we BINGED the ENTIRE Megamind Franchise...

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hey guys we watched the entire mega mind franchise even the terrible sequels if you guys want us to watch more DreamWorks movies and their bad sequels get this video to 10,000 likes and comment down your favorite DreamWorks movie below and also check out our patreon for the uncut commentary of all of our reactions and also exclusive content for watching Total Drama revenge of the Island and avatar the Last air bender no [ __ ] no [ __ ] do the stair everyone do the stair don't do it you're going to ruin the joke we have to wait till it shows up on screen we have to promise not to only make one joke during this video oh that's right I'm falling to my death wait will FAL yes will faral plays Mega M I forgot what are you serious yes that's me this is so fun it's like I it's like I get to show my kid all my favorite movies don't call me your kid ever again turns out a kid from the glow PK quadrant had the exact same idea oh it's oh yeah so it's literally Superman backstory Superman backstory of if Superman's hairline was non-existent bro like rip if Superman was actually hot the differen is between right and wrong that's the meme oh my God we're like a minute in and there's already a meme some days it felt like it was just me and minion minion no dude I used to hate minions but then I grew up wait did this movie come out before Despicable Me get it get it I don't know what what are you saying so I said I used to hate minions but then I grew up but no one said anything and I thought it was funny he took the name metroman you know Brad Pit plays metroman that's cool I guess what do you know who Brad Pit yes I know Brad Pit he was in World War Z oh my God genius oh my God the music music no it's not music yet you got to wait a minute to count every second of your 85 life sentences oh my goodness JK Simmons [ __ ] off man stop entering the shows we watch wow okay the stuff they make you read on air that's unfreaking oh my God it's this guy it's Jonah Hill clap I know actors that guy's an actor right the Bad to the Bone intro music is just so funny I've seen in so many memes all I think of is waking up at 6:00 a.m. to go to [ __ ] school there is no appeal of this why did you have this as your ringtone whatever alarm ha I had this was like the default alarm sound why did you have an app for an alarm it was louder than the normal one Jes man I've kept it cold and damp just for you sir oh yeah who voices the minion guy that's David Cross from Alvin and the Chipmunks he's in everything I swear to God everywhere I go he crosses my path I can't avoid him no one can hear you the eyebrows in this movie are crazy there was one singular animator and his entire job was to animate the eyebrows eyebrow consultant bro he was on fleek with this movie tell me was is there some kind of nerdy super villain website where you get Tesla coils and Blinky she's voiced by Tina F [ __ ] I didn't get that one that's better than me juvenile Shing off Packy this is just the show that runs for way too long he's on season 4 of total drama Total Drama was the one he went through you're like Total Drama runs for two seasons atrocity shall not soon forget it's pronounced metr City I wonder if they have good public transit Metro city has the worst public transit imagable they're Metro like so clogged they have the Taj Mahal in Metro City dude the city they live in is so low quality it literally looks like you're just zooming in like a city building game it looks like Spider-Man 2 video game that's what I was thinking yeah that's true that's true what's the Mega Man video game look like mega mind Mega Man I said Mega [Music] Man oh my God it was the fake Observatory Metro man's just like where the hell are they I'm I've been trolled you've been trolled but it can be easily reheated in the microwave of evil well I think your warranty is about to expire maybe I got an extended warranty warrant arid girls girls you're both pretty can I go home now this is just like a dick measuring contest for them I just love the dynamic between the three of them like [ __ ] Tina face characters like completely done with these [ __ ] this is definitely like one of the best pully relationships in movies top one that's the only one I can wait did he actually killed the guy yeah he's dead [ __ ] dead n there's no way this is a kids movie no one dies in kids movies damn he actually died bro God God why does the skeletons have such an ass though I did it he did it the bad to the B the music usage is so good in this movie I can understand why there's so many memes cuz you could also edit so many scenes in this so easily like you could just replace the music it cuts to is something completely different there it cuts the YouTuber music there he is dude this is literally January 6th they broke in and then once they got in they were like oh [ __ ] what did we do now I'm in a heated existential discussion with this dead eyed plastic desk toy he has so much money this is us when Velma SE we have it all yet we have nothing we have it all and yet we have nothing no [ __ ] I mean you see minion I still can't get puss I still have no [ __ ] you relate to this character Eden no no no [ __ ] we never really know how good we have it until it's gone bro you're going to [ __ ] up your vision did your parents never tell you not to sit so close to TV all right you didn't have parents I'm having a party at my house it's going to be like off the hook or whatever no he's not having a party she's going to show up he's going to be naked and it's sexual harassment no no no that's the best part it'll just be like you and me I I was right I was right I'm so tired of running rampant through the streets he brought flowers flowers literally gay Hello's that bro he went to Walmart in his [ __ ] sweatpants and then he meets his Crush there it's so embarrassing he even made a cheap replica of his dehydration gun how did he just kill he killed did kill that guy he turned him into a cube catch your eye down with you then don't fart don't fart don't fart bro this is me every time internet elevator I always have one loaded up when people ask you if you carry you say yes and a smid of DNA oh with that anyone can be a hero oh my goodness Eugenics now he's really going to be a good guy from this we'll extract the source of metrom man's awesome power here is an Old Sock that metroman used to use I've been saving it for a very very long time minion I had it for personal usage but then suddenly I got this great idea this is the only building in Metro city with a fake Observatory on the roof dumbass I happened to be speed walking nearby when you called looks like you just like when you [ __ ] yourself and you're trying to walk to the bathroom without anything falling out no you're not supposed to [ __ ] yourself no no when that you got like the [ __ ] in your pants and you're like no no that never happens let me carry that heavy gun for you I got us covered does she not hear that they have the same voice no they sound completely different Rock in oh my God this is how he gets his powers the incel wins [Music] again that is the most depressing place to have a freaking apartment literally right under understand the highway that literally just looks like my old apartment do you have your disguise oh my goodness you see his poster it said good night how with a heart he's sexy oh my God this is just when an incel goes on fit I'm your space St step mom stepmom I came in the fish's jaar and you came out but she's your stepmother so that doesn't really make any sense cor but yeah he stepped right out of her [ __ ] you [Laughter] stepped dude it's a Mario it's Mario literally better than the Mario movie dude this is such a great like Montage scene cuz it it's a montage of like two important parts of the movie and like we're seeing character growth this relationship build yeah like it's a scene where like things actually happen and it's not just randomly thrown in with music and no dialogue yeah owl host sorry my beautiful dbo bro whoever made that really really tall skyscraper had some serious problems Titan what's that supposed to mean it was the only name I could trademark mega mind is literally like the biggest catfish he's catfishing two people one of them is just being a father you're literally just a father figure catfishing father fig catfishing is the weirdest term you could ever do but this is actually what it is thanks space mom on the count three unath your churro on the count of three guys unath your churro 1 two three this is going far enough bro let your friend get some [ __ ] man that's [ __ ] up well I don't need you to look after me what are you what are you saying no that was so fast he said one thing in this m that's like the like ego ever good luck on your date I will that doesn't even make any sense I know good luck on your date I will wow what a breakup the fact that they had like an awkward dialogue scene in their breakup just makes it so much more accurate I know I am so close I can feel it sorry sorry okay sorry sorry dude she looks like the be movie woman DreamWorks having a white woman [ __ ] another human challenge completely impossible Titan what's a Titan thumbnail I'm joking we're not putting the woman in the thumbnail I usually just scare criminals you haven't been naughty have you that was so creepy thought maybe we could go for a little Flight Around Town get to know each other first oh my God my my God this is not okay no somebody do something oh right right duh I got you this is not okay like what she's reaching terminal velocity he throwing her around that's like how like Spider-Man like accidentally killed Gwen she was falling down and he like whipped his web and broke her neck we need to find out why this isn't right oh my God literally Insel this isn't right I'm jacked and I have superpowers and I want [Music] [ __ ] bro she's skinny as hell one gust of wind and she's falling like hold on hold on it boggles my mind I am extremely boggled you know love playing Boggle I have Boggle back home if you want to go to my place maybe we can Boggle a little chat if you want to know the fast track to getting late it's whip out the Boggle pull up in the Boggle t-shirts the Boggle t-shirt the Boggle bed sheets oh the Boggle bed sheets I'm wet already I was flirting with this guy and he just he brought me back to his place and then we played Boggle for 12 hours and he left he left we didn't kiss once he didn't even touch me I kept trying to make hints but he kept boggling and boggling is it going to kiss don't kiss as not as Bernard no that's oh my God she touched his wrist you now now hold on you no do you really think that I would ever be with you oh my God no [Music] way ass ass ass my God the no [ __ ] is that it no that's not it honestly like half of the movie is him making the no bitch's face think it was hard as [Music] [ __ ] what do you have any