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oh lord [Music] dad might ask you already how many pounds per acre do we plant this seed at um it's recommended 25 no lower than 20. okay i don't know why i haven't thought about this until today but this wide son of a gun i don't know if that's gonna fit through our gate oh yikes we got about 15 20 acres that we want to drill today and we're also starting with corn we got a little spritzer of rain yesterday it was small amount plus we don't think we really have beans that are perfectly ready there's some places in the field we could get but not the whole thing so we're gonna try on corn we got this field that looks super dry and the stocks look pretty kind of weak so we want to get that out before you know maybe another storm wind storm or whatever comes and knocks that over so we gotta get this set dad's grabbing an auger he's grabbing big red from over at jeff's it's hard to set your rates when you don't have a book i uh just chewed out our crust buster dealer and it turns out i had it no i just gave him harder time jerry where's the book kind of some big news my mom's kind of halfway retiring she's a home loan originator so her job's open when my girlfriend from iowa applied for it and she got it so i guess she's moving closer about two hours closer so i gotta put up with her more now so what we got here is something called a pasture fix mix it's got some rye grass some brome another type of rye grass a fescue and a timothy timothy so we're gonna be interceding that in a pasture it's poor quality we always have we got to put less cattle on it just doesn't produce very well we're hoping that this seed in here will turn out better give those cattle a little more food 20 to 25 pounds per acre we'll start chucking these bags out oh man these bags are heavy they're like 80 pounds each ugh i'm tired that's a big ol auger right there and he's climbing the to stairs i spooked the heifers sorry girls i gotta go grab the cone this was dad's christmas gift last year isn't he lucky that's a ways up there thumbs in my eye hole that sucks how's that i am well pleased this is 130 cone if you lean over my shoulder i'll carry like a sec potatoes down do it i don't want to do it do it so now the 900 pound pto shaft on that thing we need to wrestle that on okay so we got big news good news for ben yeah tiffany got the job that's big news i don't have to drive two and a half hours anymore that's wonderful that just shows you how awesome i am no because we're not even engaged and she's already moving closer that just shows that how committed she is and how good she is and what a good person quit making her sound awesome make me sound awesome okay let's do that i'm a big deal arrogance isn't it good virtue though do you think her parents are crying right now because she's leaving i bet i just popped in my head a fiesta there's she's gone she's got yeah they're like all right let's go dad now to ruin your your happy excited mood what'd you do do you think that drill's gonna fit through that 16-foot gate over there to get to the pasture yes i don't know man yes okay put seed in there spin the wheel 29 times yeah and then we catch it and weigh it and hope to god that we get it right that first time because it stuck and weigh it and pet it is that what you mean yes yes there you go he says when i did it that was his that was his contribution was him telling me there you go yeah encouragement it's very valuable this is my weekend okay you ready yeah you have seen the whole which one's your month arm okay what do you think about the sound of this bacon egg and cheese mcmuffin no i just wish one would be hey in a couple weeks the intern could bring us one because she's look what i did and look what you did i put those little white strips in the bag so that's half as much bending over that explains why i got done dumping the bags before you but it also explains why you get to clean up your half and i'll clean up my head even better i got your bags paul not all of us do some drilling [Music] there ain't no way that thing's fitting in the gate we're gonna have to also get the depth rate and just make sure everything's working good down pressure's right getting to the ground we have a little moisture in the top hopefully that'll be enough to make it easy to get the slot openers in the ground and get this stuff germinated oh golly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i reckon we could leave it here sell it yeah they gotta deal with it yeah i'm pretty surprised we made it we're gonna be rubbing how about it this pasture here how long has it been since i had cattle on it a good month right and it's had probably close to three inches of rain since then yeah but it was extremely dry to start with yeah you can see we got about five inches of skinny growth and it just does not turn out well and it doesn't support the cattle very well and so that's what we're trying to fix with the what what the seed what's the feedback it's a pasture fix mix fix pick me next get there big see that big rock over there yeah that big rack yeah don't drill over there okay all right we're done now we gotta check depth come on quarter inch hey we're somewhat close that ain't terrible we were told quarter