$3,500 Single Turbo Kit vs. $8,100 Twin Turbo Kit | HiLow

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Modifying cars is not a joke, automotive engineering requires far more validation than any one person is capable of doing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hunt3rj2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's amazingly simple to fuck up your engine by adding FI. It's also just as simple to research, buy the correct parts and do it right, or hire it done if it's beyond your capabilities.....the difference is that one takes more time and effort and money and the other one doesn't. Too many people want a quick fix and end up with broken cars or turbo cars that's slower than a proper NA version.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KMFDM781 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good news is, that wasn't your sweat.

Bad news, that's Pumphrey's sweat coming through your screen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Seeker80 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best way around this is buying a car that already has FI from the factory.

Either that or swapping parts out of a factory FI car. I'm surprised that no one is taking advantage of this as a shit ton of turbo cars are gonna age and it hit the junkyards soon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RADical-muslim πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite episode so far.

It shows when you modify a car, not everything goes to plan.

Took me 2 days to install my turbo. When everything was ready, it wouldn't start. Turned out to be the MAF sensor. Started, got an oil leak at the pressure lines. Slow leak at the oil pan, intake leak at pcv, etc.

Proud to have it working now though and can say I installed it myself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Plays_You_Wonderwall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like these dudes dont know enough about cars to make this video, they made tons of amateur mistakes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chubbyzook πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really nice to see something just going wrong and being shown as the headache it was.

Really enjoying the Hi/Lo series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vencha88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm really not sure how this isn't common sense. How many people on this subreddit screeching about swaps and mods actually look into how exhahst flow works? How RND works? How much fucking effort goes into fine tuning the precision instrument that's pretty much an economy four banger? Now imagine a manufacturing company turboing a sport car engine for your average dumbass who cold thrashes it as soon as they get on a highway 3 minutes from startup.

Any sane person eventually realizes that unless you want to absolutely dedicate every spare penny of a modest existence to cars, or dedicate your entire lifetime hobby to cars to understand how the fuck cars work as you own and work on them, it's rarely truly worth it. It's great if it works and you know what you're doing or working on something cheap but then you might have legality to deal with. Most of the time people are biting off more than they can chew.

Speed and power is fucking great until your engine blows, your alignment goes off, and you're paying the price of maintenance. Try finding a reputable shop to install shit. Add 50% of the part cost.

So when you're spending even 3500 to 8100 dollars do people know what they're getting into? Apparently not. You would expect people to actually research before wasting THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, but even on forums you get a lot of dumbasses buying cheaper cloned parts not supporting the original manufacturer or forgetting an important thing called oil cooling, trans cooling, axles...

Spoilers, a good, proper NA to FI can cost like 10 grand on the cheapest vehicles with requisite parts, but probably not labor.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neraxis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Turboing a VQ is generally not easy. But some people like to do that so you know what you're getting into.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kimi_rules πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
