We Bought the Dumbest Car Products on Wish.com Again

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- This is one of the weirdest, best products we've ever had on this show. We buy a lot of stuff off of wish.com on this show. And you may have noticed that a lot of it is pretty hit or miss, but are these products as life-changing as they claim? Or are they straight up garbaggio? This is the show we put car crap on trial. I'm James. - I'm Anthony. - And this is the D-List. - Thank you to Dr. Squatch for sponsoring today's video. Like most of you I've been using the same soap brand since high school. Sure, it irritates my skin has a overpowering scent to hide all those harsh ingredients and yeah, after showering, it leaves me smelling like nothing, but who cares, right? I'm just a guy. - Hey, there, you're not just a guy, Guy. You're a sweaty, stinky, high-performance machine that deserves the high-performance hygiene of Dr. Squatch. (pack shuffling) (bell dinging) (sniffs) - Wood barrel bourbon, nice. - If you think that's nice, wait 'til you see what's inside inside. - Inside, Jerry I don't understand. (transition whooshes) - Welcome to the inside of Dr. Squatch's natural nourishing bar soap, nothing but plants, minerals, and other natural ingredients. Go ahead, breathe it in. (inhales) - Alpine sage, cedar citrus, oh, it smells so good. - And it's good for your body. Watch out, don't hit your head on that spearmint. Unlike that big box soap you've been using, Dr. Squatch doesn't cut corners with harsh chemicals. They want you feeling fresh, energized, and moisturized with the finest ingredients mother nature has to offer. Really, whoa! (motorcycle roaring) - You're right, all natural, Jerry. My body does deserve high-performance hygiene. (soap whooshes) (glass breaks) - Well, start feeling and smelling your best today by going to drsquatch.com or click the link below. - Plus new customers can save 20% off when you use code DSCDONUT at checkout. (whooshes) (inhales) - Hmmm, smells like someone else is using cheap soap. Sorry, Nolan, duty calls. (motorcycle roars) (sighs) - Man, Jerry gets to do all the cool ads. (notes playing) - Today we're gonna look at six products from weird Amazon aka wish.com. We're gonna decide if they're awesome. I hope that at least one is. - Hopefully, we're gonna see how this goes. Well, let's start with product number one. (transition whooshes) All right, first up, we got one pieces Cars LED Car Laser Fog Light Rear Anti-collision Driving Safety Signal Red Line Warning Brake Parking Warning Lamp. It's got three and a half stars. Roberto Carlos says, "Perfecto." And then Rene Domingo is apparently French. He says, "Bien," as in good. - Okay, so apparently, these are doing really well on the other side of the world. - Right. - I feel like this would definitely be used to like warn people, but it's not very effective. I have brake lights. - Yeah, exactly. This is like an extension of your brake light. It's kind of saying like, it looks like it projects a thing onto the road, and then it's basically like, don't go past this line or we're gonna get in a car accident. We dealt with a lot of lasers on this show. So I'm pretty much what you call a laser expert at this point. Pretty standard laser stuff. It looks very similar to a lot of the lasers that we've had before. (whining music) Not a lot of wire to deal with, not a lot of mistakes to be made. As you guys might be able to tell, it is daytime out here. And we live in Southern California. There's not a lot of fog, but luckily, we do have the technology to make it. Let's go test this out. - All right. (transition whooshes) (suspenseful music) - So it's, it's going. Now for the fog, Jimmy. - Here's your phone. - Thank you, sir. So what I'm seeing right now is a little tiny dot on the ground, definitely not the spread that was advertised. - Yeah, I was definitely expecting like a whole line, like a, "Do not cross." (suspenseful music deflates) (deflates) - I just don't think it's gonna work during the daytime. - Yeah, this isn't a very good idea. - All right, so we're gonna go and test this in the garage where it's a little darker. - And hopefully we'll be able to see the laser, (James laughs) hopefully. - Hopefully. (transition whooshes) - All right, so Jimmy and I are here after hours, testing this thing out to see how it looks in the dark. And as you can see, (transition whooshes) all right, Jimmy, it works. (club music) - Oh, dude. - All right, so should we put this on our car or should we send it to hell? - Definitely should send it to hell. (horror music) - By the way, we're gonna be giving away all these products and all of the products from previous D-lists, find out how so stick around to the