BLOODBORNE is the BEST GAME Ive Ever Played

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hello to all of those who are new here which according to the analytics is basically all of you before I start this video I just want to say I really do appreciate all the love that the Fallout video got I read a lot of the nice comments and it's just been really validating that I don't put a lot of work into these videos for nothing I also saw the constructive comments and even a couple mean ones which was really funny and yeah there are some things with that video I got really wrong mostly just because I wasn't expecting 10 000 people to see it so I was kind of just like sharing my thoughts without fully researching some things like the Super Mutant thing obviously and also not acknowledging that obsidian isn't really as good now as they were when they made New Vegas I also wouldn't have front loaded that video with so much negativity but whatever life goes on so like you could probably guess from the title bloodborne is my favorite game I've been saying this for a while and obviously that's just my personal opinion but I think my reasons for loving it go beyond just personal bias on this channel I try to be really reasonable and try to be as objective with my takes as possible but I'm gonna hit you with a hot take and I think a lot of you are going to disagree with it and that's totally fine you know what I'm about to say it I think bloodborne is the best game to come out on the last generation bloodborne is near perfect and my only complaint is that I wish there was more of it also that there isn't a PS5 update to play it in 60 FPS or a PC Port so the only way you can play it is on Playstation but those are problems I have with the gaming industry as a whole more than just this game specifically so I won't hold it against it well every game has its low points bloodborne included I think it's the closest from soft has ever come to Perfection every fromsoft game has at least one segment I know I'm gonna have to grip my teeth and just put up with when starting a new playthrough and bloodborne has a portion in the middle that isn't my favorite but everything before and after it is so good I can't complain about it too much but before I get into specific points about what I like and don't like and spoil things I'm going to take this opportunity to say if you haven't played bloodborne and you have the opportunity to please play it I know this is just like the typical YouTuber thing to say but for real if you've made the choice not to play it up until now because you didn't like another game you tried in the series or you just don't think you'll like it I'm deathly serious this is your sign to go play it right now if you have PlayStation plus it's free so you literally have no excuse so use that watch later playlist and go play an incredible game all right now that it's just those of us who have played the game or people who can't sorry let's discuss what makes bloodborne so special foreign the thing everyone and their mothers talks about when discussing from software games is difficulty including me I'm also a hack fraud one of my first video I see was about whether or not dark souls should have an easy mode don't watch that video it's terrible but the conclusion I came to that I still agree with is that it doesn't really need a difficulty slider that makes bosses weaker or less mob spawn in the world or whatever that would entail in that video I came up with reasons that were varying degrees of good and bad but I think at this point the way I feel about it is that these games simply aren't as hard as people make them out to be there have always been options to make them easier like magic kindling bonfires summoning help or whatever but beyond that there gets to be this certain point in these games where you get so familiar with them that they really aren't all that hard anymore obviously they're tough bosses and stuff but I just mean mechanically and I'm not saying this as an elitist or anything to try and talk down to anyone when I say this I'm nowhere near great at any of these games I die plenty of times playing them and make countless mistakes in every playthrough but even I can beat them I really truly think anyone is capable of getting good enough to beat any from software game the only thing that's keeping anyone from beating Dark Souls bloodborne Elden ring Etc is whether or not they're willing to spend a good amount of time sucking at something until it starts The Click now what I just said is a controversial statement to some people in fact I'm willing to bet someone watching right now completely disagrees and that's fine this is all just my opinion but the reason I'm so confident in this opinion is because of how bad I was when I first tried to play bloodborne I Must Have Spent at least a few hours just trying to get past the very first area I think I quit before even getting to a boss thinking there was absolutely no way I was going to get even competent at this game let alone Beat It some time passed and I decided I was ready to give it another chance and that time I'd played a little bit of Dark Souls and gotten some confidence with the combat and the rhythm of the game now I hadn't made it very far before getting stuck but I'd come a pretty long way from where I started coming back to bloodborne I still sucked but in a different way I sucked like someone who knew what to do when I had a shield but not when I didn't and this is where bloodborne started to work its magic after a while of having just awful timing and getting rolled over and over again by basic enemies eventually I started to get a feel for the rhythm of the game then suddenly I was avoiding the slow attacks these yarnamites who had previously given me so much trouble now rather than feeling like a brick wall I had to break down with my bare hands the game felt like a pulse pounding dance with death and I was hooked I played nothing but bloodborne for weeks and before you know it I was getting the platinum trophy so sure that's fine and all but at the end of the day that's just my experience with the game and everyone's experience is going to be different or is it okay yes to a certain