(car engine revving) - $8100 Twin Turbo Kit. - $3500 Single Turbo Kit. - Does more expensive mean more better? - Let's find out. - I hope our cars don't blow up. - Yo, it was just on fire. Oh my god. (upbeat music) (car engines roaring) (mimics car engine) - Turbos! - Yeah. (laughing) We bought two nearly identical Nissan 350Zs and we've been modifying them to be fun daily drivers that you can take to the track. - One Z, moi's, gets a lot of really cool, expensive parts that I've always wanted and Nolan's car gets a bunch of cheap parts. - Then we test them to see what components are actually worth spending your hard-earned money on. - Brakes, tires, coilovers. All of those things help improve the way that your car interacts with the road. But we haven't done a single mod that directly gives our cars a mo' powa, baby. - So that's what we're doin' today. Mo' powa. - Mo' powa, baby! My catch phrase, dude. (upbeat percussion tones) - The biggest thing that this bad boy comes with, instructions. It's like Ikea. I put a shelf together this weekend in my garage. This should be no different. (parts thumping on table) - [James] Little boys. - [Noland] Little boosty boys here. - Your turbo's bigger than mine. (thumping on table) (plastic crinkling) - Big turbo. - We also added a Tomei titanium exhaust. - So sick dude. - Yes, it's so sick. (mimics car engine noises) - Now it might seem odd that James is running a twin and I'm doing a single, but there really isn't such a thing as a cheap twin turbo kit. And we're more about comparing what you can get for different price points. - We're gonna get these turbs installed, Dyno them, and immediately drive 800 miles to Albuquerque, New Mexico to hit the track and see who makes... A mo' powa, baby! - A mo' powa, baby! (rock music) - Turbo chargers work, like this: Exhaust gas enters the hot side of the turbo, which spins a turbine inside. There's a shaft that joins the two turbines. One on the hot side, one on the cold side. The cold side sucks in air from the outside, sends it out this outlet. Then, the charged air goes through the charged pipe here, through an intercooler to cool off the air, thus making it denser. Enters the intake and goes into the engine where it is then compressed even more and then explodes, thus powering your engine. - Honestly, I feel like we can get this turbo kit 100% on today. - [Cameraman] Do you agree Nolan? - All right, yeah, you guys have 90 minutes, so. - Oh, we got 90 minutes to put this turbo kit in the Z or my wife's gonna leave me! (upbeat music) - I expect this install's gonna be a little bit more in depth than theirs. For one major reason. We're replacing our exhaust manifolds. It shouldn't be too bad, hopefully we can get it done inside of two and a half days. I think that's reasonable. It's just car parts. (high bass music) - Is it loosening? - No. (whirring and clicking) - I mean, like, you're tightening. (loud laughter) - Oh yeah! - All right, so we got our cross member down. Now we're pretty much ready to take the subframe out. Which is big bolts, the engine mounts. We gotta disconnect the steering rack and then some suspension components. You're gettin' a sick workout, dog. - Thanks dude, gettin' a good pump goin'. - All right, that's the subframe. - Speaking of subs, if you like this video, why don't you go ahead and hit that subscribe button. - Dink! All right, so now we are just on our straps up top, engine's hangin'. We'll bring the car down and then bring the engine down a little so we have more room in here. Actually, I'm gonna pull the cats off first, then we'll do that. - Tiger's the number one cat in my book. - That's right. - Lions are pretty cool, too. - Lions are like smaller tigers. Lions are (beep) compared to tigers. - [Cameraman] What? - It's true. - [Cameraman] Oh my-- - Straight up. - Yeah. - Spend five minutes on the internet lookin' up tigers. - Biggest lion in the world in probably a buck 50. - Yeah. - Because this was a cheaper kit, we found ourselves in a situation where we're missing some hardware that was pretty essential in order to install this whole thing 100%. So we had to go to the Tractor Supply shop, which happened to be right up the street. Pick up some grade A hardware that we used to hook up the exhaust manifold to the turbo and from the turbo to the downpipe. And now we can fully install the thing. - Takin' the hood off so you, the viewers at home can have a better view of the engine bay as we put the turbo in. Yeah, we do it for you, all right? - This is a really tight engine bay, not a lot of room for activities. - Or man sized hands. - So in order to get a little more space, we're gonna drop the engine down. - This is basically what we've been getiin' ready for all day. Gettin' stuff out of the way. We've got some coolant lines outta the way, subframe outta the way, engine mounts disconnected, exhaust off, all that stuff, to get to this point. Andy, you wanna hit it? We're gonna raise the car and the engine will kinda stay where it is for a few inches. That'll give us more room from underneath. - So far it's been a day of taking stuff off, which isn't that fun. More of a pian than putting stuff on. But