idea how long I waited for you what is he playing what the [ __ ] is he gaming on it's like Tetris and Space Invaders together I saw her having dinner and making googly eyes at some intellectual dweeb the redditor win costume design you'd be the brain so you'd get a little brain wearing glasses on your costume or something he literally Drew himself as a Chad WJ the jawline he gave himself is not accurate I I I love how he's like completely jacked but he still has the double chin it's really funny space dad told me look I'm your space Dad I'm your daddy I'm also the intellectual dweeb dating roxan yeah this is an I'm him moment come out you little freak he's so giddy he's like a kid on Christmas morning dude he's never been so excited oh now that's the spirit this is a cool fight scene I like this this is sick this movie is so great I think it's probably one of the best DreamWorks for sure the problem is that the city just looks so bad if they just improved like the setting of the movie it would honestly be a damn near Masterpiece you can take me to jail now oh no no no I was thinking more like the Mor that was that was that was Jonah Hill's first W in this movie he got farted out of his robot this is me throwing my testicle out of my body after they get tied together in my nut sack it's very relatable moment Titan has freed us oh I wouldn't say free oh that's iconic lie Under New Management bro it's the [ __ ] oh no oh my God we got it we got it oh my God yes yes we literally got overdosed on memes it's literally underne management then we get hit with the no [ __ ] like that is how many memes this movie has that there's two super iconic memes back to back you knew metroman best did he have a hideout a cave this is so weird though because Mega mine and Titan literally did the same thing when Titan dropped her from the sky just to pick her up again Mega mine right here is just solving his own problem it's a net equal still an evil person like I don't care yeah but he changed his ways he did change his ways he did change his ways I guess that is different I guess and I mean what what did he do as a super villain he didn't even kill anyone he just stole art that's like the main thing he did [ __ ] Europeans have been doing that for hundreds of years you may have a point he's not evil he's just European this glass has ice cubes in it yes that's what happens when water gets cold no what I'm saying oh my God he looks like Mark complier with the beard dude hey dbil it all started back at the observatory yo the transitions go hard in this movie we had done this same silly charade our entire lives this is such a good scene I love this moment I began to [Laughter] realize but what about what I wanted to do he became pro-choice metroman was finally dead and music man was born Music Man Music Man horrible granted you have talent he takes the time to like compliment him Mega mind's a funny dude man I'm on his side it's taking me a long time to find my calling now it's about time you find yours damn this movie is real mov is too real this movie is just like a great subversion of of superhero [ __ ] without making it like super edgy and like insane like the boys are invincible yeah it's not like try hard with it it's like the boys but if the boys was for men don't save the day I don't fly off into the sunset and I don't get the girl I don't get the [ __ ] wait but you can get me now though we're so close to the penis music I can almost taste it I can almost taste the penis music what you forgot to say music what did I forget I'll be waiting at Metro Tower oh and just so you don't get cold feet Ro you need to be that guy right now he is that guy you're him bro you are that guy I need you I'll say it here it is from the blackest part of my heart oh my goodness this [ __ ] going to say I'm sorry no [ __ ] way I am [Laughter] sorry apology accepted hey he got catfished and it was wholesome he's such a loser but I mean like if she just had with him like this wouldn't be a problem that's true like for the greater good it's a joke it's a joke this is actually a joke but like cor is not wrong like you're living a fantasy there is no Easter Bunny Tru fairy and there is no Queen of England oh [ __ ] damn [ __ ] right not anymore man not anymore that is true now presentation oh my goodness watching Mega M but you take a shot every time there's a meme bro there the 3D moment 3D glasses ah Mega mine's dead it's a shadow puppet dude he's not even real shadow puppet thank the bus driver hello everybody my name is Markiplier Five Nights at Freddy's you're the punk I've heard about that was the fart meme that was the fart oh my God there's so many memes that come from this movie I'm sorry I did the best I could me when I bust after 3 minutes surprise he's the real hero we put the fish in water though he's going to he's going to dry out there's a fountain right there you'll stay out of atrocity you got it for good is he just going to go [ __ ] up someone else's City now he stole Mega min's woman again damn oh my God never no way oh my God I didn't see it coming oh my God I really didn't see it coming God they literally said it like a minute ago oh really I wasn't I wasn't looking I'm going to be honest I was like I thought you guys were like joking or like being sarcastic or something I was like very confused [Music] you oh that's funny he wasy with it that's hilarious so this is how it ends oh my God this is the beginning of the movie you're probably wondering how I got in this situation then it replays the entire movie again this movie is 3 hours long H oh he dehydrated himself yo that's awesome imagine it was just a little windy one day and like the cube gets like blown away from the fountain he's just dehydrated until someone finds him this is so over the top this is like worse than the king dying in the Shrek movie what a drama queen if you please oh my God he's fruity though look at him the fuest pose ever for that statue the penis music been the worst day of my entire life oh no worries wow wait apparently the movie serves as the pilot to the TV series don't worry about it don't worry about it we watch the sh Mega M PS2 show out of order what are we going to do with our lives they definitely made this 10 years ago and are just now releasing it right a super online a superhero you stream online oh my God they didn't make it 10 years ago because that couldn't be made 10 years ago oh my God what did they do to her they got rid of her details she looks so nothing this looks like miraculous ladybug this looks like miraculous ladybug you've met your match evildoer for I mega mind am the hero of atrocity that does not sound anything like wol farell wolf farell never played Mega that was the Mandela effect holy [ __ ] it was actually Nelson Mandela voiced them all along now that I'm a hero I want to inspire the people the way metroman did this feels like something I would watch on [ __ ] TV when I was five this feels like the Penguins of Madagascar right now penguins of mad gascar fans are [ __ ] crying right now well I I was saying it as a disc well I was saying as a dis your happy Hometown dude monkey here shall we stop another crime he's a vlogger dude monkey it's like Logan Paul if he was gay this is a miraculous ladybug villain Su remember to like And subscribe yo he he's actually might be spitting though he might have been spitting there yeah follow what dude bro just said dude monkey follow what he just said and already you're influencing strangely char itic youngsters to defend the city I [ __ ] hate Mega mine's face in this so much why is no way his face looked like that in the original it looks like faceap I don't know why as mayor I don't have actual control over the sun yes well wait she's the mayor now I thought she was a reporter she was a reporter this was probably explained in the movie Fu no it wasn't why do we have to watch this in the wrong order they're having a grand reopening of the aquarium and want me to make an appearance it's it's just like the way his face moves it feels like I'm I'm stuck in like the Twilight Zone or something I can't stop looking at his face and I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable he looks older and younger at the same time he looks like he's on like a Funko Pop enhancement drug or something he's the one who destroyed the aquarium in the first place if you want to save a fish you got to break a few aquarium that's not true at all actually that was funny that was a joke you want to save a fish you've got to break a few aquariums cor they explained in the movie that we didn't watch that there's no more fish in the ocean so if if you want a fish you have to get it from an aquarium every bad joke was just explained in the movie so it makes sense send word to the aquarium board that I'm recommending Mega oh God what did they do to Mega mine man it's so baby coded bro like this is for like average age 2 to five I think if you put this on in front of a six-year-old they would be offended your problem is dude monkey good luck inspiring people when this guy's trolling you what's with this troll business what's with this troll business wait do you think Megamind is going to stumble onto his own memes that people made of him have you ever heard of the internet yes I've heard of the onnet whated it's a passing fad like fidget Spinners or paying your taxes fidget Spinners reference I haven't heard the word fidget spinner since I was in high school and that was like 40 years ago if Megamind uses a fidget spinner in this episode I will officially give it my highest rating on this channel but the Internet connects to every computer on the planet you're the grand champion of learning about the internet way too late now listen look at him oh yep new fortnite emote we got that [ __ ] wait is mega mind in fortnite well not yet they'll probably do a collab it's just like it feels like he is okay Chum you got to stop watching old internet stuff while we're filming and mega mind be more natural dude we should be taking notes realistically speaking though cuz this is all about like how to go viral how to be a success on the internet on the onet sorry all right the onet so more like hello my biggest fans mega mind here nice okay I'll right that down mega mind here okay heroic opportunities don't just walk out into the street and oh my God he's crossing the street on his phone he has his airpods and he can't hear the truck [Music] coming I can't even say this looks like miraculous ladybug cuz it looks worse than miraculous ladybug it does this is 2024 how are we making 2008 CGI say mega mind's chi d just edit that stuff out dude this is the edit editing this video bro oh my God yo edit edit all the bad parts of the show out zero minute video come on come on a new meme how many views a new meme burn down the whole building bro I can't watch this anymore burn down the whole building is the memer from the Wendy's commercial going to show up this is good