BABY BOY NURSERY TOUR | Simple and Neutral!

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel so we have a nursery tour today very excited about this video i know it's long waited for a few of you guys that have been really excited to see it uh this has been one of my favorite projects it's something that i was super excited about once i found out i was pregnant we moved into a new apartment probably a month or so after i found out i was pregnant so this room has always kind of been empty or just like a place we would throw things until we got organized until the nursery furniture started to come in so it's been really fun to kind of see this room transform i'm currently 38 weeks and a few days so i'm just anxiously awaiting his arrival uh i was debating on waiting until he got here to film this but i was like you know what i'm just going to distract myself i really want him to be here already so i might as well film a nursery tour and get that up for you guys um but you will see that the nursery itself is a very gender neutral i used a lot of neutral colors and just neutral prints that i think would work well for both a little boy and a little girl uh if you're new here we are having a boy so i'm very excited about that i think he's gonna love this room until he gets old enough and tells us what he likes and what he wants in his room so this will do for now this is very it's very much patrick and i's vibe so i hope you gather some install from it and yeah i'm gonna be done talking and i'm gonna take you around [Music] so right when you walk into his room the first thing you pretty much see are these bookshelves there's this little chunk of wall right here that i knew i wanted to put some bookshelves on if you've been following along with my vlogs you know that this already exists this is one of the first things i did in here i just knew i was like this is a bookshelf area something that would fit and also display his books really nicely i think that books are obviously you know educational and important but i also think that they add a lot of fun color and just make it feel like a kid's room so i went with these like acrylic wall shelves i just thought that they were more subtle i didn't want to do wood because we have a lot of wood and wicker in the actual room so i didn't want to go over the top with that so i thought this was just like a clean simple way to hold his books display his books so right under the bookshelves is his hamper so i wanted to put this here it just fit really well i got this off of amazon as well hamper got some stuff in here i need to wash for him but it's really close to the dresser which you will see and also it's right by the door which right next to the door is our washer and dryer which we're gonna be doing a lot of laundry with him so this is just a perfect spot for it i love it i'm gonna walk into the main part of the room and give you guys a little bit of an overview this is what it looks like it's very very spacious we feel very lucky to have this space for him you guys know we live in new york city brooklyn to be specific so having a two-bedroom let alone a nice big space like this with a beautiful window is such a blessing the crimp is one of my favorite pieces in the nursery it's one of the first things that we purchased i absolutely love it i knew i wanted a wooden crib it was just something that i knew i wanted just because i you guys i mentioned this many times and you probably know we are renters so it's everything's painted white so i knew i didn't want to go for a white crib because i just didn't want to feel like one big white box in here so i wanted to bring in some natural elements so when looking for a wooden crib this is one of the first ones i found it's from creighton kids i believe it's from the leanne ford collection i just think it's so beautiful i loved the arches i just thought that that was such a unique touch because a lot of cribs are just like a straight rectangle so i really really liked the arches plus this crib can be converted a lot of different ways so it has different height settings for the mattress three different ones to be specific and uh it can be converted into a toddler bed which is great so we will have this for a while or if we don't want to use it for a toddler bed we'll use it for our next baby we also added a little mobile this is actually something that patrick picked out he picked out one with little sea creatures on it super super cute uh so we hung this i explained this in one of my vlogs when we were putting the crib together but i actually got this like mobile arm from etsy because our ceilings are very high in here so i didn't want to hang it from the ceiling and drill into the ceiling and deal with all of that so i thought that this was a great way to do this you can adjust the height make sure he can't grab it above the crib we have the manit which is our baby monitoring system i love it so far we've tested it out we've got it all set up obviously he's not here yet but once he gets here we'll maybe give you guys a more detailed uh description on why i like it in a vlog or something like that but that is the monitor that we chose i love that it's wall mounted i just think it's very sleek and it you know fits on the wall really nicely it's not bulky i don't have to try to like hook it onto a crib so that's very convenient and then i just wanted to keep it simple with some picture frames so i just got these prints off of etsy it's kind of like more of a painted style seascape clouds very very neutral colors like very soft blues i just thought that they were really pretty and calming so i wanted to keep it simple up there right next to the crib right here is a little toy chest or like a toy cubby which i think is super cute we have a few of his toys in there and stuffed animals i want to keep a lot of the stuff in his closet and kind