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today on minecraft i'm gonna teach you guys 15 different ways to troll your friends a lot of these traps are super easy to build and you can do them in under five minutes so stay tuned because if you watch the whole video you could be the ultimate troll master and also guys click that subscribe button your boy unspeakable is almost at 10 million subs so join the under 10 million club this right here is my friends minecraft house and this is our first troll we're gonna do it's a simple chicken troll and it's gonna be used right on the front door now i've actually built a blueprint to help me out and help you guys out kind of memorize how this thing looks so what we need to do is dig up two blocks here and then we're gonna go down a little bit and we're gonna dig up these blocks just around it just like so exactly like that then we're gonna dig up the front door and we're gonna place an observer block and now i know the observer block is kind of obvious but once you place the front door back down you can't tell at all we're then going to place a dispenser right here just like so and then go ahead and fill that dispenser with whatever mob you want chickens anything i prefer chickens because they're annoying then we're gonna place some redstone four pieces to be exact then we're gonna place a repeater there and then a repeater going this way it looks like there we go so we got our repeaters facing just like that super simple let's go ahead and cover this up and all we gotta do is wait for our noob to come home [Music] i see nametag oh that's him that's him oh look at the chicken big old noob don't you wish he had a diamond sword to get rid of all those chickens and you know what the best thing about this troll is he can't stop the chickens unless he digs into the ground see you later buddy get have fun with all these chickens okay stop chasing me leave me alone our next troll i will warn you guys is a little bit destructive we're actually going to be spawning the wither on a friend when he opens this chest i'm going to show you exactly how to do it you're going to come in your friend's house and you're going to dig up his chest and we're going to dig down a couple blocks deep and below here we have this now if we put this one head on there the wither is going to spawn but we want it to spawn right when he opens the chest so what we're going to do here is we are going to drop a dispenser right there we're gonna put the wither skull in the dispenser and then we're gonna drop a piece of redstone right on top of the dispenser and then we're gonna go ahead and put it back exactly how it was now make sure this chest you're using is a trap chest that was super simple literally took me 10 seconds now all we got to do is wait for our noob to come in and open that chest oh here he comes here he comes aswd i feel so bad for this guy you got us up to his youtube channel guys yeah good luck buddy now you got to fight that ugly thing oh no okay all right he's angry he's angry run run this is our next troll and this one is using a lectern to explode tnt this one is super simple but it is so so cool we're gonna go ahead and dig out a pretty big space here a three by three space and we're also going to have to dig out a little bit of a tunnel let's go ahead and dig out this area right here now we're gonna dig out a little bit of a tunnel this area that we dug out is gonna be where we place all the tnt just like so now if you want to add more tnt feel free to do so we will also be adding a comparator right here on the other side of the wall and then and then we're going to go ahead and do a lot of redstone so we're going to connect that comparator to all of the tnt just like so just like that so you can see the comparator connects to all the tnt and we're gonna go ahead and put our lectern right here and we're gonna put our book on the lectern when you place the comparator down make sure that the block behind it is a full block otherwise this is not gonna work now i have a little test here just to show you guys that this does work but whenever you open the lectern it doesn't work you actually have to scroll through the pages so you read it this was a stupid person who want to read this but he didn't know that his decision will make his house blow up and on the last page you guys can now see the lancer down there it is activated so it is clearly going to explode the tnt okay so let's uh remove it off that last page turn off the redstone signal let's cover the rest of this place with tnt and then go ahead and cover it up like nothing ever happened oh wait here comes our noob oh he's reading it oh he's into it that worked a little too well and i think that was enough tnt but like i said if you guys want to add more feel free to do whatever you want our next troll is great it involves a creeper and no one really lacks creepers honestly guys it's another legendary chess troll we're gonna go ahead and dig down right here you may need to be in creative mode for this one because we have to put a command block here and in this command block that is exactly what you want to write just like that so after you got that all written all you got to do is put a piece of redstone on it then put the wood down then put the trap chest back down and you are done now you just gotta wait for your noob to come open the chest oh my gosh that works so well hi i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry please don't hurt me please for this next troll i'm going to show you guys how to turn this