We Bought $6100 Worth of Amazon Drugstore & Beauty Items from 888Lots.com | Liquidation Unboxing

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and i've got a cat walk i don't even know i'm taking out this bag a catwalk by tichi looks like a really nice that's oatmeal and honey avoid avoiding and meal nourishing shampoo so hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] i don't know welcome back to another unboxing and today we have an amazon overstock shelf pull lot from 888lots.com and uh it's 6100 msrp it's what they said it was worth um we hardly ever get close to msrp yeah but that's okay so we paid thirteen hundred and fifty seven dollars plus forty eight dollars shipping so it's a little over fourteen hundred dollars all in it's one of the most expensive lots that we have purchased but it's got 259 items so it's only five dollars and 43 cents per item and a lot of the items that were lower cost items were multiple quantity items so that we can create one listing save lots of money on labor which is very exciting to me absolutely now if you haven't ever purchased from 888 lots before please keep in mind that your first purchase no matter how many lots that you purchase will be 50 off and then afterwards your second and subsequent purchases you'll be with a dedicated sales rep who will help you negotiate prices which is really really great so um that being said i love hba lots i'm super excited it's stuff that i actually really enjoy unboxing so you ready plus it's sales and it sells let's do this [Music] so looking at this first box it's a lot of smaller items but like joe said i'm seeing a lot of multiples so yeah uh okay so the first thing that i've got it's just right here on top and looks like so far i've got four of them i have no idea what they are it says fashion design beautiful set of three they're like sleeping hat thingies i don't know i'm gonna open one though and keep in mind as you're watching this if you're watching this for entertainment purposes or whether you're interested in buying or not if you purchase from 88 lots you have the safety of knowing that it's all brand new items this is not returns it's all over stock yeah nightcap nightcaps that's cute actually i like it i can see wearing one of those i mean i always have to wear something on my head for those of you who don't know with dreadlocks you got to keep the lint out of your hair so stuff like this i have a cool beanie though mine's a beanie and i'm cooler beanie go for it all right i've got some uh what is this sculpt force extra strong flubber gel you get some hair gel hair gel but i've never heard it called flubber gel and uh looks like we've got this is kind of weird i've got four bags of it there's two in this one three in this one one in this one i don't know maybe six so that is very odd hey at least they're bagged up i know at least they're backed up bag it up let me see what this is marth what paper boxes lids and he said oh they're um like gift little gift boxes in an hba lot that's that's weird but they these little like boxes yep so that's pretty cute it's like a party favorite box maybe number one i'm doing these shampoos in my dishes oh there's oh sorry so i got a uh couple it's like one-off items we've got some uh scalp therapy uh conditioner it says i guess it's like stage two for noticeably thinning we've got vaseline uh intensive care yeah and then we've got some l'oreal paris uh some more gel very exciting uh it's just so much small stuff i've got here we go i've got two of these what is this some kind of trust me trust me no i have no idea oh this is a lotion cream for curls flawless curls flawless finish him in that moral comment combat something and i've got a cat walk i don't even know i'm taking out this bag a catwalk by tichi looks like a really nice that's oatmeal and honey avoid avoiding and meal nourishing shampoo so sometimes unboxing makes me feel like i know nothing because they say stuff and then i'm like what is that um i want to say maybe a makeup palette or a storage box of some so it's pretty whatever it is it's nice mirrors inside mirror you think it is a makeup palette with no makeup in it so you got to put your own why would you do that for i mean if you want to do like natural based stuff or whatever i got you you could you know whatever whatever all right i've got a 13 piece travel kit and uh i guess for airplanes and stuff yeah so exciting this looks expensive i don't know why i say that but it just lower because it's small it looks like a serum you know how serum serum serums serums power repair lipidum power repair l'oreal absolute urinary lipidium unidos does that mean it's just one one dose i have no idea intensive treatment this has to be for hair like maybe a hot oil treatment or something all right looks like we have uh some castor oil we got oh those isn't it like really good for your digestive system ah no no not your digestive system it's more like hair skin ah now some women swear by