hey quick shout out to my Primo sponsor Mr minions meat sickles it kind of just looks like a [ __ ] is that G is like [ __ ] gr is selling his [ __ ] that's his new villain plot hey radical dudo mega mind here crimes are popping oh my God he's what are you doing fellow kidsing right now oh God help okay but think about it he had to get that hat custom made if that hat fits his head Loosely Prim stopping [Music] rock ah I just feel like it's genuinely such a missed opportunity cuz mega mind has so many memes in 10 years we're going to look back on this era of TV and realize how much of it was already being ridden by AI I should come off as inspirational not as some bumbling buffoon well it's kind of beautiful cuz it's like no one's [ __ ] with mega mind or finding them funny in the show and we also aren't doing that grand reopening of the aquarium I beat mega mind for the gig now I'm going to dance all over this picture of Megamind wait a second yo this guy's base it's a really Slim market for superheroes right now he's still dancing after 2 hours incredible I need a 30-minute nap after eating three chicken wings she said Megamind would need a nap after eating three chicken wings what y he so me he so me for real three chicken wings up you can't unspoil my sour mood with mayoral dad jokes Roxy it looks like a vtuber model like they're facing too straight there's so many jokes in this that like they feel random generated I feel so bad so bad for the people that wrote this show if it wasn't AI generated but your writing makes me think it was AI generated I'm so sorry he's going to sneak himself in inside a mexical cart someone in chat says this is a dentist appointment show actually the only time you'll see this show the reopening ceremony will be a drowning success okay I'm convinced the mahaa did for me relax bro I thought that line was actually a little funny bro relax relax cuz it's like you think like oh like clearly he's evil but then he's like wait a second he said Mah so it's self-aware as to what it's doing it makes the joke even more unfunny he explained it then you explained it it's almost if you see a meical cart clear it out lungs like humans do they have gills why did they let food carts in into the aquarium uh for people to eat bro well when you're you're an aquarium you see all the fish and you get hungry right so you want to dive in for the fish but you're not allowed to do that so they have food cards to curb your Cravings hey guys welcome to Mega's rules for Defending Your City this is one of the hardest frames I've ever seen in animation that was legitimately cool it's on the same level The Avengers coming down for the first time like that that [ __ ] is genuinely hard you just got ousted as a fraud oh my God he's the gay little monkey from the Apple Store Wait the poopy monkey baby what is it chat y'all know what I'm talking about gay little monkey I was expecting to be like an actual monkey not like a person in a costume I made my own meme pretty chill homeboy I rafle they put rawle on the screen I'm going to [ __ ] burst into cringe I love this show so much why didn't they put the no [ __ ] the starfish able to regenerate its body if it loses a limb the animations remind me of the 2012 TMNT show that's it's not that bad it's not even remotely close to being that bad I think TMNT looks better than this no it doesn't you're tripping Tada sweet shimmering shangra love Mr donut can they actually do that though it's like a real brand like is that allowed well no because Mr donut spelled m i s t e r so it's a different brand o I want that one no I want that one Fanboy and Chum Chum looks better than the show Fanboy and Chum Chum looks better than this [ __ ] better theme song Too who's this beautiful creature that is our new Mega donut my tribute to the city's greatest hero Mega Donut oh my goodness cuz it's red on the inside just like Mega mine bleeding heart he sides with the Republicans bro follow me ah I almost forgot no eating in the kitchen look at the background there's no people in the city cor they got the same Mr Beast background model in like every single scene they have three background characters for the entire city those guys get around don't you want to take a bite of course I want nothing more did you say something I just think it's hilarious that this guy is still in the donut like bro is not allowed to clock out he's going to be the villain of this episode and here's the secret to the whole operation my f famous sticky glaze oh my famous sticky glaze I would jump in that surely someone gets pushed into this bat at some point right that has to happen me thing no he's going to fall into the Vet oh my God he's going to back up he's going to back up how did that Happ it so quickly I want him to fall into the vat drown he dies and they just leave him there what the hell was that action scene I guess you could call it maybe what the [ __ ] oh did he die I think I slipped on Jelly but how could that have happened he looks like that balloony from Phineas and Ferb they put the stethoscope onto the dut costume I'll pay you back for this yo what the [ __ ] well no he's talking about the ambulance cuz it cost him $11,000 to pay for the ambulance that's actually [ __ ] insane Mega mine just had his life threatened by this Donut Man the origin of a super villain out in the wild roll it I'll pay you back for them was he filming his whole life he's just doing a daily Vlog now dude content is content bro Mega m's on that grind and it's just something you wouldn't really understand Jack he's doing [ __ ] IRL streaming he just meant that he wants to expand his business and isn't being a capitalist the evilest thing of all that's what he should have said that's not even his evil laugh that's your evil laugh Mega is like evil now he's actively trying to create villains to fight this defeats the entire character Arc of the movie but if you watch the second movie you would know he regresses completely in character he's right Roxy a hero accidentally creating a nemesis by causing them to fall into something is a well-known villain TR going back to the 50s I forgot this child is in the show what if they put her in the vet and like cooked her up into a donut child donut would be delicious sounds like a villain to me also sounds like every boss at every job ever this is like thought crime I'm going to kill this guy before he becomes a villain well she's like every person like every corporation like anyone who owns a business is evil like she she's like so far on the [ __ ] like left Tik Tok well we saw her on the [ __ ] computer she's just the average Twitter user what if I'm right about Mr donut being bad and you're wrong about him being good let's say loser buys the winner Donuts my glucose is rising [Laughter] already if someone ever said that to me in real life I'd slit their throat I mean seriously how many Heroes do you know whove actually stopped a villain before they became one sir CHS kind of like alons from Full Metal Alchemist that makes Mega mine like Edward Al which makes him Elon Musk like I feel like there's a parallel here that could be made think you might have missed something breaking news her detective work is put on CNN like her detective work is watch the news great job detective you did great oh Megamind am I glad to see you the glove you gave me keeps firing Mega Man's just ruining this poor man's he's just trying to sell Donuts this guy hasn't been able to take off his suit like in days bro he probably smells terrible almost got it they're going to try and take the suit off and it's going to be like adhered to his skin and like rip his skin off Mr donut made a specialty donut just for Megamind and then Megamind proceeds to destroy his entire life well what do we have here someone trying to steal our ew ew Timothy shalam get the [ __ ] away from me the fish guys oh my God body is so short a doctor who's also a donut that shoots lasers everyone in this show is [ __ ] so lame like every single character in the show is a loser that's kind of Mega M though cuz Jonah Hill was like the biggest loser ever that was absolutely my bad show makes me want to vomit I don't know there's something about it that just like is giving like throw up I don't know why it's giving Johnny Johnny Yes Pap but John Johnny Yes POA takes my stress away this one like gives me stress you know what I mean hey Dr Glazer donut let you your maniacal laugh I'm kind of [ __ ] with this Mr donut Dr Glazer donut guy they're glazing it but like I honestly I [ __ ] with him bro like he he should be a villain and he should kill Megamind oh the more I try to help the man the more likely it seems he's going to become my greatest enemy Dr Glazer donut is going to become your greatest enemy Mega M that's embarrassing I don't think there's even a Sprinkle of evil in Mr Donut's heart courtesy of this blue buffoon that's racist but just cuz he's blue if you're going to segregate him for his race you're supposed to segregate everyone for the race okay Mr donut have you joined the co fish gang they've taken me hostage he's going to his Mega min's insides Mr Donuts their show sucks sorry his main Donuts that he sells are red purple and plain it's just red 40 all over there's no flavoring hope you got full coverage Mr don't how could you what would the donuts think what would the donuts think that's why it made me laugh what are you doing here we could ask you the same thing this is my husband's Store Wait Mr donut has a wife and kids what why does he have a ginger kid he's not even Ginger he adopted have we seen his hair I've only seen him with the costume on you mean my Melvin you might be the only one who can get through to him the women in this show got some crazy proportions they are animating them like what people say Pixar moms look like yes it's actually [ __ ] insane my entire life came down to one single decision what kind of person did I really want to be I wanted to be a troll on the internet wow what a great decision Megamind to be a daily vlogger you make donuts and you're good at it you're a terrific husband those kids are gross looking I do wish his wife was more supportive cuz he probably spent a lot of savings on those two sharks in the pool and everything like clearly he's been putting a lot of work into this I just would have liked to see her be more supportive of his Ambitions that name is not Dr Glazer donut it's Mr donut dude every character switch happens like so quickly in this show like there's a there's a question or any confrontation or anything and it's like resolved instantaneously looks like I landed a big one wait so their weapons are [ __ ] fishing rods these are the lamest villains of all time they're just the most annoying people in Minecraft PVP job well done to Metro City's and unlikeliest hero this is good press for uh Mr donut actually like no variety just nothing but eating Mega M's face I want to eat a mega mine I figured out a way to spend