door into a redstone contraption that makes the floor drop out and you fall into a lava pit this one is super super cool what we're going to do first is we have to dig out an area below the door pretty big area and we're gonna dig down because we want this lava pit to be deep we're gonna go ahead and place our lava at the bottom of the pit just like so we're gonna place a wool block right here and we're gonna place a redstone torch right here in this corner and then the sticky piston is going to be on top of it just like so because we want the sticky piston extended until you open the door and it retracts it then we're gonna put a redstone repeater right here and then a piece of red stone right next to it there we go now all we got to do is put wood now also a little tip when you guys place down this redstone torch make sure it's on the wool block and not the ground otherwise it's not going to work so then we're going to go ahead and put down some wood we're gonna go ahead and put down a pressure plate just like so and then for the final touch the door just like so now hopefully this trap will get your friend on the way out not the way in let's just hope he doesn't hear that piston here comes our noob so he's going to walk in but little does he know whenever he comes back out he's doomed get his chest do whatever he needs to do he's going to walk back out the front door yeah buddy you see everyone expects the trap on the way in no one expects it on the way out and that's why i think this trap is absolutely genius i absolutely love this next troll we're gonna dig up all the ground and turn it all into magma blocks but it's gonna be well hidden because we're gonna lay some carpet right over it so you can't even tell so go ahead and dig all this up there we go now let's place down all of these magma blocks just like so oh these things are ow oh my gosh then we can go ahead and lay down the carpet i recommend making a nice design so your noob friend comes home and he's like ah that's kind of nice there we go you can't even tell there's magma blocks under there until yeah walk on to it all right here's what's that oh there he is oh it's working it's working he's freaking out he jumped up on the shelf oh my gosh like what in the world this is such an easy troll to do just go get some magma blocks make some carpet it's that simple our next row i'm going to show you guys is super simple it's a puffer fish troll this one is so easy to make all you got to do is dig out two little holes in the corner and then you need a bucket of puffer fish place one in this coil oh he angry he is angry i'm going in creative mode so these guys don't kill me then we're gonna put another bucket of puffer fish now obviously you can see these puffer fish that's why we are going to put slabs right over them buddy i'm gonna need you to like not be so might not be so angry thank you there we go all right let's put the slob over him there you go so anytime you walk in this doorway you're just gonna get poisoned like crazy i can't even walk into the door yo that actually worked way too well the thing is you have no idea where it's coming from like what you would not expect there to be a puffer fish under them for this next trail we're taking it up a notch we're gonna be using an end crystal you know these things are aggressive when they explode all right so we're gonna go ahead and dig up the front door right here we're gonna go two blocks down just like so and one block this way and then another block down just like so then we're gonna go ahead and place the observer block right here and place your door right back where it belongs then we're gonna go ahead and place a dispenser right here and then go ahead and go ahead and throw tnt into the dispenser and then we're gonna throw a piece of redstone under the observer block and next to the dispenser just like so and then a piece of obsidian right there once you have your redstone back here and you have your obsidian back here the next two steps are crucial you want to go ahead and cover all of this up and then you want to make sure that that door is closed okay make sure it's not open otherwise you may explode your house then you're going to go ahead and put all the tnt and the dispenser and then you're going to drop the in crystal on the obsidian and then just wait for your friend to come open the door over here he is here oh he fell right in the hole oh my gosh oh that's not good i can't believe it might even fall in the hole of the end crystal this next troll is your worst nightmare obsidian stuck on top of your stuff so i'm gonna take this diamond axe i'm gonna dig up this chest i'm gonna dig down a little bit we have another command block that we're gonna place in here so you'll need creative mode and in the command block this is what it says set block for minecraft obsidian you want to type it in exactly as it is and then we're going to go ahead and put a piece of redstone and then a piece of wood and then make sure of course this is a trap chest now whenever someone opens this chest just wait just this one's golden [Music] yo it's just an ultimate get out you see the easy way to fix this issue is just to break the chest but i mean if you want to try to mine it with the wooden pickaxe be my guest the next troll is going to be a super annoying sound and you're going to have no idea where it's coming from all right so let's go ahead and dig up an area right near the front door we're gonna pick up a pretty decently sized area because we do got some redstone to do there we go just like so now we're