Don't spend too much on computers!

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live welcome guys we've got a fun little stream for y'all today it's sponsored by msi and we're going to be putting together a reasonably priced gaming system and you might think to yourself gee linus that's not really something you guys do very often and i'd say you're right but that's okay because there's a first time for everything actually we do it once in a while and it seems like a really good time to address the thousand dollar price point now going back even to my days as a sales representative at the computer store i would always tell customers when they came in whether they came in wanting a six hundred dollar computer or a two thousand dollar computer i would almost always try to not necessarily sell everybody the same computer but kind of tug them a little bit towards that bang for the buck sweet spot which for the last i don't know as long as jake's been alive anyway has been has been about a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars so this right here is a one thousand and ten dollar us dollar long story we changed out the power supply this one's ten dollars more it's all good so it's a one thousand and ten dollar us build and it's going to be great for everything from gaming to light streaming uh photo editing light video editing actually like pretty pretty medium heavy video editing 16 gigs around yeah it's not too bad let's get it started shall we and again like i said it's sponsored by msi so of course at the heart of our system is the msi b460 tomahawk let's go ahead and fire this puppy up you know i gotta say this is a massive change that has taken place over the last like i remember it was probably right around the time i guess that i stopped working retail because it used to be that if someone was like oh yeah i'm building a gaming system and i'm gonna use a i'm gonna use a b series chipset you'd kind of be you'd kind of be like i says i says pardon why are you using uh why are you using a b series chipset on a gaming rig because i don't know if you guys uh will remember this some of you like jake might be too young to remember this you think you're leaving you're not gonna monitor the stream anymore jake please come back please forgive me he's actually leaving are you actually leaving look he's not monitoring the stream he actually left he actually left okay i mean i guess it should be fine probably but what if the audio dies or something uh anyway so i don't know if you guys will remember this but b used to stand for business that's right b series chipsets used to be like the boring b for boring business boner uh wait no not for that definitely not for that boring business boomer boring business boomers and nowadays you can get b-series boards that have basically the same feature set that you'd expect to see on a high-end gaming board so on this one in particular we've got uh one pci express 16x slot that's for your graphics card multi-gpu setups basically dead as of nvidia's blog post a week or two ago ample expansion so remember guys it is a b series board so you don't have a ton of pci express lanes off the chipset in the first place so you can't expect a full complement of pci express slots in addition to a bunch of m.2 slots so you have to make some trade-offs so you've got a couple of 1x slots a 4x slot this one looks like a 16x slot i don't really get this whole approach if anyone from msi is watching this and i know for a fact that people from msi will watch this here's a little bit of feedback for you guys free of charge everybody needs to start just using the sized slot that goes with the number of pins that you put in it and then just having the open back so i can just stick a longer card in it if i want to that's the way to do it don't put a 16x slot in with fewer pins because that just takes up more room on the board for no apparent reason so if you just had a 4x slot there and just bare space on the pcb behind it then i could plug any card i wanted into it anyway and you could do exactly the same thing here now you can actually fix this yourself i've done it with a rotary tool like a dremel if you have a nice wide disc you can get in right here and you can shave down the back of the slot i've also done it with like a torch and a butter knife so i would just like heat up my butter knife be like you know heat up the butter knife get it nice and hot and then you just kind of like melt it and then kind of pick it away with your fingernails just that's stupid why don't you just make it so i can that's one of the beauties of pci express is that upward and downward compatibility so you can stick a big long card into a little tiny slot and a little tiny card into a big long slot it's like uh you know the free love interface um all right also on here we've got looks like one two m.2 slots i don't know why i don't know why this heatsink is so big i'm kind of tempted to pull it off it might just be for the chipset yes it is it is just for the chipset where's the sponsor spot i already told you it's brought to you by msi speaking of msi this video is brought to you by msi what do people want from me all right so we've got actually a surprisingly robust vrm again remember this is a b series board we've got a usb type c for the front panel as well as the more traditional usb type a usb 3. ample sata ports like this is pretty much like look at that they've even got the like separate segmented off um like kind of daughter board on your motherboard for the onboard audio integrated io shield it's like crazy the one thing i would say that you're lacking on a b series board is pci express expansion like i said before there's just a limited number of slots they can put on there and then of course usb 3. so there's only look at that four five usb 3 ports on the back ones type c though which is nice and then they've got another uh i believe this internal usb type c only does one so you got another three on the inside so it's two type c's total and then six type a's but unless you're building something pretty specialized there's not really much reason to have more than that and what's interesting is that if you're building something specialized it's quite possible that even on a high-end motherboard using a more robust chipset that you would have to um [Music] add like extra cards or extra usb controllers anyway i actually had an experience like that recently where i was setting up additional um lighthouses and then additional on-body trackers for full-body tracking uh while streaming vr and even though the they're called um watchmen so even though the watchman dongles are usb 2 and don't actually require a bunch of bandwidth like all they're taking is positional data from the trackers that you've got strapped to your body so in spite of that they just do not play nicely with multiple watchmen on a single usb controller regardless of the number of ports so i ended up having to put an additional usb controller card into my system that actually had multiple controllers on it and then plug each one into its own controller to get everything working flawlessly it is working flawlessly now which is nice but it was just one of those little weird things where if you actually have an application like oh i want to i don't know set up like a machine vision setup or something like that it's quite possible you'd have to get a specialized border you'd have to add usb controllers anyhow i actually saw a really cool board that has like i think it's 20 usb 3 ports on the back and then like four controllers across the back of the board from some industrial computing company anyway um the cpu we're using for our rig today is actually a core i5 10 400 so it's not an overclockable processor and actually there's nothing really um you know outwardly exceptional about it other than just that it's a pretty solid bang for the buck and it's sort of an under talked about cpu in intel's lineup here it's been no secret for years and years now that core i5 is a really good route to go for gamers and as long as you're not expecting to throw like an rtx 3080 in here i sincerely doubt that you're going to run into any kind of significant bottlenecking issues in games now if i was going to want to you know let's say okay a perfect example is actually what i'm doing at home where i'm doing real time like motion capture and then i'm also streaming i might want to jump up to more cores but if i'm all i'm doing is playing games this is a freaking awesome place to be now another place where we cut our budget a little bit and i know i know i'm sure a handful of you are going to be like but why linus why is in the cooler so msi did actually send over one of their coolers but the problem was that at about 50 dollars it did break our budget and the reality of it is this is a b series chipset this is a core i5 non-k cpu we're not overclocking anyway so as long as we're happy with the noise level of the stock cooler there's no performance whatsoever to be gained by jumping up to a beefy cooler so what i would suggest doing for anyone who's building a more budget oriented system is just try the stock cooler what's really great is that most cases these days i mean i'm trying hard to think of one that doesn't have this feature this you didn't used to be able to take it for granted nowadays pretty much everything i can think of i mean there's going to be yeah some small form factor cases and stuff like that where it's hard to get at but vast majority of cases these days wow that is really tight from the factory come on i can feel it turning ow my fingers ah that's fine i didn't need the skin on my fingers anyway it's like for weak people uh it's not for real men let's get some toxic masculinity up in here what do you think brandon we need more toxic masculinity in the pc building space no no more toxic masculinity think we got enough all right anyway so this feature right here motherboard tray cutout so the fact that you can just easily access the back of the motherboard even when you've got the full system built means that if you're not sure if you need an aftermarket cooler or if you're going to be perfectly happy with the stock one just try it i mean between shipping promos and free shipping with prime or whatever the case may be there's no real downside to just ordering something later if you're not 100 sure that you need it so this will be the umpteen bajillionth time that i've ever done this but let's do let's do how to install an intel stock cooler shall we first we need to find our cpu fan header which is eluding me right now we've got