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have any of you heard about siren head well we sure have today in Minecraft we're gonna be hunting siren head down we tracked it down to a forest outside of a small little village there have been sightings of siren heads monsters fighting deep deep within the forest itself so today me jelly and Craner are gonna be heading to this forest to try and take down siren head itself and of course we're gonna be doing that with some modify and maybe even some moderate vehicles if we find some Sporto robot we do now obviously this is a little bit different to our normal videos so I hope you enjoy it and click like if you want us to hunt down some other beasts in a future video but anyway let's get into it guys yeah that's why we're here jelly why are you what is wrong with you I usually are you okay what is wrong the entire reason we are here is the hunted jelly I relax yes what have you going what is this jelly oh my god you have a gun I said I just shot jelly okay take that there you go sorry I ruined your window you remember you just removes his window god okay there we go just take wait do you just have a gun that's a thing now wait why our son wait do I have a gun you baby hey got a real shot wait what why do I get the move order just get a pistol Oh get mine Josh what wait Josh because your aim is pretty bad oh look at me sorry oh okay you don't you get an Uzi you get a towbar shotgun and I get a peashooter [Music] we gotta save our bullets okay we don't have very many dollars of misfire it happens it happened to happen thank you can you stop what I did miss five okay you time where did we go jelly I don't don't we just gotta walk through the forest and see if we can find it so part what the siren head lives around here somewhere I mean we're gonna find the siren head in its natural habitat guys I don't think the trees are sorry and jelly what wait guys this is why what is that goes hunting what oh my god something's running at me I don't know what okay these are grossly these are floating bodies I think so I don't know what's going on these are siren heads though no these might be protecting them nice okay I say we go this way I say we got this Jake these are siren heads bodyguards or something actually pretty sure we don't have enough bullets for this you conservative I guess okay and also don't run all the time guys cuz then we need more cookies yeah I'm like actually we can just kill a chicken oh my oh my god oh my god what did I just do yeah I think I had to just blur that that was oh my house I see a house okay oh it's weird Joshua is that we're sorry guys I don't think hardhead lives in a house it has to be a to live in at all or how about for enemies good job Oh guys this will fight you here oh good moment to take it on no what do you mean we can do it guys were together but okay Oh I just got absolutely wrecked Jenny we're back at the campsite I see Kelly I'm back listen we need better I'm pretty sure that these guns are not gonna kill sorry yeah you actually have a shotgun Oh guys don't stew chili that is terrifying by the way sulfur thing close my door okay wait wait yeah he's gone that way so if we go around him and keep going to that house I like the way you use the house like rocket launcher today I'll get the speed on Josh I got the feed four swings wait he's going oh he's got friends up here I know that but really they're okay so this house had something in front of it I saw it Oh I mean cyanide was protecting it right what is this Moo button something's inside what is inside let's clear the house well what the heck is that why didn't I get out great up oh you show me why do you guys keep shooting me over Isis we're getting a temper outside we're getting it from outside I can't hear anything there's just gunshots going off everywhere oh wait what do you guys hear that what I heard these guys break the window and kill him go get a stop shooting me what's up I take some of this you loser Josh I'm about stop this madness okay I'm cheering for the window how about we get we get what's in the chest okay don't wait this place jerrycans oh okay okay wait we need to fill up their jelly I almost died extra fuel I think there we go it's working wait that's one over here superfast I've got one I go on grab your gun because I think we can uh we can see that's right where are you guys whoa whoa okay this isn't gonna help us defeat sorry head but we can see if we can wait right let's go into a certain direction I'm just gonna wait what I do go on the pathway Jenny go to goal is not this literally to just follow this jelly watch the big deal but you guys know it wasn't you opposed me at the house can we stop arguing we got bigger things to worry about guys okay this is where we were last what are you talking about okay I can throw my okay guys my god I can't see it just go faster take over well this is booting get in the building get in the building okay okay I'm getting off this bike it's really annoying me I'm going to the building I'm getting it get in the building guys get in I mean I mean I mean in case of monsters open chester's there's a monster over there ho oh my we need to get a coat gets to go on to any for wait guys is a monster okay Oh find like I'm guessing wait there's a chest in here lose weight Oh what saying it's is nice look cover over it over here oh nine okay so the last digit is nine oh yeah I'll put that in my inventory okay so nine your job John okay I'll keep I'll keep looking around gonna keep an eye on the monitors what do you say you show me no I didn't guys oh no boy that toy get out you don't shoot a guy that's on the toilet by the way Joe that's my bad I didn't know I'm sorry oh this is really hard to see anything to find the other chest okay there's like three others there's got to be something in these rooms right okay go go one where they got the first issue at five five four two more to go five something something nine oh my god we'll see anything five something - nine okay keep moving keep moving I'm the only one that hasn't found a note yet hmm Joshua electing the notes oh the lights on oh nice Thank You Jay hey uh two gave you the note John wait uh yeah okay wait what oh that's the last one is it no no trail okay that's not okay Jill you know what you're a good kisser I sub one two nine five something two nine six guys first try wait seriously okay that's stuff so we have flamethrowers why do with all of this okay well I took a chunk of stuff out like taking no Jill you've taken from the rocky I'll be able to kill ya wait so it's gonna be nice whoa whoa this is cool oh sorry credit sorry sorry owes me what is this one Julie I'm sure with your wait guys this will probably be enough to take out the siren hedge ow wait what was that half that one whoa you it's this one okay guys I think we can go kill siren head now oh we can literally just set the four side one shot oh yeah Josh let's just burn it out guys Oh siren entire enemies enemies but but what oh this is gonna be happy come on sign it you want some of their meters that's the whole point no we don't want to make outside granite ice sorry acute stop point me burning arena with you guys okay guys keep moving for any comp down enemies enemies enemies what jelly sorry I think we're revealing something we're not supposed to say hang on hey guys hello are you leaving me behind in this hole well I'm at as the right one sorry sorry I don't even there okay Craner wait where is Creina I died didn't you see oh no I didn't wait I hear you guys crazy various yes I read ahead siren ahead a siren wait can he read okay charge the rifle jelly hasn't even seen messy yeah it was like behind here don't need this anymore can you stop shooting the nuclear gun it's dangerous please look at this you can charge it all the way up junkie yeah yeah that's pretty whoa that's pretty dangerous Creina oh my god did you guys go we're at the house of the dirt bikes where you were saying we go no that's not even where I said yeah tell you what here here how jeleesa blending everything dude we got a bird down Saarinen's for it yeah I know but you just burned me okay let's keep moving see him again I said care I actually see him oh I see you last saw him Oh what do you mean way you lost siren head there's cops guys no okay or so just you each other I guess wait whoa no let's not do that Josh II don't want to migrate oh well these to kill siren head that's good hope you guys enjoyed the video if you want to watch another one the videos are on the screen right now if one of them looks interesting to you click it and it will take you straight there then you can watch it enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 4,485,991
Rating: 4.9081354 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, siren head, roleplay, jelly, crainer, slogo
Id: c-jBJ_AHJRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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