I Smell-Tested all 42 Little Tree Air Freshener scents

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I would also love to see them all play old school baby shower games. Bring back Donna & Gary to play along.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Jessica_Messica_ 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love h3 but...they will never have MO POWAH BABY

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/69bigstink69 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Ugh! (coughs) I do not like this one at all. Everyone's seen these bad boys hanging from rear-view mirrors all across the globe. They're called Little Tree air fresheners. Now I'm sure you're aware of the classics. I'm talking Pine, New Car Smell, Black Ice. But did you know that there are 42 different scents of Little Trees? Today, I'm going to sniff every single one of them, rank them from zero to 100 so we can finally figure out what is the best smelling Little Tree and what is the worst, and it turns out that this company has a pretty rich and interesting history full of things like lawsuits. So we're gonna learn all about that too. I'm James, and this is-- - [Narrator] "THE D-LIST" - A big thanks to Kove speakers for sponsoring today's video. Guys, I see your comments, I read 'em, every single one of them, and you'll be happy to know that we have a new "Up To Speed" coming up. But, (plane engine roars) (explosion booms) it's been impossible to focus. How can I make dope car videos when I keep getting distracted by planes or other hosts making their videos? I need something to drown out the noise, something that'll surround me in 360 degrees of sound at wildly loud volume. Whoa! The Kove Commuter 2, now we're talking! Let me just connect my bluetooth and (music playing) Finally! Some peace and quiet. The Commuter 2 packs a whole lot of bass with superior sound quality and with seven hours of play time, it's the perfect speaker to use when you're on the go or working in the garage. It creates a full 360 degree surround sound effect, but what really makes the Kove Commuter 2 different is this, now that sound turns into an optimal left and right stereo sound! Kove is basically giving you two speakers for the price of one, and better yet, Kove is giving you specifically a massive 68% off but only for a limited time. So hurry up! Head on over to KOVEAUDIO.COM/DONUT67 to get your discount today! So this is how this is gonna work, I got all my tree scents right here. I'm going to open them up, give them a whiff, and then rank 'em from zero to 100. And just to be clear, Little Trees did not pay us to make this video, we bought every single one of these off the website. In fact, you can only buy 'em in packs of six so I have a ton of them. If you want way too many Little Tree air fresheners stick around to the end to find out how you could win a bunch of your own. Let's smell some trees. This first one is called Vanillaroma, beautiful American tree design. Ooh! (chuckles) Vanilla-ey. Immediately, I am just smashed in the face with like a cake smell, smells very cakey. I don't mind it, I'd say, out of 100, 55. This is Fresh Shave. Probably smells like your dad. (coughs) These are strong. It doesn't smell a lot like shaving cream, which is surprising because shaving cream seems like a very easy smell to recreate. It's not bad though. I would rather have my car smell like this than the Vanillaroma, so 60. Here we got one of the classics, one of the best knowns, this is New Car Smell. Mm, 80. Next up we have True North. Now I gotta say, this is the best-looking one so far. It's clean, it's named after Kanye West's daughter. I'm guess, what does north smell like clean snow? Like a mountain, like the Alps? I've been to the Alps. (breeze whistles) Crisp arctic air with fresh pine needles. Hope they don't go too heavy on the pine, hope they focused on the crisp arctic air. Mm, I do like this. I think it looks good, I think it would be a nice because this is an accessory. This is an accessory to your car. It's as important for it to look good as it is to smell good. So I think this one looks great, very clean, minimalist, and I love how it smells. 85. Technically this one is called No Smoking. So not only is this an air freshener, it's also a sign. It's supposed to smell like fresh sandalwood and citrus. Where is sandalwood from? Is it wood that you make sandals out of? Let me know in the comments below. Ugh! It smells like my grandpa (chuckles). Not a huge fan, don't want my car to smell like this. 34. Next up we have Bourbon, which is a weird one. I don't know if I'd want my car to smell like booze. (gagging) First gag of the day. It does not smell good. It smells like cigars. 25. You might notice that it says 1952 here, which is a perfect segue, if I do say so myself, into the first of our Fun Fragrance Facts. Max. - [Max] Little Trees were invented in 1952 by a guy named Julius Sämann after a milk truck driver complained to him about how bad his milk truck smelled from all the spilled milk. - Huh. Thank you, Max. Ooh, (lighthearted music playing) another one of the classics, Black Ice. I picture Black Ice in like the rear-view mirror of like a white BMW. It's definitely one of the cooler looking ones. Again, minimalist. It smells, again, it smells like body wash of a middle-school boy. I don't like it at all, it kind of makes my tum tum hurt. 28. Pure Steel! (heavy metal music plays) Fun fact, I think this one was named after the Shaq film, "Steel," which was like "RoboCop," I think. (lighthearted music playing) It scares me that this is the first one described as hard hitting because they've all been pretty hard hitting so far. Let's see if it smells like steel. (gagging) No way. It's not good. 22. Oh no. I'm hopeful, but not really. It smells like leather, but not like good leather. It doesn't smell like the inside of a Mercedes or like a fancy car, it smells like you're like hugging a guy with one of those like, brown leather like bomber jackets like your uncle. He's leaving after Thanksgiving. 