end. - Product number two. - Product number two, that is a nice thing to call it. It's the second product. Ooh, we got a 7.5 Liter Cooling/Warming Dual Use Lightweight Portable Outdoor Icebox Electric Car Fridge Cooling Warming Dual Use Refrigerator for Travel Picnic Camping, to ensure a better refrigeration effect in a short time, please input pre-frozen drinks and fruits. - It's a cooler that already wants things cooled. (laughs) - All right, this thing is two and a half stars, seven reviews, Billy from the US says, "It's okay." And then Eric from the US says, "Don't keep item cool." So who's right, Billy or Eric? First things first, I don't know who's fault this is the box is dirty. Nice box though. (suspenseful sound effect) Smells like cancer. - Yeah, it looks like a lunch box - It does. - with an AC unit attached to it. - Which isn't that far off from what I think is advertised. (suspenseful music) - How... - There's no hole for that. So there's no hole for the strap to go through on this side. That could be easily remedied though with a straight razor. So we have some pre-chilled waters. We're gonna put one of them inside of this thing, plug it in. And then we're gonna put the other one inside the car. We're gonna come back in a half an hour and see which one is colder. Will the 7.5 Liter Cooling/Warming Dual Use Lightweight Portable Outdoor Icebox Electric Car Fridge Cooling Warming Dual Use Refrigerator for Travel Picnic Camping Small Apartment (inhales) work? - I think it will. (James laughs) - Let's find out. (playful music) So I cut the piece of plastic that was blocking me from putting my strap on. (bell dings) (Anthony laughs) tiny modification, I'm gonna chalk it up to some assembly required. - And I can easily throw this thing over your shoulder (James whistles) and take it on the go. Have you ever wanted to put things in your purse and keep them nice and cool? - Every day, dude, every darn day. You know how many chocolate bars I've lost my purse? (transition whooshes) Great, so we're gonna put this pre-cold water into our device. (lid thunks) Close it up. We're gonna leave this one just in the cup holder. We're gonna come back in about an hour and see which one's colder. (transition whooshes) Okay, so it's been an hour. (suspenseful music) This water bottle has been sitting in the cup holder in the Jetta, in the sun, still kind of cold. Let's see if our 5.7 liter car refrigerator has kept the other bottle any cooler. (suspenseful sound) Slightly. - Yeah, this actually works. - Actually, yeah, very slightly cooler. It's chilly in there. - Ah, cold enough. (James laughs) - It's cold enough. See, I don't know if like the fan and the motor actually made any difference or it was the fact that it was in an insulated box Either way it worked. So definitely probably worth the $8 or whatever that it costs. (dings) (transition whooshes) - What's next on the menu? - Ooh. - This is fancy. - And here we have a $15 Car Seat Back Organizer Foldable Table Tray Travel Storage Bag Foldable Dining Table High Quality Car Seat Storage Bag. "They are nice. Haven't used them yet, but they look good." - That was promising. (James laughs) - He just wanted to jump the gun and get their review in. - That's an honest review. I mean, I don't see how this could really go wrong. You just slap it on the back of your seat. It folds down, it folds up. What can go wrong? - What could go wrong? (suspenseful music) Now we've tested a lot of car organizers/tables/trash cans on this show. And honestly, it's been a very mixed bag. Some of them were pretty good (bell dings) and some of them were absolutely off. (deflates) Let's see where this one lies. Right off the bat. (package crinkling) Some good heft to it. Wow. - Wow. - So we got the one with the table (bell dings) with the USB (bell dings) especially for 15 bucks? - Yeah, for $15, it was very impressive the quality of this. - This might be the first thing off Wish that we get that is pretty good. All right, so let's assemble. Got a spot for our TCUs, water bottle in here, and the fidget spinner, stapler in there. It's like a mobile office. Oh yeah, nice, put the pens in there. - Pens. - Let's test this bad boy out. (playful music continues) It's charging my phone. Now for the big test. (suspenseful music) Does the table work? - [Kids] Hooray, yay! (kids clap) Beautiful. Then, easy, pack it up. Hey, this is actually pretty good. - Yeah, yeah, great for whenever you need a stapler on the go. (James laughs) - And for 15 bucks, like honestly, if you have like kids and stuff, dude, this is a good wish.com product. (transition whooshes) The fit and finish is good. The install is easy. You can fit a bunch of stuff in it as advertised. Dude, we're halfway through. And I think that we have found a product on wish.com that is pretty good. (dings) (transition whooshes) But we're not done yet. Let's try and keep this train rolling and find more wish products that are sick. (Windows error sound) Okay, I've never seen one of these before. (Anthony laughs) This is a music rhythm light. - What does the description say? 