WE BOUGHT A HOARDER HOUSE $150,000 OFFER ... 100 Years Of Stuff

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this just blows my mind it blows my mind this is a once in a lifetime absolutely once in a lifetime find this is just i am thrilled you can't stop me he passed away unfortunately but uh his legend is going to carry on honestly never seen anything like this in my life my best buddy jeremy hales from what the hails actually bought a hoarder's house how much you pay for it oh man undisclosed price put your guesses in the comments though this is from sandusky ohio cedar point is in the backyard and so far so far i'm seeing hundreds and thousands if not millions of dollars we're gonna dig through a hoarder's house and see how much money we can find conkey just noticed there's a note down there in your flower bed man what are you seeing it look at this look at this it looks it looks like it's actually a note for uh for me love you youtube tell george and jeremy with a g hi and they uh apparently dropped off flowers how long has this been here do you think you know i put those flowers definitely you put those turtles but i definitely didn't write that i think that's pretty crazy that we just found that live somebody found out where you live dude what's in there nothing no nothing dude guys do not come to my house okay if you're out there i will not i'm not i'm friendly when i want to see you guys don't yeah trust me ask jeremy what he did when when people went to his house okay guys you don't want to know he treated me nicely that's because i'm a nice guy but you don't want to know you're going to want to see every single part of this house guys what's in the cup is there something this is this is sweet tea get ready for one of the most amazing hoarder houses you'll ever see oh wow holy tails that's just the archery corner look at this welcome to the legendary house guys now this is just the living room check this out is that how is that howdy doody howdy doody doll right in the living room guys the treasures here like i said i have not even gone gotten close to getting through at this house everything is as is right now wow check it out this is uh okay this is my first time here guapo's been trying to get me here forever and i've been busy moving and he bought this epic this is a once in a lifetime once in a lifetime fine i um my mind is blown already what's this what's this down here do any of these yet so we're gonna get some live unboxing here for all the channels here check this out look at that porcelain doll but look at this right we got clunky here so check this out oh nice oh wow check that out so this is what this cast iron right i mean i catch your house die cast no pressed steel oppressed little tonka action over there i mean dude this is the type of boxes i've been finding bro arrowheads i mean this is probably like a camcorder let's double check this oh yeah camcorder i told you there's ton tons of stuff guys something you just never know someone's got the gurney in it guapo bought this house matter of months ago and he has found hundreds of thousands of dollars in vintage toys and and firearms and what's that was that harley davidson okay pup right here found it live he's barely even scratched the surface of this place okay he he's not been in the basement he's not been in the garage and uh all of those guys we're talking about a little bit of a boxing challenge i mean look at the guys already there's conkey over there george george is over here guapo's over here this is just coming in the front door you still have not been in the basement it all started with one storage unit i bought a storage unit for 800 i got contacted by the kids to get the whole house or they wanted to originally sell me the contents of the house jeremy i told him i want the whole house i bought the whole house and here we are guys i wouldn't have hesitated to put a hundred thousand dollars down just like that for the contents of the house and the house uh i would not hesitate at 150 thousand dollars just based on what i've seen so far so which is nothing and um i think you got a once in a lifetime a million dollar purchase if not more there's just no telling there could be a hundred thousand dollar comic there could be a two hundred fifty thousand dollars card there can be a million red line hot wheels which is already filed i think we're gonna find something i gotta say i'm coming from you jeremy means a lot man mind let's this is the first one right here here we go here we go we got no lights right no there's lights you got power on you have everything holy look at all this okay now vintage clothing that's your expertise people actually they laugh all the time when i tell them old fruit of the loom old hanes old underwear are actually worth thousands of dollars this is the type of stuff i've been finding what is it oh my goodness guys check that out check that out very sought after sterling silver rings there's 18 in here dude these are probably about a hundred bucks a piece man insane amounts of stuff dude and this is just this is just what is this i have never i haven't even looked in this look camel joe freaking freaking matches dude tons of stuff look look at that look look at that look at this right there right in front of us where's that pinocchio one look at check this out the pinocchio right there so cool so cool man look check these out right here albert i mean it's all good stuff guys look at richard petty richard uh yeah just bunch of crazy jungle book in there too yeah jungle book i mean look at that mickey mantle wait a minute wait a minute this is the one that sold for a lot of money reprint reprint up top reprint doesn't mean the original won't be there though but look at all of them though that's a lot of reprints and it looks like the reprint is from 74. okay the reprint is from the reprint was was is of a reprint of 1952 but you know it's a 74 repent but can you can you believe it it's just epic stuff everywhere dude look wow crazy man crazy and then who even knows what's under here man i mean you just look harley davison patches are so common in this house the merchandise from harley davidson look hockey is that hockey top hockey tops