Stardew Valley, But It's An RPG

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today i'll be trying out a mod that completely changes the way you play stardew valley the rpg mods makes it so that instead of having a standard normal stardew valley character you get to build it out with different stats you get a total of 70 points to put across strength constitution dexterity intelligence wisdom and charisma it also gives you an experience bar that you level up throughout the day all the different stats allow you to excel in different things strength lets you cut down trees faster constitution gives you more health dexterity makes your fishing bobber bar size bigger intelligence will affect your crop quality wisdom will give you more experience and charisma will let you sell things for a higher price there's a million different ways to build your character so can i build mine best to survive this crazy mod our first thing that we got to do is well firstly we got to make our character but then we have to decide how we want to split up our stats i'm not sure what the best way to split them up is i'll briefly explain what each one of them does they all affect your stats in different ways so first off we have strength to me that seems really important because destroying uh rocks in the mines and showing trees quickly with the least amount of energy possible seems like i would want to put a lot of points into that so strength is feeling very important i'm going to put it at a 10 for now because i'm going to go back and edit it but i want to remember that's important now constitution is health it gives you more stamina per day now you only start with 10 stamina's energy in case you don't know 10 energy per day but you will regen energy as time goes on so i feel like that's not super important so our damage is important at the beginning but if we can get the club strength is definitely gonna be more important strength is already like kind of important already so i feel like i'm not super hot in constitution um so next up after constitution we have dexterity i don't i can't think of a single thing that matters there fisher bobber size would be nice but i don't really care that much about fishing bob or bar size okay intelligence gives you a bonus skill level which seems really good wisdom say okay wisdom seems important okay wait christmas seems actually the most important the i would love if the buy sell price goes down i kind of want to put everything into charisma and strength i feel like charisma is important i want i want to put some into charisma and then i feel like dexterity and constitution are not that important okay dexterity's like really unimportant i'll put that in too i don't care about dexterity at all and i'll put constitution up at like like eight seven intelligence seems like 13 would be good strength seems important as well i put that to the max okay strength at the max i don't want to put charisma at the max too and i have three extra points wisdom i feel like wisdom is good this feels like a good spread so we're uh a charismatic strongman okay i feel like this is the setup i'm going with i feel pretty good about this all right i'm starting this i don't care you have to say chat i don't care i don't trust you guys i trust myself all right so we gotta start off with parsnips now i'm curious to see if we're so charismatic how much this uh how much the crops are gonna cost now let's see how many hits usually a tree takes ten hits to knock down okay with the normal axe let's see how many it takes now one two oh my god our energy's going down so fast three four four hits that's honestly insane so apparently we only start with 10 energy and five health but we restore energy every 10 in-game minutes as you see our energy is going up a little bit i feel like i don't even want to bother like cutting down these rocks and stuff oh i'm exhausted oh my gosh that was that was a lot quicker than i thought i must have not put a lot into hoeing that was my first mistake okay uh i guess i can plant these in the meantime uh all right well i guess while we wait for this to go back up we can go head over to piers and start buying stuff from over there no clay farming today with 10 energy i don't think that's really a good use of our time okay i'm curious i'm really curious about this charisma mechanic so usually parsnip seeds cost 15 g 14 you know it didn't it didn't i mean potatoes are now 35 instead of the usual 40 right that's how much potatoes usually sell for that seems good i think cauliflower seeds are usually 80 and going for 56. okay i feel like we go for potatoes usually i would go for parsnips on day one but because of our increased selling power i feel like we go for potatoes especially because that has an extra chance to produce like extra potatoes i feel like that's probably going to be our best bet oh my okay this is all of our stats oh wait so i'm 45 experiences 35 points away from my next experience level okay interesting so you must get points for like doing a variety of different activities i see i see dang i feel like i have no energy this is taking forever though or this energy build up mechanic i want to eat a leak i think constitution helps with energy no shot effect stamina sore oh we definitely should have put more into constitution oopsie