system fan here we've got system fan other more different one here we've got pump fan here holy smokes there's a lot of fan headers on this board how much does this board cost this is a b460 board like it's baffling one two three four more down here there it is sorry i was doing a little hidey hide thing over here all right so these pins should come in the right orientation but just in case i like to give them a little clockwise turn i guess part of that is that normally they've been sitting in our inventory unused because we normally use aftermarket coolers so a lot of the time they're not in the right orientation and then one of the things i like to do with these two is twist them up i mean you're still going to have that mustard okay normally there's a red wire so you call it like ketchup and mustard wiring but this is like blue so we got i don't know you got your mustard relish trying to think of any con your burnt onions is there anything blue that you would put on a hot dog brand and help me out here candy put some candy on there some blue blue raspberry gummies all right cool so there we go got that installed uh oh i should probably bring up like chat at some point here shouldn't i uh which window is the right one to have the oh no i don't know is this twitch chat oh no where's floatplane chat okay there we go got my floatplane chat got my twitch check got my oh shoot i screwed it up dang it i knew that was going to happen stop my tab is not registering hello thank you hey get some technical difficulties all right cool everyone's like thermal paste what are you doing stock cooler comes with thermal paste that's what makes it a great value it's got your cooler it's got your thermal paste it's got everything you need the one thing it doesn't have is uh ram so we went with some corsair vengeance lpx 3 000 megahertz memory this is a 16 gig kit pretty much nothing to write home about decently low latency on this one so this is a cl-15 kit supports core i7 wow that is a really old logo is this like is this actually old memory does this say copyright 2015 is this just old packaging or what maybe this is just old packaging it's got to be this can't be this can't be that old yeah this is like revision 4.32 of this memory so i'm pretty sure it's new memory in an old box okay good effort corsair we've got some construction going on over here by the way guys so if you hear construction noises in the background it's not your neighbor it's actually me i could be your neighbor though won't you be my neighbor i don't wear the same kind of sweaters but i feel like i've got the same neighborly vibe what do you think brandon got a what sorry tom hanks no i mean uh mr rogers you know i haven't watched it i should i should really watch that movie because like i've read a lot about mr rogers he's like a fantastic dude as far as i can tell like how do you spend that many years in the public eye and have absolutely zero scandal whatsoever and just have everything about you be the most wholesome thing ever you be mr rogers it's basically the only way to do it all right so here's how to install memory oh you missed it there you go you line up the thing you put the thing in the thing this is actually kind of a nice looking nice looking machine you know the one thing that intel could do better here i think is stop putting this big ugly blue sticker on here how about a black sticker or like a silver sticker i'm going to fix that for you i'm gonna help you out until help you out with your branding intel needs help with their branding these days they keep putting too many numbers on things nobody wants more numbers on stuff so let's fix this up for them and then they went and they called all their xeon products like gold silver bronze i heard a rumor that a very expensive executive was brought on to come up with that scheme um yeah i could have done that for them 50 bucks i'll be your branding consultant intel so step one blue is not a cool high performance color okay you've got cool high performance products start acting like it here we go hold on i'm just gonna do some arts and crafts here i'm trying to keep the intel logo is that worth it or should i just should i just uh go over the whole thing you sure i kind of feel like it might be worth it brandon let me just try okay let me just see how my fine pen pen work goes here oh oh i couldn't stand the lines look i'm just a branding consultant not an artist you gotta understand there's a difference here see if my wife did this she'd do a much better job that's why i always had her do like the little arts and craftsy things on my on my rigs when we were back in school she she would actually help me uh i'm sorry oh man usually it was just things like um you know helping you okay so back in the day here you can come out wide for this uh back in the day you know the young kids might not believe this but power supplies did not always have sleeved cables so she would help me with like little fine things she has much better dexterity than i do like removing the pins from connectors putting the new sleeving on stuff like that yeah she's like really good at that kind of stuff she actually painted something um the other night that's really good oh man i oh i bunged it up brandon i think it's dead i think it's dead here come have a look see if do you think this is salvageable is that all right we got um tell uh hold on whatever uh yeah um bummer all right there you go much improved there you go okay how many fps do you think we just gained just like that that was all we had to do how many a million a million fps in fortnite right there how much better does that look though you know we've actually we've actually done the same thing uh painting the stock cooler i forget what build i did it for but i bought um uh no this was a long time ago this is back at like the langley house uh i bought um it's like a thermal paint not like a thermal like um like you don't paint something that you want to be that you want to put up against something like not a thermally conductive paint but like a thermal safe paint like it's oven paint you remember that the oven paint yeah so we painted the fins with oven paint and uh like kind of blacked it out so that we'd get a stealthier look i don't think it's necessary because the whole scheme here is like black and silver you know what really stands out now those these cables damn it i'm gonna spend the whole stream i'm gonna spend the whole stream finger painting at this point okay here there's another there's another like old school pc building trick right here don't have black cables no problem paint in black yeah guess guess what's inexpensive black ink i'm gonna ink it up here oh boy now that i've started i can't stop but this is going to be pretty tedious hey i could do some uh i could check some messages in the chat while i'm at it at least 12 fps plasti dip build oh apparently it was the plasti-dip uh yes we did see the new gopro hero my issue with gopros and like covering them is that like what am i supposed to say like to me a gopro review should really be about the experience as much as the actual technical details and you know we're definitely we're definitely qualified to tackle the technical details of a gopro camera you know like image quality comparisons or whatever else but what we sort of lack is that context for you know what extreme people actually you know need out of them so it's kind of like ah what would i compare it to it's kind of like the times when i've seen you know a gaming keyboard that was clearly designed by keyboard executives who have never played a video game in their life so for us reviewing a gopro kind of comes across that way sometimes because we're not extreme athletes or whatever else and we don't necessarily have our finger on the pulse of that community and know exactly what matters the most to them so sometimes we end up with the right answers to the wrong questions that's something i talk to my kids a lot about is they'll ask me a question like uh you know where do dragons live and i'm like look kid um i could give you the right answer but that's the wrong question because no matter what answer i give you it's not the right answer if you know what i mean or where do you know babies come from it's like nobody knows it's a mystery like how do you think i ended up with all these babies if i knew where they came from i wouldn't have them right kids exactly see that's that's the problem no one knows where they come from it's a mystery it's a mystery mystery of science um oh man what's that brandon yeah test tubes exactly someday give it time oh this is taking so long why did i start this i hate this so much electrical tape says darren chen yes electrical taping it is pretty good my only problem with using electrical tape any more than i absolutely have to is that over the years what it tends to do is turn into like a really sticky residuey mess and then it starts to unpeel like electrical tape in spite of how critical its usual application on like electrical things is is not a very permanent tape like i don't really get that why doesn't it have a more permanent adhesive or at least an option to get a more permanent type of adhesive electrical tape i don't i do not like electrical tape very much that's my that's my tech confession for the day all right let's pop this down there there we go i have stealthed my wire that's as stealthed as it's gonna get oh man now i feel like i have to do the top of this fan connector okay there there that is as stealth as it's getting what do you think how many fps now 2 million fps fantastic okay bamak asks how much should i pay for an rtx 2070 super on ebay that is a tremendous question and my answer is zero dollars because right now is probably a terrible time to buy a 2070 super how do i know this well i don't know but i definitely can guess based on some fascinating leaks that i saw out of china i can guess that there could be nvidia has sort of a pattern here right like they launch a high end card and then a lower end one and then a lower one and the lower one so i would guess that there could be a 70 series 3000 rtx card coming in the future and maybe you should check that out um so maybe you should you know see if maybe the rumors start to start to circle a little more and maybe you could check to chuck something like that up so in terms of our case we're using a phanteks eclipse p300 it's not an especially like you know amazingly built case but one of the things that fantax has really nailed over the last few years is delivering good enough build quality good enough features i wouldn't say the