it's from uh 1987. ooh man i want to you have a uh gretzky yet rescue that's good that could i don't know yeah super glide that's me that's me new superhero name yeah i am no no your astro glide oh oh okay well you know i was gonna go with fly but the guys are all here in the bedroom i'm gonna go sneak and peek at the basement while they're here in the bedroom don't you i don't know what conkey's holding on to right now but i'm getting away from this action where's the basement is this it is this it oh my goodness look at all this oh look at all this i don't know i don't know oh man jimmy you're getting ahead of yourself man come look do the lights work yes come look at the room first which room which room in here that room yeah okay okay all right wait wait wait wait first things first look at this when i first got here i want to tell the story this right here is filled with cards i left you in here to show you guys an example of what i've been finding okay check this out this is completely labeled this is kyle ripton that's ripped all of these look at take a take a pan of the whole row oh this is all kyle ripkens there should be griffey's in here right there there should be griffey's there should be manny ramirez all of the good cards so guys when i got here so much money guys when i got here there was nothing but these stacked up to about right here and it was from here to here they're all in my basement the whole kitchen the whole kitchen was filled with exactly this baseball basketball and football and they're all penny sleeved and top loaded most amazing story i can't even make this up guys and how tall are you without the 510 510 without the hoodie how big are you with the hoodie about about six about six seconds that's what happens trust me you want to get big you get you get it what the hell's hoodie what room is this this is the guy's office now is one of these guys the guy i have no idea he passed away right but check this out this is just the type of stuff that we're finding oh yeah look at all those presidential buttons presidential buttons from the 70s vintage hats on the rack he passed away right yes sir yeah look at all this guys cigarette baseball cards i mean these are ways these are the real ones larry bird pete rose um match covers wow crazy crazy guys backed by a hairy bird one time look at this look at all this remington remington knives dude look at that dude right in there look at that everywhere and toys look at this chicken is that japan that is that is super cool dude look at this chicken dude i i need this for the chicken coop man what kind of price you got on this man bro priceless all right i can't do priceless i got to have a price for it look at this there does it take batteries whoa uh so i think something comes out of that yeah or something goes in there one or the other i'm not so sure what kind of toy this is that i have in my hands the president's peeking in on us dude dude let me show you the closet let me take you guys oh my gosh guys check this out oh it's too dark in there never mind it's too dark in the closet here that's why i'm gonna go run down to the basement i'm doing it don't do it you can't stop me you can't stop holy cow oh my goodness he can't stop me he cannot stop me holy cow can't you see wall over there it's all packed up it's all packed and stacked three stooges m m's oh my goodness you can't even get in here look at this goes all the way back in here this is all boxes all cards comics there's lights in here yeah yeah any light you see you pull it and it has electricity top left look at this i know i know already this is going to be baseball cards football cards you could barely even see back there okay so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna turn the light on look at that giant crock pot right there let's see what's in here all cards all cards oh my goodness look at this look at this that's old i think that's old matchbox i think i might have just found old matchbox red lines not joking not joking i think oh oh jeremy jeremy right by you that's all cards where where yeah yeah all this whole stack that's all vintage cards said red lines move i'm thinking right here conkey i'm thinking right in there look at this oh my goodness up this is i found a banjo i found a banjo oh my goodness this is all comics look at this look at this this is all comics the legend hoarder that's all comics in there all comics all cards it goes as far you can't even see the wall you can't even see the wall let's see let's see what's in the banjo box conkey is uh finding something for sure yeah you probably shouldn't have hey yeah i'm pretty sure it's in there oh my goodness it's in there what kind is it what kind it is a k k kaye's not the best brand um you alive back there jeremy i'm barely alive what's a year backed in here oh wow backed into a into a oh chimney goodness look at this look at this this is just crazy this is legendary this really is legendary there are more boxes than the eye can actually see there's vintage ninja turtles in there yep ninja turtles oh my goodness there's bank that's money there's snake eye there's ninja turtles oh you've got to be kidding me this is money oh old farm all bank right there i can't believe this what could not believe what were you oh i know what you saw that was a matchbox i'm gonna have to get that out of there right there you see it yep i see it it's old match that's an old match box that's the old match box right there in the box you got it you got it you got it there it is that's what i saw that's it oh look at it don't do it don't do it seven up truck of super king seven seven up truck i cannot believe it it's it's never been punched you see the uh dude vintage vintage matchbox vintage ninja turtles never been on the pigs that's money that's more money whenever you're collecting when it hasn't been punched out on the pegs that's even worth more money i can't believe it i've never seen that box before guys wow that's insane this is just wild absolutely wild that's probably like a big money yeah on ebay yeah yeah easily see the thing about those things is the box it's the box condition and having the box did you see what we were talking about here guapo