We Became Identical And Switched Places. No One Noticed

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[Music] all right that's it I'm cutting my hair off yeah I have to all right I have no option at this point you ready to be twins house under construction there's nothing I can do about this anymore yeah you look like those dogs with big ears I wouldn't know because you're allergic so we've been habit our whole life so I don't know anything about though you look you'd be allergic to yourself is what I'm saying when it gets stuck in my nose it does make me sneeze so I kind of am a little bit what the is that all right guys so I am definitely cutting my hair off right now I'm in favor at one point I was kind of excited to grow it out and see where it was gonna go but now I found out where it's gonna go and I'm over it ass like that to me now my hair's never been this long that's kind of a good thinking every time I wake up in the morning it's like a sort of nest was made on my head when I'm going to sleep it literally like moves around like is if I have a helmet on I'm not even kidding it's messing with my sleep it's in my face no matter what every time I get out of the shower well I first started looking like Dracula okay so yeah it's kind of creepy 9 out of 10 days I have bad hair days where it just freezes out if you feel my pain press like and then I have to comb it that hurts cuz it gets knotty and pulls on my hair while I'm working out I have to tie it back out of my face with a rubber band because I don't have any hair ties and I look like some sort of like yogi but you like want to be a yogi look at this okay you FARC one and all Twitter thinks I look like blorph Ark one you didn't tweeted something about me looking like Lord Farquaad Lord Farquaad I'm the biggest I'm the biggest Lord Farquaad fan and everyone agreed with him like literally a hundred thousand people agree with him 140,000 141 because I agree is what your 1140 thousand in one yeah because I agree it doesn't dry ever I think a shower and then I'll get in the car and I'll go to the grocery store and it still can wet that just looks creepy kinda you know what I mean thanks man but so here's the problem that I've run into my brother over here come you recently stole my old haircut is mine Harry it's my haircut because I claimed it but now I'm going to revert back to original Grayson default Grayson and Ethan is kind of looking like default Grayson right now and we are now going to look extremely identical for the first time in over a decade yeah this is gonna be really goofy I believe the only way around how goofy this is gonna be would be to fully express it and have some fun with it by switching places on everybody that knows us like the entire world I don't know the Edit just got me going aggressive yeah looks goo what you yeah I know you alright I'm over it it's like one for boy like straight don't pull it so I'm not gonna try to run I control you now see I mean you should keep it no no keeping it loose style yet it's gone it's gone you look a little nervous yeah I just like kind of feel bad for the hair you know oh I definitely don't at all it's grown with me all this time year I haven't gotten haircut in a year are you serious am I getting cold feet right now your head in the game right I got a woman don't forget what it did you just this morning no you're right Ralph basically we're gonna take it down to exactly what you can pad I could be your reference model this is a lot of commitment right now I have one second oh my gosh okay Statue of Liberty what have we collect the hair and keep it in a bag is that we yeah that's really weird but I feel bad for it I might just need like a day to spend with it after after it's gone you know sitios taking bag am i doing that what's going on I've been granted permission to make the first cut I didn't even give you permission I'm doing it ah no going back now oh that feels good okay I'm excited to get there okay can go I'm shaking back there Wow I kind of feel like I'm looking at a mirror let me show them what you look like before I before you see what you look like it was like I freaked the out filming that Montana wait ready ready [Music] for uh we would yet have not looked this alike in 11 years yeah be the last time was third grade when we actually successfully changed places it was April Fool's Day even went into my math class when I went into his English class our teachers had no idea it literally took until the teacher was passing around a test that had to be like I'm Grayson I'm sorry because I feel like I was cheating if I took the test because it was actually Ethan's test anybody got a shear grade because English dyslexia I'm gonna better at you then what better than you okay guys so while we look like this we are going to see how many people we can successfully switch places on including all of you and you'll see how we did that because we already did later in this video we literally look so like that I think we could probably even switch places on the mom you think we do it a mom I don't know do you think we could do it on mom so guys obviously our mom is pretty much the person that knows us best let's see if we can successfully do it where you going okay I'm gonna call my mom even his phone so she gets an incoming call for an Ethan this side of my face looks more like Ethan so I'll show the side of my face Ethan's gonna talk from behind the camera and I'm gonna try to sync up my mouth with his voice because our mom knows our voice let's do this hey mom Greyson feel so much better we got our own mom I was so good we literally just got mom we got mom let's keep going alright so now we're going to try to actually switch places in real life on one of our best friends cuz he was Ryan he's a producer on our podcast and he comes over about once a week we've known Ryan for about six years now and we've been like really close over the past three so he's our best friend he has no clue that Grayson cut all of this hair off and he's got to be here in about 10 minutes when Ryan arrives Ethan's gonna text him off of his phone you know can you please meet me at the kitchen island where I will be sitting on my laptop and I'm gonna say you know Grayson c'mere where you at he's gonna come out of behind that wall with the camera and get Ryan's reaction when he realizes that Grayson is even exactly like me right notices you true P okay I'm gonna take my position alright to be sure that we get Ryan going in the right door I'm gonna text him yo use the side door by the shed the builders are working on stuff by the pool right he liked the message so I just followed up and said I'm working on stuff at the kitchen island just come in okay all right he's here you how you doing you're great come here great what's up be much just being Ethan and you look at me like I wasn't racing that's weird I literally made Gregson say on the podcast like last time I was a go say that you like your hair and you want to keep it how do you like the hair to be on it be completely honest how do you like your hair okay it's a I think it's past the awkward phase and is it going on besides you're going Betty it's growing on me my hair is growing on me on my head and then why on my heart okay you know what Grayson all work high five shall we get more people you know to get some more people okay we successfully got our mom and our best friend now we're gonna try to get the hardest person of them all our sister our sister has never ever failed to tell the difference between Ethan and I even when we were babies my mom told me that if we were crying in another room my sister knew who it