Searching South Florida Beaches for HUGE diamond rings!

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so we've had better days to do jewelry recoveries weatherwise but a woman just lost a ring on Anam Maria Island so I'm heading back out there and we're going to see if we can come up with this thing she's still out on the beach I don't know if it's raining up there or not we're about to find out hopefully not but either way we're going to get out there and hopefully find this lost wedding ring so so what happened when you lost the ring I felt it Fly and there were a few of us there and then there were some people with some goggles and so we just were trying to feel with our feet and feel around on the floor and the W and the waves and yeah it's usually feudal I mean it's uh once it hits that soft sand they usually just go straight down [Music] hey what's up good good coming yeah of course no problem hopefully we can get well we should be able to get this thing for you today it's oh yeah it shouldn't be a problem what does this ring look like so it's a diamond solitire and it has sapphires around it to platinum okay kind of looks like two bands it's fused together in the back okay awesome wow water looks so nice today it's like a postcard all righty well I'll get right to it and I'll uh okay I'll let you know if I come up with it thank you no problem well I'm out in the water right now and there are no targets out here so uh this is going to be one of those situations I think where it's going to be one Target in this area and it's going to be this platinum ring okay I got a hit on the manacor that's giv me an 11 nice low hit the waves keep pushing me around it makes it really difficult still down there it might still be down there I'm going to keep my foot in the hole but I'll sip this out just to see yeah it's still down there let's see if we got it [Music] oh look at [Music] that we got it is that it that is it it it's amazing what a really the only thing in the water here that's amazing oh my god oh it's no problem at all that's oh my goodness never it's always the best feeling for me when I see it in the scoop it's the best oh you're welcome ah all right guys no problem enjoy the rest of your trip guys we'll see you later see you good job brother hey thank you thank you well guys we did it again another ring is back on its owner's finger you see it Smiles all around I love what I do but we're not done yet we just started metal detecting today so that's hopefully not the only ring we dig today we're going to get out there see if we can find any more [Music] so are these rings they're all together like they're it it's one or no it's three separ only like the only ring I really care about is like my engagement ring oh well we'll get all of them so it's it's a three set so there's three rings I went to catch a football and it like took my hands were wet and slippery from likeing oil and just just took oh man well I've heard that story time and time again that's like one of the most common ones that and people take their rings off to be safe and they put them in their cup holder of their beach chair and then they forget and they fold the chair back up yep right in front of you y so you think maybe like right here I'll draw my line that would be the furthest away yes okay perfect I actually came out and kind of threw it this way okay well cuz I'm going to make passes parallel to the Shoreline and I just want to be able to see where I need to turn around and then down here how far do you think probably not yeah probably say okay awesome well thankfully the rain let up a little bit it was pouring rain the entire way over here but we got just enough nice little break from all the crazy weather and she was saying that uh she was catching a flick ball and when the football hit her hands the all three rings went flying so they're not like soldered together or anything they're all separate so there's going to be three different Rings okay this is my first hit out here it's pretty loud and it's in the scoop I don't see any ring or anything in here I don't see anything in here well it was in the scoop I just didn't see it whatever this is is not any of the Rings we're after I might have to take this over to the dry sand and figure out what the heck is making all this noise oh ball of aluminum okay I've got the faintest low tone right here I can't tell if I got it or not have to shift it out a little better nope aluminum foil solid 4950 right here all right piece of a can or something okay here's a six right here it's more than likely aluminum foil but once in a while those low numbers are gold I'm out a little bit farther than where they thought they might be but I've already searched up and down back and forth and oh this actually it's sounding pretty good actually yeah I searched that whole area where they thought those Rings were and they just aren't there they should be in a really tight pile together oh what did we get here H it's like a rubber ring a seal of some kind bummer that was exciting I really had high hopes for that one okay here's a 12 right here that's a good number still got my foot Mark in it all right I think I got it now ah it's just like a little copper washer well guys we didn't have luck that first night looking for these lost wedding rings so we're out here again today I'm just walking up to the spot where these Rings were lost hopefully we have better luck today let's see let's get out there let's start digging some holes see if we can come up with these three rings okay this is my first hit out here it's a pull tab signal but as we've learned in the past we can't be forced to believe that that actually is a pull tab because I've been proven wrong time and time again all right it's in the scoop you know what let's uh and no I'll just sift it out here I was going to say let's take it up in the dry sand but I don't feel like it that's a good sign there's a whole bunch of shell I'm getting all right let's see if we can find it in here oh look at that I actually found a ring no way it's an old tow ring but it gives me hope that we'll find these things today well that's exciting all right well we're starting out strong not the Rings we're looking for but it's a ring very cool hey all right well this is kind of a junky hit it's in the lower 50s but we're going to dig everything out here so let's see what we got and it's in the scoop well we got some fishing tackle okay this sounds really good right here this is like exactly the tone I was hoping to here and whatever this is is in the scoop so let's see what we got well I don't see anything in here well I'm still hitting on it down here yep still hitting on it but keep in mind we're looking for three rings and they're all going to be really close to each other all right this one's in the scoop whatever this is please don't be aluminum foil oh look at that look at that we got our first ring this has got to be one of the ones all right so right in this spot is going to be the other two rings oh all right we're getting there guys one down two to go so the middle ring is the big one with the big diamond on it that's the one we're hoping for so they should be