ventilation on this case is stellar by any stretch of the imagination but that's one of those things that you just have to measure for yourself what's more important to you for the hardware that we're putting in here i would expect it to be adequate but if you were to ask someone like steve from gamer's nexus he would probably say that there should be you know holes in the intake right it's good to have holes in your in your main case air intake um you do have some to be clear so this right here is actually both vented and filtered which is kind of nice so you can actually pop that filter out and clean that if you want and then you've got the same thing down in the bottom although unfortunately the bottom one which i would think is the one that's more likely to actually end up with a bunch of dust in it does not have an easily removable filter yes it does look at that so the bottom filter comes off a little something like that those fantex guys really like their cases they think of everything don't they love it all right let's take a quick tour around here and pop our motherboard in shall we we are not actually taking advantage of our front usb type-c header on the motherboard again this is a more value-oriented case and that tends to be the kind of thing that you only see on higher-end chassis i get it there is a significant cost i was actually i forget how much it is but i there's a significant cost it was more than i expected to adding usb type c to a case i mean even the transition to usb 3 was actually a lot more costly than you would probably expect because compared to usb 2 the quality of the wiring had to be like way higher or something like that and you couldn't go like unless you had really good wiring in it you couldn't go more than very short distances in some cases stuff like that all right i'm going to make my own tray for all my screws and stuff out of my ram packaging there you go it's a tech tip right there and uh yeah okay let's throw our motherboard in guess there's no reason to delay this is a really nice feature see i love this fantax's approach to case making is like if it costs more we got to charge more but if it doesn't cost more why charge more so features like this where you got the little nubbin to hold your motherboard in place while you're screwing it in it's just there even though this is an inexpensive case there you go boom motherboard installed it's done no no we should put some screws in uh we're probably going to be using m3 i'm guessing oh yeah how many should i put in i'm gonna let the chat decide hey where's my computer i gotta get my computer over here do a review of the quest too uh we are actually working on some quest two content um i believe oculus reached out to do a sponsored video with it and i think oh shoot i'm trying to remember i think riley is assigned to it so we're definitely covering it i'm not sure if we're going to be doing any editorial content one of our conditions for working with them though was that we absolutely have to be able to acknowledge the facebook sign-in requirement fiasco so i don't know when you can expect that but sometime in the near future ah what else we got here every time i take a drink of water on my twitch stream i say that's awesome but that's my trademarked phrase okay you got to pay me royalties if you're going to do that i'm kidding i'm kidding brandon you literally have to you literally have to pay me to advertise my store oh speaking of the store i actually think nick is probably gonna he's probably watching this waiting for an opportunity to come down and tell you guys we've got something really special planned for the stream today some of you might have caught this on a previous stream on the wan show but we did a special edition of our new keyboard design shirt in foil it's like a rainbow a rainbow oh wow whoops that screw was totally off and i was jabbing that into the motherboard um whoopsie daisies matthias do as i say not as i do okay no jabbing screwdrivers into the mud oh damn it i did it again okay yeah brandon stop distracting me so we did a rainbow foil rgb keyboard shirt and unfortunately as i alluded to at the time that we did it we were only able to produce a limited run of them for now it's possible we will bring it back in the future once we've figured out the production issues but we were only able to do a limited run of it for now because the yields on the foil are not great so about a third of the shirts we printed have some defects so everyone who ordered on the wan show is going to get one that passed our qa but if you're watching now we've actually got the slightly defective ones and we've got so we increased our run from i think we were just going to do a few hundred to i chatted with him on the show and he said we could do up to 1500 so we did 1500 and then i think about a third of them were bad so what we're going to do is we're going to do them for half price during the stream today um and they're gonna have like maybe he'll bring a few down and i can show you guys what some of the small imperfections look like and we can uh we can see what you guys think of that see what you think of that uh the dapper foxtrot yes you're right you're right and we will work on vods for for floatplane you're 100 right magma rabbit on twitch can i really buy a broken t-shirt yes yes you can it's think of it as think of it as um oh man brandon help me out here what's the like branding that they uh that they use when it's like artisan or craftsman one-of-a-kind unique you know what i'm talking about right like when you've got like a table or something that you know there's to be there's going to be some inconsistency so the one you get is probably not going to look like the one in the photo uh yeah i'm sure you guys know what i'm talking about sup nick you got some shirts for me oh can i have them i they want to see them they want to see what the defects look like sure is that cool they're pictures uh yeah that's fine i'd rather just i don't think i have it set up for screen caps so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna show you guys the actual shirt let's talk about the power supply we're using so we had originally planned to use a really cheapo power supply um and then i got down on set and i was like no we're not going to do that so we spend another 10 bucks we're going with an evga 500 gd it's 80 plus gold certified um 500 watts is not a ton of power but as long as it's a decent unit i'd rather have a 500 watt power supply than a thousand watt power supply we actually uh is that video up on youtube yet i don't think so there's a video coming really soon where we build up a system with a 2070 or 2070 super something like that and we put a thousand watt power supply in it and spoiler alert we basically fire up any game and it immediately hard resets because power supply marketing can be very very deceptive and it's frustrating but there's a reason that when it comes to power supplies i will only go with something that i know that i can trust so it's got five year warranty 500 watts but like actually 500 watts decent efficiency and the way we're going to install it here is with the fan side down because otherwise i don't know where it's going to get any air this particular case uses just a completely solid basement here and the bottom does have a removable filter so i don't really have any qualms about having the fan side down as long as you've got reasonably tall feet and you're not going to put it down in like thick carpet and suffocated or anything like that i'm i'm comfortable with this kind of a configuration you can tell we've used this power supply before for a build or stream or something like that because all the screws were right in the back of the unit so come check this out bren oh this is interesting i love this see this is the kind of thing fantax does right i have seen power supplies where there really is a clear right way to install the power supply because the air flow would be sub-optimal in in any other configuration and they still have the screws to mount it both ways fantax takes the guesswork out this only goes in one way now evga went and made life a little bit more difficult by this is this is a really good idea evga in this case it worked against you but they've actually got two full sets of mounting holes so i could mount this the wrong way in this power supply oops um but i won't and under normal circumstances with this case you wouldn't even have that option uh you know evga i would love to hear the rationale behind having both sets of mounting hardware on here because i can't think of any situation other than this one right now where i would need that and um in this case it would be bad because then i wouldn't have any ventilation for my power supply i mean one thing i can think of is if it would be better for cable management in your system to have it oriented the other way and then maybe you need but most cases have both sets of mounting holes yeah i don't really yeah i i don't really get it to be honest with you all right let's go ahead and do a little bit of rudimentary cable management here i mean this is like i said for a like b series motherboard system this is actually going to look pretty nice and performance should be pretty darn dece as the kids say does anyone say decent anymore short for decent well sus is in have you heard sus sus is like super trendy right now because of um uh what's it called forever alone i think it's called no what's that game called thanks andy power supply for c200 um dang it what's that what's that game called the one where you're on the spaceship i spent so much time playing it in the last couple weeks it should be among us thank you thank you flo plane chat yes among us have you tried it brandon oh it's really fun it's it's basically like it's like a secret hitler style game um so it's it's not down to like your fpsness like yvonne's first round as the imposter that's there so there's people on the ship that are trying to fix the ship and get away and then there's um usually one or two imposters that are trying to sabotage their efforts um yeah exactly a mafia style game and yvonne actually won her first round as imposter just like just pretending to be utterly clueless and like you got to watch out for her well you played clank with us you always got to watch she she like quietly kicks ass at board games like everything yeah uh my son really likes it yeah it's a lot of fun by the way oh i have um hold on don't get too close because i got my wallet out here i think i have one of your gold coins that you left at my house oh did i oh good