I tested the 47 DUMBEST items in MINECRAFT!

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today's minecraft video i will show you guys the most useless things ever in minecraft ever ever ever in history also this minecraft world is taking forever to load because there is 50 of the most useless terrible things ever that i'm about to show you let's start with our first item and that would be the thing i'm holding this right here is my pet rock also you're probably wondering what is in the sky those are vending machines yeah we'll get to that later this right here is my pet rock uh oh whoops i guess my pet rock gives me super strength what in the world this pet rock does absolutely nothing he has a happy face and i just got teleported into another dimension cool okay but yeah anyways this is my pet rock it's it's literally useless it's nothing it's literally a pet rock have you ever had a pet rock in real life it's it's it's nothing what does it do nothing it's just rock anyway okay cool awesome this right here is an acid bucket and whenever i place it down it is actually going to dissolve everything it's literally just acid place it down and it's acid it just burnt i just got thrown into another dimension why does this keep happening i just what the flip just happened the acid bucket you place it down and it pretty much just deletes blocks and literally eats them forever like it's actually very destructive every time i hold down shift in this minecraft it it blows things up so that that's super helpful i love that this right here is the reverse tnt you're gonna see exactly what this does wait for it and it's exactly what it says instead of blowing up blocks it actually reverses the ground and brings all the blocks out and also spawns some weird looking i don't even know what that is honestly this next one is an explosive rail it's literally a rail with a piece of tnt on it so let's go ahead and put the minecart up on top here and we'll go ahead and ride down and maybe it needs redstone okay we put redstone torch right there yeah there we go that's better okay this is definitely a good way to troll your friends i will say but right when it goes over it it explodes just like that useless this next item is a cooler it pretty much makes snow it's it's kind of cool it's like an ac unit i don't even know look at that have you ever seen snow in a desert yeah i didn't think so not gonna lie it's kind of cool it's okay it's kinda useful kinda it can make snow in a desert which is unheard of the top of a desert mountain is snowy i bet you've never seen that before minecraft now what's the opposite of a cooler a heater the heater is going to melt all the snow around it okay that is actually useful what if you build your house in the snow but you hate snow so you just put a heater outside and then it gets rid of all the snow this right here is a gravity accelerator it basically makes blocks around it have gravity i don't really know what that means but let me show you if we throw the block oh look at that this player is floating look at that incredible wow such amazing gravity features this thing is also completely useless guys check this out ready watch this gravity look at the block it's floating look at the block it fell have you ever seen a block fall in minecraft a stone block not a sand block not a gravel block a stone block you ain't never seen nothing like that this right here what i'm placing is called a hidden light it is a light source that you cannot see you can see the particles and it emits light but you can't see it it's basically an invisible torch i don't even know this right here is a backpack anvil it's an anvil strapped to my back why it's literally look at this i can take off the backpack and then place it down as actually wait i can't place it it's just a backpack what's the point of this this right here is a paper sack and you can put it on your face that's literally it's just paper sack that's it oh i forgot i exploded every time i press shift incredible paper bag the greatest invention in the world this right here what i have in my hand is another very dumb invention you guys see all these mobs over here this is called the target chess play and whenever i put it on it's going to make me a target and every single mob in the area is going to want to chase after me they're coming for me oh my gosh oh my gosh run run away no i fell into another dimension what is this world this right here is it oh it fell oh what what i was going to show you guys is this is a rubber chicken it's literally a rubber chicken there's no purpose of it it just squeaks that's it yeah that's literally it this one's kind of cool i guess it's a propeller hat and we can put it on and now i have a propeller on my head however it actually is kind of useful look how high i can jump look at that i can jump like four if not five blocks high that's pretty useful i guess but other than that it's literally just a propeller on my head and i look really dumb this is pocket sand it's sand that you hold in your pocket and you can throw it at your friends and it makes them blind because you threw sand in their eyes yeah you get the point this right here is upside down goggles you put them on and it makes your entire minecraft world upside down this is the weirdest thing ever what someone tell me what what is the point also the hot bar is not upside down so that's kind of triggering but yeah my entire minecraft world is upside down this is this is very very weird wait what if we did a whole survival episode like this okay leave a like if i should play survival upside down on minecraft also this is this is giving me a headache this right here is invisible minecraft armor as you can see it actually does plus six armor plus five armor it's decent armor but when you put it on look so it's on my body right now but there's literally no way you can tell i'm wearing armor it's physically impossible but when i go into survival mode look at that i almost have full armor i literally almost have diamond armor it's kind of useless but it's also kind of overpowered because you can run up to someone and literally destroy them they think you have no armor but i actually am wearing diamond armor that's pretty crazy okay that's that's ridiculous look at this what in the world that's so weird this right here is the improved diamond hoe it's basically two diamond hoes strapped together and check out how much land it will actually harvest that's actually a pretty good amount i'm not gonna lie everyone talks about how useless the diamond hoe is in minecraft so why not make it a little bit better and a little more useless look at that oh wow look it did four blocks oh my gosh i'm so impressed okay okay maybe it's not so useless maybe it's not so useless that tills all right this right here is the firing can it's kind of like a water can you know when you water plants but it just does it with fire so i guess if you get lazy and don't want to use like a flint and steel you can basically use multiple flinton steels and burn down a forest don't ask me i did not invent this i have no idea this right here is the cactus sword and whenever you hold it it actually hurts you because well it's a cactus it also does quite a bit of damage to other mobs i will say not to oh why did i just fly why did i literally just fly backwards okay it does do quite a bit of damage to other mobs but it also does damage to you when you hold it so what's the point of holding it i i don't even know at