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that's charge Oh oh snap gonna get that one okay there we go and I have enough for one bed all we need is another one then we can sleep it off because I would like to sleep this off I don't want to huh I don't know for some reason it's been very eerie lately with playing like Minecraft like I've been very on it it's like I know loli it's raining okay I don't know where any other sheep are so that sucks I have enough for one bad but like that's not gonna go my gosh we get we can't ya know I'm gonna go see if there's any more or something Joe this lightnings getting like really close to me guys it's like very convenient okay there's another charge paper I took him out yo where are these uh what's it called where are they the sheep's I just want we need just three more that's it there's like motion Oh what what's wrong there's a it was oh my gosh that's good I don't know there's so much lighting the last thing I want is for some charged creeper to literally mess this up here yeah I'll block I'll block this up or something here I'll make it the proper there that's a good staircase okay um I got some nice blocks my dude um but what's that uh well yeah it's I I heard a creeper I don't know if it's all yep okay okay hold up I'll take him out there's a charged creeper all right go okay we're safe we are okay we're good oh my gosh you've got an achievement oh my heart I got oh my gosh you're good at Minecraft my dude okay got a door to give a door okay good there we go all right here's ah be careful we don't want that Zambia taking on areas at their ICU zambie ICU my dude what's good my dude so yeah dude this place okay there's lighting change so close I like it actually I don't know why didn't he just spot no I don't see him you dude it's lagging I hope that's not me are you get it can't even fire an arrow there's another charge creeper yo there's like three charge creepers around me dude hold up there we go one I'm saving this boat I I don't know the rarity behind it up sorry okay they oh oh oh oh my gosh our base no no that was a creeper okay yo that's here literally let's patch up this one just get down for a sec whoa like I made it like right now I know I know okay nice dude I know I want to go up with his weathers helping I want like I want to go and venture off a little bit more but like this is getting insane let me check so guys fix I'm sorry I'm not reading chat as much I'm just very focused in the game writers be told I am very scared like I don't this has just been making me very on edge recently look I literally have goosebumps can you guys see that I might like the hairs on my arms are literally standing up this is just getting me really spooked and all that stuff and of course Lucas Lucas is oh I have enough for sheep so we can make a bed now Lucas yeah okay what make will make that so now we'll make beds and we'll sleep it out careful that's no there you go okay okay good you're lagging my dude you're like bad okay here let's get inside and let's say let's make this bed real quick Pass me the wall okay I'm trying to but I'm lagging okay let me throw this stuff away - there we go okay so um okay I don't know why put three down might be okay like rebuild this house Bartley a little bit so you don't you know die keep dying oh yeah okay wait I didn't get the other piece of woolen on oh wait I did I gather we go here let's let's sleep this out dude come here come down oh crap there we go one I'll just block up like there okay get in the bed here let's sleep it out I want to wait for the morning I don't like this at all okay so is it Dana yeah it's daytime there we go all right fine that's good I can't get up there we go okay so um there we go now we can have a bench like we can finally venture off and stuff I'm gonna put some stuff away in the chest that I don't need and then oh yeah I plenty admitted rotten flesh I don't need that bones all that stuff so guys if you are new to the stream pretty much we are playing on July 1st for the last two videos we have been warned to not play on July 1st there are videos linked in the description below go watch those too mate so the stream makes sense we have actually encountered Harold Brian and we saw anti-g 303 a real one there are no plugins I put a screenshot on the video with like all the list of plugins they're wooden there was nothing so that this skeleton is like MOC oh my gosh so this is seriously like we're kind of Lukas right oh you're over there scared me my did so this we are searching for we're not searching but we're just playing Minecraft on July 1st waiting because I mean after being warned for quest ok so what should we do now I mean like our houses literally destroy I don't know where else we should go I think we just should like just thank try and see if we could find anything yeah that's actually a decent idea look yo somebody there must been some sort of like faction here because like look at it do you see it there was that but there's lightning like literally right behind you just missed that yeah no it's not thunderstorm though Lukas I'm still I'm still like I don't know