Two brothers inherit a lifetime collection, see what they have! | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 69

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- [Dennis] Hello? - [Tom] Alright Dennis, my name is Tom Carter. - [Dennis] Hi Tom Carter. - We had fun over at Bob's maybe a year and a half ago or something, and I'm cruising around the Carolina's now looking for stuff, and I just happened to call Bob and he said "You know I've got a friend over there in Greenwood." So what do you have that's of interest? - [Dennis] (sighs) You got a few minutes? (upbeat rock music) - We're gonna spend eight plus hours on the road. What could be better? Well I'll tell you what could be better. Spending 18 hours on the road. (Tom chuckles) ♪ On the news sometimes ♪ ♪ left alone in the heat of the night ♪ ♪ Every time a private play got nothing ♪ ♪ but my shoulder blades ♪ - [Tom] I've got the two Cook brothers here. I'm Tom Carter, I want to thank you. - Hello, Tom. - You're name is? - Andrew. - And your name is? - Dennis. - Dennis. Denis and Andrew Cook. and their dad owned a business, an antique car restoration business and started to buy up a lot of stuff and I guess, he passed away when? - Six years ago. - Six years ago and now there's a lot of stuff left over. So I walked up and I said, "is that a Crosley with a Jeep nose on it?" - With that state, you just nailed it. - The frame. - There's no way to recognize it. Nobody's ever walked up and understood and knew what that was immediately. That's just crazy. - So that's what it is? - Yeah. (Tom laughing) - Jesus. - There's more to it than that. - So it's got like a Ford hood emblem on it I guess. - Yep, like a '37 Ford hood. - Yep, like a '37 Ford hood. (grunting) - These are heavy, is this car trim? - Well, that's bed trim for a Chevrolet pickup. - Wow, it's heavy. When was the last time this was uncovered? - A couple three or four years ago. - Is that right? - Yup. - I've got some bungeed over here. We got some rust to the hood. Oh, so this hood is not the hood? - Correct - [Andrew] It's a homemade body. - Oh, is it? - [Andrew] Yeah - Now this says V8. - Yep, that's what it is. - You've got to be kidding. (muttering among themselves) - [Tom] So this was a home built car, huh? - [Dennis] Yes sir. - [Tom] They call these "specials" back in the 50's. '37 Ford hood, look at that. - Yep, '37 full dash. - Was this built locally you think? - Absolutely. - [Tom] Hudson tail lights? - [Dennis] No, those are '49 Chevrolet. - [Tom] Ah, okay. - [Dennis] Same ones the front bumper come off of. Beautiful running car. - No kidding! - Runs great. - So that's lead in the back. - Yep. Boattail speedster. - Right. It looks like a bumper car. That's crazy. So what does it got for an engine? - [Andrew] That is an interesting part - [Tom] That's the interesting part. - V8 60. - [Andrew] Yeah. - No kidding. Most Ford flat head engines, most common ones, are 85 horsepower. This is a 60 horsepower. It was a no cost option that people could order, to get better gas mileage. As if gas mileage mattered in the 30's or 40's As if gas mileage mattered in the 30's or 40's when gas was 20 cents a gallon. - Wouldn't pull the hat off your head in a full sized car. - Right. - No power, ignition is polite. - But, midget racers love those things. - Rebuilt engine when the car was built and runs beautiful. - [Tom] Wow. - [Andrew] Stick a battery in it and it would probably take an hour, hour and a half to get it running. - So, let me ask you, all these cars I've seen here, are these for sale? - A lot of them are, yeah. - A lot of them are. Alright, so if somebody watching this show liked this car, what would you ask for that? - Never put a price on it. - You don't put a price on it? - I haven't. - Oh, okay. - This has been one that we had dreams about. - (laughs) Or nightmares. - Where I'm going with it. - Yep, yep. Okay so, this is your dad's business. This was a repair shop or a restoration shop? - [Andrew] Both. - [Denis] Both, yeah. - So J.P. Cook, he was a racer? What did he race, flat head Fords? - Mainly 6-cylinder Chrysler. - Really? Really? Huh. You're dad passed away and then you're stuck with all this stuff and you've spent your lives kinda getting rid of it I guess? - Well, what we tell them, we're just two old guys sitting in rocking chairs selling off our children's' inheritance. (Andrew laughs) - Could we follow you around? - Yeah. - That'd be great. - I'm gonna let you guys go, - Alright man, - glad to meet you. Dennis, it's a pleasure meeting you. - You guys have a great time. - We will. - Don't tell him no lies. - Alright. That's honesty program. (Tom laughs) - [Tom] Thank you! Was your dad mostly a Ford guy? - Yeah, he loved his Fords. Mainly '36 usually. Well, any kind of early Fords. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm pretty much a Ford guy too. I just drove a car like this across the United States. From New York to San Francisco. Two weeks. - [Andrew] Two weeks, huh? - Yep. - [Andrew] How many flat tires? - Zero! - [Andrew] Zero? - We had to fake it because we never really broke down so I faked a flat tire once just for the photo. - [Andrew] Oh yeah, wow. - [Tom] So your dad restored this. Did he restore cars for customers? - [Andrew] Yeah yeah. - Now this right here is an attractive little item to me. So this is an 85 horsepower flathead souped up with a fixed in high rise aluminum intake manifold with two Stromberg-97 carburetors, with two Stromberg-97 carburetors, Edelbrock heads, maybe a '39 transmission. Is this out of one of your dad's race cars? - [Andrew] Well, it was one that was run mostly around here. Basically done a rebuild on it, put it in a '35 Ford pickup for a while. - Is it a great running engine? - [Andrew] Yeah. - [Tom] Is that for sale? - [Andrew] Yep. - [Tom] How much you want for that? - [Andrew] Probably about 35. - [Tom] $3,500? - [Andrew] Yep. No way in the world you could build an engine for that. - No, I know. Yeah. So this has got aluminum fin heads, high compression heads. And they were finned so you could help cool it because flat head engines ran hot anyway. You put aluminum heads on there and it ran even hotter when it ran fast. Well, that's a neat piece. And here's a rubber bumper MG Midget. So the cars out in the front yard here, those I guess are for sale? - [Andrew] Yeah, a lot of those for sale. Some of them are already sold. - [Tom] So we may as well start here. You don't see many of these around. Is it a '56, '57? - [Andrew] Yeah, '56. - [Tom] '56 Plymouth Savoy. - [Andrew] Yeah, that one I got to do some work on them. - [Tom] It looks like it's complete right down to the hub caps. - [Andrew] It is. - [Tom] Is it a pretty good body? - [Andrew] Oh yeah, very good. - [Tom] Really? Is this like a '64 Bird? - [Andrew] '62. - [Tom] '62? - 30,000 actual miles. - [Tom] How many? - [Andrew] 30. - [Tom] 30,000? - [Andrew] Yeah. - [Tom] So original paint, so this thing would buff up, huh? - [Andrew] Oh yeah, it would clean up nicely. - Is that like a 410 in here or something like that? - [Andrew] It's 390 engine. - 390, okay. Oh boy, that's sweet. And this is a good run, a good runner? - [Andrew] Oh yeah. - [Tom] That's a neat old car. Now, this is a Crestliner, isn't it? - [Andrew] '51. Not very many of those made. - [Tom] No, not at all. So this was a special edition Ford two-door Sedan So this was a special edition Ford two-door Sedan that was made in '51. You can tell '51, 'cause it's got these chrome strips on the side, and there's a '49 or '50 over there. I'll show you the difference when we get over there. But they, Ford just mildly changed the style here. They had not yet come out with a hard-top. So this is still a Sedan. So they came out with this Crestliner. And it had this extra piece of trim going down there. It's a Crestliner. Sometimes they were two-toned. Much of the time they had a vinyl top on them. - [Andrew] That one originally did. - Yeah. This one had originally, yeah. - [Andrew] It was originally bought in Greenwood. - This one new? No kidding. - [Andrew] The guy worked as an online mechanic that bought it at the the old place. - [Tom] Oh, wow. So it's a pretty rare car. So what's that for sale for? - [Andrew] $6,500. - [Tom] Does it run? - [Andrew] Oh, yeah. - [Tom] It runs? - [Andrew] Needs a set of plugs in it. - [Tom] Uh-huh. - [Andrew] You probably need to clean the fuel system. - Fresh tires of course, and new brakes on it. - [Tom] A little bit of floor work-- - [Andrew] Oh yeah. - [Tom] but it looks pretty darn good. - [Andrew] That's