okay i'm glad i already returned it to you yeah i found it after i was like no this is yeah this is not one of mine um oh nick are you ready to run through the shirts okay so is it up on the store right now yeah and what are we calling it defect edition misprint okay guys so this is it this is rgb keyboard misprint um and these are the kinds of things that are qualifying as a fail so the ones that actually go out are going to be basically perfect and then if you order a defect one these are going to be half price you might get some small gaps in the keycaps um here's another example there you go uh yep okay you might get a little bit of excess in places it's just our our shirt printers here he's local local guy he doesn't have a ton of experience working with these foil prints yet and it is significantly more difficult you know sometimes it was just down to a piece of dust or something in the shop you know where like i said they're just like a local shop so they don't have like a clean room or whatever for printing t-shirts sometimes it's just like a texture issue i don't know if you can really see that brandon can you see it right there yeah okay um yeah this is probably about a worst case scenario so here we've got a couple keys with texture issues like four four of them i think this is probably a pretty good sampling unless there's same on that yeah this is basically the same yeah so that's fine so we're doing them for half price uh 15 right yeah unless you want to like promo with a water bottle or something uh we could do you have that set up already not yet but i can tell you what it is okay sure don't order it yet yeah don't order it yet sure we'll do something uh sure yeah sure oh i don't care what size yeah yeah i don't wanna nick we've been through this before we do not discriminate based on size okay says you that's why our 20 ounce and 40 ounce water bottles are the same price because i think that's i think that's stupid when it's just a couple dollars or a few dollars difference in cost you should just choose the size you like not the size that's like you know artificially cheaper like i hate that all right plugging in my front panel connectors here while andy gets brandon set up with uh are you guys doing a battery change live i love it i absolutely love it duran says that worst case is better than some like finished products that i've seen we take it real seriously guys um you know for us there's two different ways you can tackle merch right like you can either tackle merch as like you're you're selling it to people where it's like the cheapest possible thing and you're selling it to people based on the premise of like it supports us and that's absolutely part of it for us but the other way that you can sell merch is you can make it about hey this is just like good stuff and you'll like it if you order it and oh by the way it also supports us so we think that's better all right let's throw our front panel connectors over here got our front hd audio are they ready to stop calling it hd audio like can we can we just call it audio i don't think i've seen another or i don't think i've seen a case or motherboard that doesn't have hd audio since you know almost 1997 when ac 97 died connect this connector with fantax multi-color light strips only you got to be kidding me this case has like some kind of integrated rgb something or other there's a lighting button here i think no no that's yeah there's a lighting button where's that reset is there really are you sure no it wouldn't be in the front panel because that just pops off i don't know what these are for where's the wiring go yeah i don't see any though i think it might just be a controller for strips that go in the case anyway you have to use their strips that was not that was not part of our budget i really doubt it because this is a pretty affordable case nope there are no accessories in there to speak of oh i screwed up i went and i got my m.2 screws out and i never actually installed the drive so i'm gonna cheat a little bit here guys um the one that we actually like used for this build as a ck seagate barracuda 510 but we made a small mistake and uh didn't pre-load it with windows and some games so i'm going to grab this m.2 stick from our rtx 30 90 review and we're gonna go ahead and use that so now i get to play pick which m.2 slot i want i'm going to take the one with the cooler on it i know they don't really do much but they also look super cool so there's that and if you did actually hit your m.2 with a really long heavy sustained load then they could soak up some of that heat and keep it performing at maximum capacity i mean it's that's like that's a super super edge case but if it's sitting there i might as well use that slot so this one can take up to the 110 millimeter m.2s and it would actually do that without even needing an additional screw here because it's just a captive one right here but we are using an 80 mil whoops there we go we're using an 80 mil and so i'm just going to have to grab one of the extra screws there we go there we go what's up nick uh automatic now oh it's automatic now what is okay so guys we're doing the miss prince for 15 bucks and if you pick up a water bottle at the same time then we're doing five dollars off so you can refresh your you can refresh your your body and uh and your look at the same time no one's going to get that close they're not going to know that it's a discount look refreshed all right front panel connectors all right i know this stream is sponsored by msi but come on guys don't forget to do this your front panel connectors got to be labeled they got to be labeled so that i don't have to pull open the manual it's the one thing i have to pull open the manual for they're labeled they're right here okay well fair enough never mind then okay good job guys uh it's a little awkward here i am calling out our sponsor on something they actually did um well but it wouldn't be the first time okay that's weird that this case doesn't even have a power led because this kind of looks like an led which is just strange i don't see another connector oh i don't know maybe it's this sata dude atomic jig here this is also weird they pre-cable manage this rear fan all the way over here i guess assuming that you're going to want to use one of the right edge or bottom edge fan headers instead of the one that's usually over here for a system fan i mean yeah i guess that's that's fair enough let's go ahead and do that then i'm going to run it right here that's pretty clean boop just like that dang cheap cases man they have gotten so fly people say fly still right no okay it's going to be a nice looking system though all right last thing i got to plug in is my sata connector for what is probably that front panel led i mean i guess if you think about it it is kind of stupid to have a front panel led that plugs into the motherboard because like why just you just want it turned on when the system's on no i lied i can think of why if you're in standby or sleep it'll flash and it's kind of nice to be able to tell so my media pc for example i never turn it off i only put it to sleep because that way i can use my harmony remote to wake it up when i want to use it and if i didn't have like a proper motherboard plugged in power light then i wouldn't be able to tell if it was off or asleep if i have to get off my butt so it just makes troubleshooting a little bit more difficult i mean this is a very minor issue and like if it was a matter of saving a buck on the case if i was on a budget i would definitely say hey that's okay i'll just use you know say to power or whatever if that's cheaper but that is one reason that you might actually care about that i should really pay more attention to my chat i am a terrible terrible live streamer what's the latest update with the server room everything fine with the new ups uh yes yes our new ups has been great totally flawless so far new wanik is still not actually fully rolled out it seems like there might just be an issue with not just the way that our motherboard and cpu handled those high-speed pci express drives but also the drives themselves and we've heard from other people that uh intel has acknowledged that there's like a problem and they've already made them but they have not expressed any willingness to do any for us so that's where we're at on that we basically have a server full of drives that uh wendell got it working he got it working well enough and if he says it's good i'm like mostly okay but i really i mean it's the like it is the heart of our company and the old one definitely works and i just the fact that we had to tinker with it so much makes me really uncomfortable like i remember before i ran a business and i was just you know building gaming rigs in my basement literally in the basement uh well my parents basement uh i always wondered like you know why is it that like new technology like high speed stuff is so slow to come to corporate and enterprise it's because in that business once you have something that works you do not mess with it if you don't have to like i used to mess around with our infrastructure all the time and ed's laughing look at this guy remember that now yeah yeah so i mean it was it caused more problems than it solved i mean eventually we did have to get faster like we couldn't still be running on hard drives we had to improve but now we're at the point where if there isn't a compelling reason to upgrade why do it by the way i think we're going to upgrade a bunch of stuff so we might have a contact at dell who can send 25 gigabit switches um and then uh we might well okay we already upgraded to 12k cameras uh we're not using it today because there's a whole issue we forgot to order adapter plates for power so we can't really use them yet that's pretty cool so we're upgrading to 12k cameras and then at some point we should roll nuonic and we'll do like a whole thing so we'll be all like hey 12k you guys want to do 12k timelines think we can uh i'm working with adobe and black magic okay apparently we are already in contact with adobe and blackmagic about making that work does adobe like take us seriously these days or do are they still just like like ah you know whatever sure yeah maybe you matter at all they do really okay cool oh that's really neat so okay apparently adobe does not ignore us anymore and are taking our concerns about 12k support seriously oh that's really cool all right now let's talk about this graphics card so this right here rtx 2060 super from msi this is their gp edition which i'm pretty sure stands for graphics gp for