I lost my temper snow blowing *frustrating*

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we don't be doing some snow bone today so first thing we're gonna do is start this 75 20 cents that's basically calving season right now we have some things we gotta get prepared number one is this pen right here you can see there's a lot of snow there's snow in the bunks and around these buildings once our heifers calves and the calves get old enough about a week or two old we can take them out of the barn and they start putting them out here there's a lot of shelter back here but it's really hard to get at right now because of all the snow and so we're gonna be snow blowing cleaning up this pen but before I can get out here I gotta pop these out of the ice because they froze down once again so I brought with me this fancy little tool and then this piece of metal last time we pop this out we had a big piece of solid metal that was shaped like this just way bigger like four times the size and it would work perfect for this but somebody must have used it and didn't put it back dad I just remembered I had water running good oh yeah what's up just in the nick of time only took about 22 years once again we're running that fancy land Kota Red Devils snowblower they got them in red and green for you case of John Deere people probably gonna break up this year both today but we got some right here I can see there's frozen chunks of poo on this apron right behind the bunks and so if I'm gonna break a shear bolt it's probably gonna be now it's definitely needs to clear it off because the cows are just gonna pack it in and it's going to keep rising up but once it gets packed it's a lot harder to get rid of it after that [Applause] [Music] after we get done clearance no dad and I are gonna come back out with a bail processor probably shoot soybean stuff well actually we'll probably do wheat straw into this building in the building over there that way everything's ready for when we really start rolling with calves I done did it now this snow over here is pretty hard and frozen kind of plugged up a little tour the sheared bolt up here and so that's gonna be kinda hard to get so I got a line up this part with this part this is where the house that bolts still in all right oh so we got one of them I gotta flip it around that's the worst thing about snowblowers is you always break and shear bolts which you know they're there so you don't break something worse but then it takes forever to fix them she's back working pretty good I got the rest of that cleared off the front I'm gonna start heading straight down from the building clean out along here because that's where we really like to bed down the cattle and so we'll do a little time lamps governments know Bo and you're like man this is going good BAM just like a sheer bull by the end of the day half the snow in that field is gonna be right here so that time it only took about four or five minutes I guess I'm getting good at it dad came over right as the work was done but it's almost lunchtime I'm getting angry and I got to get some food otherwise I might end up fighting you in a bit yeah you're just hunkered down in your little fort with your fancy blankets she's got a heated pad under here too look at this you're just living large ain'tcha that lunch was much needed and calmer now ready to work I got a feeling I'm gonna cheer bolt again that's pretty heavy stuff cleaned up I'm just gonna make a pass one more just to catch snow and then I should be done with this pen one thing we use a lot when we're having calving issues is we chase them up we chase them up from out here up to here and it's nice because it's got a funnel shape we got fence coming this way the building right there and so I gotta clear out all this snow and you know it it might pile back in if it snows again but you kind of got to be prepared and if it does snow again and it gets too high it's just gonna be that much worse [Music] [Applause] back to the shop we go that was some heavy wet stuff we're pretty deep so our plans are getting switched around a little bit earlier today when I was snow blowing and dad wasn't around it was cuz he was feeding our cattle over at the South farm and he said the second cabers which are you know there were heifers last year and this year it's gonna be their second calf we're looking a little thin and so he decided that he wanted to give them a little bit better nutrition over there we're just giving them millet and grass and alfalfa bales but over here the cows are getting a little bit of corn in with their alfalfa and grass and they're also eating silage so we're gonna head over there there's like 120 cows over there and we're gonna sort off about two trailer loads worth of the thinner cattle because well they're getting close to calving and they need better nutrition especially if they're thin [Music] in a couple weeks here me and a few buddies are headed down to Louisville Kentucky we're gonna check out the National Farm Machinery Show and I'll be making videos while I'm down there so I can show you guys all the sweet equipment and they also got a tractor pull down there which is pretty cool and so be looking for those videos ahead I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun do you think it's fair that dad's up in the tractor and I have to walk like this video if you think dad should pay me more final number was about 13 I think we did this a couple of them I got by us that should be in this group but most of these are them young ones second cameras there is one Bowl that's a young ball that's Hold'em thin but they're gonna go home get some pulling in silage and we should should grow up a little bit with all that weight in the trailer I might be stuck here [Music] so the last thing that we need to do is get these girls up to where we can work them on the last video I said there's seven in the first cycle but there's actually like 12 or 13 we're gonna lure these up there's still five way out there and so hopefully they hear that side by side and start coming running but we're gonna run them up there and grab the twelve off the ones we are looking for is if we see this one nope that yellow tag right there maybe they're right there there's a CH on the top of that yellow tag as with this one and that girl so the ones with the CH on the top are in the first cycle and so that's how we'll notice sort of mom of course the one we need is on the back right there it's time to be stealthy [Music] [Applause] so getting that last one up she didn't really want to go in the hole too bad I had to put the camera down cuz we were we got a little I had to run a bit and we sorted those 12 or 13 off I remember what it is and we put them over there that way they're close we don't want to put on the building now because the weather's pretty nice right now plus they still got a few more days before they start calving that should do it for this video do me a favor hit that subscribe button if you liked what you saw calvings gonna start here in a few days and we'll be pulling calves will be mutton we'll be losing our tempers and it'll be fun so stay tuned thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 123,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowblowing, farming, feeding cattle, black angus, calving, calving season, sonne farms, sonne farms south dakota, ranching, coronavirus, john deere, tractor, farm machines, moving cattle, working cattle, trailer
Id: 6j6edqhiptI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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