we are under attack (Streamed 1/29/21)

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wait maybe i can see if i can figure out how to fix it so that my um hang on i don't understand is she streaming today oh yes father both that you're the ten months by the way um doodle that you were the premise of a second ago as well um yes i yes lil simsy is streaming today yes sorry i'm still trying to figure out i don't understand why the obs extension captions don't work when i'm streaming it literally it works when i'm recording basically okay you're gonna hate how this looks i'm sorry but i need to show you um so essentially it works but there's supposed to be captions that pop up and it's supposed to like send them to twitch so that like twitch's built-in caption button works and then it should work on vods as well and it works when i'm recording but it doesn't work when i'm not and i know this is horrible to look at i'm sorry but like i don't i don't understand no matter what i do it doesn't do anything but it's fine we still have the twitch extension ones but i don't get it um you smell thank you for the four months since van thank you for the bits ellie thank you for the bits delaney thank you 11 months dragon queen thank you for the seven months thank you guys so much uh anyway don't what did i just click on is that me loading into my farm yes oh this is my sink oh i decorated my house since you guys saw this i think oh i think i streamed my single-player farm last saturday oh we have made some progress since then so i'll show you around a little bit uh leah thank you for the private stuff little ticket thank you for the bits i feel a lot better today thank you uh mouse thank you for the 13 months oh this is so exciting congratulations that's amazing um emmy thank you for the 15 months jules thank you for the seven months maddie thank you for 11 months olive thank you for the four months may thank you for the prime sub thank you so much no i didn't stream yesterday um frankly i was i felt icky because um some of us are bleeding uh and also i was i had two panic attacks yesterday so i wasn't really in a um on camera kind of mood you know it's one of those like i'm not really cut out to entertain this this afternoon um vindictive thank you for the four months brooke thank you for the nine months um anyway i feel i'm great today we're feeling fine on i'm okay don't worry super girly thank you for the five gifted subs um bible thank you for the bits louise thank you for the 22 months thank you guys so much um anyway i'm excited to show you around my farm a little bit because i am very close to beating it now um look at this look look i have shipped everything i have fished everything i have found everything and everything else i have cooked everything i am only missing craft every item i'm so close there's only two things i have to craft still and i'm missing one of the recipes or both of the i forget anyway i'm really close to finishing everything um so i'm really excited enjoy my discord nice uh kelly thank you for the five months morgan thank you for the 10 months batman thank you for the bits louise thanks again for 22 months um really you know that's awesome thanks for coming by the stream today how are my children well harry styles is doing wonderfully um and i also have another one wait where's my other child oh there it is and this one mary is doing great as well um so i decorated my house a little bit since you guys last saw i now have my fish room with all of my legendary fish and a snail and other ones that aren't legendary fish but are still fun for example the blob fish uh this is my bedroom this is my tea room uh this is my living room this is my kitchen and dining room this is my other living room and this is my children's bedroom as soon as mary is bigger i can get rid of the crib which will be exciting luke thank you for the five months gothic thank you for the 18 months caters cater tots thank you for the 500 subs uh katie thank you for the bid super girly thank you for the five months addy thank you for the bids pastel thank you for the six months congrats on getting something into your dream university that's amazing um nick thank you for the five months mallory thank you for the two months kaya thank you for the 10 months epic thank you for the nine months lou thank you again um also gwen thank you for the 25 months oh my goodness oh cora that's amazing news congrats to you as well congrats to all of you guys that are hearing back about uh collagen stuff hey snappy come here don't just look at me come here she's staring at me from the doorway oh now she's licking her paws she's just looking at me um coffee thank you for the two gifted stuffs living thank you for the 33 months logan thank you for the four months lemonade thank you for the three months bright lights a year for the six months gaming thank you for the two months gwen thank you for the 25 months i said i hope i didn't miss anybody you like my tea room thank you i really like this room also um this is the first room that i decorated the kegs don't actually have tea and then the kegs have uh ancient fruit in them but oh my god it's wait hang on it's the first day of the season we have to we have to game but i'm not ready to game yet like we can't be wasting time walking around the house because it's the first day of the season we have to plant things um kathy thank you for the nine months by the way um w thank you for the nine months oh sorry backwards w with the nine months kathy with the four months janine the year for three months read with the four months ash with the four months wrong with the 34 months uh mark with the prime sub thank you guys so much also somebody asked um do you not do dono's i have a question i don't have like a paypal donation button um if you want to send me some money you can buy like bits or subscribe or something um oh my god what do i just do oh no i was just i was just trying to i was trying to see i saw somebody got banned so i tied it i tried to type slash user to see what they said but then i almost rated them oh my gosh i type slash raid instead of slash user oh my god oh no it's okay they didn't say anything that bad it was fine it's fine it couldn't it was like a self-promo thing so it's not like they were like mean to me oh my god oh my god that's horrible that's like up there with one of the worst things i've ever done you know what one time i tried to slash ban somebody and i modded them which is also pretty bad because you try to like slash ban a name and then you mod them instead here do you want all of the power yeah but it was short-lived i got it i fixed it no this is not good okay that well it could have been worse i could have modded them um anyway that's kind of funny how do i mess that up i don't know saying i don't know it's horrible johnny thank you for the pits sushi thank you for the annie thank you for the four months i'm roasting you for the three months kyle thank you for the ten months whoops katie thank you for the five months jaina thank you for the four months bible thank you for the best oh no you know what i might unban them now they've brought they they have unintentionally brought me a lot of joy you can come back that kind of made my day um so you're you can come back i don't mind thank you for the 23 months cat thank you for the four months it's your birthday oh i can sing you a birthday song um alex thank you for the four months ashley thank you for the 10 months oh my goodness oh they did it again i'm not gonna follow you back i already almost rated you no it's okay that's not a bad sometimes see we usually ban for self promo in my chat because so many people come in and like try and paste their twitch links in my chat um and it's really frustrating but asking for a fallout back isn't that bad it's just when people are like follow me on twitch and then try and put their link it's like no you can't just use me for this or they'll be like follow me on instagram and it's like no this is my stream go to your own anyway it's a sore subject um because so many people try to promote themselves in my twitch chat so sims fan thank you for the you got the cast slider mod nice um shirley thank you for the 10 months kimmy thank you for the bits oh no but you have no idea how often that happens it's constant i don't know what they what they're hoping to achieve posted links in my chat because like it deletes them automatically anyway but no i don't have any mods um my but i do have um a lot of farming to do today's the first day of the season um this is my single player farm charlotte we're gonna play with dan tomorrow maybe um i want to play on my single player one today danny thank you for the prime step ashley thank you for the bits amanda thank you for the 18 months uh i mean thank you for the thank you guys so much um but anyway anyway the iridium tools are satisfying looking aren't they look this my watering can is enchanted to be bottomless too so it's purple because it's like an iridium watering can that's the highest quality and it's also enchanted to never run out of water so the water glows purple usually this bar says how much water is left in it and it's blue um uh but it's purple because it's enchanted so it never goes away yeah the scythe being being gold i'm gonna be honest it's kind of frustrating i wish that it could be purple but it can't gatsby thank you for the five gifted subs uh zen thank you for the bids bloody thank you for the two months hi thank you so much it's good to see you um june thank you for the four months listen thank you for the bits you're meeting your long-distance before 7-14 days i oh alyssa i feel you with the nerves but you're gonna have a great time it's gonna be really exciting um i'm i'm really looking forward to that for you can i ask a question now yeah go ahead any time any time feel free um yeah imagine like some sort of dungeon that we have to go through to get because the way you get the golden scythe is there's like a dungeon thing you and once you get to the end you get the golden one um but imagine if there was like another one like an even harder one to get the iridium one that well this one isn't that hard but it would be fun if there was one okay we got a game so i already bought my seeds i think for the most part yeah so i don't really know why i have so many because that's more than i need but what i'm planning on doing is putting the cranberries all up at the top and bottom and then pumpkin in one section and then red cabbage and another and then we'll grow those twice so julia thank you for the two months um mom and dad thank you for the bits riley thank you for the three months roast thank you for the bits jayden thank you for the bits mystical thank you for the four months alexis thank you for the bits sarah thank you for the bits uh limestone you're for the seven months snap thank you for the bits also oh my goodness juni did i thank you for the four months oh i'm sorry i don't think i missed anything red cabbage is summer oh well that was in the wrong place then never mind i was right all along and i don't need um then i was gonna plant that's why i had too many seeds is because i was gonna plant pumpkin the whole time um that's what i thought i had too many seeds because i did ashley thank you for the vids salsa thank you for the prime stuff um julia thank you for the two months also that makes sense um no flowers no i was gonna plant flowers okay i think now we're set right right really nerdy said i like the ladder pog chamber mode that's good to hear i i've heard a lot of good things from our park from when we were pogchamp like people liked our simsy pagamot which to be fair simsy pog is a cute amount um so i'm glad that people in your stream uh enjoyed it that makes me happy sj thank you for the sub gift um mama j thank you for the bits lavender thank you for the prime stuff i was really nervous about when our remote was gonna be the global pog champion did a fire dragon say he liked it too that's good um i don't know i was just i was nervous because so many people have so many mean things to say about the global pog champs like i was listening to a stream earlier and the whole chat was like ripping apart today's and i just feel bad people are so mean um it just sucks so it's always good to hear uh some positive feedback about our pogchamp emote you know that people liked it it's good to hear that um second thank you for the five months thank you thank you guys i literally i i like unfollowed that person on twitch because i was to be fair their chat was kind of toxic you you know what it's not the streamer's fault when chat well sometimes it is sometimes it is their fault when shot is toxic but sometimes when chat's really toxic it's like you know what i don't really want to i don't really want to be here like i can't really deal with this you know um sometimes it's out of your control but sometimes it's the community that you foster you know happy thank you for the 10 months by the way um some days it's not your fault but sometimes lucy thank you for the for the uh for the reset as well hi snap come here do you want to say hi to everybody come here don't just look at me come here so i um i donated to dr lupo's build against cancer charity stream a couple months ago and because i wasn't like the top 50 donators i got sent a um it came today i have a signed dr lupo uh build against cancer mouse pad now i don't mean to brag but i've got a signed dr lupo mouse pad and my cat is just sitting on it so yeah it's a big mouse pad which is nice so i might start using it but i need to like move some things around on my desk if i have more space for it so um anyway yes it is bigger than my face anyway i've got a sign to dr lupo mousepad so um zeph thank you for the 15 months chinchilla thank you for the bids moosie thank you for the 10 months thank you guys so much all right let's see i'm going to now start hoeing the ground it's time we got to get a move on oh you know what i didn't get yet is any um come on we have to run i don't have any good fertilizer because i used it all last season on star fruit that's okay the other thing is i have two of the four obelisks um and we need to get just two more and i can afford the next one i just i thought i had enough you need for the the beach obelisk it's basically like a big giant thing that warps you to the beach uh like so you just click on it and it takes you straight there i you need 10 clams for it and i thought i had 10. so i went to like go grab my stuff and like bring it to the wizard to buy it last night and then i only had eight and i realized that i used them to make a rain totem and i forgot about it so i was very upset with myself because it was the day of the moonlight jelly so i couldn't even go to the beach to get more and so i was like ready to buy two of the totems at once what just happened um i was ready to buy two of the totems at once i just did a bad job watering this uh and then i couldn't so i was really mad at myself um but it's okay because we can get them today and then we can get our thingy so everything is fine chaz thank you for 11 months ellie thank you for the bits um did i get the pickle i sent a snappy when did you send it ellie i've been in my p.o box in like a month probably um i don't get like that many things to my p.o box so i don't go there like every day or anything you know um i've also to be honest with you i try to limit my outings out of the house but i'll probably go to the p.o box honestly wednesday i'm gonna go to my p.o box on wednesday so then i'll get it then i will see it um you sent my cat a toy pickle that's kind of fun um i look forward to it astro thank you for the for the two gifted subs um top girl thank you for the 35 months thank you guys so much um jay thank you for the bits also oh the card came in the mail today finally oh i'm so glad i'm glad to hear it sounds like um a lot of them are like finally showing well the international ones are finally showing up i was getting worried about it because nobody had said anything and i was like did they all did they all send like i mailed them so long ago are they all gone like did you all get them but um i'm glad to hear that yours that yours came um aren't cats afraid of pickles i wouldn't i i don't know i i could not tell you uh sid i don't remember i can check later i'll find out okay planting some cranberries don't mind me because they look like snakes interesting i guess we'll see oh yeah i've got a couple ostriches um i have two of them do you like them in in stardew valley not in real life i don't have an ostrich in real life actually unfortunately um wait your mom woke you up telling you a letter from the sims that arrived oh wait no your mom probably made you get so excited a letter a letter from the sims has arrived and then you're like wait really and then it's just me i'm sorry i'm so sorry to have gotten your hopes up like this unfortunately um i i put the i planted them in the wrong spot i i i we start over um that happened in the when we were setting up for summer too because i was talking so much i got distracted and didn't even realize what i had done so let's try again everybody what happened i put the wrong plants down uh i was supposed to plant my pumpkins there and i planted the flowers there by accident so now we have to try again sorry everybody take two so sorry so sorry everyone we're trying it again um thank you for the three months uh char thank you for the seven months lauren thank you for the two months dizzy with the bids peach with the prime sub j with the bits katie with the bits oh my goodness thank you guys so much uh royal thank you for the three months as well i already have the seeds so basically there's a thingy with 1.5 where you can get pierre's missing stock list uh and then he sells all seeds all year round so you can buy fall seeds in the summer or like in the winter if you wanted to you can't plant them in the wrong season obviously but you could like buy them for your greenhouse if you wanted to anytime so i was able to like pre-buy the seeds for for fall think i missed your sub lick uh if i did i'm sorry try and refresh and play it yourself um it might have you might have thought you shared the message but you didn't actually share a message um so see if you can actually resub um and hopefully that'll work but you might have done that and i might have just actually missed it in which case i'm sorry but uh thank you for the sub uh sims fan nice new bits badge i stardew is a very common game it's a good game oh i like that canyon moon's a good name for starting valley thank you for the bits uh book thank you for the 13 months moxie thank you for the bits your brother and i got you my brother and i got chased by an emu once birds are scary you gonna give some more context can you um can you share with the class how you got chased by an emu emus are so aggressive yeah i feel like i've heard that but i can't i can't imagine myself in a situation where this would happen to me um so thank you for eight months check dms when you get a chance okay um sid you're gonna have to give me a tldr on that one i i feel like i'm just looking at a lot of words that my brain isn't computing cat thank you for the seven months sophie thank you for the eight months thank you so much okay let's plant these and not plant the wrong thing this time i'm just gonna take them out of my hot bar so i can't plant the wrong thing this time because that's embarrassing okay i am just going to plant myself some cranberries so that i can be rich if i did a 24 hour shouldn't be 100 stardew i could play stardew valley