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foreign this is the best I can do I've got a Roman silver coin horde I've got a Roman silver coins oh wait until you see this video you beauty welcome back to the fields of perthshire in well quite a mild and thankfully thawed out Scotland disaster well kind of uh first of all while I remember I have to say a huge thank you to Lorraine Kurt Rose and Lisa who all made me a very generous donation through buy me a coffee which will be used for the upkeep of the channel and I have to also see a massive massive thank you because I have hit 15 000 subscribers which is incredible My Views are through the roof My Views are up something like 750 percent I've picked up as many followers in the last 40 days as I've picked up since the channel started so thank you all for the incredible incredible support so I started by saying disaster why is it a disaster well I'm on the Roman field I'm on my own at the moment I might be joined by others I'm not sure but last week the ground was frozen solid as you'll have seen I came out with a horde Hunter and I marked six really good sounding deep signals which my XP DS2 would not pick up so there must have been at least 12 inches um deep I marked them and I've come out with the horde Hunter and the XP DS2 to dig them up and you'll never guess what's happened what's happened is the farmer has plowed the field I don't believe it so the markers because I didn't use my GPS the markers that I put down to dig to come back to dig are lost they're gone I'd put a few sticks in the ground and a little bit of spray paint and they've all been plowed in so ah what a disaster well every cloud has a silver lining because this field I asked the farmer earlier on he's plowed it to a depth of 18 inches and look at that fresh and ready to dig so I've decided I've only got three hours or so of detecting I've decided to leave The Horde hunter in the car for now and I'm just going to focus on the XP DS2 and the newly plowed field so as you know Albert sorry no no Albert Pete Sneaky Pete got himself a Roman silver Denarius out this field but Martin's had one and so has Fletch and so have I so hopefully there's more goodies to be had let's see how we get on 10 minutes in so far all I've had is one signal which was a bit of aluminum on the surface but we've got a wee scratchy signal here 71.72 worth further investigations God how nice is it to be able to put a speed in the ground I think I've got it out I think or I've dug in the wrong place I think it's about here [Music] well it's definitely out whatever it is [Music] it must be on here [Music] it's not a bit of lead oh no wait a minute that could be a coin it could be Roman could be Roman or it could be a button I think it's Roman it is I think that is Roman on the first decent well I wouldn't say decent half decent signal I think we've got a Roman coin turn that off and get the toothbrush so a couple of people as well have very kindly sent a couple of gifts for me and for the guys as well so hugely appreciative I will do a proper thank you once uh once everyone else is here um I forgot to also say XP days too I'm using program three sensitive full tones I was playing about with a custom program which is still haven't perfected well it's not the best a condition is it there's a better detail there other side and just give it away gentle rub aha there is a figure there I can just make out a figure it's definitely Roman and it's going to be 4th Century I'm guessing so I will let this dry out I'll give it a gentle rub and I will come right back to you but that's a great start 10 12 minutes in we've got a 4th Century Roman coin well done the XP DS2 is better than I thought so there's the reverse you can clearly see a figure standing and I think it's possibly emperor dragging a captive I think there's maybe a little figure on his knees to the left hand side there either that or it's the the power of the Republic of Rome one or the other and the other side there is a little bit of detail I can just make out ahead we'll look into the right hand side you see the nose just there you can see the eye the forehead so it is definitely roaming his fourth century chances are it's probably House of Constantine Constantine the Great so gotta put it around about 3 30. give or take and if it is Constantine or Constantine the first or Constantine the Great and he was responsible for moving the capital from from Rome in Italy he moved it to modern day Istanbul and he called it Constantinople he named it after himself and he famously was a was christened he was the first of the Roman emperors to become Christian so that is a good start very happy with that brilliant always needs to get a Roman coin especially one with detail great start I also have to say as well a huge thank you to raketon's my channel sponsor who also provided me with this metal detector who sent me a lovely big box of chocolates for a belated Christmas gift so thank you to raketons as well we have an ear blowing signal right here [Music] 88 seems like a fairly small Target but don't maybe well could be a coin actually it