we're almost done taking stuff off and then we get to the fun part. (deep bass music) - Once the oil goes through the turbos and need to come back into the pan. So rather than having to tap this thing, the Jim Wolf kit comes with a spacer. (clanking) (loud thud) (air whooshing) - Single ladies, all the single ladies, oh oh oh. (whirring noise) (upbeat music) (indiscernible yelling) - All right, so we just burned like four hours trying to resolve out clamp issue. We got some real v band connectors here. This feels like a much more solid unit and you know, hopefully it works, because otherwise we're kinda screwed. - So far our kit is-- (metallic whirring sound) - It's goin' up. It doesn't wanna go down. - You good? - I mean, hopefully. It was goin' up on it's own. Like a (beep) ghost. (metallic whirring noise) Oh, why did we get the cheap lift? - Those guys can't catch a break. So-- (metallic whirring noise) (deep bass music) - [Nolan] So our waste gate hits on our subframe. What we're gonna do is reposition the waste gate in a down position, like so. Fire is gonna come out of the bottom of our car. And on purpose. - Our manifolds are finally in place. It took longer than I was hopin'. Now we gotta throw some studs into the turbo manifolds to give the turbos something to be mounted with. The moment we've all been waiting for. Snail's going into their home. - Yeah. - I have the nuts I will hand you. - So, the decision that I didn't wanna have to do. We tried out hardest, - Everything. - To make this work without removing the AC and we're gonna have to do it. And I'll just have to drive to Albuquerque with the windows down. (dejected music) - Turbos are on! T-T-O, turbos technically on. T-T-T-O, that's code T-T-T-O everybody. Stands for twin turbos technically on. (metallic clanks) (bass guitar music) - 'Cause it makes sense to give the O2 sensors priority. - Okay. - I'm not sure if that's the way that it's actually gonna go, but we can try and see if it'll fit. (metallic clanking) Since we don't have directions we don't know which way it goes. (high bass music) - It's wedged in between the engine and the rest of the engine bay. It's just a really tight fit. (hammering) This car was super fun at it's stock horsepower. - This whole thing, it's been real tedious. It's been a lot of up and down. - Right now this is not worth the money. It's not worth the trouble. - But like we've been saying all along, it's a really tight engine bay. - We have missing hardware, the (beep) don't fit right. - This is gonna leak. - But, we're gettin' it really right, so. - We've tried every which way so far on the downtube, it's not fitting. So, we're gonna modify it a little bit. (hammering) I hope it works. (upbeat music) Bad news. We were trying to put it in backwards the whole time. Yeah. - It makes sense to do it like this. It makes sense. - And I just want-- The downpipe has to go through that. It's such a simple thing that we didn't figure out. It makes it kind of-- Takes a little air out of it, but hey, now tomorrow we'll come back. We'll get it attached, we'll get the turbo done. I'm over it now. (guitar music) - Assembling my gangster exhaust. Check out these welds, baby. This thing is so light. (mimics car exhaust) - No, you can do a better VQ than that. (mimics car exhaust) - It looks like we have hit another snag. - I feel like we can get this tubo kit 100% on today. (laughs sardonically) Issue is, this is kind of like all we've been given for our drain and they are trying to return the oil through the same bung on the oil pan where the pressure sensor is. So we're gonna have to find a solid solution to return the oil from the turbo back into the actual pan without clogging up too much space, but we're kind of on a time constraint so, we'll see what we come up with. - Just opened up the exhaust box and our exhaust doesn't fit. - It doesn't fit? - [Nolan] No. - Oh man, that's... (laughs) - What we're gonna do is use the exhaust that came on the car, which wasn't the stock exhaust to begin with. Someone went into a shop, got a muffler delete. And it already sounds pretty good. (metallic whirring) (guitar music) - And you'll make maybe, like, half a turn and then do like a little wiggle back. Half a turn, little wiggle back. (popping noise) That doesn't help. - Can we get some tools that freakin' work here? God, I'm sick of this crap. - I think we're not really gonna have any issues, any big issues left. I shouldn't really say that, but that's how I'm feelin'. They might be feelin' a little bit of doubt because they've been havin' a struggle, but sometimes that's how it goes. Especially when you're buyin' cheap parts. - Well, we ran into another setback. I feel like we can get this turbo kit 100% on today. The bung that they supplied