We Build a Tiny House for Miss Delight! Poppy Playtime Chapter 3!

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here is our victim I got her let me go right off Mr Big ey Mr light is off don't let go of me you are an epic loser my drawing loser squares what was that check that out beating herself up over a tiny little picture here is real are no one can hear you anyway loser I beg to differ what this delight run heads up her face they ruined my picture no whining we can fix it what are you talking about let's build mite's house jeez it's my dream dream wow I can't wait to get started you are assigned a special task I love painting lovely the kid is occupied let's begin first off I outline the house to be since it's my head it's easy to pull off now come the eyes the mouth next we we cut out all this cuteness let's do martial arts Kung Fu candle inspired oops I forgot the foundation thanks cardboard for this fight hey baby huh wow the silhouette is ready oh this fabric will come in handy it matches my complexion it must be secured well I stretched the fabric real nice so there are no creases I'm done how is it looking if you ask me it needs hair good thinking what do I make it from foam rubber what oh yeah stunning idea I'm making a Chic foam hairstyle that's a great shade for my hair I'm covering the foam layer with the fabric taada my hair is complete wow that's sick we're through with the hairy challenge this head needs some teeth fair enough I can handle that drawing straight Snow White Teeth cutting out a straight jaw here are our Jaws thoughts aren't the teeth cute oh I missed something look at the te teeth it's really bad I can handle them in no time lord her teeth who are you uh-oh I'm somewhere else I'm coming you guys hit the thumbs up to save me from catnap I'm desperate she's close you didn't make it sweet dream uh-oh someone's coming here she is aw my baby is tight asleep lovely what's that my mace what happened here my teeth they hit you with a mace H question is who did it you guys comment down below who knocked out the teeth oh what is this mace f through I think I know how to fix it I need pencils and glue I'll glue the missing pencils to the bald side of the maze there you go it was pretty easy wo great idea taada I made it poor tea emergency dental care needed let's get a drill hang on a second an anesthetic injection comes first first give it some time to kick in that's it we're good to treat your teeth oh yeah ready feels nice to be back in my own clothes beautiful smile oh what's under my feet right I forgot something lights for a radiant [Music] smile huh why isn't it working a class might work huh louder that's right I do have a button it did the trick all shiny what do you think of my tee brilliant this box is complete unlike mace fixing H an oral cavity would be nice here what is that oh I think I figured it out this dark matter is perfect I no peeking here is the tongue it's Hefty you know ready I like the mouth the mouth is done now we need a color the task is pretty clear okay the renovation work goes on oh I'm going to destroy the head gra some Dynamite bone appetit uh-oh my face where is it my head what's going on no not the head it's my weak spot stop I'll put on a good [Music] song Hey you were trying to blow my head up get out you filthy cat makeover DIY will go like boom boom lady back vampire and mermaids all in the secret room the volume up they we all dancing to theb oh man I'm hurt what a confrontation oh what's that these are balloons they will make great eyes all I got to do is inflate them not working baby I could use some help aw a balloon [Music] uh-oh you took it too far sweetie are you okay no more balloons I guess we have a pump yeah wow this is perfect next we should paint the eyes white oh I should be painting the balloon not me there let's go now I add a black pup sweet one eye is ready so is the other one how do you feel about it I'm almost done with eyes too oh right lashes what do I need maybe cereal nah let's see what what about a chocolate bar definitely not H yes hey I've got what you need yard oh right up my alley let's go to the checkout what he's fast fine congrats you're our thousandth customer huh what's all this for woo this is your gift come again okay thanks let's check out the gifts I got what hot glue and zip ties quite a gift um second thought it'll come in handy the ties look a lot like lashes Flawless all I got to do now is glue the tube with lashes on the eyes of the house great and just like that we've made a bright look untangling yarn is basically a walk in the park oh well it's harder than I expected is there an untangle Ling manual by any chance my yarn where are you going that's it game over now I need to cut out a perfect eyebrow shape and wrap yarn Around It Fabulous attaching my soft eyebrow right above the eye oh an extra hair it's calling for an eyebrow correction trim the excess ready baby how is it looking nice the eyes are done oh is there anything else in the Box oh red fabric I know how to use it I should draw two even circles pH now we cut it [Music] out ready stapler come to Mama next I'm giving the head some cute blush who did a make amazing it's me the mace reconstruction is almost done ooh more red fabric awesome it's long I'll fill it with foam rubber and tie a bow it turned out neat all I have to do is secure it oh can't reach it h magic oh yeah nice how do we feel about the bow isn't it cute it is we're through with this task pH we did terrific hush the craziest thing is about to begin oh boy oh yeah get ready for Mayhem and [Applause] pollution gosh out of bullets it's over what do we do now huh moving on to plan B paper [Music] pH ruining stuff is tiring you know holy smokes huh what it's a nightmare we'll have to clean it up in super fast mode oh brush off the dust pH it's spotless yay the collar would be the last thing to do what's left no no and why is this picture here oh I love this