extent but let's talk about what bloodborne does that makes it so good at putting players on the right path to enjoy the game the same way I was able to bloodborne doesn't have any Shields or at least not any Shields worth using I know truly groundbreaking information I did a lot of research for this video but I think this is is a good thing as to a lot of other people some have even gone as far as to say that playing Dark Souls with The Shield is the wrong way to play it now I disagree that any way someone chooses to play a game is wrong if they're having fun but what I do think is using the shield in these games has a shallower learning curve but also a lower skill ceiling some of you already get what I'm saying just from hearing that but in case you don't here's an analogy you like analogies right it's like playing a first person shooter with mouse and keyboard versus a controller a controller is more intuitive and is going to be easier for someone who's never played video games but for those willing to go through the struggle of getting the hang of using a keyboard to move aiming with the mouse is a lot easier than aiming with a controller so while the keyboard and mouse user had to go through an initial phase of being worse at the game while they were getting used to using the keyboard to move eventually that struggle led to the reward of being able to aim easier once they got used to it now similarly a completely new Dark Souls player can pick up a shield and a sword and can learn quickly how to take out lower level enemies at the beginning of the game they can learn without the fear of being sent back to the bonfire when an enemy will attack and when it's safe to counter-attack unfortunately a lot of Dark Souls players never took the time after this early stage to go from blocking attacks to dodging them and there are two big reasons for this number one Dark Souls doesn't do a great job of showing you that two-handing a weapon or using your offhand for spells can actually make the game easier after the learning curve and two it makes the penalty when you make a mistake too much for some players to want to put up with bloodborne is designed with ways to address both of these problems when it comes to showing you the benefits of going shieldless bloodborne gives you no choice but to fight this way because again the shields at your disposal are basically useless the player is forced to lay a solid foundation of skill before even really getting into the game with this Choice bloodborne employed a sort of you must get this good before continuing system at the very start of the game rather than using the shield and tanking hits when you're up against a new enemy or boss and bloodborne you have to figure out the proper Dodge timing and direction for basically every attack from every enemy you can't just wait for the boss's combo to be over and if you have enough stamina to do an attack or two and the reason this is important is because there are bosses in every from soft game that don't allow you to just keep your Shield up to the combos because some of those combos are going to drain through your stamina and then keep going until you're on a t-shirt in Dark Souls if you're using the shield what you're going to have to do is avoid some attacks in the combo by walking back with your Shield up catching some of the attacks with the shield then using the little stamina you have left to hit the enemy for minimal damage rinse and repeat for sometimes up to like 20 minutes and not make any mistakes or have to start over or you can dodge the attacks you have learned block the ones that you haven't and then do less damage when you're punishing because you're only one handing the weapon as opposed to two-handing and that's why it's actually easier to use two hands and Dodge fights take significantly less time and while it might take you some time to figure out you'll find yourself spending 20 minutes just to lose at the end of a boss fight significantly less now there are some people out there who enjoy playing the game with the shield they enjoy playing slowly and carefully and again if you're having fun there's nothing wrong with that and you should keep doing your thing but judging by the fact that I've heard tons and tons of stories of people who played Dark Souls didn't have a great time then played bloodborne and absolutely loved it which helped them figure out how to go back and enjoy the other ones they played before and didn't like in my opinion dodging and being aggressive is more fun for the majority of people so teaching those people to play that way is a good thing I also understand that some people really don't like spending their free time practicing so they can get good enough to even start enjoying a game I have a job too and there are some days I don't feel like spending the evening sweating my balls off on a video game but bloodborne doesn't just leave you hanging out to dry in fact actually can be forgiving in ways that fromsoft hasn't been in games before or since the rally system allows players to make mistakes but still recover from them in a way that should have led to someone getting an award Game of the Year 2015 is The Witcher 3. the way it works is you regain some of your health if you hit an enemy soon enough after they hit you this allows you to make some mistakes and then be able to make up for them immediately but that's not to say bloodborne's too easy either wearing a helmet when you're riding your bike keeps you safer but it's not going to save you from a head-on collision with an SUV and bloodborne does have you flying into oncoming traffic the way any good game should you're still gonna die if you try face tanking entire combos it just means if you miss one or two timings you're gonna be able to get that Health back while also doing some damage what this leads to is players learning how to play fast and aggressive but having the freedom to make mistakes and have it not be super frustrating up until a point where you just stop making mistakes unless you're me then you'll never get to that point I also love how this ties in thematically because the hunters are supposed to be these ruthless Killers who enjoy hunting down and killing