Armor saves lives, except when it doesn't

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do not try any of this at home wear what you call professionals [Music] the gambeson the akaton the arming doublet the Trident tested padding armor that may make you look a little round but for over 2 000 years it has saved many a man from wounds that would have otherwise been deadly here at University we use gamerson's not just because they look incredibly stylish but because they are also the first line of defense against any possible weapon malfunction while we do our crazy tests so how well do they actually stand up to real punishment well let's check in with the boys and find out just how much damage a modern gambeson can really take this is it and for a regulars of the tunnel that have been here for a few years you might recognize this one from uh a good little while ago but it has been sweated through it's starting to see its last week we're going to be testing a whole matter of weapons because uh there's a whole different test that we can do to it this is like we said this is a little bit thicker than the gambesens that we usually wear it's still a very good test to do because we want to test armors not just Gamers you know plate armor we're only able to continue making this content thanks to our wonderful supporters because ad revenue is really bad and we want to actually increase the production value and the costs also go up when we have projects like this where we go through materials so thank you to everyone who is supporting us and if you want to help us continue going forward anything that you're able to offer would mean the world and you can do so on player subscribe star we have Channel memberships here on YouTube as well as patreon is available thank you to everyone who is supporting us and we just can't wait to go forward and make bigger and better content so let's get back to the video so I think it's time we start testing what do you think we should start with because we have you know we have things like our Bastard Sword here we have our bow we have axes we have daggers we even have a fan favorite that has made a triumphant return yes which we will get to and I am proud to bring that one back on board but I think seeing as this is mostly considered peasant armor which is also known as an Atkin in French old French or a van chair I'm not pronouncing that correctly in Old medieval Norse but these things have been around this is basically for the most part considered Barbarian armor or peasant arms I think we start with a simple weapon hand ax quick caveat I do need to mention that the gambison being tested here is only representative of one way in which they were made the most heavy duty gambesens which offered the most protection were actually made out of multiple layers of linen up to 30 layers in some cases the gamersen we're testing in this video actually has two main layers of sturdy linen with wadding sewn in between which was a way that they were made historically and they do offer a decent amount of protection but it wasn't the only way which they were made and isn't actually the most protective type either here we are have our boromy of course he's making another return he's built for this yeah we've got our gambeson we're going to be putting it over him in a minute but we've got all this tape here and the reason we've got that is so we can actually see uh entry uh wounds from things like swords and daggers and arrows whatever it may be we'll also be adding some analogues to the outside of this so that we have something that's like a rib so we can see for any type of concussive damage how effective one of these actually is but to get started we'll just throw our gambeson over borrow me and uh what what do you want to start with an ax relax good luck buddy trench coat honestly trying to sneak into like an 18 plus movie or something so we've got oh I've got an ax here and you've got a little Hatchet there I have a far closer analogy to a medieval hand ax and you've got apparently a really nice ax but yeah I do this is more what an adventurer would use that is like sci-fi Tech you can start with that one if you want okay I want to actually go through some predictions so what do you think is going to happen when you attack a gambeson with a handout ah okay it'll break whatever's underneath it especially if it's not reinforced it's just the gamston and it'll break if there's ribs in there it'll break your bones things like that that makes sense uh in terms of actually cutting through it now it's one of those things where people are surprised how durable gambesens are however it depends also how sharp you've got now this isn't that sharp anymore to be honest still pretty sharp it's got a good good Edge on it it does but not to cut through Gams I think we go through a couple of different swings because there is a cleaving swing where you're almost like slicing through and then there is just the hack straight in so we'll try a few different types and uh we've got a second option as well which we might have to try yeah let's give it a go well I've definitely felt like the blow was deadened when I hit the question is how much damage did I actually do underneath here we've actually got some little strips of wood to act as our rib analogs yeah which are facing the wrong way but facing the wrong way on purpose so that we can strike safely we snapped well I snapped one just one these penetrative shots um only got As far as the gambeson let's be fair here the black the the hatchet you're using isn't terribly sharp either so there's also that true enough but it's probably about right or what was used at the time well I guess it's my turn yeah I'll see if I can break the rest of them okay I'm gonna move out of the way yeah I feel like that last one's definitely broken something hang on lift lift lift lift now they're all they're all fine let's take this off and see if those have broken you never know little prediction I feel like they're broken in a couple of spots because we have full penetration multiple times you never see well there's a lot of damage double brakes now you struck three times yep and did two breaks yep so it did deaden the blow on one of the shots yes the gambeson held up moderately well now you can't fight with a broken rib anybody who's had a broken or cracked rib knows that that basically instantly puts you out so this would put you out of the fight but it's not a Kill Shot you'd actually be able to theoretically survive that to be fair axes are brutal they are they are but what we should probably show is just how much penetration that'll get without the games because I feel like those chops will just take chunks bouncy baramere is very very bouncy but those type of cuts with that type of pressure that's