We FAILED as husbands... - Wife PC Build-Off

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I feel like the AIO may have been a bit too much, I've built a few PCs at this point and wouldn't have a clue where to start with that or how they work, although I suppose I would try to watch a video.
And on that note I feel like earlier on they should have been reminded to actually watch videos as they go.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/scorcher117 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Bitwit is so cringe when he says “wifey sauce” I knew he was going to do it but I had hope that maybe he wouldn’t.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/killin1a4 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

It really bothers me that the wide shots have a different color profile than the handheld/closeup stuff. You can really see it in Yvonne's hair.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/tcgmetalhead 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was painful to watch...

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/OceanMan20 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/deathscythes 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've been laughing since I heard the cycle comment. Pure husband commentary.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kinkajou1015 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Next build off competition: Wifetwocents vs Snowflake

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dryphtyr 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is gold

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's finally happening ladies and gentlemen the ultimate PC build off between Linus tech tips and bit wet but rather than exhaust ourselves and you know get all sweaty building computers we've decided to fight this as more of a proxy war so instead of - versus Kyle it's gonna be my wife Yvonne versus YP sauce wifey sauce that's a good nickname so mine has a nickname ladies have fun we're gonna go sit on the couch and critique your builds and you have snacks I do I'm gonna have some snacks honey is the free web browser extension that will find you the best promo codes on shopping websites like Amazon eBay and more get it today at join honey calm slash LTT it's free [Music] so you guys are each going to build your pcs starting on the same mark and then we're going to come in and inspect each other's wives build okay okay so it's not a speed contest that's a thoroughness contest a little bit of both actually so you'll get 10 points if you finish first and then you get deducted one point the slower person gets deducted one point for every ten minutes extra they take then we have a five point score for your cable management so one is gonna be you basically just threw it all in their total rat's nest and bang the side panels on yeah nasty with a 5 being what we would consider to be better than what we would have done for these builds however even if you get 15 points if there are defects or what was the word deficiencies something's not plugged in IO there's a memory stick that's undone yep you get one point docked for every single deficiency so then if we're going to be doing cable management where is if ties and all that I believe you said you have a bunch of LTT cable ties most of them are in use but I do have a bag of zip ties yeah okay we could even you can even fight over who gets to use that more often okay um and do we get like a sort of briefing do we get to watch one of your videos you can watch as many of my videos as you want okay I can watch as many of yours sure I mean they won't be helpful yeah of course okay we're not allowed to help each other you can help each other if you want like that's one of us finishes first and they can go over and help the person she already know she's gonna win she's trash-talking right now she's coming over to help yeah that is true water evil disguise it right yeah it's like Mean Girls okay well see you guys yeah good luck okay okay I'm going to start with the mother I'm afraid to say things out loud I know me too but you see I'm you're being local this is I think this might be like a back plate of some kind I'm actually really looking forward to this I am too this is great like we're making content I feel like we're just sitting back and relax okay we should just do this more often let them do all the work oh should they didn't give us thermal paste does it not come on the cooler already Wow just uh make things right away I mean you got a you know desk space is a valuable asset when you're building a piece now is she not using the motherboard box as a cheap easy anti-static safe workstation well because she's got a beautiful gamers Nexus mod Matt I don't think the CPU works for this motherboard she could wait and she doesn't have it lined she doesn't have it lined up great she has it she has it rotated way she keeps like second guessing she keeps putting it in the same way I can tell could you tell if it's facing there's an office in the right way you know what I take it back this isn't that much fun they're not gonna sleep with us for like a week I know wait a minute was your CPU exactly the same can I see the top of it AMD rise in 24 countries she mine's not a MIDI Rison no they're not the same they're not the same mine's at 2700 so mine's not like when I put it when I line up the arrows unless it goes this way no