We Bought a CHEAP Supercar... And It's WILD!

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just landed in san francisco got our feet on the ground and now it's time to put eyes on my first supercar i love this car [Applause] we got suspension tire pressure this epc light came on and the check engine light as well as the gas light [Music] it is 4 40 in the morning and this is one of the most exciting days of my life [Music] bye tina bye youtube girlfriend hi there i love you guys i'll see you in like uh 10 hours all right thanks for the ride uber oh you have got to be kidding me my flight is the only one that's delayed and i'm on a tight schedule because i have to drive this car back nine hours okay real talk don't you just hate it when you get to the airport and then your flight is delayed and i'm not talking delayed like you're gonna get to your vacation late but instead it's delayed and you're picking up your very first supercar ever like the anticipation has been killing me for like the last few days and here i am only an hour or so away from meeting my first supercar and something that me and the whole team have been working so hard on for the past five years to be able to hit this point and introduce a supercar to the channel as well and i'm just sitting here listening to this but honestly it's not all bad i get to reflect a little bit on the past five years and really just from childhood wanting to finally own a supercar and so i'm super excited to bring you guys along and ride shotgun as we pick up my very first supercar that we're going to be making a ton of content on for the channel and you're definitely going to want to stay tuned because i have a surprise once we fire it up for the first time that i don't know if you guys are going to believe or not but it is a hundred percent true so i hope that you haven't clicked forward yet to see what car it is but if you have well um let me know down in the comments what you thought of it because i can't tell you how excited i am to finally see this thing for the first time so buckle up and let's go we're on our way finally we're only like three hours delayed but it's gonna be well worth it i guess it's better late than never huh we just landed in san francisco got our feet on the ground and now it's time to put eyes on my first supercar you guys in front of me is the first supercar that i've ever bought it is a dream come true and i'm i am in utter shock but before i show you guys this give me like 20 seconds because when i first bought a bmw 3 series for less than 10 grand just 24 months ago i was planning on buying a supercar and the way that i did that was leveraging financing understanding how to negotiate like a pro and have an ideal ownership experience idea from before i even buy the car by watching market trends and so if that sounds like something that you want to do go from a 10 000 bmw all the way up to a supercar and then more supercars i call it the ideal car strategies and you can go check out my free webinar and see if it's something for you by clicking up here where i talk about my seven secrets to drive your dream car and make money so without further ado here is my first [Music] that supercar so good one of the best sounding v8s ever no way that is mine no way that is mine oh my god [Music] this is so much awesomeness definitely an ideal car dude [Music] are you kidding oh that's a party trick that's for sure yeah so this is jason he's the one that built this thing over the past four years as a labor of love and i am now the new custodian of this ideal audi r8 i mean i i literally there's not another one on the planet that looks like this and so dude thank you so much man for building this thing and and passing it on to someone else that's going to enjoy it thoroughly and you got you got to take good care of my baby this was this is not an easy thing to get done man we'll tell the story later but can you tell us a little bit about the car well uh while i'm here and then uh we need to jump on a facetime so i bought the car about maybe four years ago something like that and it spent the better part of three years just being built wow um so what the kit is is this is a this is a prior design gt850 okay i don't see very many i think there's only three of them in the united states and as far as i know there's maybe a dozen of them in existence mostly because the fitment is not very good on these things so it takes a lot of love to get it to look the way it does wow so typically there's a uh it's a quad exhaust because we've got the v8 right yeah so what i had the guys doing all the fiberglass work do is i had them change it out to be a single exit exhaust i think it looks better it does look kind of over the over the whole uh quad exhaust yeah on the v8 so i thought that would look kind of cool to do that uh so that's that's that part now typically right here there's a whole bunch of slits kind of this weird goofy looking fake pep boys looking grill thing that i thought looked kind of janky so yeah so uh so yeah that's uh that's what was modified with this and the other thing that was modified is this front end this is there's supposed to be a rain tray underneath here but the problem was is it's sort of cannibalizing the space that's already taken up by the uh the air compressor that's in the if there's an air compressor in here yeah the whole for the air system for the air ride where is it it's in the front dude i want to see this thing this is pretty cool look how big this hood is too yeah the i mean that was that was a tough thing