beasts so then you start feeling the same way almost like an addiction to how good the combat feels but I have more about that later foreign bloodborne handles parrying makes it a lot more appealing to learn before parodying was a huge risk if you weren't perfect with your Perry timing you just got hit with a full-strength attack which means you have to use a flask and then the rest of the level or boss just got harder for you or that attack could just kill you right there because Miyazaki doesn't care about your feelings in bloodborne making the Parry weapon a gun means you can Parry an enemy's attack when you're out of their damage range now this can be really hard to time because you have to factor in how far your bullet has to travel so it's not a cheat code but it is possible but the other thing bloodborne does is it makes the Parry an offensive move rather than a defensive one so if you miss your timing in bloodborne rather than always just taking a hit sometimes your shot won't Parry the enemy but it will stagger them a little bit so while you aren't rewarded with the damage you would get from a Parry you still got to avoid the attack the enemy was about to hit you with this allows you to dictate the speed of the fight because you have 20 opportunities to cancel out the enemy's attack without dodging and keep doing damage you can even sacrifice some of your life to get more bullets if you're feeling saucy now this doesn't always work and there are sometimes an attack will still just hit you if your Parry timing is wrong so what is still a risk reward system they've just made that risk a little less risky so new players feel like it's an option they can try so an interesting thing happens when a game gives you the tools that bloodborne does when from software decided to incentivize being aggressive it allowed them to create enemies and bosses that are just as aggressive most enemies in this game if placed into any of the previous games would have been some of the hardest in the game because they were not made with this level of speed in mind it's like the difference between playing Mike Tyson's punch out versus fighting the real Prime Mike Tyson in the game you can watch for the Telegraph and Dodge at the right time and then you get a few punches as your reward for knowing the correct timing it's not easy and it's a lot of fun in its own regard but it's not this yeah bloodborne enemies don't feel like an AI in a video game designed to test your ability to dodge and play fair they feel like these monsters frothing at the mouth because they want to kill you so bad and the only way you're going to avoid that is if you get Justice Cutthroat as them and this fits the tone of the game thematically you go from a newbie just trying to survive to a bloodthirsty Hunter of the night searching out fights so you can cleanse the world of this filth this isn't to say bloodborne is objectively better because its enemies are harder I just think it's a cool way they were able to change with the formula a little bit and I personally prefer it I also think judging by the way from software bosses have kept this level of aggression in speed if maybe tone down a little bit shows that it's resonated with players not just me so all the stuff I just said about the gameplay oh that's the most important reason why bloodborne's my favorite game of all time but something that I feel like doesn't get talked about nearly enough is how original its world is Dark Souls takes place in your typical fantasy world with Dragons Knights magic Etc and don't get me wrong I love that type of setting I love the Lord of the Rings I loved Game of Thrones for Four Seasons so this isn't a knock against Dark Souls or Elden ring you could say I'm a pretty big fan of those games as well the thing bloodborne did differently though is it made me obsessed with the setting I thought I wouldn't even be interested in originally when I saw this game for the first time it was when the game grumps were playing it and at that time I thought well there are people who like this sort of settings but I prefer happier and more colorful game and this just looks a little bit too depressing to me then something awful happened my parents forced me to get a job in high school and I had to work at Burlington Pro Factory this meant one I had to spend my afternoons pretending to tidy the home section and two I had disposable income and what does an 18 year old with no romantic prospects to speak of spend money on that's right video games the Grumps kept talking about how great this game was during their playthrough so I thought maybe I could put up with the setting the gameplay was fun enough then after a while bloodborne's setting became one of my favorite things about it the Eerie darkness of the world as the game gets deeper into the night the beauty of the architecture and yharnam contrasted with the dark decrepit Shacks of the Forbidden Woods and fishing Hamlet the gothic horror aesthetic had seeped its way into my veins and I spent the years since searching for media that can give me that same feeling but nothing's quite the same bloodborne may have been inspired by The Works of H.P Lovecraft but there's just nothing else like it the closest thing to me is the other soulsborne games so for that very reason the series has had me in a Chokehold and I can't say I'm upset about it I found a few books and movies here and there that have gotten close to giving me the same feeling yarnum does but usually those just make me want to play bloodborne again bloodborne three times four if you count the recording of this video that probably doesn't sound like a lot something always just comes along and you know how ADHD works you probably use Tick Tock but I love bloodborne I even have the platinum trophy that's right I brought it up twice do you have any idea how long I spent in those chalice dungeons saying that the boss that has always caused me to struggle the most is Ludwig every time I get to him in the DLC I know I'm gonna be on a wall for dozens of attempts the first phase is hard enough then after an incredible cut scene [Music] thank you [Music] ah you were at my side all along my true Mentor my guiding [Music] oh great it