Sea glass crafts. We make colourful sea glass candle jars with our finds!

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future projects and down into the Devils [Music] and who we're looking for jars for today's project [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] inside and we're going to make something other than jewelry yeah we've done a lot of jewelry making and it's absolute pouring down outside so we can't do anything out there no so we've got all of our materials here and in you'll have seen earlier we went out and found a jar we weren't looking for a job straight away we did have another bit of a dig around but the midges were too they were vicious oh we couldn't stop horrible cause it perfect migi weather and then it started to pull with the rain yeah that's absolutely it's so heavy it obviously looks like it's gonna flood no that's crazy I have to show you I'll show we've got our tea yeah Sarah was Sarah from docking bay 51 was kind enough to set it on the replacement logs so we're using them we're using for our tea tea anyway we'll show you all of our materials and tell you what we're going to do yeah and so let's get cracking yeah okay so this is the setup that we've got going on and we've got our jar of course that you Saurus collect and we've got a ton of sea glass some lovely colors in there as well beautiful colors down here and that is covered our metal block with kitchen paper yeah yeah just put the jar on so we've got a flat surface and it wouldn't have we're gonna glue on the sea glass onto the jar with some UV resin and this is great I've been using this for years it's just absolutely fantastic and it's set straight away yeah instantly with this torch my monkey UV torch it's good it's cuz it's got glue all stuck to it and then this kind of just yeah it works I mean it's hideous sorry it doesn't take seconds to stick the glass yeah it's really good so um and we got our tea oh yeah and so that's what we need really yeah okay let's do it and then you'll be able to see what we've kind of got in mind and when we get going as well you think that we've picked up every single one every single husband up and down picked it up right we're gonna start at the bottom and then kind of work our way around putting our best ideas so that it won't yeah then we know we've got a flat base a glue master we'll put it around a little bit to get it the glue evenly yeah yeah I already explained seconds with our light one good one and millions oh yeah one downwind today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's it done all the way around the base now we've got to fill it all in up to the top [Music] um there's a white one there so maybe [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] what's it smell like kind of smells love but crazy me to be honest yeah that cream which just makes matters worse no I don't eat the tile grout [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] so here are our two jars they're finished and we've put candles in each of them as well how pretty they are and a we um well you grouted that one yeah this one's grouted with tile grout and this one isn't as you can probably see fans I like them both but we were just wondering what you guys thought yeah should we grout this one as well because I like the grout ended one best I think and I'm not sure because I like just the clean fresh glass Ness of this Blastoise see all the shapes of the glass but I like the other one as well I like the crowded one that one's just in greens and white see mom had the idea to find a jar and stick the glass to it but I my idea was the tile grout in between and so ironically this is both but I don't know I think the I think the tile if I do say so myself not wasn't a bad idea though well yeah but you know yeah you guys let us know down below which one you think well which one you prefer because they are both nice and em yeah about six weeks making things video and hopefully next week we'll have own video as well yes we have we have a few exciting ideas yeah cuz I had a fun idea to do with clay pipes pipes cuz the weather lately has been absolutely grim Hey look our table okay so we made a makeshift table and look at it out of a screwed some legs on the dodgiest table you've ever seen in your life anyway yeah yeah we've got other making ideas but while the weather's bad and we can't go outside um but yeah I love making things so we do know from a very crafty people have to say yeah so uh we'll see you again was well we'll see you on Sunday and this Sunday were going a cat hunting are we yeah oh yeah I thought you meant again no no I mean that would be nagger holding but you guys are gonna come along with us on Sunday and Sunday yeah so we had a great time and you loved it yeah it was really beautifully you don't play oh yes yeah yeah so stay tuned for that oh the bell hit the bell for that video so you're notified when it comes out if you're not already you know Bell hitted defied what I don't know never mind okay never mind is it that I just made that up anyway goodbye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 31,671
Rating: 4.9721308 out of 5
Keywords: northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, treasure hunting scotland, making, calming, mudlarks, beachcombing, seaham sea glass, ASMR, mudlarking, crafting, soothing, sea glass crafts, sea glass, english sea glass
Id: ep7H5DwXwbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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