We Attempted to Survive EXPLOSIVE Flak in an AC-130 Plane! (Stormworks Multiplayer)

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we just entered the flak firing zone okay cool the fun zone so when does the flash start what the heck is happening oh god the flag endurance challenge just started it saw this one of them is it's okay don't worry everything's fine hey frantic hello guess what you want to try the uh the dumbest thing we've ever done in stormworks uh i don't know whether this will be is it the dumbest yeah yes you know now that i'm thinking through all the episodes that we've done like i'm not really sure this is the dumbest thing we've done we've done a lot of dumb stuff but this this is gonna be up there it's gonna be pretty dumb yeah um so we have two fantastic motorcycle creations and we're going to drive these out of the back of a moving ac 130 yes i mean that's the plan it's gonna work frantic it's gonna work we're gonna drive it right over this island we're gonna drive out and we're gonna land perfectly fine and we're not going to die today oh yeah um i'm not so sure about that well you know what the people at home comment do you think we're gonna die and uh if you think we're gonna die hit the thumbs up button if you don't think we're gonna die hit the thumbs up button so either way you have to hit the thumbs up button yeah that's a good see what i did there yeah yeah yeah i did that okay so that's great bait all right so let's go ahead and crank up have you flown this thing before are you gonna are you gonna play around in the motorcycle i think we should drive them let's just drive the motorcycles to the the back and we'll we'll put them in now i guess okay well let me power mine up you've got a purely electric one and i've got like a diesel electric or just diesel so one or the other thanks frantic that was nice no problem i'm not sure i mean mine's definitely electric oh okay so you sure about this uh these things have kind of a wide turning radius you sure about the uh turning it around and getting it in the back of the plane while it's in the hangar it's okay turn your um turn your yo breaker off and we could just push them oh yeah it's not a bad idea you know this is like the first time i've ever seen somebody attempt a motorcycle this is kind of cool i like it it's it's really good yeah yeah i mean considering what you have like the parts you have in store marks like this is amazing i don't know if the bikes have have the ability to do they don't have a like a rope anchor or something i don't think so okay all right well let's just push him in so what do we do just kind of grab it or just are you actually pushing it i'm just just running at it and it's it's i think since you're the host you're gonna have to do it because i'm pushing and i'm not moving it at all yeah this might not work oh whatever it's fine we didn't think of the details of this when we were like hey let's fly or drive motorbikes out of a plane it's fine yeah that's true okay cranking it up let me see if i can get it in there oh oh oh oh come on turn turn turn turn there we go i need you to push my right front a little bit this might be it here there you go look at that yeah buddy we are uh we're in nice all right slap the pocket break on let's get out of here worst case scenario you could probably put like a hook on one of those and we can hook it on to the maybe the back cargo and like let it fly out and then you can release it that would be so cool like yeah yeah let's let's let's make that be our second objective so uh stay tuned in folks it's gonna be even worse it's gonna be even worse that's what i normally say about my videos is like it's fine you think the video is bad now just wait until like i don't know five or ten minutes it's gonna get even worse uh okay cool we need to take off really slowly if that makes sense yeah i mean how slow do you think you can take off an ac 130 ver right we let's just try you ready go ahead go for it we're moving okay uh i was trying to get a view of the bikes bikes they're slowly moving to the back it's fine it's fine frantic we're probably gonna have to use the rope idea okay okay you might want to gun it there you go hey are the bikes all right uh homie look at him mine's all right yours is at the ramp but they're not like all catty wampus and like stuck and flying through the air so it that actually was a success we're entering the flight firing zone what's a flak firing zone come on wait what's that around what's that mean it means we're about to get flanked wait since when are we in like hostile waters wait what's who should flack at us around is this a part of the mod yeah this is the mods yeah so you actually get shot out of the sky yeah you do i need this in my life okay we're about to do that one day i need that uh turn a little to the left a little to the left are we doing the the runway's over to the left are you doing the big big runway like we're gonna so we need to line up on that runway and then we'll turn the autopilot on gotcha got you i'm gonna go ahead and try to stand up is that a bad idea yep wait how do we use the autopilot that's a good question i got a waypoint coordinates down there altitude selectors down here how do i turn it on i'm gonna check the bikes the bikes are at the back the ramp they're ready to go oh no uh on the ramp this is gonna be bad i i don't know maybe just like leave it alone and we'll get out and run what dude no you want to do i'm going bye what no hey come back what i don't know how to fly this