drink by using castor oil to help induce labor i don't recommend it ask your doctor once you do one more i got a bunch of items and we'll look up prices which one though which okay here let's just do a big item i was looking at that one it's mine okay what is it it smells good it's a gift box it smells so good it's peppermint leaf enhanced with argan oil scented bath set it looks like it's got a shower gel a body lotion a body scrub a body salt and a bath sponge looks like a good christmas present christmas is coming up so you can take this opportunity to plug our online store so if you find these items that you are interested in or you just want to look around and see what we have we have a link to our online store down in the description we allow offers so if you watch us and you're from youtube let us know in the offer and we might get you a good deal we take care of you all right so a couple sup well i'd say a couple i guess two surprises um this 13 piece travel set granted there has been none sold uh but they've been priced all over the place at like 12 to 20 dollars somewhere around in there we're gonna price that was at 14.99 and when people do start traveling again uh hopefully we'll make around eight nine dollars profit we've got the l'oreal 7.99 make three bucks we've got the cocoa vaseline the cocoa radiant vaseline brand lotion 11 11 should make around three or four dollars and then the tg catwalk there has been none sold there are a couple of listed will price hours under what everybody else would sell and there's that at 17.99 hope to make 12 dollars profit once it does sell and then we have the nyx nixon nix nyo exit nyoexan nyoexan i don't know yeah this is good n-i-o-x-i-n uh it's selling for uh around 13 so we should make about five dollars profit the castor oil i don't know i think jessica might get her wishes although it's three bottles i don't know if we need three bottles they're one ounce bottles uh there hasn't been any sold of this brand there are several that are for sale in the four ounce size what size is that one ounce okay uh for like around 11 12 if we were to sell it online we'd price it at 9.99 for the three of them hope to make three dollars profit and then we have the sculpt force extra strong flubber gel i don't know it's hair gel but it is selling and there are many that are selling in this this kind it must be pretty popular what price towers at 11.99 should make around five dollars profit we have 12 of them so 5 times 12 is 60 for the one listing that's awesome yeah i'm trying to get to it sorry already i'm ready all right cool okay so fun stuff to be looking up it's kind of more of a challenge but uh i enjoy it i enjoy it so first things first this pink leaf bath set now there are so many bath sets out there for sale i couldn't find this brand so i went and i just looked and comp like similar items with similar you know gift sets i kind of landed around 25 so if i can sell this for 25 on our ebay store we should be able to make 15 dollars in profit um the empty makeup palette uh it's selling for ten dollars so i'll just go ahead and list it for the same there's a lot for sale so this may sit for a while um but if i can list it for you know 9.99 i can probably make four dollars for that and then the l'oreal okay so this is like an extensive like your hair is super super damaged these are like intensive like super hydrating some some something or another so that being said i couldn't find any on ebay or amazon i did look up the historical price and it's selling for 39.99 which seems to be right on track with all of the other things in this in this specific brand and this absolute repair so that being said i'm going to go ahead and list it on ebay for 39.99 and hope to make 30. um these are fun so these tresemme flawless curls curl hydration um i immediately looked up and found one where they were selling two for 69.99 i was like yeah that's awesome but hear this i went one step further and looked at the sold listings right and they are selling this is crazy to me i maybe i'm just cheap i guess but one of them is selling has sold multiple of them have sold for 45 dollars so do i put lot them together and sell them for 70 bucks or do i separate them and put them in two in quantities and then make 45 a piece i think i'm gonna do that so if i do that and i sell both potential profit 75 bucks after shipping which is amazing amazing so excited um and then to the the smaller items here this is a martha stewart party favor pool box you could put like um cookies and stuff in there like for parties and stuff um it's only selling for 10 bucks shipping and fees is just gonna eat that up so i'm gonna sell it at a garage sale for a couple of dollars and then these guys i could not find but they are just typical easy night caps so that being said i'm just going to sell these locally a dollar a piece and hope to make four dollars so with all of my stuff equaling 130 all of joe's stuff equaling 95 our first round