'Cause I'm really curious on this point. - You've never heard of a music rhythm light dude? This is a 45 by 11 Centimeter Car Sticker Music Rhythm LED Flashlight Lamp Car Rear Windshield Decorative Lights Sound Activated Equalizer 12 Volt. - Luminous uniform soft not glare, no flicker, no radiation colorful. (James scoffs) (playful sound) - I don't know why they had to mention no radiation. - I'm kind of scared about this already. Can bring your life be more colorful and when you're driving at night also can protect your health very well. (arcade ding) - Nice dude, thank you. - This product description is perfect. - It's amazing. Cool, six reviews got 4.3 stars. Oh, "Exceptionally nice to converge with." - Oh. - Says Savage (everyone laughs) - from the US. All right, Savage. - See what we got here. - Dude, the packaging is nice. This looks like a real, like audio product with 100% American imports with two Ts (bell dings) of crystal materials, the service life is up to 6,000 hours. - Okay. - Okay. - Oh, it already has the EQ set for you. (James laughs) This is nice. This is very nice. - Anthony, you want to put it in the back with the wolves? - In the back with the wolves? Yeah, let's do back with the wolves. - Okay, so I'm not lying, install is seemingly (indistinct). - Okay. - Oh no, we got to go bro. We straight-ish? - Oh no, no, no, no, no. - All right, let's line it up on this. - I think it's gonna be absolutely fantastic. For me, this has to be the one product that I think is the most exciting. So we'll see how this goes. And hopefully, these things light up and it looks wonderful. - I want to point out the cleanliness of the install, we only have one giant ribbon wire going from the back windshield. (suspenseful music) Ready, ready? - Let's do it. (hip hop music playing) - Does it work? - I'm not seeing anything. (fail trumpet plays) This is, it's not looking too good. I saw a change. Oh yeah, James, check it out. (deflates) Yeah, it's working. - Again, I think (sad music) it's another thing that needs to be in the dark. Theoretically, I think it's cool. It might be cooler at night, but I now it's not that cool. (both laugh) Okay, so in the daylight, that is severely disappointing. I feel like I don't just want to bump tunes at night. I want to bump them during the day too. Well, let's cut to some footage of it in the dark to see if it's any better. (transition whooshes) (upbeat music playing) - It actually works. You just needed no sun. (all laugh) (transition whooshes) - Ultimately, based on your expectations and what it actually was, would you suggest that someone buys this product or would you send it right to hell? - This thing was supposed to be like a seven and a half out of five stars for me, and it's really letting me down like a one so it's going straight to hell. (horror music) (transition whooshes) Next up, we have the New Upgraded 2.8-4.3 Inch 1080P HD Car DVR Driving Recorder Front and Rear View Mirror Camera Recorder. So basically, this is a rear view mirror with a rear view camera and a front facing camera in it. It's only 15 bucks, (bell dings) (Anthony laughs) which I find hard to believe for any sort of camera equipment. It's got two and a half stars out of five. That's 50%, that's an F. All the reviews are in French. (French music) - If it could be trusted in France, it could be trusted anywhere. - Yeah, I always trust the French. All right, man. I mean, for 15 bucks, I can't imagine this being any good. But if it is, this might be the deal of the century. I mean, it looks nice-ish. Do you have a TF card? - [Camera Man] Did it not come with one? - No, it didn't come with any media. There's a lot of people around me right now who all understand the different ways to record media. And none of them know what a TF card is. - Yeah. - Yeah, (indistinct) (beeps) is that? (all laugh) Let's see if this micro SD fits into the TF. (suspenseful music) Apparently, a TF card is just a micro SD card. So we're recording media, I guess. Oh, we don't have a rear view mirror. (both laugh) It does, the camera does work. So now what I'm looking at the back in my rear view mirror, I can see what's in front of me, - In 1080P. - I don't believe that that's 1080P. - This is actually doing better than I thought it would for being $15, this camera quality is okay. If you like cell phones from the 1920s. - I do wish there were language