could be a coin or it could just be a shallow piece of copper or such like but we're out somewhere oh there we are oh I think that's it there well that is it there I think we've got a buckle Maybe it looks square and it is square that is a little buckle maybe military I don't know if it's intentionally curved or if it's bent let's get the wee toothbrush see if there's any decoration it's quite a substantial little bottle very chunky it's a heavy little thing so decoration the answer is no not on that side anyway nope I don't see any decoration on there but yeah it's quite a substantial little Buckle possibly military like off of a sort of webbing belt you know those little pouches that used to hold your ammunition and personal belongings and such like so could be sort of first second World War era but I wouldn't think it's probably any more I mean any older than probably 1850 but let me know in the comments below going nice and slow slow and low and right here there's a Target actually sounds like there's iron in there as well maybe let's just take the top off and see coming through 93.94 don't know if there's an iron there as well or it's just just a deep Target but about there still there I think it's just a deep Target or out we're out and it sounds pretty good now there is it nope huh I think we've got a coin or a button maybe a big penny that is 19 I think it's 64. one penny so it's going to be Elizabeth the second there she is looking to the right hand side excellent well it just shows you honestly what a different suits turn that off what a difference a good plowing of the field makes half an hour in and uh a third signal it's not in the best a condition these uh later coins they're made with if I remember rightly Cupra nickel it's like a copper nickel mix and well to be honest it's actually in better condition than I thought so what have we got we've got Elizabeth the second Degreaser Regina FD so that's Elizabeth II by the grace of God Queen and defender of the faith FD deaf and on the back we've got a very nice Britannia seated with a lighthouse and the trident and it's actually 1961. so not particularly old and obviously our late Monarch who died in just a few months ago so there we go Elizabeth II one penny on its pre-decimal so decimalization was 1971 I think so at the point that this was lost there were 240 Pence to the pound after decimalization there was a hundred so there we go nice good find so we've got a little squeaky Target it's actually similar to that Elizabeth 90s 94 97. so let's see not so good this time take another speed fill out and see I have to say I'm loving this speed that could be big Iron actually deep Big Iron doesn't sound great now but oh we're out well it's an ear blower now but it doesn't sound great it sounds a bit junky but uh yeah I have to see him loving the most expensive speed that I've ever bought [Music] oh there's something Oh I thought that was I want to tell you what that's a bottle top is that a bottle top ah it's a bloody bottle top oh it's got glass in it so I have to be careful Oh I thought for a wee minute there it was something silver damn damn I don't I don't think it's even decorated but yeah my speed it's colder an evolution and uh I bought it because lots of people on some of the metal detecting forums online were were raving about it saying that it was the best speed ever I think it was about 70 pounds but 80 US dollars give or take um but so far it has been a great buy so yeah oh damn a bottle top that almost looked like it could have been silver I don't even need to dig this one it's on the surface can you see it is the question any guesses and it's right there I think it might be a spoon is it whole or is it broken ah it's broken yeah it's a spoon handle it's a spoon handle probably a teaspoon it might have a maker's mark on it there as well let's get the toothbrush and the Bendy thumb on it what are we going to have Sheffield stainless steel oh we've got that's a restaurant something restaurant it's not lner is it as in the as in the real way I'm not sure but it is a restaurant someone has stolen it from a restaurant I'm not making it any better um I've made it worse it's a restaurant so someone has nicked it someone has stolen it and they've taken it out into the field probably a farmer or a farm worker so there you go a little teaspoon probably going to be less than 100 years old I'm Reckoning oh well just 10 feet away from my spoon which is there well maybe 15 feet maybe we've got another bit of spoon similar signal similar sound except not on the top underneath got quite a bit deeper or I'm digging in the wrong place one or the other there's something right there I think it actually is a bit of a spoon I think it's the missing part that's the ball that is a spoonball scoop that out that is it look at that it's been bent right over that could well be where's my other bit that is that is it like that is the spoon who knows it could be 100 years since these two parts have been together but they all count oh well if we could find out what restaurant is from we can maybe give it back yep there you go that's exactly