we are already at a potential profit of 225 sweet dollars all right are you ready you're filming how much would you say to do i just were only seven seconds in so i just started okay so i'm jumping right in do it we've got a barbie six piece eye set uh something makes me think that this barbie they've they shouldn't be using that barbie thing they're trying to play off of barbie dolls little cheap suckers maybe it is from barbie though they ain't from barbie they didn't look the same okay i've got i don't know i pat it on below um it smells good but i can't tell if it's for you tom for those of you don't know we have one of our uh friends who watches our videos and he always makes fun of the fact that we smell everything yes every opportunity to smell well i can't i can't tell if it's this that smells good or if there's something in there that smells good to me i'm sure it is it's natural oh it's uh herrick's extensions let's see what our letter says top quality human hair at this i'm sorry dear friend at this moment with much anticipation and excitement i write this letter for you i guess you have received the parcel when you read it i hope you enjoy a good shopping experience on amazon we are the manufacturer who is specialized you can read the whole thing 100 human hair products for 20 years all of our products are factory direct sell therefore you could you could get the best quality with lowest price from us and then a long long list of things best wishes for you and your family it also comes with a gift oh of eyelashes sweet how'd i look in those you already have pretty eyelashes i do mine are probably longer than that yeah you already have pretty eyelashes no need to worry no need to worry all right i have got uh you know it looks like a replacement for something that you should already have like one of those little oh yeah a little foot grinder yeah little thingymabobs i'm glad you know what i'm talking about yeah uh the foot grinders we have replacement rollers for five joy electric callus remover i know so we have six so i hope there are six people out there that have the uh something five joy electric callus remover we got your replacements i this is sparkly this is why i picked it out because i mean would you not see that in a box and be like oh what is it it's uh tarina tarantino spark tarantino's sister spark licity gold shimmer dust nice so that's kind of cool the box looks really nice i hope they're not trying to trick us i hope so i was going to open it but i'm afraid i actually grabbed two bags i wasn't even going to grab two i'm gonna grab a third one since they're all kind of similar we have some jergens uh cleans and moisturizes lotion it is hand wash cherry almond we have you're you're you're i can't remember how to say it it's a small yours no yeah natural oatmeal enriched and then we have avon skin so soft original and jojoba replenishing hand cream nice is it i think so i mean they're not going to be i don't think they're going to be like incredibly expensive but it's definitely worth you know whatever i've got oh i know this brand this may not leave the house what mac mac makeup back makeup i've never heard of it well it's it's a pretty decent quality brand and if it's if it's eyeshadows or something that i would use i mean it could be like a highlighter which i would probably not use i bought this whole box because of you i know because of this right here yeah this is the this is it i knew i had a dream about this moment well if i don't need it or not eye shadow oh it's mine sorry guys no mac makeup for y'all because it's a whole bunch of neutral colors that i actually like yeah we'll tell you how much we could sell it for though yeah see this is the good thing about stuff i don't have to always shop for stuff because i'm so cheap i wouldn't buy it for myself anyway plus i'll just use it against like if she talks back to me i'll just sell it on ebay she he would not do that she he would not do that he wouldn't he's he's trying to make himself sound tough but he ain't tough he's a i'm not tough i don't know what this is uh eyeliner pencil prestige eyeliner right there i've got a couple of little tweezer thingamabobs uh hyper hypoallergenic not hyper because we don't want we don't want to be super allergic still led oh okay that's cool so it's got a led light you turn it on i guess it doesn't work i don't know but it's supposed to have a little light on the end of it but we got two of those oh all right i've got some soap so toms i love toms i love toms too uh odor fighting sage oh maybe this is what i was smelling in the box nope that's a different smell it smells there's more it smells good but there's more i got one i got two three and any more you could have grabbed them at the same time well i didn't it could have been a different soap i didn't know it was it was the same soap joe i don't know it smells so good i'm sorry how many items you have is that your fourth one uh yeah i've grabbed lots of different