hat it's time for a style makeover Miss Delight how do you feel about my new style you look like a million bucks I have an idea a fabric collar nah it doesn't feel right the fabric is not enough I'll go buy us all we need at a store what is this drawing it's a sketch of pne's head right I didn't put on glasses we're all good now I'll add hands right here hey used to be yours now it's mine so tacky gosh my sketch hand it over give it back it's mine incoming want to have it back not going to work hand it over right the second this you regret it don't ruin my work what have you done Los are with a dumb cow boy and kids is unacceptable take that and you he's scared to death bye what about my sketch It's A Wack don't worry I'll fix things wow that's sick can't believe my dream will come true soon shall we yeah first order of business transfer the sketch to cardboard good cut it out this is not for kids why not you can play with the new doll wow get to work we just got to get rid of the excess Tada the outline is cut out check your cap needs an adjustment it could be an idea let's DIY a cap give me a brush heads up and glue there no no all right here's your glue thanks I apply glue to the edges of the cardboard and attach a layer of foam rubber wrapping it in red fabric securing with a [Music] stapler off to a good start next I add the remaining pieces and now we have a cute cap I found a neon light hand it over I do like it myself I really need it okay you can have it I basten the strip where the pieces are joined switch on fabulous yay the second part of the plan is complete we've been working our butts off we can take a break a bedtime story oh yeah some sleep would be nice get cozy and listen once upon a time there live baby pomy surprise gosh Kane where is my hammer looking for this don't worry I'm here kiss your doll goodbye she'll end up under the toy TR [Music] you guys see pumy doll hit the like button we need 5,000 likes so Kane disappears Chop Chop please more likes we made it Kane the Fun's over please not C Mo want to wait for me it's hilarious yeah we're free of him a fluffy blanket I have an idea I have scissors ready to go trim the excess so along the edge add stuffing voila we made a fluffy pom pom the third part is over I'm done with the cat edging help I'm tangled up I'll set you free Spin that was fun totally I'll use the neon light how it's supposed to be used another part of the plan is success F complete gosh my toy what has it been through it's ruined don't cry I'll fix [Music] it my doll oops look a bird huh what do I do oh I know I'll cut out a cardboard bunny [Music] adding [Music] details taping it up and adding [Music] stuffing your new squishy toy is ready wow thanks it's so cute let's keep going I almost forgot about time I powdered my nose here's an idea the cboard P me could use some makeup too not working should I use paint you're a genius hold the face powder thanks I'm cute um the roll is not going to cut it I need another one this one is just as bad what do I paint with is a can of paint any good all I want is a decent brush [Music] finally there I'm done painting next I add round eyes outline with a marker your turn ready yeah one and two nice job wait up I have a surprise balloons we can make eyes out of [Music] them it looks really funny nah this is too much don't try that hard there's a better way let's use a vacuum switch on the reverse mode first ball done and the second next we color the eyes I'll draw the pupil and color it with markers painting the rest White [Music] and I'm [Music] done the eyes are now where they belong I found light buls great [Music] idea eyes check no not yet we forgot something what is it be patient you'll see in a second I need more neam might something is in the way it's Kane here I am missed me we didn't want to see you oops a vacuum switch it on serves you right P stay right here we're done with him uh-oh something's wrong with the vacuum oh no hide right now I'll disguise myself under a blanket surprise you can't hide from me where is everyone Kane no one oops could it be here nope M blowing I let them slip got to look elsewhere don't you dare come back you psycho we have got to get back at him good point we'll set a trap place a box of feathers right over the door Alo blow Lego scattered in front of the door we'll also tape the door woo nasty slime I'll finally add some light [Music] yay cardboard pomy is lacking blush there is a can of spray paint around question is [Music] where thanks a [Music] bunch [Music] W we've got blush it's still missing something you don't think so can't really tell I can't put my finger on it do you know what we forgot comment down below a mouth duh thanks for the [Music] help face is done tangled hair I'll bail you out comb it and put on the cap lovely what about hair for the other palom me let's jump right to it you are so lucky to have a professional stylist close your eyes don't peek okay the fabric is really good perfect T ready open your eyes that's a funny hairstyle I got the point I'll fix it die right here trim over here redo here thought how do we feel about [Music] it it's awful h don't like it whatever huh how lucky is that this is exactly the kind of blanket I need cutting [Music] out there I'll secure it and it's done the hairstyle is ready W fabulous style check adding the hands would be the last thing to do that'll be easy gosh someone is banging on the door I'll stop them you hide who no here I am ug nasty what is [Music] it my legs what is this mess an eye for an eye I'll ruin your cardboard head for [Laughter] good loads of chocolate [Music] spread oh yeah good job [Music] can't wait to see how they get out of it my head jeez what did he do Hy what's the way out the K guy is such a psycho luckily we can fix it let's pick up the trash every single piece of paper I think that's it we did it Kane hi come with me what well that's it Kane you'll pay for what you did I'm on my way