pretty common. - [Andrew] Oh yeah, I'd say. For some reason, I don't know what it is, maybe from when I was a kid, but I like these steering wheels. It's kind of the first car with the steering wheel ring. I like the dashboard, it had this kind of checkerboard pattern aluminum that was all across the dash. It was to give it like a jet fighter plane look or something Well, that's a pretty car. $6,500 seems fair for a running car. So this is an unusual car, Kaiser. - [Andrew] '51 Kaiser. - [Tom] Yeah. I don't know anything about Kaisers. Look at that dash, look at all those gages, radio knobs and things. So this was last on the road in '69. - [Andrew] Yeah, well actually it might've been sooner than that, later than that 'cause South Carolina done away with the front thing - [Tom] Oh I get it, okay. So it's a flat head, 6-cylinder, one barrel, is that a one barrel or two barrel? - [Andrew] My guess, two barrel. - [Tom] Yeah, looks like it. And distributor comes out of the middle of the head. - [Andrew] Yeah, very much like Plymouth. - [Tom] Is this a Runner? - [Andrew] Oh yeah. - [Tom] It is? Is that black or blue? - [Andrew] Black. - [Tom] It's a nice car. That's a 40 Buick. - [Andrew] Nope, 39. - [Tom] 39 Buick. - [Andrew] One of the rarest cars on the place. - [Tom] Why is that? - [Andrew] Look at that and tell me if you see anything very unusual about it. You're an old car guy. - [Tom] Yeah, but I'm a Ford guy. - [Andrew] This, what I'm talking about, you'll be able to notice right away. If you look. - [Tom] Alright, well don't tell me. - [Andrew] (laughs) I'll give you a hint, look up. - [Tom] Sunroof? Wow. (Andrew laughing) - [Tom] Holy mackerel! - [Andrew] Originally called a 'carrot top.' - [Tom] No kidding! - [Andrew] That was very common in the bigger cars, but this is a Buick special, which is the cheap edition, and someone ordered it with the 'factors carrot top. - [Tom] That's crazy. - [Andrew] It cost same out of Georgia, so I figured some dignitary or some politician you might say. - [Tom] Yeah, yeah yeah. That is unbelievable, and it looks to be in good shape too. - [Andrew] Yeah, very good, the whole car is very, very solid. - [Tom] Yeah. Alright so what do you ask for the sunroof Buick here? - [Andrew] Got 12 on 'em. - [Tom] 12,000? - [Andrew] Yeah. - Good solid car-- (talking over each other) That's amazing. I've never seen that in my life. That's such a beautiful design, (Semi truck passing) but boy, look at that, look at the rust on that hood. So if you think about it, in Detroit, there was the Packard Plant, which was one of the most spectacular automotive semi-plants in the world, and now it's just fallen to pieces. Literally fallen to pieces, the bridge fell down now long ago across the road. And this car kind of resembles what that plant looks like now. It's sad, one a magnificent plant, this was once a magnificent car, it's seen just better days. (rock instrumental music) - [Tom] So we looked at that '51 Ford a few minutes ago, and you saw the chrome strip going down the side. Well, this is what, if you took that chrome strip off, this is what it would look like. It has this raised bump right here and these tail lights. And Henry Ford didn't throw anything out. So, if he came out with a new car, he would try to use all those old parts, and he used the old corner panels from the Ford 1950s to put on the 51. Just put a piece of trim on their with a bigger tail light. The 51 Ford was made during the Korean War, and it was hard to get high quality metals to make the chrome strip on the side so those things rotted away pretty bad. They couldn't get, I guess it was copper that you put on before chrome, and those strips rotted off the cars so it's rare to see one that has strips on it. Now they remake them, they make reproductions, probably in China. Buick Grand Sport, alright. - Well, almost. - Really? - Grand National. - Grand National, okay. - Yeah. (Andrew laughs) - Oh yeah that's true. - Well that one I can start up for you. - (Tom laughing) Can you? - Oh yeah. - [Tom] Oh good, we like to see cars start up. (Andrew laughing) - Well that car I bought, it had 66,000 extra miles on it. Was bought new here in Greenwood. - Wow. - Yeah, I still got all the original paperwork. Original paint on it, original