WE ARE HAVING A BABY! | finding out i'm pregnant, first ultrasounds & reactions

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okay hi guys so i am a few days late and i feel like i should take a test um a pregnancy test obviously if you're watching this video uh you can already tell by the title so i'm so nervous i don't know why um it's something that we wanted uh this isn't like something that was like not planned i took my iud out in august end of august um and it's only october so it feels like very soon but i am a few a few days late and i've just been feeling a little off um a little nauseous the boobs feel weird something's up okay i'm so nervous i'm gonna do it i'm obviously not gonna be on camera so i'm going to um pick a test i got a i got a double i got a double one so i don't know if i should do the one with the the plus or the negative or the one that just tells you pregnant or not pregnant i think i'm gonna do the plus and then take another one to be sure yeah oh my god this feels so weird okay i'll be back after i'm done peeing on this um i didn't get my reaction on camera because i literally it i don't know if you can see oh my god i'm shaking focus like i didn't even finish setting it on the counter before it turned it's so oh my god okay so a glass like oh my god the plus appeared so quickly like i didn't even finish flushing the toilet before the plus came like i am i'm pregnant i'm so excited this is insane that happened so fast oh my god i'm gonna tell patrick he's at the gym right now um so when he gets back i'm gonna tell him i don't know if i want to film it though because he's obviously gonna be very excited it's just i feel like i kind of want to keep that between us wow okay i'm pregnant oh where are we the dentist first ultrasound i know here we go a lot of pressure there is only one but you can see again nice heartbeat there's the flicker there [Music] yeah yeah so the reason is the part of the volume it doesn't have to do with like strength or not has to do a little bit with machine and also maybe small we have to get in between those two little brackets right there are you busy at work um yeah it's kind of still do you want me to wait to talk to you until you're done why dude you knew it you knew it wait can you see like it's so positive oh my god i know it happened so quick i'm so happy are you pregnant i know i know good job guys we did it so exciting guess what no are you you're joking i had to tell you guys yeah look yeah oh my god i love you i'm so [Music] i am the hell just happened i know i just talked to you guys earlier today congratulations justin patrick thank you what you want to look for in the first or any ultrasound is if you see any of this [Music] [Laughter] thank you guys yeah well that's awesome that is fantastic congratulations i'm happy for you thank you [Music] okay so i have a little ultrasound update for you i love going and getting these photos um because i just am i love seeing how much the baby has grown every time i go in it's so much fun for me so this is the first ultrasound just like a little blip this is the second one it's a little bit bigger this is from end of november i believe so you can see the head the little body and then these are my most recent ones which obviously they're enlarged because we did more of like a detailed scan just to make sure baby was growing healthy um which it is so thank goodness for that uh but i am just so obsessed look at the little face you can see the little nose patrick already dated this one because he's so excited this is our favorite one we've gotten so far because baby is chilling with its arms up it's comfy in there and if that's not patrick and i i don't know what is i love it i'm so obsessed already [Music] sounds perfect yeah yeah cute it's in a different position i have the gender in this envelope [Music] so the secret's out we are having a baby and we are so excited to not only obviously have a baby but also to share it with you it has been the hardest secret to keep because we have been just so excited and it's kind of like our whole world right now that it was tough to keep it from you for like three months i'm in my fourth month i think we're not good at keeping secrets both of us so i feel like it was tough for me to even vlog because i was like getting these baby things and a lot of you guys were asking um about the second bedroom and i kind of just had to ignore you because why we put a desk out in here instead of the second bedroom is because the second bedroom is our baby room and a little bit for the little babes and i can't wait to show you all of that we have some fun just pregnancy and um planning for the baby videos to come but you are all caught up we finished telling the rest of our family and friends in december um so i wanted to film a few just so you guys could see we obviously didn't film everyone it would have been a very long video of us telling so many friends and just people back home and family and all of that so it was fun to kind of keep to ourselves for a little bit but we are super happy that it is out i can finally not hide my bump in photos anymore so i'm very happy about that in case you were wondering i'm the dad [Music] in case you were wondering i am 16 weeks currently i'm in my 16th week so i'm finally out of the first trimester i know it's a little bit past that i think 14 weeks is but the first trimester was rough for me and that was tough for me to not even explain kind of when i would go a little bit more absent on social and like i'm so sick and so tired and i couldn't really explain to you guys why so i'm so happy to just be feeling more like myself again i know patrick's probably happy it would be great being sick though oh thank you for what it's worth made it look good he's probably happy now that um i'm feeling a lot better too but i'm happy for you thank you babe i did not film obviously you guys know that i did not film his reaction but do you have anything to say there's a lot of things that come to mind but mostly i'm just really excited hoping for a healthy happy baby gender regardless doesn't matter to me yeah i just wanna i don't know hopefully everything goes smoothly and that's really the most i can hope for so yeah so speaking of gender you guys probably all wanna know when we're gonna do a gender reveal the last clip you saw was us getting the gender envelope uh and we plan to do that sometime this spring so that should be really exciting uh we just actually post on instagram our announcement and we've been getting the sweetest messages and you guys have just been all so great so far and just so supportive and excited for us and it's made this feel even more exciting we were talking after we posted it's kind of like we feel like we just found out all over again yeah it was thank you for the the messages and the kindness it was very very sweet so baby's already so loved by so many people so it's it's great we're just thrilled that's the video for today i really hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching and um i'll see you in the next video which i think it's me a vlog and i can finally show you the second bedroom which is not done or anything but i can at least tell you guys my nursery plans yay all right well thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Tess Christine
Views: 509,655
Rating: 4.9885383 out of 5
Id: -AJD1Fc5rpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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