30. Next up we got heat. Heat smells like fire. - [Max] A fiery hot mix of spicy cinnamon and clove sure to set your senses ablaze. - Oh nice! Sure to set my senses ablaze, can't wait. Smells like gum. Don't like it, not totally offensive. 38. This one is sick Rose Thorn. This is a Bret Michaels signature Little Tree. It's not really my style, but you know if you like wearing silk anime shirts, this one might be the one for you. I like it. 85. This one, Supernova. What is space supposed to smell like? - [Max] Supernova pops with bursts of bright bergamot intensified by notes of dark berry, ozonic florals, and musk. - I am even more in the dark than I was previously. I know what two of those words were. It is not good. That's offensive, I do not like that. Like literally 22. Next up we got Morning Fresh, Morning Fresh. Gotta tell you, in the morning, I'm not always so fresh. The color is pretty cool. It's kind of like stance scene-y. Like I could see this hangin' like ironically like in a Miata, like a stanced Miata. It smells like someone went to the bathroom and then sprayed air freshener. You know when you go to the bathroom and you like appreciate they sprayed air freshener but it just kind of like allows the doo doo smell to go into your nose more, like it's like a Trojan horse, like your nose is like, for a split second it's like, oh it smells good, Oh, it's doo doo! That's what this smells like. Ugh, 20. My nostrils are starting to burn a little bit. So I'm gonna cleanse my nose zone and Max is gonna give you guys another Fun Fragrance Fact. - [Max] So Little Trees are shaped like evergreen trees because the inventor spent five cold years extracting essential oils from the evergreen forests of Canada. - Wow. Rainshine. Rainshine is, I guess, like the sun coming out during a rainstorm, which is beautiful. We don't get nearly enough rain here in Southern California. I do miss it. I like it, its subtle. Would not mind my car smelling like that. I might actually use this one in my car. 92. Staying in the rain family, next up we have Rainforest mist. It smells like like someone else's laundry. 35. Speaking of laundry, Summer Linen. Max, what is summer linen supposed to smell like? - [Max] Summer Linen, the scent of sunny cotton, white peach, lavender, and coconut water. - Hmm, coconut water. (coughs) Some of them hit the back of your throat in a really bad way. It's very strong, I don't mind the smell. It's like not a bad smell. 70. If this one smells good, then this one is the color of my Golf. Bayside Breeze. It smells like shrimp and old krill. (coughing) They're very strong. 85. No, 80. 80. Most of the air freshers so far have been a little like, ethereal. They're like ideas. I think now we're getting down to the brass tacks of things that smell like things and we're going to start that off with probably the classic best-known Royal Pine. And it smells like a Christmas tree. I do not want my car to smell like that. Also, I'm in front of a green screen so you guys probably can't even see this. That's how makeup influencers do it. 32. Bubblegum. Bubblegum. It doesn't smell good. 42. Trippy mane! Cotton Candy! That does not smell good, that smells like spray paint. Eight. (laughter) Celebrate! Oh that one stinks. 12. Caribbean Colada. Another alcohol one, our second alcohol one. That one smells like something like somebody's house. Like somebody from my past. Don't like it. 17. Get out of my thoughts, Little Trees. Now from Caribbean Colada, we move on to Piña Colada. Got like a neon camouflage. I guess that, like this is what the Bahamas army wears. I like a Piña Colada, I don't like this. Nine. Coconut. That is not the color of a coconut. They could have made it white they could have made it brown, they've made it very clear that they can do different designs. I don't know why they landed on orange. It makes no sense. I wouldn't want my car to smell like it but I do like the smell. 56 Sunset Beach. Now the beach to me smells like salinity, smells like sand, sometimes smells like kelp or fish. What does the sunset smell like? - [Max] Hints of neroli, musk, and white florals linger in the air as the sun sets on a long relaxing day spent at the beach. (dolphin clicking) It's definitely very floral, reminds me of Hawaii. I love the design. 74. I need a little break, so it's time for another fascinating Fun Fragrant Fracts with Max. - [Max] In 2018, the Little Trees Corporation sued Balenciaga for selling a leather key chain that resembled their (indistinct). - They own the shape of a tree. Sliced! This one's cool, it looks like a tablecloth from a outdoor picnic table. (playful music playing) Very intense. Very intense citrus flavor, I don't know why you'd want to smell that all day. 21. Strawberry. This one's like a very fake artificial strawberry. 