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let's go to everyone and welcome back at you a brand new video I hope everyone is having a really good day so far this Sunday video I had a very very crazy idea that I wanted to want to try out and see if this still worked you know now that I think of it you know it's awfully close to summer I can imagine a lot of you guys watching this video are probably off school for summer break or a lot of you are about to finish school and then go on summer break drop a comment down below if you guys are on summer break right now or if you're still in school but don't worry for those that are still in school hold on tight you guys might be asked ok shark is the title legit that you want to do in today's video and the answer to that is yes you know with the lunar Moon being a thing on the channel that's happened to last like month or so I've been getting a lot of comments of you guys asking me to go and fight the red Sun oh boy the red Sun is something else guys and something that you do not want to be messing with all the time I mean the red Sun is very dangerous in Minecraft about a year ago or so was the last time I've seen the red Sun and I seen the lunar moon obviously this month if you guys haven't seen those videos make sure you guys go and check them out right now now real quick before I get into the actual journey trying to find this red Sun I'm gonna give you guys your shoutouts you guys already know how it works the shark emoji that you guys see right here it's gonna be at a random time stamp throat today's video all you guys gonna do is drop a comment down below in the comment section of the time stamp the shark emojis at today's shout-out goes to this person right here congratulations to you but now one of you guys are gonna be getting a shout-out in oh yes look at this shark hoodie you can know what you can go grab one at zero-nine shark boy calm just saying [Music] I'm sorry alright guys serious mode here we're gonna create a world right now and I'm just gonna call this the red Sun world and I'll put in brackets warning just so I know if I'm ever trying to log into my single-player worlds again not to go on this world because clearly I've tried to attempt to summon the red Sun now obviously the world name really doesn't really matter you could call it poop 1 2 3 it wouldn't really matter the seed is what is important I'm gonna title the seed red I don't know if I should do a space or not red Sun okay I guess I can call the seed the red Sun I guess I mean I don't know if I want to have the seat just be like red Sun or if it should be all one word I'm thinking for the simplicity of this we'll have it two words just like this I'm also gonna go ahead and enable cheats so I can swap in and out of game mode and I other than that I think that should it be it ladies and gentlemen without further ado let's create this world and let's go hunting for the red Sun oh boy okay wait wait hold up what okay I literally just created the way minecraft never starts world's at nighttime oh no you know guys I think it's very clear everybody that's ever play Minecraft knows the fact that when you create a new world it's never nighttime which is uh you know that's the first time that's ever happened to me I've never joined a new world and it'd be nighttime uh you know a little little okay not a little bit very weird uh I don't know why it's nighttime I'm genuinely very concerned as to why it is literally I've played Minecraft for eight years and I've literally never joined a world that has been nighttime when I first joined it maybe it's an uncommon thing I don't have a whole lot of single-player worlds but I mean this could be uncommon I mean if it has ever happened to one of you guys drop a comment down below I could be wrong I just I haven't seen it I could just be overthinking this nonetheless uh yeah so let's go ahead and jump it and create a moat here guys and one of the other things that we need to do to try and summon the red Sun aside from the seed is from a sign you guys probably have seen this before whether it was with rainbow Steve or the lunar moon or the red Sun it's kind of just like a spawning sign that we place down I don't know if it actually works in a way but every time we've done it actually increased the chances of us actually finding what we were seeking so I'm gonna place a sign just in case I'm gonna type just summon red Sun all on all in caps like I said I don't know if the sign actually helps or if it actually does anything but I feel like it's good luck seeing us every time I put it on a sign it's you worked pretty much every single time oh boy okay so that is down I'm gonna go ahead and throw some torches near it to maybe something like this I think that's good it's kind of a little creepy but I mean you know that that works too okay so if the red Sun is gonna be in this world I need to build a base that is going to be strong enough to try and fight against the red Sun you know honestly I know in the last video I was really trying to build something tall and powerful I think in today's video I could build a little bit of a kind of a sky base again but something that's not gonna be as crazy and to be completely honest with you I don't really know what is more powerful whether it's the red Sun or the lunar moon I mean I I really don't know it's been well over a year since I've seen the red Sun guys and I genuinely don't know what to expect any other players have found the red Sun or if it's just kind of gone missing and in the world of Minecraft I am NOT taking any chances with wood blocks or any cobblestone hence the reason I'm jumping right to bedrock but you know the good thing that it is nighttime at least is we are definitely gonna find out if the red Sun is here when the Sun rises which is actually something I didn't think about before we still have about half the night left here this the moon is just just about halfway set here and it's uh the sun's gonna be slowly approaching us oh my goodness okay and bam we have officially built our bedrock base here and oh boy this I mean it's it's very bad okay let's let's be real I'm not gonna I'm not gonna boost it it's it's it's ugly but it does keep us safe which that is the main concern that I have with all this so if things decide to go bad at any point in today's video if things goes bad I need to be able to get back to this chest and be able to get whether I need God apples or potions or an extra sword or a bow whatever the case may be I just want to make sure I'm fully prepared for a battle that I hopefully will not die to I mean I have creative mode so I can literally spawn in anything I'm gonna use that to my advantage here because my main priority is just to see firstly is the red Sun still here and secondly can we destroy it oh boy potions okay one thing I do remember is the red Sun was a very