graphics graph fix it's a f with a p what's up how much longer how much longer i don't know until i'm bored uh how how long do you need me to go on this because uh we're just looking to shoot technically you want to shoot tech linked wow it's so early you guys can wait you guys can wait for tech link you guys can wait for the tech news right what do you think peeps let's see okay we're going to let the viewers decide okay the viewers will decide when we shoot the tech news uh oh ho ho heath f linus have you seen the if this then that subscription which is being introduced so i actually complained about if this than that recently in a tweet first i put um sonoff on blast uh no ew link first i put ewe link on blast for the um okay for the subscription that they were adding for if this and that integration in their software which runs on my sonoff 4 channel pro controller that i use for my garage so effectively i kind of put both of them on blast hey look you guys said if this and that is free now you're charging me a subscription when i already paid for the hardware thinking that i was getting what you said i was getting and so eblink kind of reached out and they were like um hey we're actually like really small company kind of being buffeted in the winds of much larger organizations we didn't really have any control over this because if this then that changed our licensing to per user and we just could not absorb the cost and i went okay fair enough so then i put up this and that on blast and actually their ceo reached out wanted to talk to me about it and i haven't replied yet i'm really sorry i will it's in my to-do list but i will i will talk to them but my problem is not that they're charging for the service my problem is the silicon valley model is building unsustainable businesses and then one day waking up and going oh all those promises we made oh whoops sorry about that can we just can we just stop can we just stop like i get it you just want to be acquired by google or whatever but i mean it would be really cool if we could just have a culture shift where building sustainable business becomes like the new hotness can you call things the new hotness still is borderline borderline okay i'm interpreting your noise as that borderline borderline okay uh bartex 12 says yeah if this than that i said a word that i can't repeat on stream uh in the past tense uh a bunch of small companies it kind of does sound that way so ironically even though chamberlain was the one that i was mad at when i ultimately got rid of my old crappy dumb garage door from 1985 or whatever uh i was mad at them for charging for if this and that subscription it turns out if i just stuck with chamberlain's solution instead of like wiring my own button into my door opener and then like wiring that up to a relay um i would actually be paying less for if this and that integration and that and i think chamberlain might still be free right now i'm not sure um they they had a whole thing where um it was paid and then it was not paid but as a temporary promotion and they reserved the right to make it paid again or something whatever all i know is that under my tweet complaining about it a lot of people suggested some free alternatives and i have not checked them out apparently there's alternate firmwares that you can put on that son-off box and alternate services that i can just run off a server in my server room so i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to explore that in the meantime i just used like uh like a button like some kind of caveman and i yeah not happy about it because i only had it working for like months before stuff that was supposed to work based on what it said on the tin stopped working because companies didn't plan ahead for the future oh yeah sorry yeah this is how you install a graphics card you put it in there and you give it a little hey is that in there all right don't worry msi's got the reinforced pci express slot fun story fun story i have seen pci express slots like split be ripped apart by the forces applied on them in shipping reinforced pci express slot actually not that stupid of a marketing nonsense thing to do now if you're just going to build the system yourself and never move it anywhere totally unnecessary but i have seen edge cases where it could have conceivably helped something to consider is that in most of the aforementioned edge cases there was also like a cpu cooler that had ripped off the socket and was banging around so you know the fact that the graphics card didn't die that way or the motherboard didn't die that way doesn't mean it couldn't have died another way but still still you know if all it costs you is a couple cents of extra metal then i guess uh sure reinforced pci express slots for all let's find out if this thing fires up and if it's any good for gaming you know for hardcore gamers let's go ahead and pop that in there oh naturally naturally we're going to be using msi's products for our demos here as well so we've got one of their optics gaming monitors this is appears to be a 27-incher this is a 27-inch it's hard to tell from the back wow why does the model number on the back not match the one on the front and oh there it is wow that is tiny g27 c5 yes 27 inch monitor we've got some peripherals that uh hey jake want to uh unbox a couple peripherals for me thanks jakka that's his nickname it's kind of like yeah it's like that planet in that movie series that i don't want to talk about anymore and uh but i try to i try to mispronounce it i i yeah yeah no star wars star wars dead to me what star wars um well there was a one and there was the one episode of star trek where there's actually any action it's that episode yeah i remember thinking that as a kid because you know star trek is more about the whole like it's more of like sci-fi whereas star wars is more like you know fantasy so star trek's all like oh you know there's governmental institutions you know around space diplomacy and crap or whatever and i remember thinking as a kid i'm like why don't they just like have more phaser fights i wish this was more like star wars ah how young and naive i was when i was jake's age yeah exactly you have thousands thousands of people on hexagonal there's like how many hundreds of thousands or millions to man all these ships and stuff like what are you talking about there can only be two there's always two i think you mean two billion what even is going on how the heck does this go on is this what what the crap okay not gonna lie a little confused here oh yeah wait did i put that on right oh yeah let's try again one more time oh yeah all right so we got our headset keyboard mouse don't worry i'll take the thing off the cable the tens of thousands of people watching can wait don't worry about it i'm just uh okay men's keyboard here remember this is the ssd we're using uh-huh i'll take the thing off the mouse oh thank you no that doesn't come off uh good good effort okay here you can do this one while i plug in this other stuff you know what's actually kind of funny is in all of our times doing these live pc build streams we have yet to have one catastrophically fail like yeah like completely refuse to boot in spite of the fact that we do not typically test them ahead of time which we really should like can you imagine if you were msi sponsoring this video and i literally built a computer with all of your core components your motherboard your graphics card your suggested other parts for some of the other stuff um and then it just doesn't work at all like can you imagine how embarrassing that would be as a brand so we're gonna find out real quick if this works um also i would like to find out real quick from nick if we actually have any of those shirts left so i can give you guys an update on that because typically i think there's only a few hundred units um i would not expect something like that to last very long some of the sizes might do a little bit better than some of the others just because it um it would be sort of like a random distribution so we could end up could have easily ended up with like a lot more larges that were bad or whatever uh uh-oh okay we've got one small problem hey jaka um nope nope nothing i lied i thought we didn't have a power adapter for the monitor i was like oh please tell me this uses a c13 it does not it's got a dc plug oh is that fit oh yeah that fits just gonna do some you know power power suppository moves here on the monitor okay how would you interpret power suppository jake is it something that goes up your butt and makes you more powerful or is it like a really aggressive suppository that serves some other purpose no comment all right that's fair that's fair look i i'm i'm i'm just i'm just wondering you know because the english language is such a funny thing right like there's lots of different ways to interpret the same the same thing right let's power this up keep on digging yeah why not i mean we're we're halfway to the center of the earth anyway right okay here we go peel time oh yeah oh man that is so unsatisfying when there's another peel behind it but then you get to do it again okay all right slow and sensual power peel power suppository peel power bottom peel lordy all right let's go ahead we're going to put this side panel on i know it's bad jeebies but dang this is actually a nice looking system for a thousand bucks got that 2060. uh it's powered on i actually don't know if um oh there it is all right it's got nipple control on the back here hello [Music] wow wouldn't it be funny if this was the first time it actually happened right when i jinxed it like that do you know what's never happened [Music] uh you know what i think the system is booted i think we just might not be getting an output here because i think it's shutting down gracefully right now i hope i hope you change the source um well i can't get the menu to come up on the monitor right now actually oh yeah it's definitely plugged in it's powered on it's just oh hello hey how you doing hello uh could i get a can i get a dp cable here get that dp plug that into the back at the same time as my hdmi cable wait oh no i got one i got one um i don't know all right we're going dp here now it's displayport what's wrong with you get your get your mind out of the gutter nick light at the same time uh yeah it is so i was just kind of hoping whatever input it happens to be on it's gonna it's gonna pick that up real quick here i hope hello hdmi um well i didn't think that'd be necessary and usually you can just have them both plugged in and that way whatever one it grabs will be the