Summoning SCP 096 in My Minecraft World!

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[Applause] [Music] legend has it that there is a brand new Minecraft mob that has come out and nobody even knew this mob is by far one of the most difficult mobs has the most health has the most attack damage and is extremely scary this mob goes by the name of scp-096 there's a ring a bell well it sure did it when I heard the name ladies and gentlemen today we are dealing with probably the scariest minecraft boss you have ever seen ever like period ever and I'm going to start this video with caution because ladies and gentlemen this addon for Minecraft Pocket Edition will literally be the hardest add-on that you've ever added like literally ladies and gentlemen without further ado I would like to introduce you to SCP oh my gosh ok so before we actually try and you know survive this beast I want to show you guys a little bit about what this mob does and how this mob works so obviously you can tell this mob is much different from all the others I mean this mob has fingers and toes also moves around and dances really weird and has a bunch of different animations that moms just don't have now here's the scariest part look at all the villagers running away they're like oh now they're scared let me I just want to show you guys the absolute scariest part about this mob ok so we're gonna we're gonna go on over to survival mode just like this ok we're gonna look right at this mob oh boy ok well I looked at him and now he's definitely very angry ladies and gentlemen this mob is going to literally come after me trying to attack me let me see if I can get some blocks here to stop them before you can get up here alright guys as you guys can see right here this mob is going crazy he's bending over he's screaming all these monster sounds his eyes are red he looks SuperDuper scary and boom he comes charging right for me now here's the thing guys um you guys can see look at that mouth he's ready to eat me that's the face that make when I see food right there you see it now here's the catch this Bob deals a lot of damage you want to see how much damage you deals let me just jump down here and let's just say hi to him how shall we oh hey up I'm dead yes you guys saw that right this Bob deals a one-hit kill attack damage towards anything that can be a player wearing diamond armor that can be any mobs what hit kill that's it oh did I forget to mention that this boss has 5,000 health and he can also heal himself whenever he wants yeah not the easiest mob to take on now instead of the mob attacking me you guys can notice when this animation starts when he starts crying and bending over like this he's actually about to attack a different mob varying from anything you can see all the villagers going crazy then probably know that SCP is right here probably gonna eat a villager he's about to go after one of these mobs their villagers I don't know which one but he's screaming oh there he goes there he goes he's running he's so fast he's going after the pig the pig go holy Wow ladies and gentlemen I would like to take on this boss and I would like to see if this boss is even beatable whatsoever in Minecraft I also would like to see if there are any ways that we can try and kill this boss so with that being said I need to build a little bit of a home not even a home really just a place where I can stand and deal a ton of damage on this guy I'm gonna grab a diamond sword and I'm gonna grab a bow here with a bunch of harming arrows all right ladies and gentlemen I'm going to get this mob to aggro against me all you need to do is just like an Enderman is just simply look at them the second you look at the mob you'll notice they start crying they start making all these really scary sounds they start just like just go absolutely crazy and like 30 seconds after the mob will actually charge in your location and try and attack you that being said if I step one foot down on the grass down here this mob will literally kill me in that I would be dead gosh dude all these sounds they're so creepy I don't like it alright so we have this guy on top of me right now and well oh my gosh that is so creepy I need to see if I can feel as much attack damage as I can to this model I want to see if it's even possible to kill him see you guys not only does he have 5,000 health but he can literally heal himself I'm not kidding all right mob let me give you some weakness some weakness arrows here just so you can deal a little bit more damage and lose some more health for me so it'll make my job a little bit easier oh my gosh all he's doing is screaming I can't even hear anything I wish there's a health bar though because I would love to see how much help this guy had because honestly at this point he could be halfway or he could literally not even be remotely close to even dying right now he's just screaming the whole time what's up bro what's up you want to fight you want to fight what's up I'm right here I'm ready to fight whatever you want man it's just you know you got to give me a chance here okay you're a little bit o beat oh my gosh how much health does this guy actually have holy cow okay I need to try and get over towards the villager I literally didn't even get to him and he killed me just like that holy cow guys this is absolutely crazy as you guys thought to start as well the SCP actually goes after mobs and animals but he doesn't seem to go after any villagers he seemed very very upset with the pigs earlier so I'm not question what would it be like to have like 20 of these in your Minecraft world Oh God oh no oh God oh my gosh village I am so sorry in advance for what I'm about to do okay but this is only for test purposes all right SCP here I'm gonna give you some friends sound good okay good alright yeah here you go you're they all are they're all right here oh my gosh let's throw it to night time I want to see how creepy will it look at night time with all these things I imagine you wake up in Minecraft one day you look out your window and all you can see are those things coming towards you and coming towards your Minecraft world oh my gosh that would be so creepy now I want to see the SCP in action we're gonna spawn some pigs here as all my gosh they all started going crazy when one it was spawned okay in a matter of a couple seconds here guys you are going to see every single one of these mobs charging the pig until the first one gets them oh my gosh Pig you may want to run right now Pig it get over here bigger rod run away from your life pig run this is not bad to walk slow okay your bad move rod oh my gosh one Pig is only one Pig you know they're one-hit kills but what about a bunch of them I want to see what this is actually gonna be like with a ton of pigs around holy cow does this ever look creepy look at this guy's this is so scary you can get really close to them and it is just so scary okay every pig get out of here you guys all gotta follow me or you're not gonna make it out alive okay every pig get inside of this house with this villager go inside let's go inside inside before they get out before they get here oh no oh no inside let's go inside inside oh no the cumin oh no no no no no no oh my goodness I think one of them is a grown against one of the pigs inside oh my gosh she's trying to break down the door right now this is just absolutely insane I don't even know what would you do with this guys they're everywhere they're giant monsters they're just so creepy will lava kill them I don't even know if waffle will do enough damage to kill them all we can give it a shot let's see do they burn to death what I guess what to find out alright sdp bird oh my gosh even lava is not dealing a ton of damage to them they're literally just sitting in lava just as if they were right and as if they weren't even in lava in the first place it's not even phasing them at all holy cow ladies and gentlemen SCP is extremely scary ladies and gentlemen I don't know where SCP exactly came from I believe there was a story behind it and SCP the mob himself if you guys don't anything about SCP I want you guys to let me know down below in the comments on today's video because I would actually really enjoy trying to do a full-on survival trying to survive in Minecraft for an entire with these SCPs the only way I'm gonna do it is if you guys want me to do it so let me know by dropping a like on today's video but holy cow ladies and gentlemen this is none I'm gonna end today's video here guys but like I didn't mention it if you guys would like me to try and survive an entire day with this mob let me know by leaving a like on today's video but ladies and gents that's gonna be it for me today thank you guys all so much for watching I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,231,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft scp 096 roleplay, gaming, games, showcase, glitch, secret, shark, craziest, mini game, redstone, traps, maps, troll smp, roleplay, prank, spotlight, challenge, map, command, custom, how to, game, pranks, minigame, crazy, creations, house, mod, video, 09sharkboy, scp 096 minecraft, scp096 minecraft, mods, adventure, troll, comedy, modded, tutorial, minecraft scp roleplay, minecraft, parody, trolling, gameplay, mini-game, facts, moments, playthrough, scp 096, 09sharkboy minecraft, funny
Id: 83bWn9lizZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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