of introduce toys to him here very slowly i don't want to just give him a bunch of toys and kind of overstimulate him right away so i kind of want to slowly introduce things in this way we are now on the other side of his room uh i am currently in the glider which is so comfy i absolutely love this it is from pottery barn kids it's in this like white boucle fabric super cute very comfy i went with a glider because they take up a little less space than a rocking chair and we needed something a little bit on the smaller side also a lot very good access to any needs if i'm here breastfeeding rocking reading whatever um i also have my little boppy here my breastfeeding pillow so everything is just easy to access which i love we also have a rug which i will show you guys in the cutaway that is from creighton kids i love the texture i think bringing in textured things like that to a room that's just painted white can add a lot of dimension so i definitely wanted to do that we have curtains in some tie backs which are from amazon really great highly recommend the tie backs it just cleans everything up you don't have to have these big curtain paddle panels like just hanging there especially with black out curtains because they can be very heavy and very bulky they don't hang like you know a nice sheer or a linen so i love those the curtains are from lulu in georgia they did a collab with riley and crew which is a really cute kids brand so i absolutely love their prints they're very subtle they still feel like they could be in a kid's room but they also don't just scream baby before i get into all of this i'm going to talk about the little print artwork we have i definitely wanted to add some i think artwork adds just personality and like i said in the beginning until he can tell us what he's into we're kind of decorating for him i i really wanted it to be pretty subtle in here so i went with a sailboat which i just think is really really cute which we got from etsy both prints so this the sailboat one and then also this really cute illustration which the seller does on dictionary pages which i think is so cute so she illustrated a surfer with a little surfer and if you know patrick it's just very him so i thought that that was so cute next to the frames as you can see we put a circle mirror here which is from target the classic mirror that i feel like everybody has target love it it adds some depth to the room also i just think it's really cute once he's able to kind of sit up and be able to look at himself i love that so this little station off to my left is one of my favorite finds it is from etsy it's just a little diaper organizing station so i have creams lotions diapers nail clippers pacifiers uh his little hairbrush and hair comb i found out in one of my ultrasounds that he does have hair so he's going to come out with hair so i got him a little brush a little comb anything i could possibly need a little nose sucker just things like that this will probably change as soon as he gets here and i figure out what um he needs and uses the most next to that i have the kikaru peanut changer right here any poops that get on here are going to be really easy to wipe up and clean so i love that i ended up putting this in here if you watched my vlogs you know i originally had like a changing basket which i still am using we just have it in our bedroom so we do have this new we are going to have him in our room for the beginning uh and i wanted a little changing station on our dresser just so i didn't have to kind of guess in the dark and bring him on our bed so i have a little changing basket that i've shown you guys plenty of times before i just move that into our room i went with this green colored dresser i just thought it added a little bit of color it tied in the theme of the room a little bit i really wanted to get the white ikea one that i see in every nursery tour but our nursery wasn't big enough for that one so i went with this and i think it's a perfect size it's really really cute i love the brass hardware ties in with the rest of our stuff really well i ordered these little divider cubes off of amazon super super handy convenient i was able to separate newborns from zero to three to little pants the other drawers have like bibs separated socks and then um the next drawers are as sizes go up and then once he gets bigger they all just come to the top and it's just super organized and easy to grab while i'm changing him up here and then last but definitely not least we have a diaper pail right here right next to the changing table and then we've got the laundry right here so very convenient all right by the door stuff that we're going to be taking out every day like laundry dirty diapers i wanted to keep closest to the door so that's his nursery i really hope you guys enjoyed the tour i think the only thing i didn't show you was the closet but right now that's filled with a bunch of things that he's using like a stroller carriers different gifts that he's gotten from baby showers and just we have to get more organized in there plus a lot of his current stuff that we are using is foldable rollable in the dresser so that organization is going to come later right now it's a very much baby storage so that's the only thing i didn't show you otherwise you've seen our nursery i really hope you guys enjoyed it and maybe got some decor inspo if you were expecting as well but thank you again for watching hopefully in one of my next videos we will have a new little baby i'm ready for him to be here as i know a lot of you guys are too so yeah that's it that's it for the video hope you guys are having a good day and i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Tess Christine
Views: 125,907
Rating: 4.9833212 out of 5
Id: 8glHUc0ZsHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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