just got even harder lovely I've spent hours of my life trying and retrying over and over again to beat this boss it hasn't always been fun either I've had to take breaks from this game that have lasted multiple months because of how frustrated I've gotten at this specific boss now I'm not a lore expert clearly but I do have a pretty good idea of Ludwig's story he was the first Hunter to collaborate with the healing church he eventually grew a Corps of loyal Hunters who he trained to fight honorably to combat the growing infestation of beasts but he like many Hunters out to do the right thing eventually succumb to the bloodlust transforming him into the Hideous Beast he is now after the fight when you finally basted him his head's just on the ground still alive so you can talk to him and if you're wearing the Garb of the healing church he asks you this tell me Good Hunter of the church have you seen the light are my church Hunters The Honorable Spartans I hoped they would be now the real answer to this question is no his church Hunters have all gone mad just as he did but every time I talked to him and had the option to tell him the truth that all his efforts were for nothing and that he may have even done more harm than good I lie I tell him it wasn't in vain and that his sacrifice was a heroic one ah good that is a relief to know I did not suffer such denigration for nothing after everything this guy put me through in the game and in real life I can't help but give him an honorable death to me that's not only the sign of an incredible game and story but a true work of art anytime I can feel this much respect for ones and zeros that have taken countless hours of my life something truly special has happened and bloodborne is full of little tragedies like this Garman and Lady Maria's stories are two of my favorite but it also has these really great little bits of environmental storytelling like this door all the way back in the very opening area after clearing out all the enemies you'll realize you still hear a knocking for some reason you notice the doors being pounded from the other side what could be doing that maybe one of the lycanthropes like this one on fire an aggrieved relative coming for Revenge maybe a boss is about to come crashing to the door or a new creature you haven't even seen yet you walk around through the opening and well I can't say you were what I was expecting uh maybe I can talk to him I mean you shouldn't judge a book by its cover right no game has given me the range of emotions bloodborne has fear laughter anger sadness love because of these cute little babies you can make wear top hats I have no idea how they pulled it off but bloodborne is so much more than just a dark depressing sad world like the cashier at Hot Topic beneath a creepy exterior is a three-dimensional living thing that probably has a complicated relationship with their dad and speaking of the DLC the old Hunters takes bloodborne from a 9.5 out of 10 to an 11 out of 10. without it I think the game would be a little short but also without a doubt it has the best bosses in the game and arguably a few of the best in the series Ludwig who I talked about orphan of costs my personal favorite lady Maria I could go on and on about it but really it's just best to be played through so go do it [Music] so because I want you to take my opinion seriously as someone who talks about video games I suppose I can be objective and talk about the things I don't think are good about bloodborne but because I'm a deeply unserious person I'm going to attempt to justify those things anyway what it's my channel I can do what I want he did the monster man conceptually I can see what they were going for here theoretically when you have a procedurally generated aspect of a game it allows for infinite replayability because you can always enter a new dungeon and experience something you've never played before the problem here is pretty much every one of them is incredibly similar and not very fun because surprise surprise something designed by an actual human is better because it had thought put into it to make it fun to get to one of the bosses required for the Platinum you have to spend a lot of time in the Chalice dungeons so I personally don't have a lot of good things to say about them I've wasted way too much of my life in there to say anything positive but at least it is cool that technically there is an infinite amount of bloodborne out there to experience also some of the bosses in there are cool but you know what made them even cooler designing I don't know a good level around them [Music] I don't like the collectible healing item way of doing it there's not much that's more annoying than having to stop fighting a boss because you have to go far more blood vials it was annoying in Demon Souls you fixed it in Dark Souls so why go back to it in this game but they did improve upon it at least rather than just being able to go into a fight with a hundred grass and basically breaking the game they limit you to 20. this is good because eventually you're going to run out meaning you can't just keep making mistakes endlessly and then be able to use all your healing items as a crutch but also that you're not just gonna blow through all of them in a couple bad attempts also I was gonna say it fits better in this world because it's not as magic like in the other ones but they could come up with a justification to give you some sort of blood flask or whatever yeah so it's bad but at least it's an improvement on how bad it was before foreign isn't perfect it has the types of annoying [ __ ] areas and bosses the devs love to put in all their games to remind us that at the end of the day they get off on our pain areas like yahar ghoul with the regenerating blood enemies and the giant Skelly blobs are best just run right past if you can the good news is usually that's not super hard to do in bloodborne but it would still just be better to not have to do that bloodborne has pretty consistently good bosses compared to other games in the series but also just other video games in general I think bloodborne has incredibly few stinkers in the bunch that being said there are bad ones and even I can't deny that