Packing Update

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utter mess but we're going to get it we're going to get it taken care of pizza break are they different sizes oh no they're nice holy crap you in this [Music] hello welcome back to our Channel today is Saturday June 29th and here is a quick little packing update for you today we are going to be working in our storage unit last week we worked on half of the storage unit on this back half and we went through all the boxes and combined a bunch of them and got rid of a bunch of them and now we're working on this side so this one um is stuff that we are is like currently in rotation like toys and clothes and things of that sort um so we're going to go through that this side today so how do you feel Jeremy sweaty it's humid it's humid we H just got back from Hudson's soccer game his last soccer game of the season and it has been it was brutal it was brutal out there so all right we're going to try to knock this out in about an hour maybe an hour and a half um and be on our way so let's get [Music] started it has been about an hour and a half it looks like we haven't done much by the naked eye but we have so from this like desk piece right here and these boxes over to where that suitcase ends that is all donate so that is all going to go bye-bye um and then over here so basically from this case all the way over was filled with totes like this and so we have gotten rid of like a good chunk you know and have condensed and and it everything's stock stacked up to the seat so we got rid of a bunch of stuff and then there's the boys bunk beds um some like Linens and all that anyway over here is our camping stuff and some toys so on this side we had like random household goods toys and clothes and I got rid of a lot of stuff so we kind of condensed it all cuz the camping stuff was behind me so now all of that is over there in the corner so so much stuff that we did get rid of [Music] um and everything is better packed and clearly labeled so we're good to go it's coming along it's coming along real nice so and I have like some more clothes at the house that I'm going to be putting in these bins down here um but yeah we're doing pretty good hey so we finished um lunch at the church and we're home and the boys are doing quite time but Jeremy and I are going to go ahead and start the process of packing up the boys room because we have like I don't know 17 more days left in Texas and so we need to go ahead and just start packing up their stuff so but I just wanted to show you something real quick um it is monsoon season here and so um that means that half the sky can BL blue skies and the other half can be rainstorm so uh we my husband and I were in our boys room we were looking out the window and I'm like oh it's getting really dark over there and he's like hey it's blue sky so I wanted to show you so over there is blue skies and sunshine and then if you just turn a little bit it is thunderstorms and raining and cloudy and crazy welcome to monsoon season in Arizona welcome back um We are continuing the packing update and we have moved into our boys room and this is embarrassing very literally embarrassing but I wanted to show you our before before we show you our after so our plan is to pack up the whole all the boys room like the toys we're going to pack them up today um and set aside like a tenth of what we have for them to play with for the last like what 17 days we're here yeah all right let me turn the camera around here's what we're working with it is literally disgusting all this all this was under a pack and play that grce can sleep yeah Joy just utter mess utter mess but we're going to get it we're going to get it taken care of pizza break [Music] [Applause] [Music] so my sister um sent us some things to help us pack so I think we're going to be able to utilize it unboxing vacuum bags yeah oh it has a handp to it oh nice are they different sizes oh no they're [Applause] M holy crap you in this you think it's going to fit all those winter coats oh yeah easy they probably throw ours in there too [Music] okay all right so we just SCP done using that bag and we got all our wi coat something well all the win coats that are here thank you Erica thank you Erica all right I had a quick outfit change um because I was feeling constricted in my jeans but we are working on books um I thought that this this would be like an easy fast win and it has not been that so some weather blew in and it's making it feel later than what it is it's only 4:30 and it feels like we should be eating dinner any minute and going to bed that's what it feels like but that is not the case we still have 2 hours till dinner time so that's quite enough time to get some stuff done so we're going to power through I had a snack so I'm feeling a little bit better I need to make Jeremy a cup of coffee I think he's do I need to make you a cup of coffee yeah um and then I think we'll uh get going oh so Jerry like we were sitting on the floor just a minute ago and he was like I am so tired but it's like we literally can't stop like I'm standing where Grayson Jason's bed should be so done it took a long time we're done we packed it up most um yeah most of it we kept like three categories of toys for the boys to play with for the last 17 days we're here in area Southern Arizona so let me show you it's much better now obviously we still need to make the bed the beds but and we have like some random boxes that we needed to put away but beds are done we need to set up Grayson's bed and then um we kept the kitchen stuff and then I know the closet looks way worse than it is but it's gone through so and then the last thing I need to do is sort through that stuff but it's not bad and I went through their shoes their shoes are all done so yeah looking pretty good you night hey guys thanks for uh watching this little pack update um I'm so glad you guys are following along with our journey and um also I forgot to end this Vlog yesterday so it's the next day so anyway I am so grateful that you are here and I will catch you on the next video bye and we got all our win coats so thin well all the win coats that are here I don't know why we have so many I need excuse me okay like what 6 hours later no like 4 what time do we start about 2 2 2 and it's 7:00 so however many hours that is yeah hey guys um uh thanks for [Music]
Channel: Watch The Warrens
Views: 46
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Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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