with wrapping the r8 hood's already wider than that mousepad no way wow what a clean yeah that's the whole thing that's the endocvt so with this the i mean everything all of the components for the air ride are all in here so you don't have to have a whole setup with your manifold and the compressor and everything outside it's all within within the body of the compressor tank okay so obviously this guy is an artist and he built something that is pretty much carved out a marble that michelangelo would be proud of dude seriously man i mean you have made my like life honestly this is like a childhood dream and what's so cool is when i bought the car he was telling me that he actually bought this car back east and when he finally got it he was like i'm always going to own an audi r8 and he bought it and on the on the ride home um there it might have been a wet ride home or like a little bit of a little a little bit of tears which i'm i'm starting to feel a lot of emotion like i i can't explain it right now so with that it said uh i wanna show you guys the best part about this car i mean everything's beautiful but that ladies and gentlemen is a manual gated shifter and so i think this gentleman deserves putting on the first ideal sticker on the ideal r8 so where where would you like to stick this sucker i'm thinking driver let's do driver's side quarter window i think that'll be okay right i'm in i think that will look fast i mean i'm thinking that we're at about 450 right now so let's try to get it 455. there we go five horsepower baby so that's why you should be purchasing oh look at that you should be purchasing the ideal stickers because i mean that's five right oh z stop it stop it um okay well now that looks ideal all right guys it's time to hit the road in my first supercar which is gonna be an incredible drive and i can't wait to bring you guys along but what's so crazy about this and what i told you earlier at the airport to stick around for is the fact that i've never actually driven a supercar ever when i was a little kid i always said that the first supercar that i was gonna drive was gonna be the one that i bought and i've turned down numerous opportunities to drive ferraris lambos mclarens and i've turned it down every single time because i wanted this to be so special and i mean i couldn't pick a better car to be my first supercar popping cherry if that's even a thing so i'm gonna fire it up air it up and then we're gonna hit the road back to oregon let's go now you guys just saw that i bought my ideal supercar which is an audi and audis are known for making their dashes look like christmas lights every once in a while yeah they like to throw a lot of lights and a lot of codes and that's where today's sponsor fixed comes into play because any time that scary little check engine light comes on the dash all you gotta do is plug in this obd2 module and via bluetooth it'll magically show you everything that's wrong with your vehicle and seriously guys if you're anything like me you hate driving around with a check engine light so this just gives me the peace of mind knowing what's wrong with my vehicle and then i'm able to look up how much it's gonna cost and lucky for you and me fixed modules are less than 20 bucks so snag one for you and they make great presents so snag one for your friend link is in the description and i promise you it's the best 20 bucks you've ever spent thanks for supporting the sponsors that support us and back to my ideal first supercar a wide body audi r8 oh san francisco traffic i am in disbelief i am driving this north through san francisco right now and it is it's it's my my car god like i'm speechless i have so much emotion and yet finding the right words is tough because it's it's just it's been a childhood dream like i said and i now am driving it north and it's crazy it drives like a normal car it actually doesn't drive that much different than even like i had a b5 s4 for a little bit and yes it is definitely much more planted the steering's better but it doesn't drive super exotic if you wanted to daily drive this which i why wouldn't i uh you definitely could and so uh i probably will but first impressions this gated shifter i uh yeah i'm in love absolutely in love and the amount of looks that this thing's been getting so far is uh definitely unreal it's it's definitely ideal but overall working with jason and buying this car was really easy uh you know he worked through some stuff with me and worked on the price i used that uh i used some of those negotiation tactics in the ideal car strategies and that really helped so you know i got this car at a great deal and i mean to experience a wide body r8 uh as a first supercar is is beyond words cool so we're gonna sit in traffic in this thing and do exactly what it wasn't built to do and uh maybe i should air out on the fruit no i'm just kidding then once we hit some better better roads we'll uh actually open it up a little bit it's exciting i didn't uh really think this was an audi for a second because there was no lights on the dash flashing but now not only do we have tpms but now it just yelled at me and it said add one quart of oil please exclamation point so we're in the middle of nowhere we just got out of all that traffic this is gonna be fun because i'm gonna have to go ask some farmers or something for some some oil this is about to get pretty interesting so um a quick google search shows that i'm at least 100 miles away from any auto parts store i'm about 150 miles until i'm done with this gas in here so i'm