big fan of fire and things related to fire let's go ahead and grab some splash potions of fire resistance in case we see a similar pattern this time around let's also go ahead and let's grab harming arrows I feel like this is a good start I feel like this could do enough damage but at the end of the day again I'd rather be more prepared than not have anything at all there's some cobblestone and I think we are good the Moon is almost setting right now which means the Sun should be rising very soon I'm gonna throw all this gear on and I'll meet you guys here when the sunrise starts all right guys I have fully geared up for this battle here and I mean honestly oh my god okay yep guys the red Sun is legitimately here I was I didn't even know which way I was supposed to break Oh Mike Oh guys from what it seems like this is actually happening it has been so long since I've seen the red Sun let me go ahead and turn off clouds real quick guys literally everything around me is starting to surround by with bhava and oh my gosh I was so right I don't think I was right about this - the red Sun is still crazy for all the fire and lava oh my gosh guys oh no there's literally a pool of lava below the base you know I'm very happy that I did grab those fire resistance potions okay I don't remember how I'm supposed to fight this thing I don't remember there's fireballs or Helms was retaliate honestly if I keep an eye near the red Sun I feel like okay nope there are definitely fireballs so the red Sun in the lunar moon must work somewhat together in the way that they attack players in the world I mean I saw a fireball now I'm not sure if there's any other attacks that it does do seems to just be doing lots of fireballs oh my gosh I'm using all my harming potions for it - wow these hurt more than anything on these fireballs are so hard to hit I mean like target practice I should have prepared that way man if only I could just shoot an arrow up and actually hit the Sun just out Oh everyone whew okay everything below me seems to be intact still I don't know if I could stay up here much longer oh my gosh guys I think there's a massive forest fire going on I don't know if this if this world is gonna scan below me or if everything's gonna burn no no no oh my gosh okay well I don't know where that lava came from you know all my gosh what you know I'm very thankful for the fire resistance I got from the NA chapel and the potions I have if I did not have grabbed those I would have been dead for sure oh my gosh I'm literally just getting spammed with fire all over my screen I need to get to some water oh my gosh is just fire and fire and fire everywhere the fireballs are so close odd there we go we got a perfect one two of them back to back let's go one two let's go yes we got more oh my gosh oh these things are getting so close the red Sun is definitely at its center point pretty much I need to get down from here before I get knocked down and killed oh my gosh if only I had water I don't know why I wasn't thinking about water I mean you know one plus one equals two I should have known that lava plus water equals obsidian and that would have saved me oh my gosh okay I'm safe to drop here oh my goodness guys everything around us is burning what is that there's something in the air up there I can't I can't tell if that is wait what oh no no no oh my gosh I'm gonna drop another fire resistance potion real quick it literally fireballs are getting expand everywhere the red Sun is at its maximum like damage attack point it's the same with the lunar moon right when it reaches the middle point in the sky is when its most damage is dealt oh my gosh I'm totally gonna get knocked off this cliff and died I can't take a lot of damage look at this it's just raining down below us I need to keep moving oh my gosh get down this is by far the craziest it's ever been this is just absurd oh my gosh what am I gonna do this is insane oh I got a perfect shot on the red Sun maybe I get another one oh come on no it miss it's gonna hit the tree oh whoa the whole tree just blew up oh my gosh guys I need to think of a way that I can take this thing out everybody watching this video right now I need you guys to drop a comment down below should I use water what are some ways I can try and fight this red Sun with I mean it's been over a year and I honestly I don't remember I'm gonna have to rewatch the videos or something oh my gosh guys wait maybe if I hang out near the water I should be safer down here oh yes okay I'm gonna stay in the water if I stay in the water I have a better chance of surviving okay ah yeah everything's okay oh no oh no wait the lavas it's enclosing it from beside me oh wait no this is not good that means if all the lava touches the water everything's gonna turn into Nova city and and the entire world won't have water anymore okay everything's okay to stay in the water everything's alright uh-huh oh wait wait ah okay okay turn around oh okay maybe I could just go this way on the sand on the beach I can just go up okay Oh No whoa okay guys I'm literally getting close from the beach now uh I don't know where I'm supposed to go okay I need to get on a platform of some sort oh my gosh this is not good literally everything around me is just getting enclosed with lava the entire beach is destroyed guys I don't know what I'm gonna do no do I stay up here or do I get underwater uh okay you know what I'm staying in the water standing the waters through safest place I could be right now I mean I literally I will burn on the ground if I stay there oh no oh no guys guys it's getting a lot closer I don't yeah you know what I need to go to water who no guys wish me luck I'm going under if you guys want to see exactly what happens next I need everyone right now to drop a like on today's video I promise it's going to blow your mind but until then you guys see the videos in the playlist over there if you guys want to watch another video of mine maybe some lunar Moon videos make sure you guys go click that right now and go and check them out I promise you will love them but until the next red Sun video guys I will see you guys in the next video take care
Channel: Shark
Views: 3,350,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glitch, games, prank, maps, troll, shark, mini-game, gameplay, house, redstone, minecraft troll, 09sharkboy, mini game, comedy, command, pranks, creations, minecraft mods, gaming, mod, secret, map, 09sharkboy minecraft, tutorial, adventure, top minecraft, showcase, modded minecraft, video, funny, troll smp, moments, minecraft, playthrough, modded, how to, challenge, facts, spotlight, custom, game, mods, minigame, craziest, parody, minecraft trolling, best minecraft mods, squad minecraft, crazy, traps, trolling, roleplay
Id: uAp1BUvLg2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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