right one okay let's hope for the best here come on here we go uh no no that is one thing it doesn't have it does have some cool rgb lighting though so that's good um based on the symptoms i lean towards display are you able to fetch emulate me a new display real quick fast here is there one here that's going to be a little awkward but let's just see if it works no no i'm good i'm good i just want to know if this uh i just want to know if this works ah come on uh how you doing down there jake oh okay is that one not plugged in either there bud uh here i got a displayport cable for the for you there bud all right people are like fake stream no there's a very real stream this is real yeah this is definitely a thing that we would not do on purpose i did i dropped it down there um are we just yeah we're gonna oh we're gonna bring it up yep that makes sense okay uh and unplug unplug swamp um hold on a second you know what i lied i lied can i actually get that gap tape matias can i get a little bit of gaff tape i mean we don't even know that this is gonna work yet we got some live troubleshooting here boys oh jake's a little close i should probably mask up here sorry about that trying to maintain our our distance here okay is this powered on yeah it's powered on yeah thanks matthias this is this is the danger of doing things live there you go see no problem ha what monitor is that i don't know i don't know no it's not okay i'm firing it up i don't know you don't know no one knows it's a mystery yeah there you go just got a little thing there hey oh dang it hold on look at it hold on let me get that fixed for you okay that reminds me the insect oh no no it was my fault i jinxed it i put the side panel on before making sure it posts what did you forget i don't know how i did this i don't know how i did this ladies and gentlemen you'll spot it maybe i won't oh cpu power i ran it i ran it up while i was putting the power supply and i forget what i was even talking about at the time i got totally distracted and i i'm sorry msi yeah i was probably busy hawking t-shirts or something um oh man yeah so i don't have the cpu 8-pin power connector installed which means we get the fans all spinning and the lights all turn it on but my cpu's got no power so it can't do all of its central processing a hundred percent the side panel it's bad genies even the most experienced builder can make a dumb mistake and you know that they'll do it on a time when they close up the whole system you know tighten up all the screws get everything cable managed before they actually fired up so here we go all right uh hey jake um can i actually have this msi monitor from our lovely sponsor for today's video yeah yeah they're both msi and uh all right uh yeah if you could just hit me with that uh dc power adapter and uh the displayport cable that would be swell thank you all right let's give that a little uh upside down pluggaroo oh man i can't believe i just did that this is almost as bad as the time i had the memory in the wrong slots on the uh the thread ripper build stream okay let's try it again oh i'm going to turn the path out oh i didn't wow i didn't plug in the front panel audio either what was i doing on this build don't worry there's only 35 000 yeah only tens of thousands of people watching like oh this guy he's got a lot of subscribers maybe he knows how to build a computer thank you jake thank you for that update okay we got rgb on the keyboard hey hey hey cpu or memory change press that up to configure the system now it's safe not safe our chat rate is 420. nice uh what's up nick um you were asking how many we had remaining yeah i was a little concerned that we were probably going to be out of them yeah we're getting there okay it's probably about 10 remaining okay so guys if you want one of the misprint shirts um order now about 10 of the stock has remaining oh so there's what like 50 shirts left there's very few okay so it's the sizes the drags of it left so go go for it real real quick fast if you guys uh actually want one if you don't want one then that's cool too you know leave it for someone else sorry what's that vehicle oh absolutely um yes not technically my vehicle but someone's vehicle that i'm definitely driving so i'm working on my model y review i know i promised you guys model 3 as far as i can tell model y i don't know new model 3 whatever same thing um long story short tesla wasn't willing to give us a loaner unit for more than like what did they say 10 days 10 days and then when we inquired as to whether that meant 10 business days or 10 actual calendar days for me to learn about the car drive around the car experience the car book track time with the car shoot the video about the car like i was like what are you guys idiots like no offense but what are you guys idiots obviously we can't do a decent video about a car in 10 days like are you stupid so we basically told them to go pound sand and uh i had to buy a model y for my in-laws anyway so i was like okay well then screw it we just won't cover the model 3 at all and we'll just do the model y and it's actually been great because it's been a much more real experience so they love the car absolutely hated the customer service we've got a lot to talk about with respect to customer service and that's something that you really can't experience when you get like a loaner unit from the company obviously now i can't run around um buying you know every car that we want to review forever but in this case it worked out great uh definitely have a lot of thoughts you know what's funny is jake as not really a car guy personally the panel gaps and stuff like the things that car enthusiasts complain about honestly didn't really bother me um but something that did bother me was the the door so you open up the door so okay first of all the driver door is super super twitchy about swinging back closed on me so unless i get it exactly because you know how they have a couple stopping points unless i get it exactly in the notch it'll just close it back on me again which is kind of annoying and that's something that's probably just down to tolerances i'm sure they didn't design it that way i could normally just leave it wherever yeah well you drive a beamer anyway as not a car guy though i opened the door the other day and i i noticed that the like the sheet metal that wraps around like the outer sheet metal that comes around inside of the door it looks like a high school shop student like cut it like it's i'll have to show it to you later like it's it's absolutely atrocious how ragged it is in some spots yeah i don't know it's just it was just one of those like weird little things and i was like huh this is like uh i don't know in us i don't know in u.s freedom dollars but this is like a 70 000 canadian vehicle yeah so like 50 50 000 vehicle like okay um yeah but i wouldn't have had the range and there's a to be clear there's a lot of things that i really like about it but i got this great video today this is fantastic this is going to be in the video um check check this out okay i know i was totally using my phone while i'm driving i'm sorry it was absolutely essential because i had to capture this moment for you guys um i love this so this is me this is me driving down the street got my windshield wipers on auto here ladies and gentlemen is his beautiful day just casually casually auto wipers sup sup brah sup i'm just i'm just wiping i'm just wiping the sun out of your eyes here i'm going to get rid of that for you make sure you can see okay all right all right like i i was like what so i had to capture that and get this um i had a bad experience with it the other night when it was misting and it wouldn't turn on and i was able to fix that by you know classic turn it off and turn it back on right so that was fine and then i tried it here unfortunately i didn't get it on video because i was just like oh i got to get this i'm in a straight line everything's cool okay okay put it down so i didn't get this but i tried turning it off and turning it back on today and it was still trying to wipe the sunshine out of my eyes so also i absolutely hate their magnetic sun visor thing like i went to just flip it down and it just like comes out of the one side so i spend more time around with it instead of just because just putting it down and having it where i want it to be sorry i have no idea if it's the same as yours oh no it's not the same as yours because yours is like the two-phase flippy no it's not like that so lots and lots of thoughts about that that is totally totally off topic right now so let's go ahead and like hey you want to play some uh you wanna wanna play some crisis remastered here that's probably a bad idea that is a very very poorly optimized game and we're running an rtx 2060 good card but not a crisis remastered card is this not a freaking nice looking system i love it like this does not look like the kind of performance that it has under the hood at all oh shoot what did i i just pressed a button i either reset it or it's that button that i thought might be an rgb controller okay wonderful so that confirms what that button does by confirming what it does not do we have confirmed what it does do oh lordy uh you know what i'm just gonna play without audio oh no oh i hate that man oh wow that's crazy so i plugged into the gigabit controller thinking it was more likely there'd be drivers for that out of the box but it turns out the real tech two and a half gigabit controller is actually the one that does have driver storage i love this b series motherboard two and a half gig two and a half gig networking cannot be standard soon enough for me i love it it's such a good middle ground isn't it you use your old cat5e wiring like it's as fast as any hard drive on earth and keeps up even with like a crummy ssd like it's great it's great your file transfers will never be the same again i mean the bifurcated one yeah i was a b550 itx board that's because it's just this one there's this generational kind of transition we're going through right now two and a half giga is going to be standard so soon i'm excited for it you know what forget it we're running crisis remastered i don't want to wait for steam to connect i'm done i'm out i'm out we're going crisis remastered apparently there was a uh apparently there was a patch oh wait what is this oh can we oh man do you know our epic game store credentials by any chance i guess local installed locally here we go uh i mean yeah i guess we could play cs go it's not exactly like super demanding or anything yeah no i don't think i want to i don't