was by the cry at age two years old if we trick her then we could easily treat the world [Music] again yo I look like Grayson maybe that's because we is each other got you all beautified I did not expense to be able to get you do breeze get you for the first time ever in your entire life I think so alright alright holy okay so I have full confidence right now that everybody watching this video has been tricked already and here's how we did it gotcha gotcha says we did because today's the day that we are switching places on the internet we thought you know we could trick three people including our mom our sister and our best friend so now we're going to attempt to trick 9 million how many we do this you may be asking yourself but we've already begun Oh old reasons in the frame what old use in the frame it is I played a photo shoot not too long ago when I had my mop hair and I've been sporadically uploading those photos over the past few weeks that was that was the last up a better safe you just did the photo shoot busier narcissistic thing no I did because I felt keeping my hair and a bag was weird but the last time that I uploaded photos from the photo shoot I actually had short hair and then I went ahead and updated all of my profile photos across my social media platforms to the most recent photos of me which are be with my long hair but I did this with my short now at the moment of true we are gonna upload a series of swipe photos on my Instagram account half of them being photos of Ethan himself and the other half of them being photos of me to see if you guys will notice it Greyson is the one really in my Instagram photos and if you know we have successfully switched places on pretty much everybody that we know in the entire world hi let's do it alright you know your job you're the base I'm the flyer let's can go you can't you know what the was that what you get skinny when you turn into you go okay alright we're good how are you getting up oh you're not Tarzana anymore without the long hair I don't know I'm telling you bro is the long hair oh sure yeah hey alright actually looks kind of good up here it looks into clearway same person maybe per se we do it the other way you're doing that yo bro you have to do the first laughs so that I can continue the rest start laughing and then look like you're looking the other way yes yeah that's good see listen to the director all right now you go give me your clues all right though you just get naked on the roof yeah yeah can you pull this is it's too tighter on my ankle bro I'm gonna fall I'm gonna pull up the roof rail you can't bounce on one leg no right put the pants on those shoes too big for you fun fact my foot is a half size bigger than Grayson so fun fact my yours yes so what you got bigger tits bro that's not what I said I need your wok be careful with it I got you this well you gotta hide that arm cuz I have tattoos cuz on the more bad this one's really make your biceps smaller you laughing you just keep laughing no not like you oh wait that kind of bleep I think we got a good collection of photos to look through show y'all look the room let's do it what I don't wanna buy the watch too hard bro relax be careful with this well alright we got pictures to look through let's see if any of these trick ups already great I'm gonna click on a random one got one second to look and then you tell me who you think it was okay pretty look but - you know that's dumb I do you thought I was someone else that I'm not so let's just go to the ones of me that look like you the moon bro no there's no way oh my god this is getting scary do that okay is that Grayson that looks like me too okay all right we got the photos time to get a post ready all right we just jinxed each other we're ready to post okay so I got all four of the photos not gonna lie I had to do a little bit of freckle swapping cuz we do have different freckles we did the old freckle cheater there I'm there so we just moved mine from here to here we have to figure out which order we want to do these photos in this one first yes and that want this one yes Oh looks like I was laughing and then we went down like naturally you don't even know and then the first one that one yeah oh my god and then the last one which is me thinking of a caption I think you should Grayson made me laugh while taking these photos such a 2016 caption but I think it'll work Grayson made me laugh on the roof alright let's check let's double freckle check please check they cool and okay I see we give it a little bit of time to check the comments and we'll resume with you guys in a sec any comments you know it's just a couple porn accounts I don't know I don't know alright 1,300 comments none of them none of them are saying wait I thought that second pic was of Grayson lmao okay no one else we won alright so just to make complete sure that no one's growing to suss right now I've done a little something alright let me explain so on Sunday I took myself in my long mop head to the beach cuz I would normally do something like post a surfing photo so I woke up early packed up the car went to the beach I also had to get up early for this with him and when I got to the beach I needed to wet my fridge damp mop so that it looked like I went surfing which I actually did it and I only did all of that so that I could take this photo but I'm going to post to my Instagram right with the caption Wednesday morning surf sesh which is today today's Wednesday keeps the good vibes in my pocket sounds like some classic cheesy Grayson that'll be good that should throw them off for at least another 24 hours wait it's 24 hours later nobody has realized it looks like it looks like it was a success okay so this morning before I got out of bed I was scrolling through Twitter as I normally do and I saw a lot of tweets that are like actually perfect look at this they are thanking me for making Ethan laugh but it's not eat that it's me he looks so happy that's me and you holy Sh they're twins why do I keep getting surprised every time they look alike it's just both me so let's check Instagram the photos been up for about 24 hours about a million likes on the photo and 11,200 comment that's him that's even dolan guys no literally I'm not seeing these dude I've looked all over everything and no one's realised all right so I would say that that was a success to make extra extra sure that you watching this video right now are still tricked until you clicked on this video I'm going to upload this photo or these series of photos that I took with my long hair a few days ago I'm making it look like they were taken today of me and my new shed who that b-roll oh yeah gonna be really thank you it I don't know to do it I took some photos grace in a couple days ago by a shed because it's a recent thing it was our last video that people would think that it was today and then when I captioned the photo welcome to my shed I worked in it today I also tricked the dude so we tricked mom we tricked my sister we tricked our best friend mom and we tricked all of you guys sorry I think that deserves a little bit of a life like you we got you don't be salty just do it please also subscribe we'll go twins again so subscribe for that we'll be back very soon alright okay like what we wanna like first lay for twin switch twins are ul switch places like to it like subscribe like yeah play for subscribe subscribe the dolan twin
Channel: Dolan Twins
Views: 6,357,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dolan, Twins, identical twins, dolan twins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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