for 24 hours i'm not even worried about it i am not even worried about it okay uh let's plant the pumpkins now it's gonna look good when i'm done mark my words no i by the way i'm never gonna do a 24 hour stream i am not cut out for that one i'm sorry i i can't do it i can't do it oh what have i done is this my five star island uh this is my sturdy valley save unless that was a meme in which case yes yes anyway i'm i i'm not cut out for 24 hour streams i like that would ruin my sleep schedule for like months i i could not function as a human like that so and my poor mods don't need that either none of us need that no one here needs needs to deal with that one um also uh say thank you for saying that um true gatsby i i really appreciate hearing from you from that one um please please tell your wife that i said hi um and happy anniversary to both you uh clara said that is you're amazing thank you guys so much for watching my for my streams and videos and stuff i really appreciate that um and happy happy anniversary that's amazing i'm really i'm really happy for you too how about you give me your stream key and i roast chat for 24 hours laura would you stream on my channel if you could because you could i'd let you for 24 hours straight i'm not sure you actually want that not not even the 24 hour thing but i think i would be really scared to stream on somebody else's channel um i think that would make me nervous it's like a lot of pressure you know even like i'm i'm sure that like other person's community well obviously i stream in dr luke channel right but it's always nerve-wracking to like be on somebody else's channel and like you know be them for the day do i want your stream key yeah brayden put it in chat brayden give us your stream key come on brayden who wants brayden's stream key the a stream key is what you use to tell obs it's your stream key is like a secret um link to your twitch account and you put like basically like a password into your obs and that's how obs knows what channel to stream on um and like where your stream needs to go so if someone if someone like leaks your stream key if someone has access to your stream key anybody even without being logged in to your channel can stream on your twitch channel um which obviously you don't want random people to be able to do that so that's the joke that is the joke about leaking your stream key you don't want to you don't want to leak your stream key that would be bad that would be dangerous um okay i'm going to put some cranberries down here give a birthday song absolutely i'll sing you a birthday song cupcake um angel thank you for the three months uh cold thank you for the two months eva thank you for the bits um ronald thank you for the five months let me sing a song for you simsy leak your credit card info okay oh ava i got it i got it um thank you for sending that i appreciate that okay let me i put this in the wrong place how do you get this game this game is on steam um if you're interested oh also by the way gatsby i'm sorry that the the bot like auto deleted your first message when you posted the paragraph in chat um my my twitch chat bot like automatically deletes oh i put this in the wrong place that's annoying my twitch chat bot automatically deletes like super super long messages with too many characters because people put those you know those like um like copy pasta things where like people use text characters to make an image often times an obscene image of body parts people put stinky things in chat um and so we uh we have the bot like auto delete things that have too many characters so that those things don't get through because then the bot can like delete it faster than my my regular mods can you know um but it's annoying when like people that aren't posting bad things uh get deleted but um people uh people put questionable things in twitch chat unfortunately obviously you're not in trouble um it's just it's like a precautionary measure basically um you know because that's the last thing we want to have happen okay um i like the first day of the season when you get to plant all your crops and like your farm gets to look all pretty and put together i always enjoy this day very much um today's your birthday can i sing you a song i'll sing you a song thank you for the five months bianca thank you for the 10 months chocolate thank you for the eight months angel thank you for the three months um i'll fertilize last don't worry i just want to make sure i get all the um cranberries planted because i want all the cranberries to be like in time with each other because it will be very annoying if some of the cranberries are like not planted today and like suddenly out of sync with the rest of them that would make me want to cry so i'm gonna try really hard to make sure that all of the um all of the cranberries get planted today just so that we're ready um because they would suck if they were out of sink and then like some of the cranberries grew like a little bit slower than the rest of them it would make me sad in my fish ponds i've got a sturgeon in one of them and i've got tilapia in the other one the tilapia that i have in the one of them is only there because i needed to get a bunch of um row for the community center i needed like 30 of it for the community center um because i did the remix bundles and um i wanted it as fast as possible so i put the first fish that i had in there um and that is why we ended up with tilapia but the sturgeon is like actually a good one in there because it's like expensive um and it gives you caviar if you age it if you age the row they give you but um i'm gonna i think i might replace it with lava eel because i've got a couple of them but i haven't decided yet not the surgeon the um the other one you know what i mean what's your name your chicken and stardew you could call it kayla i like that idea when did i finish the community center oh a while ago i'm on year three right now i've almost finished the entire game well you can't technically finish dirty it doesn't like end um but there's a like a literal perfection tracker um that tracks like do you have all the achievements have you befriended like max friendship with everybody did you buy all the obelisks like you know it questions um it like says like checks if you've done all of that um and i'm really close to completing that so i i believe that's a safe way to say you're close to like completing the whole game not just the community center cami thank you for 11 months by the way okay this is taking so much longer than i anticipated does kkk slider come at the end yeah lindsay once i finish i'll i'll go to the island and i'll show you guys my perfection tracker in-game yeah i think i'm gonna do a jojo save after this because i really want to get all the achievements like all the steam achievements um and i think i'm gonna try and do a jojo save after this because that would be fun so so that means i just stopped giving shane trash yeah you probably should probably should be a little bit nicer to the poor villagers except for pierre maybe um dario orange thank you both for the reset spell but thank you for the bits i missed your resub olivia are you sure you played it when are you sure that i didn't read it i thought i said it maybe i didn't read the message is that why um sometimes in the beginning of stream a lot of things are happening um and i i can't really read all of the messages um i always thank people it's the best of my ability but sometimes i miss like if people put paragraphs and messages i can't always read them all aloud but i can scroll back and try to find it um uh 15 months olivia thank you so much um also olivia i'm really proud of you that is that is awesome awesome news and congratulations on on all of those things um all of those things um coming out getting promoted getting your license that's amazing congratulations riley thank you for the 16 months all right i'll thank you for the bits i don't think i'll finish on stream today ariel we need to make a lot more money still in order to like finish finish um so i don't think i'll finish it on stream today because i need like you need to make 10 million gold to buy the clock and i i think that's just i have to play like a lot of days and get more ancient fruit in order to do that um and so i'm not sure that we'll like actually finish it today um i don't have enough plants to put everywhere um but we'll we'll definitely get closer i think we might finish everything except for the um the clock today i don't know we'll see how we go we tried sleeping through to finish and it was taking longer than 10 million yeah 10 million is a lot of gold so um i think it will take a very very long time to get there i mean i still need um like 1.5 million obviously i have like 800 000 but i still need like 1.5 million to um get the next two obelisks so we're like halfway there to both of them um which we'll be able to do pretty easily but um this we have a lot of work to do we have a long way to go unfortunately okay okay i didn't miss your bits i'm putting fertilizer down give me a second you guys if it's been like a minute and i didn't read your bits yet you got you gotta not guilt me i'm ki we got it we gotta take a second you gotta give me a second please please don't like sad face me in chat and thank you for the four months by the way um i appreciate that monkey thank you for 11 months and thank you for the prime sub zucklin thank you for the 35 months riley thank you for the 16 months rally i mean sorry ariel thank you for the bits and george thank you for the bits also thank you guys so much um okay you please please i do my best um i'm just trying i'm like literally in a like this mad rush to finish planting all of these things give me a minute give me a minute what's the golden clock it's this thing that cost 10 million gold in stardew um and it makes it so that uh all the little like debris don't spawn on your farm in the beginning of seasons anymore and it also makes it so that um you your fences never break which is pretty useful um i've never actually had one before but it's one of the things that you need to like complete the game so um we're trying to get one even though i've never had one it's like a thing that's on the list you know so we can like beat the game um we still on day one yeah this is day one in game this isn't or day one not in game but day one in in fall of year three okay there we go there we go i will show you exactly how much i have left to complete in a second take a water break i mean i guess i can eve thank you for the six months also danielle thank you for the sub um okay anyway we got this where you find so much iridium once you get good at the skull caverns you get a lot of iridium very quickly but don't read this okay emily thank you for the four months um anyway uh once you get good at school caverns with lots of bombs and very good quality food then you're set um it just it you know it takes some practice to get like good at it i guess um but you can do it i believe in you i honestly i think the skull caverns are so fun it's like one of my favorite things um so i know it's like spooky in the beginning but you get good at it don't worry chad looks good thank you i i need to um i've i've got more kegs than i did when i decorated it so it's looking a little bit messy but um it's a work in progress oh the jojo safe thing right somebody was talking about that when i got distracted because i was trying to finish my farm that's the thing when i'm trying to plant my seeds i'm like i need to finish my scenes and then we can talk about this but um the jojo mart so basically when you play story valley there's like kind of two routes you can take early on um you can restore the old community center slowly by like filling up people's requests and like um helping repair the community center or you could give in to capitalism and you can pay money um to like turn it into like a giant picture like walmart is taking over the world you can do that you can pay money to walmart for it and so in the community center a bunch of different perks um you you gain them as you finish the different bundles so there's like a room that's like all the like a bunch of different crops from all year round and once you finish it you get prizes prizes for example like you slowly unlock the mine carts and then you unlock um access to the desert and you unlock the greenhouse and like you you know slowly do it um so you could like put items in there like find a green bean and whatever and whatever and whatever and put it in it and then unlock things or you could just pay money for it and like give in to jojo mart so um you're fine george don't worry don't worry whitney thank you for the three months and then you gotta go for the bits um 200 hours your 1.5 save you only have one 5.7 million gold for the gold clock you got this plan see i believe in you you can do it i believe in you um so much ready and more i get a lot of iridium more from uh the skull caverns that is where it comes from mostly okay i need to get my strawberries hang on i might turn these pineapples into ancient fruit i don't need the pineapples anymore i've had the pineapples there for so long because um three four five six seven anyway i had pineapple there for a long time because i was trying to get i needed a hundred pineapple for quest so i was trying to get like a bunch of pineapples so i can get more seeds to plant it in the uh on the island but i don't need that anymore so i can do what i want uh rui you didn't get banned um you got timed out because you said build a house where everyone's a different pack um like five times at uh 4 11 4 11 4 12 4 13 um 4 15 um so you got timed out for spamming and yelling at me in all caps multiple times in a couple minutes okay um you aren't in trouble i didn't even know that happened until you um until you came back and yelled at me and my mods um but in the future try not to like copy and paste and yell things in all caps because it's not a big deal like the suggestion is good um and also you didn't get banned you just got timed out for 10 minutes because you were spamming and the best way to not get timed out again is probably to not yell at my mods um that's that's probably the number one pro tip that i could offer you as far as like not getting timed out you know is to not yell at my mods so um that's some advice that i can share with you yeah my mods put up with a lot i know you didn't do it you know you're it's not a big deal don't worry you're not in trouble i don't even know where your name anymore so don't worry like it's not a big deal um but you know just try not to spam okay i don't want anybody to get in trouble especially when you're yelling at me in all caps that's no fun um okay i just need seven of these there's three slowly but surely yeah you can plant the fruit trees in here um you can put them up here too i just don't i'm not gonna bother because i don't need more of them but you can indeed plant any of the fruit trees along the side which is kind of fun i should probably replace these with iridium sprinklers huh now that i think about it i'm like why haven't i done that yet huh okay i'm gonna leave oh wait that's not nope that's not a strawberry there we go i'm slowly trying to get more strawberries because um i want to plant all strawberries next spring so i'm like trying to i'm trying to get more strawberries built up um yeah you can put trees on the side of the greenhouse which is super useful especially for the new 1.5 trees because um then you don't have to put like the the banana tree and the mango tree on the island you can have one here what let me pick up the truffle okay but you can put the um the new banana and mango tree on your farm in the greenhouse and then have it way more often 1.5 trees yeah so there's a bun like the um the like cherries and all that is in the base game always has been like forever but in the new 1.5 update they added a few more or two more trees um including a banana tree and a mango tree uh and you can plant them in your greenhouse so you can have them all year round on your farm which is useful because then you don't need to like go constantly to the island to get them so okay i'm on year three by the way somebody asked how many animals do i have i don't know a bunch oh no my fences oh do you know what else i got an auto petter um from the skull caverns last weekend this thingy you can usually only get it from the jojo mart route um it's like for sale that way but if you can also find it um in the skull caverns if you get super lucky and i found one in the skull cavern so i have one isn't that fun and so what that does you have to like say hi to your animals every day you know like pet them and be like hi cow how are you doing and the auto powder does it for you um which is nice so um yeah i never put my chickens either i i've been i put it with the cows down there because i use the milk to make cheese to like bring to the mines because like gold quality cheese is pretty decent food so i put it down there because i figured then i would get more cheese and then i would be happier um and i would have more things that i need um oh wait don't sell that yeah you can find it on a treasure level in the skull caverns i found two now not two on this save but two ever i found another one on dan and i saved that we've been playing on um something is gonna have to budge what do i not that doesn't need to be in there that doesn't need to be there okay do i have any no i have so much random food that i cook so i had to cook everything for one of the achievements and so i've got so much random stuff oh my mage thank you for the 12 months sims fan thank you for the bits hellcat thank you for the seven months um i love you i'm really really sorry to hear that uh i'm glad that i can be a distraction for you um i really appreciate that thank you um audrey thank you for the bits also sofia thank you for the eight months um you're looking through an old notebook from 2017 and you found a letter that you had written to me but never sent it was a poem very embarrassing oh no oh no you just reminded me you just unlocked a memory i wrote a letter when i was like 14 to zoella that um i would not want to see now because that i i think would be really embarrassing to read the the letter that i wrote to zoella when i was 14 i don't like i don't need to know what that said i don't want to think about it i don't want to think about it cringe cringe um no that's okay pass pass okay i'm gonna go to the island really fast um you know what else i need to do is figure out a better spot for the obelisks because i don't know where i want to put them oh my goodness we have to harvest all of this it's okay we'll get money from it this is fine everything is fine anyway nothing wrong with writing letters to people that you like i just i i feel embarrassed um at the thought of what i probably put in that letter you know um so the act of writing it was not bad i just don't like thinking about what it probably said um can you get junomo huts on the island you know what i don't think so i'm gonna go with probably not um but that would be interesting if you could did i send it i think i sent it i don't remember i definitely like wrote it and like put in an envelope and stuff so probably i don't know if she read it probably not um but um anyway i had a major zoella phase when i was in like a freshman in high school so even beyond that but i'm gonna leave this here and i'm gonna try and let all of these catch up i think i think i really want all of the ancient fruit to be like on the same schedule so i'm gonna just leave it