we definitely should have it's okay it's okay it's okay we're a big strong man big strong charismatic man i'll go uh i'll go i'll go slide my way into some energy it didn't seem important at the time i was alert by the strength and and everything else okay it didn't seem important at the time don't judge me i was gonna blame this on the mod but this is definitely the fault of the do this this is definitely my fault that's go up every time yeah see we're 61 experience point or 61 out of 100 right now so we need 40 more experience points to get to another skill point which i will immediately be putting into dexterity or constitution maybe it just wasn't as important as i thought it was going to be i i should have put in the constitution okay what why do they always walk out the second i do that okay it's whatever all right now that we have full energy i think we should go back to the farm do four things of watering and then look for more energy back in cindersnap forest i'm a multi-class barbarian and wizard oh gosh maybe i should have just rolled for these stats this is just oh no every swing of my head okay i desperately need more constitution i will stand by my point that dexterity is useless but constitution feels important now that i understand how this works this is a goofy mod i'm really liking this it's changing the way i'm like thinking about sardi right now i'm really enjoying this actually oh shoot i have a point okay i'll probably get the chance to spend that at the end of the day oh now i just want to go to bed already let's get water in i feel like 10 energy is way too small and don't say it's because i didn't invest anything into constitution okay don't go ahead and say that all right i can already see your comments what is this formation it looks like the amogus character or actually no it looks like a bunny to the side it's quite the quite the crop circle i've created all right i'm just going to further add to how wild this thing looks by giving him two beefy little legs down here i do want to sell some stuff really quick to see if it increased if having all that charisma increased my sell price it's important to use all my forge today because hoeing i believe takes two energy and watering only takes one energy which is would be a lot easier if i can get everything in the ground and then obviously we'll have like a head start on everything all right we only need two more spots and then we're good i give them little horns now we can eat our last dandelion and water all our crops maybe hopefully i hope to god that that works i okay i am cannot miss a space when i'm watering right now because i have so few energy all right good night trees okay how much did these sell for okay daffodils sold for 39. well a daffodil traditionally sells for 30. that's not bad at all an extra 9g wait we didn't get to use our skill level how do i use my skill level that i got i have a point how do i put my point into something oh wait what i put my point into one of my actual stats oh not these stats oh okay so our constitution is not getting upgraded anytime soon yet copy that okay but i think our energy might have went up all right what should i put it into farming probably right i feel like farming is the most useful thing i can put into right now so i'll get it at the end of the day now oh dang i wish i'd done that last night i could have crafted a scarecrow clint's here i forgot because i got a copper oil yesterday all right we start we won't go with half energy which i'm not gonna lie that's not good that's not that's very that's not great i'm gonna say so i guess this has nothing to do with this this has to do with this these level ups so that's why i was getting points for foraging so that's actually kind of interesting i can get like farming points for leveling up my foraging i guess i could just spam like cut down trees since they only take like four chops to cut down right and then just get like really good at everything else oh god this is really bad maybe we should have done foraging because we need like field snacks i also want to get a chest at some point but everything takes up our entire energy bar we have no energy okay that would be my one complaint with the mod we need a lit just a little bit more energy so far i know you get a stat level up whenever you get a whenever you get a star drop that's the extent of my knowledge currently maybe how are we ever going to get through the minds with energy like this how do you level up your stamina that's what i need to know i think you get a little bit of a stamina level up every level but still all this strength is useless i should have put everything into stamina constitution is health oh gosh knowing my track record with eating in the mines i feel like constitution was not the dumb stat guys i definitely should have weaned back on the wisdom oh well there's nothing we can do now there's nothing we can do now chat okay what do you want me to do i made who i am i'm a feeble little i'm a sickly little child who can destroy a tree in four punches but yet i can't stand up without falling over immediately on myself okay all right being becoming a farmer was definitely not the best choice of profession but it's what i did okay don't don't judge me i'm really scared about these rocks eating my crops all right but think