items hey man i can grab another one if you want i'm gonna grab i'm gonna sit here and smell this soap i'll grab one last item and uh looks like the box has come open it's a uh lona luna mini two for what is that for the revolutionary t-sonic facial cleansing device so it had been used but the box has been open we do sell we'll have to clean it up a little bit get that sticker off because that's not really good presentation but it looks kind of neat oh my turn yeah uno mas okay i was smelling the soap i see that we go this looks easy escudo esquito lashes unforgettable mink false lashes natural looking reusable wispies and flares i got two of them so any little eyelashes out there that's what it looks like we've got them oops i'm sorry alrighty so the lotions not very worth very much at all uh we may get like four dollars profit total between the three of them not really worth selling online they're just not selling for very much so we'll try movies like a garage sale something like that for a couple dollars a piece thankfully i did some research on these callus removers because i'm like if they only go to this specific brand there's really no hope to get rid of these because um how many people have the five joy but luckily these will go on pretty much any basic callus remover uh that certain size there's a lot of them we should get 9.99 a piece for them we've got six of them so it's 24 profit for the six of them and then the luna mini two uh i was very i knew it looked like it was expensive i only found one blue one of these that has sold there's been lots of pink ones that have sold the blue one sold for 69.95 something like that this one uh we will go ahead and price it for 64.99 hopes to make 50 profit on it which is pretty cool and then the barbie brush it surprised me it's a barbie brush six piece eye set uh it's actually there's been a couple sold for around 19 to 20 dollars so i'm surprised so price hours for 18.99 should make 12 to 13 profit once it does sell and then these little guys they're not selling for much little tweezers a little eyeliner thing again not worth selling online if these even work i don't even know you know okay so here we go all righty this was really difficult for me to find remember this is the uh the the extension the human hair extensions and here's why i went and researched and looked all around to try to find out how much this cost now this brand normally sells them in packs and bundles of three i couldn't find one that was just selling one but a pack of three is anywhere between 100 and 125 dollars so i'm gonna have to do more research and see like what one would sell for but just for this unboxing i'm just gonna like break that down into three call it 30 bucks so if i can sell this for 30 bucks i should be able to get 20 off of it i also have the esquido mink lashes there are two of them they're selling for 28 a piece and they're not open they're perfectly brand new so that's really awesome so we should be able to make a total of forty dollars for both of these um the heavenly smelling toms beauty bars these are seventeen dollars for the almost dropped it these are seventeen dollars for the two pack so with all three of these uh at seventeen dollars that's sixty eight dollars so i'm gonna go ahead and call this uh forty dollar profit once we sell all four of those and then the torina tarantino sparkle like it's like a shimmer dust that you like spray on your body make you all shiny this is selling for 45 so after it's all said none shipping fees all that we should be able to make 35 dollars and the mac powder is selling for uh thirty dollars no no not thirty dollars thirty five dollars what yeah you wanna keep it yes thirty five dollars it's very good makeup i really like it i would never buy it for myself so this is one way for me to be able to have something like this because i could never go into the store and purchase it i would just talk myself out of it but in the purchase of liquidation i've actually paid less for this i paid like five dollars per item so technically i bought this for five dollars so i'm gonna keep it so i'm not going to include it in our total because i just paid myself that so that being said all of this stuff minus the palette is 135 dollars and then joe's was what 90 yeah 90 turtle so first round second round all together right now we're at 450 dollars in potential profit we are doing so well awesome so well i'm going first it's me i'm going first all right we have a lot of these we have like one i don't know what it is yet but i have like one two three four five six and i pick them out of the box because they look expensive power repair age correction collagen cream oh yeah i bet that's expensive these kinds of things sell for so so much so i don't know how much these are but i'll find out i bet mine's more expensive than that than yours yeah teeth it's a pack of 24 intra oral cheek lip retractor mouth opener or clear color and c shape what's it for like is it teeth