Part 2: Greatest barn find collection known to man | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 94

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(upbeat music) - You may remember from a couple of years ago we stumbled across a barn find that was still to this day I can't compare anything else to it. It was a large collection of cars, maybe a hundred very deep back in the woods in barns. The collection contained all muscle cars several Plymouth Superbirds, and Dodge Daytonas, a Big Black Corvette, a brand new Corvette from the eighties that had, I think 11 miles on it. Lincolns, Jaguars, Cadillacs, just amazing. From that episode, there were a number of cars we didn't have the time to feature because of time constraints for the video. So we thought that during this time of Corona virus that we can't travel, we'd go back into the archives and feature some of the cars that we were not able to feature the first go around. So I hope you enjoy it now. - [Interviewer] Is this a, is this a Hemi car? - [Billy] Yeah, it's got twin full barrels on him. - [Interviewer] Oh man. Holy Mackerel. - [Billy] I got the radiator and it. - [Interviewer] Says that a 392, - [Billy] 392 - [Interviewer] 392 two four back. Can you imagine that? Wow. So what kind of condition was this when you got it? - [Billy] It had bad paint on it. - Bad paint. Was it originally a red car? - Yeah. Well, I hadn't checked the number but it was red when I first seen it. - [Interviewer] What year is this JAG? - [Billy] 67. That's what they got on a series one through 67. - [Interviewer] Okay and its got toggle switches. Okay. Yeah. That's how I can tell series one from the series two black. What color is that Black interior? - [Billy] Yeah. - [Interviewer] And these, this runs well - [Billy] Hmm, runs great. - [Interviewer] Wow. So this is a Hudson Hornet. What, what year is this? - [Billy] 54 - [Interviewer] 54. It is. - [Billy] Yeah. - [Interviewer] Twin H power. Look at that. So this is a, this is the car and the engine that was made famous in NASCAR. Two carburetors, straight eight, very powerful. - [Billy] No this's a six - [Interviewer] That's a six. Okay. Hmm and what was the horsepower? - [Billy] I think it was less than 200. - [Interviewer] Cause Ford had about 110 I think during that time. Right. See, Hudson had to step down design. When you got in the car, you actually stepped down. If you look at it, the floor went down and gave the car a lower center of gravity. So the car didn't have to be as tall as other cars in the road because the floor was lowered. - [Billy] And actually If you look at this door, it almost looks like it was chopped from the factory. - [Interviewer] Yeah right. - [Billy] It's a little down on top. - [Interviewer] And look at the size of that door, look at how long that door is. That's gotta be, you know, more than three feet long. Wow. (upbeat music) So Cars are interesting in here? The Chrysler Imperial, is what year is that car? - [Billy] 58. - [Interviewer] Your father bought a new? - [Billy] Bought it as a demonstrator yeah. - [Interviewer] Demonstrator. - [Billy] He traded at he uh. The 500 dogs in on it. - [Interviewer] So did you, did you drive this car to high school? - [Billy] Drove it to high school yeah. - [Interviewer] This was your high school car. Wow. These tail lights are called Sparrow strainers and the reason they called that is Sparrow a small bird got caught as you were driving down the road it would just strain it through the other side. - [Billy] All the girls was racing on this car too. - [Interviewer] Man Look at any of the continental kits that cars had back in the day. Well, this had a simulated spare tire in the trunk and look at this elegant signature here Imperial with a little crown on it what a car. Is that a 413 - [Billy] A 390 taking - [Interviewer] Another hit. man. You got Handy's - [Billy] Look at that posted in that thing. - [Interviewer] That's original. - [Billy] That's original. - [Interviewer] Holy it's like a brocade. Look at that. Look at that dashboard. It's like star Trek. That's an amazing car. So your father bought this one new. - [Billy] Yeah. - [Interviewer] In 19. - [Billy] 48 - [Interviewer] 1948 one owner - [Billy] Yeah one owner, never been sold. - [Interviewer] Man. So it's a Hudson Hornet Coupe. Look at that sticker on the window. - [Billy] That's been on since the day. - [Interviewer] Buck Baker. Holy Macro. Buck Baker wins 1953 Southern 500 which was Darlington Buck Baker, Fonty flock, Curtis Turner. They were the Hudson Hornet team. Isn't that amazing? Now this has got the twin H power? - [Billy] No, they didn't have that until 51, 52 something like that but the program there for Occoneechee. Oh - [Billy] Occoneechee Speedway. - [Interviewer] Occoneechee Speedway, Hillsborough, North Carolina, and a Hudson Horner on the cover. Oh, here we have another Chrysler, 300 another big Hemi with two, four barrels. Now this is what year car? - [Billy] 56, 300B - [Interviewer] B and what does that stand for? - [Billy] It's like a year of the 300. - [Interviewer] Okay. Is that a 331? - Billy]354. - 354, Okay. - But anyway, this is like the one that Tim flock drove with the monkey in it. - Tim flock was a NASCAR driver who was as much a showman as a driver. He was a championship driver, but he also used to occasionally have a monkey in his car and it was a race car like this and he would race with a monkey, had a little driver suit a little helmet and little