about the money guys also you get negative modifiers if your dumb stats are under 10 okay guys okay i learned that constitution is not the dump stat okay okay all right should i start over should i make a new one i'd feel as though that my guy is just so feeble and weak he can't really do much of anything okay all right welp we watered all our crops at 1pm so uh so that's good at least at least we watered our crops today uh now what to do for the rest of the day i guess we could try and go fishing i definitely could go fishing and then i could use the fish as energy that would be a good plan we use the fish's energy and then the energy would fuel us because we uh because we have such high charisma we sell everything for so much money i wouldn't even mind the loss of wait is fishing gonna like since we only have like 10 energy points can we fish like once oh my god this is a disaster i only had money on my mind okay actually you know let's go up to the mountain like at least [Music] okay that took half my energy away i have no brilliant genus but that seems bad we definitely cannot clay farm i was thinking about clay farming for some cash to buy some salads but oh my god oh my god okay i should not have made okay dumping nothing into dexterity was definitely mistaken i did not think it was gonna be this small that's what she said but because of her strength you reel it in so quickly oh my god look how smooth it is i knew that like making it bigger would make it bigger but i didn't think making it smaller would make it smaller am i even gonna be able to catch a fish like this it's so tiny there's no hope for us look at this i can't even okay come on come on oh no fishing's not in the cards for us guys you know fishing just i you know i know i know i wasn't feeling fishing really i just think you know i never liked fishing i i never was a fishing guy really uh i go to bed i'm just gonna wake up tomorrow and deal with this normally i would go fish but i feel as though that is not an option for us seeing as the size of our fishing bar is tinier than i don't know the amount of sam fan like oh god this is atrocious okay but look how quickly we cut down these trees see guys putting all my stats into strength was that wasn't a mistake that that was that was perfect okay i'm trying to think about what we can even do i genuinely think that just like cutting down trees and selling the wood is currently our best strategy as stupid as that sounds i currently believe that to be our best strategy because otherwise i got i got nothing like we can cut down trees really easily and oh oh that's a that's a lot of energy plays that i don't it's like i have a chest but for what i leveled up oh my god you get a full heal when you level up nice okay what should i put into forging forging so that my axe efficiency goes up okay and so that i can get tree roots now it seems like i have a reasonable amount of energy points i'm like getting a decent chunk into these things it was just the first couple days see himbo ark is astonishingly good sean beau is a god among men all right here's the thing we can just farm level ups by cutting down trees right because now i'm thinking okay what's the quickest what action in the game gets you the most experience points of all of them because it doesn't matter which action we do it just matters because we can put the experience points into anything right and then we'll be getting level ups so cutting down a tree is four energy basically or eight energy for 12 exp which seems really good honestly especially when all the first level ups are like a hundred that seems pretty good okay i have another point oh god okay i'm putting it all into forging trust me this the strap makes sense uh okay i'm gonna go to cinder sap and see if there's any spring onions today oh boy i'm so glad i did that we got one whole spring onion yay yay all right well this was a mistake oh gosh all right all right this is all going to be a lot better tomorrow too because then we'll have the chance to make field snacks and then we'll be infinitely powerful oh my god i'm a genius and we just chain field snacks okay oh my god i'm so smart oh my god i'm a genius oh my god i'm so freaking smart holy crow then we'll just chain field snacks all day long cut down more trees get more experience points god i'm just so smart i'm just going to bed because currently we can't get tree seeds so see look that's sold for 130. what do largemouth basses usually sell for a hundred dang that's pretty good like 30 more dang this charisma modifier pops off you know what'll really help us out the mushroom cave we need to speed run to the mushroom cave which is no problem because i have my insurance chain amount of intelligence i mean charisma okay we need to just get as many tree seeds as we possibly can and then look a maple seed ah field snack intelligence check failed what do you mean intelligence check failed what the heck does that mean i wasn't intelligent enough to craft a field snack what the hell i was i failed the intelligence check excuse me no it just says intelligence check failed and then nothing happened and then i did it again and it worked what is it but i understand like crafts the seed chance thing but it still let me craft and it didn't use any of my resources right so like what's the