think i want to do that i want to i want to play crisis remastered elsewhere point yes uh here i'll come over here here i'll uh hey welcome to techlinked got a bunch of tech news for you today ladies and gentlemens we're gonna um tell you all about it in a fast-paced humorous uh irreverent style that you'll enjoy very much because it gets you all your tech news you need every day in just six minutes plus sponsor integrations got to keep the lights on somehow like look at these lights these don't light themselves why are these lights on we're not shooting tech links right now i don't know these are questions that maybe we'll address on tech link later today probably not because the show about tech news not about how we run our business and pay for electricity on these lights are these expensive lights should i work should i worry about should i worry about wearing them out okay all right all right i'm i'm not worried about it then what about these are these expensive lights aperture 300 d2 all right are we good five capsules come on epic they're weird oh wow it's like quizzing you what is this no i want to play captcha i want to play capture simulator can i play capture simulator i heard it's free on the epic game story the credentials okay this is a pet peeve that is freaking annoying when you when it knows you don't have the credentials right anyway and it still like recaptures you every time like i get it i understand that a captcha like the point of it is to determine that you're not a bot trying to log in but like please don't waste all my time like that it's so frustrating geforce geforce experience does that as well and it makes you do like multiple stupid recognize that i i think nvidia is just training their ai crap with it that's my theory oh yeah that's uh that is probably what google's does as well come on hey there we go all right thanks dicka all right what else we got here they think you're a scalper got them oh man does anyone know why 2080 ti prices haven't dropped um actually that's not that atypical so what nvidia probably did a while back is stop producing them and then rather than have to drop prices in order to blow them out what they're doing is they're leaving 2080 ti in the market for a people who aren't that up on tech and just go read a 2080 ti review from two years ago or whatever and they're like oh this seems like a pretty good graphics card and go buy it b people who cannot get a 3080 but want to build a system today well they can buy a 2080 ti i guess if you want it that bad like if i'm sitting there from nvidia's perspective c if you have an existing 2080 ti and you for whatever reason want to run sli then you have that as an option so they're trickling them out rather than blowing them out and what i suspect is that they will have some in reserve somewhere and it's pretty typical to see them do a deal with one or a handful of their board partners to blow those away in like some kind of uh of a special skew so i one of the one of the really famous ones back in the day was the 7900 gto it was basically a 7900 gtx and there were 7 900 gtxs still on the market from other brands but evga's 7900 gto was using up all the leftover chips in this sku and kind of blowing them away that way so that they don't ever have to discount their high-end product it can be extremely damaging to your brand to discount your high-end product and so that's the reason why you'll see even on ltt store i mean we follow those best practices from retail and etail because we're a business so you never you never discount your your flagship product because that devalues it instead you do things like you bundle them you offer shipping promos um you find other ways to to promote it and help people save a buck other than just offering a straight up discount what am i looking at here oh that's cool that's really cool is this coming out with every one of them wow how much should we pay for this really oh okay uh apparently we have special care and special care instructions that come with the rgb keyboard t-shirt always wash inside out never tumble or heat dry that will ruin it if you do not do this it will ruin it and then on the other side it's got the thing hey that's pretty sweet i like it we want to start doing more stuff did marco do that up for us or someone else is it a local shop oh that's really cool all right made in canada ladies and gentlemen all right 43 done updating crisis remastered i should probably look at a couple of these super chats here that seems like that would be a that would be a pretty uh decent idea all right viewer activity how you guys all doing it's monday don't you guys have work to do hey you're just kidding all right uh any idea when we'll see hardware ai and games oh man it's so hard to tell because just because the hardware exists doesn't mean anyone will use it like a great example of this is physx so you could point the finger anywhere you want you could point at aegea for you know not partnering with enough game developers you could point at nvidia for snapping them up and then effectively making it proprietary you could point at game developers for not not sort of thinking outside the box in terms of their game play for you know destructible environment style games or dynamic environment games but ultimately it didn't really take off outside of like actually no i think that's a havoc physics game anyway um i was thinking like oblivion was one of the games that i played you know back when the physics hype train was still kind of rolling where you could like knock cups off the table and stuff and they would realistically you know bounce around or whatever um so you know when are we gonna get you know truly learning ai in games honestly my best guess would be when the game developer can really count on a large install base of players that are going to have um that that they don't have to account for anyone other than that because i wouldn't want to create two completely separate ai streams for my game why would i do that so like a more traditional enemy ai versus like a machine learning artificial intelligence ai and as long as you've got people with varied systems so like gaming pcs where i can't count on this to have an ai processor or whatever now to be clear anything with tensor cores does have ai hardware in it and in fact uh intel is definitely focused on ai for their cpus as well but you gotta i mean you gotta account for hardware going back in like 10 years when you develop a pc game and even on consoles now that it's cross-platform and cross-generation that developers have to think about honestly we could be so far away i think the most realistic closest point for like a truly ai integrated game where it's like a really core part of the gameplay would be on something like google stadia or amazon's cloud gaming service that they just launched where the whole thing runs in the data center where if they suddenly need more ai horsepower or more gpu horsepower or whatever they can just grab resources off of another rack and not degrade the gaming experience and where they so they can count on everybody running the same hardware they don't have to worry about the decisions that the ai is making causing desynchronization i mean rainbow six siege is a great example of a game where desynchronization can have negative impacts on the gameplay experience for example you know one person because the destruction is handled on the local machine one person can see one version of a destroyed environment and another player can see a slightly different version of a destroyed environment where one of them can see the other and the other can't see back that's a big problem and that's something that could be addressed by what stop doing what is it no wait why did can you just put it back no what can i just have my old what was wrong with my old connection give it one second okay because the game's done so i just i just want to launch the game uh no what what what port are you plugged into you plugged in the wrong one you got to plug into the two and a half game yeah well i did that what that didn't work can i just have my yellow cable back okay anyway so that's a use case that i could really see i don't know if you were listening to any of that but would you consider playing on a game streaming service if there was like some kind of super advanced ai like opponent that you could play against like would that be a game play changing um you say yeah but like okay what if it also had completely you know destructible environments or something like that so you're giving up latency between your like connection to your actual game but you're gaining latency in terms of your synchronized experience with all the other players i don't want to have different i don't want to have feature disparity between the cloud version of the game and a regular i i imagine that this game is going to have no regular version i would imagine that it's going to be cloud only because you could not build a game around this kind of centralized computing probably wouldn't play it you wouldn't play it you wouldn't even try it unless well i probably try it because i work at my detectives and i might have to for a video do you think it could blow your mind and it could be like something you've totally never experienced before yeah it might be kind of expensive well what i suspect is that you wouldn't pay any more for it than you would for your like cloud gaming subscription exactly exactly so you'd see you know netflix style exclusives built just for cloud gaming to be clear this ain't going anywhere anytime soon let's see if it can run crisis remastered shall we um oops i'm in the wrong menu here video settings let's see uh yeah we're at 144 got that oh yeah got that high refresh rate uh smaa should we scan hardware wow it's in can it run crisis mode pretty much across the board let's go ahead and do a hardware scan because i says yep we're running medium here we're running medium here ladies and gentlemen that makes sense that's fine all right let's continue gaming i would just play the original one personally really yeah it's um it's based on the console version oh yeah so some of the controls are like different and i don't know maybe part of why i don't like it is just because i did play the original one a lot so like my muscle memory for changing my suit functions and stuff which shockingly i still really had after like 10 years was wrong it's wrong but it still works right it's not like they forgot to map some stuff it works there's well there's a level gone so there's that yeah all right so yeah i would just play the original