a matching pair or two halves it wasn't obviously shaped like that someone's bent it and that's why it's snapped but there you go a spoon this one was a a bit of a ropey sounding 88 to 91 um two speed fills down I know it sounds pretty good so what have we got maybe a wee coin I think we've got a cloud shot we have oh I'll tell you what I think we've maybe got silver folks tell you what it could be Roman oh it's Roman that is a Roman Denarius you absolute Beauty you beauty that is silver Roman you dancer that everyone is a Denarius that is probably going to be first or second century you beauty you beauty see you've got to dig the signals see these ones that are just you're just not a hundred percent right didn't sound at all silver even when it was out the ground it didn't sound like silver but there is definitely going to be some detail on this foreign oh look at that it's a little figure seated it says Fortuna which is Fortune the emperor uh the goddess of Fortune this could be first century or as a beauty look at that it's Hadrian that is the Emperor Hadrian look hadrianis h-e-d-r-i-e-n-v-s hadrianis e v that would be G so it would be Augustus and then cause c-o-s11 and then looks like a p and an F um prefect prefector something like that probably that is the Emperor Hadrian that is beautiful I've not had a Hadrian for years years probably oh six years maybe that is Emperor Hadrian so when was he on the throne the throne well he wasn't on a throne but you know what I mean when did he rule about I think he was about 118. to probably about a hundred and 130 140 A.D he obviously most famous of all he he commissioned the construction of Hadrian's Wall and that began in 122 A.D it took six years to complete and it runs across the north of England it's all in England it's Western end it's half a mile from Scotland and it's eastern end it's something like 40 miles 30 miles from Scotland and it runs for 73 miles it was built by three Roman Legions and Incredibly they built it in stone between four and six meters in height and they did it in six years unbelievable six years to construct a 73 mile stone wall that is a thing of beauty that is utterly utterly stunning but that is stunning so it must be the the goddess of Fortune Fortuna and there's a little a little horn looks a bit like a snake in the the left hand uh that is uh a cornucopia which is the Horn of Plenty so it was overflowing with food and plants and flowers and all sorts of things that is stunning well well all right I'm going to get the I'm gonna get the the GPS out and log this so I've got a one meter Square of where it came from and surprise surprise I'm going to search around and see if there's anything else I'll be right back to you in a minute unbelievable absolutely over the moon first person to touch that coin and 1900 years potentially now always a great thing to have a GPS I got this one second hand for about 50 pounds off eBay I've turned it off just so you don't see the coordinates but I'm 11 meters away from where I got the silver coin last time 11 meters so further investigations required typical again look it's getting dark I've probably only got half an hour maybe an hour's daylight left why do the good things always come at the end all right let's see how we get on I literally picked up my detector that's where I got the Hadrian I'd put my speed here and I picked up the detector I turned to the right and I've got an 83 84 I haven't even swung it still in there a lot of dug in the wrong place one or the other come on come on Hearts this lead it's lead maybe a token or a seal that's a button helmet oh God talk about your heart racing it's a lead button it's a hem wait for a dress oh don't believe it I thought I was in there to that that's off the the pleats of a of a woman's skirt probably yeah 1800 1900 damn my heart is racing oh well right plenty more searching to do the wind is really howling hopefully the microphone's doing its job this is where the Hadrian came from I literally turned got the button right there I've got another signal right here 88.89 come on oh my God I saw something silver I swear to God I saw something silver come on I definitely saw something silver I did that is another silver coin I don't believe it you beauty you beauty you absolute Beauty oh have we got a horde that is another silver Roman coin that is another silver Roman coin you absolute Beauty it's not as good as the last one it's a bit worn it's not that bad though is it oh that is another silver Roman coin that was literally on the surface it must have been I saw it as the soil flicked over hopefully the camera picked it up but that was just under the surface it's a woman that is a woman that is faustina faustina the first Diva vastina see their d-i-v-a and on that side of faustina f a v s t i n a this is a lady and this is the wife of antoninus Pius and if I've got my history right if I remember I've had coins of her before she died about 140 A.D and her uncle was Hadrian because Hadrian adopted her husband and her husband was antoninus Pius it was all a rage for Romans to adopt boys and Hadrian famously adopted and the