point now you guys all were saying sean you have to restart sean you'll never figure this out fools all of you all of you okay i've got the biggest brain strategy out of you all now i'm able to water seven potatoes before passing out yes it's all coming together now my my goal my goal is my goal always and it's to have fun and make money but now i'm gonna sell all this wood it's just it's lumberjack simulator is what this has become really oh i gotta level up pog all right i'm putting some into mining you need to get a mining levels up honestly you're all gonna feel so stupid for doubting my little cons unconstitutional boy all right now let's wait to see the profits come rolling in time for the profits to come rolling in from all that wood i sold today oh yeah give it to me oh oh oh oh yeah 1500 g that's big and fiber sells for one all right should we go to the mines today we should are neutral okay well neutral is better than bad so the cat yeah i need a kitty i need i need something to bring bring my spirits up i will adopt this cat get that coin get that coin i'm leaving a chat i want this to be a smart kitty guys okay oh my god look how many gold and silver star parsnips we got though that's that intelligence boost okay and now we've got 2000 g on the fifth day which we can i i don't know put into something else i'll go to pierre's oh wait no i should water first because i want to get the community center cutscene too today and look we were able to water all our crops in one thing i can't believe i put all that stock into charisma and i only sold my wood for 3g yes yes who's all of you fools fools each and every one of you now i've got it and look they're all gold star quality which i guess doesn't really matter because we're just eating it i do want to go to the mines though the thing we have to be careful of in the mind though is that there is perma-death so if we die we lose our character is there anything here worth buying red cabbage oh wait i did remix mob bundles stupid now we can go to pierre's and spend all our money all right chippy airs scooby bumps and then potatoes oh my god i was able to buy 65 potatoes because i think potato seeds usually cost 50 and now they're causing 35 easy guys easy and i think these spring onions should bring me completely back up to full which is going to be you know we're almost going to go to the mines today chat how am i ever going to go to the mines with all these crops also wait i should make a scarecrow i don't have the coal oh god i just have no coal because i never break rocks because i can't afford it because i have zero energy ever because i'm a very unconstitutional person classic i need a spring onion all right i do want to [Music] oh my god that gives no energy spring onions even suck now they still suck even when i have like six energy and i can only do like six things per day spring onions are still terrible god why are these things ever added to this stupid game oh my god i hate the spring onions who added these god awful materials all right we need to get a scarecrow we need to get coal where is the coal show me the coal finally we got coal okay pog and now think about the profits that's all i have on my mind really right now okay now we gotta farm up some more field snacks gosh it's just you start you got you finish one project you gotta immediately start on another my goodness gracious no rest for the wicked i guess are we close to going a level up we have to be right we must be oh we are not close at all wait did i get a level up today oh i did get a low of today and i didn't even notice i did not notice that we got a level up today all right i'm gonna do mining two and foraging three okay wait from now on i feel like we should put all of our skill points into farming and then we can get sprinklers and then it won't matter that we're as feeble as the day is dry because then we can just plant sprinklers everywhere okay mine today might say i'm going to the mines through the mines we go so the parsnips sold for a lot more than i thought they they originally were 35 and we sold them for 46 so an extra 11. all right well now let's see how the mines go all right we have our sword i am a little nervous because there is permanent death in here and we can craft staircases which is nice you usually don't have that on your first day of the mines okay we're just atrocious luck i'm just curious how much a slime would do to me you know okay i i don't know i i i lied i don't want to figure it out i don't want to figure it out i'm too scared my strength is coming in handy watch this bop in one oh no okay that didn't do that much damage okay oh no okay all right half my health after two hits okay maybe it did do that much damage okay completely live that was a lot of damage so much damage was done oh we don't have to watch geode cutscene now because i did it in the inventory don't need slime anything this would we've run out of energy i remember when we had a lot of energy see we healed up our energy got our health what are you we're all worried about if we get a club then we would be actually cracked you know it's and because you restore energy over time it's actually kind of good to like uh i wonder how many of the big rocks to take they usually take 10 right let's see how many they take now now that i'm super