inch to half inch quarter inch is better we're drilling that's a big old rock trying to slap you what the heck yeah that chain fell off [Music] i'm glad you're here what do you think i'm looking for seed oh you plant the seed in the earth paw oh yeah that's what we do i think we're pretty fortunate to get set that close okay i don't know if we have enough seed that's big area not quite sure what the issue is are these teeth getting chewed we've got about 200 feet and you can see these teeth just kind of wore hard they've been chipped or something i don't know what's going on but you can see this is trying to ride up and fall off it's like not in line or something there's something funky going on and i don't know what it is i'd give a thumbs up but it's really not going that well i was just about to say it's working good and then start climbing again supposed to be a nice leisurely drill in the green grass that chain just keeps wanting to fall off [Music] well we switched the sprocket around this is frustrating it's bumpy we're going and i'm gonna have to stare back there to make sure these chains keep spinning and that keeps metering out seat there's one really nice thing about auto steer instead of worrying about steering i can basically stare back here and then make sure that keeps running and then run into a tree on this side there's some big ditches and some trees shrubbery just a few obstacles but hopefully we'll make this pasture a little bit better dad's gonna hop in the combine and try some corn and see if that's ready to go [Music] [Music] things are going decent says we've done for some reason it says we've done 95 000 miles i think i'm reading that wrong i don't know make sure everything's metering out right looks fine to me make sure there's not one in particular that's like oh let's just throw all the seed out cause that happens [Applause] say we're getting to be about half done i haven't had an issue since dad left is that a coincidence now that chain's holding on and it's i don't know i'm sure we're wearing on something i'm not entirely sure what the issue is so i'm sure by now dad's starting that corn field seeing if the moisture is right and if it's not we'll probably go try a bean field we do have one that's pretty dang close but this corn that we're trying the stocks are pretty limp they're pretty small and the field looks really dry so it'd be nice if we get that off so we don't have to worry about it falling down if we get a big win it's actually a little water in the dugout more than we had in june and july and august [Applause] oh there's a tree there almost done oh blowing hammers oh you're dragging a tree just trying to get everything i can hopefully that their pasture fix mix fixed that near pastor there so it looks like dad bent the absolute heck out of that thing hopefully we can get out of here oh hey we got it nice half inch rain would be real good for that the corn is running on under 15 moisture which means it's go time baby i gotta eat lunch yet i'm looking a little what's the word famished daunt yeah i need some food gant it's gantt isn't it let's do some current goal is to get that thing down in that hole it's pretty dang close how about that for a first try i'm just gonna pull ahead a little bit it'll be good i see jeff's just pulling in oil leak our thing which will be very frustrating if it doesn't work the wheels and the electric motors on the swingway auger you know last year didn't work the best and now it just sat for nine months 10 11 12 months i guess we'll find out i am not sure which one it is so we will bring all three and it could also be a battery not working on one of these that's not a good start okay we're in business what are you yelling at me about it is brown some of these do have some green on them look how hard they dented yeah they just ran out of they ran out of stuff you know water see right there that just dented in real hard alrighty i'd say that stuff looks harvest ready we're in a weird hill here corn's running i'd say it's average it's averaging a tickle over 15 percent well looks like the neighbors going on corn a lot of harvest going on right now that there is one steep trench [Music] getting tossed around like a rag doll dag navit that's a deep trench jeff is back [Music] the sun is moving fast let's go home eat some roast or we got just fog lights on this thing nope doesn't even look like their own well dad what'd we do today not much things and stuff we got 80 acres of corn done we did some drilling drilling yeah drilled some holes and now we get to do it all over again tomorrow so hope you enjoyed watching today's video we got the good night yeah my knees feeling pretty good that's because you sat on the tractor all day all right we'll see you next time have a good one good did you say good what's this got in it cool seed specifically grass seed but i'm confused it says climax timothy is that a command
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 110,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, precision ag, calving, baby, manure, hauling cor, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, cow
Id: 3O7n80ctf8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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