25. This one's the same color as the strawberry, we got Cinnamon Apple. Might smell like pie. If it does smell like pie, then I'm down. It's definitely more cinnamony than appley. Smells like a potpourri. It's fine, 35. Green Apple. This one smells like it is appley but it smells like someone's smoked on it. It's like almost good, it smells like a Now and Later that someone was chewing while they smoked a cigarette. Mm-hmm, 18. This isn't some tame cherry, it's a wild one. (rock music playing) Wild Cherry. I don't know where the cherry scent came from. I have smelt a cherry, it does not smell like what people have decided that cherries smell like. (playful music playing) It's like not it's not a bad smell. I just wouldn't want to smell it. (indistinct), 30. How peachy is the peach? Oh, it's peachy. 76. It doesn't say on the package, I'm assuming it's watermelon. - [Max] It's just called Watermelon, yeah. - Straight up watermelon. I love the design, it's very subtle. 84! "Mom, what kind of tree is that? "That's a Cherry Blossom Honey." 57. We're getting down to the bottom of it, got about six more, time for another furiously fascinating and Fun Fragrant Fact with Max. - [Max] In Europe, Little Trees are known as Wunder-Baum, Arbre Magique, and Magic Trees. - That's cool. They're just called Little Trees here. Now this is another Vanillaroma but this one doesn't have the American flag on it. So I'm curious to see. Oh, look at this trashcan. (coughing) This trashcan is intense. It stinks, it stinks. I don't like it. It smells like that milk man's truck probably smelt. Four! - [Max] Four? - No. 32. - [Max] Do you want to know what you gave it before? - What did I give it before? - [Max] 55. - Yeah. I'm sick of these. - [Max] At least this one has a flag on it. - Yes, I'm a patriot, I'm a patriotic person. Next up we have Aladdin's girlfriend, Jasmin. That one's nice. Smells like a grandma. 65 just like your grandma. That's a perfectly reasonable age for your grandmother. Apparently, Frank Sinatra loved the smell of Lavender. I go back and forth, sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It smells like church. It smells like a church. I don't know why, but it does. 34. Daisy Fields, that sounds like a girl's name. Oh my God dude! You're going to prom with Daisy Fields? Again, another flower one, smells totally different than the other flowers. I mean, it smells good. It smells like perfume. I guess a lot of perfumes smell like flowers. 86. Moroccan Mint Tea. I'm excited about this one. I love mint, I love tea, I love Morocco. Very fresh. It smells like mint tea. Mm. 92! Okay, we have one more Little Tree left to smell. Max is going to give you our final fantastically furiously Fun Fragrant Fact. Max, if you will. - [Max] Okay, so the three most popular Little Tree scents in the world. - Okay. - You want to guess? - Yeah. In the world? - Yeah. - Pine, Black Ice, New Car Smell. - [Max] Number one is Black Ice. - Number one. - [Max] Number two is New Car Scent. - Yeah. - [Max] And number three, Vanillaroma. - Vanillaroma? Probably buy it for the flag. We've reached our final Little Tree guys. We've smelt 41 Little Tree air fresheners, we've gone from Vanillaroma twice, New Car Smell. We've gone all the way to Morocco, we've seen a sunset beach a couple of times. Finally, we have made it to number 42, Blackberry Clove. What a way to wrap it up with this (indistinct) tree. There's a Wrigley's gum that I used to get like a sugar-free Wrigley's gum and it's not the pink bubblegum it's like a slightly darker package. That's what this smells like. 24. The worst smelling Little Tree according to me, an expert, is-- - [Max] Cotton candy. - Cotton candy with a score of-- - [Max] Eight. - Eight! I did not like it, it does not smell good, it is sharp, it is too sweet. The design was kind of cool, it's like a tie dye, but it smells like crap. The best smelling Little Trees air fresher according to my nose is, Max. - [Max] It's a tie. - Oh no! - Between-- - How exciting! - [Max] Rainshine. - Ooh, I love Rainshine. - And Moroccan Mint Tea-- - Rainshine and Morocco Mint! How exciting, we're going into over time! (upbeat music playing) The winner is Moroccan Mint! The best smelling Little Tree there is. Congratulations buddy, you're getting hung from my rear-view mirror on my car. Like I said before, you can only buy these in bulk. So I got some more of every single one of them. So post a picture of your rear-view mirror on Instagram with the hashtag #INEEDATREE and I'll pick three of you at random and send you all 42 scents of Little Trees. We already gave some away on our Discord. To learn more about that, click the join button below or I'll put a link in the description. If you like watching me take stuff out of packages and talk about it, check out this episode, Zach Jobe is in it, where we review the worst reviewed car products on Amazon. I love you.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 2,309,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air freshener car, tree air freshener, car air freshener, best air fresheners, best air freshener for car, little trees, little trees air freshener, black ice, new car smell, wunderbaum, magic trees, donut media, james pumphrey, dlist, best car air freshener, best car air fresheners, air freshener
Id: HZ2JH8f9yOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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