with the things not being punched out these right here aren't punched out so they call it unpunched toys right that means they never made it in the store yeah if you think conkey was happy about that look at this hot wheels assortment made in malaysia 72 toys hot wheels hot wheels look at this hot wheels hot wheels hot wheels case after case of hot wheels case after case of them case after case this is just there's another one you found another super king found another super king at the other side what's it look like um oh it's car carrier yeah and it's not punched out either oh wow fox is just a little rough but still acceptable this is wild guapo is yelling for me and i jumped over all of this stuff here but look at this just oh my goodness look at this look at this this has got to be worth something that's a pretty penny right there the nickel plate road there's the artist right there 81. that's not even what i originally saw although super super oh my goodness oh geez okay hey let's keep that between us okay let's not talk about that happened all right and then there's just see then i saw this and oh my goodness cannot believe it hot wheels flintstones flint's flint mobile redline this is old school this is red line flintstone mobile conkey right here i can't get over there there's an oscar meyer wiener was it taped no it wasn't taped i would never i would never ever untape your body i would never untape the reason why guapo is asking that is because if toys are taped in their original in the original box like this right here the value skyrockets never ever ever break the seal never break the seal that's why guapo was concerned which you guys know on video i might have broke his train and the thing fell but we're not going to talk about that but i did not i did not break the tape broke my train dude it's it felt it's probably good it's oh it's right here it's right here check this out have you seen this yet so so this is that old mexican canvas right there i love it nice absolutely love it there's oscar meyer wieners in here man they look big too and sweater and it's just everything man this is so cool dude when i told you that the what the hell's family was going to lose their mind oh is that lying no they're going to lose their minds off cards that's awesome all cars all cars what kind of cars are those desert storm 86 cops 86. i was under there i don't know i was coming i was just dude the starting lineups over here i was just coming to see he was calling me and i was like you know oh there's a drink if i get thirsty oh oh my goodness that was just sitting right there dude it was just sad open it up open it up count me down three two one no way wow wow this is some red line dude concrete we found the red lines oh man i need to see them rhythms oh it's another try and boo bam wow wow is this sold price on that that erdl is 60 that earl truck 60 none of us have ever seen this in a package or out of a package it's selling for 60 bucks so if i had to guess there's probably this is just a guess i would guess there's easily 2 000 boxes in this basement so 2 000 boxes in this basement on average from what i'm seeing and i'm just looking i'm guessing average is 500 of value resale value on 2 000 boxes so what's 2 000 times 500 and this is a low low it would be a lot it's got to be a million and that's just the basics that's just the basement that's just the basement what were you calling me for man so we found some ketchup come check it out you already seen that another one oh oh that's you moved that we found ketchup what's in here oh yeah oh man where are you at george george we're taking it to camp hills for sure that's for camp hills right come in this coming this freaking trap door dude okay i'm going you found a trapdoor well george found the trap door first i before i even showed him okay there's tons of stuff oh barbies old barbies collectibles everywhere dude these are old barbies look at this barbie over here you're missing out man barbie's everywhere barbie's everywhere oh man banana box oh my gosh look at this look at this look at this i'm not kidding hot wheels for sure in this banana box no look at this no way oh my gosh jumbo pack baseballs wow okay i know that winnebago right there i sold on ebay for 150. that right there yeah i sold that for 150 in worse condition that winnebago right there i sold for 150 on ebay worst condition i found in a storage unit oh my goodness look at this oh man dude look back there look back there what's back there way more no way way more no way rolled pennies everywhere holy cow that is the biggest mason jar i've ever seen in my life look at this look at this that is a giant mason jar there's two of them back there i can't even get to them there's another winnebago right there that's another 150. easily 150. there's just stuff everywhere look here's a little tank right here there's collectable money there's oh you got to be kidding me this is comics comics upon comics upon comics one comic and it looks like he could have the right comics one comic easily could go for a hundred thousand dollars in a house like this he um just blows my mind it blows my mind this is a once in a lifetime absolutely once in a lifetime find this is just i am thrilled absolutely thrilled he found this and and he got this i wish it was me but i love that it's him and so this is just stuff everywhere we can't even get back in here okay i'm going to try i'm just going to try yeah i'm on them right now i'm on comics give that trait a conkey man look at check this out right there is that the red lines there's red lines there's red lines the trey's on the on the on the rack behind that box okay oh my goodness you gotta be kidding me there's more red lines hidden back there you gotta be kidding me okay i gotta i gotta get it here you wanna hold your camera yeah can can you hold the camera because i don't want to damage these comments because there's comics right there's really good comics in there those are all spideys from the 70s oh my gosh be careful be careful i'm trying oh my gosh the storage legends house oh man he's just delivering right now wow what do we got what do we got we got it geez i cannot believe that you got this house