emperor we just get the coin out oh my God my hands are shaking so here you go Hadrian this man here he adopted her husband and her husband was antoninus pious so that makes her not only a daughter-in-law through marriage but also I'm sure Hadrian was her uncle as well because the the Romans like to kind of keep it in the family a little bit I think she died about 140 A.D but I'm sure she appeared on coins for about 20 years after her death antoninus Pious took over from Hadrian and uh he ruled from about 130 to 160 161 A.D give or take folks who might have a horde we might have a horde well this Field's produced lots and lots of Roman silver coins over the years but I can't remember ever having two so close together I'm losing the daylight but that's the uh the two uh silver coins were there and they are and the button thing was about there no yeah um you can see I've spiraled out from where I got the signal I'm losing the daylight fast and it's cold we've got a Wii got a wee squeaky signal again 87.88 let's try a different program for a second that's no that's deep HC I've got a custom program here which is a deep searching program and it doesn't even register I know it does oh no it does now look at the difference that is a custom deep program that was the one that I was trying before and that's screaming what a difference well I know what program I'm using next time I come in this field my God you're blowing Target am I digging in the wrong place ah don't believe it is another silver coin there's another silver coin I don't know if I got that on camera or not it just popped out I've lost it I don't see it now I think it's in the hole [Music] swear I saw a silver coin I hope I got that on camera oh come on I see it I see it there look just there see that edge here's another Roman I don't believe it I don't believe it let's get out the wind I don't believe it bloody hell my fingers are about ready to drop off that's another Roman silver I think it might be another Hadrian sorry if I'm a bit over excited here it's not every day that you get three Roman silver coins here are they come on mud get off there you go there's a figure there standing or seated standing I think yep there's a little figure standing not quite sure who that is but that is Roman look at that oh it's a beauty it's the best who have we got it's not Hadrian his head's too big and nerva n-e-r-v-a I know who it is it's trajan it says what does it see he'll say something like imp imperator and then maybe Augustus aug and then it says n-e-r-v-a nerva afterwards it says trajun t-r-a-g-e-n then it's Augusta e u g and then I think it says g-e-r-m germanicus which is Germany because under emperor trajan uh the conquested large parts of Germany that is Emperor trajan trading's column in Rome which I have seen which is a fantastic carving which dates to about a hundred and 115 or 120 A.D something like that that is unbelievable unbelievable oh my God I've got a horde 100 we've got a horde my God three Roman Silvers in half an hour all within about 20 feet of one another two of them right next to each other there is going to be more there has to be more and look at the condition that is a beautiful coin so Adrian uh sorry trajan he uh he also conquested Dacia which is like modern day Romania or Bulgaria and out of the booty that They carried off from from Dacia they built trajan's column which is a huge carved uh Stone pillar covered in battle scenes and Conquest scenes and it's very close to the Coliseum right in the heart of old Rome next to the Forum that is stunning that is the best coin isn't it I would say the back's a bit worn but the condition on that side is phenomenal oh my God right more to come I hope let's just show you all of them well you know what actually I've just realized um trade this is three this is three on the Trot this is three three people who all ruled one after the other trading was first he was something like 96 to 118. 120 after him was Hadrian he was about 120 to about a hundred and 38 or something like that and then her husband antoninus Pious he ruled from immediately after Hadrian something like 138. until about 161 give or take so these are three empresses or Emperors back to back you absolute Beauty that is stunning my God right I can't stop talking let's go try and get some more digging done I'll be back to you in a minute well if I find something I'm sticking with that custom program and I've got another ear blowing signal [Music] now I've had to put the flash on on the camera because I've almost lost the daylight I think it's about there we're out come on I hope you're all as excited as I am it's a stone [Music] oh there it is there so I think it's another buckle oh it could be silver it's a it's a buckle it is a buckle hang on a second but my lights just gone off give me a second okay take two my oh and that's what it was I hadn't actually put it on and that is a buckle is it tinned is it silvered um let's give it a wee brush I'm gonna be out here all night at this at the street I don't believe it I've lost my toothbrush and all the excitement oh no I've got it I've got it I've got