Pranking My Friend as ZOONOMALY In Minecraft

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these are the terrifying creatures from zoo naly and this is my friend Chris who thinks he's the bravest person in all of Minecraft oh there's my favorite little baby oh Chris I already told you I just don't like haunted houses wait you afraid of this this isn't scary at all you don't know what it's like to be scared you see when you're brave like I am everything is a gwalk it's so easy being now it was my goal to make Chris admits he's scared of zoo anomaly so Chris you think you're so brave then how about you spend a night here in a zoo that's right the most terrifying place in the entire Minecraft Dimension wait what are you stop CH I oh just stop laughing oh I bet you can't even L until midnight without getting scared deal but if I'm not scared by then you have to run through the theme park in your pants where everyone will see you naked e get away from me creep this is going to be so easy oh really Chris well you have no idea that I've got these hey Guido get over here hey Steve did you first find there a pizza here ah Guido never mind the pizza stay focused we've only got 5 hours to scare Chris that's not a lot of time oh and all of the animals here are so cute not if they're wearing these these masks have the ability to turn any cute creature into a horrifying Zoo naly monster now Guido I know that this looks pretty basic right now but if Chris doesn't get scared I'll make things a lot scarier o [Applause] I'm Chris I'm that's Chris come on Guido we've got to hide I am so he shouldn't be able to find me under here and I've still got some more MK so I can actually throw these at the rest of the goats here we go and for you in fact all of you can have these masks yes this is perfect now all of the goats are terrifying zaly goat but we can still make this faer wait no Guido where are you going Chris is almost here he's going to catch you what out nice job Guido this really makes things way more Sinister now we just have to wait for Chris to arrive heyy uh what happened to the light I'm not sure I seals I love seals what the heck is going on yes he really lik no no this can't be happening okay I've just got to get him over to the goat enclosure let's throw out some food oh I know I haven't had dinner yet and I am kind of hungry but I just want to spend time with these seals instead we've only got four hours to steal Chris oh it's just not working wait a second if Chris won't come over to the goats then I can just get the goats to come over to Chris oh that's it boy come on this way he just got to time this [Applause] perfectly I'm not going to be your dinner today go find someone else yeah I've heard people with blue hair taste delicious I love seals that's it Chris is waiting for you right there go give him the Fright of a lifetime this is so exciting did you know that seal spend many months at a time at Sea and they have to sleep in the water sometimes they only sleep for a few minutes while drifting slowly with their belly up did you know that felds 994 sose a for record of the what's that sound oh that must be the mother seal oh look at him go get away from me seals protection your best friend oh Guido this is hilarious he must be so scared wait where is he going it looks like he's coming for the answer what no no no we've got to keep him in the zoo it's the only way we can win the challenge how did you get here what even are you okay we're back on track he's back in this to perfect um but now where is he going oh what a coward he's trying to hide yeah that toilet well where's all the fun with that we've got to get him out of there and I think if I use my fishing rod I can open that door hey that's just a goat scram you filthy animal you're o seals for Life For Me looks like that plan did work ah yeah he was nowhere near scared enough but remember Guido what did I say earlier now Guido I know that this looks pretty basic right now but if Chris doesn't get scared I'll make things a lot scarier that's right if we want to scare Chris then we're going to have to break out the big guns you're going to shoot him no Guido it's just a saying okay Guido here we are the zookeeper's office it looks like we got lucky because cuz he's fast asleep okay we need one of these outfits a beach ball hey big guy mind if I borrow [Music] that thank you wonder if I could use these fences to make me taller weo how do I look cursed very cursed now I just need the Finishing Touch Guido have you got that spray can yep hold still oh perfect I did such a good job you look exactly like one of those creepy zookeepers all right Chris you've got this you only got to survive for 3 more hours what was that must have been the wind what are you doing Steve get over there and scare him yeah well I could do that Guido or I could just hold off and see what he's got planned uh wait where is he going uh ah this is perfect I'll just wait out the night here I've got a PC here to help spend time I have window so I can see whatever is happening outside and I have a lovely little bed to take a nap if I want to dude you've got to be kidding he's actually enjoying his time at the zoo now I've got to put a stop to this if I stay inside playing video games all night nothing can scare me ah seriously it's like he's on vacation or something I need a way to get him outside wait I think I've got an idea you just transformed into a megaphone I guess I've got to do my best zookeeper impression