cuz I lined up the arrows nicely and then yeah cuz it's not like seating at all I feel like this is the blind leading the blind right now but bear oh my god okay I was like okay thank you you're welcome wifey you're better than this I mean at least she's installing RAM now instead of like trying to put an AI Oh cooler on outside that a case right we'll see now if wifey sauce is a good sport she'll help Yvonne when she gets in a pinch Yeah right she owes her one I think she owes her went to at least pregnant yeah see you said yeah I built a computer in ten years I feel like that's a lie cuz you remember you know it has it actually has been a really long time and I've never built one completely myself before okay but I think I'm just I'm using like logic I saw like for the CPU I saw a little gold triangle on one side and then I saw a little triangle and the other things that they went together I think I really need to get my eyes checked because I was seeing like two markings that looked both looked like arrows and I was like I don't know I think it's the nerves or something it must be this is not right what is going on how's it go this way that can't be right that's it this way okay this really is the true test of manufacturer documentation no kidding right because I think honestly our wives are probably a pretty good representation of people who like are like aware of computers right but has never actually like really done it yeah what's really baffling me is that they haven't just pulled out one of our videos to watch along with do they really have this little faith in us I'm trying to be careful not to touch the bottom and oh you're 'z have thermal paste in mine doesn't so I got to figure that out too after oh thank you why are they collaborating so much I don't know like I wouldn't be helping you at all well there's like sharing tools and stuff what are you guys baking a cake together at it this is supposed to be cutthroat there's no prize for finishing together I need to put these on but I don't know which way these go on so it looks like the round is over I'm really bad at physics so I need to like line things up exactly how it says this is not physics m'lady ironically she got a far better grade in our first-year physics course than I did I mean you were probably just busy dropping things that was your physics exam drop the you know things drop the course drop my degree I'm shaking right now are you shaking I'm in love doing this and on top of that I have thermal compound all over my hand no no no this is wrong this is wrong it is not making contact at all okay okay why isn't it working oh she flipped it she flipped the other bracket oh they do yeah they flipped it that's my Heather she had to flip it around I didn't I didn't know she did that too yeah she's got it now but yeah but she can't figure out how to break this [ __ ] you don't know again that's wrong she just put it on wrong again did you just take it off put it back on exactly this anyway oh there it is there it is I'm gonna get my memory in okay so this part you got to line up the little things and open it ah boy hand it should be okay I heard click that's good okay yeah that's some good round installation honey good job you rammed it in there empty where's my other fan okay no I did this the perfect way wait what is she doing hold on if she if she's putting them on the right way it could still work in fact I wouldn't oh no that's not right at all I know no honey is your chance to catch up yeah I always mess up like what direction like the cable should go and I'm with fans on radiators I can hear them like yelling in there and I wonder like what they're getting so which one of us is making a horrible mistake right now that they're making fun of us for both of you really the reflection is on us though it really is you know that right yeah they're just an extension of our own skill and training abilities just snacks I do hungry yeah let me get something kind of lunchtime right oh nice you've got like a platter I really hate working this hard but you know oh boy okay am I supposed to mount the radiator before I put in my memory as it is not fitting you know what to be safe I'm just gonna take out my memory they both took the RAM oh I didn't see Heather take the Raider did I but if they left the RAM in then they probably wouldn't have been able to install the radiator which means that they're gonna be like I said they have to be they have to install it at the front that's the only option they're both let's see who figures it out first why does my memory not fit see I thought it was actually I don't actually think it's gonna fit I think I think I think they're too tall is yours too tall too yeah I had the same issue okay but that can't be right I mean because I'm gonna take mine now in order to mount the radiator that's what I just did and then I now I'm wondering if we should have left it in there the memory well I didn't want to really because I took it out for the same reason I was having trouble fitting yeah the radiator in there but there is no way in hell yeah there's gonna be out there it's gonna go back in there oh my god a nice food right now well are we you're screwed then we're both screwed so it's it's okay you know what I think we should do is remove like the fan I'm not sure if that would help well just to just just just to be sure that you know it works well if you've moved on oh oh no that means he did you