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[Applause] hi well you don't knock before you walk in I live here once not you nor this in only punt up hey come in welcome to my house tour I figured why not dress nice for the occasion alright welcome to my house we have Todd he's one of my roommates he's behind the camera say hello show your face come on there it is hello before we leave the house our people hasn't come in yet so right now we have pasta in a chair a little plan on it essentially 2x century and the room exactly there's enough room to like kind of like chill and hang out smell the plants as as you wait to go alright so we're gonna throw up a maps room here to the left we have cheese Todd oh yeah oh look matt is looking at what kind of cats are them they're Scottish Fold he's a designer cat it's Taylor Swift's favorite so are they in your favor because there's no this Western no I just think they're cute as hell well I think you guys are coming to my uh my humble abode oh my god like that is Quran today we have Matt's room it's very comfortable warm I liked how much of light it brings in I really value light and I also value wood as well we have really great teeth and then the Angel prayer mat yes I can smell the past the spices that we used to cook around the around the not here we have Matt's roll door closet these doors were actually a handmade by Scottish barrel maker see really gonna complement the house and bring it together oh wow like a Plato's Closet in here yeah we just moved in okay surprised you're able to fill all your clothes in the closet yes because the last house we lived in I really didn't have a closet I didn't have that's not a closet that's a storage pantry I didn't say this was a good idea it's nice to being able to have more space oh here's a picture of me and my ex-wife that's a Polaroid of me and Michelle Pfeiffer what are you doing with her maybe one day he can introduce me to mr. spy first I'll give her a call okay I'm actually on page 805 whoa oh my god if you just look at the page or yeah this is actually my favorite word this is one Kevin and Harv plug this oh gee hey this is HGTV you know great about this bed is it's really good for back in posture it's not that really that aggressive what happens in that bed I like to fall asleep on my back turn the cameras on right we have my bathroom in house really great porcelain and ceramic tile that actually came from Norway they're bargain with a group of nomadic elves what's nomadic its nomadic about the elves mm-hmm they moved from place to place never staying in the same spot this is my second house you could say I'm very dramatic what's great though is that this is the other guest bedroom that nobody lives in this room is our guest bedroom this is nobody lives in here I turn this into my second closet what I took the whole thing oh I didn't it's just it's genetically isn't comes from a cabinet to to closet it looks like your rent is going up this is my old West Elm furniture that I picked myself from the store I absolutely love mid-century modern actually introduce my friends to mid-century modern the room were we saw Jason's boobs for the first time this remake recognizes sexiest part about this room is that there are no blind so if you were to get up to any funny business in this room the whole backyard can see ya alright so back in that where the boy yeah I thought it was a common area this is what I call the noise room music this was supposed to be the office but Todd has generously turned it into his studio money Wow now look an acoustics is my precious baby right here it's called the North three so base it right here and I had a neighborhood watch everyone Oh what's marginal it may be tick tock sue the boxer metal box came in we were missing mail for a couple weeks we'll be fine that was nice enough to actually put the mailbox out on the concrete slab without I'm nailing it down at all to now anybody can just take the mailbox over they delivered nothing because no mailbox was put outside you know what I am what has been like living with both of y'all that actually took a sheets in here so okay oh yeah really stunk this Melissa introducing the main common room Oh your sprints and wow look at that to give you guys a little perspective of how long this room is thanks Tom before we reveal everything to you we're gonna kind of focus this area by area right now this whole area of the house is a little TVD to be decided normally this would be the dining room area since we already kind of have a table for that we want to make this area in the den and she'll buy this beautiful fireplace I forgot that we had the little bonfire how do we turn it on oh I don't think there's a switch to this we never forget our former roommate Jason ash and purchased a home decided to live with his kids so what we do now is that we have this we turn it to the wall and introduce our newest favorite in the household oh sorry just thought it was a beautiful Italian name this is Timothy Shalom a Napoleon and then over here we have our