more time with the family a child labor starting them young bro a way to spend time with the family we're not sending these kids to school they're going to be making donuts till the day they die now I'm regretting the decision to eat 20 donuts come on big guy what's one more PL Mega has not taken his Med hello loyal viewers oh my God it's just like the TV show wait why do we think it was going to be better quality I thought it was going to look a little bit better and only metroman was strong enough to defend it from Evil wait are they using footage that is crazy that they actually show the footage from the movie and then cut to the show it so much better than the t here it goes oh my goodness it's the fish guys it's the fish guys from the TV show no this is that actually crazy though cuz I was joking around that the aquarium would be super important in this movie I told yall I told y'all the aquarium would be important they explained in the movie that we didn't watch that there's no more fish in the ocean so if you want a fish you have to get it from an aquarium o this little baby's going to be worth of Fortune in the black fish market what the it's a [ __ ] Crystal fish did they put like random jewels from the dollar store on a koifish that's some Grunkle stand type economics grab a random fish super glue a bunch of gems to it and then make a big spectacle it's something the old evil me would have done way back in the day is he allowed to have a gay wrist like I know it's 2024 now but this movie came out back in like 2011 I don't know if the gay wrist was like legal this movie came out back in 2011 I mean it does feel like that it canonically does take place 2 days after the movie so it does take place in 2011 so did they intentionally make the animation quality worse to communicate that sense of time discrep it's like when anime tries to capture the '90s style this is capturing bad CGI Style means shark bait well yes sharks love bait so they renamed the minion guy to Chum is it because of the minions probably one of the writers is just like a big fan of Pawn Stars I'm waiting in the cut scene I'm waiting for the cut scene to end right now like I'm literally controlling it you are great villains but as Heroes you guys are all wet if you didn't get it it's because they put the water on them so there's like moisture on their body you read my mind ch wait let me let me play you got player two let me let me okay I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in this is me when I'm in a commercial and I'm gaming guys if if we all press X we get to skip the cut scene I'm holding X atrocity has a new Defender and his name is Mega wasn't there like a whole broadcast about that yeah they played Michael Jackson and then our entire last video was copyrighted that's what this is missing it's missing all the copyrighted music you know what that's actually good for us this is the one good thing is that they won't copyright video want to get a better shot of the ceremony before it starts good talk though they shouldn't have showed the extras they're just standing they're not moving at all they're just like Everything's changed for him me not so much it's crazy that Mega mine came up before Despicable Me and Despicable Me is getting its fourth movie this year and mega mind couldn't even get a real sequel mega mind I'm karita president of your fan club she sounds pit shifted up just like in every miraculous character they just made the voice actor Huff helium before my did isex happy you're adorable in a pushy sort of way so here's a souvenir she reminds me of syndrome okay that actually would be beautiful this movie's too good to just copy the incredibl yeah a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] movie that like nobody even remembers anymore I'm the hero you're the guy who gets to hang out with the hero the show is way better cuz it's more ADHD this is boring well you don't understand this is a cinematic version Don't you appreciate all these cinematic camera angles we're experiencing it looks good the minion looks really good dude are you doing that thing again where you just complement something random or do you really believe in that are you willing to die for that opinion J I'm willing to die I'm willing to die bro I'm willing to die if that means I have to stop watching this movie I'm willing to die we part now on friendly terms why are you drinking beer dude it's like 2 p.m. dog 2 p.m. cor had to drink Coronas to get through this movie no I don't I'm just an alcoholic lady Doppler evil witch of weather present p Pierre pressure oh my God this literally is a miraculous ladybug villain like he actually just is one these are the most shittiest terrible villains for a movie ever what am I watching a Tom Holland Spider-Man movie side of Lord 9 Metro City's newest hero no way low key they're still better than big hero 6's Superhero Squad don't say that low key I would take this over way say that evil Mega here we come this movie is so bad genuinely oh my God I'm driving now though this is a movie you watch while you're driving this is a movie you watch while you're merging without looking I'm flattered by this invasion of my privacy come to the lair immediately weren't they like dating in the last movie oh yeah yeah they don't really have a romantic dynamic in this at all did the writers just hate that they were dating they're like a white woman would not date a [ __ ] Blue Man man ew look who finally decided to cry he was so afraid cuz he realized he was in a TV movie he saw those villains I'm like this did not get like over aund million budget he just realized he's in a shitty not even a direct to DVD movie he's in a direct to Peacock movie you can ask a death row victim like would you rather die or become a peacock original movie and most of them would choose de I'm just imag what becoming a peacock original movie Ina there's a completely evil explanation for this that was literally [ __ ] like reality TV show moment right there with the swell of the strings imagine like the trailer for this from the producers of 90day fiance comes a new mega mind sequel Behemoth always see certain romantic tension shut up [ __ ] Skylanders looking ass oh and since when were you ever part of the Doom Syndicate D she doesn't sound like Tina Fe at all like she just sounds like a random white woman they got off the streets bro like at least the mega mind guy is like trying I mean he's not doing a good job but he's trying until I can figure out a way to stop them we must keep up evil appearances damn megaan came up 14 years ago is my kid really 14 now Jesus Christ I haven't seen him in a long time did you a girl in the theaters watching Mega phase two is such a genius plan I cannot wait to get started why is the French guy he's like the most threatening of this villain Squad he also talks the most out of all of them and he's not even supposed to talk I thought that was the whole point of having a MIM character can you guys please just call him by his name Pierre pressure that's his name thinking of a plan to keep them from doing my other plan make sense we've only been watching this movie for 26 minutes it feels like I've been here my entire life no can we just agree this is worse than the show this is worse than the show I was thinking it was better and then I saw that only 26 minutes has passed the bin the chaos did you guys know this is a Pixar production by the way I forgot to tell you honestly this doesn't look too dissimilar from that [ __ ] dog [ __ ] sky dance animation movie wish Lu Lu yeah poor them this movie is like if they combine five miraculous ladybug episodes into one cuz they have five different villains what it's doing to my brain is what would happen if I tried to watch five episodes of miraculous ladybug in a row at once on monitors for more awesome saves click like And subscribe oh my followers are going to love that hey followers are you loving this that makes me want to like quit my job like seeing this as the representation like I want to give up use your super tween speed to run on home and watch cartoons super twe speed is super tween speed like Coke for kids can you imagine like a danals s commercial super tween speed it's Coke for your kids the Zach and Cody stal sweep steaks but they start snow hting the T on the deck it's a safety drill huh for Mega watch half a million viewers half a million viewers no way there's half a million viewers that's more than a Kai Senate Phantom tax moment bro shut the [ __ ] up just need a quick pick of the exact moment you realized you need me she is very needy that's kind of sad maybe it's like she has no parental figures at home type of situation you know what I mean that's kind of what I was thinking like maybe like her parents don't love her and that's probably why she's on the internet so much cuz she doesn't have any like friends or people that care about her cuz she's so annoying Mega M should find that insecurity about her and like make fun of her for it they wouldn't understand the new me not like you did Chum oh my God I forgot this whole movie we all forgot that he left Mega M feed editor screenshot that and send it to me on in the DMS but cut this out of the video so people don't know I I like Mega M's [Music] feet oh my God they're playing like the no copy right sounds dude I swear to God what is this this movie is literally so bad we're complaining that it doesn't have the bad parts of DreamWorks movies where they play the pop music and have a dance song We're desperate we're desperate for a copyrighted dance sequence oh no who the [ __ ] even are these guys like they haven't been relevant at all they haven't done anything but they keep showing up it's literally mff in the middle that's just otk pulling up to the function bro wait yeah yeah it's mkff asmin gold on the right on the left nmp we got a dance off over here I'm trying to do the dances that everyone's doing in the background all right all right all right yeah yeah let's have a dance off guys ooh look at me look at me look at me how do you guys have the energy to do this after watching this dog water movie bro like I'm ready to call it quits on life after watching this my God we're not even halfway through the movie I'm going to kill myself get me out of here bro get me out of here this is one of the worst things we've watched in the be long time that was a battle wait this established that minion worked for Mr donut we were joking that so much mattered why does so much matter you won't regret this news sir they're too close they're too close what gay people can't exist now gay phobic gay phobic if a homophobic person sees a man and a fish fing are they going to be more mad that it's a man [ __ ] a fish or that the fish is a man as well imagine oh all of us living together always for eternity Forever Until the last star falls from the heavens bro he just wants a b Mega Man's wife Mega Man I want to F Mega Man's wife bro holy [ __ ] why do you have a teddy bear what's wrong with having a [ __ ] teddy bear what are you [ __ ] gay you [ __ ] gay boy why do you have a teddy bear I thought you said you never finished phase two still needs a couple of coats of paint this movie is incredible why do you like do everything you can in your power to not release a movie like coyote versus acne this should have been the one that was deleted for tax purposes okay this movie should have never seen the light of day well this movie probably cost like a [ __ ] [ __ ] like it probably cost $30 to make did you say this movie cost a [ __ ] yo Jack Jack let's say you have a water bottle right and you unscrew the water bottle and then you cut out the bottom of the water bottle is there one hole in the water bottle or two holes in the water bottle I think there's three holes because there's a hole in my you could let my friend in or I could post a scathing review to my many followers mentioning the restaurant's cockroach infestation nice try but we don't have a cockroach infestation she just has a guy for that she has a roach dealer bro this movie's aging me rapidly editor put my face in the face app and make me [Laughter] old previous sir oh my god when your ex shows up to the donut shop this is kind of like Scott Pilgrim you know I me Scott Pilgrim runs into his he's eating tidbits with another girl bro and it's like not working out you were about to tell me something previous sir yes I wanted I want you I want you now minion I'm too late it's too late to apologize biggest regret of my soon to be short life he just said he's going to kill himself everybody squeeze in tight come on don't be shy I really want to capture this moment you should Gunn them all down I feel I feel like mega mind in a different world could have been like an inel movie like Taxi Driver if it didn't have a message about being like good and cool and Bo goes your days of Freedom why doesn't he just turn them into ice cubes this entire movie could have taken place in like just two episodes of the show this is one miraculous ladybug episode when you think about it well if you sped it up two times it just is a miraculous yeah miraculous ladybug they just make the show and then they speed it up twice as fast don't do this to me go back from whence you P what the the sweat bead perfectly landed and somehow was enough moisture to moisturize all three of the cubes and he didn't he didn't wipe it away God I just wanted to say I didn't believe in you until this point but only the devil could have created this film and if hell is forever then Mega M must be a lie take her right here Mega M's close how do you know that why is she okay she was operating Google horizontally who the [ __ ] does that who the [ __ ] going where the danger is is part of our job we've always got diplomacy oh did you learn that in school no diplomacy is just what I call my bat kill her kill her beat her to death with the bat beat her skull and with the bat that was a slay moment slay that was a butter sock moment what's with the fake beard you look like a sad blue wizard what type of joke is that he can't change his [ __ ] skin why could you just say Sad wizard you [ __ ] ass we can be beard buddies beard weird buddies that's what you call [ __ ] being in the closet together with someone Chum what are you doing here well how did they Revol resolve everything with Chum is it because he realized wait mega mind said to me sounded kind of suicidal maybe I should go check up on him diplomacy oh I'm so sorry Chum I didn't know it was you how she just wanted to hit someone with a bat that does not work in this situation bro that's like the best part of this whole movie so far she like beats an old person in the head with a bat and it's like oops sorry I didn't see you there my bad I thought you were my grandma welcome to everything City everything City yo where's the parking lot though like this the fakest American city ever they don't even have the budget for background characters anymore when was the last time we saw a background character in this movie why is this the only song in the movie why do they have a song for Costco if I walked in the cost going to like Costco City and we sell everything you're just describing donkey hot though oh but donkey hot is awesome cuz it's Japanese bro bring me to Japan already I'm going I'm going to like cry for the past 5 minutes in this movie we've seen people at a store buying stuff this is the climax of the movie they go to Costco and slam a [ __ ] door why was there a transition like that they're like we're so creative you didn't need a shut the [ __ ] up you're mega mind in the Doom Syndicate bro this [ __ ] sucks let me guess leadership squabble zombie mega mind obviously he's not dead rocks for brains I want to break something so badly I want to shove rocks in my brains after that holy [ __ ] what the why is he have a 10 you have a gun he has a gun that turn people into Cubes but he decided to get tennis ball guns why did he get tennis just shoot them with the Garing City to launch 9 me when I'm an NPC see in the street and I do not react to the entire floor giving away underneath me and I stay put and I don't [Music] move what are we going to do East Germans and West Germans in the 50s be like this is Bowser this is what Bowser did the beginning of Mario Galaxy Pretend We're playing the beginning of Mario Galaxy turn it off I'm manifesting it I'm imagining I'm watching a let's play game grumps playing I'm the younger sibling I'm also playing Mario Galaxy yeah you you have the funny little star cursor that does nothing this looks like the [ __ ] like Machinima World of Warcraft Machinima videos Cory you're really showing your age right now cuz me and Jack don't know what you're talking about Ted go Ted GOI though he's getting away he's getting away this is the most nothing it looks like a cookie from that angle oh my God this looks like World of you know those World of Warcraft machinimas this looks exactly dude I know exactly what you're talking about [ __ ] God help is on the way friend of friends py 227 launch operation parakeet oh my a peacock like the streaming service that's not a peacock though that's an albatross peacock low key saving the mega mine franchise now that was suoy as [ __ ] oh my God I'm a what to do disguise generator he remembered he has abilities remember when mega mind is a mega M look into my eyes and fall under my power man of don't pop the champagne just yet why why did he do that that was the gayest thing Mega M has don't pop the just yet wait he's going to drown him in cement Pierre fresher was born in cement bro what are we going to do that's where all mes come from hey look over there Behemoth no fall for oldest trick in the a dang it I died what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I missed a quick Time Event I'm sorry was I interrupting something I'm sorry was I to slay [ __ ] boss for you my hero my slave [ __ ] boss did he just say my hero she's like what do you want to watch tonight wait for a flash grenade oh my God check off's bomb 9 nighty night hardly a building damage this time we're getting good at this are you kidding you put the city backwards okay but look at all that Coastal development now like the real estate prices probably went way high up oh you think you can do better I know I can oh okay she just girl pussied boss her way into the role he literally said okay and she's mayor now one quick election later we are ready to do thy bidding your majesty dude she literally married a her boyfriend is a [ __ ] mafia boss starve David yo editor put the starve David evil has finally met its match throw tomatoes out of there throw tomatoes at Mega Man boo that's how we end the movie shitty [ __ ] movie boo so much cool stuff check it out I don't mean to be that guy but Mega mine would go crazy on a kaai at stream bro oh my god dude Phantom comes up takes a giant bite out of his skull he would kill Phantom he would turn Phantom into a cube and eat him bro quite honestly don't remember creating that scene with all the garbage it looked like when you're watching a [ __ ] like sitcom from the 80s the character is doing some random [ __ ] and they just look at the camera and they're like and then their name pops up at the bottom it's Kramer jumping into Jerry Seinfeld's house like Kramer bumping into the godamn door but it's not funny ever since KO started working here there has been an overabundance of new subscribers to my web Channel new subscribers to my web Channel he sounds like a redditor he's running a Linux Dro right now can we talk about that I was going to say trash okay here's the theory so what if Jonah Hill's character from mega mind 1 was her f father like there was a time skip he [ __ ] the Queen of England and gave birth to Koo because that the two most evil people the Queen of England and Syndrome from the last movie no matter how terrifying wait is that Mr cockroach from a monster versus aliens oh my God it's the backstory the DreamWorks universe is expanding is Shrek going to show up with Pito from Puss and Boots the Lost wish I'm not freaked I just wanted to know what it feel like to be Chum's backpack okay they are getting way too close he went Ham on that one particular line he [ __ ] yelped that he yelped that like what he reviewed a food place well he's given his own base zero Stars you both are responsible for this horrific breach of security meanwhile I won't be leaving until those roaches are gone oh it's a bottle episode chat yay what does a bottle episode mean it's a new film thing for me to learn a bottle episode is when they stay in like one location for the entire episode and don't leave that location and then the episode's like really boring and it's bad so you have a bottle of vodka and then you drink the whole thing fart like mega mind creates these perfect robotic beings and he still made them fart is that like what humanizes them this is the fly episode of Breaking B don't insult [ __ ] mega mind by comparing it to that piece of [ __ ] show like genuinely like this episode is way better that's right your symet in assistance sprayed me with an intelligence booster the cockroach is German all cockroaches are evil and what are what are evil people every cockroach is a not exactly does this fear come from the cockroach is like way better animated than every other thing in this show they MOA they MOA a real cockroach they got Seth McFarland to like pretend to be a cockroach for like 24 hours a disgusting Refuge we've been forced to consume this is reminded me of like my favorite film Ant Bully right now and I like I can't get over it you kind of look like the kid from an bully I've been genetically altering and meing every day look like the kid from amp bully hand over the intelligence for why is he so intimidated he's going to choke him from the back bro that's impressive dude is she going to use her hind leg I shall Scurry all over Mega foring blue