man listen i'll tell you what i don't know what you paid for it but i'll give you 150 right now if you walk away just walk away really 150 walk away from that's a good man that's a good offer 150 cash walk away from all of this ah that's a good offer i'm going to hold on everything stays i'm not i'm being 100 i give you 150 thousand on what the hills right now this is a live offer right now everything stays ah don't say dude don't expect me to answer on your camera come on guys what do we see well what's the answer no i i the answer is no because one i have to show my community and my my community comes first before any kind of money and two you'll be here with me man all right so like i said i'm sad it wasn't me but i'm glad it was him that got all this this is just this is a once in a lifetime opportunity it's unbelievable this is just absolutely unbelievable not only is it inventory for days guys but it's content for days i mean these these these cars their doors open i mean that's not these are die-cast cars playing back there look at that okay that's the thing this is the only red line in there and it's a real red line it's not the most valuable thing in there i bet you yeah this is actually more valuable than red line that's an old tomica oh he found an old toilet dude jimmy you didn't see whatever else so much money in here you didn't see everything else in there i think so much stuff this is just this is just an estimate i i'm 100 serious in my million dollars now well i was 100 serious in my offer to guapo for 150 cash walk away there's easy do you want absolutely a million dollars to be made and resell value here you want to come and add three guys i'm just stuck right now there's just so much look there's trains on the floor there's there's coins back there you got shoeboxes and comics right in front of you if you want to show the heels family check this out right here this is just so they can get an idea of what kind of comics look at they're all good comics oh wow they're all they're all good comics just look they're a bunch of spiders now now rob just called me he said we're looking for a spidey 11 and i haven't had a chance to check and see if it's in there yeah okay 14 oh my gosh oh my gosh jeremy come on come on come on come on please please please 22 21 12. oh my gosh jeremy jeremy please please on what the hell please oh 20 11 oh so i guess the first appearance of uh spider woman i think is 12 a spidey 11 yeah spidey 11. so that's what we're looking for guys i mean this is it right here take it do you look how big this comic that's that's nothing there's there's hundreds and hundreds of comic boxes here in the basement and uh from what i've been told in the garage as well and none of it's been looked at it's just been there for years man very emotional experience for me honestly i mean i i i started youtube with jeremy pretty crazy experience honestly this is wild yeah i wanted to get in here and i uh i moved some boxes i had to push some boxes all of us guys are in here right now just doing some crazy stuff i wanted to look at some of the collectible money look at this and then what did i find what did i find oh my god jeremy i don't even know i don't even know i don't even know if i can get this out to you i don't even know if i can get it out oh whoa oh wow okay all right here here i'm gonna set that aside over here oh my goodness keep going dude keep going okay okay all right i am going to this is just incredible incredible i don't know if i can push this i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and sneak that out i'm gonna try and sneak that out here i'm sitting on the winnebago and this is just getting better and better and better look at this look at this he's never seen it it's been trapped in here he's never seen any of this ah look at this oh it's full oh okay okay all right all right all right guapo guapa i'm gonna hand this up to you i got it okay i'm gonna hand that up to you okay and then opening it yeah go ahead and open it all right guys here we go storage legends hoarder house mattel let's get legendary oh let's get let's get legendary okay all right that's old mattel i think fish are priced there's cars in here this car's in here don't worry it gets better oh my god check this out wow check that my out i gotta i gotta tell you though uh it's gonna get a whole lot better flip that bad boy get over flip it over man flip it over wow guys okay that ain't nothing insane that ain't nothing look at this he don't know what's coming he don't he does not know oh my god give me nervous he has no idea what's coming right now conkey has no clue ah they have no hair here can you hold that guapo oh my gosh here you have no oh my gosh jeremy you have no idea be careful be careful you have no idea dude yes just give me a second give me a second all right this is incredible this is uh the hails of a legendary house how about that oh my gosh dude conkey dude you're gonna trip you're gonna trip out man remember he's not seen any of this he has no clue this is buried i am unburying all this right now as we speak and i see it and all right one more thing one more george george that one is in there good but i'm pretty good too so george george where are you here we go okay each one of those holds forty-eight all right it's in here all right all right here we go here we go here we go here we go it opens from that side this is just all right i just pulled out so many matchbox cases and some of these oh nice oh wow very nice 70s this is all almost like 70s and oh my gosh guys look at this that's uh we got a piston popper here what do you think i love it ron liked his car liked them there's another one a maxi taxi so this one as you rolled it the the engine it's crazy because all of this is for sale guys all of it will be on my auctions it would be personally able to be sold guapo's selling all of this but um that's nothing look at this they don't even know what i just i'm in such cram quarters right now i uh i came back here for the money and i found more hey hey uh conkey yeah here oh there you go conkey are you kidding me can you open that trying to torture me my dad had this carrying case he had all of his favorite cars in that