okay okay just just careful I I don't I don't know okay whatever just let's keep going okay so that could be maybe a weather man a weather plugin or something maybe we have but okay lightning so much over there well I'm gonna go check why is it lightning so much that's it could be a weather plugin but like it's not thunderstorm right I'm checking over to make any sense over in this corner or something there's charge oh my gosh no no no no no no no no Airbus Industrie everyone's industry no neuro oh my gosh this is live right now no it's fine it's fine hey oh right yo this is live right now guys guys guys this is live I'm not touching anything I'm not literally Lucas take your hands off the keyboard I'm not touching I'm not doing nobody's on the server right now heroin has warned us for so long not to play on this day and he caught us why we're gonna what do you mean why what do you mean why oh my gosh I'm so sketch right now oh my gosh what yo I am so sketch okay okay um what's gonna happen now he doesn't seem upset are you upset what have I said are you upset see that's the thing nothing bad is happening though we are fine yeah we're yeah it was fun were you lying about July first guys I'm not on like I'm not doing anything I swear everyone in chat right now look this is live this is happening right now before our before our eyes I'm serious I'm not kidding this is this is scaring me and the reason why I'm I'm a little bit more calm with Hera Brian is the fact that we've seen him twice and he hasn't killed again he hasn't killed us like he no you're not no you're not fine why aren't I not fine why aren't we fine I know I am like I don't damage anything hold up but he's going this way I don't know why he's gonna I'm gonna follow him you sure I mean yeah I've warned you owe us but nothing bad has nope dude if anything starts happening I'm getting off it and one of those men I know I know I agree I will dog off right away dudes I'm actually scared like I said dude just remember Hera Brian he like he killed us in game or whatever but he hasn't done anything to try and like jump scares to scare us at all so I think okay but let's keep it way through guys let's hype up the chat right now we found hair O'Brien right now in this livestream event it's only been about 14 minutes and we already found hair O'Brien so let's see maybe what can happen like in the next hour of the stream I don't know what's gonna happen this would be awesome but make sure like the stream right now guys okay now there's another side so time yeah there's a there's one of those things over there every every single cave we've gone down it's had those redstone torches around it but this one what it oh my gosh you tell me we're gonna go down okay the science is your big dog yo Harry roasting us he literally said you're being dumped wait why he's literally broke he's literally roasting says you're being dumb there look at me oh my gosh okay can we keep playing playing Minecraft we aren't being harmed by playing see oh my gosh um yeah Lucas yeah yeah he just teleported right next to me that like oh we gotta oh my gosh there's so many cows I suggest not wait why shouldn't we okay whatever um do okay I have a very bad feeling we're gonna have to go on that cave I have a very bad feeling seeing as that's exactly it's dark in there oh my god why do we keep have to go like in caves and stuff that's a that's an entrance and a half oh my gosh I'm gonna kind of don't want to peek over I'm kind of scared okay I think we're good that's a what is it I think this is all the explosion I think yeah this is all the explosions of a guy putting a torch no ticket which stunning I can build a okay good they go I'm gonna play some really dark up come on do this I hate I literally like this so this scared me so much last time I don't want to do this guys I'm only gonna go down if you hype up the chat right now for Lucas and I hype up the chat right now if you want us to go down okay oh my gosh I don't want to do this man come on dude I'm not something I wanted to do today you're sure none of your build teams built this but it's not normal okay I know this isn't a normal cave my build I don't know barely ever on okay let's okay everyone saying go down everyone saying do it okay Lucas whatever happens beyond here if something does hit the pool if somebody does get bad log off that's all I can tell you I will message I'll message loonie right now and tell him to monitor the console console we are experiencing the hair O'Brien stuff okay there we go okay okay um here we go okay do you I don't want to go I'm actually scared I don't want to I don't want to go dude I don't want to go okay um I got I got to admit I got to admit okay these are some pretty nice-looking cave systems they've got going on here look we're gonna fancy these look is this is this not the right time to be complimenting how beautiful this case I don't think so I also have a head there oh my god I didn't even see that I didn't even see that so wait hold up do you think maybe the head would was like other player wait what if these are other players that have been like warned by hair O'Brien