strong one two three four five six seven eight that's that that's a little bit better that's that's kind of better you're joking oh my god you're joking oh my god we're cracked oh my god this is insane oh my god what are the chances of that oh my god we're unstoppable now holy crap oh my god oh my goodness this is so cracked okay we really need to get a level up to get the full okay we're very close to getting level up we have literally broken like every single rock on this god forsaken floor i don't know where this rock could possibly be finally we found the god dang exit oh and a freebie oh my god i can't believe we got the club from us slime how pog is that now enemies do not scare me at all i don't care for so feeble that one hit from a slime will literally kill us and we just got the level up here and spawn an exit you did not want an exit boom look at that bam wham bam thank you ma'am i am strong i am so very strong all right what is this going to be something good something good work boots okay that's not bad i'll take work boots dude himbo sean is popping off right now what do we not need here the i know we need the oh jeez we have so much energy oh my god i'm too good i'm literally too good that i don't have room for this earth crystal i should get rid of this bug meat boom we're gonna hit 20 at least child's play really easy easiest for 25 my life i have two hours and like half energy i'm 124 i'll probably make it there before you guys even get the chance to vote in fact i might even make it to 30. i'm just that cracked imagine i get a second club imagine i get a second club that would be insane right are my skills looking oh i'm way far off my next level okay that sucks i wanna adjust these stats okay [Music] all right watch this we're gonna get the exit right here then there's gonna be a freebie on 29 no there's not okay we're gonna do the exit right here then freebie on 28. wait we gotta level up today we can pass out it's fine i forgot we gotta level up today we got several level ups today what's the fortune today star drop look oh i want to go back to the mine so bad i was doing so well at the mines though that's where a barbarian like me does plays best you know i sell to pierre today yeah probably right [Music] okay i know what i'm gonna do until i get very tired i'm gonna water right and then i'm gonna have no energy right and you're like oh no i have no energy but then i'm just gonna cut down like two trees and level up and get all my energy back evie what did i say what did i freaking say and we got two more points farming level five farming level six probably should have actually put one of those into mining that is a problem for future shawnee all right i'm going to the mines i don't care i'm going to give a what i hate this intelligence check thing it makes no sense to me but whatever i power through nevertheless i persisted alex is sick who the heck likes sam who likes sam sam's gonna be like the most boring bachelor name one thing about sam besides the fact that he plays the guitar he can't you can't you can't think of a single thing that's because there's nothing else that's all he does play the goddamn guitar that's his entire personality play the guitar and skateboard all right that goku ass looking phony mfr for some reason things are feeling a lot more difficult today despite it being a star drop day which is not doesn't make me feel great oh my gosh this is cracked i'm cracked i'm literally cracked stardu put me in coach i'm ready to play another topaz dude the charisma is gonna pop off soon it's all coming chat don't you worry don't you worry how far away are we from level up oh my god so far away there we go oh my god dude and the forest sword that's crazy this is really just turned into a mine speed run hasn't it okay and once we get down to 440 i'll feel satisfied and then we can leave because this energy is pretty abysmal and waiting the ten how should we how should we end off our our play through for the day i think we should do something like very climactic we got to floor 40 of the mines we got a bunch of money okay let's sell some of those some of these actually keep one of those and then [Music] that's it i just want to see how much these gems sell for can we make it to the wizard somebody told me the other day you can pet the pig lies lies and slander okay back to the community center oh wait wait we don't have to go all the way to the community center what's in spring forging oh it's the regular one that's fine all right wait yeah we can finish the spring we can finish off forging bundle tent off today's episode all right easy easy easy and then we have spring seats which we can sell too and now the pantry bundle is unlocked too we can see what's in there at least all right what's in the pantry okay standard call a rare crops bundle fish farmer bundle uninstalling uninstalling uninstalling are you kidding me fish farmer and rare that is like the worst role you can get on the pantry bundle that has ever existed what even is that garbage rare crops and fish farming come on man that's just not right you
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 200,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SJ_4ZWo11J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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