oh no you went into my crops and you broke one of my okay well i'm gonna turn this into an ancient fruit seed that's upsetting yeah you need to fence everything don't you if i put a pathway around it will it fix it i used to have fences but then they all broke broke to the point that they're completely gone so i could stick like my gravel path around it that should help but no because it broke the gravel path like that grav there used to be gravel path everywhere but you see how it's kind of broken in some places that's because of the the weeds that's annoying oh well um the spreading weeds broke the path but uh it'll be okay let's i guess just replant this it's upsetting anyway anyway oh hello give me thank you fatty thank you for the six months tinker thank you for the 27 months sour patch so you're the three months cold thank you for the three months juice then you're the two months mate so you're the 12 months thank you so much you guys um what am i going to end pink trash bag i only got here like 49 minutes ago i'll be here like for like two more hours probably hi kiwi hi kiwi hi kiwi anyway you guys want to see how far along i am here is the perfection tracker produce and forward shipped 100 percent obelisk on farm two out of four golden clock on farm no monster slayer hero yes so that means that i did all of the um adventurous skilled things like killed a thousand slimes and blah blah blah blah great friends 100 percent everybody loves me i'm better than everybody farmer level max levels everything got all the star drops made all the recipes i only have to craft two more things um for the crafting i call the fish i have all the walnuts so all we need to do is get two more obelisks craft those last two things and then get the golden clock so we're almost there um the last thing i need uh what i need this recipe for the hyper speed grow and then i need um the deluxe scarecrow recipe that you get from having all of the rare crows and i don't have the ones from fall because i didn't know that i didn't i kind of forgot that i didn't buy them so um okay here this is kind of fun i already did this i've done this one already should i do it again i think you guys will actually kind of like this so basically these are like special quests and this one um makes the skull cavern have worse monsters um so i think this will be fun you think we're boring dinner oh because oh because you made a joke about me being pregnant and then had it deleted so you call this boring okay right um anyway i'm gonna do this um that was a funny one that was a good one though angel thank you for the six months flew thanksgiving for the 12 months by the way um abby thank you for the reign hi okay this will be fun so we'll do that i'll do the skull cavern scary quest for you um i think you'll enjoy it and then i can find my recipe and then i'll be happy which we could all use some joy we could all use some joy right about now let's be honest okay all of you can be sold i don't need any of that laura i haven't gotten the one that you you had one where you couldn't eat the whole time right i haven't gotten that one yet i kind of want to do that one but we can do the scary monsters one again oh my god you don't understand oh never oh i've got a story okay oh my god so this quest is they basically like it puts new monsters in the skull cavern and makes it harder right and the goal is states level 100 with the new monsters still i kid you not i got to level 98 i went to eat but i was standing next to the ladder when i went to eat and so i clicked on the ladder and left the skull caverns on level 98. because i was trying to eat oh i almost cried i was so so upset but then i made i like quit the day had to take a second had to take a break and then i came back and i did it again but oh my god isn't that horrible how do you even manage that okay i'm sorry it's a sore subject okay so we need to bring these these these put that away i'm gonna build i'm gonna go make my obelisk don't mind me i'm just gonna leave that in that chest for now um we're gonna go to the beach hope we can find a clam and then um i'm gonna buy some bombs and then i'm gonna go to the wizard so anyway it was upsetting but it's okay we can laugh about it now i can't believe that i did that and plus i was like sharing my screen to dan so at least he saw and like knew at least somebody was there to see my pain i like we were both like no no that didn't just happen to me no anyway by the way abby thank you again for the ride hope you had a good stream um welcome to chaos i guess your brother went on a week-long trip and stole your switch oh how will you live a whole week with no switch are you gonna be okay a whole week no switch let me through okay i'm gonna go buy some bombs in the mines that's the next the next attempt next next step thieves thank you for the five months um i haven't played much pokemon ever in my life beeps now um do people call you why baby really well it's a good thing it's a good thing your name is actually abby because imagine if i was reading it wrong and calling you abby and now it's not even close to your name i guess i can see why they would do that that makes sense i'm well i'm glad that i got it right because it's always embarrassing when you call someone the wrong name especially like that when like if the username was y baby and then i was like hey abby thanks for the rating you're like my name is karen like what are you talking about anyway it's fine i didn't embarrass myself i was right it's fine ellie thank you for the 12 months by the way it's good to see you ali thank you so much um okay give me give me give me i want bombs give me okay we're gonna need a bunch of these maybe some more of these too and we're gonna need a bunch of stairs but i have that my mom's name is karen just by the way thank you for the prize up okay i'm gonna go oh should we go look i'll show you a fun look i'll show you a fun uh fun trick here's a fun trick everybody are you ready you're gonna love this nope this isn't the trick this is gonna be the trick ready watch this are you ready i'm trying to go to the wizard so here's my fun trick look at me okay i'm going to buy the water obelisk how do you unlock that um you eventually get a little mini quest from the wizard he used to be married to that witch um and you get like a little mini quest to go there and do something and then you have access to it and then um with various things uh for example um you can allow monsters on your farm at night time in here um i don't know what that does um and you can get rid of your children so oh it wipes your uh ex-spouse's memory i see anyway but this you can turn your children into doves and send them off so um you can get rid of your kids that way cha cha slide thank you for the three months ever thanks for 10 months george you are supporting this week that's awesome that's really exciting i know moving out is scary but that's that's really big i'm really proud of you um okay i'm gonna go back home then i guess should i dig up should i wait should i should i just try and gather some stone while i'm here if we're gonna go into the scary mines tomorrow we might want to make sure we got lots of stone we need to make sure we have enough staircases to bring in there um scary minds with the quest to make the monster scarier you got to be careful oh it's too too bad so sad dan's not gonna watch me do it because he's gonna have to stream yeah i said i'm gonna gather some stone and then i got four oh that'll make a difference yeah the dragons with the long butts you'll see everyone you'll see what i'm talking about there's dragons with long butts in there it's really upsetting okay i have 12 staircases we have oh we have lots of bombs we should be okay i don't need you the dragons with the long butts exactly do you think that'll be enough yeah that should be fine i think we'll be okay with the with the 26. okay yeah i did the regular minds but scary too the regular minds but scary threw me off so much there's another one of those quests where it makes the regular minds harder and there's these levels that have these ghosts that make you sick and when the ghost makes you sick you can't eat for like like three minutes or something um and so all these things are trying to kill there's like spiders everywhere trying to kill you but you can't eat because you've got ghostied oh it's horrible so um long story short i did it but it was stressful so okay i'm gonna bring these are both really good food items i guess spicy eel luck and speed would be good or should we bring crab cakes defense and speed scary minds with scary monsters is probably best to have defense right um okay i'll bring both i'll bring both radioactive ore is what you get from these uh special quests by the way luck is op um i guess if we have luck from the spicy eel we'll find the stairs easier which is probably better um but i'll bring them both what rings do i have okay so i have um glows attracts items and increases tag ten for 10 and also explodes enemies i defeat and i also have no slimes and plus five defense oh yeah so luck is more important ginger ale helps with the sickness oh i didn't know that i guess that makes sense um yeah we'll bring the i won't even bring the crab cakes i'm gonna bring the spicy eel luck is better better bet okay i'm gonna leave those down there for now we'll prioritize the purple i'm going to bring all of my food just in case just in case we want extras should i just go to sleep then i'm not saying you're for the eight months llama thank you for the two months father both thank you for the bits um oh yeah when you um yeah i don't hear mine that often either but when you hear your when you hear your own name get said you like perk up your ears yeah sometimes i'll be watching streams you know i guess you guys know this experience because it happens to you probably also but you know when you're watching a stream and they acknowledge somebody else with your name in chat and it's like what because i don't hear people named kayla get mentioned very often in chat and then when i do i'm like what leave me alone i was lurking oh not me not me okay not me never mind but i always get so nervous i'm like leave me alone i was hiding it's not they aren't even talking to me um i am the only person allowed to be named jenna exactly um your name is molly oh yeah i bet you get it a lot there used to be a person um at my high school a boy named caleb who i had a lot of classes with and that always used to throw me off so much like when they would do like roll call like a sub would do role because our last names were similar too um and so obviously i knew in my head that i was supposed to be after him but our names were getting called roll like close together and i would like they would say caleb and i'd be like here nope never mind not me yet i used to hate that um because it sounds it's so close to my name you know um but anyway um your name is brandy oh yeah i'm boys named brad yeah brandon common spreading weeds have caused damage to my farm leave me alone i don't want to know my luck i don't even want to find out i don't even care let's do this who's ready thank you for the four months millions thank you for the two months vanessa thank you for the tier two thirteen months um thank you guys so much anyway get just there um oh i don't have anything good in here oh a lot of spicy eel oh my god why i have so much let me through oh my god six levels already not bad team oh good and i have the ring so i won't get slimed so that'll be nice yeah if food expired and started you that's not even funny don't even joke about that oh hyper speed grow oh nice anyway you'll see it's about to get it's about to get um interesting so this for this quest uh it basically it changed oh my god it changed the monsters in these mines so they're different now as i said they're different now you know when i said dragons with the long butts yeah back off back off um they aren't that bad to be honest with you but they're also not good so if i die i would be really embarrassed there we go we're having really good luck with finding holes this is we must have had a good luck day god these levels of the mummies are not good i was um when i did this before i was honestly just skipping them i was like just put a ladder because the mummies are hard um when there's so many of them and they're like aggressive you know what i forget it i'm not gonna bother with this level i'm just going um next yeah oh survival burger nice what a plus three foraging not so nice i guess it won't hurt to have extra food though so um no harm in that nice oh we are we are so lucky we're on 26 and it's 8 a.m this is we are having very good luck today oh i put two down by accident shoot leave me alone okay oh it's right there yeah i'm i'm speed running right now look at me gaming you wish you were me yeah we had a lot of luck with the holes we were finding some um some nice ones shoe shoe shoe oh this is not good some nice holes yes thank you we weasel hailstorm thank you guys so much also honestly we're getting some um well six is not that many i was gonna say we're getting some nice stuff but not not really that's okay six radioactive war is good kessie um victoria anna millions vanessa lama i think i thanked everybody i think i didn't miss anything the radioactive ore is a new thingy you can use it um it's required to craft a bunch of the okay can you guys shoot it's required this is one is this gonna have a ladder straight at the end yeah it just looks different um but the radioactive ore uh is one of the new things and it's used to craft a bunch of the new um quest items so for example like all you know that weird room that i was in um where i got this quest from you can buy like a bunch of new special recipes here i can show you some of them um for example um oh okay this hopper items placed inside will automatically be loaded into the machine in front of it it requires one radioactive bar also this heavy tapper that's like faster than a regular tapper um it needs radioactive bars to make it and you can only get the radioactive bars when you have one of these like special quests um stay away you i hate you all so much i want the radioactive war we have so much time i might as well go get in it's only 10 a.m a month 38 like i'm not even worried about it um you can also use it to make like um other things other such things from him oh easy another chest 10 bombs we've gotten two present levels today i like getting presents this is quite fun why there's so many monsters um because we're doing a special quest a skull cavern invasion quest um that makes the monsters worse in the skull cavern see um as you can see these guys are here today um yeah usually um that's like an edited version of the um the monsters that are always in this kind of mines usually it's just their heads though usually they aren't like long and slinky like this shoo okay so they're harder do a q a soon what kind of questions would you ask me if i did a q a because i'll answer them right now frankly i think that streams are kind of um q a like you know i just sit here talking to chat so what happened to farming this is i'm still playing stardew valley i'm just in the skull caverns right now oh the ladder's right there that's embarrassing next we're already on 49 i'm doing great shoo q a question what is twitch prime hey did you all know that if you have amazon prime you get a bunch of free perks on twitch including a free sub every 30 days completely free and already included with your prime subscription you already pay for amazon prime you already have access to a free sub every 30 days all you have to do is connect your account to twitch take advantage of it don't let jeff bezos use all of your money use your prime subscription to the fullest katie thank you for the prime stuff caleb thank you for the bits thank you so much you guys shoo thank you oh give me a hole nope shoo anyway i still get paid but it's completely free for you so if you're already paying for amazon prime um there's you're just wasting money if you haven't connected your account make you know take full advantage of that subscription you're paying for um use every every single aspect that you pay for you get your money's worth um because again it's it's included with your prime subscription you're already paying for it so you might as well connect and use it look at how many mummies there are leave me alone oh my god shoo shoo oh my god i'm scared mom come pick me up oh my god okay oh that's lucky i'm gonna get that radioactive war yeah the bats are already bad who else is joining mrs incredible in the no bone club we are not talking about no bones what are those this is the special quest um that i've got that makes the skull caverns harder it's a part of the 1.5 update um basically there's an invasion it's been invaded by more powerful monsters um and i'm trying to save the world oh my god leave me alone sorry thank you 11 months god i can't i can't do this and also rechat um let me through oh my god let me through okay let me just eat really fast okay okay shoot oh my god i these levels with the mummies are so bad why are there so many mummies oh it's fine everything's fine no maybe we'll get a hole down here you're stressed don't worry we got this shoo is this game fun oh 100 most fun game i've ever played in my entire life and i'm not kidding okay i've only used one ladder right not that it matters but we're doing all right leave me love make me be um yay oh my spicy eel is out six levels that's good okay i'm on level 76 we have to level 100 so we're going to be fine oh yeah we're going to be fine oh geez go go go go go go go go oh my god um cara thank you for the prime sub by the way quincy simsy fan um serkey thank you all so much okay how do you twitch amazon prime um let's see if my mods can get a link in chat to where you need to go well this will be fun because we can keep going and see how far we can actually get even after we've like gotten to the bottom of the 100 that we need we can just keep going um and i will enjoy that don't jinx it yeah you're right i shouldn't jinx it because we could still like die randomly so don't get your hopes up shoo i'm gonna blow up this thing shoo give me thank you oh i want to put that in my hot bar so i can see it i want to see how many i have dan said a curse word on stream oh my god i should break up with him that's horrible those bugs thick that is a good way of putting it okay no dan isn't a family friendly streamer so if you're looking for streams that don't have swear words probably dan isn't the best bet dan dan will will swear on his stream um i don't swear on my stream though so that's a concern that you have um well then you can hang out here oh i put two by accident oh a hole that's good oh 99 this is too easy it's only 5 p.m all right we're on a roll everybody we got we got really lucky with the holes today like really lucky um there were lots and lots of them i'm playing on single play right now not with dan though this is my save i have more gems all right let's go gamers shoo shoo i'm just gonna keep going as far as i can because we might as well oh my god no imagine i die i wasn't paying attention i got too confident oh no that could that would have been really embarrassing we just started over because i die it's fine it didn't happen it could have though now get to 200. oh my god oh my god let me be okay they seem to be a lot meaner down here huh they're they're a bit more aggressive around these parts go home no i don't want to i'm gaming i'm having fun don't please don't hit me i don't it's not fun to get attacked