one no way yep sure did that would be a hot one oh check that out with the two that's how we got the two bikes in the back they call that one they call it awesome this is a mcdonald's uh non-powered stomper wow okay nice oh the high rankers this is the one where you jack the back look at this all right look at this oh oh oh oh oh oh oh all right be careful hey conkey i know you're having fun all day i know you're having fun looking but oh you gotta be kidding me well bam all right you guys are trying to oh there's another one right there yeah there is there is there is yeah i threw that one up there too and then or something holy cow that's the ones with the license plate on the back yeah there's so much money in here by the way there's more look at this look at this are you kidding me oh i'm not kidding man look at this one yet not kidding at all i dug myself back in here oh conkey's looking at that one and uh i'm gonna try and figure out here's what oh yeah i'm gonna try and figure out how to get into you know that one's tricky that's what that's 72 so there's three trays three trays six trays in there all right so ah without having multiple hands right now how do you do it with only two hands i wish i had three oh wow did you have an operation these are older wow yeah these are all this is um this is old this is 370's here this is my name some newer in here but a lot of older wow i worked my way out of the secret door big banked race set there's an aurora race set there's dr pepper bottles there's old antique pop bottles there's full bottles back there old pepsi here's uh here's some more right here i mean you name it this guy had it wow he passed away unfortunately but his legend is going to carry on wow through the documentation of his collection on storage legends and then obviously on conkey's flipping adventures and taking a risk with george george and just incredible wow die cast and here's barbies there's cases and cases of barbies there's george and [Music] oh wow oh lionel train set right there look at that right there i mean oh wow barbies and cards and if it was collectible this guy had his hands on it pac-man okay now you guys i'm sure you know you want to have the thermos in there and i'm sure this guy probably absolutely did an aladdin pacman right there this is just this one right here okay seems like we're going somewhere else we're going to the attic let's go okay i thought we were we have to go together i honestly i yeah george george says i'm already an addict i honestly thought we were going to the garage to open some boxes but you've got to be kidding me he's got to be kidding me dude oh wow look look off off rip left immediately oh wow unopened garbage paper garbage pail bags and bags it's everywhere look at this thing this thing's cool it's an old spinner's wheel wow that's a loom wow this is what rumplestiltskin used for his gold weaving you're going to find a letter oh there's the big wheel oh my goodness you're going to find a lot of cool stuff man still holy cow these are the old toppers oh my goodness they're such cool banana box after banana box after banana box look at this look look dude ronnie dangerfield oh my god let's see if it still works nope doesn't respect i get no respect i'll tell you it puts me in the attic and i i'm not even up here with my wife my wife called me out here yeah but uh the hotel yeah there's the knockoff yeah i'll tell you look at this there's old monopoly okay oh no it goes all the way back look at this it's everywhere yeah i mean if i wasn't fat i could get back in here this this is wild this is just this is uranium glass right here 50 up to 250 so uh for the offer on you this place is it up to 250 how much how much you got to have for this in the attic i don't know what you gotta have i'm open to offers but is the offer up to 250 a quarter million i know i can sleep here i can sleep and work here and you got danger fielding i got dangerfield right next to me if you have like any problems yeah he'll be there this is just this is insane dude let's see buttons buttons buttons alley fonts oh george we go crazy right now i don't know why she loves old buttons oh wow that's crazy especially the african ones wow wow jeremy is your offer 250 000 yet um who's asking me i offered you how much should i offer you you offered me 150 000. now you know what i paid for the house dude is your offer up to 250 yet is that my question i'm not saying i'll accept it at 250 i'm saying 155. i'll give you 155 000. i'll pass right now but i want to see it's 155 000 cash and he's not accepting it after he doesn't have to do any work after the garage let's see if that offer increases 155 000 doesn't have to do it and he hasn't even seen him all he has to do is leave give me the key 150 he walks away dude you've never seen the garage yet six million dollar dollars i'm putting an offer right now i'm tired i'm tired of this low ball and stuff wow you know what you got here i know what you guys know what he knows what you got you bid long you bid wrong so he knows take it and leave it okay i'm just curious where he's coming up with six million dollars million dollar man over here all right six million dollar man million dollar man over here and and i i'm worth twenty thousand if that without further ado let's go through this garage here in the garage box challenge box okay so box challenge is basically this one by the way he got this international bus with all of this as well box challenge is basically this guapo is going to pull some boxes out george george is going to pull some boxes out conkey's going to pull some boxes out i'm going to pull some boxes out and we're going to find out who can pull out the most money now you guys are going to have to jump around and go check out the other videos on those channels so you know who got the most money and then let us all know in all of our comments in all of our videos george legends that what the hails won and because what's the hails won because what the hails is gonna win then then that way uh guapo is gonna sell this to me for uh my offer currently is a hundred and sixty seven thousand dollars if he just walks away now guys after we go through the garage i think it's