We Bought a Tiny Cottage in the Middle of the Woods

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so hi everyone hope you're well i've got a very exciting video for you today as long as i can remember i have had a love of the woods when i was little at the house i grew up in there was a little stream running in the backyard and my brother and i would go down there and play for hours we would run around catch frogs and i would go down and i would build little forts little tree houses and just have a great time down there so i would imagine that that is where my love of the woods stemmed from and i would also imagine that that is where my interest in small houses stem from as well so now that you know two things that i'm passionate about which are the woods and small efficiently built structures you combine those two together and naturally you get a cabin in the woods so with that being said i kind of set out on an informal search for a cabin in the woods what i did was i knew that we weren't in a hurry at all i knew that i wanted to find the absolutely perfect place so what i ended up doing was i used a lot of online uh house searching sites like zillow or um realtor.com and i just put very specific search parameters in and then i had them send me notifications whenever something came available so one day lo and behold something came into my inbox and it was different than all the others that i'd seen from the first picture that i saw it really kind of drew me in it was in an area that i know i liked it was on a beautiful piece of property and the cabin itself was it just it blew me away so while this may sound like a whole elaborate plan um it was i'm not gonna say it was a secret from alex my fiance but um it was uh i mean she knew that i enjoyed browsing cottages and looking at properties on zillow things like that but i don't think she necessarily knew that uh i wasn't serious about buying something as i may have been one of the many reasons why i love her is because she's so supportive of everything that i do and everything that we do together and she too enjoys and has a passion for the woods and small cabins and going on adventures like that so when i showed her this cabin she was very interested too so we ended up going to take a look at it and fast forward a few months and we recently closed on it and i'm just ecstatic to call it our own and i'm also very excited to show you around so let's go for a little tour we're at the very end of our driveway and you'll see if i come over in this direction it goes down the hill and snakes around and then goes off into the woods and off into the woods is where the cabin is so this is the transition here between the meadow which is on this side and then if i come around this way this is kind of the forest entrance and then if i walk over this way a little bit here you will see the cabin no i'm just kidding that is a uh that's a little shed um used for storage uh it's a nice structure the roof needs a little bit of work but uh it's just a storage shed tricked you all right so entering the woods is your driveway going down this direction and then walking a little bit further you'll begin to hear and see our little brook that runs through the property it's absolutely beautiful i don't know if the camera can pick it up but you can see it meandering in this direction and in that direction so we're continuing to walk down the driveway through the woods we measured out the driveway and it's actually 0.13 miles so pretty substantial driveway but as we continue to walk down with the brook right along here you'll begin to catch a glimpse of the cabin itself absolutely beautiful continuing up the last bit of the driveway you cross a little bridge or a little culvert if you will where the stream passes under so we're standing on that right now here's the brook you can see the water flowing down there and the brick running down in that direction all right so as we approach the house we have a little shed for the garbage cans and then you come around to the front of the cabin [Applause] so coming around to the back side of the house [Applause] got a little slate patio right here and then there's a little porch or deck [Applause] like i said the bottom set of french doors is the walkout basement and then if you turn to the right a little bit you'll see that you have the little bridge that the driveway goes over with the stream flowing through it so like i said we just moved in a few days ago so both outside and inside there's still a little bit of work that needs to be done um but i wanted to make this video because i've just been so excited to show you guys what it looks like so inside there's no furniture uh well actually there's one piece of furniture it belongs to our dog wilbur it's his dog bed which you'll see um and then there's just a few things that we bought um kind of scattered around so it's a little messy but it allows you to see what the interior of the cabin looks like better than if they were furniture in there so let's take a look inside um walking up the steps you've got a giant piece of slate here that's the front door let's go out inside there's wilbur right there so when you walk in you walk into a little foyer area hey nope you stay stay there and um on your left side here there's the stairs going upstairs in the light and then you look in this direction and this is the main living area coming around to the left i'm planning on putting a little eating area here this is where there's going to be some furniture possibly a wood stove and a couch or a chair the ceilings i know you can't really tell but the ceilings are at the lowest point eight feet from the timbers here and then they go up to almost nine feet on the beams and then there is a vaulted ceiling cathedral style if you will over there got the kitchen area oh there she is having a snack and then this is one bathroom full bathroom with a shower this is the view at the french doors [Applause] and then you'll see over here there's a doorway which actually goes down into the basement you're probably thinking wow look at all those shelves well it's an interesting story the woman that had this cabin built actually had some notoriety in the crocheting world and when she built the cabin she uh wanted lots of storage for her crocheting material which is why you see a huge amount of built-in cabinets this is the basement partially finished right now like i said we are planning on finishing it and then you have your uh utility room back here washer and dryer heater and water heater are over there all right we'll go back uh up to the main floor and then i'll show you upstairs all right we're back up to the main floor this is the front door there is wilbur trying to soak in some sun and when we turn this direction you see more built-in cabinets you see some stairs and that goes upstairs um when i'm walking up here you'll hear some popping and creaking that's the wood floors [Applause] get a box up here for mattress but this is like a little loft area but this is the master bedroom if you will this dormer here actually serves as the bed nook and once again you probably can't tell without anyone standing there but you can stand up and lift your hands up and you won't touch the ceiling so it's not a small space it's actually a pretty large space that's a queen mattress right there [Applause] looking down you see this is open to the downstairs living area kitchen and then up here is a half bath eventually we plan to put a shower in probably with very large storage closets on either side really cool uh thing that we got when we bought the house was these photo albums uh anne was the original owner and she very meticulously documented the entire construction process so it's very cool to be able to see how it was built you can see one of the notched timbers right there for the post and beam construction very cool to be able to see how it was put together and the craftsmanship that that was used building it well everyone there's just so much more that i can show you on the property and inside the cabin but i just can't fit it all in one video so um i will most definitely be making more videos about the cabin and about the property and it's gonna kind of be a whole different chapter of my channel if you will so if you're interested in these videos consider sticking around and and you'll see a lot more of them um we're planning on doing videos about different updates that we're going to be doing to the cabin and just all the adventures that we have in this area on this property and with our new home here so thank you all again for watching i really enjoyed showing you around and i really hope to see you next time stay safe take care bye
Channel: Cottage and Company
Views: 876,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, woods, cottage, cabin, home, rural, covid, retreat, living big in a tiny house, kirsten dirksen, vlog, ben brown, casey neistat, Cottagecore, Tiny house movement, Naturecore, off grid, log cabin, erik grankvist, homestead
Id: oXSZprm2UqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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