by a ghost frankly it's very rude of you and i wish that you would leave me alone thank you anyway yeah there isn't technically a bottom of the skull cavern no it just keeps going um so you could get to like hundreds and hundreds of floors some people have mods um that they can go straight down with like an elevator to get to like the very bottom and then not have to like worry about all of this and then just get iridium well obviously i'm playing in like a challenge version where it's harder than normal right now this is abnormally difficult usually the monsters aren't this bad um i can show you them on a normal day um maybe in a minute i just can't i'm still in here right now so can you please back off thank you i i don't think it technically increases difficulty after level 100 but um there's definitely more going on the lower you are in the mines you know we've gotten three presents today cactus seeds okay which one should i go in left or right i'm going left 13 levels that was the right answer that was that was absolutely the right answer okay that did not that did not go so badly that's pretty good this is simply thank you for the prime stuff shelby uh sabre mana bear thank you guys for the recepts also maddie may live carrera i hope i didn't miss anybody i'm sorry i'm just i'm gaming right now so always go for this from the ladder that's an interesting strategy i respect it oh my god why are there so many scaries down here leave me alone please leave me hello oh my god it's usually on like the in the regular skull caverns you can kind of outrun um the mummies and stuff like fairly easily but on this one i'm gonna go get that um but on this one it's a lot harder to outrun them oh i dropped a prismatic shard not bad nice work team okay i'm gonna try and um i don't know let me eat this quickly and also snatch this place this kill die die die oh no oh no okay try again die die die die die die you are all you know really aggressive and i'm not sure for what reason like if we could all just live in peace i think you'd be a lot happier with your life if you would stop attacking me beat the ender dragon i killed three ender dragons at once wow okay we got 25 of the radioactive war that's pretty good i'm in the skull caverns yeah but i'm doing a quest well i already got slow 100 for the quest but i was doing a quest where i had to um beat like a harder skull cavern um which i did oh that was so many things we're on 143. i think this might be what was my i think my record skull cavern run was like 155. i don't want to deal with these people i'm sorry but i think the and that was like in the regular skull cover this is the scary skull caverns so this is going pretty well if you ask me no i don't i don't have any mods for those of you who are asking i've actually never used a sturdy valley mod not for any reason i just haven't yet yeah isn't it weird that i only have oh i went down the ladder there was a hole right there um usually i like last time i made it this far down i had like six prismatic shards i only have one prismatic shirt okay forget it i'm just going to forget it i am not doing that right now but i got six prismatic shards last time i was so far no not on the island this is the regular skull caverns um but the special quest made the skull caverns harder this is still just the regular skull caverns though that's a crab right there die can you guys leave me alone i don't wanna i don't wanna waste staircases but i don't really wanna deal with that okay thank you dan just told me that he almost showed a pic well he thought he showed a picture of us kissing on stream by accident but he didn't he he said he pressed the windows key and like a picture of us popped up and he thought it was a picture of us kissing and he got really scared that would have been funny okay gross ah let me through oh a prismatic shard okay now i have two but don't worry we were just standing next to each other because kissing is disgusting and i would never kiss anyone um because that's embarrassing and gross katrina congrats on the discord roll um come on nope no presents i'm going to keep going until like you know what i don't i don't want to be here any no i'm going to keep going i was going to say i don't want to be here anymore but i can keep going it's fine just these mummies are upsetting me leslie bailey uh jenna thank you guys for the resets also i know what time it is don't worry i know what time it is i have a warp totem um but i would also be willing to let myself just pass out in the mines yes come on eight levels oh boy aren't you glad that i came down here see nice this is going very well 163 164. oh another treasure level five mega bumps is not that good that's pretty good 165 166 more radioactive war come on come on i know what time it is if you pass out it just takes some of your um money just will take 1 000 gold from me which i don't care about 167. that's not gonna let me blow that up it's not it's gonna oh i did 168. nice oh wait i'm gonna take a screenshot i said to dan i made it that's my record and in the harder version we could have made it to 169 but i didn't it's too late that was pretty good work team i'm literally watching on the stream dancing he's watching on stream oh hi dan's stream i had a very successful run thank you very much okay now i have so much to do at my house found you face down in the mud during my 3 a.m sweep you should try to make it home a little earlier the next time i did it on purpose marlin leave me alone isn't the skull caverns fun though oh it's your birthday tomorrow molly i'll sing you a song happy birthday okay let me get all my tools back let me put those away let me put some food away oh put the food we don't need away okay okay there we go how many omni geodes i have and for what okay we have a lot of wine to deal with and stuff um i married elliot in this save and we have two children together their names are harry and mary um yeah i married elliott in this safe yeah like 683 omni geos you get a lot of omni geodes from the skull caverns like what didn't i just get like 50 of them or something from the skull cavern just then um but you get a lot of omni geodes from the skull caverns dan's stream is duck dan i didn't mean to do that if you're looking to follow him okay i am going to take all of this thank you yeah i will um danielle on the day of the event i will absolutely stream it in animal crossing i'm excited for it this is my this is year three giggle we're on fall of year three right now okay to the basement yes um i'm about to go i wanted to see really quickly if i have any more wine in here yeah uh and as you can see we have a lot of things to deal with right now but we'll um i think all of my casks are full i might try and craft some more i don't know if i have space for my see my basement is um kind of a work in progress at the moment on this farm like i need to i'm like in the middle of attempting to rearrange all of my casks to age the wine but i haven't done it yet so because i have like stuff in them i guess now that we have a lot of wine we probably could like break it all and then just start over you know i haven't built panama house yet no i've been trying i'm trying to save up to buy um the last warp obelisk i want the one that takes me to the desert um and so i need a million gold for that and then i'm gonna need 10 million gold for the uh what's it called golden clock so we have some work to do crystal thank you for the seven months but as you can see uh it's a bit of a mess in here i'm just gonna we're gonna start over we're gonna we're gonna mess up with mess with it we're gonna set everything up everything is fine hey dad what's up okay um this doesn't seem like the most practical layout know that i think about it what's the best layout for them i'm googling a picture oh interesting look and that gets as many as you can in there matpat crystal that witch um father bold thank you guys so much um i did sophia did you not hear me thank you thank you again for the sub uh i thought i thought i read it but if i didn't i'm sorry yeah this is what we'll do okay this is what we will do we've already got a lot of it set up so i'm just gonna break all these and we'll start over with it i i don't know if i'll put the ones in front of the stairs we don't need to have like the absolute to the max max number that you can have you know like i don't really care that much about that like because they have them like up here like this i don't really care like we can just put ours like you know it feels more um i don't know it just feels better to me to do it like this oh i have this thing oh maybe we can put that in front of the stairs maybe we can stick him there i like that um ducky i don't there's not a new auto mod um auto mod uh is a twitch thing nothing is different um nothing i don't i don't decide what auto mod sensors i literally the way auto mod works you put like a slider for like different categories so you can like censor profanity extreme or very little and you can put it like all the way up to extreme no profanity hate speech to extreme bullying extreme and so sometimes like it picks up things that like it thinks are bullying um but isn't and so when it does that i think people misunderstand what auto mod is auto mod isn't you aren't in trouble if you get picked up by auto mod um literally all it means if you get picked up by auto mod is that twitch's auto moderation system was like hey um is this message okay and then a human one of my actual mods will be like yes auto mod that message is fine don't worry um that's literally all that it means like no one's in trouble for auto mod it just it basically just like holds it back for a second and it's like hey can a human look at this because i'm not sure about this and then a human looks at it and it's like yeah that's cool don't worry i don't mind um and then uh it's fine but that's that's all that it does um nobody's in trouble or anything um if anything ever gets picked up by auto mod like i promise you're not in trouble um this is throwing me off wait i think i want to put like um i inspired you to start playing stardew i'm glad i love this game can you put the wine back in if it has a star uh i don't actually know i don't remember but i'm sacrificing some of it so that i can make all of it better this is for the good of the whole um so yes you can yeah i figured you could but um i was not sure okay i'm gonna be so rich after this oh wait that actually worked out really well with the number of kegs like i don't i don't need to have more i don't think all right let me put like all the gold ones back in to the random spots that i can and hopefully those will keep aging we will prioritize those it's your birthday i can sing you a song in a second oh god imagine i drunk it by accident i'm such a waste of money that would have been so sad okay let me just fill up the rest yay this is gonna make me so much money what is this room uh this is my basement cellar where you can put casks to age things and so i am currently aging a bunch of ancient fruit wine i didn't miss any right and obviously the longer you age it the more money it's worth so um it comes with some casks yeah uh ziva ellie bear jack thank you guys for the recepts also thank you so much um how do you get the recipe to make it uh is it a certain farming level maybe yeah you can put more cast in the hallway but i like i've crafted as many casts because i had enough wood to make so this is like the max number i could make right now and it like i like how it looks so i'm just gonna leave it oh you get it when you get the basement okay so you just need to have the basement and then you'll have the recipe to make it you can't put casks anywhere but the basement by the way you can only put them in the basement so you need the basement to make them and to use them i figured it was automatic but since you were asking i was wondering if maybe you didn't have the recipe so i was like uh maybe it's a level thing but now you get it when you get the when you get the basement oh i still haven't finished repl oh we should go buy some seeds to put in here let's go now oops you made too many casts by accident oh no that's annoying when you waste materials like that that is an ostrich yes oh yeah you can put them wherever you want as decoration but they only function in the basement so okay i made it okay i made it i made it i made it i made it i made it uh we need some fall crops which should i put um maybe i'll put corn because it'll regrow and it won't bother me i just bought a bunch yeah i was riding a horse you can just put a hat on your horse laura you don't like there's no like special way you literally just put a hat on the horse and then the horse wears a hat it's kind of fun but all you got to do is just put the hat on the horse your kids can wear hats too if you want okay i might go buy the recipe that i need from the island as well now that i have got enough thingies okay here we go this way the corn will just regrow and then i don't have to worry about it this this middle section is mostly just decorative let's be honest that's that's just there to look pretty so um okay i will put you away you like mr kate on youtube i like mr kate too i think that their channel is really good mr kate follows me on twitter no i don't mean to brag but i'm i'm just saying mr kate follows me on twitter oh do you know what i need to do um i need how much do i have i only have three you need ten cactus fruit for the um obelisk so i might go see if there's any cactus fruit in the desert i'm just gonna use a warp totem i'm gonna go see if there's any cactus fruit down there i didn't sing a song for your birthday i thought i did did i not did i say i was going to and then didn't because in my head i thought i did but i i'm sorry i tried it wasn't on purpose i thought i did and then i didn't yeah i did get the cactus seeds but it's easier if they're just here because then i'll have them sooner look now i've got five total now i have six total yeah i have some cactus seeds i found them um in this in the mines yesterday but again it's your like your best bet if you can just find some of the desert uh samson i've been shooting on twitch for a few years now three and a half yeah i got the sea cucumber i needed for the last recipe i used um so there's this new thing with 1.5 called magic bait and you can use it to um you can use the magic bait to catch any fish from any season at any time um so basically like usually you can't get a sea cucumber in the ocean until fall or winter but if you use the magic bait there's a chance of getting fish that aren't usually there and so i used the magic bait and i caught the sea cucumber i needed i needed it to make the the last recipe i had to craft all of the recipes was uh the lucky lunch and i didn't save a sea cucumber so when i was in spring i was like oh no i'm stuck i can't get it anymore but i managed to get it okay what do we need to do now oh i was gonna go to the island that's right and i was gonna buy the last recipe that we need before well i don't know if it works on legendary fish i'm gonna go with yeah probably i don't know so the well i can show you the last couple things i need to complete the game once we're in there but we need one more obelisk we need the golden clock um oh it's almost all grown i'm waiting until all of this grows to harvest it because i want it to be on the same schedule by the way it's a waste of money but um i'm gonna do it anyway i'm going to um show you the last things we need to do i have to craft two more things one of those recipes you can buy from this guy and the other one is the deluxe scarecrow i don't have all the rare crows because i forgot to buy them um so i don't have the ones you get in fall but we need the two more recipes to craft we need the last obelisk and we need the golden clock and then i have complete perfection um okay so let me buy the last recipe i need the hyper speed grill recipe i have 50 what else should i buy key to the town access all buildings in town at any time of day pressure nozzle i don't really need to increase the watering range of my sprinklers yet this will automatically um apply fertilizer but i don't know if i need oh the horse flute summons my horse wherever i am oh my god you're gonna love this look at this even here yes oh my god i'm so powerful okay this is big okay okay i can bring him back even look yes oh sorry i'm on year three um where was i i was on the new island that comes with 1.5 update all right so the last thing we need to craft is that um well one of the last things we need to craft is the hyper speed girl radioactive or bone fragment solar essence okay bone fragment solar essence hyper speed grow that was it right no i just need the scarecrows that's so upsetting the stupid rare crows being the last thing is so frustrating because it's such like a a silly thing to have missed you know because i could have had it by now but it's okay it's okay everything's fine um frenzy so you can see what you've crafted you can like um well for one if you turn on the like up updated what you're coming missing i'm missing two the snowman one and the which one um which is silly because they're both easy to get but you can turn it on um like an advanced crafting thing that'll show like number crafted 29 you know or um i will show you right now if you google stardew checkup um you can basically like upload your save file to this website my mods will link it for you um and then uh let me pull it up so i can show you and then it will help you track everything so i just uploaded my save file to it um and so i can see like the last thing i need to earn 10 million gold thing um i need to craft one more item show details it's the deluxe scarecrow that's really helpful the craftmaster thing like to show you what you need it helps with the recipes too to show you recipes you're still missing um but i got them all i also haven't done all the secret no rewards still that's embarrassing i should i should leave that open we should work on that today um and it has a perfection tracker for you at all times which is useful so um is it elliott's birthday let's find out i'll give him a pomegranate no matter what a birthday gift love you my children's names are harry and mary this is harry this is mary yes the traveling cart will have the um the snowman rear crow and the other one i need to get from spirit's eve i think so we can go see if the traveling cart has the rare crow that i need right now a battery pack that's useful mary looks like a worm yeah yeah she does she really does was just right there but i used it that makes my life so much easier cola thank you for the two months by the way all right no rare crow rare crow okay now i should just need the last one yeah my fences are all broken here i'll cut down some wood so i can fix them you can have two kids in game um up to two and they don't they don't grow past this although you can um get rid of your children if you want you can like use magic to turn them into doves and send them away so technically you could have as many kids as you want if you just keep sending your current ones away and then you can get more and then send them away and then get more and then send them away you know that's always an option that's always a possibility if you're ever interested okay my fences were so broken one more thank you i might go um i might go chop down some more trees down here does it have any impact on your relationship with your spouse i don't know yeah they'll look the same but you can name them different things your husband gets angry oh good well you can just send him away too