Mudlarking For The Small Things - Did We Find Gold?

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[Music] looks like a ticket oh they're two little children obviously the mums lost her head [Music] a clay marble that would have been a very beautiful [Music] pipe it can go with my tiny i've got two tiny legs but i've never found a tiny arm oh my god i literally just sat down to mum to show her my tiny arm and then i moved this thing there's a i'm just gonna build a tiny doll from this trip i just sat down to do look at some more little things and i spotted this which is a broken doll's leg and then look what's poking out from under the bowl next to it oh for god's sake oh my gosh i told you you had to go oh gosh spoon like a scooper does that look like fingers it's a hand okay that is good for a craft [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] is that a dollar yay it's a leg with a blue boot on oh no it's black brown brown brown a leg okay sorry that's right behind where you were mom you would eventually found that i doomed again it's all right i don't mind my leg says something oh it's roman numerals oh maybe it's it's age no it's iv oh i don't know clay marble and i have just spotted a bead okay a bead another fasted one like i found before is that what i think it is it's a leg bag seal oh it's a lead bag seal the left back seal okay okay let me let me read what it says can't make it out until i go home and clean it but does the leg bag see you okay so i just found this tiny button and is that a rose on it i can't tell what's on it but there's something on it and i think i've just seen oh yes very broken dollar [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah come on [Music] hey a big blue bead yay okay a bead [Music] [Music] oh wow wow that's amazing wow it's definitely worth doing that then isn't it i just picked up this piece of pipe stem because it had some writing on it and it's the date 1897. so we can date that pipe exactly to the year oh it's what comes your head comes from look at him that's so cute it's a little bug oh i found a couple of bows today that would be good for crafting although i've just realized this is actually shells not bow still good crafting it's very muddy but marble i think so this beach is just full of beads like this i found lots like this here clay beads okay so actually i found quite a few beads today look at that one oh i love pizza so much could be good for crafting oh it's a nicer isn't it lovely does that look like oh i promised myself i wasn't going to be oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh yes okay i've just seen this at the back of the doll's head that has a star on it too oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's uh oh what is it the royal artillio something buffalo order of the buffaloes what's it what's that what is it man [Music] royal antolonian order at the buffalo and it's all not with the stem but it's a whole bowl look wow people right into the light sorry oh my gosh look at it wow i found one i found one i found oh my gosh that is so cool oh my gosh i've also found a lead bag seal and a piece of glass with queen victoria on it [Music] [Music] is [Music] number one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] look that's her hair that's her neck look you see and that's how you can see her eye and her chin her eyes just there my nail is oh i can see her now yeah oh my goodness how cool is that i could go next to my piece of glass with victoria's face on i've never neither of us have ever found anything with victoria on and now suddenly i actually found something vaguely interesting very interesting [Music] foreign [Music] that looks like it'll be good to rebuild very good [Music] so [Music] [Music] funny i found lots of bottles with vulcanite bottle stops in and i found lots of bottles with wooden ones in but i've never found one i'm gonna put something on the end of that you could put it on like a necklace or something for it oh nice it's a silly thing but good flower for craft one more like that [Music] the metal ring the metal ring the metal ring okay so you saw at the end of that film that i picked up something and said a metal ring and then immediately put it in my pocket and didn't think anything more of it and then when we got home and i took all my finds out of my bag um i noticed that it had like a decorative edge so i turned to mom and i was like oh it's a bracelet i was happy i'd never found a bracelet before but again didn't think anything more of it and then when we were editing this film um i went to put a caption on that clip saying it's actually a bracelet and then mom was like oh maybe i should clean it maybe it's like silver so she went downstairs cleaned it started shouting excitedly up at me because um as soon as we put some water on it it became obvious that it wasn't silver and um if you've seen the thumbnail or read the title of this film you can guess where we're going with this but once we started to clean it we noticed that it was actually very very golden in color which obviously meant we then got very excited and um suddenly started googling how to tell us something's gold how to tell something's gold so we it's not magnetic we used oscars um magnet fishing magnet so it's a very strong powerful magnet it's not magnetic in any way in any way um we scratched it along some ungrazed ceramic and the streak mark was very clearly gold and sparkly not black not black and you know it wasn't you know you didn't have to put much pressure on for it to be very golden sparkly um and then we i took a pin and on the inside stuck a pin in carefully and it went in with relative ease we don't have any nitric acid and the local jewellers are all shut due to covid so we can't have it officially tested yet no when you look closely at this footage you can see that i we're pretty sure it's hand hammered all of the grooves on the outside are