face why the [ __ ] does this cockroach have more personality than every other character in this show no that's actually true the body language coming out of this cockroach is way more expressive than every other character if one smart roach is able to do this imagine what a bunch more could do to the city why don't they just like step on them do anything like do any like you're a giant robot do like one thing there has to be something in this place that can destroy a spray can the particle collider oh remember check off's particle collider from the beginning of the episode next time there's a cockroach in my house like I'm just going to go straight to the particle accelerator you know what I mean like let's just get this over with trit some and she jumped on his [ __ ] okay if she jumped on his clock does that count Asing yeah I guess so in this episode the author's thinly veiled there's the liberals who want us to eat the bugs and then the conservatives who want us to them did we just see the physics on [ __ ] Koo there why do we first of all why are we saying her name properly like I don't like this this cannon we've established but like she did like a [ __ ] flip midair like that was the craziest cartoon logic ever let's just call her girl deu from now on cuz she wears green and is a girl let loose that K let loose that that Caboose my favorite thing is when I'm 10 years old and I say let loose that Caboose but that sounds like something I probably would say when I'm 10 years old playing in the backyard breaking bones on accident yeah well you're not most 10-year-olds bro oal clipping there's more where that came from yo where did she just come out from she was in his suit there's more where that came from oh my God this is control Chum that's my job you monster can we just call this video mega mind has a cockroach that's just the title of the video we don't need him to say anything else in this episode of mega mind he [ __ ] a cockroach monkey this is not like an evil control scheme he just plays like a lot of fighting games yeah he just has like a fight stick he was playing Tekken like 10 minutes ago find the bugs using my face as a dining hall the animators got their children to draw this part you got to save money when you can child labor is [ __ ] beautiful [Music] nowadays I really hope that the child dies man I know we say that a lot but like this time we mean it this time we mean it like I wish this animated child died now who needs a boo intelligence the entire episode is Mega M just sitting there scared of a cockroach that is the whole episode well that's what's funny about it you know a bouquet really brightens up a foer I love math how are the Cockroaches the best part of the episode shut up they said foyer Bro you've got to appreciate a good foyer I say foyer because that's how Canadians [ __ ] say it bro none of this would have happened if I wasn't such a slob to be fair I'm the one who grabbed the wrong spray this is literally her fault for being [ __ ] like a disgusting if she wasn't such a smelly disgusting piece of [ __ ] they wouldn't have sprayed the cockroach in the first place roaches okay you know points to Megamind for not showing vomit let's be honest here this show could have been worse if they just showed the vomit on the screen at least he did in the bag how is this episode not over they are getting really angry they just consumed her and then she was in a tied up in a chair that was [ __ ] awesome dude that was some Indiana Jones [ __ ] right there with the ants that was amazing I think this Show's giving me an allergic reaction I might need to stop recording my entire body is covered in hives it's over dude this show still doesn't have a Wikipedia page that's how bad it is you see the show's actually not even real we just hallucinated this entire thing go why didn't they just do this in World War II suck up Hitler I think they tried but the war ended too soon for them to test their insane weapons in 3 2 1 are they wasting all this protein are you [ __ ] kidding me that's so much protein they're just going to make this someone else's problem like the Rocket's just going to land somewhere like there's just some dude in his [ __ ] apartment complex it's in space honestly I think I was far too kind why is he looking gay that was a s Mega mine there for a second this intro is so [ __ ] ass oh my God M it's Adam Lambert sings this song from American Idol or whatever the song isn't bad it's just the visuals in the intro is so disturbing stopping baddies is my bag fear not sliding into the DMS of baddies is my job you [ __ ] sit your white ass down and listen wait oh my God Swap this is seual assault you will do exactly as I say who's that [ __ ] Dorito chip looking [ __ ] on the wall that's Mr Dorito that's Jose Dorito he just created the Doritos Park them in the park it's right there in the name I'm allowed to do that I do it all the time there's three background characters in the show we have seen this guy with a beard and comb over 400 times in the three episodes of this show that's a toue bro that guy does not have real hair on his body that beard is a toue it's all fake I withdraw my offer of muffins if I remember to vote it won't be for you if I remember to I like that inclusion what a weird [ __ ] Lon that is that dissing the American public who doesn't vote is it that easy to get audience with the mayor you can just be like bro like I need to park somewhere you can you hook me up yeah what you just wanted to park and then demanded a [ __ ] muffin like what what is he just left his car and idle in front of the mayor's office this is so funny it's actually impressive how unfunny this show is it's just the [ __ ] Trope of like the roles are goddamn reversed I've seen this like a million times in a million shows and it's like you can make the argument like this show isn't for us like it's for children obviously but so was the original movie and the original movie was really good and so is everything we watch on this [ __ ] Channel dude she can be overlooked you know she's really doing everything she can about all the damage I can't get over how like ugly this child's clothing is and the fact that she never wears anything different her fingerless gloves piss me off like I guess her finger full gloves my bad I appreciate you taking time from throwing darts at the mayor's picture to give me this award he does that you are roxan roxan Roan isn't it crazy that like rock Sand's body language as mega mind is less gay than the actual mega mind I have to make sure he doesn't do any mayor stuff you could do that or you could not be a totally lame person you know I didn't even realize until now that the [ __ ] bolt on her thing is supposed to look like the bolt on Mega Man suit cuz it looks so ugly what Mega Man I can't stop calling him Mega Man cuz his is so much subtler like it's just like an accent but hers is like a [ __ ] logo well that's the difference right it it's like she has like the Hot Topic version of man's outfit basically sir are you okay maybe we should check your temperature attention all units P snatching in progress shall we pursue sir in progress so they haven't been stolen yet what how do the cops know this could be a chance to prove that it is possible to save the day without causing so much pain in the mayoral rear damage purse snatching who is a [ __ ] minor like theft is there no crime in this [ __ ] City I think this episode is low-key a little funny for the simple fact that Chum is too stupid to understand that it's not actually Mega mine I find that funny you know if I was going to steal something I too would wear a bright yellow hoodie this looks like PS2 game and this is a quick time event did you rip out the controller again bro ooh we did much damage now give us a pose and a line This is incriminating let's incriminate this [Music] child hey this is the Spider-Man that was the Spider-Man 3 scene when he's walking down the street and he's doing that what was that a reference did this show have like inspiration from something what the [ __ ] oh my god dude what the [ __ ] is happening right now I find this music absolutely inspiring this is Poppy's Play Time Garten of band ban I don't even know what Garden of B ban is put Spider-Man and Elsa footage over this and I don't think anybody would be able to tell that this song is not from it Mega has been added again citizens are fed up the meal Mega mind's excessive destruction dude they have the mega mind rules soundtrack on Spotify bro we bumping this [ __ ] this going to be my number one on Spotify rap this year bro maybe change some parking lws what how did that car get there what is that a key of Soul where the where the hamster of the hey moving I got to get to work here there's a war Brewing outside ma'am I'm not going to lie for as terrible as this entire show has been this is the least Bad episode so far this is definitely the best episode I wouldn't say it's the best I'd say it's the least bad there's jokes in here that could have been funny if they were executed well do not threaten the citizens oh my God storm is back it's the same background character there he is there he is he's been driving around the whole time cuz he hasn't found anywhere to park should have worn a rain coat cuz a Blizzard's coming to City Hall a raincoat for snow do you even know what weather is I was going to um actually her and then Mega mine did it for me so that's what's beautiful about this show is that I don't even have to be the nerd Emoji cuz Mega m is that Ste my thunder no why did she say feel my thunder it was literally lightning you do realize that was lightning not thunder right oh that's what Mega M said you're Mega mine you're Mega M ja is Mega mine Ed make a blue Ed make a blue you're mad because I used to say no too much and now I've said yes too much it's the same guy he just didn't have a beard it's the same guy they just took the beard model off of him what happened they gave the beard to this guy they took his beard off and they put it on [ __ ] this guy we're all the same we're all weird but you know a a good weird this is unironically how kamla Harris talks in every single event it turns out Camala Harris is just mega mind disguised as a woman I'm not quite feeling like myself today but even if you're feeling like oh say roxan today the kid needs to get assassinated I'm not going to lie you're 100% real for that doll Destroyer somebody said JFK this kid yo we need we need a shooter we need one shooter for this kid bro holy [ __ ] well that's what's so like boring about the current day like we don't get political assassinations anymore it's like why even bother her out it feels like he's about to start singing this is like the lorax at the end when they're like Let It Grow Let It Grow it sounds so beautiful do you think she Jerry Manders Define Jerry Manders Jerry mandering is when you uh cut up the districts so that you can control the voting population