and maybe something's happen to them yeah I want to keep my I want to keep my head on my on my hole on my body like I'm fine with where it is doesn't have to be in a cave for me if you guys have experienced anything with Harrell Bryant on my server please let me know right now by telling me in the live stream chat right now because someone's head is right here it is a Steve head maybe someone's skin was Steve I don't know but there is a head right there okay I think at the I see heroin he's chillin underneath here okay what is in this cave that you needed to show us badly yeah okay yeah I see an emerald down there wait oh why do you think this is a good idea nothing bad is is happening we want so far play minecraft like come on oh it says I don't like what you're doing what are we doing wrong yeah we're playing minecraft like I I don't I don't get what we're doing wrong that's the thing okay hold up I want the same when I call it by the way go away okay no I want this emerald I want this emerald and mine a super rare action they are pretty rare yeah he's typing another thing you're playing on a forbidden date what is so bad with July July first we haven't been hurt nor has anything bad happened aside from random spooky stuff like nothing nothing threatening has really happened to help and there's lighting okay this stuff doesn't faze me anymore like it just happened so much it's been happening so much what it said I said a bad word but no it didn't um okay let's keep going dude there's another head right there dude oh my gosh oh my alarms Wow probably thanks alarm okay there is another head there I hope those are just like normal Steve heads and not like actual player heads I hope so guys I'm scared right now okay can we we can just still make it back right without problems I'll just go up yeah okay this is all live right now guys and I can see everyone chatting and I appreciate the support so far guys well if you want to see keep going deeper in this cave then let me know right now guys hold up Tara Brian said something have you not listened to me know what we've listened not written no not really we've uh there's a bunch of creepers oh my gosh stop it wait where did they come from what I don't know is I think that maybe spawn because it was dark there he is zero perhaps percent health still - it's not weird like he's already dead or something wouldn't you be dead I thought thought he would have been dead by now there we go we got the skeleton okay um let's see okay basically notice sign down once he said why are you for buying this you led us to this cave we want to see on don't do anything dumb you are on a livestream I'm gonna tell them that he's on a livestream I don't even know if he knows but like I'm telling them I don't like because every everyone that's watching this right now is going to see exactly what's going to happen yeah me doing something dumb huh no what do you want from us is there anything that he wants that's the thing not a clue oh my gosh there's a cake careful as a zombie up here there we go make sure nothing more like you're being dumb take a second to appreciate that Harold Brown is roasting us Harold bride is a part of Minecraft source code and he's literally roasting us what no come on come on please Lucas please dude are you lagging you're like that's me your lag okay Lucas everything that's it's just the netherrack there remember they were like a bunch of parts of it everything's okay don't worry we're good yeah but last time I went to reshot entities 33 I'm like fine with hammer Brian so far but like I don't know about any 33 if we if we see at 2:03 back up to the surface because the funny part about all this if we've is we've only seen how abroad and NTT 303 in the caver in the darkness so I have a funny feeling they can't do well in like above-ground light or anything I said to not play on July 1st and he's gone you didn't listen yeah I have I have liked inti and and one of those redstone torch so if we're gonna have to run I'm just gonna like place them down that's for me just like left yo but no no brah what is this Lucas look oh my gosh what is that thing it's a bunch of kids with gold blocks on top and heads Oh y'all getting screenshots oh my gosh this is actually crazy crazy okay okay I want to go see you wanna go see are we are we have a bed rock level oh my gosh dude there's there's a hole in the bedrock who can make a hole in bedrock dude this is literally crazy oh my gosh I don't even know like how to comprehend this right now dude oh my gosh okay um okay let's do it okay I don't don't fall down that that whole bottle I don't want us to die oh who can break I don't know just be careful yeah I mean it could just be Joel I kind of want to take these beacons not gonna lie okay even mine them yeah I think you can no way no way no way no way no way I'm out that's it that's it that's what I call the line that I call the I'm done it's coming no let's go go go just go come on just go please come on go go please just go I'm actually so scared just go come on what are you doing oh my gosh okay go blow it up go - I don't see him I don't see him I see him just