ports that means expensive as we like to eat a lot so we have by the way I have a gum drawer inspired by David Dover over here we have just you know necessity over here we have our coffee machines or coffee maker espresso machines we have our smoothie machine over here our toaster that we just bought from Ralph and then our coffee that we have not put out yet and then over here we have our little dining area again we had to move all our efforts or from Jason's house to this house it's not the prettiest furniture but it works for a now it's couch along with this gray carpet and it's leather so it's nice and this couch for some reason it reminds me of eternity furniture oh that's that's college did you buy all you bought this this couch is beautiful Jason out to buy two couches for our old house and he said hey I'm gonna take the cloud couch you can pay for this one so Jason and his mom picked this out and he made you pay for it I just said grab whatever couch is like oh would you grab this cow oh well screw Jason it's a good thing now Todd's a different person he has taste now deposit and pick out the couch today you did pick out the bean bags these bean bags are very delightful they don't have any covers on over here we have our entertainment slash of the library center we have the Dewey Decimal System here at the library so what book are you interested in let me put right there yes Treasure Island my favorite book like 20 no my spare time Robert Louis Stevenson you know they made the Muppets version of this movie and of course I know that my favorite book I've been doing a lot of reading on my spare time during this crisis Todd I don't want to get dumont eyes because it just sounds so close to the original look right here's an unfinished Star Wars puzzle that hot and Natalie did together been sitting there for about a week and a half two weeks guys could at least get it finished oh [Laughter] my god you did that you know how you know it's mine because I also have a framed photo of Lord because that you actually took this picture upside down does not Carina's is actually Daenerys mother of dragons from my favorite show in the entire world Game of Thrones until season 8 this was given to us by a fan it's not a crack house it's a crack home look at this okay this is my backyard grass is very nice we have this hill up here and then hey hey the biggest house are the biggest room in the house this is where all the love and the magic happen you get the master you don't have a down payment you guys ready and all right so again we have to cover all these windows because you can literally see everything for the backyard the babyzane that is me and hit aya oh my god she doesn't want a scarf on and then we have the bathroom here I had to put these very cheap home depot blinds up for now and then over here we have my walk-in closet this is the toilet where I take my morning puth and my piece your time did we get all the rooms are we missing any rooms oh yeah know that I have a two-story house you said if at least cleaned up a little bit all right let's go three two one looks just like your older well look at that got West Elm there's a lot of ChaCha this is this is Todd's a guy who goes a bit of sport oh I can see some kind of selling something is like oh my god escapes I don't know a mirror but it's go I didn't want to show this off because you know we got 360-degree cameras up in this I got a camera in every corner of this house again there's nothing more important than my baby Safety's okay when they live in this house so let's just see if I got any you Mother's come on on this property I got three words for you high-powered lasers that will cut through your bone that's eight words not three we'll be living in for the next probably a few months until I find another place so yeah thanks for watching if you liked the video if you enjoyed subscribe my channel wanna see more stuff for meeting all my friends paint likes to flip houses he's a hot with renewer how in a home record stay calm stay singing damn pains because we want to keep people healthy you say and you want to do your part stay apart by the way before we end this video Heath and I are starting to post twice on our podcast channel on Tuesdays we request a podcast and on Thursdays we're gonna place a scene in Heath crackhead energy type video every week make sure to subscribe to that channels give you a lot more stuff coming to you guys and God bless you stay safe in your hands I love you so much PP
Channel: Zane Hijazi
Views: 3,067,268
Rating: 4.972405 out of 5
Keywords: david dobrik, david dobrik vlogs, zane hijazi, zane hijazi vlogs, liza koshy, lizzza, reaction, reacting, compilation, best vines, viners, funniest, david and liza, liza, matt, david, jason, toddy, story time, diy, vlogger, funny vlog, reactions, vlog, zane, tutorial, scotty sire, dobrik, hijazi, heath, zane and heath, heath hussar, tattoo, new house, vlog squad, vs
Id: Itbm8CUdVTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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