We Built A NOOBS ONLY JAIL In Minecraft!

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[Music] are you listening take a seat take a seat mr moose take a seat take a seat get more get more in the seat okay this is me and professor i am here to establish i'm talking i am here to establish rules in our community we have built walls around our community and for some reason mr shark and mr moose think they control me now i know i trolled moose back okay wait wait weren't you the one that built the house so i could blow up inside of it all right i know we have some problems we've been trolling each other but here is how we solve it okay i with all this cobblestone i'm going to build a prison over in that corner and if anyone trolls anyone they will be in prison for 24 hours we got a deal but shark and i we're in charge of the walls okay but of course you can only go to prison if you get caught with the troll so you're saying that we can technically troll you and if we get caught we get arrested we go to jail yeah pretty much but i'm gonna figure it out it's you i'm gonna figure it out you don't get caught i mean there's only two of us i'm gonna work on building a gel if any of you guys want to help fill free a joe or do you mean a jail jail jail a jail you do you a job a jolly jolly jolly jolly jail wait this is my house isn't that going to make my property value go down uh yeah like honestly he's got a pretty fair point there though your property value is going to go down if i put a jail next to it okay i can put it somewhere else i can where do you want me to put it where are you gonna make my property value go up let's put it like right over here how about that like right over here like right oh oh so so i have to stare at a jail that's gonna make my property view go down let me take a look yeah that's it you know what that's a pretty solid spot or how about this let me let me clear out the trees and then we can put in the corner now i'm gonna go head over to the nether to get us some obsidian good luck mr moose incredible yo yo yo can you do me a favor when you go in the nether can you grab me like like 15 lava buckets i need a lot just here trust me just get me a ton of lava buckets okay i'm on the way all right i'm i'm on the lava mission let's go okay so this gel is not going to be like anything insane i mean it's kind of going to be insane i'm going to make it pretty thick we could have one cell for shark one cell for me and one cell for you just keep it keep it simple anyway first off why is there wooden doors on a prison you noob you definitely need fire don't even don't even try to build a prison shark you are not the worthy there you go that looks so much better also there's a zombie over there he's coming towards us what's up boys so i got us some soul sand and magma blocks this way it's gonna be a little bit hard to escape the prison let me grab some more cobble nathan so we can finish that off real quick i got quite a bit of cobble i got all the young cash money boys let's get it i'm just gonna start building the roof george did you get any obsidian uh yeah oh oh obsidian you say i have a problem don't worry about it if you see lava on top of you just ignore it what what is wait what did you just did you just die by hitting the ground gosh i tried to parkour how did you die it's like two blocks down how did you just die boys i think this prison is really gonna bring us together and make us uh make us happy stopping me from doing this what is this george you are breaking a law um why did you just break through the prison first zombie are you kidding me george if you want to spend if you want to be the george george george george what are you doing hey man i saw you kill shark that was pretty soft bro i didn't i did not kill a shark i'm pretty it literally says in chat it doesn't say anything it says okay okay first off first off we need to establish we did not say anything about going to jail for killing someone so just to point that out yeah yeah yeah you know what we should have done probably put that around the house while we were doing this now we gotta mine this oh my gosh you are so dumb you are so dumb oh my god bro i don't even have a diamond pickaxe i'm gonna go back to my minecraft house cause i got some work to do you guys keep working on the prison and i'll be back i'm also gonna bring more resources so peace all right everybody i'm gonna go make a farm so we have sugar canes we do need some food good job i'm so proud of you this prison thing is a nightmare i will say we have made some major progress building a wall around our entire community look at this massive wall it literally took us hours to do this all the way back here and all the way around it marks all of our land i would love to get to a point where we can torch up this entire land and put like lanterns everywhere so basically we won't have to worry about any mobs spawning within our land like all these random zombies that just keep appearing also i wanted to show you guys this new minecraft mob that has shown up in our world it's called the oxo lot i don't really know it's like some type of strange amphibian turtle looking thingy mabobber i don't it's kind of cute honestly it's it's very cute i don't really know what these guys do but this is literally the new minecraft mob that just came out so i just want to show you guys i came back to the house because i really wanted to start just working on our house i don't want to work on that prison the entire episode i know we got a lot of stuff to do underground i really just want to reinforce my house and make it better oh my gosh building this underground base is definitely a nightmare but i would love to open it up and put a window somewhere i think that would be sick i want to turn this underground base into like a homey feeling like right now it doesn't really feel homey it's just kind of like here and also what the flip is this oh right it's a pool what if this led to a hot tub this was our hot tub what is a good like hot tub block i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know what i'm trying to say we don't really have too many blah i guess we could just use cobblestone for now oh magma blocks plan with this house is to make it really expensive super luxurious so the boys think that i basically have a lot of money and that puts me in a role of a little bit of power because if they think i have a lot of money then i have a lot of power then i have a lot of authority see what i'm getting at so basically they will praise me and they will say oh yes unspeakable of course you can do this or do the jail or do this see the jail was my idea and they listened let me know in the comment section below what else should we build there could be so many other things that we build and right now i am currently flooding i know i know i'm flooding i'm just trying to make this place a little more pretty with the cobblestone if my house is luxurious with these massive you know this massive underground base i got a hot tub i got all this stuff they're gonna be like ah maybe we should listen to mr unspeakable he's very he's like a king he's king unspeakable i'm trying to replace all