go boy go pick up load up it's not there something oh my gosh no no no I can't believe this is life I can't can't believe this come on blow it up and let's go come on okay let's keep going oh my gosh I can't believe we got this online this is insanity can't get to the top dude that's one thing I noticed like I said earlier it's the fact that we only weave first thing we saw no no no I I don't wanna it okay hold up here go on the wall go in the water so I'm going to walk on the wall I don't know right there there there okay okay wait why are you looking or you are you I'm trying to dig so I can like go behind him so we can go to the surface okay they're that good okay yeah okay go go go keep going keep going oh my gosh oh good just keep going stop just keep reading keep reading keep reading yes dude he's following us just go I'm sorry I'm sorry sir sorry no come on dude these creepers are like lighting just keep going come on come on give it a redstone torch give another redstone torch no go come on come on let's go let's go come on Lucas let's we need to get out of money oh my gosh what are the redstone torch go oh my gosh you got go do you're lagging okay there at the bottom okay go come on yo we're almost up it's all my gosh there's no time okay okay we're almost don't know but I've never seen them outside of a cave so just get out okay chill chill chill okay kiddo okay we're good we're good okay yo yo he's right there Lucas come on dude you're lighting so bad I'm actually scared go back to the house go back to the house oh my gosh dude worried okay yo yo stop and I'm literally dying I'm literally dying come on yo Lucas come on keep going okay you'll go back to the base go back to the base it's right over here oh my gosh I can't believe this is actually happening we got this all in line I told you guys for those that said this is fake look I literally got this on life for you literally no editing nothing nothing at all oh my gosh oh my gosh here get to the base hit to the basic of the base yo Lucas where is the base safe oh is it oh my gosh you're lagging so bad Lucas yo oh my god I don't think no that's alternate netherrack what do you want from want from us oh my gosh oh my gosh yo I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my god Brad won't even let me type um what did we do to deserve this there oh my gosh why why is it Lucas what should we do guys what should we do I'm literally scared what do we do Easter he's gone is that it feels like is that all I know but if he's coming for us again I think I think he can only walk in a netherrack or something or engage oh my gosh no it's all turning at the rack it's all turning the other rack No oh my gosh I don't know I don't know that's the thing um ahh bra there's no everywhere kay just Lucas we gotta keep going come on yo I don't know what to do guys I'm literally I'm sketching right now I don't know what to do I don't know what to do oh my gosh come on dude okay I'm gonna get this mom's no Lucas you good Lucas okay I think he's on me yeah no he's still coming after us okay it's know it's coming gay time though one I know you are you're bragging like insanity oh my gosh cake come on keep going to my god okay leave us alone we haven't done anything to him wait where do you where you go where do you go I don't see my gosh come on come on yo I don't have to do I don't know what to do no we got we got to go dude okay I don't want to do it all but like oh my god yo I'm like all parties got to the TT you're going to go oh my gosh this is getting bad it's getting really bad come on keep going keep going just go just get out of here get as far away from him as you possibly can oh my gosh come on you know those desert the desert come on let's go to the desert go to the desert oh my gosh sure wanna go to the desert well yeah I guess so I'm just we would need to get far away from him oh my gosh just come on keep going yo Phil boy he's coming he's coming oh my gosh dude come on oh my gosh Lucas it's soap I hate that you're lagging scaring me no you're lagging oh my it's probably cuz I'm streaming oh my gosh come on yeah I know I know you know he's got all the teams he counting stuff oh my gosh Kate okay know what what should we do I don't know just you Lucas hey discover the hole oh my gosh okay oh my gosh bro what do we do I don't know he's literally turning everything into netherrack dude oh my gosh what do we do um okay I don't know dude Yoshi okay guys if you want me to go up to him right now tell me if you three tell me right now shot guys I will go up to NTV's or three if you want me to oh my gosh Luca should I go up to him said I go up to him are you sure more dangerous than mine what are you doing what are you doing come on please yo he's gone he's gone okay wait okay I'm gonna go up I'm good I'm gonna go I'm gonna go next okay yo just keep running keep running maybe we should go up the mountain we could if like a higher vantage plane because see mowcher true that's actually smart okay okay I'll see what it does the lens yeah exactly go up to the top come on let's go where are you Lucas mom I'm lagging right behind you okay you're good