i mean i do but like i don't just stabilize him we got to go for it frank i don't think i don't think we can actually stabilize it the way we need to okay right i'm stabilizing it okay are you ready are we near the island we are near the island all right come on take off running all right come on i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming up i don't want to open the jump in your bike and i'll open the ramp i'm on my bike we need to go now my friend has to go bro oh no we missed the island wait i'm stuck oh you're stuck like a poop oh i got oh the plane's tilting up yeah it's doing whatever it wants to do oh give me a second i'm gonna shake it out if i can get to the front oh no yeah we're gonna have to do this with ropes because i don't think these bikes will stay stable enough for us to drive them out a car would probably work i've tripped out my seat komodo wait you jumped out of your seat where'd you go i'm not on the bike anymore are you in the plane yeah i'm in the plane all right getting the bike all right i'm getting actually you gotta hold that oh we got stuck you got to hold that button down here let me turn this around oh are we gonna try like my bike is is like going out of them it's fine i just want to poop you out so just get in the bike you're going to poop me out okay i'm going to poop you out i'm ready to get pooped okay i'm going to angle this back over by the way this ac 130 flies really nice yeah it does so it's already ready the ramp button has to be held yes in order yeah and that's where i made my mistake because i was already panicking okay i didn't i didn't hold it here i'm gonna drop you over the big island it's just a bigger target there's no way we're hitting that runway with the way the bike is right now we're gonna be lucky that it even falls out okay right sure yeah okay give it a second i'm about to jump out i'm gonna try to stabilize the plane somewhat okay okay we are we're good okay i'm hopping out i'm coming to the back uh uh pitching down a little bit it's fine here we go you ready you're okay yeah i'm good bye frantic nope okay the ramp's open now it's fine all right you ready yes sure all right we gotta go [Music] i don't think i'm falling out with this oh you're gonna fall out you're gonna like it on i'm look i'm very stoked uh wait why is it smoking what's smoking in there i saw i saw some black smoke how stuck are you yeah i think we're gonna have to do this with the with the rope right yeah cause we could still do the thing where we drop it on the runway all right here we go forceful landing's coming up your bike is like your bike is trying to escape yeah i know i see that it's kind of uh discouraging huh let me toggle some landing gear here we totally need this right landing is down cool all right here we go forceful landing it no okay yeah that was i'm out yeah look at that i'm okay i'm not okay i'm okay i'm not okay do you die nope by the way there was a slight explosion when we hit the ground what was it what was that all about oh no that was the plane it's coming in for landing what i landed it i'm on the wrong way i'm coming on how do i turn this thing off i don't know how to turn this thing off right now oh no oh it's exploding that was insane hey that landing though you landed it good job um oh wait you're checking out it wait what are you okay no no no i'm in the cockpit i'm not even oh just flying through the window what the are you all right you're dead all right that makes sense so i'm i might have hopped out of the seat while it took back off yeah and i was loose in the cockpit and then we hit the thing and exploded my body flew through the uh the front window that was that was amazing okay let's let's maybe put on a little oh jeez it's still exploding i mean um oh it's wait is that is this how it landed like there's no damage or did you get a new one no there's no damage wait this thing still works so it kind of worked what we did just yeah i mean yeah i did like 10 somersaults but yeah this works it works okay let's go get a rope all right frantic with the power of science you've uh connected a block with a little winch anchor point to it so you're gonna be attached to that we're gonna fly fly and that's gonna fly out the back and it's gonna be attached to the plane and then i'm gonna release it and you're gonna fly yeah yeah exactly i don't even know if i explained that very well uh you want to crank out the planks i have no clue what i'm doing yeah do you want to drive this in i mean i could probably crank this up i mean it's probably not that hard is it you just slap all the buttons on the top pretty much slap the buttons on the top got you yep i am now slapping all the buttons sounds like stopping buttons is work for you yeah slapping buttons normally works i may not work for everybody you should see sometimes when ob slaps buttons everything explodes uh commodore yes my bike is upside down i don't think it's really gonna matter are you gonna push it in a little bit there buddy yeah um i don't know if it can so i've got a rope here actually do we want to keep it somewhat out that way it doesn't get stuck in the door so i can attach it now i feel like it'll get stuck anyway well then maybe don't push it any further in and keep it right here and then i can attach it via rope just to anchor it now so sure so if i grab that and then go yeah there i'm ready here we go really slowly okay never mind cool spike is attached to the back hey that's all that matters right okay so what's the plan what are we doing so basically