settings. All right, so for $15, I'm surprised that it worked at all, but it definitely turned on and it looked like it's recording. And the footage, like you said, looks like a 1920s cell phone, but I guess if you were involved in some sort of like pedestrian accident, you could use that in the court of law. For 15 bucks, I think this thing is another win. (dings) (transition whooshes) (sad music) - We are moving into our sixth and final product, we found one winner, one kind of winner, couple of duds. What does the future hold? (music deflates) This looks like a (error vibrates). So I don't know what this is. Oh, you put on your head? (Anthony laughs) No way. - No way. (both laugh) - Safe Car Driver Device Keep Awake Anti-slip Doze Nap, Nap Zapper? - What? (James laughs) Is this like a dog collar for when you're falling asleep? - Yeah, Drowsy Alarm Sound Alert for Drivers Students Security Guards and we got the one that came in black. Oh, this thing's terrifying. - It looks very scary. - So I think it goes behind your ear, and then if your head like dibs, (Anthony laughs) it will shock your brain (both laugh) or like buzz you or something? All right, so it is fashinal. As seen on TV, for sure, dude. (beeps) (playful music) (beeps) - All right, (indistinct). All right, does it look fashinal? - It looks good, I can't even tell you have it on. - [Camera Man] Yeah, you can't even see it. - All right, so I'm driving, driving, long road trip, long road trip, getting a little drowsy. - Okay. (beeps) (beeps) (staff laugh) (repeated beeping) It works. (both laugh) (prolonged beeping) - Are you okay? Are you good? I think he's flat-lining, James! Okay, all right, cool. - How long was I? (repeated beeping) (Anthony laughs) We use it for Morse code. (both laughing) - Yeah, I need you to try it out. - Okay. - All right, so as I was too tire to keep driving, you got to take over for me, but you're pretty tired too. So you should wear the device. - Yeah, just for safety. So just... (repeated beeping) (high pitched whoosh) - Oh no, it fell off. - Oh. (camera wooshes in) (prolonged beeping) (camera whooshes out) - Ah, oh. (James laughs) You're not even, I'm not even wearing it so we're still good. This is fantastic. - This is one of the weirdest best products we've ever had on this show. If you're doing road trips, you need to buy this product today. (prolonged beeping) (all laugh) (transition whooshes) I got to say, we are finishing strong. This product works. I could see it being totally useful. It's not annoying at all. And it's highly fashinal. (prolonged beeping) (camera man laughs) Show your support for America's favorite off-roader and America's favorite off-road team with the brand new Hi Team T-shirt. - I think he means the Low Team T-shirt. - No, I said America's favorite off-roader and off-road team, Hi Team. - Yeah, Low team. That's what... - Hi Team. - Low team. Low Team. - But Nolan, people only like you guys, ironically. - I don't think that's true, James. - Dude, this is a classy shirt. It's black it's sleek. We're like the heroes of "The Mighty Ducks", The Hawks. - If you like a little more lighthearted fair, the Low Team T-shirt comes in this beautiful light blue color, letting people know that you're a easy going fellow or lady. - Well, whichever team you want to represent, whether it's Hi Team or the wrong team, they're all available at donutmedia.com for 29.98, which is so much cheaper than some others. - So much, so much cheaper, James. - Like I said, we're gonna be giving all of this stuff away. We're gonna be doing a Giant Donut Underground Live Stream where you can win it live. To be a part of that live stream, hit the join button below or click the link. It's called the Donut Underground. Thank you guys for watching this show and everything else on Donut. Make sure you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss anything. Hit that like button, because it really, really does help us out in the algorithm. Anthony, thanks so much for coming by and hanging out, man. I hope you had as much fun as I did. To watch me decide if other products should go to hell or if they're awesome, click this. I love you. (upbeat music)
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 2,167,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wish car parts, wish products, wish.com car parts, wish.com car accessories, wish car accessories, wish.com, wish, best car accessories, worst car accessories, worst car mods, 1 star car products, 1 star wish products, car accessories, 1 star amazon products, donut media, dlist, james pumphrey, cheap car accessories, car gadgets
Id: EFvj09jZKOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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