We Bought the WORST RATED Car Products on Amazon Again

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- It's so dangerous. - One-star. We buy a lot of car products from Amazon, but can we tell the difference between one-star products and five star products? Today we are going to find out. I am joined by the only dude at "Donut" who can dunk a basketball, Jeremiah. I'm James, and this is the D-LIST. - Thanks to Off The Record for sponsoring today's video. Labor Day is finally here, or as we call it in the law biz, Highest Traffic Ticket Gifting Day. (mocking fart noise) Cities across the country always increase their police presence this weekend, but don't let that ruin your last chance of summer. Be safe and prepared with the Off The Record app. With over 70,000 successful contested tickets Off The Record is here to help. They're so confident they even offer a money back guarantee, if they aren't able to reduce the points, or keep the ticket fully off your record. So register now and use code DONUT to save 10% off your first ticket at offtherecord.com/donut and, hey, you can be safe out there. (gentle melodic music) - So here's how it's going to work. We're going to be handed two products. One of them has a bunch of five star reviews. One of them has a bunch of one-star reviews. We're going to test them out on the D-LIST race car and see if we can guess which is which. For our first round of products, our producers are giving us parking assistant devices. (horn honking) - Are you ready to jump in? - Let's do it. - The Auto Park Laser Guided Parking for your garage. So this is essentially a laser pointer that you put on the ceiling of your garage. This is the Park Ranger. Great name. Precision parking aide. Just line up the lines. Easy to install. Easy to use. I don't know how to do this. What does this do? - Oh, you look at it, and when it looks straight, you know that you're straight. (chuckling) - This is one of the things that's so simple, I'm thinking this is the five-star one. Don't you think? - Yeah. I can see this one being more problematic. Let's try these out. - For the packages instructions, I'm James' assistant, and I will be lining this up where James will know, each time now, when he goes to the park this - [James] Right there. - Right there? - [James] Yeah. - Okay, I just got home from work. Working at the sod factory. Got some free sod for my family. Bringing home the sod to the family. Wait. (tense string music) - That is pretty frigging good, James. - Dude, it works really well. I kind of want one. Now we're gonna test the lasers. Okay, let's test the lasers. - They just went out. This one's dead. - So? - How annoying is that? - That's going in my review. - You see it right there? - I guess you gotta draw on your dash. (bell chimes) - Okay, testing the laser. (exciting classical music) - No, I see it. There- - Oh! There we go. - Hey! Bullseye, baby. - Bullseye baby. I think that the Park Ranger is the five-star review. - James, I've done a full 360, and I'm going to start off with the one I thought. And that is the Park Ranger. - Yeah, that's a five-star one. Hundred percent. - Yeah, It's great. It's like really smart. - [Max] The correct product was Park Ranger. (Jeremiah clapping) - Both right. Tied for first. - Heck yeah. - We are the best at this game. (computer beeping) (James belching) - Our next car product, I think is a very untapped industry. I've gone on record of saying it before and I'm saying it again. Car trashcans. - I already know that. - Ah, that sucks. - I don't like that one already. - Oh, it comes with bags, multiple bags. - Oh, this is bag dog poop bag. (both laughing) (bags rustling) (both giggling) - Quality, right off the bat, not super impressive. Also I- (Jeremiah whistles) Oh. Also I tend to frown on any product that you have to lose a cup-holder to use. - Yeah. Or a product that you could mistake for an actual cup. (James chuckling) - "Ah! I thought I was drinking coffee!" "I got a mouthful of trash!" (Jeremiah laughing) - I've seen this on my Instagram a bunch. HOTOR. (Jeremiah chuckles) - You put this around your head rest. - Okay. - And it fits on the back of your seat, and then you just dump all your trash in there. - Also I kind of think the top looks like an alien (beep). (Jeremiah laughing) - All right, let's test these boys out. - [Jeremiah] Oh. This goes here I think? - [James] Yeah, it does, or you can go under. - Or do you think under? - [James] Yeah it goes under. 