did help me with this the CPS I that's that's true that's true whoops okay so GPU oh oh oh I'll do that uh-huh don't feel bad for immature mm-hmm okay please go in come on just just go in there oh he's got the GPU installed for better or for worse I mean it's fine as long as she got all of the front panel IO and everything hooked up perfectly underneath it might be blocking the SATA ports though because they do have a two and a half inch SSD the deal work graphics card last hun watch videos that's any video okay so do you guys want any hints we both cannot figure out how to make this fit we think it's too tall well sorry I can't give you any hints but you guys are 100% certain that this will fit with the build this computer can be built do we need you tall this is the life yep you know a happy happy wife happy life right absolutely Hey look happy oh my gosh I'm so flustered right now me we're done I could never go okay am i oh my gosh why isn't this coming out because I need this to come out [Music] I think that's the only way that's gonna be plugged in I can't go like that I think that will work hey what is this me oh wait is Evol wait is Yvonne asking for help what is this okay so she's helping her she's helping my wife is helping your wife I think you might be one of those but I honestly thought so too but they don't they don't plug in I think we have other connectors for that okay other connectors so what these are well looks like Oh looks like an RGB lead please don't try to plug that into that stop just stop just stop please no I had this brilliant idea that I was gonna try to mount the radiator somewhere else but I don't think it fits over there does a radiator really need two fans she's not technically wrong it's an aesthetic thing it's like a cooling like a rise in CPU it's at 2700 get warm yeah that's a stock cooler on it she's just like jam it in there I don't know wait is there a monarchy oh I can't see oh well she died it got it in there how it can be done is it it's fairly installed right it looks fairly intact even didn't lined up at the right there is enough clearance to me but maybe they're just just just is mind you now she's gonna have a hell of a time just start plugging things in I guess oh my god did I just do just save me you've got to be kidding me at least she recognizes it Alicia at least she realized it that's good that's good because otherwise she was gonna fry your board yeah yeah there are times a charm you know what I think I'm just gonna move on from this it's one point for a deduction for not getting something right so I'm just not gonna put that second fan in and I'm gonna hope that I make it up for twit speed there the funny merit is everyone we were like four hours yeah you don't need four hours to build a computer that's insulting that they would think we would need four hours to build a computer it seemed like 90% of both of their struggles just stemmed straight from the a oh they haven't really struggled with a whole lot else that's taken too much time so everything else looks a are you installed correctly yeah you figured out the fan thing too no I'm sorry the AI oh the where it plugged in did you figure that out nope and I am also bleeding now so I have no idea how that happened do they say they were both bleeding I think so you must be on the same cycle making my own tourniquet are you bleeding a lot you need a band-aid um I'm so stressed out building this thing that I didn't even feel it yeah I just don't want to get blood everywhere right the phone is still a flashlight oh no dear have it oh no no no please don't do no nope nope nope nope nope don't I feel like this goes together but I can't I don't know if this was it the whole time it was if they finish it around the same time so far I think they both only have one obvious deficiency Yvonne doesn't have both fans on her rad right and Heather didn't plug in the USB on her cpu block right no I just realized I installed my a i/o isn't kind of upside down I noticed that you have time now to fix it if you wish because I'll need a point offer that I'm not touching it unbelievable unbeknownst ill building her if whoo thirds are sorry a third of the score is aesthetics but I think that an upside down logo is gonna cost I know after doing this it makes me realize that I need to build more computers it makes me realize that I don't need to do anyway there are lights on everything if Yvonne manages to put in her eight pin she could still win this Kyle I can't turn it too much because it's plugged in right now and it's really ugly from the back but oh but you don't open your back side panel so yeah okay that's that's what is normal yep that's what happens when you don't know when you don't plug things in I will confirm for you guys if this system has posted you know what we're gonna call that a no post okay so what am I missing so here this is a moment of truth for wifey sauce you watching her what yep does that mean it post it not yeah I didn't see her do anything wrong I'll go double check double check just change the input disseminate no post that's too long now that now that they've both failed their first post should we give them a hint I think so dude could you tell what was wrong with her built I didn't look closely I was just looking I was legitimately just looking to see if there was a post code read oh okay Kyle and I have talked through it and since you both reached sort of the finished stage