whitening for chi it's a cheek retractor so you can whiten your teeth no it's like i feel like it opens your mouth i don't know here it says teeth whitening here says cheek retractor i'm not sure what it's used for it's a and then this one says mouth guard yeah maybe it's used for lots of things it's pretty much that game that we played do you suffer from nighttime teeth grinding tmj or clenching try arm dental duty moldable night guard today oh that's not what we have no you wear that game that we played where you put that little mouth guard in yeah and you try to pronounce that's what these are pretty much oh so you can play that game yeah but that's not what it is oh yeah it's some i don't know i have no idea it's interesting but it's bpa-free oh that's good i have five oral b professional dual clean replacement heads these dudes sell i love these they sell they're easy to list they sell really well and they sell quick it's not like super high dollar item yeah but like they sell i've got a um aura gel instant pain relief oh it's that numbing medicine yeah numbing medicine uh benzocaine i've got a max factor color elixir lip liner moist what color is moist ma it's like a purple burgundy red oh so move move closer to the box look at all these these i'm gonna pull out with the intention that i'm probably not going to sell them online individually it's just a lot of i don't even know what this is it's a colored nose coat what is it for i know it's like a makeup like is it like to change the shape of your nose or i don't know i have to look that up i'll look this one up but then we'll change the shape of the nose with makeup yeah you can like you know like highlight contour they got face tape where you can pull like parts of your face up you don't know this i i i'm just i'm messing with you because i only recently discovered face tape so they have face tape yeah you like tape you like tape your face and like you can like make your face look slimmer i gotcha i know it's important but ladies if you're watching you're single make sure your prospective spouse sees the before and after you know don't like let them find out um the day after your wedding then you have face tape on and you've been wearing face tape for the last nine months of courting um this says eyelash and eyebrow serum um this is just your maybelline drugstore mascara you salts on that last unboxing last drugstore lot that we had this looks like it's fingernail clipper and with file but there's no file it's just a fingernail clipper so there's that then i've got this you grabbed a lot of stuff this is all stuff i feel like we're just not gonna sell a lot of you know liquid lipstick this is city color liquid lipstick this is bad medina coated lip gloss i don't know i really i don't know i don't know i might just scan these real quick see if it works this is like a lash potion i what's a lash potion there's serum and potions oh my gosh well serum restores so potion grows i have no idea this is a flavored gloss so if you get hungry also you can make your lips pretty until you lick it all off and then this is a morphe brush oh i bet that sells this is a flat contour brush from morphe i have no idea i know this is an expensive brand they're not expensive but like a not not your drugstore brand yeah so maybe this is gonna maybe i might sell that one i have no idea you're done yep all right all done i'm gonna grab a handful of legs you grab a handful of items then nutritive nutritive skin true black opal even it's even true not even true we have uh face saver because you need to save face you do need to save your face it's electric pre-shave powder okay from getting all we may put some on my face we've got some uh razors and looks like we have a sleeping mask um benjabel benjabel your brother that's a mirror it's either a mirror it says your brushes deserve the best so it could be a brush holder and the pet it's damaged so i might just open it because it the box is already what are you she's breaking it i'm gonna break the ceiling i mean you already did it you were already pulling as you're like i'm gonna do it i know i'm sorry she did it we just lost 30 30 000 off that one item yeah it's a uh there's more there's a stand it's a brush holder oh so you put it on there people have that many brushes yeah what the crap it's for different stuff i mean hey let people live their life joe and then and then you won't and then there's another one that goes under and that's a stand and it holds your brushes up and down so that you know while you're clean when you clean them they can dry wow yeah it's a lot of brushes i had no idea that they made all of those brushes for stuff i've got uh clean and clear acne cleanser like there are s five tubes in there i thought there were six five tubes i think we're good let's try and price these first alrighty so this it's used in teeth whitening the teeth whitening process you put it in to expose your teeth to apply whatever chemicals you're going to