Metal detecting one of the oldest places around & digging up 1700s colonial artifacts NH

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can't get away from the water mushy mushy okay so i know it's gonna look terribly far and impossible with all this flooding but you see that little itty bitty mountain way over there yeah yeah we got to go to the right side of it we're walking that way well i know but look it's either we swim that way i know it looks terribly far but it okay if we didn't come this way we would have added at least a third of the time and distance on all right man so welcome to all of you to another not thursday damon i are going to go metal detecting and i want to go to a seller hole way over there which it's been two years very peculiar location found a few things but it's been two years we have new machines both of us i don't want to take you out there we're just hoping we can get there from here if not we'll go somewhere else we'll make it up as we go so let's uh let's do it all right this is the only spot that i was having thoughts and questions of but it ain't too bad because it's flowing into where it's flooded it was coming out the other way select it all yep oh and rolling so we are 15 minutes out and where we are is at the tail end of one farm you can see the walls public space big squares up there this will be our plan b if we can't get to objective a orbit zone yeah yeah it's decent up here so essentially what we are trying to achieve is the disconnect between this farm and the ancient spot so unfortunately we're going to go down and hopefully it's not a lagoon it looks like some extreme downness yeah that's okay okay so here we go we made it completely to the end of the farm we're leaving and we're heading through hopefully no more than 15 minutes of this i think i see a game trail here let's hope yeah all right catch up with us in a little bit so we've been going quite a ways and what has happened is if you can see it on the ground this is definitely an ancient trail it's documented indigenous people were out in this area yep and that ain't no game trail i mean it's it's hard packed that's the thing when we're walking through the woods we can tell the difference in the feel between a straight loggers route and an actual old road or an ancient trail because of the firmness especially around here everything is sponge sponge sponge and you get on this right and you know when you step off it and nothing grows on the ancient trails so this is what we're following and we're just trying to keep heading southwest and hopefully hopefully all this stuff breaks soon all right and fortunately it's broken so why this is so texturous that is a mountain and it is steep you can't you could climb it but it would be treacherous are in between with all the rhododendrons and other jungle-like attire because down there is all wet so this stuff just creeps up out of the wetness and uh this is it this is the only way through and that's why we're doing it all right let's hope it stays like this and my guess is 10 minutes all right we made it this is it's kind of a crazy location yes i've been wanting you to see it because it doesn't fit the mold of everything else no it's it it's a beautiful island in the middle of all this crap would have been one of the choice places back in the day that took us 50 minutes at a third of a mile an hour yeah all right hoping to find some old stuff let's dig hopefully we're not clipping it now ah nice it was a button dame mission accomplished nine inches deep pays to come back and have a different machine to do it and that is tom back so right in the realm of what we're expecting 1700s so as local history has it written this is actually a pretty cool place it's uh written that they settled out here in the 1730s but when they settled out here there were people already living here so it's one of those areas that you know they got off the boats and went further and probably without grants or bought land they just settled nice another button wow i say that because i did a i did a good job on this lip at least so i thought yeah little sleeve button and tom back again all right so i heard dame over here working and working you say i was wearing it with 39. it was 42 in the ground and then it was a 39 in the plug and i got a tom back oh baby yeah let's shake excellent teeny weeny sniping look at that shine yeah wow we're actually uh we're doing better than i thought we would yes yes we are well it might be a nail yep now that's awfully loud wow another button it must have not submerged because of the rocks and stuff oh it's pewter beautiful uh oh it's a little knife blade oh wow that's cool yeah yeah very cool actually it's teeny what if it's a pocket knife yeah well it looks like old old stuff yeah cool the last thing about out here is this is like about as old as it gets yes and i have no idea how long they were here but so far all tomba computer and cool lead ball age unknown that is ugly enough to want to know ah good thing i went for it looks like a normal iron d buckle and get a little brush no definitely not your standard d-ring it's got something round on the end it almost looks like the size of a button see it so it's almost more like a handle that's cool and different very similar to the teeny weeny tom back low but solid piece of pewter all right good catch yeah spoonage bucklage bucklage maybe cool drippage yeah let's see what that big nasty is big chunk of bean pot it's like 3 8 thick heavy duty stuff right there well there's definitely enough of an iron floor that one of my thoughts today was hit it with the 5-inch coil because again it's been a couple years different machine different size coils all right let's give that a spin around the footprint of the cellar well i don't think i needed the small coil to find that wow there's your bean pot dutch oven chunk and in with it which i'm happy to have found some glazed pottery oh yeah beautiful oh nice see i always take this stuff window glass and most likely by the age of this site this came directly from england wow it's the base of the pottery wow there's a lot of it in here that was interesting a lot more shards i've just been putting them in my pouch but that's some beautiful stuff i was just going to ask you if you've gone into the chimney stack yet i'm there now well i just cracked the ground open and there's plenty of pottery window glass and nice half a bean pot we'll see what uh what else is in here yeah must have kicked it out somewhere oh it's a lead button good job wow that was tough it was jumping all around yeah real good though yeah good because this has been the quiet side yeah which i'm surprised because this looks like you know a living space yeah it's flat smooth before it goes down into the jungle yeah doing good more of the pot i did my loop around the lip with the small coil yeah i thought 22 slug and uh now this wall comes away from the home site there's not a little wall right here that's it two walls goes out in the middle of nothing so i'm gonna swing in here with the big coil see what happens yes another button tom back no shank nice [Laughter] maybe weak but maybe a piece of pewter actually looks like the top of a baby spoon handle so that's good what's left of it roots and straps [Music] the rock uh there we go another small button beautiful a little bit different it's got a domed back that is still tom back though all right so slightly off in the side yard it's been a little while for me so i'm hitting the yucky areas oh yeah that should be good out here should be only had one shotgun shell and it was on the surface yeah another pewter button good job very nice that's a lot of pewter today pewter and tom back sign of the times awesome job man yeah i've been out here moving about to a little bit of iron but no targets like that so very good i don't know [Applause] ah really is in the tree oh yes nice convex button wow i thought that was going to be ammo let's shank so not bad i had found this place a couple years ago came out did an nt did what i needed to do we come back nine buttons and things and things other stuff and things yes so pretty good damn good you know and the thing about for us coming out here is it's the journey it does set your mind somewhere completely else when you have to walk that far to rugged terrain to reach where a big colonial house once stood and this was a farm unbelievably it's pretty much all overgrown yeah it's one of my favorite things it's that you walk onto a family's property somebody who lived here on the side of a mountain above a pond yep so get out go have a journey enjoy the trip and we'll see you all very soon enjoy you're not thursday [Music] my
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 14,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not thursday, new hampshire, metal detecting, Fisher metal detectors, Fisher F19 metal detector, Metal detecting one of the oldest places around & digging up 1700s colonial artifacts NH, metal detecting colonial places, 1700s, artifacts, relics, old rock walls, old foundations, cellar hole, metal detecting cellar holes, digging up old stuff buried in the ground, how you find old places, exploring, hiking, history, New England history, Fisher detector at cellar, deserted places
Id: Xo0I1WoqNzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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