'cause that seems pretty uncomfortable. - Do you want me to ask? Now look, hands-free trash receptacle. - I need to keep one hand on the wheel. - Yep. Mm-hmm. Yep, great. Stuffing it in. And also don't litter. I hate people who throw trash out the window. - Oh, if you throw trash out the window, you know what? You're trash. - (laughing) That's right. - Okay, let's see if this thing works. - Okay, so you took your trash out. - Okay, first of all, again- - We're already at a problem. - I hate anything that takes up a cup-holder. - Also, if you're buying a trash holder for your car, there's a good chance you use a lot of cans. (chuckling) - (giggling) Yeah, or water bottles. - Or water bottles. I don't know why, but I think there's a correlation there. - [James] Okay, so this barely fits, it's bulky, it's in my way. - All right. - Let's throw some trash away. Totally normal trash- - Yep. - That you'd have in your car. - Yep. (plastic rustling) - I am not happy about that. The majority of trash in a car, as you were saying, is- - Cans. - Beverages. - Bottles. - Yeah. - Yes. - And look, this is the size of the beverage. - Right? - Straws. - Can't do it. He can't do it at all. I gotta say, I'm going with my first instinct, this is the five-star product. - Agreed, that's it. That's the one. Tell us we're right, Max. - [Max] Five-star product is HOTOR. - Yeah! HOTOR! HOTOR! - [Jeremiah] Ah! - By the way, we have an entire storage room full of stuff like this, we're going to do a D-LIST Giveaway Livestream for "Donut Underground" members. To learn more about the "Donut Underground" and all the perks, click that join button below, or I'll put a link in the description. And by I will, I mean, Alex will when he uploads this video. All right, next product. We are killing it, tied for first place. And what a product for the playoffs, one of the most widely used car accessories, there's a million of them on the market. I'm talking about phone mounts. Product A, the OQTIQ. - Long Arm Gooseneck. - That's what I call you. (honking) (James laughing) I gotta say, right off the back, this is just a lot of product. - Yeah. - So I don't think I need 13 inches of phone cord. - Oh yeah. Yeah, that's a support. - It needs a support? - Yeah, 'cause anytime you have a long rod like that, with a heavy phone- - Hey, you should know, buddy. ACE fast. How fast is it? It's as fast ACE, ACE fast. Already, I'm a big fan of this. - Think so? Is the magnet strong though? - No. (Jeremiah chuckles) - See, I don't like the length of this arm on this one, I'm with James, but it feels like it's more sturdily built. The magnet ones are tough, if the magnet sucks then. - [James] It came with a different magnet. - [Jeremiah] And it's stronger? - Yeah. - [Jeremiah] Oh, interesting. - So it was just sticking to the magnet in my phone, 'cause I have a newest iPhone. Like I kind of don't want to put this on, because I want to keep it. (both laughing) - [Jeremiah] Oh, that's good. - I think this is the five-star. - Oh, that's a good one. That thing is so long. - (giggling) It's so much. - Where'd the button go? Oh, right up here. - Whoa! Sick! - What do you think? - I think I look like a complete psychopath, 'cause I'm wearing a golden-doodle shirt, and I got a picture of my dog on my phone. I don't like this. - Okay, this is- - And also even with the stabilizer. - It still wiggles. - Mm-hmm. - I feel like if this was a duck neck and not a gooseneck, half the neck length. - Slightly less neck. - Yeah, slightly less neck would be okay. - I got to say, I think product B, no surprise, is the five-star product. - Yeah, I'm with you, the gooseneck too long. We should have been a duck neck, and it'd been better. - Yeah. - [Max] The correct five-star product was product A. - (farting) What? - The OQTIQ. - The OQTIQ? - What car are they driving that needs a neck that long? Throw the thing up and down. - See? When you're roading. - Once again, I don't agree with Amazon. Jeremiah, you love just chomping on cheeseburgers when you drive. Everyone knows it about you. - Yep, that's a very common thing that people know. (both laughing) - So what do you need? A table, a table in your car or a tray. Ooh, this is nice, the HEYTRIP. This is like bamboo. Not only can you eat off of it, you can prepare your meal on it. - Heck yeah. (steel clanging) - Wow! All right. (box rattling) - [Jeremiah] Can already tell by the way- - It sounds broken. Look at this big sandwich on that. That sandwich has never been anywhere near that car. (Jeremiah laughing) - Oh God. - Oh my gosh. - Too much stuff. - Oh, does it going to your cup-holder? - Oh gosh. - No, dude. - That's a common thing. - It's not even gonna work. - Stop building cup-holder necessary items. - Okay, I mean, we'll test it, but I already know what's up. So I'm parked, I got a nice view. Maybe I'm at a drive-in. Do you know what I want? I want a healthy snack. - Nice. (soothing jazz music) - Nice. (knife chopping) - You've been using that knife for everything. (both giggling) - Now he's using it to cut fruit. - You know that there is really no such thing as fruit? It's all just plants. (Jeremiah snickers) - Now this thing's not going to work. - Problem is you can't drive. - Yeah, now I can't shift, but with this one I can't steer, so I'm not going to hold it against it. Okay, just like in the picture. - Yup. - This one's here. This has been sitting in the sun for like three hours. - It's like warm. - What is that color? (eerie music) - I can smell it. - (laughing) Also, this is so pathetic, are you going to take a bite outta that, dude? (laughing) - No. - (laughing) Take a bite. How much to take a bite outta that? - No, I'll puke. Also, it's dipping. - Yeah, it can't support the weight of the sandwich. - That hefty club. All right, we're going to