do you get anything from sending them away no in fact you lose things no you don't gain anything you just what do you lose uh your children i've never actually tried so i don't know much about it but i know how to do it um and also i guess relationship with your partner um and you have to use a prismatic shard to do it right so prismatic shard as well okay i'm gonna mine this stuff because then i i know it's not a lot of stone but you know i just recently spent a lot of stone to make staircases so i'm gonna invest in um some of this what does the discord roll do it gives you access to some secret channel in the server and it also makes your name a different color so it makes you look powerful it like marks you as a powerful member of the stream community if you have the discord role because it's like whoa my name is yellow you must watch the streams you know it just makes you look cool basically um do i like banana bread yeah doesn't everybody that's not true not everybody but i like banana bread that's yummy how much wood do i have 318 okay okay i have some bananas i can make some tonight if i want to that could be fun you don't like bananas fair enough fair enough i like banana bread i think it's really good anything i don't have that i might want perhaps bought a couple things for myself there don't worry bananas are good um when you okay when i say i don't like cooked fruit i'm talking about nasty slimy apples in apple pie banana bread is different it's not a bunch of nasty slimy apples gross oh yeah my uh my um my axe is enchanted this is a 1.5 thing too my axe and my pickaxe both have the efficient enchantment um and that makes it so i don't lose energy when i mine things very very useful enchantment i also have i've got a couple other ones i can show you um my sword has hay maker on it which is really dumb but basically when i use it to break weeds like these kind of weeds it has a chance of giving me hay like the kind that feeds your animals um uh my iridium hoe is reaching so it makes it have you know how the watch this the usual hose um when you upgrade them it goes to there but mine has this one also it has an extra like iridium sprinkler sized one um my fishing rod is master so it gives you a plus one fishing all the time and my watering can is bottomless so it is always full it never runs out of water and this is my chicken mask yes the golden scythe just has more reach right yeah you can now with 1.5 if you get to the top of the volcano um the new mine thing um you can use a prismatic shard to enchant your tools yeah if you just you have to use another prismatic shard for it christine but you can like re-enchant with an extra prismatic shard i'm keeping haymaker because i it was the first enchantment i ever got um and i i went in there i was so excited i had my prismatic shard i was ready to enchant and then i got hay maker i was like i'm gonna get the most powerful sword and then it was like hey all the simmers are playing sturdy valley um i mean people like me and sasha and i like a lot of us have been playing sturdy valley for like years and years and years this is my like favorite game um to play in my spare time so yeah it's random one enchantment you get i kind of like my haymaker enchantment though it sort of makes me happy is lauren playing s32 yeah i think a lot of people in general are playing stardew right now um it is pretty popular at the moment because of the update people are like playing it again um i got this game in december of 2016. oh i shouldn't have done that and i have played it a lot ever since but i've been like obsessively playing recently you and your friend both got hey make your first try on your multiplayer safe the chances of that that's so funny um i want a rare crow somewhere but maybe if i put this here and then i get rid of this and i swap it with this and i don't know where to put this i don't know i need to figure out what i want to do like i need to figure out a better solution for the obelisks too because i don't want them to just be up there i i need to mess with my farm some more i don't i don't like it i don't like it very much it's making me feel sad um the obelisks are really cool yeah look now i'm on the island sarah thank you for the four months um i appreciate that thank you yeah i've used farm planner i used it to um do the like basic main part of my farm but i oh good timing that i came down here actually because i can get all of my ancient fruit now good for me you genuinely really good thing i came down here i have a chicken mask yeah it's your birthday happy birthday sweet did i just mis misinterpret what you just said to my mods or were you just kind of rude to one of my mods i i hope that i just misunderstood you because that's no fun don't be mean to my friends they're just trying to help me um okay i don't understand why people do that i don't understand what they achieve or what they're trying to achieve okay so what did you guys all get up to yesterday let me know in the comments down below oh i had a bad day yesterday i have really bad cramps here okay maybe tmi i don't know but listen when i'm on my period for whatever reason my anxiety is so much worse like to a point of nearly being unable to function it's it's pretty much always been this way but it's been this way for the last like three years especially since i've been on birth control right which i went on to help my periods be less miserable because i used to get super sick and now i get super sick but less often right but now the anxiety problem is worse um and so i just like yesterday was a very bad day for me like i felt really sick and i like my brain was just bad like it was a bad day um so you you can't win you can't win with these things anyway i'm going home now quack thank you for the face okay um oh i should make more kegs shouldn't i what do i need to do i don't think i have enough iron bars i have enough iron bars but not enough copper bars okay let's make some more copper bars thank you um you have suggestions but i don't want to give them unsolicited lansi you're i you're welcome to give suggestions i don't mind um i don't mind um but anyway um i'm okay i don't need suggestions from you people i trust lanthy though um oh you can have different dressers with so like this dresser has my stuff in it the other one doesn't oh weird oh weird kimberly i thought i read your bits did i miss them i'm sorry uh thank you for the bits uh and i hope you have fun playing started with boyfriend that'll be fun um but anyway uh just like i said simply cannot win eight thank you nine um yeah i have lansi i've thought a lot about it to be perfectly honest with you but um if if we're being uh truthful after my last experience with that gynecologist who was really horrible to me and made me cry i don't really want to go back to another one so i'm kind of avoiding at all costs having to go there or anywhere again well i'm gonna have to again but um for unnecessary trips i'm i'm trying to avoid it and so i'm like i'm on birth control i we don't need to figure out a new anything new yet i'll just stay right here um but anyway everything's fine everything is fine i had an incident where i had a cis burst uh went to the hospital because i was in so much severe pain um no one there took me seriously and then i went to a gynecologist like a couple days later um and she was like oh well you know um it's probably just like pms symptoms you know it's probably just cramps and i was like no i thought i was gonna die i'm pretty sure it wasn't and she totally brushed me off and then uh in the process she was all like act she literally gave so because i was explaining to her like how miserable my periods have always been my whole life right and how like i literally like throw up like get like physically sick right um and i was trying to explain it to her and she was like oh well people with a smaller frame just tend to have worse period system symptoms um and i was like okay well that's not why i went to the hospital yesterday but okay thank you it's not on my period by the way i wasn't cramped but okay thank you um and then uh she gave me a pamphlet about pms symptoms and in it it was literally like if you start feeling cramps take ibuprofen um and then she dismissed me and then i went to a different one and she listened to me and it was better but i still don't really want to go um anywhere how was i this is like last year not this isn't like a long time ago this was like last year so i was 20. um tay thank you for the sub yeah anyway um that was a bad time she made me cry in in in the office and i was really embarrassed and it was just not good experience so um but it's okay everything's fine um i i got over it it was a bad day then but it was a while ago so kimberly thank you for the five gifted subs midnight thank you for the um no it's it's also not even true what she said yeah um so is whatever a little backpack thank you for the four months oh thank you for the prime sub it was um it was weird too because that office like that was the one that also was my first time ever going to a gynecologist by the way and that's the one that my mom has always gone to like since we've lived here like that was the the office that like my mom went there when she was pregnant with my sister you know um and so i had an appointment with the doctor but then they're like oh she's busy do you want me with the midwife and then i was like yeah i don't mind um and then she was mean to me so now i i'm upset and i do mine and i'm never going back there again um not never going back to a doctor but back to that one ever and my mom stopped going there too because she felt so bad for me and she had been going there for years like 15 years um but anyway anyway um you oh did i make more i don't need to make more casks or whatever thingies yet kegs yes anyway shout out to my mom for that i mean why would she want to go back there morgan thank you for the bits it's so frustrating to not be listened to um especially with like a sensitive thing like that where you're like naked at a doctor's office and then they make you cry because you're already sensitive and uncomfortable and then and like anxious and then they don't listen to you and then it's just a really it's not a it's not a pleasant experience um it's actually extremely unpleasant so um anyway i think unfortunately a lot of people have probably had really bad experiences like that at some point in their life um and i'm really sorry it sucks to like be vulnerable like that and then not get taken seriously so um yeah lindsay you had a good experience recently with a really good doctor i'm really glad that that happened to you um hello what was that noise oh but thank you for the four months um space thank you for the eight months uh that was spooky it was a meteor oh nice spaceship okay no i'm pretty sure it was a meteor an explosion was heard in the night oh let me say hi to my children quickly hello everyone i missed your stella did i win i'm sorry thank you for the bids oh quality fertilizer that was nice of you jody thank you thank you um yeah finding reviews for doctors online helps obviously i mean with this situation um totally uh unexpected because again my mom had been going there for like 15 years so you don't really anticipate um there to be a bad experience but it was a person my mom didn't know obviously that was the one that was mean to me but um that's one of those things where like you don't even think you need to look up reviews because your mom is the one who you trust whose opinion you trust with that kind of thing you broke my fences it's a good thing it didn't break any of my um only six already more it's a good thing it didn't break my um crops because then i would have been really upset i would have been very angry about that one watch this i might get hey okay i didn't get any um anymore yeah i really didn't want to get a second opinion but um i i didn't want to have to go to another doctor but i was really scared there was something seriously wrong with me um because i don't think you understand the pain that i was in when this incident happened i genuinely thought i was going to die like i went to the er because i was in so much pain like it felt like i was being stabbed in the stomach and i have like pretty bad cramps regularly i wasn't on my period at the time so like it wasn't regular cramps and i i had never felt pain like that in my entire life like i almost passed out from it and i was like this this is not normal something is wrong with me um something has gone seriously wrong so um i was like we really need to we need to get to the bottom of this one so um yeah no the doctor shouldn't have dismissed it i don't understand why she did but um i was alone when it happened but i was like texting my family it was my sister's birthday and i was like texting my mom i was like mom uh there's something bad going on and then um my whole family was trying to get me to go to er and i really didn't want to and then i was like fine and then i did so um um anyway anyway it was fine i'm okay now hey marissa um i'm sorry that you had to work again during a stardew stream that's terrible also yes shout out to my mod snap you're absolutely right um oh yeah and then they'll be like well listen i know that i know that like a lot of times they'll be like hey are you pregnant and people say no and they end up will then end up actually being pregnant but they were also like are you pregnant and i was like no i am absolutely certain that i am not pregnant like i can promise you i'm not pregnant um and then they don't listen to you but it's okay i know that a lot of people are like no there's no way i could be pregnant and then it's like um but you are so but anyway anyway hey snappy look anyway some of our center a long distance relationship so i am absolutely certain jody thank you for the three months i can tell you with absolute certainty that i am not currently pregnant um okay i'm gonna go sell this thingy oh no look why why do they when they spawn outside of the thing it's so annoying immaculate conception yeah um hello my name is mary get it car mother mary you cannot bring car jesus into this please no okay um i'm gonna sell this oh and the mayonnaise okay yeah god i can imagine taz i can imagine my friends have also told me horror stories about such things um it is very frustrating to not be listened to about that kind of thing um and it's it's frustrating also because it's one of those things where like unfortunately a lot of the time the issue you're having is because you're pregnant and don't really like you know like people like get pregnant they're like no i couldn't be pregnant and then they are and the doctor probably sees that all the time so they really push that like are you sure you're not pregnant take a pregnancy test but like when you're actually sure you're not pregnant it's very frustrating to not be listened to um because like yes i'm positive like in your case you're like yes i'm a lesbian like richie thank you for the eight months um and yeah like don you're like yeah i'm guaranteed not pregnant like when she thank you for the eight months also again though thank you so much um i really appreciate that they lied to you about giving you a pregnancy test and you're testing something else and then they made the results of pregnancy tests sydney that is really frustrating to be lied to what they're doing with you that that's really bad really really really bad like that doesn't sound um legal kind of bad like that's not okay i'm sorry that happened to you uh this is my completion of save yeah we're getting kind of close we're not there yet though i need money how can i get money quick maybe i'll go to the mines or the quarry oh maybe i can sell gems hmm i'm really sorry that happened to you i'm really sorry that a lot of you have had bad experiences that's um not fun to hear oh i have like 90 hours in this save i've played a lot of sturdy rally recently you like my path thanks sid i like it too 90 hours amateur numbers what just in this save i've got more than 90 hours total honestly some of the 90 hours i have in this save is like kind of a lie because i have left my game open a lot um like when i wasn't actually playing i pretty much have played sturdy valley like on and off all day every sunday for like weeks now but i'm not like actively playing all day i'll like have it pause and just leave it open while i like clean the kitchen and then i come back and keep playing so like i probably this this game like it's probably logged like some more hours than i've actually played recently but close enough duckling that's how i feel with twitch chat sometimes you'll be like oh got a headache and the chat's like are you pregnant no oh my god oh and i know some people like get that so much more than i do too especially people like i see it in like married women's comments all the time literally anything they do they're gonna be like you're glowing are you pregnant like leave her alone oh my god comments are scary it's rude yeah i don't think they realize how rude it is because i like i get it people are curious you know um but that's one of those things you just don't comment on that kind of stuff like that's a sore subject for so many people it's just just don't say that to people just don't do it it's so personal and like sometimes like there you know people have bad stuff going on maybe they're trying to get pregnant having a hard time like it that kind of thing is such a touchy subject just don't say that to people don't do that um okay you finished me center nice kathy that's awesome jenny thank you for the four months david thank you for the eight months uh quacklin thanks for the sub gift again thank you guys so much um hey david i'm really sorry to hear that happened to you i hope that you're okay um yeah marissa exactly i'm really sorry i'm really really sorry um the chicken mask i bought it from the hat mouse i don't know what you have to do to unlock the chicken mask from the hat mouse but the hat mask was selling a chicken mask and so i bought it you get um the hats from achievements right like when you unlock them um sounds about right fawn right ew gross anyway i don't know which one gives you the chicken mask but i unlocked the chicken mask somehow so oh christine you can't don't get that out of my head no what have you done okay okay george should i miss your bits space rebel torch spaced out ace oh i'm sorry space i'm sorry i missed you i might have missed your too and his thank you for the four months um yeah george i'm sorry that happened to you i had so many bad experiences with doctors when i was in the hospital in december except for the one who brought me grated cheese yeah big fan of that one but look i with the haymaker on my sword you see how it was giving me it's giving me hay it's automatically putting the hay into my um silos at my farm too this area is infested that's not gonna give me anything i can sell for money some of us want money look i have that um my ring also has the thing where it blows up when you kill things isn't that fun it was very good grated cheese i love the fact that the grated cheese is such a fond memory for you i've heard this grated cheese story multiple times we're we're a big fan apparently uh aaron my ancient fruit wine's gonna have a while left until it can sell i've got a few um different sets in there you know but there's gold stuff that'll probably be ready at some point soonish hopefully so no it doesn't hurt you the explosion doesn't hurt you which is also good it's your birthday i can sing you a song oh craft jenner lover thank you for the