all right time to switch to my favorite game wait what was that yep that got his attention you w going to scare him right not just yet Guido let's stretch out the terror even longer I gotcha huh there's nothing there I'm warning you this is my cabin you better stay away don't disturb me while I'm gaming just St hold on it sounds like there's something on the cabin maybe if I a oh Chris no how do you know my name oh I know everything about you Chris your favorite animals are seals you have a really cute best friend Ste oh no it's all true this is PR everything steam but he doesn't seem to be getting as scared as I thought he would yeah well don't worry Guido I prepared a little something for him earlier at the Gir giraffe enclosure W didn't realize it would take that many cans to paint a giraffe and he's heading over there right now fun fact giraffes aren't known to eat meat or humans so I'll be perfectly safe in here I know I'll be safe in that cabin over there maybe they even have more video games oh yes Chris there's definitely something waiting for you in there knock knock Chris is coming in a yes it worked wait what was in there oh my sweet Guido you'll see it's over 12 ft tall it can run faster than anything I've ever seen and it will be Chris's demise any second now it'll be Chris's demise now now it'll be Chris is the guo what's going on run in the MERS woohoo Yeehaw this is so fun oh I love my new best friend only a loser like Steve would be afraid of something this cute this is not going well maybe Chris really isn't scared of anything if anything he's having more fun than ever before yeah I see that Guido but we cannot give up we still have time to scare Chris we just have to think a little bigger the aquarium that's right Guido we didn't really seem to be having much luck with the land creatures so maybe these sea creatures will be the ones to terrify Chris beyond belief but they're so cute yeah the ones in the Minecraft Dimension are nice and cute but the ones in the zoon anomaly Dimension well they look like this and if we want our fish to look like that then they're going to have to change up their d yet what a waste of some perfectly good food apart from the Benjamine yeah fishy fishy fishy open [Laughter] wide by The Cosmic King's beard it's a monster that's right Guido just wait until Chris Le his eyes on it also wait right here wait where are you going well there's another part of this plan I just need to borrow some slime blogs and then there we go it's ready good job uh but what's ready well Guido this is my Slime Pit basically Chris is going to walk into the aquarium and come face to face with the scary fish if he tries to run away he's going to fall into my Slime Pit and just be bounced in front of the fish tempting it until it bites his head off well that's the plan anyway why can I smell vomit from this aquarium I must investigate this way only for brave people that's me Guido there he is hopefully our fish is ready to dish out a fright hey you guys got any seals in there what is it with this guy in seals hey I can see myself in this glass looking good buddy oh Chris you look so handsome oh I know sweetie I did something new with my beard Chris would you marry me oh honey I would only ever marry myself oh look there he goes this is great just look at the fish watching him oh and by my calculations if CH keeps bouncing in this trajectory he'll end up in the fish tank wait what oh my gosh it just keeps getting better any second no um where the heck did he go yeah oh my gosh Chris are you okay of course I'm not okay there was a terrifying fish down there wait really terrifying fish do we know anything about that Guido you mean the one we made wait don't say that wait you made that fish oh it wasn't scary at all no it's just a boring old fish Steve oh now look what you've done Guido I don't even know about her coming up here if you just let me get out myself I would have gone down and eaten that fish and then I would have had it for dinner and lunch and breakfast because it's so big so full of delicious fish meat see you later loser not long to go until midnight oh he's right we really are running out of time what are we going to do Chris isn't scared of any of the fake zoomy monsters that I've spent so much time making then what if we just use the real monsters real monsters well think about it in tunami the monsters appear because a machine was built and they were teleported From Another Dimension oh I didn't know that so if we buildt our own machine Maybe we can borrow some of those real monsters to scare Chris bringing some of those horrible monsters into our reality to wreak havoc what a great and not at all irresponsible idea thanks I'm good at those come on we've got to find some supplies we'll grab some metal from the gorilla enclosure oh oh hey I'm sorry I I'll bring it back this guy is still asleep so I'll just grab his emeralds totally not illegal and here it is Guido so this is the machine which will bring the zunal monsters into our reality it's alive that's it bring all of those spooky monsters right here Steve what are you doing here what have you done to my house uh nothing Chris I just thought I could have used some decoration No don't touch that get away oh come on come on come on please work what in the Multiverse where the where the heck am I they're cheering my name no they're not Chris they're cheering for me instead it looks like instead of the zaly monsters being teleported to us we got