us to drain our oil from the turbo back into the pan is actually aluminum and our pan is steel. We're definitely not going to be drilling any holes in the block of our VQ to put the aluminum bung on there. So, we're gonna have to figure somethin' else out. - We're plumbing up the inner cooler. It's really trick piece, fits really well. I mean look how it just follows the shape of the car. - We are gonna relocate this bung, which we will use to fit the factory narrowband sensor. So, we're relocating it because we had the sensor in here, but it was pinching on another tube. So we're relocating it over here and that will give us space to install it without having any snags and allowing us to run all the OEM sensors. It's been a long day. - That'll work. - Now that we have the downpipe finally fitted and exhaust fitted, I feel like we're in a good spot right now. You know when you go hiking and you're taking forever to go over a hill, by the end of tonight our hike will be over, our turbo will be in. Hopefully we'll be able to start it up and I'm really excited to hear how it sounds. I think it's gonna be wicked. - Feelin' great, lookin' great. I think we're gonna be good. - And I feel like they're feelin' better too. - [Zach] Yeah, I just went over there. Things are lookin' better, stuff bolted up, there's a turbo in there, they're gettin' ready to work on the intercooler. - I feel like both teams are at the point where we're almost done. - Yeah. - And there's so much... - More tension. - More stuff to do. - Oh, sick. - Hell yeah. - Turbo back together. I hate waiting, you know? This would be a lot more fun if we had the parts all in front of us. - Right. - And we could just go ham on it, but we can't. We're like waiting and then like, oh, we find another weak spot find another part for. It's just very frustrating. - We got everything in and it didn't quite fit. So now we're just cinchin' and kinda trimmin'. And the hood is hitting right here on the air filter and if it's like this, then it closes, but without pipes there's no way that it can angle like that. - Just push on it. - If you want a shop tour you can... - Sign up? - Sign up for one. - So ours is under engineered and your guys' is over engineered. - [Zach] Give it a go. (hammering) Ken, that sensor come out, in that position. Oh, it worked. - Make sure if you're installing a new turbo you prime it. To do that you will unplug the ECU and then you turn the key so the engine will turn over without starting. - And we do that to get oil pressure to it. You need oil in the turbo so it can spin. - Or else it'll seize up, it'll burn up. It's like the Franch seized France on that steal day. - Ready? - Yeah, hook it up. (car engine turning over) - I hope when we hook the ECU up it starts. - We're puttin' some duct tape on the charge pipe because it is too small, they didn't give us the correct couplers to complete this kit without, you know, modifying it in a really jinky way. But, this is what we gotta to to make this work. (duct tape pulling) - All right, well the oil pressure light didn't go out, but that's definitely enough cranking to prime a turbo. So, we'll go with it. I think we're gonna be all right, but... We just put a lot of aftermarket stuff in this car, so anything could be amiss. - Okay, so the master airflow sensor housing that we bought last night to complete our intake side of the turbo is too small. It is the wrong part, they sent us the wrong part. Maybe we didn't request the right part, whatever. Anyways, so as you can see the flanges are way different size, but the diameter of these inner openings are the same. And what we're gonna do it cock it diagonal a little bit and fit up 'cause we're just (beep) done with this. (laughing) (car door closing) - The moment of truth. (car engine turning over) - I wanna make sure that we here the fuel pump. - Fuel pump. (dramatic music) - Try it. (car engine turning over) Try again. (car engine turning over) Shoo-eet. - Okay. - We're gonna try one mo' 'gain. - Moment of truth, take two. (car engine turning over) - I think we need gas. - Funny. (laughs sardonically) - So the fuel sending unit was disconnected. So we're not actually out of gas which is-- - Yeah, it wouldn't have stopped it from starting, but-- - Right, but let's give it a shot and just see-- - So it's maybe bad news. (car engine turning over) - [Zach] Keep goin' (car engine turning over) (dramatic music) - Okay, we've got an issue, that's a fact. (screaming) - We did all this stuff and now it's not even working! That's why you only like talking about cars and not touchin' 'em! 