of your builds and did not manage to post we've come up with two hints that are designed to help both of you we're not gonna say which hint is for who but the hints are watch a freaking video make sure you didn't miss a step yep Wow and hint number two is make sure everything is seated correctly okay well the the watch a freaking video is definitely for me so yeah I'm watching the no dollar wasted PC build guide now I found in LT t1 this is happening so you just do this very very gently what the hell okay that is okay this right here is not where I meant to put this I removed yeah I don't know I don't know how that happened it's not even in a slot sorry ladies figure it out time is kind of over yeah it's up to us now to try posting your systems okay and we've decided that each thing we have to do to your system is a one-point deduction okay okay honey you were so like just so close for so very long I thought the comment you had for me was that I should watch the video was you should watch the video three hours ago though oh I missed plugging something in the top so graciously Kyle has agreed that plugging in your EPS connector doesn't count as three steps removing your radiator I should have plugging in your EPS connector I regret everything your radiated that kiss I regret everything that was the part that I was just on for the video I'm gonna get there actually no I'm not gonna do that holy crap no just kidding just hang oh yeah it's funny because I know that yes you used to build your build outside the case just to make it post first name service I even thought about doing that they've been a great idea that would've been great if you watched a video well no but I knew that I just I I thought oh man she's starting up the case I'll just I'll just go for it that and you guys didn't give us the monitor so I thought we were just supposed to build you're supposed to watch a video that's what the challenge was using only your husband's videos we're going off of memory obviously yeah yep hey working yeah so I'm good that did WEO post alright all my other things spinning oh it sounds like it might be promising okay fans and now is the time to get a little quieter yep any time now any time now now would be good now would be even better ten seconds ago maybe wait just Kinison now would be worse but still okay I think it's gone I tried a different CPU once this motherboard has worked before if neither you nor I can find any clear deficiency in the build do we chalk it up to dead hardware which we cannot penalize for I mean think that that's very that's our only choice yeah I do too I thought we were both gonna post and yeah well she did eventually oh yeah that's true you did have a highly fixed one thing and Kyle and I we have no way of knowing definitively whether you actually killed the board or whether you got a bad one in the first place so we've decided to ignore it right and pretend that it posted because neither of us can find a reason that's physically obvious for it's not post so if neither of them get any sort of advantage in the time category it really boils down to cable management or aesthetics and any deductions yet so you both get 10 out of 10 for time right because you finished at the same time there was a really solid effort made to hide your cables behind the motherboard tray which in this case is quite challenging because it doesn't have a lot of space right there you did a good job of managing your tubing here having like a nice arc to somewhere sensible as opposed to having them twisted or anything like that all your RGB is illuminated so all those components are functioning enough to at least look good and you did what I would say is at least a b-plus job of getting rid of the power supply nest down here and running all of your motherboard panel connectors down along the edges here where your aesthetics kind of struggle are in the rat's nest that you've got under your drive cages over here the fan connection wires that are hanging right across your RGB motherboard here angry and while you've done an okay job of the cable management for your a i/o I've got to take a point right off for this being upside down if one is a dog's breakfast you didn't do anything and five is better than I would have done I'm gonna give you a 353.50 K so taking a look at Yvonne's build here it actually looks fairly tidy at the front kind of an interesting method here for wiring your water cooling tubes you have it sort of zip tied to the motherboard tray which isn't super conventional but I I guess it kind of looks alright but apart from that you have this cable that's coming right in front of your fan which had you just sort of flipped it it could have been completely hidden behind it or something like that there's also probably not a whole lot wrong with the fact that your rear fan is mounted as an intake apart from you know zero dust filtration but we'll get to that later I think more or less it's just kind of an eyesore that we're seeing the back of the fan as opposed to the nice-looking blades and also it's upside down so so that's not quite plumb but apart from that does look like you've taken care of your bottom cable management pretty well here I don't really see a lot of rats nests additionally there's I don't know if this counts as aesthetics but having your one of your radiator fans relocated to the back I mean it looks a little bit odd to have one fan on a rad IMO I don't know if