seat. Tim flocks monkey's name was Jocko Flocko. - And actually, some of the drivers didn't want him in there because they said he could open the door and see where they have a hole cut on the floor where it's checked the front tire. - Is that an automatic push button? - Yeah. - Well, that's some rare stuff here but here's another homologation car. - Yeah. It had a slope front and a different wing on it. - Homoligation is a term that is used for requiring a certain number of streetcars to be manufactured and sold to the general public before a similar car like that can be put on the racetrack. So over there we have a Turino Talladega. We have a cyclone here. We have a Pontiac two plus two and in the other building, there was a a Monte Carlo with a slant back, says Pontiac grand Prix. I think it was called a two plus two and it was it included this wing. - Two plus two is on the door stays on the door, I think. - Yup. A slanty back window instead of a notch back and an extended nose, which gave it better aerodynamics but other than that, it was a stock stock engine just a regular old car. During our tour with Billy his knee started to hurt him. So his wife Carol Lee was kind enough to take over for Billy for the rest of our tour. - [Carol] That was my car. - The Pinto. - Yes. - [Interviewer] Oh Pinto. - [Carol] It was one of the only car I think I ever picked up by myself. - [Interviewer] Huh, you buy it new? - [Carol] We bought it new. - [Interviewer] Wow. - [Carol] And, - [Interviewer] Watch your feet here. - [Carol] Yeah. I drove it for several years and then Billy called me at work and said, bring the car home I've traded it and so he sold it and then we got it back. - [Interviewer] Wow. - [Carol] He says, he's going to restore it. but it's way down on the list. - [Interviewer] I love Pintos. I used to race one. - [Carol] I loved my Pinto. I didn't know they had that much power. (upbeat music) - [Interviewer] Now here's something I know dangerously little about 1969 Camaro Z 28 and what else did we have here? Is a pile of stuff there. It looks like a sports car probably an MGB or an MG Midget back in the corner. So if we were at an average place I'd run over and look at that Midget but there's so many other things to look at here. I'm not going to look at it. Now look at the sizes, Lincoln. This is probably a 40 Lincoln, continental 40 Lincoln. Probably not a continental but look at the size of this thing. This is a two seater car. It's a three window coupe, got one window on each side and in the back window, it's three window coupe. Look at the size of his trunk. The roof ends here, but the trunk ends way back here. So there's this probably six feet difference a little passenger compartment there where two people sat. So this huge vehicle hold two people around. So we're all over the map here as far as cars, this is this is one that I could really fall in love with. It's a 63 Ford Fairlane 500 sport roof. They started off just for a little while with a 221 cubic inch then developed a 260 for a little while and then it became a 289 and ultimately the 302 but just a nice tidy little car that motor wound up in the early Cobras. You know, the early AC Cobras had 260 engines before the 289 came out, probably I think the first 75 or so had 260 cubic inch engines and that engine came from this car originally a very basic little sedan called a Fairlane. So we should go probably back into the other buildings here. Oh, a nice Jaguar. Oh, a couple of nice. Yeah. Pretty nice Jaguars. Well, my, my eye goes to this one immediately. Is it X K 140? - [Billy] Yeah. 56 miles. - A 3.6 liter double overhead cam six cylinder. What a beauty. How, how much restoration did this require? - [Billy] It hadn't had a lot done. I painted it. - [Interviewer] Was a mechanically in good shape. - We had to do a little engine work to. - Do the mechanics yourself as well? - [Billy] Let's see. Daddy was a mechanic all his life. I had, I had one of my Jaguar mechanics as a friend, some of these, but daddy can do it. Yeah. - [Interviewer] That's a great car. So this is a V12. Huh, water monster. Let's see what the flashlight coming on boy has got hood high this run? - [Billy] Runs great. - [Interviewer] It's four carburetors, double overhead cam. V12 motor. Man. And then we have a Jaguar sedan over here. Is that a Mark 2? - [Billy] Papa got. - [Interviewer] 240. - [Billy] That's a little Jaguar. The motor looks just like the other sixes but it's a small one. - [Interviewer] Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Is this a right-hand drive? We'll get back to the four speed. - [Billy] That's had Nothing done through it It's just the way I found it. - [Interviewer] Just like with this paint. So it's a right hand driver. The four speed is that overdrive as well. - [Billy] Yeah. Very nice. They used to race these in Europe, in the saloon class. Alright. More cars. How do you like that? All very nice. El Camino. Wow. Look at that. It's got the factory accessory hubcaps on there. Oh, it's a big block of 396. That is 396. El Camino. It looks like a 66 automatic bucket seats. That's a sweetheart. Wow. I could drive that car Oldsmobile 98. Well, he did find unusual cars. You know what I mean? This could be a four-door but no, he didn't want four door. He got a convertible, a Studebaker with the door open. So that's, I don't know if that's a Golden Hawk probably not, but maybe it is. This is amazing that we're walking by cars. That on a