'Cause everything you need to know to get up to speed on this (beep) car got started. (laughter) We ruined it, man, it was so good. Take it all off. (whirring noise) Something's burning, we think it's our starter. - Yo, it was just on fire. Burnt right through this line right here. - [James] (beep) Oh my god. Yup, that'll do it. - What's wrong? - Huh? - What's wrong? - Nothin' our car caught on fire. - You look like you saw an ex-girlfirend. The one that got away. - Are you guys almost done? - No. Already got an oil leak. - [Nolan] Yeah, what's that from? - Still comin' out of that sensor right there. - Oh. - Should we undo it? - Where is it, here? - Yup. Everything has to come off. - Everything? - Yup. (whirring noise) - [Zach] Somethings wrong. - This car, I feel like is closer than that car. I think we have to hook up a boost fitting, put oil in it, and start it up. Pretty confident. We'll see though. - [James] Shrink it? - Yeah. (car engine cuts on) (yelling exciredly) - Yeah! - Nice! - The moment of truth take 8 was the one. All right, she starts. You're good at building cars man. You want me to just pin it on the limiter for a minute or two? - [Zach] That's how you break it in. - You know, when I was a kid, my mom told me I could do anything. Went to UTI and confirmed that. (rock music) - So the oil cap down there is tightened, the oil filter is tightened. That cap thing-- I'm too tired to even talk to you. No, yeah, I hope we've got everything right. All right, we ready? - Wait a second. - Boom. All right. We're gonna try to start the car for the first time. - Was I supposed to put the oil in? - Yeah, we got that. All right. (laughs) All right, here we go. - I hope their car starts. - Me too. (dramatic music) (car engine starts) - Yeah! (yelling excitedly) We're going to Albuquerque, baby! (car engine idling) - Just let it idle for a little bit. - Yeah dude. Yeah man, it just got real. Both teams started, both teams going to Albuquerque, in their cars. We're goona rip it up on the track. This is really, really cool man. This is really, really great. - Oil. Yeah, same spot. - Is it comin' out faster though? - Yeah. - What's it comin' out of? - Really? - It's worse now. - Can you just start it real quick? Just turn it on and off. True nightmare stuff. (car engine starts) All right, stop. We have a major issue. - Try cleanin' it down and let's see what we're lookin' at, what area. - So, pretty much, we have a hole or a crack in our block. Which is not an easy fix. Our plan of attack is going to be, clean this as well as possible and then put as much pressure on the actual cracked section to get all the oil out, slather a bunch of JB Weld on there and hope to god that we can prevent it from spewing oil all over the place so we can get on the Dyno. (car engine roars to life) - All right. (car engine revving) All right, all right. (laughing) Keep it in your pants. - I think our car will definitely run, I don't think it'll run tonight, but-- (buzzing sound) I don't know it their car is gonna run, ever again. (dejected music) - We were supposed to be done last night, but I ripped the neck of the radiator off by hand which was sweet. So, Andy, our shop hand got us new radiator. It showed up early this morning. So first thing I'm gonna try to slam that into the car, get some coolant in it, get it bled, and get this thing on the ground. We should've been driving last night, but I'll take today. - Our car might be broken still. We don't know. - It'll start, I don't know if it'll start without puking oil. (laughter) If it's gonna hold, we're definitely gonna find out on the Dyno. (upbeat music) - We got a couple hours to get these boys boosted. Maybe sleep a little bit and then drive 12 hours in the sweltering heat to Albuquerque to kick the crap out of 'em. (laughs) (car door closing) - I'm so nervous. It will work though. - We need the green one to make this... worth it. Will you start it? And just keep your foot pinned. (dramatic music) Don't lift. - I'm not gonna do that. (laughs) - Just jokin', don't do that. You ready? I think we're ready. - Okay. Here we go. Okay, three, two, one, (car engine roars to life) (music heightens) - No! - I hope that's a joke. - This is like, what failure looks like. (dejected music) - [Eddy] You good, man? - No Eddy, I'm not good. What the (beep) are you thinkin'? (laughter) (upbeat music) - Real easy now, real gentle. (car engine sputters) (car engine roaring) - Woohoo! That sounds sick, dude. Dude, twin turbo V6's man. That's a cool noise. All right, now, I guess go back to work on our broken car. All right, see ya. (car engine revving) - It pulls hard at the top once you get it passed 3000 RPM it's good. It's just something down at idle, makes pulling out into traffic an interesting affair. - So we've got a crank position sensor code, So I ,checked the wiring to the aftermarket piggyback, looks good. I replaced it anyways, so it's definitely good. But