gonna increase another hundred thousand that's all right pretty stay tuned cpa will not let me spend any more all right i hear your bit of six million i'm being pushed under the rug just again once he's gonna borrow it off jeremy so so we just jump in and we grab as many boxes three four i'm handing out boxes guys at least round one i like it cocky's inside picking his first box out oh man man that is that is vintage dust right there that is worth money that just made me sneeze i can smell the profit already okay so conkey you're letting him pick first why him first um because conkey needs it he's good for about one okay and then can you do an age over beauty okay i thought i thought george george would go first he's good for about one cocky's good for a good one okay george george is uh digging through some of the stuff that's just out in the garbage here that's pretty crazy this is actually this is a fire extinguisher yeah a convenient one antique fire extinguisher yeah oh cheat cocky don't cheat get a box get your hands on it this shouldn't be taking you that way all right cocky's calling a box who goes in after conkey my turn conkey just went in mind-blowing mind you blowing so wapo says i can go in next now here's the rules he's saying whichever box you touch is the box you get oh man i gotta be careful you just touch like seven boxes that was i tripped you literally just touched like seven bucks if i trip i you know i'll let it slide man i'll let it slide okay so here's what i'm thinking oh that looks like a good one he's reaching am i allowed to move anyway whatever you want man this is your world so i can move i can't move okay already set the rules conkey was moving and moving boxes oh my god i'm nervous i cannot believe what i'm finding under here okay i'm just moving i'm just moving stuff i already chose so i'm uh you know what you want it's heavy oh my goodness okay i'm gonna move a few more things it's very heavy very heavy he's probably gonna move the two boxes on top it looks incredible there's some corn flakes oh wow those are nice collectibles check out all them boxes i can see a little bit of cool stuff here so cool it man pull it oh dude it's really heavy come on baby come on baby come to daddy come oh man and you made room for me to get my box awesome okay two for one i just it had to be this way it had to i have to which one are you taking the top or the bottom you're already looking into the top don't look man don't look i have to set it down so i can okay oh my god it looks so good it looks so good he's pretending to be tired so he can get a better look at these boxes oh it looks so good look at him you gotta choose between the two man okay i think i'm gonna go with i think i'm gonna go with um i'll go with the second one i'm going with this one oh i'm going with this one here we go i gotta see this banana boxes okay brand new sealed nhl pro set we got a date on this we've got a date um you've seen 98 somewhere okay he's just pulling i think it's 08 it's oh wait okay he's just pulling dates out of his butt right now just because okay i can't do this guys all right so sealed look at that here's another one sealed look at that here's another one sealed look at this oh look at this dick tracy tracy okay so so um so tops actually put out after the movies a lot of different movies tops will put out the different card packs and this probably has the gum as well now this one isn't sealed and that's okay they didn't always come sealed can i open it is that okay yeah yeah careful careful careful both sides here remember finders keepers squeeze it open here oh it's going to be hard god i'm not going to open it yeah so this one okay it does have the sticker inside and i doubt i can't remember i have some of these cards i can't remember if they actually have um if they actually have the gum in them or not but yeah you guys got to realize the late 80s and early 90s they it was really hot to make cards out of movies it was real big cards were everything in the 90s branson dick tracy was a was an artist uh dick tracy was actually a movie was he a detective detective there we go okay uh branson on stage i have no idea who this is but i know it's from 92. and this one branson missouri right the collection crazy when they've seen those boxes this this right here branson yeah i think it's a show that's a tv show i do not know that one at all branson missouri no no no no no no in front of us man 1991 1991 cookie knows what i'm yeah 1991 nfl pacific pro football plus it's worth money man filled oh my goodness look at the foils wow look at the foils oh my god wow sealed in the foil i'm so happy to witness this wow isn't this nuts mind blowing oh my goodness some greetings here wow gruesome greetings scratch and stink oh dude you know what gruesome greetings are no idea bro no idea um [Music] they're still sealed in the plastic okay right there like they were 15 1992 55 cents 1992 and it looks like this is a entire box right there an entire box it looks like a wow like it might have been not just one but you've got oh my god jimmy there's four in there okay hold on a second oh yeah they probably expired this was probably the it's dead stock they took it off the shelf boxes a lot of garbage pill boxes had that too they took them off the shelves the garbage bill kids they took them off the shelf just put paint on them yep so there's there was no don't resell anymore took it off the shop these are awesome how much you want for these believe it or not man there are i'm gonna sell the whole thing to you for a quarter million and believe it or not no maybe not i don't know i don't know if i was 150 i don't want to eat my words believe it or not there are garbage pill cards it i found i found some i did find some here in the house in the house no no in the bus right here in the bus in the business bus right here okay 18 000 with the garbage bill cards came out of this box how many have you sold so far um not too many i can't even believe you would even go off and sell without consulting me first you offered me six bucks last time on a text message six bucks is better than and friendship i said i would be your friend he said he said i'll give you six bucks and