upholstery. - [Tom] How many miles you got on there now? - [Andrew] A little over 90,000. So, you know. - [Tom] Alright, so when was the last time this was started? - [Andrew] About a month ago. - [Tom] A month ago, okay. So it shouldn't be a big deal? - No. (engine starting) (car beeping) - Wow that's, that wasn't too bad. (Andrew laughing) Let's see what the interior looks like. New Hudson, now could be cleaned up nicely. - [Andrew] Oh yeah. The paint is jacked up a little bit on it. But most cars from mid-80's, if their paint was still on them, they would be jacked up a little bit. - [Tom] Yeah, you're right. So, how many miles are on this? - [Andrew] 93,000. - 93,000. - [Andrew] I bought the car about 10 years ago, well no 'bout 4 years ago, it had 66,000 extra miles on it. - So you drove it a lot? - Oh yeah. - What would you take for this car? - I'd say 20. - $20,000? - Yeah, sure. - Alright, lets- - [Andrew] It needs a little tweaking here and there, but nice place to get a tired little car. - Yup. (engine revving) (car turns off) - That's a '31? - [Andrew] Yeah. - '31 deluxe Roadster, rumble seat. - [Andrew] We restored that car from the ground up. - It's got a rumble seat, so you could step on this bumper, and then step on this fender, this plate's here, and slide in so two people could sit back in here. Luggage rack, it's got old accessories. You got more back here? - [Andrew] Oh yeah. We had to get few and far between back here but you know. - [Tom] Yes, oh yeah, oh jeez. That's a C-Cab T. - [Andrew] Yup, that's actually what started all this. - [Tom] That car? - [Andrew] That car. - [Tom] Dang. Like, tell me how that happened. - [Andrew] Well when I first got outta racing, we had the body there and gathered up parts and put it together and said, "well, that's what I'm gonna do now." - [Tom] So this was the first one, okay. What year you figure that was? - [Andrew] 'Bout '63, '64, something like that. - [Andrew] 'Bout '63, '64, something like that. To give you an idea of what time frame that was, that was the phone number on those signs. [Tom] - Oh. - [Andrew] O R 8 1 9 7 2. - Isn't that something? So you could tell why they call this a C-Cab Pickup, It's got a big C cut out on both sides. Allow easy entrance and exit. It's a metal body, real thin metal, cloth top so I guess for sentimental reasons their probably holding onto that one. You ever take these on a tour back in the day? - [Andrew] Oh yeah. - [Tom] See stuff like this, the problem with stuff like this, nobody appreciates it anymore. It's too old, it's a lot of work, and they don't have any resale value. Look at all the wood structure here, this is all lumber, probably from Henry Ford's forests. probably from Henry Ford's forests. So it's basically a wood framed body that they tacked tin onto. It's pretty cool back here Andrew. - [Andrew] Yeah. Now you was wanting a story now. - [Tom] Yeah you got a story? - [Andrew] The last time this truck was ran, it was back around 1962, '63. it was back around 1962, '63. She was driven out to the Greenwood Speedway, we won the Point Championship 5K that year. And rode to Flagman, and drive her around the track on mid stroke. - [Tom] That's it, 1963, it's been here since. - Yeah. - [Tom] I bet that would run too. - Oh yeah. (camera guy laughing) - Put a little tank in. - [Tom] Yeah, Yeah. - Well Andrew, it's been an honor to see what your father collected here. I wish I could've been here 10 years ago to see it. - Oh yeah, no doubt. - Man, no kidding. But thanks for spending your morning with us man. - Glad to have ya, come back soon. (Tom laughing) - You never know. - Thank you. (outro upbeat music playing over voices) (upbeat rock music)
Channel: Hagerty
Views: 2,136,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hagerty, Classic Car, Classic Cars, Hagerty Drivers Club, Ford, chevy, plymouth, buick, studebaker, GT, GS1, stage 1, VW, Volkswagen, beetle, bug, convertible, sun roof, straight, eight, rare, coupe, 2 door, thunderbird, v6, v8, packard, crosley, jeep, c cab, model T, model A, flat head, 1950, 1960, muscle car, roadkill, chasing classic cars, tom cotter, barn find, redline rebuild
Id: 0Jpk3myiouI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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