you're gonna get on the bike and i'm going to i hang you out the back and you should be attached and then eventually we're going to go clink and then it's going to fly off right should i go get the bike now yeah go go and get stuff prepped i'm going to level us out here and we should be good to go all right i am in the oh god i'm upside down oh that looks good is the rope still attached uh i can't see okay here i'm i'm hopping out real quick i'm gonna come prep stuff with you okay well i mean oh this looks funny if you grab one of those yeah i think we're good i'm not gonna get slapped in the face by a bike when i open the store am i uh no no as long as you don't oh flack okay cool oh okay oh yeah i'm attached so i'm ready how do i push you out um i don't think you can should i just fly straight up uh that won't work either i'm just attached i just got killed by the bike okay i've got another idea you got another idea this one's a little bit more well thought out why don't we keep the bike parked outside the plane like good ways and then we stretch the rope and attach to the back of the plane then i take off all right frantic so we've uh failed a couple times at this but i know what's going on now i know what i need to do i got this are you sure absolutely not okay sit on the bike sit on the bike all right okay on the bike okay i'm gonna put the ramp up just a little bit i'm gonna fire this bad boy up and we're gonna go have some fun okay so do you think you're gonna be able to hold on back there um yeah i'm i'm no actually i don't oh god i'm already wheeling oh this is great okay here we go oh oh wait what do you mean here we go oh you are just leaving me here yeah you're wheeling it no i don't like it i already don't like it oh this is amazing watch out helicopter whoa okay cool just pass my i didn't even see that so oh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna get a little camera angle on this this is uh oh this is beautiful i i feel fine i feel yeah you feel fine i'm taking a picture of this so we're gonna fly over the military zone and see if you can survive flak and then if not i'm just gonna uh disengage the rope and drop you okay um either way you're gonna die hey uh franek yo what's up we just entered the flag firing zone okay oh cool the fun zone so when does the flag start uh the flag will start in uh it'll tell us we're in the zone again in a second and then you should get peppered with flank and i'll probably die but you know that's okay oh we need to go higher yeah oh there we go starting what the heck that's so cool i i mean it's cool for you you're in a plane oh okay i i don't think there's ever been a motorbike in history that's been hit by flag well you might be the first yeah i'm trying to do a loop-de-loop maybe oh okay this is getting a lot worse oh what the heck is happening oh god the flag endurance challenge just started it started oh engines are on fire my engines are on fire frederick one of them is it's okay don't worry everything's fine every i mean i'm on a motorbike okay this is happening this is the coolest thing oh i had an engine just stop hey i'm stuck upside down wait what just wait what oh have you lost control of your oh the ailerons might have been hit you might have no control i have no control right now if i could still release you oh everything's on fire okay i need to potentially [Music] [Applause] oh god so we weren't going to get to release you we just we did the black survival challenge um yeah yeah frantic has left the flack firing zone by the way the plane is engulfed in flames and i'm now falling out of the sky yeah i'm on my way up to you don't worry oh you're free cam and over here no clipping over here i'm dying right now yeah are you wait are you gonna die i'm gonna shoot off or actually turn off the fuel pumps and stuff and maybe i can get these engines to die there we go oh yeah oh yeah on fire flares is the motorbike going uh oh oh it is gone where did it go oh it looks oh i just died well you died i'm gonna wait because i want to see this fall so i've got a camera where i can actually watch this happen oh i'm getting hit with flick again it just takes oh yeah yeah you are okay cool i mean you could just respawn and you'll be on the ground below oh will i yeah yeah yeah at the island i'm very confused oh there it is oh i see it oh it's going down oh that's incredible i just died again oh i love taking screenshots of this thing is it down oh there it goes yep wow that was i like the fleck firing challenge oh there's actual flat guns down here yeah there is um i don't know whether destroying them actually stops the flight from happening that is something i wanted to test but that's amazing well what are we like yeah uh we love the um flying a motorcycle is bad yeah yes yes and and flack don't like flying motorcycles basically that yeah bye bye
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 594,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks mods, stormworks bomb, stormworks modded bombs, stormworks nuke, stormworks 1.0, stormworks gameplay, stormworks plane crash survival, stormworks hand tools, stormworks camodo gaming multiplayer, stormworks sinking ship survival, stormworks build and rescue, stormworks camodo gaming, stormworks new update, stormworks tutorial, stormworks explosion, Stormworks plane crash, stormworks plane crash multiplayer, stormworks nuke explosion, stormworks flak
Id: NVD55oxf0ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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