so you know in Hunger Games how they have different districts right oh dude I volunteer as tribute well we we're kind of volunteering as tribute to the viewers so they don't have to watch this show and we're watching this goddamn garbage for them come on Chum it's scary it's got a big mouth Big Mouth nice reference there why you become more Canadian for that cor would you rather watch this show or big mouth be honest big was the quickest big mouth so this is like regular guess that thing but with electric shocks they removed her polygons like her character model is so much less detailed than the movie every time one of the characters is unfunny they should remove one subdivisional on the model like they just slowly turn into a cube they just turn into like Mario 64 Graphics by the end of the show piranhas bear traps you guys have the weirdest friendship ever friendship they're fing you're still here don't you turn back into a bail of hay at sundown how much seating is in this room there's two couches that other couch wasn't there until they needed it for the shot you leave your manners at the door whoa sorry guys oh my God look at how many couches there are oh my God it's like a circle of couches Mega mine has no friends bro has like 10 couches for no reason a Mr schur Peterman might give me extra extra credit mret that's the funniest part of this whole show so far hold on a second burp murp Esquire funs oh my God funs is a teacher now huh mega mind what a surprise dude Mega mine sitting in the chair for today's episode bro meet my work husband he's uh 6 Ines taller than you you know cuz you and Roxy are a thing we're not a thing are they just like pretending that the movie didn't happen or something oh my God so stupid have you told Roxy you think she's the goodest which is adorable by the way I hate her I hate her she doesn't talk like a child that's what I hate the most no the problem with characters like that is that they talk like a child most of the time and then whenever the writer needs them to talk not like a child they just talk not like a child but she doesn't talk like a child ever if you wanted them to be a real 10-year-old what do you want them to talk about like can you please send me $5 on Apple pay so I can pay for robots that would be relatable that's funny you just described the better show someone scamming mega mind would be amazing we were bunk mates at Camp turkey NE this is so bad this is embarrassing do people eat anywhere else besides this dut shop or is this the only restaurant in the entire town why isn't everyone morbidly obese everyone is just eating Donuts all day long the only thing they consume is empty carbs I'd say he's not normally like this but my nose would start growing like Pinocchio they explained it even a four-year-old child who had just been spawned that day would understand the [ __ ] Pinocchio joke I think people come out of the womb understanding what Pinocchio is this is the opposite of normal where is my is so crazy oh she sucked all the air out of that room Roxy may be a tad displeased with me if you could fill a city bus with a tad then yes if you could fill a city bus with a tad that doesn't even any like who the [ __ ] wrote this legitimately this episode feels the most chat GPT so farga that's us looking for the new show but we're like this can't be the new show it can't be this bad please must find will Ferell must find original actor for character speed is relative Geo this is not the time for relaxation why is he still holding the electrocution thing they're letting him drive high right now now not Mega it was just parked in the middle of the street blocking the road it wasn't driving it was just sitting there what the [ __ ] was that they knew no one was going to watch this far into the [ __ ] show man processing processing analyzing new data Asian woman who is annoying must eradicate now must eradicate now the viewers hate her kill kill let's play a game how about guess that thing oh they're going to blow him up that's sad I don't think he deserves to die just cuz he's a little clingy I think everyone who is even the slightest bit clingy deserves instantaneous death I can't you'll have to for sure literally this episode is about like giving up the drug decelerate to slow their fall I see you paid some attention in science class she made a [ __ ] robot what the [ __ ] is she talking like the idea of De accelerating slowing a fall would require her paying attention in science class and not just having basic knowledge of anything what's the point of anything anyway Mr Scher Peterman they got me they got me unless he throws that ball you fail she programmed a robot that was so complex it wants to kill itself from depression I feel like that should be enough to complete the assignment I don't like that recognize a good thing was she just like grabbing his boob there recogn thing she recognized a good thing sure you and I have some not so fun memories but who cares are they going to get together or not like I'm genuinely [ __ ] pissed off if they don't have a child together by the end of the show like this is a zero out of 10 seriously like if she doesn't impregnate Mega mine if we don't see a little blue baby coming out of Mega mind's womb I'm going to be [ __ ] livid always a pleasure making a pool out of you mega mind and thanks for the Isotopes too much editor easiest job on the planet is his brain broken how would we tell that was me though cuz like I love sleeping I love being in my bed and I love drinking coffee I've got his beloved Binky right here first of all he uses a binky like a little baby why did she say it like that like a little baby dude she sounded 30 when she said that line bro was going to start telling me about the Great Depression like shut the [ __ ] up back in my day we didn't even have Binkies we had to suck in our own thumb we didn't have Binkies we just gave the kid a little bit of mercury sir you should be in bed relaxing here take Binky the bimbofication and infantilization of mega mind in this show is like actually should be admired problematic oh I was going to think it should be studied like they're doing such a great job with it I wanted like more shows to do it yeah we just get perpetually more and more reboots of all our favorite characters where they show the characters and slowly turn them into annoying little baby I want the new season of Velma to have Velma turn into like a really dumb like baby person that literally would happen though like she'd put the binky in her mouth and be like Oh I feel like such a baby right now and then she start twerking on a dead body cor you just gave the editor the funniest out of context clip [ __ ] imaginable oh my god oh very handsome I shall call you chum too too much Chum oh my God that's what the episode is they could have just had one of them and that would have been enough that would have been too much the whole show would have been too much the show already has too much jum and his name should have been minion congratulations wait over there and next wait what was that hat you see that background character for 2 seconds they had the [ __ ] most insane backwards cap of all time you know it's true when the backwards cap y so true and play the clip you know it's real when the backwards capap your hands whoa what the I thought he was going to slap her ass I really thought he was going to slap her ass I would never leave anything in the hands of well you this character [ __ ] sucks she's just like an older Koo they'll be trapped yes I'm on the edge of my seat me too bro me too I'm on the edge right now guys I'm on the edge right now this show is like a Go's worst nightmare cuz like Mega mine is just so hot or maybe it's a goon's paradise I spent all my life living in a Parise they're there do you think there's like mega mind content Farms out there that's what we are that's what we are why am I hearing more than one Chum that's too many Chums let me make a wild guess here Chum made a clone because he needed help and that clone made more clones let me make a a wild guess here guess is the entire episode why did you stop there keep talking let's hear The Resolution that'll do how wait hold on a second hold on a second how [ __ ] strong is this girl yeah wait hold up that those this girl is not okay there's Wheels has wheels it has wheels it has wheels uh statement retracted it has wheels I resend my previous comment this show is actually incredible and Brilliant and voila Barbie oh my God it's just like Barbie this too has an annoying sassy child dude I'd rather watch The Sassy child than Barbie a million times before watching [ __ ] KO from this show I'm so pissed that we remember her name it would be [ __ ] up if we didn't there's only four [ __ ] characters we watch so many shows like so many good shows and we don't remember a character's name and then we watch [ __ ] mega mind rule we watch [ __ ] mega mind versus the Skylanders oh please end well please end well you know what I think makes you not like the character for she's annoying I feel like she thinks it's her show like it's not your show this is a mega mind show she's giving like Sierra from Total Drama World Tour no no no she is yes she is relax I think you're forgetting just how angry that character made you a great big jump Koo is in this the most wonderful dream editor can you just animate like editor can you make this good editor can you like make mega mind red and then you want a Hu shift the whole video like an M lemon video Welcome he destroyed the streets again I can't get to work holy [ __ ] that guy's going to die Mega mine might need some topnotch assisting right about now you take the tickets did Chum give her his phone number call me on my Chum phone call me on my CH phone L night when you need my ch um actually it was real Sir It All Happened we're too late bro took a 30 second power nap and he's back to work that is America's strongest commuter right there average Amazon employee don't crush Mr donut it's working wait Mr donut was in a car wearing the donut suit that must be so frustrating to get into the why is he even in the [ __ ] show anymore why is he driving to work in the costume that's what I'm saying how did he fit in the car those knees and sit on down wait are they telling him to go kill himself in the water kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself away and don't you return wa they just told them to leave there's so many problems in this show that are solved by them just having the villain leave like they don't lock them up or kill them they just said go swim somewhere else not our problem the binky is the key to my entire plan I forgot about that guy if you want something done right you have to get someone kill the child they're going to kill the child yes happy birthday girl oh you got me a drone yes drone comedy yes yes yes and me I have a very big surprise it's a a very surprising thing even but you had a teacher the hairbrush