completely uneven not a single one of them is the same shape width or length which is an awful lot it's such a tiny it's very interesting it's very delicate yeah very decorated for such a tiny thing and again on these close-up pictures you can see that um it has some like black slash green substance in the grooves and we've been talking to some mud lockers and one suggested that that could be um where rose gold had been heat infused over the top of the gold and then because rose gold has a higher percentage of copper in it that will have tarnished and we are aware that real gold doesn't tarnish but everywhere like the rest of this neck bracelet not on those grooves is shiny gold it's shiny but inside but if you take a pin to the black and green carefully again to the um flat green substance in the grooves when if it's you can scratch it off and it's golden just be dirt and it's golden underneath and it's gold it's you know all the way through it's completely gold like inside it is gold the only bits that aren't gold are the tops of the grooves but underneath them is golden it's a very thin layer so if anyone has any ideas i mean it's a very difficult thing to clean as well because it's very small and it's very fine and the back when you look at the the zoomed in images you can see like the pits are black i don't think that's tarnishing that's just dirt it's been on the beach at least a hundred years so it's been at the season i mean that's what makes me think this is gold the most because this piece of this bracelet has been on the beach for i would say at least a hundred years and it's shiny yeah if it was anything else nothing else on that beach is shiny you just have to look at all the other metal we find on this big it's not even yeah none of it is shiny the coins we find there are or always illegible that you cannot ever see them uh lead bag seals even they get really and that is can i just i just can say it's not like the anaerobic mud of the thames no it erodes things it's not the same yes because sometimes like the pins and the shapes are golden from the thames but that's not no it's not that's everyone so yeah i'd say i'm about 95 percent certain it's gold i'm 99 percent mum's 99 but that's because maybe because i found it and i still still certainly can't believe that i found gold and like gold jewellery and old gold jewellery it's old it's definitely old there is nothing on that beach that is you know that beach as you see it's just it's a beach completely of victorian and earlier but we were a bit scared about putting this film on and saying and saying in the title well did we find gold because um we're not experts we we don't know about jewelry or precious metals but i'm i'm convinced that it's gold i don't think it's like 24 karat gold it could be a very low carrot gold but it is gold and that is so unbelievably exciting but also slightly devastating because i was found it so casually and i didn't get to do a gold dance and you didn't even show you picking it up i didn't even film picking it up i just picked it up and then went oh and i wasn't even gonna film it and then i was like i probably should film it if we use it in a craft in the future which we won't be using it in a craft obviously now but i didn't get to do my gold dance which i've been waiting to do well you know hoping to do i didn't didn't think i'd ever find gold but i'm intrigued by what age oh yes i would like to know how old it is it's um 5.8 centimeters across both ways we will give a bit of give and take because it's a bit not perfectly circled circular you wouldn't be perfectly circular after a hundred years never it may never have been perfectly circular if you look at the like hammered marks some of them are very so yes so yeah gold we think gold pretty certain it's gold and we didn't even get to like film our reactions to finding out it was gold but if you and another thing before we get to the normal roundup um you may have noticed that some of that footage that we used looked a bit different and was incredibly zoomed in and that is because the lovely jack james who we've talked about before sent us a usb microscope which you plug into the into our laptop and it has a camera and a light on it and you can zoom in so unbelievably so crazy it's amazing derek noticed that we like to find tiny tiny things and now we have a microscope so we can show you like even the tiniest bits of details so excited we're going back to the thames the foreshore tomorrow for us and we're hoping we can find some handmade pins so we can show you how very beautiful the heads of them are and we've never been able to show you that before so and if we don't find any we'll just film the ones the ones we've already got and show you at the end but just thank you derek it's amazing and so very exciting oh we do need a bit of practice with it because it's going to be the stand we need to make this we're going to make a stand for it but yeah gold in a new microscope for our year anniversary our favorite beach gave us a golden present for our year anniversary yeah because we were going to make like a like a compilation film but we kind of figured gold was good enough you can't get gold so um anyway now we will do the normal round-up and we found some really good things but they've been slightly eclipsed by the gold but my i have two favorite things other than obviously my golden bracelet you can probably tell from my reaction in the film that i was very very excited to find my first rao b pipe which is the royal anteluvian order of the buffaloes did i say it correctly you did and um i'm sure all of you have seen other mud lockers find these but i have never found a whole one for myself i was very excited this decorative pipe with writing on and props probably one of the best pipes i've ever found like bowls i've ever found and then my second favorite find this is yes is victoria it's the footage of um me finding