ROM and the shadow of yharnam's are pretty bad in inexcusable ways the Shadows are annoying on their own but when you factor in the marathon you have to run to get back to them every death is that much more frustrating then immediately after you're hit with in my opinion the worst spots in the game ROM is designed with annoying you in mind she doesn't test any of the abilities you've acquired through playing the game instead you're forced to manage a big group of enemies while avoiding these range attacks that can one shot you then when you finally get up close she doesn't have any moves to test your dodging abilities or reaction time just moves that are incredibly telegraphed and force you to just run away to make the fight last even longer than it already was two bad fights back to back and to top it off they're both mandatory at least the game gets back on track after those two stinkers with the one reborn and mikalash all right but up until this point and for the rest of the game afterwards the bosses are great but this dip in the middle is a bit tough to get through on repeat playthroughs it's nowhere near the worst dip in quality in a section of a front software game though [Music] all right now that I've washed my mouth out with soap it's time to get back to the positives and I thought it would be fitting to end this video talking about the game's three different endings from software decided they were going to give us the opportunity to end the story three different ways and make them all varying degrees of depressing the first and easiest ending to achieve is to let Garmin kill you and send you back to the waking world I like to call this the selfish ending because rather than try to change anything about the world you just say get me out of this nightmare and let somebody else fix it we're really not a good guy type of thing to do but at least you get to wake up to a beautiful sunrise next is an ending that isn't selfish but maybe just misguided if you refuse garmin's offer of waking up from The Nightmare you have to kill him and let me just say if you've gotten to this point in the game and you're not just trying to get the achievement for all the different endings you gotta fight him if you don't you're missing out on one of the best bosses in the entire game but if you do care about the lore you also shouldn't accept it because it's nice to free Garmin from his shackles he's been stuck here for an indefinite amount of time and by refusing and killing him you're freeing him from his imprisonment which it's clear he's miserable in Lawrence Master Willem and Buddy help me unshackle me please anybody I've had enough of this dream the night blocks or sight oh somebody [Music] the problem is now you're forced to be the new prisoner so you're helping someone else by sacrificing your own Freedom finally the best ending which I mean still isn't great for your character it's in no means a happy ending so if you consume three umbilical cords God I love this game at the end when this big creepy alien dude tries to capture you and turn you into the new Garmin you repel him and you're able to fight him learning his name is Moon presence it's not a crazy fight or anything but afterwards you turn into a baby great one which basically means you've become one of the Gods who control over this world and presumably that means you're able to save what's left of humanity at the cost of your own really powerful stuff and I mean just super Bittersweet and fitting of this game's mood I call this ending the selfless ending because you're literally sacrificing yourself as a person to end this cycle freeing Humanity from its endless nightmare foreign thanks so much for watching this video friends uh hold on before you exit the video this is not just a typical YouTuber outro I do have some things to say that you might be interested in so stick around this video took me a really long time partially because I wanted to make it really good and do bloodborne Justice partially because life has just been really crazy partially because I got sick and literally couldn't record the voiceover for like two weeks I also started playing Alden ring again and may or may not have gotten very distracted playing nothing but that for like a week also I'm like halfway through a playthrough of Dark Souls 2 and my continuing journey of ranking every boss in the franchise so that shouldn't be too much longer I hope that was going to be the next video but I just started thinking about bloodborne and suddenly this video just started materializing also I know it's way too early to start talking about the p word but I do have some ideas for it like doing live streams of the playthroughs of the games that I'm going to be reviewing or ranking the bosses in so if you'd be interested in supporting the channel and me and helping these videos come out quicker by allowing me to not be as worried about money let me know in the comments and I'll definitely start doing that also if you're interested in keeping up with me between videos because I kind of just disappear after posting them I'm always on Twitter which is really bad for my mental health but really good for you if you want to talk to me also there's the Discord I made it a while ago and it should be pretty much ready to go it just needs you guys to join it so that would be a great place to talk to me as well okay now this outro is getting kind of long and I have more Elder ring to play so let me slip back into the void until I merge with more content for you to enjoy thank you for watching
Channel: Stank Media
Views: 148,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne review, review, bloodborne lore, bloodborne 2, bloodborne bosses, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne 2022, bloodborne critique, bloodborne review 2021, max0r bloodborne review, game reviews, bloodborne 2022 review, bloodborne 2023 review, bloodborne story review, bloodborne review no spoilers, bloodborne the old hunters review, bloodborne review max0r reaction, bloodborne review maxor reaction, maxor bloodborne review reaction, bloodborne pc
Id: 0ucLzenXyEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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