it right this is just a wee gentle rub so don't panic uh I get the feeling that's not that old there's a little D buckle it almost looks a bit like it's you know it's copper it's copper alloy you can see the the that brown color underneath but it's got a it's got like a silver plate or a tin on the outside what do you reckon to that could that be Roman I don't think so I think it's I think it's modern well modernish I think it's a couple of hundred years old a few hundred years but let me know in the comments below fantastic I've been about 20 20 minutes 22 minutes without a signal and I've got a digger here [Music] it's a very solid 80 I'm a good distance away a good distance away from the Roman I think this might this might be my last signal [Music] I think it's out I think I've moved it out let's shove that out the way yep definitely out sorry about the video quality and the hopefully the audio is doing its job it's there somewhere outside nope that's it feels like lead quite heavy anyway it's another dice that is another day it's another it's a weird guy it's got diamonds on it what is that that is a dice or a die 100 percent but it's got diamonds rather than a one two one to six there's a two there's another two look at that there's a one there's another one and another one and another two and another two well I haven't had a a dice or a die ever until what three weeks ago then I got my first dice or die and then which was on this field um to be honest not far away from where I am and then I got another one the next time I was out in the same area and now I've got this weird looking thing which is kind of like a dice or die but it's got diamonds on it I've never seen one like that before I'm assuming must be some sort of Gaming gaming token Maybe I've never seen one before so if you have then let me know in the comments below yeah I'm gonna give it another 10 minutes I can't leave yet this is too exciting all right let's see if we can sneak something else out what a day or what a day I I'm calling it time it's been almost pitch black for half an hour um people think there's a UFO in the field if they see me that is phenomenal what a day three Roman Silvers one Roman bronze and a few other interesting things as well so a little debacle that's kinda a little bit um silvered or tinned a henway from address a spoon two halves of a spoon this is really interesting what is that is that Roman is that a gaming piece you can see it's got these diamonds stamped into one in two diamonds and it's made of lead so you're gonna have to let me know in the comments if you've seen anything similar to that and then a little Buckle which might be military and an Elizabeth a penny pre-decimal Penny from 1961 but we've got a fourth Century Roman bronze which is probably House of Constantine just realize I'm facing into the wind so let me turn around but not one not two but three Roman silver dinari look at those coins oh my God that is phenomenal or what I find what a discovery they are incredible so the oldest is with this one got them back to front the oldest is that one which is trajan who know I've dropped it dropped it oh right so the oldest on the left is trajan which is about 96 to 118 give or take A.D he then is followed by Hadrian which is about 118 to about 130 128 something like that and then this woman here her husband he becomes Emperor and his name was antoninus Pius and he actually built a wall as well he built a wall around about 140 A.D between modern day Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland but it doesn't survive very well because it's made of turf of Earth and wood so there you go what a day or what are they we have got a Roman silver coin horde I think three coins constitutes a horde don't you and that there's going to be more there has to be more than the fact that these three coins are all consistent um what's the word I'm looking for Emperors that all run in a in a line this has got to be a horde has to be a horde oh I can't wait to get out on this field with a horde Hunter there's going to be more to come what a day well thank you all for watching sorry about the excitement um getting a bit carried away but I hope you enjoyed if you if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you're not already subscribed then hit the button it doesn't cost you any money and here I'm sure you'll all be waiting desperately for me to get back on this field I cannot wait we'll see you on the next dig thanks for watching
Channel: The Scottish Detectorist
Views: 66,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, Metal detecting UK, metal detecting finds, XP DEUS II, XP DEUS 2, The Scottish Detectorist, Digging for Britain, mudlarking, Mudlark, minelab manticore, Minelab equinox, Nokta, Si-finds mudlarking, nicola white mudlark, The Hoover Boys, Northern Mudlarks, Green Mountain Metal Detecting, Bondi Treasure Hunter, Digger Dawn, West Country Clegg, Aquachigger, Metal Detecting NYC, treasure hunting, Roman Scotland, coin hoard, Treasure
Id: OlmkCOFtIMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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