this point this is the world's smallest violin i don't know if you guys if you guys can see it down there in the corner you can actually play it [Music] beautiful but then again absolutely useless why do you need a violin in minecraft and also why do you need the world's smallest violin and also is that a diamond or what whoa whoa whoa look at this this is literally a giant island of nothing but diamond ore in the middle of the ocean guys i did not spawn this this is the minecraft world spawning this okay sorry back to the dramatic music this right here is the block bomb launcher you can literally launch blocks and it actually spawns them like what so i put diamond blocks into it and you can literally shoot diamond blocks and yeah i don't yeah i don't even i i don't i don't i'm at a loss for i don't even know what to say i literally i can't express myself why these right here are smoke bombs we have a bunch of different colors and they pretty much just create smoke why would you need them in minecraft i don't really know i mean honestly they're kind of cool i guess if you're like trying to get away from someone chasing you yeah it's literally just oh i can't see anything i cannot see anything well probably because i'm in the middle of a smoke bomb right now this right here is a deflated balloon that you can actually inflate so right now i'm holding a deflated balloon which is completely useless and then i can actually blow it up and now it's a inflated balloon and then i can i can throw it out and now it's a balloon living a happy balloon life so yeah balloons and minecraft now of course if we're gonna have balloons we gotta have water balloons so i can literally throw water balloons and it will obviously explode with water but wait it gets better we also have lava balloons which you can throw and they explode with lava why i don't know but you can do it for whatever reason it's honestly it's honestly kind of cool i'm not gonna lie it's kind of sick extra useless minecraft world war world world whoa i ran out of characters i can't type anymore check out this minecraft world it's going to blow your mind watch what happens when i spawn in all right loading like and now look at this guy life hacking sucks what is this micro world and the entire sky is full of vending machines but check it out but check it out it gets better you can go up to these vending machines and buy something and it gives you g fuel now the g fuel you can't actually drink it or do anything with it it's actually completely useless it i don't know why there's literally thousands of vending machines in the sky but you can buy g fuel from them there's also a bunch of random floating minecraft players that are just floating around and if you kill them they will drop a potion i think yeah there you go look at that we got an uncraftable potion you can literally do nothing with it it has no effects it's completely pointless you can drink it but it literally does not it's point yeah i don't know these things randomly spawn too and it says ask dan for the crafting recipe for minecoin dimension igniter and then it says do it do it do it do it oh it doesn't it doesn't what is the point of okay well i guess i just got trolled because it doesn't do anything i'm telling you this world is literally useless there's also these random pools of what used to be lava but now it's like rainbow lava and whenever you jump in it it throws you in an entire another dimension called o and this dimension literally has no purpose look i'm in the dimension right now i can't see anything i'm stuck like in my head it's like the dimension is like your brain and nothing's happening so yeah it's literally pointless i can't walk i can't do anything so i'm just gonna do slash kill because i don't know what else to do there's also random black holes that are just in the ground and if you jump in one of these it will also throw you in a dimension full of vending machines is that a master halo chief right there what are you doing here can i kill you i guess i can't kill you i'm trying to i'm trying to slap him all right well cool this is the entire dimension full of vending machines and more rainbow lava this right here is a grilled cheese sandwich and whenever you eat it it gives you resistance three why i don't know because grilled cheese powers whatever this is a super tiny housemaker and whenever i place it down it's actually going to make me a super tiny house it's literally super tiny we have a lantern a furnace a bookshelf a crafting table and a bed super tiny house this is golden paper now of course we have normal paper minecraft but golden paper whenever you right-click this golden paper it makes you blow up for whatever reason super useful we also have flying pigs because why not why not flying pigs come on go fly buddy go go go do your thing i love how they don't even have wings it just doesn't make any sense okay so here you have normal wood right and it's just a block you can place it but now we have falling planks wood where when you place it it's pretty much like sand and it falls this is completely useless and i don't know why you would use this i guess it would be really cool for a prank like if you wanted to prank your friends because he would have no idea that wood blocks fall like sand it's also very useless we have a flame thrower now this one is actually really cool if it worked it does it literally doesn't work look i i literally can't catch a tree on fire i can't even catch the ground on fire it just throws fireballs but they don't actually stick to anything so what's the point of a flamethrower it's useless here we have a dirt pickaxe and yeah it spawns the ender dragon whenever you break something why i have no idea that is the most useless pickaxe ever you craft a dirt pickaxe and it spawns the ender dragon this right here is useless ore in minecraft it's a green ore and it's literally called useless ore and with this useless ore you can make things like a useless log a useless door a useless fence a useless sign which actually works and is the same as a normal sign or even a useless grass block these items are literally completely useless they don't do anything at all this right here is the super useless ore and it's basically the same thing as the useless ore you can craft the same things but it's even less useful so with the super useless ore you can craft things like a super useless sword which actually does 13 attack damage super useless right crazy okay we also have a useless cow spawn egg we have a super useless dust that does nothing a useless water bucket that spawns green water and just acts like normal water i don't know and then we also have a super useless chest plate that gives you nine armor so basically it says the stuff is useless but it's actually some of the best stuff in the game thank you guys for watching some of these most terrible items in minecraft and also the most useless items in minecraft now here's the deal you guys have to go make yourself useful and click that subscribe button over 70 of the people that watch my videos do not join the unspeakable army and they don't click the subscribe button so be unspeakable join the unspeakable army and i'll see you guys soon in a brand new video peace
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 902,791
Rating: 4.9305916 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: Z6MriCuwEYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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