this counts as aesthetics either but the missing panel the side panel that goes oh oh interesting we'll get to that later it looks like your RGB is pretty much all lit up for the most part which looks nice the cable management around your i/o also looks pretty good you did a pretty good job of routing it sort of behind the water cooling tubes and around the memory and I think that's pretty much it so as far as scoring goes I think I would also have to give this a 3.5 out of 5 really why do you think you deserve more or less I'm curious I'm actually more because I don't have things just like hanging in front of my my thing like I don't have just wires coming down across my build and yeah it's unconventional that I tucked it away but it's also like super clean okay I'll give you a four so well Heather I think you should get an opportunity to argue with your judge do you think you deserve more than a 3.5 my only argument is I I guess when you said cable management my I I thought I thought cable management was front and back I didn't know it was only the front you know what I guess we never things apply I think I think we didn't specify make it a four out of fun I saw it already it's better than he wants all right functionally speaking we have a couple to note here the first thing that I pointed out I think was this expansion slot isn't even mounted so it's just kind of hanging out there so I would have to deduct at least one point for that okay my turn your GPU is on in the bottom slot or the second slot which generally isn't recommended you might be lucky to the point where there's the same number of lanes going there but it's not 100% it's most likely not a hundred percent of the performance that you would get a top slot even if it's just by a really slight margin so I'm gonna have to dock a point for that missing motherboards screws that's an action I'll be I have to point out the obvious the eight pin EPS connector for the CPU wasn't plugged in Linus had to come in and do that himself that's fairly important so the point didn't you take out out my front panel connectors yes yeah so she would get docked a point for the front panel connectors because that's something I had to fix oh you fixed it yes going back to the span at the rear it being mounted as an intake with no dust filtration whatsoever would be even more detrimental to potential dust buildup in the case over time and they think that sort of ties in with the fact that you're not really getting all the cooling performance that you would have theoretically paid for out of this a i/o by moving one of those fans obviously it wouldn't fit anyway because of the clearance issue involving the memory but there was still the possibility that the rad could have been mounted to the front of the case to avoid all that entirely I even thought of that but this be one pointer to you can't prove that the cooling potential is not good because unlike this AI oh yeah that one at least has two fans spinning that one was spinning actually and yet here we are okay all right will be one point - is a baby so did you break your SATA cable here that's very wet so I'm just gonna pop this SATA cable out but it appears that you've actually cracked your SATA data cable during installation that is and I just unplugged that and your other fans started spinning which is really interesting I think that's oh I think so too I can't see anything else so in summary I have a total initial score of 14 out of 15 for a time and aesthetic same and I have deductions for a missing PCI slot cover missing motherboard screws in correct front panel connection and a broken SATA cable that once removed actually caused a fan to start spinning so that gives Heather a total of 10 out of 5 or 66.6% 10 15 10 out of 15 yes Yvonne got a 10 out of 10 for time a 4 out of 5 for aesthetics and eye doctor once for not having an expansion slot mounted down one more for a GPU in the incorrect slot an additional point docked for not having her EPS 8 pin connector plugged in which is why she wasn't able to post and one more for having a rear fan mounted as an intake that didn't have any dust filtration which brings her total score to 14 minus 4 which is 10 out of well I wasn't on her waste of time if we were gonna end up with a tie I wouldn't even bother this was pointless way to go hon you guys suck yeah and we're gonna pay for it with this word from our sponsor Thank You ring for sponsoring this video it's the holiday season and it's the busy time before you actually get to take that break friends and family might be dropping by there's a rush of packages getting delivered to your doorstep 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welcome kit it's compatible with iOS Android Mac and you can get yours today at ring comm /l TT so thanks for watching this lesson on how not to build a computer if you guys enjoyed it hit that like button get subscribed if you want to know how to actually build a computer maybe check out one of our recent guides or better yet check out bigwig Kyle's guide on how to what is it step by step ya know how to build the computer step by it's got like 5 million views or something it's really good video six point five actually yeah get subscribe to him
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 6,912,366
Rating: 4.9177814 out of 5
Id: N6jF1dxN6eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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