we're still getting a crank position sensor warning and I think that that could cause an idle stumble like that. The bare bones facts are that if we needed to leave for Albuquerque right this second, we could do it. We could get on the highway with that. So, it's a win. - Looks good to me. - This right here is gonna be the part that cracked. It's pretty thin right here. NPT fitting. This is the brass NPT that was supplied with our kit, put it in and get this thing on again. - Idle feels better. - Idle feels like an idle. (car engine revving) - Oh yeah, that's what it's supposed to feel like. - Yeah! (car engine roaring) This thing rules, dude! - All right, as you can see, we're moving along really nicely. We got the upper oil pan RTV'd. We let it sit for about 15 minutes so it can get a little bit hard. That way we have a nice solid seal all the way around the bottom. We don't want any oil leaks. Once this is on, we can slap the rest of the car back together and we should be able to make it to the Dyno. (metallic clanking) (high bass music) (car engine revving) - Oh (beep) here we go again. - Both me and Nolan are not very familiar with the 350Z or this type of software. A couple of the tuners that we were supposed to go to had some unexpected things come up and we were a day late. So our buddy from Royalty Performance, Justin is logged in onto team viewer remotely and he is now going through the set up of our tune right now. To where it will have a nice solid base and we might even be able to get some pretty good power pulls. (car engine revving) That's actual face fuel map, the smoother that that it usually, it's a good representation of how smooth the car runs. I've seen quite a few that are real jumpy and people might say that, yeah it makes power, but the driveability isn't so good. Oh nice. - [Justin] Yeah, start taking out fuel out of the entire map. - So, til it idles at 14? - You're adding. - This is a really cool process. - That's why I was saying it's really important we have a uprev tuner, - Yeah. - 'Cause they'll know the old software, like Justin, he'd probably have it half way done by now. (car engine roaring) (clanking) - What was that? - Am I smelling oil? - Yep, pull over. - We're out of gas. - Oh. - Can you follow us to a gas station? (car gears grinding) - Great and it's hard to go into first too. (car engine revving) - Whoo! - Better. - It's at zero, dude. - Wait, what? Oh my god, dude. Clutch is on the ground, bro. God, let's just try to get back to Donut. - Yeah, real stress here. Oh, green. - Oh, (beep) dude. (car engine roaring) - Oh my god. - I'm just like smashing the clucth-- (car gears grinding) - What was that? Oh, (beep) - Yes! (laughs) (car engine roaring) Wow, that's no clutch. Went into gear. - Wow. - I'm just gonna limp it back like this. - All right. - Oh, lots of smoke. - Yeah, I'm seein' it. (wind drowns out voice) - What's the oil pressure at? - Oil pressure's at-- I see it, I see it. - Jesus, dude, (beep) this. - Here, get you some air. - There's so much-- - It's the oil out of the turbo. 'Cause our oil drain. It's runnin' fine. Yeah, it's still cold, look. It smelled like oil to us. It's our blow-by. 'Cause honest to god I don't think it's draining out of the turbo correctly. 'Cause we're at the very low part of the oil pan and the drain sits right level with the motor and I seriously thinks it's backing up into the turbo and as soon as I lift, all that shit get backed-- Yup. (car engine roaring) Oh, that was good. (car engine revving) - Are you ready for this? - Yup. - Is this ready for this? - (mumbles) - Am I ready for this? - I think so. In a pack of wolves, it's the strongest wolf that walks last. First is the boldest - I just heard of that too. - [James] and then middle is the sick ones, makes since for us to-- - I think it's-- - And then the leader is actually in the back watching over the whole pack. - The wolf. - [Woman] All righty guys, we're rolling out. (upbeat music) (car engines roaring) (giggles) - Oh man, that other car. All right, here we go. (rap music) (car engine roars) - In two weeks we put together two turbo 350Zs - Yeah - And now, we're straight up street sharkin', Good for the team. - Uh-huh. Can't believe we're on the road. I see that needle jumpin'. - Is it? - Yep. - Shit. - We have an engine light. - I don't wanna alarm anybody, but we're getting crank sensosr issues. - [Woman] Copy, keep us posted. - Can you guys still drive when that sensor goes? - To a point, yeah. You guys look hard a (beep) from back here, I'm not gonna lie. (laughs) - We feel pretty hard. - Yeah, we feel pretty hard. (laughs) - What? This fool wants somethin'? (car engine roars) (laughing) (car engine roaring) - Get the (beep) off, dude. Oh my God. (laughing) (car engine