right in this area at least I think that's one of the Rings I'm not 100% I don't hear anything else around here and that's not good yeah the Rings they all flew off simultaneously L try to find my hole that I was just digging right here I don't hear anything down in that hole there's a hit right here but it doesn't sound like a ring yeah I highly doubt this is going to be another one of those Rings unless it's not a matching set it's possible well this is in the scoop yeah I don't see a ring in here it's just a screw okay I've been gritting this area back and forth back and forth without a single hit waiting for some sand movement and I just got a very very faint hit right in the right range so I got it marked with my foot let's see if this is another one of those Rings she said all she really cares about is that big middle ring I mean obviously we're going to try to get all three of them back but the big one is the one she cares most about so I don't know if this is in the scoop or not let's sift it out there's a lot of shell in here very different digging out here uh now than uh the other night I was getting a lot more sand in the scoop the other night and now you can see a lot of that sand is moved out and it exposed this harder layer come on please be a ring please be the big ring okay we got to start digging ah there it is freaking pull tab ah okay I got another low tone here I am like right in the area where I found that first ring this one's really deep I think I might have gotten it I can tell that this is a lot more sand than shell right here which is not good nothing in the scoop I'm going to take another another stab at it I don't hear anything but I got to take another scoop yep I don't see anything it's possible it was a piece of aluminum foil and uh as soon as I got it out of the sand the current took it away I'm going to take one more scoop just cuz I've got to cuz I am right in the right area area and I did hear something oh no way no way that's the big guy that's the one it sounded like junk no way we got it we got it oh my goodness holy crap I can't believe I just dug that this is is the one she really cares about and we got it wow yeah this thing is beautiful we freaking got it ah all right this is number two we got one more left to find let's see if we can get it ah yes yes yes so the other one looks just like this first one that we found oh my goodness two of three let's go okay I'm in the spot I'm going to stand right here come on I got to find this thing so like right next to that big ring I don't know if it's like a a false hit or what but I'm getting a little deep deep deep blip on the manacor so let's see if this is it I don't even want to take any steps and move my location I've been digging in this hole for a little while now I've probably taken like six or seven scoops and it's getting a lot louder I hate to count my chickens before they're hatched but this sounds just like that first ring that we found oh my goodness it sounds so good all right I got it is this going to be ring number three I really freaking hope so come on please this has got to be it it sounds so good guys ring number three we got it oh man Three diamond rings in about an hour that is just so crazy oh my goodness they're not even going to believe it when I call them so yeah so this is where I was the other night when I was here and the area was just sanded in you know even though they lost them that day that I was there there was just too much sand and wouldn't you know it all it takes is a couple of Tide changes it moves some sand around and I was you know that first ring we found this one whoa I could hear it no problem these two were just deep enough that I could just barely hear a whisper and I even went through this area a few times before I actually heard it so I think enough sand moved that it allowed me to get just close enough to them to where I could hear them well guys we did it again this time it was three rings unbelievable that we got all three of them you know after going through this area I only found the one and I really thought that was all we were going to find but we pulled it off and we got all three of them let's pack it up let's get back to the truck and let's make that awesome phone call and guys just a friendly reminder if you want to get into the hobby find some diamond rings like I found today my good friends at dig at detector will get you all set up with whatever fits your budget to get you on that gold and don't forget to use my special promo code Florida at checkout for all of my subscribers to get a discount on your order all right guys we're back at the truck and let's call her and give her the good news hello good morning how's it going hi so I just got out of the water I got back to the truck and I got all three of them you're joking God no I'm serious I got them all oh my God we like we could be there when we can come meet you and do anything right now yeah if you want to come over to that same spot where I met you guys I'll uh I'll be waiting here for you okay all right we we will be there all right we'll see you guys soon okay all right bye-bye hello I cannot even begin to thank you you're welcome it's no problem oh my God are these them those are them yes I'm shaking it's like the Cinderella slip you're very welcome I'm glad it was a happy ending I mean I really after I saw how much sand was pulled up onto the beach there I was not having high hopes that's why I was like you know we'll give it some time let the sand move around a little bit and now you found that little thing all three there's three rings all three rings I lost on Saturday yeah is this what you do for a living you find stuff yeah I don't charge but it is what I do I I have a YouTube channel that pays me yeah wow yeah that's awesome thank you it was a miracle really impressed that's awesome guys thank you that was awesome you're welcome kind of in the same area I mean they were all within probably 3 ft of each other I found the first one and I didn't hear anything else I'm like okay well maybe this one's right here the other two went flying so I started walking around and they were nowhere and I was I was going to call it quits I was going to I was going to tell you guys I got to come back again and and I was like you know what I got to just stand right here I cranked up my well I hope I got that on YouTube but uh I like they've got to be around here and that's when I just cranked up my machine it was like just going ballistic it was like way too sensitive for the water there but I was like I need to get a couple inches farther and then sure enough I found the second one and then the third one it was a miracle all right well enjoy the rest of your day keep those rings on don't bring them to the beach next time yeah be yes we'll see you guys thanks again for everything guys that is what it's all about I'm so glad I was able to get her rings back on her finger guys as always thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Detect Florida
Views: 12,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CpYiqaWyKq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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