The Evolution of MINECRAFT WEAPONS! (stone age to future)

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today we're gonna be checking out different weapons through the ages of time we're gonna be starting with de cavemen all the way up into the future and then obviously some ages in between now each of the Wagner's have some crazy cool abilities and they only get better as the video goes on oh look here's one now it's the like machine gun yeah if you guys click like it just fires a ton of flight bonds everywhere it's kind of crazy oh you're gonna do it okay here we go oh wait Oh save me oh yeah we're joined by jelly and the other guy let's get into the video today we're gonna be checking out weapons throughout the ages so is that the accent of the Stone Age jelly I don't think yeah I agree with Creina alright first of all first things first guys get the outfits on okay there's gonna be an outfit for every single age [Music] interesting it's quite a look he's playing fire congratulations okay so this armor is well pretty useless looking at it it's like one yeah usually we would be naked but you know we're just investigating this so it's tonnage right now we need the weapons I mean these weapons they look pretty basic hey guys growl I just do a sticker Josh wait what okay guys grab some steaks so have you have you guys got some of the weapons okay hold on hold on I've got a stone knife do you guys have any of those okay give Craig give credit Rock so these are the three basic weapons and the stick of the Stone Age mine mine was mined us three damaged when I met you guys - for damage Wow whoa so you get poor and then obviously we have throwing wood I'm not sure the frame wood does damage does it do damage yeah I don't think it does these are kind of powerful wait wait guys I've got an idea let's see how they are on animals let's see if we can find a couple of mine because that's what they would do in these Stone Age times they would be hunting for animals wow that's more effective than like normal minecraft swords just pray yourself all right so two hits of my little knife okay wait you should probably try a fresh one alright well guys guys guys maybe in one of the future ages that we check out we'll be able to do that a bit more efficiently okay I'll meet you over the next one the many evil age short to get up here sorry buddy why are you doing it alright let's check out some of the weapons by the way you know we need weapons with the outfits so looking at it we've got like a scythe a spear and some throwing some things okay first up I'm gonna try this sight I can see it wait if I fir up oh that's good I did okay try out this sight oh whoa life is good damage jump attack be far away yeah we're still not quite there yet with the weapon whoa you can see it like fly seemed to do a lot of damage yeah they don't do much damage at all like very slowly I mean yeah now you are if you just hold right click it will just keeps you in okay well guys guys let's not tell the right welcome to the medieval ages jelly okay I guess that's how it goes in the medieval times the early modern age oh this is what this random trap does hang on a second so what was that soldier ah this is much better Armour what did you do that right there jelly okay guys grab grab some stuff out of this chest okay wait okay we supposed to share guys someone put the rest of the poisons back come on hey hey put the poison kidding me oh my okay alright guys come over here so first things first we've got a multi-tool okay so I'm pretty sure this works for anything jelly I'm gonna break this oh oh you've got more of the trolled pieces so this this multi-tool is basically like the ultimate tool in Minecraft it will work on anything look wood as well yeah I just broke an entire tree real quick yeah wait huh hold the ground oh ho the ground oh yeah not make a bomb of everything okay well next up we've got something a little bit more destructive this is dynamite okay this is the next evolution we can throw this how do you throw it that seems a little bit silly that you can't throw this have to run as fast as possible okay and we're kind of destroying the world a little bit I think it's probably a good time where am I so the next evolution of this is the explosive mind you didn't die I don't know well I guess that's a pretty good description of how this works I believe okay now I think I'm going to die guys can we stop please I realize we probably should have checked this one first but this is the bear trap you walk in it and you get stuck can you move can you move wait cranny you lost your outfit by the way that might be an exploding I can't move guys okay okay last one last one last one is a toxic mind now I think we've seen this one before basically poison yeah okay we should probably move on next up we have the modern age no it's gonna get real cool now guys I think so cleaner that's probably good sorta pretty much yeah yeah grab this guy scrub your basic stuff here we'll go through these one at a time okay okay okay I think we should start off with these excavators I think we can just use these to dig superfast oh my god and then and then I think the miner would do stone right I'm getting stuck in a hole now guys we're stuck forever yeah this is one of the coolest stuff where you going you guys are getting just lost now I'll help you out there you go they're pretty effective yes that's more we might want to check out the flamethrower so jelly jelly the tank is the fuel for the flame yeah yeah so great uh wait why me guys it shoots so far yeah us it's like long-range Wow jelly burnt to death okay wait did I just hit those trees over there no I think it needs to be a little bit closer than that ridiculously for it doesn't shoot that funny I think you're overreacting a bit oh it doesn't set the trees on fire yeah there's a lot okay this is getting a little bit messy now actually this is probably good time to try out the Molotov cocktail oh yeah oh my what is happening look back at it yeah that's a bit too dangerous for me okay let's see it guys we have a smoke grenade let's see if that works to put it out oh my oh whoa oh not really oh my eye that's a lot that's a lot guys we should definitely not grow a bunch of more yeah this would be bad don't throw all of them okay yeah right grenades actually pretty so good actually oh you both blew up what do we expect so the last one we need to check out is the poison grenade okay poison grenade okay guys maybe don't too many friends okay all right I think I'm just gonna stay in this whole I think this is safe oh my god it's time to head to the future wait but it's for it's time for the future eh is gonna love this one put on your future I'm like a cyborg yeah you got to get it for mine sorry wait Oh guys we have extra strength okay so grab one set of equipment Horace we've got a new multi-tool actually oh no guys this will do anything you don't have to switch my weight with it wait what oh this would be a good time to try out the imploder I guess that was the imploder I guess that was pretty powerful I guess all right so the we've got two things here we've got the water froa and the poison thrower yeah we can basically place water down puny cavemen oh I actually think that this might be one of the most destructive things in this entire pond like this is the biggest mess what it sounds like if you enjoyed that video more videos on the screen click them go to it and enjoy oh yeah and watch it
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,616,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, jelly, crainer, evolution, weapons
Id: WaN78x--9bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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