I don't see him he's not smart oh never mind never mind he's what what all another I keep going come on all the nether I just spawned and all my gosh brah he's literally is that where he's walking yo he's literally doing a circle around us bro he's literally doing a giant circle around us with netherrack oh my gosh no no I don't know forget can we walk over there netherrack or are we gonna die for this oh my gosh there's literally a giant circle of netherrack dude no brah hold up give any of them any more redstone torches no I just placed one down because I thought we didn't need it oh my gosh bro he's right there he's right there oh my gosh what do we do okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go to I'm gonna go up to him I'm gonna go up to him remember Lucas if anything goes bad log off the server just log off okay I'm going up I'm going up okay um what do you want from out you know it was line he was lining it only did like how part Irish n now I regen what do you want from us bra his name is spelt weird two underscores and stuff hey oh my gosh I think he can only walk on neither acts like if I like break the netherrack like and is it like I don't think he's happy with that oh my gosh wait I think you only walk owner he can walk on anything anymore can I think no go away go easy dirty come he's literally coming oh my gosh yo Lucas Lucas he's literally coming brah Lucas help stop lagging Oh Lucas stop talk oh my gosh Lucas please Lucas please Lucas Lucas yo I'm so stuck dude what where are you what just happened I don't know Bryce right beside you I'm trying to help you I'm just you're lagging so bad yo my minecart she's going weird too oh my gosh okay Lucas you're dead you're gonna die I don't get okay get out come on oh my gosh oh my gosh dude would it okay hmm okay we are going to log off there I'm gonna tell him that we're gonna log off Orlov on leave oh my gosh okay Lucas I'm right beside you a represent you'll represent you come on oh my gosh okay see you I'm right beside you I'm right beside you okay good seeing team dude oh my gosh bro you were lagging so bad okay leave leave us alone or were logging off there oh dude he keeps vanishing here hold on I'm going on the water just in case okay that does barely any damage to us to me anyways where are you are you Lucas Oh bro bro bro bro bro bro bro he just keeps spawning this oh my gosh where are you Lucas oh my gosh do I know you are you where are you Lucas okay thank you but I can't see you dude I can't tell yo bro all the teams heated up no damage to me oh my gosh bro what is going on what is going on boy I'm going back to the mountain oh no it's half lava oh my god wait okay I'll try and go back to the mountain - I'll try going back to the mountain hold up I'm going back to the mountain okay I'm going okay wait yo there's a sign that says doom yes literally right beside me there's a sign that says doom was that I don't know what he did but I can't see I can't see you and I can't see him like yeah I'm alone I can't see you either oh my gosh bro where are you Lucas I'm on the top of the mountain okay I see you see I'm coming up to the top coming up to the top I don't see him I don't see Oh brah he's still behind me still behind me oh my god sky I don't know what visiting I can't see okay I'm right I'm like right beside you do you see me right here no I can't right here nope what do you not see me Oh bra bra bra bra do you not see me Lucas no I don't I don't know what he did my Prasad you'd only see him leave us alone right now we're logging off leave us alone oh you kids get off get off get off get off get off oh my gosh dude I don't know what he wants from us okay I'm logging off okay literally leave us alone leave us alone this is not cool I don't know what to do anymore oh my gosh bra bra way is it he has a shovel I don't know um what do you want from us we haven't done anything wrong stop the TNT Oh brah I don't know what he's doing okay hold he's writing us hold up he's writing a sign July 1st yeah oh do we shouldn't play with you bro I died what oh crap no snow where are you Lucas dude I still see him I died - brah what is going on I met spawn right now yeah I know me too I still can't see you it's like you're not even online brob like right behind you I can turn affects but I can't see you wrong right behind you I'm literally right here in front of you this is so weird oh my gosh dude I'm sketching I'm loony real quick okay so [Music]
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,813,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, education, top minecraft, minecraft mods, modded minecraft, minecraft scary, best minecraft mods, educational, shark, minecraft herobrine found, minecraft live, 09sharkboy, minecraft entity 303, 09sharkboy minecraft, real herobrine, minecraft 09sharkboy, minecraft entity303, minecraft troll, minecraft herobrine, education edition, minecraft trolling, challenge, squad minecraft, real entity303, minecraft, minecraft education edition, roleplay minecraft
Id: G0ovs3lANvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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