i'll still let you hang out with us how did you get the hoodie did he give you the hoodie for it i'm like i'm like dude that's a really intriguing offer but i i don't know man he's like i'll give you six bucks and you can still hang out i'll still let you film like six bucks a hoodie in an inch i'm like wow and i'll get you a couple inches what a deal i mean that alone is priceless sealed seals i'm like expecting a really good offer where are you really how much you're gonna give me all right dude i'll give you six bucks and i'll still let you come around the funny part is he's being serious that's not a bad offer i'm like okay yeah okay classic cars oh my gosh these original stickers right there these are actually cards of antique cars so this is just like dick tracy cars or the gruesome greetings which i've never seen before but these are from uh canada panini they're from their panini so that's good like a little sandwiches a little sandwich that's very cool people are obsessed with classic cards just like they're obsessed with movies let's move this let's oh no look at this 11th series oh it's got that black paint you were talking about okay so and so these didn't have the cellophane that's because you have the cellophane yes they have the gum in them what am i going to say jeremy notice wax packs there's no 25 cent marking on these wax packs that means the first year is the first run of this box check it out normally there are 25 cent pieces or stickers or slabs on the packs but they're not they're not in this that's full right there five stickers one stick of gum this is the 11th series we're making history oh my goodness okay making history that is incredible so 87 now remember garbage trail kids came out in 85 and garbage trail kids when they first came out series one every single sticker or every single character has two different names and we don't see adam bomb here adam baum is adam he's the garbage obviously it's a spoof on cabbage patch kids but he's the garbage pail kid that has the kind of the mushroom top out and that became the staple of garbage pail kids they also released a smaller series in new zealand and uh one other country what was the other country you remember i don't know but there's three garbage boxes there's three right all right how much you gotta have just for these how much you gotta have for these you know man yeah you can hang out what's part of the deal i gotta get all that do i get to still be cool am i still cool you've always been cool that's why that's why i said so six dollars and you get to hang out experience guys storage legends quarter house 2022. how much that says ten dollars ten dollars i'll give you 30. that's a fair price that's asking for something like grab my box man i'm a little concerned on on the the destruction of the the front i do like that the stickers are still on there that one's ripped that's destruction and things along those lines i did look i did look these up on ebay which they look pretty cool the gruesome greetings i've never seen them before on average and they show them with the discontinued mark as well they're going for 10 bucks a box what do you got to have what do you got to have for me to take this all home i gotta have two three three hundred thousand dollars three hundred thousand dollars for everything no i'm trying to do a real deal right now man i don't even know if i'm ready would you would you you said you had an offer for what on uh for for that okay one million is a little bit much for garbage pail kids this is kind of that's kind of you know it's destroyed there there there there um what if i gave you 500 cash take that home i got a pass man what do you got to have i got to have one million dollars for everything this actually has its original packaging you see the talking name on the top i can't believe it how crazy is that look at the back i can't believe it look at that man that's the mighty dumpling dude i've never seen this in my life it's supposed to call it's called the mighty dumb i think uh guapa usually takes that usually about 10 o'clock after uh a little live stream in a.a which is adventurers anonymous which is what we're doing right now we're an omnium oh oh you okay taking a risk over there almost took the risk of his life yeah ah should have let it fall and collapse on you insurance claim dude there's so much stuff that's absolutely interesting there's another one down there yep right there another time all of this these boxes right here show me that toxic high never seen this before it came out in 91 toxic high 25 cents tops was probably a spin off of garbage pail kids like high school or something like that like maybe like a high school themed kind of parody you know tops got into a lawsuit with with uh cabbage patch kids right did they yeah they got in the lawsuit they got they got sued and they actually settled with cabbage patch kids and they had to adjust the look of their artwork and and lettering you know as far as font and all that so they got sued they settle outside of court and uh to this day they're still making cards are they really yeah the garbage yeah they've come back out yep just like everything it always comes back around like bell bottoms and mullets this is all cards so not only am i standing on a banana box but there's a full wall all the way to the back of the the garage filled with cards and then back here if i can show you maybe at least two thousand boxes oh yeah oh nfl wow i'm hanging on i'm hanging on look at that dude filled with cards bro brand new cards too look this says um look at this basketball box 1994 set crazy dude wow and that's a full box i've honestly never seen anything like this in my life i've said this so many times already this is a one in a million opportunity though the one lifetime opportunity this is just it's wild it's wild how the legends do it man blows my mind it's my turn to pick another box quit staging jack i'm not staging this is staging when you move things around that stage i mean you're staging me staging staging how am i supposed to get up to the second level if i don't move some stuff okay we gotta go through all of this before we get to the second level though no no i'm going to the second