hang on to this sandwich. (Jeremiah laughing) - Hop on "The Donut Underground" Discord, Let us know how much money you'll pay, for Jeremiah to eat- - Oh. - A bite, or the whole thing. We're going to leave it outside. - I think that product A is the five-star product. - That's right, yes. - Lock it in, Max. - [Max] The five-star product is product A. - Yes! (grunts) Heading into the finals. Three-three, tied. Are you hungry for more "High Low" merch? Well have I got a shirt for you? Yota's tacos. They're the dirtiest tacos around. Get it in black, get it in white, or get them both, 'cause they're only 29.99 at donutmedia.com. (upbeat pop music) ♪ Give me the beans ♪ ♪ At Yota's Tacos ♪ - If you don't get the joke already, go back to school, but Toyota Tacoma, Yota's Tacos. They're the trucks we drive on "High Low", I really like this design, more to come. Donutmedia.com. (electronic music) - Our next category is one that I was unaware existed, drinking heating apparatuses. Ooh, that's a nice box. - Nice box, good packaging. - Heating cup for car, no nonsense. Ooh! It's got Japanese on it. - Are you sure it's Japanese and not Chinese? It does say, "Made in China." (distorted white noise fizzling) - I mean, this thing seems pretty nice, I mean, I don't know why- - You would need it? - You would need it, but if you do. Yeah, so, this is an immersion heater. Just drop it in the cup, and these wires heat up and it'll heat up the liquid. I don't think you should take this into your car. I think this is a hot brand. - (chuckles) Yeah. I'm curious to see how hot it gets though. Ah gross. Oh, it absolutely stinks in here. - At the beginning of the video, this car smelled really good, 'cause we- - Yeah. - The last video we shot was TikTok hacks. - Oh, that smells really good. - Yeah, I made a air freshener, but now it smells like mustard. And there's no on or off, right? It just starts going. - Oh, and it's got a little clip, right there. - That's nice. (dramatic horn music) - Tray has bygones. - I think we may have blown a fuse. (laughing) - [Max] For real? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I Mean, I don't know why we blew a fuse. (laughing) What's E7 mean? - Dude's just feverishly pushing buttons? (James laughing) - Right, we need to plug this in and do another car, 'cause this is going to take 11 hours. - Okay. Feel it. It's definitely. Yeah, it's definitely warm. - Really? - Yeah. - You're (beep) lying. - I'm not lying, dude. It was ice cold. That's not ice cold. - Oh dude, it's steaming. - [Max] So pull it out again. - Whoa. That's fast. - Right, here's the thing. I think someone flips this out, and this hot bastard. (both laughing) - Gets right on something, on their plastic, burns through, gets on their jeans. Like, I just feel like it's so dangerous. - One-star. Permanently scarred my child's face. All right, let's go check mine. - Oh, the metal's not hot. Yeah, it's a conducting rod, so it's only hot in the center of it, so that's why it won't hurt you. - That's hot hot. - Is it? Oh yeah, that's hot. Yeah, that's hot. - But it took way longer. This is honestly the hardest round by far. - It's pretty tough. Packaging-wise I'm like, "Oh, this is nicer." But it's also bulkier, it's bigger. This you just have in your car. - In your glove box. - You leave whatever cup you have. - Knowing the fact that one of these is one-star, and one of these is five-star. - Yeah. - Is super hard, I can see both of them being like three or four stars. - Right, but one of these is a stinker. - I am 100% guessing. - Yeah, I'll do the opposite of you. You want to do that? - Okay, yeah. - Just a game? - Just commit to it? - You want to commit to it? - So we have a winner? Okay. - This'll do it. - I think product B is a five-star review. - I'll pick product A. - [Max] The correct five-star product is... (tense electronic music) - [Max] Product A! - Damn it! (both laughing) - Just to be fair, I would have picked this one too. - I know. We both thought this is like a classic thing that exists. This is an invention. (Jeremiah laughing) This is an invention. This is a thing that just, you get, you have. - Yeah. - A camper knows what that is. I should know, I've been camping recently. Check it out on "High Low", every Sunday. Check out Jeremiah every Tuesday on "Bumper To Bumper." If you liked this video, let us know by hitting the like button, it really, really helps us get those sweet, sweet views, and that's the currency that I base my happiness on. (Jeremiah laughing) - Again, hit that join button to find out more about "The Donut Underground." There's a plane coming, so I'm going to end it. I love you.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 1,871,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 star car products, 1 star amazon, 1 star amazon products, car accessories, car products, worst car accessories, best car accessories, 1 star vs 1 star, 1 star amazon reviews, amazon car parts, car water heater, donut media, dlist, james pumphrey, jeremiah burton
Id: 1wW-hlSVKM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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