that we don't come back here we don't sit outside all day we don't keep causing a commotion as you can see some of your neighbors have been out taking pictures and videos of such of you outside your home in this predicament and so that could be a problem for you i don't know who these people are to you but that would be your best course the action is let us in do our job and leave if you tell us not to search it's i totally understand that my property get off my property type of thing but then you might look at it from my perspective it's mom's protecting the sun he's inside now of course we're going to wait and that would just end up bad on your side so if he's in there you only have one option and that's to let us in and if he's not in there your best option is to let us just pop our heads in take a quick look around if he's not here we cross this address off our list we don't leave cars parked in front of your house for the next three days okay well the police were here so they know something's going on here too yeah i saw the police i just thought it was one of them one of the neighbors no they showed up the same exact time we showed up looking for the same exact person and you know us taking him in is a lot safer and a lot less dangerous than him having interaction with the police if he had interaction with the police more than likely he's going to catch a new charge well let me bring alex and i want to talk to alex you can talk to him okay but you just come in and look around and yeah that's all you just stick around look around what else would i do i mean you're just all geared up it's very intimidating you and alex want to come sit out here no this is my house i just wanted to sit inside hey yes please alex come to the door please come in the house he's not here i told him that i told him he doesn't live here and he's not here we don't have permission to go in without your permission but if he is here which we have information to believe that he's here we would sit an agent on that side of your property and this side of your property until we determined that he actually wasn't here they're just like you guys aren't in trouble don't look around but but if they said if he's here both both of you would be getting in trouble for harboring or eating and betting a fugitive i think they should go look around them i think that sounds reasonable yeah i think it sounds reasonable pretty scary thank you there's so many cops here oh sorry just so there's no mistakes yeah we're not police officers we're bail enforcement we go by an entire different set of rules okay okay but i'm being honest with you and telling you like i didn't tell you that the war was for your house right i told you you could tell me not to just he's just they're looking at them they're do you have an idea on your brother just so i can i just need to know who told me i have permission to get on the house stacey from coming out and ma'am man what was your name bonnie bonnie okay this is my son alex all right bonnie thank you again i was talking with your uh with your neighbors they were a little worried but i told them everything's okay what's your last name uh stanley come back do you want to keep him on the on the front um is there a gate that we can open your name bonnie stanley yeah so you can go check outside um that door is open right there you wanna see if i can pop that you can let him in okay are you okay yeah alex what year were you born 97 and what year actually i'm not going to ask you that's in play [Music] hey oh yeah you can you you can leave bro but if you want but i but sorry you could and both of you could obviously leave for your mother for your mother's comfort i think you should say and let's just we'll speed we'll speed this up let's not change the game let's work it like we always work it slow it down hey i need someone to run um slow it down run alex for me just can't go walking willy-nilly dude oh sorry slow it down let's make sure we're good yeah i got to worry i'm on the back uh alex last name is oh i got you right here you have it written down yeah just tear it off now that's the sun or that's uh that's the sun okay yeah [Music] oh yeah why what's back here this danger is there a snake he's just worried for you she says trying to be nice that's fabulous there you go d.o.b and i'll check with him nice show huh nice shot let's see oh damn it's got a bidet too just hang tight i need to check you guys real quick and then we'll be uh we'll be out of your hair real real fast [Music] there's a cough drop addiction lay that camera down why i'm just gonna close the door okay bye hold one second we're good some big old mag lights next to the bed look at that mannequin hey hey i'm wondering who our ci is do you think it's her do you think it's him it's gonna be one of those two unless uh super eats did it well you wanna go this way right now let's start here i think you'll find one left to right like we always work i don't want mistakes right here right here ready yeah i'm holding here i got a door on the left copy closet coming you good let me get near you okay good practicing geology without the how is that a thing how is that even like a charge it's just a misdemeanor uh two guiltys please be careful in here we're being careful okay it's riding gear oh but not horses oh come on come on no near miss nope nope definitely not definitely not bonnie anybody inside this garage needs to make yourself known right now do you want me to let this in yeah i don't know how this [ __ ] thing works [Music] i don't know how that door works [Music] i can't get it open to go out he's not coming let's just hold i don't know that there's no way well okay it could have been activated by that what you guys uh i think a motion light came on in this garage uh alex the the kid has a open warrant misdemeanor it's heard some stupid [ __ ] though so i don't know if you want to deal with that right don't let them know that it's not adjustable because we need to lean on it yeah got it okay all right come on there's no reason to just give i'm i have less lethal right behind you [Music] yeah so i was i ran so i ran both you guys in the computer you're good obviously you have a misdemeanor worn out so again i'm not saying that your heart right now oh [ __ ] give me your [ __ ] hand go ahead [ __ ] [ __ ] do you want to [ __ ] with me put your hands behind your back don't even try to tense up at this point bro lewis how you doing he's a little sore right now you have anything on you nope [ __ ] wallet back pocket what's your full name what's that louis lewis white louis what castillo you all right there we go yep why are you all all twitching around and stuff on your head you got anything on the back you want me in the front i want you on your hip right here you got anything on you nope just a lighter what about the other pocket patrick this is my partner trevor in a second my partner harvey and tom are going to escort you to our vehicle at that point you're going to be brought down to the local jail you'll be processed you'll be available for rebond your bond however will double in the amount so if you had a 2500 bond you take your shoes off take your shoes off and search your shoes if you have a 2500 bound you'll have a 5 000 bond this time tell if you have your mother co-sign i would be fine why are you taking all my shoes got nothing because we just have to check to see if we have in it because if you because what happens is if we get on you out here we throw them in the trash but if they get on you in the jail you go with a felony check his waistband extra why don't you guys stand him up it is a put him on my way up a courtesy well it is you know how many guys i've saved from felonies inside the jail you never pull you never never pull somebody up by their [ __ ] handcuffs i was grabbing him brother said to move him over no you don't grab him to move him by his handcuffs okay that's just going to create extra pain and tension on the person and that's not going to create compliance that's going to create an aggravated suspect so we want to treat with some respect tuck your knees up take your knees to your chest butt no he's gotta go all right we're gonna put you in an air-conditioned car now i'm gonna open up this because i don't want you to be walked past your mother because she's a little sensitive [Music] remember keep them comfortable in another pair of pants how many pairs of pants do we have she's got pants i felt something in his pocket he's fine he's fine he's fine ma'am can you bring him inside can you bring them inside yep guys coming just step inside with me real quick let's talk about this okay bro it's okay just come inside and we'll talk about what's going on okay well i can't just take your word for it you go on the chevy makes it worse you want the chevy oh yeah okay that's gonna do it for this guys we have one [ __ ] in custody and i'm pretty sure mom is just protecting the suns so we're going to bring him to jail that's my partner trevor aka fox files aka fox recovery link in the description this is my partner zach aka zach.holman aka key news network aka will be verified soon code 2-0 code 2-0 right here on youtube there you go we'll see you every 72 hours i
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 1,174,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, slbh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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