and they're not selling for very much so this is a 24 pack 20 pack selling for like 10 so we'll price it for 99 9.99 and it's like we may make three bucks because of the size of this thing uh maybe four dollars if we're lucky the aura gel is actually selling for 13 per tube online so what price hours for 12.99 profit six dollars a piece times two twelve dollars profit there we have the even true uh moisturizer 9.99 should bring us four dollars profit we have the remington face saver selling for 8.99 should be around three three and a half dollars profit once it sells we have the clean and clear acne cleaner and there's a couple different ways that i can go with this they're selling for around 13 a piece right so after shipping and fees that should be around six dollars profit time stick that's around 36 profit or we can sell it as a bulk lot sell for 39.99 should bring around 30 profits so it's like what do we do it's selling all the time like we sell a lot of these so it's like it's break even either way if we sell it as a bulk we sell it individually because shipping supplies stuff like that and then the other items we've got these little remington razors who may get like 50 cents or a dollar at a garage sale same thing with this eye thing maybe a quarter and then uh we've got this little makeup thing uh eye pencil maybe a dollar 50 cents a quarter at a garage sale i didn't count anything just because who knows what we'll actually sell these for uh we'll end up selling it a lot garage sale get rid of it okay my friends let's get let's get moving so the big winner of course um as we suspected is this power repair age cream there were some that were selling for as low as 50 dollars some that sold for as high as 68 so i'm going to go right in the middle around around the middle and i'm going to sell these for 60 a piece so after it's all said and done i should be able to make fifty dollars on each one i've got six of them so uh yeah that's a good three hundred dollars in profit right and potential profit potential profit right there so that is super exciting next we've got five of these oral b professional toothbrush heads replacement heads and remember joe and i mentioned that we really really like these because they do sell they're not a high dollar item but i've got five of them i can list them all at once they're fifteen dollars a piece so i should be able to make ten dollars each on them that's fifty dollars in potential profit for not a whole lot of work now i saw a whole bunch of smaller items i pulled a whole bunch of cosmetic stuff i priced them all and i pulled out the most cost-efficient and the most profitable ones um this right here is a lavish lash eyelash and brow serum and this little guy right here is selling for 30 dollars mine is brand new completely unopen still has the protective seal so i can sell it as new and i should be able to make 25 on that and then i have this bad medina cosmetics coated lip gloss now i looked this up um each of these are selling on the website for 19 i don't i couldn't find this color so i don't know if it's discontinued which might raise the price of it if somebody is searching for this color so i'm just going to go ahead and list it for 19 but it may end up being more and if i do list it for 19 and sell it i should make 13 a piece now the rest of these this oh i meant to tell you this right here this is inca nose coat it's that nose covering sunscreen stuff so all of this stuff the that you know the maybelline this city color cosmetics even the morphe brush they're all selling somewhere between two to eight dollars and so what i'm going to do with those because labor that cost me to list that item uh shipping fees it's and all of that it's it's actually going to cost me money to list it so i'm actually going to give somebody local a really really great deal where they can get a mer morphe contour brush for a dollar we're gonna put this in a garage sale and try to make some money off of it i understand that a lot of people may disagree with that but for us it's actually because we have labor it's actually just gonna cost us money to list it so we get to move that items out and somebody gets a really awesome deal still a win-win situation for us so yeah all right so i'm gonna pull the black box hand full spectrum gel cap so that's some hem didn't black box wasn't that a brand of uh a dash cam that we unboxed in a previous environment is a famous thing for a lot of reasons like i think it has a lot of a lot of connotations so i don't know i have no idea so that's two-way humidity control it's like a bunch of little something in here i'm interested it's like 62 eight gram no mess no worries enjoy no idea but there's a bunch of little dudes in there uh this is an uh wedding tiara and crowns princess style that's cool i kind of want to see it well we might have to unbox it we got a couple of smaller items we have oh this is kind of neat 3d magnetic eyelashes i've heard of those yeah people