going into your body that's smashing ribs that's opening up organs you die so so far kampson is doing its job it is uh even with broken ribs yeah let's continue testing it's actually really fun I you like smashing things who would have thunk I do I have a blunt trainer here and I have a sharp bus that's all here I think between this arming sword and that Bastard Sword we can actually do some really good tests we can see if blunt force trauma is enough to actually Pierce some of the Green Goblin blood we've uh put on boromia or whether you do need a sharp this is both for cutting hacking slashing and stabbing I think we'll just do a simple one each basically just bang bang and then one finish it off with a actual thrust see if we can get all the way through the gamston okay so let's start with the hack just straight chop no slice [Music] I was hitting this one here in the center tyranth was aiming for that one there on the left chest but they didn't pop nope all right let's go for the old stab well okay uh the gamerson has held up pretty well however with that first strike it just threw it just destroyed it so sharp pointy things against gambeson's I say sharp pointy things win sharp pointy Things wing but sharp Trauma from an edge gambling yeah this is actually a Live Edge so this is sharp and it couldn't even scratch it even when I tried to the gambston is taking it almost like a blade of plating so that sharp pointy thing absolutely demolished that well this thing is even sharper and even pointier this is a gnarly dagger and this is what we're going to be using now to test the gamsa that sounds really good but I would be cautious about stabbing with that if we try to do a rib test the reason being is because that has a very fine Edge yes and I wouldn't want to ruin it so I actually have a blunt trainer here that I think will be a good example of how easy you can crack ribs with a knife sounds good to me we'll test this one first uh we'll test them on the on the balloons or What Remain of them yeah and then we'll test some ribs with this Okay so stab because oh my God that's gross but you didn't put that much force in that no I didn't let's turn around yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh I'm a step back you want to Zorro that that's your back opened up that was so for those at home that's the tiniest little amount of the tip being used so those little balloons have definitely served their purpose we've got one more to test which I think we saved for the next weapon not this one which means I'll go and put the ribs here but wow look at that yeah that is a good amount of damage so far a bit I mean do remember that a gambeson for the most part is just fabric it is but it's very dense fabric so something that we'll look for in training with with fabric is how much it can compress which means how much can it absorb the shock of the blow coming in I'm still saying it's quite impressive just for being fabric yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Applause] [Music] well that is one tough set of ribs because I don't feel like I cracked as many as I should have well we can take the gamerson off and have a little bit of a look yes I'm sure you would have at least gotten one I hope I got one because that was a good few shots but we have put the ribs the wrong way really hard to get oh oh yeah you got one you got one of them well there you go oh look at how far apart they are no wonder that's my excuse It's still like a blunt knife we'll crack a rib so you imagine what a sharp one would do it would crack and then Pierce straight through well I think we move up our testing now we've tested uh some daggers we've tested Sword and the ax I think we should test some of the big boys uh things like maybe you know a spear uh maybe a warbow and then maybe we'll end on you know an old fan favorite how about we move boromia down to the range yeah and go from there all right come on buddy the weather's changed on us a little bit it has rain it has and poor poor boromia um it's taken a bit of a beating as he always does but he has one little orc blood Satchel left right about where his heart is so so I've got a spear here you reckon you can hit his heart I reckon I can this is a very sharp spear by the way this is actually not just like a training spear that is actually a a very sharp sphere yeah so I will do a few thrusts because you know that's what Spears are for and I'm gonna aim right for this little one here I have no doubt that I am going to pierce it I have a funny feeling you're probably going to do that so I'm going to back up because that is a sharp spear thank you yeah I reckon you got it uh also that's kind of a deep shot oh that was like all the way to there so basically the whole thing oh I mean he missed about you know he gave much of it yeah I think so stupid got him yeah spear is the king of the battlefield for a reason it is but there's so much we could talk about with a spear I think let us know if you want like a dedicated video on that because there's a lot that a lot of other swordtubers just haven't covered in the spear but the gambeson is honestly now just starting to look like swiss cheese I suppose we should go and get a weapon that would really really test uh a special weapon you could say I'll be back a weapon uh from our Arsenal that has fallen on Hard Times of late it may or may not have broken but it is now making its triumphal return as it has been reforged will actually welded but you know we have we have fixed it and in fact the engineer that I got to fix this has made it stronger than it was before because we found out that it was barely sitting there with the tiniest tiniest little weld it wasn't embedded in but now we've got a uh a good chunky weld so hold on what we're going to do is we're going to put some more of our uh our blood balloons orc blood balloons our blood packs we're gonna put them back in and you can go to town with the weapon that you broke and I hopefully won't break again [Music] foreign a few ribs I might have missed the little bladders we put on him which is fine because we got another weapon to go oh my God it's so messy under there well um at least hold on at least it works again it's once again in one piece yeah but um okay yeah you did break a lot yeah we've got one final test left and that is with the Longbow now he's testing an arrow on a gambus now this isn't the usual Longbow those people who are really Keen watches of Shadow versus will notice that we've changed up a little bit and that's because of safety we did notice that the string on the main Longbow started to fray a bit so we want to go and get that checked but we do have I think it'll be a 90 pounder because it was still pretty tough to string which is uh still a very tough bow we're gonna