one throw like a texture pack or something like that on it like so maybe yeah wait you're still trying to buy one good luck everyone and their dog wants one so you want to buy one from a scalper watching our stream that's it you'll pay msrp nobody who has a 3080 is selling it for msrp right now like get real wow did i just get out so cheaply yeah unbelievable dang it why is our save game not uh not synced here i'm like right at the beginning of the game there's a different level i wanted to play you know what i'm going back to i'm going back to the menu i'm sorry guys man the loading loading times on this game not great uh select mission that's it oh man nicholas totally set us up with uh with a mid game uh save point but i guess we're stuck with this steal the review sample hey can i steal the reviews no i already stole the review sample it's in my htpc i was streaming last night uh i streamed no two nights ago on it that beat saber runs great on the 3080. um i i took out the water cooling so i was having an issue with it where my 2080 ti was power throttling i i'm sorry colin i confess colin i i blamed you i thought maybe you did a bad job of water blocking it because i think it was it was his first time he'd never done it before but i pulled the water block off everything was fine everything all the power delivery was all making contact nope nope everything was on the up and up so i was just getting this weird power throttling freaking constantly and so that was causing stutters even when i was so i could play beat saber but i couldn't play beat saber and stream or record at the same time even when i tried to use cpu for it which was super weird um yeah i was using nvinc i tried x264 though and it didn't fix it so it was just this bizarre problem i couldn't solve so then get this i put that bifurcated build in there because i was just like oh screw it this is a great build i'm gonna throw this thing in here and when i was hammering the radiator again i must have kinked something because cpu cooling performance was terrible and it was constantly ramping the fans up like crazy so i had two slightly broken builds so what i did was uh the wife liked the black chassis sitting in the case better than the white one and i could have changed all the panels yeah you can you can steal the white one after all so uh so she liked the black chassis better so what i did is i just went air cooling in it screw it i put an l12 knock to l12 on it and um and i put an air cooled 3080 founders and it's like and i still have of course because it's m80x even though it's this tiny little case i got two more slots so i'm sticking with it i'm sticking with it he's not saying that much he's basically saying that he wants the the white uh bifurcated chassis sm580 i think yeah that is a sick sick case though like if i needed it to be a little bit smaller man that's a cool case it's up on float plane if you're not subscribed on float plane hey so early access videos some exclusive videos and stuff like that so it's up there right now and it's coming to youtube probably sometime in the next week or so yeah as soon as i got a 3900x i was playing games i think i was playing cod and my cpu usage was at 30 and i was like why am i using nbank still yeah i mean it doesn't hurt performance much and if you won't have problems with it if you that's true it can be kind of weird rate to be unlimited your gpu will just be at 100 and then end bank will be like ah and it'll overload and then it will stutter that's fair that's fair sometimes you don't have a choice though like if you wanted to encode 8k for example like we did in the rtx 3090 video it's not like you're doing that on your cpu good friggin luck oh man i accidentally swam in the wrong direction here is linus tech tips now focused on upgrading and renovating linus's house honestly i don't think there's much more of that coming anytime soon a lot of that was because i was really focused on finding content that we could make at home that would be interesting while i was stuck at home during quarantine if there's another lockdown i can't promise we won't do a whole nother round of it but no that is not something that i have any intention of doing more of anytime soon avishak asks how will a 3070 pair up with the 10600k also big fan enjoy these videos i think that would be a great pairing honestly so what we're running today is uh 10 400 with a 2060 so if you were to step each of those up then you'd be getting a better experience pretty much across the board but of course you'd be paying quite a bit more 30 70 is going to be absolutely sick wait oh did he oh he said 30 70 sorry i was thinking 2070 but yes either way yes that would be an excellent pairing um oh unserm says my company has been trying to contact you regarding a video idea to sponsor but no one is contacting me after using contact us any ideas um i mean one one version of events that i could kind of see is maybe your product or company is bad and we don't want to work with you that might not be it though we might have just not gotten to it yet i'm sure someone will get back to you hey look i don't make the rules okay like we don't take every sponsor just to be very clear naughty not even by a long shot there's like usually we do at least reply to say hey it's not a good fit at this time uh hold on i gotta get my is my power suit like not working yet okay and you're dead bud uh wait what what just happened oh no i got my oh shoot okay yeah my youtube one broke too i can't see my super chats to respond to them so how's it running i don't have an fps counter gosh darn it um some console stuff no it's fine thanks nicholas you're off though you're off take a day off bud he's off today you're not supposed to be working what is he doing watching his boss play video games i actually took a proper vacation what a nerd for the first time i took a whole week off a whole week take like a day off for pass usually but that wasn't the thing i took a whole week off and then i just worked on my car for a week how was how was a whole week off at a time they can't hear you mind you so i mean you took a week off and worked on your house yep i did it was great okay i am not sure why i can't access the stupid menu here it's driving me absolutely bananas okay rendezvous with jester no i'm just in the first level this level's so dark like this is such a beautiful game and they make you just like slog around in the dark for the whole first part of it uh it's not installed and we didn't find that external ssd whatever it doesn't matter the point is on medium details we're running crisis remastered at 140 freaking fps so we're really taking advantage of our high refresh rate 1080p monitor cpu system 30 80 30 90 and epic we should put this i really don't know that i would we do have a 128 core epic system coming don't we okay yeah we'll we'll do it just oh just to show you guys how stupid it is and how much you shouldn't do it we'll do it for you because that's how we roll that's how we might forget to do it but we'll try uh thanks kumar thanks jacob jacob uh jacob good life i don't see the point of 2.5 g because i would have to buy a new router and a new nas the point is that it would be faster than your old router and your old nas your nas might have usb by that logic i don't see the point of the rtx 3080 i would have to buy a new graphics card do you even even listen to yourself when you talk come on man he has usb 3 on your nas you could use an adapter i mean like for realsies you know love ya thanks for the super chat but like come on there's the tech channel we're tech enthusiasts we always see the point of a faster computer eric says my pc so outdated i watch your videos to see high-end ones just to feel better oh that's a sad story it's a sad story eric one day one day when you stop spending 20 pounds 20 british pounds on super chats you'll get there ah did my question get answered while i was gone oh poor answer messaged again again another 20 pounds i for realsies don't know why they wouldn't have responded to you uh the best email to email though is the one on the channel um not like on the contact us page i have no idea if anyone even monitors that one to be to be totally honest with you right there oh i hate these automatic suit functions oh whoops did i just like totally charge through this this guy oh whoop sorry sorry uh oh wow i died already that was sad anyway the point is it runs real fast let's do a couple more let's do a couple more super chats uh no i guess that's pretty much it uh let's see if there's anyone over on floatplane who has something something pressing that they needed to ask oh there we go more diy server projects yeah we just haven't needed any upgrades a lot of the time our diy server projects are really inspired by stuff that we need to do anyway so that's it guys thanks for tuning in this is it the 1010 msi can it run crisis yes it freakin can machine and look good doing it like come on how slick looking of a machine is that and all we needed was a little bit of sharpie did you see the sharpie i put on the cpu cooler check that out well it looks pretty bad from that angle okay well you know you just need to there you go there you go that's a little better oh yeah looking good right there freaking awesome uh you could take the sticker off but then you have to see the like you can see the little pcb in there and stuff like that like if you're really into that stuff i guess you could do that but i'm not i'm not that into it so thanks again to msi if you want to check out these parts we're going to have them linked down below you too can build exactly this system i might recommend holding off on the graphics card for just a little bit uh maybe you know borrow a graphics card from your old system or a friend or get a cheap placeholder yeah borrow from your work freaking guy or whatever maybe wait just like a little bit longer just check out the leaks on the 30 60 but hey i'm sure msi is going to have a sick rtx 3060 as well so uh they're still gonna have you covered there that's it thanks guys see you later hope you enjoyed it uh do you want to go ahead and click end stream on youtube yeah you're thinking about it
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,045,768
Rating: 4.8664327 out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, nexus, jayztwocents, austin, evans, troubleshooting, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: ZAovoEHJ0Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 4sec (6004 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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