even love them or hate them and then we have q-tips i think those are color like for painting eggs ah like you snap it that's what the color goes in and then you can that's exactly what they are they look like q-tips to me and uh we unbox this the first uh unboxing brush kabuki brush i sound like six bucks hey six bucks i know right i've got another wedding thing uh it just says girl wedding bridal i don't know what it is so i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to look at it got an asian number on there because you know that's the that's a good idea serial identification number so i'll just plug that in and see if i can get a picture before i open them because opening them might lower the value and i don't want to do it exactly a couple more small items uh i mean it's all technically small relatively uh but these are pretty small uh eyelash curler so man what i don't know but it's got a msrp price on there 30 bucks so maybe it's like a cologne or something i don't know no it's got a relaxing uv protector it's gotta be like some lotion or face cream or something okay yeah and then we've got a griff blood paste that must be cotton costume professional makeup blood paste right there yeah and then we have that earth vibes hyaluronic hydra you're a lot hydra there's no oh hydrating repairing facial serum your lawn neck hyaluronic acid serum yeah and then we've got bad media you already have this yep looks like there's another one no that's a different kind but i've already got it now a naked skin looks like more uh concealer concealer all right and then the rest of the small stuff in here i have a whole bunch of you these are yours so i have those already yeah these are all yours these are those uh twizzles tweezers with a little light on them i already did those i know that's why i'm giving them to you this is perfect tips french polish guides so for the french tips you can put them on that's the same thing it's just different kind yeah and then this is a multicolored i brightener i guess it's for like maybe dark circles under the eye there's so much makeup i don't know where to begin i don't either but i do have a friend who knows a lot of makeup so i might just ask her and be like okay what do i do with that i don't know what this is but it's cool it's very cool we know nothing about cars makeup we're boring nothing about anything we know nothing okay i just know numbers and buying and selling yeah we need another making youtube i know i know about birth yeah uh fresh cream hand cream and it's just called fresh cream i'm glad it's fresh yeah how do they know though how do they spread it got a couple radians custom uh i guess it's for yeah it's like a lanyard i guess for ear plugs you can put it on there got like a little face scrub i don't think it's a face grip i think that's a uh what are those called the cute the things that you use to rub your skin what are they called uh stones oh my gosh somebody's yelling at me like huh i have no idea and uh deodorant we've got a six pack of uh right guard total defense deodorant six pack does say five-pack there's six in there and then last thing in this box and the last thing for this unboxing we do have more coming but we have this uh two-pack how many packs is this 10 10 pack of 200 cigarette filter tubes what are cigarette filters i don't know there's 2 000 of them good man it's a lot of smoking all right let's price these dudes all right all right i don't know what i always say all right uh sulawashu uh man it's like a little uv protection it's really expensive uh there's been one there's been a couple that have been sold actually quite a lot that have sold they're selling for around 35 so we should make 25 after shipping and fees we have this urban decay uh it's selling for 15.99 little uh i don't know exactly what it is naked skin feel some type of concealer so we should make around ten dollars we have this earth vibes hyaluronic acid serum selling for 13.54 michelle will make eight dollars on it we've got the 3d eyelashes are selling for 16.99 should make around ten dollars for them the brush right here we're selling these for like six dollars we're just going to add it to our listing that we already have listed uh make a couple of dollars on it these uh these right here are like uh they go in like cigar boxes and they're supposed to absorb the moisture to keep at a certain humidity level for the cigars but these they sell for like 13 14 bucks for a pack of 10 but there's something wrong with these i think these got moist uh because these are hard and crunchy and i don't believe they're supposed to be that way and the rest of the items i don't know handful of items uh the little tweezers blood paste all this stuff we're gonna count it as zero we may get a couple dollars for all of it at a garage sale or just throw it into like a mystery box but the mystery are these right guard deodorant ones there has been a listing sold on ebay these evidently are super rare at least they