stuff did you guys i saw a tweet yesterday i know that kraft did this for attention about them making like a candy mac and cheese for valentine's day honestly very successful uh ploy for attention though on their part i respect it because they were trending on twitter and i haven't thought about craft mac and cheat well i'm not gonna buy their new kind either but i haven't thought about kraft mac and cheese in a long time so um they did it uh successful marketing method apparently yeah sid i think people know that um obviously not all doctors are bad but a lot of people have had bad experiences and just because you had one doesn't mean that you're only gonna have bad experiences but i think most people have had um unfortunately i've had some sort of bad experience um how can i put your sword you can buy new ones from the adventurous guild if you want you can also like find and unlock them places too um you might like find one dropped in the mines and stuff yeah panto luckily i haven't gotten much of that yet granted i am pretty young so people aren't like like real life people aren't like though when are you gonna have kids i definitely get twitch chat comments like that but that's a lot easier to brush off i don't have like you know grandparents being like so you're gonna have kids soon luckily because um i don't know if we're there yet also currently in a long distance relationship so good luck with that one but um luckily i have not had that issue yet i'm leaving i don't want to deal with this bagel bites uh i have a lot more luck with prismatic shards in the um in the skull caverns you're just 21 yeah but some people they start trying to pressure you early people are so invested in other people's lives um is this me no but it looks kinda like me doesn't it um okay oh yeah i think we've all been there with that one sid the grandparents that are like so you dating anyone literally every time you talk to them um luckily the answer is yes now but i was there as well been there done that leave me alone please leave me alone um i hate that i hate they're so pushy okay so we get it i'm not trying to flex it i'm just saying that i understand luckily it stopped um and all i had to do was start dating someone for them to stop but i used to hate that so much so i feel you um trust me i'm gonna turn these into seeds oh hi dad yeah people do that all the time to like eight-year-olds they'll be like so are you dating anybody you got any crushes on anybody when like when you're really little honestly leave me alone i'm seven i oh i have very vivid memories of people doing that when i was younger it's weird very very weird okay i'm gonna wait until the seeds are ready i am slowly i don't know if you noticed but i'm trying to get a bunch more strawberry seeds so that i can plant them um all i want all strawberry seeds in the spring so i am slowly but surely trying to get a lot of strawberry seeds um slowly but surely all right the stream will end probably oh is it 6 30 i was gonna be like uh in about two hours i've been live for two hours i was gonna be like oh maybe like another couple hours no it's 6 30. i usually get off around seven but i might be live a little bit tiny bit longer i don't know we'll see oh my god time flies when you're farming how okay there we go there's some more strawberry seeds go for another two hours maybe brayden we'll see we'll see all right let's put i'm gonna bring the gold ones to the other section i have a smaller set that's more decorative in here so i'll put like the smaller stack of just 19 ancient fruit in here there you go and it's 11 o'clock and we go to bed okay how much where did that money come from 750 for that oscar jack that's pretty good that is pretty good it's snowing so bad yeah here too yeah it's really cold out about 60 degrees fahrenheit um hello little worm child i wish that they wouldn't grow up i like it when they're this age and they look like little worms it's kind of funny i don't want them to get older you made coffee for me thank you i'll take i'll take all the free coffee i can get thank you 50 wood that's also useful wait no i have to harvest this as fast as possible so that i can get more i have so many battery packs now you miss snow oh i haven't seen snow in so long because really like my grandparents are from chicago right um and so am i but i like i moved here when i was like five um and so we used to go see my grandparents every year for christmas and stuff but it obviously doesn't always snow around christmas in chicago so i would only ever see snow if it was snowing around christmas um and it hasn't like properly snowed in chicago around christmas in a while it snowed where dan lives this week um that was kind of fun there was a lot of snow over there he was showing me all kinds of pictures and stuff i'm kind of jealous to be honest i don't know if i want to live in a place that's snowy but when it's like one day then it's kind of fun you know because then you get to have it for like one day but not to deal with it every day maybe i'll use the dinosaur eggs i have i'm gonna have so much look at this so much stuff in here i might sell here maybe i'll keep all the regular quality and i'll sell the the rest because oh i can even sell like half of those yeah this is a we just need to clear it out just make some money oh wait did i oh i took the duck eggs by accident i didn't mean to do that i'll steal this one split it in half uh if you shift click it does it rain i love sturdy valley if you're thinking about getting sturdy valley i literally cannot oh defense broke i cannot recommend it enough it is such a good game such a good game okay um i'm gonna turn these gold ones into and maybe i'll see i'm just gonna take all of that small milk just get rid of it just get rid of it hi everybody i don't have a golden clock in this save yet no we're working on it we don't have enough money yet casey had noticed i don't have that much money in this safe okay i'm gonna come down here actually and i'm going to sell it all in this box go away go away go away and then i'm gonna use my horse flute sorry thank you for the bits a high of 12 fahrenheit today for you oh my god i'm sorry since fan thank you for the bids living with life thank you for the bits also oh god i'm sorry um i totally missed that i was too big to talk about myself do you think elliott likes my chicken mask oh he definitely likes my chicken mask he um he thinks i look so good elliot likes lobster maybe i'll buy him one married to elliot yeah i'll go give this to him well okay so literally all i need to do now is get the last rare crow from the festival and then craft the new one and then make money where did he go elliot oh there he is and then i have to just make 10 million gold that's it no worries nothing to be worried about here um everything is fine okay i'm gonna go to the desert i think because i want to see if they have any cactus root there for me um or i think you're the bits just 10 million it's like no big deal technically i need 11 million because i need to buy the desert warp obelisk just like 11 million gold it's no big deal you're almost year five and halfway to 10 million oh no grunkle thank you for the bits oh no oh happy birthday any cactus fruit any cactus fruit any any cactus fruit oh there's one up there i made one roblox video once where uh i tried to play roblox as a joke and then i built a roblox house in the sims so i play roblox i don't really want to plant maybe i'll buy that i don't like my character's outfit that much i that's my my one problem is i hate what my character is wearing all the time i just hate it all the time so yeah this is fall year three by the way that's a good name abby you could keep it i like it yeah we could go make some new stuff we could go see what we can craft it was removed because you were spamming you guys try not to copy and paste the same thing in chat it's it's no fun um it's no big deal you're not like in massive trouble but try not to like fill up the chat with the same message over and over again you know i have a couple shirts clearly not very many of them but i have a couple shirts let me go get my cloth and see what i can do i have oh 52 cloth what do you think happens when you use like a peach maybe i'll try and make fruit shirts ah there's wine ready let me do that first let me do that first yeah i was thinking about starting to try and sell some more iridium bars for money because we need money fast and i have a lot of iridium ore fruits make shorts and pants no spoilers ew oh oh oh oh oh oh they're fun yeah they're fun yeah i like them a lot yeah it's really good i'm gonna go make some more iridium bars i'm gonna just sell all 40 of those iridium bars i'm not even worried about it i can just make more if i need more go away all right what else can i make um what happens he's a pearl okay i'll use a pearl and maybe i'll use like um can you use fish don't tell me i was kidding hey will thank you thank you for the rain he'll start thank you for the five months i was kidding when i said what does it make no spoilers i'm going to use everything i'm going to make something out of everything anyway welcome welcome to the stream thank you well for the right hope you had a good stream i am currently making myself clothes prismatic shard oh whoa it changes colors oh what is that tube top oh that's kind of fun for the beach bridal veil i'm already married the prismatic shirt is kind of fun it makes me feel powerful i like it there are more prismatic clothes oh really how did i get that well i'm currently uh you get this sewing machine from a quest but you can also use one in emily's house that's the exact same thing oh my nose is ugly your username is kind of ugly twerking potato and so is your personality okay they also called me dramatic a second ago their first message was why does she care about spamming so dramatic oh i don't like any of those shirts that i just got hmm i want to go get new ones i have to try again i have a couple things oh wrong thing i have a couple things like in this chest that we could try like the fairy stone i'll just use all of these and see what happens that'll be fun you guys don't worry people tell me that all the time i'm used to it it doesn't even faze me in twitch chat anymore you don't understand i swear i get it like three times a day someone comes and chat and it's like you need a nose job so i don't really care anymore mike thank you for the bits um it's uh it's a lazy one so oh that looks like a clown shirt that's fun oops that one polka dots i'm gonna have so many more clothes is that a moon that's pretty how about this one oh oh that one's easy i kind of like that one moon shirt that one's kind of weird oh i like the polka dot one a little huh i'm gonna go put them all in a chest oh also i have two of these so i don't need to have both of them what made the moon shirt i have literally no idea sorry i'm sorry you know what we could do we could go try to open some more geodes to get more stuff and then turn all of them into clothes could be fun let's go do that let's go do that because i have lots of geodes we could go open see see hey youtuber thanks stephen i appreciate that um the dresser uh is a piece of furniture i have it because i have the furniture catalog so i can buy like any of the furniture i want but i assume you could probably buy it from like robin randomly too i'm not gonna open all of the geodes don't worry i'm just gonna open some of them oh don't worry i'm not gonna open them all i was just bringing them so we could open something hey jesse thank you for the rain welcome to the stream you guys it's good to see you uh kale tyree thank you both for the recepts 13 months tyree mike thank you for the bits again uh mazar thank you for the seven months clara the two given subs clear the three gifted subs thank you so much claire i appreciate that um well can you not put the wedding veil inside oh that one will make a fun thing we'll try this we'll try that thank you for the five months i hope you guys had a good stream what were you up to today what were you streaming that's probably not gonna make a very fun thing i got i got bad vibes about a shirt made from that but we'll try it trey thank you for the two months disney princess challenge that's a fun one i hope you had a good time no i'm not gonna open all the omni geodes don't worry i just i have a lot i'm only gonna open something i'm gonna open all of these fire ones but i'm not gonna open all the omni geos i'm not even gonna open any of these to be honest with you i thought i would but i'm not gonna i'm just gonna open enough to fill up my inventory oh i don't need that one i already used that one it's currently fall of year three in my save when does dan get off a stream uh usually at like 8 30 ish feels like i don't know i already used that one too let me sell him back the ones that i've already used um that one that one one of those okay give me some more things i don't want fire quartz unboxing at the blacksmith yeah yeah i don't need that i don't need that either i don't need that either try again one of those both of those one of those i already used this okay oh that would have been the moon thing that makes sense the orange rock kind of looks like a baked potato what this one well i guess i'll just go home i guess i'll just go back with those that's fine make a prismatic shard shirt i just made a prismatic shard thing i'm scared to waste too many prismatic shards on clothing oh yeah i was gonna hunt for secret note stuff but i'm doing this right now maybe i'll do the secret note stuff afterward can you wear the dwarf helmet that's a good question no no you cannot all right let's try again make me one of these oh that's a cute shirt that's a smiley face shirt that's a red shirt um let's try this one that's got a star on it snap hey what are you yelling for what do you want oh that's a gray shirt that's an easy one dawn thank you for the nine months i like this i think these are kind of fun we're gonna have someone i already made that oh wearable dwarf helmet that's how you get a wearable one i got another one there we go i assumed it would be like that but um what does the geode give me oh a polka dot shirt is that like a gray hoodie oh that's nice how about this looks like the coffee that's kind of fun no i'm playing on my single player save today not with dan sorry okay i don't need an extra one of these hats i have so many things now this pink shirt is a nice like simple one i might wear it around yeah i kind of like the pink shirt okay is this my newest save uh yeah new in the sense that i've been playing it for like a month but but yeah um i like my smiley face shirt i liked that shirt a lot too huh how does wait how does this one look um oh that one's nice it's very simple but i like that that one's boring i like that one hmm which one did i like i kind of liked how the blue one looked with the belt i like it i'm gonna go put it in my chest okay don't mind me you imagine me trying to play valerian crystal i've never played ballerin um i bet it would be silly me trying to play valerian i'm i am with you there do i have a cute little hat that i can put on maybe i'll get my little flower back okay i look good in that i feel better i feel good about this okay well the other thing that we haven't done yet and i should have done a long time ago but i didn't do yet is all of my the rest of my secret note things so secret note 13 15 19 20 21 and 25 i still haven't gotten a secret note 13 last day of the season i can't do that secret note 15 the mermaid show i haven't done it yet we have to wait until winter for that um secret note 19 oh i haven't done this one here's the thing because um when i like i was very actively playing a save with dan and the save by myself i haven't done either of these yet we can go to these now and then 25. oh the necklace from mom let's go do the necklace from mom first um off i go but you have pearls yeah i got the pearls from the um artifact troves which is maybe why i thought i had done it but i actually hadn't because i got them from the artifact troves so i was like in my head i was like oh i have pearls i don't need to do anything else but i actually hadn't finished anything so my bad i'm gonna stick wait let me get my things back where they belong okay yeah i'm riding a horse don't mind me don't mind me okay i need to go fish up a thingy to give back to abigail carrie thank you for the bits here with yesterday i can see the new song list thank you for the nine months also oops let me through do i have to keep going until it catches yay so i need to give this back to abigail the secret note is that 21 oh no secret note secret note which one was it is that the oh 25 i borrowed a necklace from mom but lost it somewhere near the bath house she's going to freak out if she noticed it's missing um so it's abigail um who whose necklace is missing well abigail's mom whose necklace is missing but i'd rather give it back to abigail than give it to caroline i feel like if he gives to caroline it's kind of snitching on abigail a little bit you know and i feel bad about that because it's like hey i found your necklace in a pit of water but if you get back to abigail she can like sneak it back and then no one gets in trouble she's not gonna be in here is she i'll give back tomorrow yeah i feel bad i feel bad giving it to caroline banana thank you for the for the uh for the three months by the way okay so one of the secret notes is a map um what this one okay let me get a screenshot of that so i remember it and we'll do it so we have to go all the way to the right oops and then all the way down as far as it'll let me and then all the way to the right and then all the way up and then you need to bring a rabbit's foot on that one i'll do the other one then this seems it seems i have made a mistake anyway so um i was just kidding i was gonna do um uh i was working on this one i meant okay with the other one you start over here this is awkward okay so for this one you go all the way to the left all the way up all the way to the right all the way up all the way to the right all the way down to the left down to the left down okay got it that was so weird it wasn't coming hello it appears i was stuck but i managed to get it don't mind me why was that so difficult um and the other one the other one ends up by jojo mart but apparently i need a rabbit's foot should i just get a rabbit's foot and go back i'll go do it what if i just go to jojo mart any thank you for the 12 months nameless hammer thank you both for the recepts 15 months hammer thank you so much use the mine carts i'm on a horse i'm just gonna wing it and like dig around and hope i find it do i have to be holding it go to the car window oh hey kid i need a lucky break why don't you bring me a rabbit's foot my luck i waited that long to get it why didn't you tell me i was going to get permanent luck in great i've i've done that before i don't know why i forgot i like this this is not like my first time playing this game i've done that before you legit thank you for the vids by the way oh my god that's so embarrassing okay wait one of the other ones if i wait what was one of the other ones that i was missing 21. oh yeah if we wait by this um until it's like late like 12 40 at night or something we're gonna find something special so what happened i got a charm this special charm that makes my luck increased so i'm gonna be more lucky forever now i just wait for two hours thank you for the three months here maybe i'll go um see if there's anything i can gather around down here oh well here maybe i'll take care of