level oh my goodness thousands of dollars just taking it up one level do you need it or no yeah yeah i need it i'm going for this other ladder but if you got that there i'll just use it as a crane bro bro bro be careful bro be careful you're just crushing it no no this is just millions of dollars for yourself man forget the stuff no no no that's not very sturdy where your hand is okay that's not oh yeah that could come down on all of us that's definitely coming down that's 100 watch this look at this look at this door george you see that that's right oh my god what if it just falls on me dude be careful well i'm really taking a risk right now there are i'm really excited so i'm i'm worried about damaging stuff is that a skateboard look at that one of the first skateboards yeah this is a skateboard floor wow this is k-mart on it wow kmart skateboard that's worth money okay oh my gosh bro look at all those boxes that are just it's just a wall of boxes so i'm trying there's this this thing up here oh man there's this um jeremy's taking a risk now stop putting your hand right there jerry don't do it i'm doing it guapo what are you doing crack kills oh wait there's these boxes of comics right here that it looks like i can stair step up them so i could probably stare with these comics right here but where are you going i'm going up here you see all these boxes up here that nobody's ever touched oh do you see him now oh my god you see what i'm talking about wow like i i want to get up there to where nobody has ever been like bro nobody's seen anything and i'm gonna see if i can do it somehow i want to see you jump jump jeremy jump but if i do i'm going to put my foot on well no put your feet over there like you were saying and jump i'm i'm scared of the comics man i think you got this you think i think so okay okay you're only 150 some pounds that's true and that's soaking wet that's true that's true let me let me at least peek and see if they're good comics um look at this this whole thing whatever it is it's sealed 40 copies dc death of superman 40 copies death of superman right there 11 each right there right there oh my goodness yep i'm using it as a stair all right you got a weird 40 stairs sometimes you just gotta win we'll do it man wrong okay well all right if i ain't gonna do it then i'm gonna look at this other stair okay so let me see this here we were stepping on this is um this is a giant giant box of what's in it what's in it man what's in it you know what don't worry about it don't you remember from when we staged it batman batman he's got batman he's got silver wait what is that shadow shadow wins wins uh magnus all right i think that's usually that that's a silver package but i've seen it in gold before but it's very cool guapo papa what are you doing i'm trying to look at this swap was calls on a box wizard comics what is wizard comics i honestly don't know it's comics about wizards okay well now now we know so i don't want to step on the death of superman's but i am very light on my feet i don't think you got that careful bro please don't step on any comics you you don't think i got this i don't think so don't step on any comics man i'm doing it anyway george come here come here after all these boxes remember i made guava and offer a serious offer 150 000 for everything in this place like there was collectibles everywhere look what i found this is there's like six good boxes some ship ships now we got ship ships and you know what happens when somebody disrespects a middle eastern person such as myself who ate arugula and was egyptian for a day we throw the ship ships and what do we say when we throw ship ships what is your serious offer now after going through all the good boxes ten dolla ten ten dollars he's not even here to hear that he ran away after i threw the ship ship the guys are all out in the garage so i snuck away i'm in the attic i'm not gonna pull a box from the garage i'm gonna pull from the attic and i found this bed up here and i figured where would i hide my most precious stuff definitely 100 underneath the bed i'm a little scared to see what i'm gonna find i'm sure nobody has looked under here for years i'm oh my goodness there's quite a bit of stuff okay i'm gonna find out what's in oh i'm gonna find out what's hidden underneath the bed okay let's tuck that up this is where i would hide all my stuff there might even be money in the mattress remember all the money maybe even between the mattresses from what i heard as the story goes his wife actually slept right here i don't know why but that's what the story anything there okay i don't know it feels lumpy like money okay i'm gonna i didn't see anything in there but i can get under here yet either let's see what we got okay some pajamas do not let them know that i came up here to the attic there is some uh there's some shoes i don't want i don't want conky's flipping adventure to know i'm up here i don't want storage legends to know i don't want taking a risk to know oh you know what else women hide underneath their bed i think i just found it i gotta be careful here i got to be careful it's it's long and it's colored and it's a cookie monster rattle that's what you hide underneath your bed just like you boing boing that's a 1979 muppets i was two years old honestly i could have probably had that even there's some other stuff under here oh god always check inside shoes always always checking shot shoes what's this is it pound puppies raggedy and it's right at the end it is it's raggedy hand there's a raggedy ann and andy pillowcase that's pretty that's really that's money that's money there's more under here something wrapped up here what is it that's some stretchy pants hey chancho let me bottle some pants man the stretch is done gone out of them pants okay one more thing it's a uh it's sows odds and ends something something and things okay well apparently something was under there and uh now it's not just remember don't tell him i'm up in the attic
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 127,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jA6egzCD6YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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