going to place an observer block we're going to go ahead and place the observer block right here in the doorway just like that you wanna make sure the face is facing up and then we're gonna place the door over it just like so then we're gonna go ahead and place a block of wool right next to it and then do two repeaters right here and then we have redstone redstone redstone redstone and then we're gonna place a bell here and another bell over here oh this is going to be so annoying then you just gotta cover it up and you're done the most annoying trap in history that's so bad oh it's so annoying and you can't get it to stop unless you dig up the ground and break the redstone oh my gosh i'm out nope i'm gone oh my gosh it's terrible it's actually terrible we have another chest troll so we're gonna go into the house we're gonna bring out our lovely axe and we're gonna dig into the ground here we're gonna go ahead and fill up this entire area with tnt just like so and then we're gonna place a piece of redstone right on top of it this is such an easy troll guys i'm sure you guys have done it before after you got all your tnt down there and your redstone place your wood and then place your trap chest and that's it super super simple now i only put nine pieces of tnt down there you can do a hundred if you wanted to just gotta wait for your noob to come in and open the chest oh i hear the tnt wait for it wait for it it's pretty quick oh my gosh the entire bottom floor of his house god this next troll your friend needs to have an automatic armor dispenser just like this one now a lot of these i've seen these many times in houses all you do is you walk up to it you press a button and it equips armor instantly to your body it's actually really really helpful however it's not too helpful if your friend wants to troll you because he can come up and take out all the armor and tools and weapons and he can go ahead and throw in some tnt just like that in every single dispenser so when you go and press this button it's not fun and games anymore no one's protecting you gotta wait for him to come in and put on his armor he probably doesn't even have armor i've never seen an assembly where i'm oh there he is oh it's like a tc cannon oh my gosh that explosion yo he like vanished i guess that's what seven pieces of tnt does in one block this next troll is a firework troll we're gonna go ahead and take out this doorway as we're good at doing that we're gonna go ahead and dig up all of these blocks right here just go ahead and dig up all the blocks then we're gonna go ahead and place an observer block right here just like so just like that then we're gonna go ahead and put that door back where it belongs then we're gonna go ahead and place a piece of redstone and two more pieces of redstone right there we're gonna place two repeaters one facing this way and one facing this way and then a piece of wool going right there and then a dispenser right here full of fireworks oh i see our noob looks like he's made his way home hopefully this works i'm crossing my fingers oh my gosh it actually killed him oh and it's not gonna stop until it runs out of fireworks yo that is such a good troll such a colorful troll as i might say guys this next troll is insane and it has to do with charge creepers so what we're gonna do is we're gonna build a little bit of a barrier right here so right when our noob comes home he is just gonna get flooded with charge creepers we're gonna go ahead and put a command block right here and this command block says this so if you want this to work type in exactly what it says into your own command block and then we're going to put a button on the command block and also make sure that front door is closed we are just going to spam this button press this button like 30 times if we take away just one of the blocks we can see all the charge creepers right there oh my gosh oh that is scary right when you open the door imagine that's the first thing you see all right let's just wait for our noob to come home there's our noob there he is look at this oh my gosh yo they explode so quickly wait there's a creeper head down there whoa i've never actually had a creeper head before thanks aswd everyone please go subscribe to this man's youtube channel i feel so bad for him i left it down in the description this next minecraft troll is one of my favorites it's super super easy so what we're going to do we are going to dig out a ton of wood right here just like so then we have to place all of these observer blocks then we're going to go ahead and place diamond ore on top of the observer blocks just like so and then dig underground and fill it with tnt but i'm gonna go a little extreme and i'm gonna add some more tnt oh yeah we're gonna fill up all of this with tnt this might be a little extreme guys but i want this house to have not a single block left oh my gosh i am just filling this area up with tnt look at this guys i put way too much tnt down there now what happens is the second one of these diamond blocks gets broken kaboom oh my god oh i hear it i hear it oh he's done he's done goodbye aswd oh that was bad thank you guys so much for watching this video if you guys have any other ideas of how to troll your friends in minecraft let me know in the comment section below till then i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 2,022,306
Rating: 4.9216161 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: A4ydcF0wy28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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