my crab pot okay do i need a snail for anything um no i don't need any snails right now but yeah i have seen kiwi's crab pots rochelle has a lot of crab pots for whatever reason okay now we just wait for another hour oh thanks hyper i appreciate that that's really kind thank you yeah i forget about the crab pots a lot too i was really actively using crab pots um earlier in the game because i was trying to marry elliot and elliott loves lobster and this is before i had a pomegranate tree so i was trying to get loved gifts as much as possible to give to elliott no it's at 12 40 on 11 40. um but i was trying to get lobster for elliot so i was using a bunch of um what's it mccall's you know crab pots okay here we go watch closely they were woohooing in a bush it's quite scandalous if you ask me what is this the sims 4. okay i'm gonna sell these all of them i'll make more don't worry i'm gonna sell them all now and then they fell in the bush oh right right right yes they just they fell into the bush is all they they just fell into it right crazy face thank you for spits yeah they fell into the bush yeah 60k that's pretty good oh 114k sorry never mind that's more than 60k maggie with the 41 months by the way thank you so much maggie hey cookies what's up hello fellow simmers and farmers i like that the kids are playing together right now that's kind of cute that they're sitting together there there that makes me kind of happy okay i'm sorry nothing needs to be done yet 60k and 114k no you're right 60k and 114k are not exactly close oh it's my first harvest just woke up oh timezones are wild it is currently 7 p.m for me in the future i'd appreciate it very much if you refrain from placing my private belongings in town for all to see i'm very displeased take this money and never speak of my project to anyone that's because i put that golden statue of mayor lewis in the town and he got upset but um i thought he deserved it no need to be embarrassed king louis you can keep it there if you want nothing wrong with having statues of yourself i respect it grow up exactly oh i'm gonna make a lot of money off of these cranberries today this is what i want yeah lewis had a bad day last night i caught him woohooing in a bush and now and now this i i put his golden statue in the middle of town for everyone to see poor guy well but do you guys not have golden statues of yourselves is that really just me whoops anyway if you guys don't follow grim cookies on twitch um my mods will put a link to his channel in the chat uh a friend of mine i think you'll like his streams a lot so please go immediately hello mina thank you or mia sorry thank you for the prime stuff and nancy thank you for the sub gift to him cookies thank you guys also maggie thanks again for the 41 month reset by the way the blue thing eating my crops oh those are my junimos you know these like huts in the middle of the crop fields um those are junomo huds and the little junos that live in them they're helping me harvest my crops so if i go check um the cranberries they've harvested are in there they're just helping they're helping me get all my stuff together i'm trying to harvest down by the bottom so that uh they can like get all the ones at the top i want them to feel special and like they're helping i don't even need them i just like them because they're cute and they come and they like go onto my little farm and stuff so they're not doing a very good job that's okay that's okay also everyone this is very important okay i need you to stop what you're doing and i need you to go follow my friend maggie on twitch you see that person equippy in chat i have known maggie for a very very very long time since before i even ever started streaming and maggie is very close to getting partnered on twitch so it would mean a lot to me if you went and you followed maggie on twitch thank you go immediately there's a link in the chat go help maggie get partnered it's really important what it broke my thingy okay i need to go find abigail too today i don't know where she hangs out on days like today when you can't follow her because you already do oh that must be hard as me oh try i'm so sorry what have i done alexis thank you for the 10 months also god i am also obsessed with stardew valley right now i mean listen i've been obsessed with sturdy valley for a long time but like i am way back in it like i haven't played this much in a long time but i've been playing star it's like all i think about i'm not kidding all right harvest all of these it's gonna take like all day oh we should go see if there's any more quests that we can do special quest because that would be fun oh i just like snatched those right from out from under them they were trying to harvest those and i was like nope i'll do it no i'll get it that'll that's mine thanks brooks thank you for the prime sub um claire oh wait clara say hi thank you so much for the bits yes um gassy was in the chat sending message earlier uh i'm i'm glad that you heard about it um thank you i i really appreciate you um they had a lot of really nice things to say about you so thank you so much oh i love when that happens when people ask me they're like hey you know caleb my partner someone like my sister loves you can you say hi to them and then the other person comes in and says hi it just it makes me happy um i really appreciate hearing from you thank you claire thank you for the vid smelly thank you for the bits thank you guys so much oh dinosaur mayo oh no i forgot that oh no i can't even get it oh my god i broke this is really bad for the reason that um the fence broke and they're all together in one spot so okay okay everything is fine look at how many i have 831 regular cranberries what happened there used to be a fence in between those things and now there is not a fence in between those things because the fence broke and now they're together in one spot okay i'm gonna look up the wiki to see where abigail would be um it is fall it is a monday she will be on her way to the beach i'm going to use my warp obelisk is that bad no it's no it's not bad um it's just annoying because they're all like mingled together it's not like a problem it's just annoying you know that's my husband hello oh you can't even i don't know if you can see him but oh i just kept talking to him he just kept saying the same thing over and over again and i just kept doing it i can make um crab cakes out of this that's a successful successful crab pot trip make jam out of the cranberries uh that's okay oh there she is there you go is that it okay what else was i gonna do today oh i was gonna go to the island i'm gonna use my obelisk because i cannot be bothered to pay money for that so tell dan i said hi he doesn't know me i think that's funny i just did no worries what's that in the square oh a a statue of mayor lewis that i oh no well it was a statue of mayor lewis go look in his room okay that's um sasha's either in his bedroom or in marnie's i like the idea of it being in marnie's room i think that's kind of funny okay you can keep stealing it every day really oh look oh well if i was going to move my face but i'll just move the game uh there it is right there underneath his bed that's cute i don't want to steal it every day i'm not going to steal it yet maybe another time where did my horse go my horse is right there i just used my horse flute to summon it it was like steal it until it gets to marny hmm do you have any mushroom cave yeah maybe i'll put it in my bedroom after i you know get money brittany they give the 20 months by the way i can't place this boring okay okay um i don't think amethyst is the best gift for sebastian if you have any frozen tears sebastian loves frozen tears that's a good gift for him um if you have any of those from the like other part of the mines so i like this i like my horse flute i think this is very fun anything new the mine elevators have been reset oh i can show you that one i already um i did this once before but we could do it again and i could show you it the way it looks when it resets the mines um i think you would like that the regular mines oh i think i think this will be fun for you okay i'll do it you're welcome you're welcome i'll do it i'll do it anything for you among us made you rage today i still have never played among us never once i don't want to because i think i'm gonna um i think it would end badly for me i think i would get very anxious if i tried to stream among us um what i'm gonna put the crabs in here so basically one of these quests uh it changes the minds so that they're like reset with scarier things in them and um it's quite fun let me get some better quality food uh honestly i'll bring spicy eel i'm not even worried about it and maybe like i don't have enough cheese oh i don't have like a stack of good quality food anymore what do i have in the chest in my house what do i have in my house oh i wonder if yeah i still already in bars on purpose brittany um i have lots and lots and lots of them i don't need them i'll bring cheese i will bring cheese anyway i don't really want to play among us too much i'm sorry um it makes me nervous i don't really want to play i'm sorry all right you can go away don't need the horse flute we have some bombs i have some snacks that'll be all right let's go let's go anyway i'm sorry i know a lot of you guys like among us but i don't know if i'm cut out for it i i've said this before on stream a bunch of times but like the idea of um people yelling at me makes me really nervous i don't know it's gonna be i don't want this i'm not i'm going to cry on stream if i play among us on stream i am going to cry even if it's like perfectly friendly nice people i'm i will cry i'm telling you right now i'm a very sensitive weak person i am a weak person and i am not cut out for playing among us jen thanks again for 11 months though brittany with the 20 months thank you guys so much um okay but anyway so the minds are reset um so you have to redo it and you see how it's different now you can still you can use the um the ladder or the the thingy once you finish it but there's like different monsters you know and once you finish it you can what i'm trying to say is you can use the um oh that's a cherry bomb there's a clam in here but you can use the elevator once you've gotten to levels just like the regular mines it's like it just resets the mines completely with new mines um and you have to do it all over again just for the like it lasts for a week um and you try it you just you just try again and then sometimes you find some fun presents and you know you just you just go you just game and there's different monsters in there see oh wait i was gonna eat this what am i doing i have um a ring on so that slimes don't attack me otherwise i assume this would be a lot harder so i guess these are the early levels though so it's not too bad yeah the slime's stacked isn't it kind of weird um you're getting anxious that i'm not killing the slimes sophia like i said i've got a ring on so the slimes don't attack me um i can stand right on it and it won't hurt me i don't need it slimes don't hurt me i have a special ring no i'm not gonna before passing out alexander um like i said this isn't like the skull caverns this is like the regular mines so the elevator still works um you can like do this over multiple days why i just wasted so many bombs but you can do this over multiple days um so we can come back tomorrow and then start from like level five or whatever if we wanted to oh my god molly that's because of a setting that you have on um go into your twitch chat settings click the little gear icon you have a setting on to hide profanity and you've got it set so it's blocking random words that aren't even profanity because of a setting that you've got that's not my chat that's yours um but you can turn that off if you want to in your twitch chat like just click the gear icon and it'll help you there aren't holes in the regular mines no yeah there are clams in here it's super weird again it's a completely reset mine there's um all sorts of different monsters um we'll we'll get to see probably some of it not all of it again these levels are easy i'm only level seven you know once you get further down it gets worse um this is the one that i was talking about before that had that super awful ghost that makes you sick so that you can't eat so you're getting constantly attacked and you can't heal if you get hit by the ghost and makes it so you can't eat this is the mind that had that um so this is one we gotta worry about but we won't get to that level just yet it's only nine o'clock so i didn't even that was a waste there was a ladder right here oops oops yeah this one saves your progress so you can use the thingy you just have to restart though like even if you've already gotten to the bottom of the mines um you have to redo it just it's just available for like a week though it's not it's not always like this forever um just this week it's like this i should make ginger ale i have ginger ale in my fridge at home um but i didn't bring it see that was like a gold thing did you see that isn't it weird you can toggle it on and off on level 120. yeah i haven't um done much of that but uh i did read that you could toggle it on and off i just didn't know how yeah i like the slimes little sunglasses too it's kind of fun these levels are upsetting me please stop hurting me i think part of why we're having a hard time finding the ladders is oh it's right it was right there the whole time probably we're having a hard time finding the ladder i think oh god these squids are the worst what is that force three of these into a galaxy weapon to unleash its final form um i've seen that in the um i've seen that in the store that he sells it use a ladder i don't need to use a ladder yet you don't understand it it's about to get a lot worse i'm not wasting any ladders on these easy levels that was a waste of a bomb we're not gonna get to level 20 i don't think well we might we have two hours we might come on come on come on save my progress save my progress die die okay everything is fine everything is fine we pass out at 2am by the way which is why i'm like concerned that i'm not going to get to level 20 because we only have until 2 a.m to do it uh these are the normal minds but reset for one of the quests um which is why there's like all sorts of new scary monsters in them this is just the regular mines but there's like new quests happening in them so just the regular ones i'm not gonna get to level 20. please can you die oh no forget it forget it forget it sorry okay i'll just blow this up and then i'll go oh maybe i don't need to blow it up i can just hit it okay wait this isn't 20. oh my god okay i just wanted to save my progress oh i wasted my stairs it's okay we got a bunch of stone in there today beth thank you for the bits you got your hair done today nice i'm kind of jealous that sounds like it looks really pretty um no go inside as fast as possible oh my god oh my gosh okay where was that that was the regular mines they're just reset because of a quest um reset to have super super super scary monsters and a punky panty thank you for the tier two five months lily thank you for the reset also thank you guys so much we'll go back in a second i'm gonna play one more day i think i won't play too much more i'm sorry but i want to do one more day because i want to get a little bit further down so i just want you to see i just want you to understand it's very important to me um one week from today is the stardew valley fair yeah i think that dan and i are going to play starting tomorrow i am pretty sure i need to make some more buy some more bombs really quickly don't mind me gimme okay that'll be good for now yeah so we'll play we'll like squad stream with dan tomorrow most likely i don't need any of that right now and we try again yeah stardew valley also makes me very happy there's just something about this game that brings me so much joy it's so fun and i've really enjoyed playing with the new update stuff you know oh let me grab this stuff i want to get to the lower part so that you can see how weird it is like i just i want all of you to know i need i need you to understand how weird some oh i didn't need to do that there's a thingy open already i just want you to understand how bad it is wait how much need this first yeah sardi was a very good game if you don't play it um highly highly highly recommend you check it out it's so much fun anyway the lower levels are spooky die stupid squid i hate these things go away and there are so many of them hey we have to thank you for the raid i appreciate that thank you i don't want to die okay oh my goodness just put a giant bomb down i don't even care will you please shoo i hope you guys had a good stream though thank you for coming by uh we're currently in the middle of a quest um one of the special quests so with 1.5 um once you unlock the walnut room you can get a bunch of oh i didn't need to do that you can get a bunch of uh special quests and stuff a couple of them like reset the mines and the skull caverns um and this is one that resets the mines and you have to get to 100 in a week and as you can see it makes the mines like different and kind of scary so these are just the regular mines but uh reset and um they're not so bad right now but once we get further down i think you'll see there's some really weird monsters in particular there's these levels with these stupid ghosts um and the ghosts when they get you they make you like feel nauseous so you can't eat anything oh no so you can't eat anything until uh your character stops feeling sick and it lasts like minutes in real life um so i'm trying i want to get down there so i can show you all you deserve to know you deserve to see we will i forget is it like 40 maybe it is so we'll get to it the smoke stuff is just like it's saying it's like infested basically and scary stuff is coming at me not part of the adventurous guild quest no you don't need to kill these for the adventurous guild these are oh i put an extra bomb that i didn't need to oh i hate these levels genuinely would be willing to just skip them with oh good with ladders but i won't yeah the ghosts like burp on you literally and that's why um you get too sick to oh my god oh my god okay go go go hopefully we'll get to these fast gassy ghosts that make you too sick to eat great fun everybody great fun you're gonna love it i wanna make sure i grab all the stone while we're here because we can use the stone to craft um more stairs in case you want to skip any levels way to sell the game oh yeah great fun i hate these dark levels these are the worst ones they aren't even that hard like the monsters in them aren't like that dangerous um but i don't like them just because they're mean i just don't like them did i open the ladder didn't even open the ladder oh my god give me devastating absolutely devastating there we go about time oh one of these is weird these aren't part of the um thingy but go go okay yeah the dark levels are bad i don't i'm not a fan of these shoe this isn't one of the bad ghosts that's just a regular ghost sorry don't worry um the skulls are different though yeah but they feel they're just like a little bit harder they don't feel that weird like some of the other ones do there we go the mega bombs give you so much that part about them is kind of fun you gotta admit it's kind of fun to like blow something up and get so much stuff out of it um cricket thank you for the bits by the way your kitten keeps jumping on your pc i believe you mean your kitten keeps jumping on their pc