guy oh no but she's GNA go with the hairbrush guy who the [ __ ] is the hairbrush guy Maia villain the brain guy he's the main villain of Mega m rules this show has a main villain I borrowed this boom disguise generator wait she's going to disguise herself as like a short version of Mega mine are they going to sell that like stores now mini Mega mine Mega mine just put Shadow boy in The Slammer so oh no it grows you what I'm going to call the cops on you then I'll be the one laughing wait is that the donut guy wait no that was the old mayor of all the villains I could have impersonated I picked the one that gets chores Eden loves this show so much he keeps leaving the recording like it's sorry sorry my ceiling fan there was was like oh yeah okay oh [ __ ] oh my God there's an emergency over there I have to go do something oh no I'll tell you what's going on I'm the real 99 this is such brain root I feel like I I'm becoming less intelligent I feel like I'm like I'm watching like like the gacha life videos this is Roblox storytime content I genuinely think you would learn more from one of those videos than watching the show let me go again what is going on Mau V bra guy beautiful oh mind if I take a little taste who runs like that to someone that is one foot in front of them oh my God they just cycle through the animation choices they had for the walk cycle and pick that one oh give me a break a cardboard cut cut out of a cake what it was a cardboard cut out what the [ __ ] this is the funniest thing that happened in the entire show the cake being faked oh my God the cake was a lie no [ __ ] way bro kill me kill me kill me kill me I've been taking online classes and my food is much more edible Edibles make some edibles oh my God they make an edible cake and not an edible cake but an edible cake and they give it to the child and then she trip bald and has a panic attack it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance oh and then she's going to be like Tera like she's going to get trained by the villain she's like I wanted to be like you Mega M but you wouldn't take me under your wing how can it be that bad there was fent there was fent and fent I just don't understand the writer room for this episode it's like neither side of what's going on in this episode is particularly worthy of being the main focus of an episode I don't have an hour I'm giving the doomers the fake the doomers the doomers what's more tily than your armpit please not my ears oh this is gross why is this so much grow this feels like like a torture fetish thing going on here this does feel like fetishistic in a really unpleasant way the fact that he can't move and the quality of the animation like it just gives you know homemade creation it's giving the Oscar goes to Drake standing up that's all I'm saying bro I was faking you really think I'd swallow something you cooked sorry my brain was like swallow don't make joke don't make joke power up the Regeneration machine oh my God the Spider-Man scene remember that that was the best part of the show may we oh remember the snow globe oh my God that was the best part of the show we not only managed to get the Isotopes we needed to fuse theine no dude this is actually what's crazy because like their plan has been going on in the background the entire show just show actually had lore I hate to interrupt your long cliche villain explanation but I just gave you a fake Binky dude why would you say that like after she said explicitly said hate to interrupt your long cliche explanation she then proceeded to do the most cliche thing possible what is this ambition right now that was like the first scene in this entire show that actually had any attempt at creative camera work you will double cross L your friends no way bro no [ __ ] way she's a genius don't tell me she's goated no I'm not even going to lie bro that's actually [ __ ] cracked that was actually [ __ ] cracked that she actually pulled that [ __ ] off when swapping out fake binkies for real ones it was meaningless anyways cuz he already swapped out she [ __ ] up your very own cake you really shouldn't have believe me koo's voice acting is so serious in this scene and the mega M just sounds exactly the same he so blissfully ignorant and the music is so corny this is like [ __ ] Naruto crying on the swing right now this music's swelling a hero costume what the that looks [ __ ] what is that I got you a shitty tracksuit I didn't think they could make something that looks worse than a pre-existing outfit the key to Super villainy is presentation oh my [ __ ] God what is that [ __ ] thing Jesus I said music e his body proportions are all [ __ ] up too his neck is so long his arms are so short his torso's really long his chest is really wide everything else is skinny who the [ __ ] modeled that disgusting creature we need to tell sir as soon as possible it was my mistake I need to be the one to tell him I'm starting to think koob might be the least annoying character in this show now now now now now now genuinely not true I think the secretary is the best character secretary we were [ __ ] on her so hard she has purpose and direction in her life and I respect that you're just in time to see your entrance wait a second you're supposed to be at the comet ceremony what is he eating though it's a cup full of coffee beans he crunches on them in the morning I start a Chum because gotcha go D he literally did a Homer Simpson there dude he should be like Homer Simpson and start beating the child in his life want to save our city only a gay person could have this much production value no straight person is putting in this much effort for real like I didn't get the gay coding when he was just a brain is that like some truly beautiful like anti homophobic messaging gay people have like the same brain as normal people no gay people have an evil brain that's what the show's saying oh H nothing looks to be a Miss sir this is the GTA 5 Observatory I've been here I've been here in GTA 5 oldest villain trick in the book you zap the one in the middle he has a debilitate option in his gun what does it do like take away their ability to walk just puts them in a wheelchair for the rest of their life and dislocates every bone in their body what happened was I victorious someone say victorious yeah would you guys rather watch Victorious or this show last time we watched Victorious I think we all had mental breakdowns I guess the difference is like watching make mind is is bad but watching Victorious feels like I'm complicit in something truly [Laughter] evil this is my brain after watching the mega M show what an inspirational Testament to the power of Team he's got a beautiful profile though I'm pretty sure people get surgery to have his nose he's just a beautiful man the high elf ears I might be growing on him you you can have him bro you can have him he's all he's all yours he's all your have at him he's right there he's lowkey y Queen he's legitimately hot he would win like a Rupal drag race you know he Straits out of his business instead of destroying the transmitter your laser knocked the Comet off course oh my God he's going to piss on the moon he can't win can't you just beat him like you did last time what if metroman came and Brad Pit reprises his role what if actually Brad Pit came in for this shitty peacock show and on that lie I went from being an ordinary villain to a Super One what did he do he cheated on his finals okay so he's every student during Co okay cool he asked chat GPT to write his final exam okay cool he's every student now it is and he killed his Professor but like you know yeah okay he's every [ __ ] like NYU student hey Comet this one's for the dinosaur yo that's actually that that was actually a good line that was honestly the best writing in the whole [ __ ] show right there that was [ __ ] fire the idol standing oh my God we're going to die oh God if only I could do something besides this generic Idol animation no one's running they've all accepted their Fai there's something I regret never telling you what is it oh my God oh my God they're going to [ __ ] you are fear not here gay people my Binky I desperately hope that this ends in a season 2 cliff here that doesn't make any sense considering the size and speed of that meteor it would not be stopped by that small obstacle and also the shrapnel would be killing all of them it exploded into pieces they should be dead sir we've been looking all over the city for you oh that frame is kind of hard as hell that that this is Evangelion bro this is the end of AA right now I gave Mak a villain your binky [Music] [Laughter] out of context that is so funny you can't say that and then play dtic music I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see me again I'm nothing but trouble she is written like a 25-year-old with serious trauma I'm nothing but trouble he destroyed the power grid to disable any emergency response you know Makia villain kind of looks like a hasb been Hotel beta character one that would have gotten like scribbled out but they at least considered that's an insult to every gay person oh it's all lies all of it Mak a villain specialty Mega mine's next Nemesis in the season 2 is fake news isn't that crazy how did Mega mine show turn into Spider-Man 2 I have no choice but to declare Megamind cringe we still have one card left to play it actually ends with a season 2 B it ends no [ __ ] way you got to be kidding me there's no [ __ ] way and you know the craziest thing we are probably the only people in the world who know that no one else has made it to the end of the mega M show and if you guys want us to watch season 2 when it comes out hopefully it doesn't get this video to a certain amount of likes arom Alex mcland Alzheimer's is a bad disease we should cure it Andrew husky arachnid Droid Aaron tats and atomic Leon Bento Blake Rivera Kane Rivers Tom luk Cosmic daa Crystal bunny Frozen spetti Gabriel grados gub Stargazer gny snis Happ and a helio history onx ribler honor Pearson hummus hydropon Isaiah Alfred k99 Ki King of the street lilac Moon Loca Peg brt Han Michael Rodriguez Milan zenovic MK native Omega waffles Oscar Annis Pablo the god Patrick case Randall piz a loving Panda Elle rocky road with sprinkles Roka Quinn Christian Sam Skyler is milks mama here in SS Tyler Russell Val explicit Victoria
Channel: Spilling The Milk
Views: 573,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spilling the milk, spilling, the, milk, megamind reaction, megamind funny reaction, dreamworks megamind, megamind movie, will ferrell, jonah hill, tina fey, megamind movie reaction, megamind movie commentary, megamind full movie, megamind 2010, first time watching megamind, reacting to megamind, megamind new tv show, megamind show, megamind tv
Id: DIdonSPUoZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 16sec (5656 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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