these blocks with cobblestone now that this area is a hot tub now i just want to make it legit this is so sick i've never i've no i don't think i've ever had a minecraft house with a hot tub maybe i have i don't know at least i don't remember having one oh this looking so fancy up in here i think that's the sound of those frog things dying oh no this is not good oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no i'm such a terrible dad and they're dead [Music] i kind of want to save up because i want to make this underground part really fancy like what if we made this all like white quartz i know it would take a while and we need a lot of quartz from the nether but i think it would be worth it okay we currently have a 15 pieces of nether quartz oh my gosh we need so much this is only three blocks one two three blocks right here oh pearly white floors luxury at its finest all right boys i need to go to the nether and i need more stuff a-s-a-p i want to see how this jail is going i bet you they haven't even made any progress they probably like literally gave up as i left yep as i expected absolutely nothing has happened absolutely nothing all right let's go to another and get some more quartz definitely gonna take a while so uh let's fast forward we're finally done get out of here hurry before the skeleton kills me oh my gosh oh my gosh all right boys i got a lot of quartz and i went through like four iron pickaxes hopefully i think we have enough courts to finish the bottom floor we gotta craft them all into blocks though all right so hopefully this is enough to do all the floors i feel like it should be but i'm just crossing my fingers oh dude it looks so pretty dude look at it i've been doing some building classes and i'm definitely getting faster oh look at that that looks so good all right now we gotta fix up the walls now we don't have enough to make all the walls and courts and we're definitely not doing that today but the floors look awesome i am so proud i need some food before i pass out all right let's see what's going on in the village let's see who do they capture i wonder if they put him in the jail oh look at this who's going yo you going hard look at this sugar cane farm oh my gosh i i honestly don't know yet uh okay yeah okay yeah that works let's do this this is sick yeah this is very nice very very nice are you oh you're extending it you're making it longer shark where is straighter oh it's this dude with the llama oh my gosh how's it going i since the raid is coming he was probably coming to scope out what is happening not gonna happen you big ol noob yo but this automatic farm looks sick also this will probably increase shark's value of his home whatever yeah that's what i was saying dude it's perfect this is this is super nice dude this is epic i love how it is turning into a community and we can also use the villagers for food as well because they're gonna just get exactly lining up the crops i mean they are basically our automatic farms right now i'm also making a hot tub and if you want to use it it's one diamond per hour oh you're making a hot tub yeah okay one diamond per hour if you would like to use it you have to reserve it through www.unspeakable.com uh-huh uh-huh make sense make sure so if you're telling me if i if i use a hot tub i gotta pay you a diamond to sit there for an hour looking at you no you don't have to look at me you can just chill in the hot tub you know get getting your feels oh there's a skeleton in my hot tub okay i promise there will not be any skeletons in on your visit in the hot tub okay boys so we have a little bit of an issue here the lava has to go low like this but what i can do is i can actually turn this into like a furnace smelting station where we just put a bunch of furnaces here because it has to hang low because the lava is very close to the roof so we put furnaces here i don't have one on me nope excuse me of course oh my gosh these furnaces are gonna cost some money let me tell you and then we also need to do lava on the sides i didn't even think about this and then we're gonna lay glass over the top of it oh this is gonna be so sick lava at every corner just like so boom and boom and then what we do is we place glass all the way around and then we put water in the middle water is not too hard to get considering we also now have an infinity water pool right outside our house all right so one two three four now we have a hot dog yeah i don't know why i'm so excited about making this hot tub i i really i really don't know but it's cool dude all right cover up this wall and there we go we have a hot tub room let's go boys boys our underground base is finally coming together i'm so excited i'm gonna do a lot more work on it before we get into the next episode but apparently the boys are having some trouble with a traitor so let's go see what's going on what is happening my fellow traders what is this is that creeper hole creeper hole no good it's raining i don't like the rain i can't believe how much progress we've made boys i'm so proud i'm so proud this is only episode number five too only episode number five what's gonna happen when we get to episode 20. hello shark i punch you i leave goodbye see you later did you even move oh oh no he's looking at me oh no i didn't have any sprint inmates do we i didn't mean to hate you it's a joke it was just a joke okay there's a skeleton horse in the corner isn't that sick dude skeleton horses are like insanely rare oh oh oh what the flip what the flip oh no there's like there's like five of them where's my sword where's my sword i don't have my sword bro do you have any extra swords i'm going to look in your chest real quick hello george there are four skeleton horses over here we have to take the skeletons off and capture the horses right now these are super legendary you have to put them in the water that's the only way yo just get a water bucket get back in there get back in the water no i killed doors i got him i got him in best cats oh yeah i didn't meet you i didn't mean joining me too i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] okay well at least at least we got one right yo don't let him get struck by lightning bring him inside somewhere because if he gets struck by lightning skeletons are going to spawn on him again hey can i have him as a horse yes george george you can take him oh my god i'm going to call him skel he's just scared horse armor too i just don't know where is this absolutely ridiculous why why is this happening to us i need a cow farm that's going to do it for episode 5 of the smp if you guys want to see an episode number six all i'm asking for you guys to do is leave a like on this video and click that subscribe button and let me know in the comment section below what should i do next what should we build next thank you guys so much we're gonna go finish up that prison and make sure no one trolls us because we are taking lead
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 822,878
Rating: 4.9452014 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 21fNijdsg0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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