roaring) - Dude, this car definitely sounds better. - Success. So ridiculous. - Got enough power? - Yeah. - Welp, let's keep drivin'. Hopefully it clears up like it did that one day. - The one thing I most worried about is definitely the clutch. I feel like it's given us problems this whole time and if that fails, I know we can still drive the car, but if we come into traffic, it's gonna be a nightmare. - Yeah. - So, I'm hopin' we don't have to hit in traffic. Otherwise, we're definitely gonna make it. - I don't know, I just hope we make it. Do you think we're gonna make it? - We're gonna make it bro. - All right. - For sure. - All right. - I'm just hopin' we make it at this point. - The heat is... - Honestly, that's what I'm real scared of. - It's pretty hot right now. - Yeah it is. And we're not even in the desert yet. (deep bass strumming) So we replaced our first crank sensor about, I don't know, 30, 40 miles in. And the idea was that in the past, every time we've replaced the crank sensor the car runs great. For like at least, 40, 50, 60 miles. So like, worst case, we just replace crank sensors, you know, 60 miles at a time. We replaced the first one and nothing changed. So, the plan right now in this fine O'Reilly's parking lot, is to rewire the signal wire from the crank position sensor to the ECU. So we're gonna try to reroute it, creatively, and see if we can sort this out. β™ͺ Without my love for the ocean β™ͺ β™ͺ I would be lon gone by now β™ͺ β™ͺ It's some kind of devotion β™ͺ - We're not even close to Albuquerque yet. - Morale is low within the group. (love for the ocean continues) (organ music) Been in this parking lot for five hours. Zach rewired the crank positioning sensor. Rewired the signal wire, which didn't do anything. Then we rewired the ground, didn't do anything. Then we cut out the piggyback box all together. Turns out, we think when it was wired the first time, it was wired wrong and it fried the box. So, not Jim Wolf's fault. So we took that out and now we're running on a stock tune. Which is a little bit dangerous, but if we behave ourselves we should be able to get to Albuquerque in 10 hours. - The main thing right now is just making the cars driveable so when we get to Albuquerque to get to our friend Dan's shop, him and his boys can help us tune these things to perfection and then we'll be able to hit the track in the afternoon. - And into the night. - And into the night, yeah. We're at a point where it's either we go for it, or we just go back home and that'd be really lame. - Yeah, we're not taking it now. We're gettin' there. - It's probably the smart thing to do. - Yeah, but it's not the fun thing to do. - But we're not smart so... Let's do it. (upbeat music) - We made it a few hours, but we started getting some more hesitation, but not really the same. It sorta feels like detonation. Not entirely sure, we're on the side of the road right now. We're gonna try to make a decision, I'm not sure what we're gonna do. - [James] Maybe we should drive it into the Grand Canyon. - Hey guys. - It's four in the morning, we're on the side of the road. We're still like 50 miles from Flagstaff. So we're like six hours away from Albuquerque still. We're gonna get there at probably at like, noon at the rate we're goin'. And then supposedly, we'll have the cars tuned and whatever. I don't know, I'm-- Like this isn't a bit, I'm legitimately angry. I mean what were we thinking? What were we thinking? (metallic whirring) - I'm sure ones go in here though. - I think, probably. (gravel crunching) (car engine roaring) (upbeat music) - All right, we are here at NM Imports. We are finally gonna put our car on the Dyno. We're gonna see how much power it makes. I'm really excited. I have a newfound fourth wind at this point. That was honestly the longest drive of my life, back to the point. We're gonna tune the cars. We're gonna get our uprev system running perfectly, these guys know exactly what to do. I don't know if you've guys looked around here, but there are a bajillion Nissans and they say they know pretty much everything about uprev. So, hopefully this works out and we can have a car that we can really put our foot in and have fun with. (car engine roaring) - Two major concerns are the stock injectors running out of fuel and there's not a whole lot of heat management around the turbo. I, personally, like twin turbo kits 'cause it keeps the heat down where the cats were. With a lot of the cheaper stuff is there isn't a whole lot of quality control, you have to be the quality control if you're gonna buy a cheap part. This is the MAF we had on the vehicle, but you can tell that this is actually probably the correct MAF for the kit. Because these are the pre-drilled holes and then there's holes drilled