gonna try to burn it up as quick as possible and hit the next gas station so that maybe they have something that will go in this the problem is it's a high performance engine so you can't put low performance oil into it i mean you could but of course you know i buy my first supercar and the very first thing within the first 50 miles is the oil light comes on it's a beautiful day couldn't be better but how about this gated shifter though [Music] uh did did i just do that right that's the first time i've ever aired down and that uh that worked i think looks low so i gotta get gas i gotta get oil hopefully i gotta figure out how to open up this this rear deck lid and uh ah it's gonna be interesting so while i'm in here i think first priority not the oil it's me i need some oil i need some red bulls some sugar and a couple of goodies and uh their oil selection here is beyond dismal um there it is a bunch of high high quality premium oil for your first supercar the r8 takes 5w30 so i'm gonna put probably half a quart in here even though it said a full court because when i get home i'll then uh get an oil change and a bunch of other stuff done to it so i think this is it oh look it's all blue favorite color now one card definitely does not look like the rest and i'll give you a guess now to access the rear hatch on the r8 what you do is you actually go behind here by the seat belt give that a little pull and then you use this coat hanger to oh i thought i was there or maybe i don't know how to do it so the reason the engine cover wouldn't open is because you have to have the key in the ignition for this guy to open up so it's locked other oh my look at this jewelry for men you guys those air intakes big old v8 4.2 liter 420 horsepower and we gotta find the place to put bullio that was easy anybody down there [Music] okay hopefully that does away with that oil light i don't see it so far it's still an audi for sure it's got a christmas light dash but i don't see it let's go so since uh that light isn't on anymore let's give her a little rip huh oh my god oh that sounds so freaking good i love this car [Applause] oh my god that gated shifter yes yes yes yes this is so sick my god i love it i love it i love it [Music] so for about the past 30 or so minutes i've just been driving this thing minding my own business and and i've had the biggest smile on my face i have been so happy with this car i didn't know what i was getting into when i first hopped on that flight this morning but uh i am so glad i was anxious i was kind of nervous i was i didn't feel great but all the emotions are definitely hitting me now i made the right decision this is the perfect first supercar it sounds great it looks great it's because it is it's ideal but there's always a butt for a driver's seat well i'm finding more and more things that i didn't know were really uh well things with this car and this one kind of sucks for this road trip because this guy doesn't work so yeah no radio no nothing and not that i can't listen to that big old v8 just purr in the background but you know i mean i i definitely i well i can't for eight hours straight so luckily i have airpods and uh i'm gonna throw on a a rogan podcast i think and try to find some food it's it's 3 40 and i have not eaten yet today i'm not that hungry but i know i should eat so let's find some food you guys oh my god all right where do you think we are where do you think we are well i just hit my head uh supercars are low um but yeah we're we're in and out because is a trip to california really a trip to california without going to the one and only in and out which is probably the best burger in california i was gonna say in the us but [Music] dicks in seattle is better you know how it is sometimes you don't want to sit inside so you just use your uh well what is this a coat hanger it's a table and uh well today this car so far has been so incredible and i have been blown away by it's a wide body on air and yet it handles like a true super car i've gotten so many thumbs up so many looks it's not the best day of my life getting engaged to youtube girlfriend was definitely the best day of my life we should probably cut that out but this is every part of what i wanted it to be it just it is and i don't know it's just so crazy to me that you know all this hard work building the strategies you can go from something like this like this little miata and ultimately leverage financing negotiate learn all these life skills to end up in something like this and both of these are a hoot to drive and you get to experience so many different cars by leveling up so i'm just so proud that i've been able to prove out that the strategies work and it's a dream come true so i got some food to eat uh a little burger here oh man i hate it when that happens when the fries fall in the bag and uh i'm gonna eat for a quick like 10 seconds and then hit the road because i still got another five hours but it's been fun for the last three it's gonna be even more fun for the next five so my initial impressions now that i've driven the car for a few hundred miles i feel like i should document at least what i think right now and it may be the honeymoon period or it may just be that good of a car but this is the best car i have ever driven it's the nicest car i've ever driven and does that mean that i don't love my 911 anymore no i still love it and i may love it more than this but i'm just i'm just documenting my first impressions with this car my authentic feelings for it because this drive back so far has been hands