grab the bow we're going to Chuck the gamsen back on we might put it up one more balloon on just to even it out and I'll see if I can aim for one and let's see how far it goes in oh uh yeah I'm interested to see if you can hit a rib too so uh let's check that on you go get the bow ready [Music] second time you've bounced tired yes and I think that uh you didn't miss but yeah it's pretty um pretty close on target the first one we actually was on target I went and checked yeah it hit the balloon but it bounced and the second one admittedly you missed ever so slightly but it still bounced so these type of arrows normal target arrows with a bullet head aren't working yeah we're gonna have to level up yes we have a lighter Arrow a more modern arrow with a sharper tip yes which should hopefully be able to make it through the Gibson Let's test that one okay [Music] so we finished our testing with the bow and arrow and we actually weren't able to penetrate the games no but it was a 90 pound bow compared to the usual 120 pound bow that we use this is true and we know that a full warbow will penetrate again so it's kind of a test just to really pop the last couple of balloons but I do think our gambusans offer a moderate amount of protection they do especially versus the types of attacks that they're meant to protect against so something like a big bludgeoning blow even from a sharp ax that won't necessarily penetrate it's going to break ribs but you'll survive it you get hit with a spear but do remember that we just need to be protected for I think the most dangerous thing that we deal with is something like Ricochet if we're testing a sword or a spear or something like the back to Corbin we're going to be what I'm most concerned about is Ricochet and if they were swinging it straight at me then okay maybe this isn't going to protect me that's true once it's already lost most of its kinetic energy hitting something else and then it's just sort of coming towards us at a reasonable speed I think my game still protect me which is true and a lot of what we actually do is with swords and when we did the arming sword tests not so much though when we hit a Duggar very specific one that was razor sharp yes and really tough I am so surprised at that dagger all right we've finished our testing of the gambeson yeah well we've tested it I know you yeah do you want to do a little bit of a test well there's one thing I wanted to demonstrate in regards to good for uh course thick linen that you have on the surface or something like this is how surprisingly just the surface layer can protect you from simple cuts and so this has been recently sharpened sort of and so just looking at this right I come down like this doesn't come like I don't know cut through a little bit right but still compare that to your skin okay oh yeah so like and then if just like see this a slapping blow so if I even go hard right look this is a sharp sword okay and that is blocking that that's actually very impressive right but then if I did a draw cut I will be able to slice through see this so that slice through the top few layers still didn't get through the whole thing but it's a good example of the difference between just a flat Chop versus a slice and how much even just it didn't even like a flat chop it doesn't even get through the first layer yeah so that's quite impressive do you want to keep hitting it yes okay well a medium hit cut here didn't get any Cuts here like this you know perfectly fine there didn't get through the whole thing that's the advantage of the thickness of something like this okay and so we're going to do a sideways slash now let's see what happens I didn't get through anything so you're right in that it doesn't break through the surface but we did test things like rips yeah if we would be able to puncture things underneath and we can but as we've said the main point of us wearing something like a gamerson isn't direct contact we're not going to be getting hit directly with a sharp and live blade we're probably going to get Ricochet if we break something so for us gambesons are they're acceptable they protect us for the most part something like this it's also not bad however the sharper it is it just that that's the key I like it when it comes to gambeson the sharper the blade the more effective it is we've seen tests already done in this but I want you to try it because it's crazy I think he's going to get that flame all right all right if we have a critical malfunction here at Shadow versus there is no kinetic linking that would actually do something like that or at least there shouldn't be because when a blade breaks it's just a flying piece of mouse it felt like nothing it's like it wasn't even there that is insane that is insane this uh this thing just slices through it is nothing this is a Honshu uh gladia Gladiator dagger whatever it is if it wasn't for that nubby bit in the handle it would be a gorgeous blade yeah but what do you think of our gambusin testing do you think we should still keep it as the standard here at Shadow versus keep us protected of course of course because they're so stylish yes they are and they offer surprising levels of protection it's interesting this confirms all the stuff we've already kind of knew about gambesons right they offer surprising level of protection against certain things and other things they're not as good against which you would expect so but I don't expect any of us anytime soon to be taking uh direct live blades to the chest that's why I'm holding it back here because I know this one's at least I would hope not nice and dangerous but is there anything else you'd like to say before we sign out this gamson is this is your gamerson this is my OG gamerson well I've grown out of it it was already falling apart so it's uh has it lived a good life would you say it certainly has certainly done its due diligence as we can see even some of the older stuff here at University we still have a use for it recycling even if it has to be somewhat sacrificed to do so yeah well I think that's everything uh you can support us there in the links down below for player for uh YouTube memberships we've also got those activated now you get exclusive behind the scenes content weekly weekly content uh so if you want to support us on any of those platforms you can down below would you take such out until next time farewell coming soon to shadowversity so we have said multiple times that swords are not meant to chop wood that doesn't mean they can't I've Got a Theory a sharp sword is better than a blunt ax
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 113,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pwWe1AOkSt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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