were sold as rare i've looked at all of the ebay listings that were sold and i can't find any that look like this and there's a pack of four that's sold for 285 dollars plus like 15 shipping i don't know if that's true or not i have no idea whatsoever uh we're gonna try and get that much you know six we'll probably price it for like 3.99 maybe we'll do an auction and actually see how much it is actually worth but i thought that was pretty crazy that's awesome it's night time uh we ran out of time and now we put our kids to sleep and we're finishing this up just for y'all and then our light our ring light broke so sorry about the lighting but we're going to finish this unboxing because it's awesome so let me just tell you i just finished pricing everything um and so i'm going to tell you what i've got first things first i found that physicians formula eye brightener now i thought this was kind of interesting because when i looked it up um i've discovered that this one is actually really rare so there's two different kinds one slightly similar than the other um and they're both hard to find i guess they don't make these anymore i'm not really quite sure what's going on um but these are normally like if you just go to the store and you just get a commonly a common one it's like 11.99 but this guy we can sell for 39.99 i know right 39.99 um and hopefully we can make a good 30 off of it i'm pretty stoked about that i'm like my mind is blown and then of course we've got these smaller items here each of these are anywhere from like five to ten dollars we're not really going to make any money selling them online um that's the perfect tip like the manicure thing and then the fresh cream hand lotion so we're just going to sell these locally some garage sale or something like that make a couple dollars off of those the black box hemp oil i or it's not it's like a gel cap i can't find these exact ones and it seems kind of sketchy selling these um online and i'm not sure if ebay is really going to allow us to sell them so for the purposes of this unboxing i'm going to count them as zero but i might have to look into it a little bit more and if bad comes to worse i will keep them or i'll just sell them for a dollar at the at the garage sale then i have these two guys here and i went ahead and opened one so you could see because it's super pretty um it's like a crystally color like gem and then like a gold hair piece i guess you could wear it for like a special event like a wedding or something like that and these are really really hard to find i found one that is very very similar in this screenshot right next to me and um that is pretty much i found a whole bunch of them they're all around like that ten dollar range so i could sell both of these online for ten dollars nine ninety nine something like that hope to make four dollars a piece on these and then here's the tiara this is actually a wedding tiara it's just a really basic thing it's not super high quality or anything like that um and we're selling this one we'll go ahead and do the same thing sell it for ten dollars 9.99 somewhere around there hope to make four dollars and then these cigarette filter tubes um we found i mean we didn't find this exact lot but based on the other comps that we've seen we should be able to sell these for 29.99 hope to make 10 off of those and that's it guys let's uh let's go over the numbers we have to film at night and our ring light is broken the bummer it is what it is but we really wanted to make sure that we finished this video for you and are you ready for the numbers no how about now sure okay cool so we've done four rounds in our boxes we still got tons of stuff left to go for video number two but right now remember we were all in for a little over fourteen hundred dollars and right now we just broke into profit at six one thousand five hundred and ninety six dollars almost two hundred bucks profit and uh we've still got a couple boxes to go yep so that's awesome we hope you enjoyed this video uh thank you guys so much for watching don't forget if you love watching our unboxing videos we release them every single week so don't forget to hit that subscribe button and if you're interested to see how this stuff sells don't forget to check out our vlog posts as well until next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 10,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme unboxing tv show, buying liquidation to sell on ebay, 888 lots case, 888 lots, unboxing videos 2020, liquidation pallet unboxing, amazon fba product research 2020, amazon fba 2020, pallet unboxing, 888 lots reviews, 888 lots box, 888lots unboxing, returns pallet unboxing, family flips, ebay selling, flipping pallets for beginners, flipping pallets amazon, liquidation pallets, make money online 2020, work from home mom with baby, work from home jobs 2020
Id: mS8jtVpdk50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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