teleported to them so the zoom creature must be around here somewhere I've got to find it before christas Bingo who wait it's happening again oh my eyes they're bleeding now where the heck are we oh I think I've played this on my gaming PC oh really Chris well good for you but I wait there it is is uh okay this is definitely an alien planet and I bet these ugly aliens are still more handsome than you are hey ah there's the next Zoo anomaly [Music] monster gotcha okay where are you where are you uh there whatever that thing is uh Steve I think we have a problem oh no on the machine it's being overloaded weo what do we do I think we're going home uh wait what where are they no they were supposed to be here oh you're so pathetic Steve you didn't even manage to get the monsters here oh you're right they didn't even follow me wait a second is that a portal no no no no no it can't be you really messed up now Chris no no no no leave me alone yeah you better run this monster is the most fearsome of all the taly creatures and it's not chasing after Chris yeah because I think it's more interesting oh no no no oh this is terrible you're supposed to be chasing after Chris not me I don't think the monster cares Steve it musts to eat anything in its pair okay I can lose it in the forest oh leave me alone I saved you you'd be still stuck in that alien Dimension if it wasn't for me got to hide got to hide hey that's Chris Chris wait for me I got to get in there too let me in no stay out no let me in no let get stop CHR just shut the door is behind me oh my gosh Chris they're coming for us quick take some of these bom the door now do you see why I was scared wait you were scared no I me I wasn't scared Chris it's fine you can just admit it if you want wait I think I think they're outside it won't be long until we break inside yeah okay uh well there's got to be something we can use here like what do these levers do just push them randomly until something happens I think they control the lights outside zunal monsters are scared of lights so if we can get them back on we should be able to scan them away Guido scan the room there's got to be a clue around here somewhere Eureka that must be the code yeah the order of the levers is 562 413 I kind of do want Chris to be scared so let's just do this go down to no Steve don't you did it wrong let me do it I'll get everything reset again go we go no see stop touching things I'm really don't mean to be slowing you down that's my hey don't punch me what are you doing the real [Music] problem oh I think I made have taken things too far what did you do what did you do what did you do wait what what just happened I can't hear the monsters anymore have the monsters gone I'll go check don't worry stay right here Chris yeah the monsters are totally gone you should really go outside now all right I'm going finally I couldn't stand being stuck with you here another second you li that too good I hope the chunk was worth it Steve because the monsters are still outside oh yeah I kind of forgot about that what are we going to do I didn't want it to come to this Steve I found this blueprint for something called the blumo bang wait that's a weapon that has the power to destroy the monsters Chris won't be scared anymore and we can use the bul from that roller coaster you make it uh Yes sounds like a great plan Chris I've got to get to it before he does how can we don't we fin got 10 minutes until midnight yeah 10 minutes to get chis if he gets in blue bang he'll never be scared of anything ever again wa oh a Chris not me sorry Chris bloa bang here I come please no no not like this wait it's my friend from earlier running the M woohoo yeah if I was a bloomer bang bulb where would I be want to turn around Ste wait what onwards my mighty speed I see it I see the bul oh he's just so much faster than I am and it's only 1 minute to midnight at long last def victory over the anomaly monsters shall be mine we've got to get that before he does guido give me a boost W wo wo wo wo wo W Guido where's Chris he's almost made the B not if I have anything to say about it wa yes I got the bulb Guido Bloomer bang mod how do I look brighter than ever here great you got the blumo band Doss it over here actually Chris I've got a much better idea Steve quick I'm in trouble here fast with the blumo bang H bloa bang wh what's that Chris you've got it in your hands just give it to me oh this blumo bang oh well Chris I'm not sure I really want to do that why not because I've just got one question for you are you scared are you insane throw me the gun answer the question Chris okay I'm scared oh yes he admitted it and now he's about to die a horrible death yep sorry about that Chris yes you did it Steve thank you wait where are my clothes oh well look where we are Chris after all that talk of making me run around the theme park naked now who's the one in their disgustingly purple underwear hey it's not disgusting it's stylish
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 1,070,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, surviving 99 years, minecraft smiling critters, minecraft pranking, minecraft pranking my friends, catnap nightmare, zoonomaly, zoonomaly in minecraft, minecraft smiling cat, minecaft zoonomaly, zoonomaly smile cat, zoonomaly mod, zoonomaly zookeeper, zookeeper, zoonomaly minecraft zoo, zoonomaly minecraft map
Id: 7P_13CLDXmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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