down the best experience as far as driving and a couple of reasons for that first the steering wheel off center it's really heavy but it's super precise even with the airbags and the wide fenders i mean look at how wide this thing is it still handles like a supercar and it just sticks to the road with the confidence inspiring quattro all-wheel drive and i love how audis drive some say it's a little muted and yes it is it's not as much feedback obviously as the porsche 911 but it's still fantastic the other thing is are you kidding me [Music] that will never get old you would think that gated manual transmissions were reserved for the italians and really they were and then when audi came out with this in 2008 they blew everybody away that for about 115 000 you could get a mid-engine six-speed manual transmission supercar that's gated and don't even get me started on having a mid-engine car i never have and it is the best driving experience i mean yes i am the first to say that a porsche with the 911 behind the rear axles is amazing and it is but this if you want to be fast there's nothing like having the engine in the middle that being said safety first always safety first so if you have a mid-engine car it's part of the cockpit the cabin you want to be safe you want to carry one of these plus i mean i'm so hot you know i this will come and come in handy uh more than just if there's a fire but overall this car audi did something really special and it's gonna be the first of many super cars that i own from audi and other brands because i've been blown away by this experience and having my first super car now really feels like a dream i mean this drive today i've been imagining for 30 plus years and here we are doing it and all the hard work and all the people that believed in me believed in us and didn't believe in us those were the people that gave me even more ammo more fire to keep going because i've been a full-time youtuber since day one and it's it's hard it's lonely a lot of the times and i think that no matter what you do if you set out to do something that's extravagant a lot of people they don't believe in you because they don't understand and i don't want to get too emotional but i this has just been a huge dream of mine and i've if you haven't watched the other video where i talked about why i hadn't bought a supercar yet definitely go check that out because you'll learn what it actually takes to make something successful and realistically it's grind it's hard work it's grit and that doesn't matter if it's with your studies for school or even if you're trying to date someone out of your league like youtube girlfriend you gotta give it so much more than anybody else would and even then sometimes it's not enough and there were times that i thought that this youtube channel wasn't gonna make it but i never gave up never i never lost hope and i think that that's what this first supercar symbolizes is it's this huge chapter yeah i think uh while i've been driving by myself with no radio and uh really no reception for anything i came up with the name for him his name is girth brooks what do you think girth brooks g baby brook let me know what you guys think in the comments i need fuel in a little bit and then it is home sweet home [Music] check it out holy crap what a day four a.m nine p.m non-stop and it's home now it was a little sketch there for the last like 30 or so minutes because i definitely got some guts on the windshield in here and some little mosquitoes and stuff so i tried to clean off the windshield and there's what the heck there's no windshield wipers like literally none that must be a california thing but i just got home and i'm gonna ask the girl if uh she wants to go out on a date with me with the new ideal supercar i'm gonna ask her one question and she's gotta get it right uh otherwise no food for uh for me or her i just heard something hey hi okay so i've been thinking because i've had a lot of time to think um and everybody says this is backwards but i think i don't know maybe i'm wrong but if i were to take this picture right here as my bumble profile picture way back in the day would you have swiped right yes would it be because of me or the car i gotta go do something else don't even answer that all right well she answered right so um dinner is on me me tonight so uh yeah we'll get an impression video next time but what do you think so far the first ideal supercar i'll let you make up for it you can get the door for me this time too you got it what do you think of this supercar how do you drive it with it sitting so low yeah i'll i'll teach y'all all my tricks i don't know it's an overweight load but i mean you said you had errands to run today i didn't know you're gonna come home with this well you did take me to the airport so [Music] yeah [Music] um
Channel: Ideal Cars
Views: 115,739
Rating: 4.9429646 out of 5
Keywords: cheap supercars, cheap supercars under 10k, cheap supercars under 5k, cheap supercars you can afford, ferrari, supercar, lamborghini, cheap, supercars, audi r8, cars, v8, cheapest supercars, cheapest supercar, aston martin, gallardo, mercedes, bmw, luxury, cheap sports cars, budget supercars, cheap supercar, v12, turbo, amg, toyota, supra, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, vantage, v10, v6, budget, doug demuro, best supercars, mclaren, car, sports cars, cheap cars, top gear, r230, r231, m113k, diy, wrench everyday, chrisfix
Id: pOyeX8WNtbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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