normal episode, we would spend a half hour looking at that car salivating over it. If we found it in Northern California or Texas. Wow. Look at that 55. It's great. But here there's so many other cars that are around it. We just walked by and mentioned, Oh this is a 55 convertible. I feel guilty about not paying attention and giving credit to these cars. But you know, that's, that's, that'd be an amazing car no matter where we found it except here it's just another car. Cause there were other cars that are just like over the moon. I was, I almost drove my 39 Ford here today, the Woody but in the rain. Woody's are not good in the rain though. Oh yeah. Well, we'll go down there too. It's almost too much to take in this two episodes. Here we go. Okay. So just more cars of Billy's eclectic taste another Chrysler three hundred 57 I guess 300 next to a Jaguar XJ 12 L this is a beauty. It looks like about a 64 Thunderbird convertible black. Well, this is the Roadster. So you have a black car where black and white interior, black convertible top but it's got the fiberglass cover in the back. So when this convertible top came down this covered over the rear seats and gave it, this this speedster look almost like a Porsche speedster, Chrome wire wheels, this car. I mean, if this were washed I can't imagine how fabulous it would look. 58 Chevy's you know, for a long time, I walked past 58 Chevy's looking for 57 Chevy's and 55 Chevy's, 56 Chevy's but now 58 Chevy's have kind of come onto their own and I've really learned to appreciate them. There's a two door hardtop and there's a convertible pallet convertible. Now let's see what they had interesting motors. So you could get a six cylinder, you could get a 283 where you get a 348 and this one's got a 348. You can tell it's got these heads that go kind of go in and out the valve cover and 3, 2 barrels. So this was the high performance version of the day. I don't know what kind of transmission its got. It looks like an automatic and this engine was kind of the basis for an engine that came out a few years later the beach boys sang a song about 409 a 409 was an engine. She's a real find my 409. Well, it kinda, this is the basis that the 409 started out as a 348 and was built larger. This is probably a beautiful car. The paint on here is probably fabulous and here is a 58 Chevy Impala convertible black white top automatic on a column. It's got kind of a tri-color interior, which is really cute and let's see what motor this has in it. So it's got a 283. So that's got the smaller V8 that car had the big V8. That was the biggest V8 you get in that car and this had the 283, which was the smaller V8. You can also get a six cylinder in here. So this, when I talked to Billy about this Corvette I forgot what year it is probably 68 or so it's got, or maybe 69. It's got a 454 and it's very built. I remember him told told me it's a very built engine, very powerful four speed and this is a convertible. So it's got a hard top. It lifts off. Nice, nice, nice car nicely about a Corvette. They don't rust haha. (upbeat music) 39. - [Billy] That's the 39 Lincoln. - [Interviewer] It's a beauty. That is so beautiful. - [Billy] That's a pretty car. - [Interviewer] You've got your share of three window Lincolns. That's for sure. So a car that normally had a V12 now has a 350. - [Billy] Now, this us actually is a 265. - [Interviewer] Is it Really? - [Billy] This car, I built one, I traded off a 41 continental with a Chevrolet motor in it. - [Interviewer] Oh, I see. - [Billy] And it have a 340 gear. This one's got a 440 gear, but you see it's got these old big tires on. - [Interviewer] Yeah it equals out. - [Billy] So it, I drove it to Florida and it actually got better gas mileage than the 41 with. - The 12. - Now I'm on the Toyota. It was a V8. - Oh, V8 - [Billy] 305. - [Interviewer] So that's gotta adapt to going to the original transmission. - [Billy] Yeah. I just adapt to ring. I just, I can then bolt it and build a. - Was a nice swap. - Open the door, look inside it. - [Interviewer] Oh, is that beautiful. Look at that speedometer. Beautiful. What a dashboard. It's like a jet plane. - [Billy] You see the gear shift shifts is coming out over there in the side. - [Interviewer] Yep. - [Billy] That's a whole stock. - [Interviewer] 39,000 miles. That original? Do you think? - [Billy] Don't worry anybody about that? - [Interviewer] Yeah. That's Beautiful. Billy and Kelly have so many cars we couldn't show them when we first aired the episode a couple of years ago I hope you enjoyed this part. Two of a trip to their house. He certainly had an amazing eclectic collection of cars that he truly loved did not buy them to As investments he bought them because he loved them. I want to thank Billy and Carol Lee for allowing us access to their property. Happy hunting.
Channel: Hagerty
Views: 3,940,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hagerty, Classic Car, Classic Cars, Hagerty Drivers Club, barn find, hunter, tom cotter, woddie wagon, woody, 1939, ford, chevy, lincoln, plymouth, jaguar, mercury, dan gurney, jeep, hudson, pontiac, grand prix, Imperial, xk140, coupe, big block, v8, v6, small block, 454, 362, 289, 260, straight 6, twin H-power, supercharged, corvette, impala, studebaker, el camino, 396, manual, 4 speed, automatic, bucket seats, console, Hemi, cadilac, 392, 331
Id: diY4pmAnb1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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