die so annoying leave me alone yeah but this is um helpful for building staircases oh the other thing i have a ring that makes the um the thingies blow up when i kill them which is why uh the like enemies like destroy stuff around them oh here we go okay everybody uh don't say i didn't warn you it's time this one's not so bad it's super weird though i didn't even bring an axe this one's not a bad level but mark my words isn't it so weird though that you're like in the mines but it's oh yeah at least there's light here but look at this there's some like weird little buddies everywhere make sure you eat this while your axe is being upgraded oh no you don't even you don't even stand a chance oh god run run run it wasn't that big of a deal i don't know why i overreacted so much i just got nervous i need to place a bomb i just found rice shoots i found one didn't i nice looks like a secret forest yeah look some of them have um oh that was good found the ladder right away some of them have trees in them and there's like hardwood down here but these are the levels that have the scary ghosts okay we're having a lot better luck it seems like with finding the thingies maybe not on this level can you both shoo oh drops a gym i guess i probably should have put like mega bombs down huh oh i'm looking rest in the egg roll i'm sorry it doesn't alert my stream so sometimes i miss them when i'm like playing games like starting where i'm um oh it was right there when playing games like started where i'm like focused on the games it's a lot easier for me to like read everything when i'm playing the sims because i'm not like because you can like just look away so easily but and start you um especially when you're in the mines and there's like scary monsters i'm not trying to die you know oh look at that it drops a mummified frog oh here we go oh make sure you have the staircases at the ready everyone is that a mini game nope not a mini game this is um a part of one of the new update there's a quest that resets the mines come on come on come on come on get to the end get to the end get to the end get to the end get to the end okay oh there it is don't go see me don't let yourself get ghosted by that thing whatever you do don't get ghosted whatever you do don't let it get you oh my god no if it pukes on you you're doomed it makes it so you can't eat for like forever no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god don't get ghosty don't get ghosted okay shoot i'm scared don't get ghosty no god i'm i can't find it what do you see the pain though and like there's not rocks so you can't find the ladder no it's right there no not a ghosty no no no no oh my god i almost got caught i put two bombs by accident okay anyway you could totally like skip these with stairs um but i'm kind of doing it for the sake of the stream you know because it's kind of fun on stream to do this sort of thing but no oh my god i wasted three mega bombs oh i'm so i'm so mad at myself for that okay i got him that is really bad actually that's like that's like really bad i don't think you understand that's really bad okay um nice work team we are a failure that's a very expensive mistake the mega bump i can't find it the mega bombs cost like a thousand um gold each he didn't open it either i spent all that all of that for nothing just to end up skipping it oh my god leave me alone oh okay there are so many spiders yeah that's like part of the worst part there's spiders everywhere okay this is fine i kind of just want you know what forget it forget it i'm going down to the next level i did it it's fine badgers thanks for the tier two four months though i really appreciate that oh okay please leave me alone no i'm gonna get ghosted i'm gonna get ghosty don't puke on me please stop no burping stop no i got ghostied now i can't eat for two minutes he got me again he got me again i have to leave the mines no i'm only i want 59. oh my god i got ghosting i told you it's really bad i need to bring ginger ale next time you know what let's go home we'll sleep and we'll try again one more time steph thanks for 10 months by the way because if i bring ginger ginger ale he can't get me how did i get this so if you um use the one of the quests that's in in the what's something called secret you know in the secret what's it called um so once you get into the walnut room basically uh there's a bunch of quests you can do and one of them it resets the mines um and does that to them it also like there's one that makes the skull caverns scarier too um but it's kind of fun and this the quest is to get to the level 100 of the new ones in six days we're on 60. so we're halfway there um i'm just gonna try and get some more food to bring with me we'll need better stuff in the i'll just bring all that to be honest we will need those once we get deeper i know i have some ginger ale somewhere i just don't know where yeah i'll play one more day don't worry i have three ginger ale that'll help if we get ghosted okay i'm gonna go to sleep oh no i'm gonna sell that oh i might sell all of these too sorry hang on one second sorry sorry hang on one moment please just one moment please everybody you just gotta sell some of these thingies don't mind me but look i'm still i'm still got i still can't eat anything because it lasts so long it lasts two minutes in real life uh i've been streaming for like three and a half hours what happened to planet zoo nothing daniel i don't know i just been playing other games nothing like happened to it i've just been playing other things okay next let's try this again one more time one more let's do this again let's try again i'm gonna say hi to my children i don't care about my husband though i'm just gonna go sorry to my husband i play minecraft eric yeah i've played a lot of minecraft on stream yeah i've heard that as may if you put a prismatic shot on the juno hut they like turn colors or something i haven't tried it though oh god it's just gonna get worse what it didn't even open the bottom oh my god these things don't do a lot of damage to you but they're so annoying i kind of just want to skip these levels with staircases it's fine oh there we go don't have to because it's letting me automatically oh i placed a mega bomb for no reason that's so annoying zoey thank you for the nine months hi thank you for the reset i really appreciate that uh and kathy congrats on the discord role place another bomb down here it opened it we got this we got this everything's fine anyway hi zoe i hope you're having a good day i'm not i'm just kidding i'm trying to kill all these enemies please i don't ask for much just open the next level you have a good night too thank you for hanging out i'll see you later oh here we go this will open up all the good stuff blow up that too please all of you leave me alone i just want the radioactive war thank you gotta go oh my god just let me out of here i swear it's these middle levels they're the hardest ones once we get through these it'll be a lot easier mark my words oh no eat before you get go seed eat before you get go seed no oh my god don't go see me stop stop no no no no no no no no no okay we made it out no more no more it's fine okay my god shoo you are so dramatic back off i can't even kill them oh my god it didn't even open the thing listen thank you for the bits or for the four months sorry not bits this is the regular mines but reset it's a 1.5 update thing shoot leave me be okay made it out of there alive everything's fine oh okay next we have to get to level 120 again by the way does the update update your save what do you mean sage so if you're playing in an old save uh you don't have to like restart or anything um you can you can just keep playing in your old safe it just adds on to everything think of it like the sims you know like you can you can get any of the new stuff in an existing save you don't need to like make a new game to do it but a lot of times you might want to you might like want to make a new sim to live in the new world but you don't have to same with this there's like a new farm type that you might want to play on in this update but a lot of the stuff is like late game stuff that you might want to play on an existing save with so oh i wasn't sick yesterday i was on my period though still am so yesterday i was i was not feeling good so i didn't stream i'm sorry um i had really bad cramps and i felt kind of nauseous so i was like you know what this is not a good time i'm not gonna stream today um not a good time i'm so pretty thanks i appreciate that okay oh put a big one i like using mega bombs it makes me feel really powerful um no yeah i get really sick on my period always um but i feel kind of silly saying that i'm sick because i don't people think i have covid because i don't have covet i'm not contagious um i just am bleeding uh different okay ladder already i'm gonna blow this up so i get the radioactive stuff can you all leave me alone thank you okay i really appreciate that thank you um you can use the radioactive ore to make and craft a bunch of the stuff that's in the update uh there's a bunch of like really cool stuff like for example here's an example there's these heavy tappers um oh god i forgot that if you get shot by those things it makes you oh no you can't see okay sorry um but you can make heavy tappers um that like work just like regular tappers but faster and that's pretty fun that's a fun part of the update and you you need radioactive bars to make it so the radioactive ore is like um honestly feels a little bit rarer than iridium um but it's very useful so oh it's 1 40 am oops what am i doing i'm just wasting bombs for no reason oh it's 2pm oh my god 9 a.m p.m i'm not gonna pass out never mind false alarm everybody it says 2 p.m no that's really embarrassing i'm sorry okay never mind sorry false alarm false alarm not it's not night time we aren't done yet we aren't gonna pass out yet everything's fine don't worry false alarm okay sorry to have alarmed you did not mean to i kind of want to try and get to oh my god leave me alone i kind of want to try and get to the bottom today we're on 90 we need to go 30 more levels i don't know if we can we can definitely try though shoot oh god oh god eat something okay nope nope oh my god when you get shot one of those arrows you can't see stop stop oh my god sorry if i'm missing a lot of things in chat by the way um uh there's you know i'm a little bit preoccupied with there's like some incidents at the moment i'm just trying to you know get um just trying to game is all oh my god okay it's not that bad but it's also not good you know it's one of those maybe this will give me the opening uh you have a week to complete it i'm i'm not worried about time i'm more worried about like i want to finish it on stream so i'm trying to do it faster that you guys can see there's not like anything cool at the bottom or anything um but it does uh it'll just give me like gems for that the new the walnut room so that i can buy stuff in there um i can buy myself some presents oh oh god oh i'm getting up giving up i'm bailing i'm bailing i'm bailing okay i can't see did i think lisa for the sub a few minutes ago by the way i don't remember i'm sorry okay ah i got got oh my cat's behind me playing with their toy okay deep breath it's fine just game let me through slime there's so many monsters okay a stream hey welcome uh also kitty thank you for the nine months okay i might skip the oh never mind don't have to skip it all right 20 more levels we can do it oh it's open i can get there tonight it's fine we can do this come on oh a gem oh and an iron bar what can i kill oh get rid of that what can i kill that sounds really aggressive what can i kill to have space for my iron bar um okay all right gamers we got this oh that's going to give me gem i don't have space for the um copper anyway how has your day been everybody good glad to hear it yeah this would be a lot harder in multiplayer with it not pausing whenever you stop to eat and stuff um i was thinking about that with the skull caverns like the adjusted skull caverns that would be like the skull caverns are already hard on multiplayer because usually on single player the game pauses when you eat like the game pauses all the time right the game doesn't i mean you can pause the game multiplayer i don't mean that but i mean like it doesn't automatically pause for like all these little things that you're doing you know um and so it would be significantly harder i feel like on multiplayer to do this i want that what can i get rid of maybe i'll just use cherry bombs waste the cherry bombs why don't you okay didn't work okay okay it didn't work okay it didn't work okay that didn't work either okay that's cool no i didn't want it to i'm gonna die okay uh you can pause the multiplayer if you type slash pause um but that's no not exactly effective for um the this sort of issue you know oh yeah we got down to the bottom we're fine just gotta go to 120. see i feel like these levels are easier than the um the earlier ones genuinely doesn't it seem that way are some unis open right now i think um a lot of them are as may thank you for the bits by the way um and erin sun thank you for the five months shoot no i gave up i just didn't want to look at it did was that ladder like exactly where i placed the bomb that's kind of funny i should stop using mega bombs if i don't have to okay we're almost there yeah i think a lot of places a lot of schools are open with in-person classes i mean it also depends where you live i mean not everywhere has it bad like america um like the us is really bad not everywhere is is this bad um but um i know that like my university obviously i graduated but i still you know know what's going on at my university um they're trying to only have like absolutely necessary in-person classes like there are some labs and stuff a lot of like grad student type classes also that they're still having in person um but they're trying to have as many online classes as possible which i think is probably very common most places right now and to an extent some of those things are optional although i have seen that some classes are required in person that probably don't need to be which is annoying but i don't know i'm i'm not a professor i don't know it's especially frustrating if people weren't planning on moving back to campus because most of their classes are online and then all of a sudden there's like a required random class that they have to take on campus wait i did it i did it we made it to the bottom again interesting okay well i got 50 of those gems and we made it in time in plenty of time that wasn't hard see but it just reset the minds and we had to get to the bottom and i was gonna give me those gems so i could buy myself presents basically that's basically how it works all right put everything away i have a lot of food so no i probably should keep these like honestly we probably should like the solar essence and stuff is probably useful and i oh no chest is full what can i get rid of um craft a lot of fertilizer that's what we can do i should have done this before but i didn't oops okay is there space for my copper bar no oh no oh i have a lot of gold maybe i'll turn go maybe i'll make gold bars oh that'll be easy okay i have a lot of copper too maybe i'll just sell a bunch of the extra because we haven't we have no business i'll just sell the ore i don't even care just get rid of it um so fluorescence uh honestly a good use of solar essence is to make mega bombs you're not doing anything wrong making mega bombs for the solar essence um that's pretty much why i wanted to save it so i think you're on the right track there but it's also um well for one the wizard loves solar essence and void essence so that's a honestly a very easy gift to give to the wizard um that i was doing for a while because you can just give him solar void essence i was giving void essence mostly because i had a lot of it and like i didn't need it i mean look i got 676. um i need the golden clock but i also need the um but i also need the oh no wine the last obelisk i need the desert obelisk i don't have it yet so i need 11 million gold and i currently have 450 000 so we have a lot of work to do but we'll get there everything's fine wait oh i keep doing that i pick up the decorations by accident when i'm trying to put the wine away any tips um try to plant a lot of crops early game crops are good money that's my tip i don't know that's probably bad an unhelpful advice oh my goodness okay it's a good thing i came in here so much wine i might just sell this all by the way because i have i have a lot of excess already and i don't have room in my kegs for it so i'm just gonna serve not my kegs and my casks for it so i'm just gonna sell it i'm glad i checked this i'm glad i noticed okay so okay let's go try not to fall asleep simply outside we're gonna make a lot of money tonight that'll be good um 90 is cool i don't know which one's going to come first so the issue with sending updates to console is that the console has to approve it um oh wait claire thank you for seven months and both the year the three months oh my gosh claire hi thank you for the resub look i like made 150k but um so he said he submitted he being concerned a developer he said he submitted the update to consoles but like basically like nintendo and playstation then they have to approve the update and then it'll go through um every game experiences that even the sims um they have to like get approved and then pushed out so all right i'm gonna get off by the way claire thanks again for the seven months i really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um so it will probably come out very similar times on switch and on like playstation um i have no idea about mobile the update but it comes out first on pc because you have to worry about that part he's not supported and also doesn't have to worry about like waiting for approval so but xbox is a microsoft product yes sims fan xbox would have to get approved by microsoft ps4 would have to get approved by playstation switch would get approved by nintendo yes aloha thank you for the tier two ten months by the way um thank you guys for hanging out hope you had a good time you know i love playing stardew valley it's so much fun it's so so so so oops over my own stream sorry it's so much fun um and i want to go raid somebody who is also playing stardew i think i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know do you know what there's a streamer that i follow that i've been lurking in a lot called feral wife who is playing sturdy right now um i don't think that she knows me but i think that you will like her streams so what if we went over there that's a new a new starter streamer that we could go go find that i haven't ever rated before um so let's go say hi over here i i lurk here a bunch because she's been playing a lot of sturdy valley um so i think you'll like it here too little dica thank you for the bits you have a wonderful night too thank you so much you just got here i'm sorry i am i'm sorry i'll be here tomorrow i'll see you guys later um hope you have a good time hanging out oh she's got the chicken mask on oh good anyway i'll see you guys tomorrow thank you for hanging out have a wonderful wonderful night bye claire i'll see you all later okay goodbye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 43,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: laZNgCdQaaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 8sec (14108 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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