uh-oh what a [Music] surprise the digital circus is having an interlude chy chiy choa choa boom boom bo Kane oh no what happened to you holy circus Gods what I got killed by oh Kane the killer is who no oh no Kane rest in peace huh I'm shocked get off me I have to do [Applause] [Music] this look since K guide we can all leave the circus no one's leaving before we figure out the murderer what if you killed him what no okay let's go it's you you're the killer everyone say it's her it's you um no it's not H what I'm pomy the best detective in The Amazing digital circus see I'm going to find out who's to blame [Applause] you it's not me or you it's not me could it be you zubo he's heartbroken maybe you killed him huh okay here are the prime suspects who murdered Kane it's not adding up huh that's right two peas in a pod hey you guys do you know who killed Kane comment down below this is the crime scene H search for evidence a knife uh no uh-huh what's that oh it's a tail it's you you it's you you kill them this is actually my tail hold on defendant take a seat huh do I have [Music] to yeah don't move swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth tell us [Music] everything okay I was working working out with the heaviest dumbbell in the world with one arm and learning a new guitar song with the other arm even my reflection was impressed anyway I was totally amazing all of a sudden I heard a scream my reflection got scared but I didn't I knew exactly what to do M up spit out a toothpick save rag like a boss oh no what a stud I turn to Cosmo and say straight into his eyes you're a super hero ratha threw herself into my arms then I gave her a flower he's really cool no that's not what happened it was quite the opposite you're lying wait a sec here's what went down Jax was so scared of K mod that things turned ugly so he took off yeah I actually escaped apparently that's when I lost my tail h not the face not guilty huh On a related note I saw ratha going after Kane with a knife in her hand oh yeah the knife is the murder weapon huh yeah this is the one where is she what oh boy that's not it [Music] excuse me zubal that was awkward you again you are not running away you are up for an interrogation okay what were you doing the day Kane was killed stop blinding me okay I can explain here huh how to become a mermaid checklist what oops here a list of foods I'm allergic to so what okay picture this [Music] Jack was having [Music] fries I was starving hne was eating a cheeseburger thing is I can't eat that dang [Music] it this is when Kane started teasing me with nuggets it smelled so good what is ratha up to but he ate it all himself I took a knife and went after him yes I saw it it was her case closed now I'm the best detective am I right Zub high five no no hat or magnifying glass no detective okay go on so I take the knife and go after Kane what's up my favorite pizza is Margarita M tastes amazing I enjoyed every bite no murders I'm not buying it okay here's the proof my allergies quite convincing not guilty wonderful since it's not ragi or ja who's the killer zuo hey man what's the rush take a seat I want to know it all okay I'll tell you so what's there okay come on feel free okay I know who killed Kane it was huh what it was you you no it was you wait a minute where's your pom pom huh here it is in the middle of the crime scene Hy is the new Person of Interest I want to know what went down right now nothing really happened I'll get to the bottom of it hey detective I have an alibi we were together seriously that's not true don't meddle in the investigation tell me why you killed Kane if you don't I'll torture you enough I'll confess I was just [Music] dancing all of a sudden I saw his [Music] Cane wow I can conjure the way out [Music] wow oh yeah the door to Freed nobody watching I'm leaving ouch my head ouch oops ooh e why is there slime and not coffee sorry so it was you hey you still have some in your pocket what is it in the pocket ew still gross my bad that's nasty back to the interrogation girl tell us everything well I started shaking the cane nothing was working worst day ever a oops I hate bugs it's you how dare you our friendship is over you know how scared I am of bugs okay I'll carry on the interrogation myself you're stupid Kane uh-oh I bet I broke it this is bad really bad got to fix it but [Music] how no that's not it [Music] not yet oh that's perfect the K is brand new there no one's going to tell what [Music] huh again I'm watching you I see it you don't you dare fall stand up I'm not guilty ma she's innocent so what do I do Kane is still dead he was too young Kan why would you leave us oh yeah zubo I'm dead bro wait wasn't her head twisted off like 5 minutes ago right no no no what are you doing this is fake I pulled a really good prank on you all it was sick starting off with you it wasn't [Music] CMO it was you I barely got scared and you me it wasn't pizza sauce I mean I believed you hey what about me huh remember this glove oh yeah got it what about zubo that was easy zubo figured out I was very alive and wanted to tell you the truth so I screwed head off and topped it with ketchup another fun adventure in my amazing digital circus this is not funny a door where are you headed uh-oh a good ccino holy circus someone fell into the void [Music] enough time to go back
Channel: Troom Troom
Views: 650,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troom troom, troom troom trick, troom trick, miss delight, how to become miss delight, I was adopted by miss delight, Miss Delight in real life, poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime chapter 3, oki toki, woohoo, poppy playtime, We Build a Tiny House for Miss Delight, Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, tiny house, we build, we build a tiny house, tiny house at home
Id: YlNGM6OlZzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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