The END of CATNAP... is a PARENT NOW! (Cartoon Animation) // Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Animation

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let's get this over with my best project yet crap it didn't work brain just melted I should try using this on catnap let's see what happens then what prototype what are you doing help me I'm being kidnapped Get Your Filthy Hands off of katnap now stop bothering us prototype we're not your toys how dare you stop my experiments prepare to die crafty corn no catnap don't die please too late he's already dead I know what to do I'll use my magic to escape from here what where did they go don't worry catnap I'll save you is it working please plat become alive again what what are you [Music] doing great job catnap now let's fix you um catnap wait a second I've got an idea I will bring your heart back on its place prepare to get cured [Music] now what what's happening where am I catnap you're alive I'm so glad you're safe and [Music] sound puppies happy birthday I love cupcakes thanks Daddy now we're going to eat the cupcakes and then there will be presents [Music] [Applause] I can hide in the gift box and when the puppies open the box I'll come out and eat them all but where can I get a box I have an idea let's use a little [Music] magic who Could That Be I didn't call for guests we were sent a gift but who sent it never mind presents are always good I'll take it to the puppies look someone sent a present for you I love presents Daddy Let's Open it quickly I need scissors to open it I saw scissors in the garage I'll go get them are you thinking what I'm thinking of course open up [Music] quickly happy birthday my little puppies help cor is trying to eat me don't touch my brother I brought scissors let's open the present I'll save you my puppies I've come just in [Applause] time that was a very good plan daddy where are you oh no who did this the killer took the heart but why there are footprints here we can follow the footprints and find the killer Daddy I'll find the Killer and avenge you I'm getting close what K help me please many Critters did this to me I saw them carrying a heart somewhere what was that what do you need a heart for remember you didn't see anything push the button the door will open and set me free I'll do it thank you kitten you're welcome the mini Critters stole my father's heart I have to find them I'll help you jump on my back great hold on tight we found their Lair what the we brought you a heart to revive the reject we have to stop them I have an idea get ready for take [Music] off I've got the heart now oops kids it's time for you to go to bed thank you you're just in time daddy I brought a heart now we can bring you back to [Music] life let's add some magic daddy you're alive again my kitten I love you so much oh that's so sweet where's our cutie there you are it's time for dessert have you come for my kitten I'm not going to let that happen and what are you going to do about it you're about to see I'm going to turn into a catnap monster oops something went wrong it was very scary but we managed to escape what you of running away from me it won't work Daddy get up quickly crafter corn is coming Daddy I need your help no one can help you I'll get you wait I can use the amulet and save myself turn into a katnap monster oops you actually made it now it's my [Applause] turn what happened where are we it's okay Daddy crafty won't bother us anymore my boy you've gotten so grown up I had no choice what where am I what happened 1 hour ago everybody loves you Potion No this can't be true but at least it smells good oh no I swallowed it sorry catnap we didn't mean to wait what what's wrong with you guys why are you looking at me like that catnap we love you so much what the C we love every part of you wait what is that over there an exit this is my chance hello catnap oh no it's dog day catnap how are you doing we are your biggest fans we want a piece of you no no no no no don't come any closer what where am I what happened we will all get a piece of catnap what is happening here what is all that noise wait what don't worry catnap I will save you he's become even cuter now okay that didn't go as planned well at least he's not XXL size now look I brought you some toys enjoy my little monsters oh my God they're so cute I'll be back bring it back to us you're going with us hey kids I got you some milk what where are they there you are look what I can do what kids where are you going it's dangerous out there I'm stuck a no no no no no no no I'm so hungry thanks for the [Music] dinner it's embarrassing I will eat you alone give them to me I love you my little monsters a you're too [Music] cue hello children are you ready for the class H who's going to be the first to answer you oh no maybe you not me please so it is you solve this [Music] now wrong answer now you get the punishment let me please ask this guy ha this is going to be easy ha solve it what the f I missed the part where that's my problem I'm not going to solve this oh my God please don't hurt me I will solve it for you honey good job thank you holy moolly what is this solve this or I will kill you [Music] I will make you suffer [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ToonBurger
Views: 518,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GwC-elLZk2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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