this it was too windy but i was very excited because we i've neither of us have ever found anything with a victoria run not even a coin i think it's a seal it's a bottle seal i think it's probably a bottle seal which is so cool and it's sort of broken i mean obviously it would have been round it's it's got a whole profile in it oh but it did does um it goes it's got a whole profile in it and i love it and it's green yeah i like that a lot what's your favorite i just want to say at this point this video was made just after i'd hurt my back i'd recovered a little bit but my back was still really bad so most of the time i was sitting down sieving through the tiny bits and yeah i was a bit in pain so i didn't really find anything okay she found gold and amazing pipe bowls no i didn't find anything i've had a dog's head oscar was picking up things from mum yeah it looks like he found it but i found it that he picked out for me but weirdly i mean we found this dog too which is obviously the same head on the same day but then here we'd already found a dog on the side beach and it's it's there's the same head and it's the same dog as this yeah brothers two little pugs well so i shall stick his head back on and i shall make new legs for them and i'll have a little pair of pugs cute it's it's not queen victoria i don't think it is queen victoria it could be but it could just be a woman i think it's a woman so this is closest to a head pipe i've ever found but i got the fact that it's it's got glass infused inside it so it's like a thing in itself it's very emerald yeah it's very tactile nice to maybe just drill a tiny hole and turn it into a necklace and then if it span it wouldn't matter it's a nice thing so i was yeah something vaguely interesting i found oscar found his very first doll part so he is officially a proper kitten caboodler now because he has found one of our favorite things adult he has found a doll leg and then strangely i found one almost identical later on it's a pair and then i obviously found my tiny leg and my tiny hand my tiny arm so those are the dole slims and next to it is another headless frozen charlotte this time she's missing the bottom of her legs too and a little that hand she's pretty much it's just a torso yes well ana we found six beads from this one up big blue bead two clay ones a little blue bead a little white bead and a red faceted one and our bead string is growing quite long it's very long indeed buttons clay marbles my lead bag seal which again i think is another coat of arms i think just on the just here on the right is probably the unicorn and the lion or it's the other way around i can't remember okay and then a crown on the top found quite a few pipes then sifting through the tiny bits obviously loads and loads of hooves it's always a [Applause] oh okay there's only three hooves there one more and then boots two boots this one had the date on it which was 1897. which is a good way of dumping dating the dump this one's is that an acorn no that's the man again but missing his whole face that's his ear and his hat oh well you can see the rest of what the rest of it would look like then that's a really nice ink bottle i found um it's a shame it's broken they would have rested their pens along here i'm gonna rebuild it and maybe turning it into a little house yeah a little cotton so look out for that one maybe a.m i had the idea of me using an escutcheon door so i shall be doing that lots of um dole china to be built um some nice china this one's particularly nice with the horse's legs on windmill a lot of pig related things recently and that's really cute that most of it's on there the nursery one this little pig went to market um another arm um three ears obviously i've broken dolim where he's got a sock on and the salt spoon some other assorted things crafting some nice glass gems some nice glass bottle stops kate found a glass bottle stop in the bottle still which is nice it's got like the cork still around it a um picture hanger for a picture whale we have picture whales in this house so i shall use that um and then a coin but again even under um on microscope there's there's no way there's nothing left it's all gone but yeah so it was quite a successful day for kate yes possibly my most successful day ever yeah i'm probably the one on my worst but my back's a lot better now so watch out i'm sorry there's no sunny again oh yeah it's been raining for days and days and so he's been stuck in the house which he doesn't seem to mind because he just sleeps he curls up and sleeps but it's suddenly it's sunny today so as his name suggests he is outside enjoying the sun [Laughter] uh and we should mention a year yes we've been doing it for a year a whole year we've met some wonderful people doing this um but like other mud lockers and people in like the mud liking community you guys it's been an amazing job it's been an amazing journey and so much more fun and so much more rewarding than we could have possibly expected when we started it's crazy and it has sort of it has sort of taken over our very existence but that's fine it's it's a wonderful existence so um yeah it's already probably we've already been talking quite a lot yeah we should probably just say um thank you thanks all um everybody coming on this journey with us and thank you for everything next year yeah we've said it before we'll said it again um it wouldn't be possible without all of you so thank you and yeah on to another year our two-year special we'll find diamonds okay or a roman horde or a viking horde or viking horde just a horde or a board of something would be wonderful so yeah um we'll see you on thursday [Laughter] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 13,372
Rating: 4.976923 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking
Id: KJgo_iDKEqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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