for a smaller MAF. Um, sorry. - It's all good. (laughing) We were in a time crunch, definitely not ideal and it's perfect example of it biting you in the ass. (car engine roaring) - I can't take much more of this. I think we're on the right track, finally. - It's hard to be hopeful, - It's hard to be sure. - At this point in our lives. - But that's three good runs in a row with an OEM Nissan crank sensor. I'll drive it to the track and see what happens. (car engine roaring) (upbeat music) - So, after 800 miles, multiple breakdowns, and the longest week of either of our lives, we have some numbers. First the baseline. Hi car started out with 212 horsepower. Low car started out with 244. We're not quite sure why we started out with a 30 horsepower difference on identical cars. Low car did have a muffler delete and a cold air intake. We don't think that that would make that big of a difference. Maybe Low car, ironically, was maintained better than Hi car. (car engine roars) How much power did both of these turbo kits add to our cars? - I'm lookin' forward to it. - The numbers please. Thank you, Jesse. After your Ebay single turbo kit, - Really buildin' it up. - You ended with a whopping 302 horsepower. You get nice 60 horsepower gain. - Yeah, it's 60-- - You almost killed yourself for 60 horsepower. Hi car with the Jim Wolf turbo kit made... 334 horsepower to the rear wheels. Hi car started with 40 less horsepower than Low car. - 30 less horsepower. - Low car added about 60. - Hi car added a whopping 122 horsepower. I wanna point out that both cars were on stock injectors. - Yeah. - We don't rally have a great reason for why we did that other than the fact that we ran out of time. - A production oversight. - Yup. - Which, there have been many. (laughing) - We learned a lot in this episode. So, Nolan, my boy. Does more expensive mean more better? - I have complicated thoughts on this. - So do I. - The Low turbo kit was... - I mean,. You guys saw it. - Yeah, I lost hope multiple times. Regained it though, through the power of teamwork and friendship. - Yeah, so-- - Even just a simple diagram would have helped so much. Sorry, James, I'm gonna keep goin'. In that regard, more expensive does mean more better. Where I'm not sure it absolutely means more better, is the end result, because we do not-- We didn't have the injectors that match. - Yeah, once we get injectors we're both butted up against the 400 horsepower limit - Yeah. - for stock internals. So at that point it's just single turbo versus twin turbo. Answer the question! - Yeah. - Answer the question! - In this regard, yes. - What are you, a politician? - More expensive is more better, for now. (giggles) - You should run for Senate. Which one would you buy, Nolan? - Well now that I know how to do it, I would get the low turbo kit again. Yeah. Now that I know it, I could do it again pretty-- - Yeah. - I think pretty quick. - I would not buy either of them. I think the Jim Wolf kit is great. - Oh, I didn't know that was an option. - Yeah. We coulda put a 2J in either of the cars, we coulda put an LS. - I'm gonna get those injectors on there, we're gonna tune it up. You're gonna see this baby in some Pro-Am events soon. - You're gonna drive it once and it's gonna explode. - Nope. - If you're wondering why we drove to Albuquerque, New Mexico. You will find out in the next episode, where we take both cars. Both complete cars and put 'em head-to-head. A $13000 350Z build versus a $41000 350Z build. It's a really, really fun episode and it's the conclusion of this season of Hi, Low. - Hi, Low - So make sure you don't miss that. Follow Nolan on Instagram NolanJSykes, - Thank you. - The J stands for James. Follow me on Instagram @JamesPumphrey. And of course-- - Follow Eddy @-- - Follow Eddy @-- - Edward Scedward. - Yeah. - Eddy_Esparaza, I forget what he's at. Be nice. - I love you. Hold on, hold on, hold on. We're not gonna let you guys go without seein' a little racin' so check out this drag race. The results might not surprise you. - Give me a rev. (car engines revving) - [Cameraman] Damn, damn! (upbeat music)
Channel: Donut
Views: 17,246,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turbos, Turbo install, Hi Low, Donut Media, James Pumphrey, Nolan Sykes, Zach Jobe, Aaron Parker, Nissan, High Low, Car Mods, Turbocharger, hilow, cars, nissan 350z, twin turbo, single turbo, twin vs single, turbo kit, turbo kit for 350z, cheap turbo kit vs expensive, cheap turbo kits, cheap vs expensive turbo, how turbos work, turbos how they work, how do turbos work, 350z turbo, turbo 350z, twin turbo vs single turbo, single turbo vs twin turbo, nissan 350z turbo
Id: eEvjPwb8y4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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